Tamed Jock Goes Crazy

Published on Oct 4, 2023


Tamed Jock Goes Crazy - Chapter Ten - Piers

Tamed Jock Goes Crazy - Chapter Ten - Piers


* This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental. Personal experiences – images, events, memories, words – flavor my writing, and while elements of this story may be based in fact, the characters are entirely fictional.

* This story depicts unprotected sex. In real life, be safe! Don't gamble.

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By Colton Aalto

CHAPTER 10 - 7:45 P.M. - PIERS

After Lang and I finished the Pattens' pool Friday evening, we piled into his truck and headed back to the warehouse that housed the pool servicing business Lang's brother ran. Lang couldn't resist talking about how he was going to bonk his girlfriend later. The fucker had already done two asses and a cunt and still acted like he hadn't gotten any for a week. Of course, I was worse. I'd eagerly bottomed for Lang and eleven other dudes but was hoping my hole might still host a hard cock. Tyhcinn's. I'd always considered Lang oversexed given how much he talked about and thought about sex – and how much he got – but maybe I was in that category now too.

Fuck, based on my first day as an admitted cock whore, I was totally oversexed.

Predictably, Lang's sex talk made him think about getting the long dong inside me again. If we had time, I had no doubt he would have dicked me again. It wasn't beyond the realm of possibility that he'd pull off the side of the road and drill me in the truck. We'd done it before. He gave me a hungry look and said, "Damn, as hot as fucking that Aussie boy was, I really wanted your ass again, Tyler. Maybe I should have kept your tight hole to myself."

I grinned in response, but I didn't feel the same way. Don't get me wrong, I loved getting banged by Lang Long Dong and would never pass up an opportunity to have him rut inside my hole. But getting balled by Marshall and Dillon had been exciting and hot. I wanted it all. Rather than being with one dude, I wanted to feel as many stiff rods in my bum as I could. Maybe that would change in time, but for now, I knew what I was.

A cock whore. A hungry slut ready to suck and get fucked by any man who wanted to dump a load.

We dropped off Lang's truck and our equipment at the warehouse. I needed to stop at the gym to pick up my dirty clothes on my way home, and Lang had promised to give me a lift, but when we arrived at the warehouse, Lang's brother pulled him into his office to discuss some weekend emergency. His brother had conscripted him into being his second in command, mainly because he knew Lang, being family, would do stuff day and night. The tall red-head got roped into all sorts of projects on top of servicing pools with me.

Waiting for them to finish, I cooled my heels in the lobby and checked my messages. I hadn't taken time to look at them since lunch. I'd been too busy with cock.

I had a text from a number I didn't recognize and to my surprise it was Aiden. The blond dancer with the hard thighs and the ass of steel said he wanted to see me again before he left town. He bemoaned being stuck with his family all day Saturday for his great-grandmother's birthday party, but he'd get a reprieve on Sunday. He asked if he could tag along on my bike ride, saying he could use some exercise after lounging around his grandparents' for almost a week but would understand if I had other plans.

I wondered if the exercise I immediately started thinking about was the same kind Aiden had in mind. I was definitely up for some company on my ride. The thought of watching Aid in tight bike shorts, with his marvelous legs flexing with each downstroke while his muscular butt balanced on the bike seat got me a little hard. I'd planned to cycle up a canyon outside of town and knew an isolated lake we could visit. It was isolated enough that I could exercise the blond Adonis' cock again, assuming the dancer wouldn't mind a return engagement with my ass. Tyhcinn was going out of town with his parents Saturday morning and would be gone for a week, so I wouldn't have his black python to ride over the weekend. I had my sorta-date with the tatted skater from the park Saturday night, but who knew if that would actually happen. Even if it did, by Sunday afternoon I'd be more than ready to work Aid's cock down my throat and up my ass. Maybe he'd be up for a little flip-flop fucking. I wouldn't mind a go at his hard, dancer's ass.

I texted him back to set a time to meet. It was going to be a memorable bike ride.

A more surprising text was from Aiden's little brother Ashton, who sent a long, rambling confession. He said Aid talked about doing dudes all the time and he pretended he did the same, but I was the first guy he'd been with. His admission answered the question I'd pondered earlier in the day – it seemed like weeks ago – about whether I was the first lucky boy to service both blond brothers.

Getting his fuck rod inside me had opened the floodgates for Ash. He'd whacked off twice in the eight hours since fucking me and wanted to hook up again. More than hook up; he wanted me to take his cherry, in addition, of course, to getting his dick in my ass again. Although Aid was headed to New York late Sunday night, Ash and his parents were staying for a few more days. He begged me to meet him anytime, day or night.

The last thing I needed to babysit a lovesick high school kid. However, I was a full-fledged cock whore and Ash was damn hot for a high school boy. He might be a rookie butt baller, but he'd done a nice job seeding my ass. It wasn't like he was a baby. He was only a year behind me in school, and only six months younger than I was when Tyhcinn took my cherry over Memorial Day. Hearing Aiden talk about his sexual exploits had probably accelerated Ash's self-awareness.

I sent a noncommittal response, although re-reading it, the message sounded like I was agreeing to hook up with the kid. Why not? After all, Tyhcinn would be out of town, so my ass wouldn't be getting dicked by the black nerd. Starting Monday Tony and Lang would undoubtedly be nailing me, and apparently Xavier would be on my dance card, too, but what cock slut can't find time for another hard dick?

I'd have to see if he was serious about losing his cherry. He might have been offering that up only to entice me back into throwing my legs into the air for him. If that was the way it worked out, it would be fine. I wasn't certain I wanted the honor of drilling the kid for the first time. Too many potential complications.

The next text was from Quyen, responding to the overture I'd made at lunch. He'd always been so shy that the text's tone and message made me take notice and wonder if it really was from him. It read simply, "Ty, don't waste my time unless u r ready to suck & swallow, then squirm & squeal when I ram my dick all the way up ur jock ass and breed u like a bitch."

He'd added two follow up messages. The first said simply, "More than once."

The second was a nice emoji of a squealing pig.

I reread the messages a couple of times, partly to confirm I'd read them correctly, and partly because they made my cock swell more each time. Damn. What was it with nerds ordering me to service them? What was it with me being so excited when they did it? What was it with my cock acting like I hadn't been boned for a week when I'd already taken it up the ass from a dozen dudes today? How was it that the Vietnamese twink had come up with the perfect emoji for me? Maybe he'd talked to Tyhcinn.

I had to adjust my bulge. My cock was leaking pre-cum. Again. Fuck, my jock strap had been wet all day long, not so much from sweat but from pre-cum oozing from my tool. If Tyhcinn didn't ball me tonight and let me cum, I'd have to whack off before I'd ever be able to sleep. Probably a couple of times. That made no sense because I'd already gotten off three times, but my mind and my cock were obsessed with sex.

I debated how to respond to Quyen's text, but cock whores don't say no. It wasn't like I would have anyway. Suck and swallow, squirm and squeal. The kid certainly knew how to sweet talk me. I texted, "Ready. S&S, S&S. U say when, where and how many." I was sorta hoping for an immediate reply and sat staring at Quyen's message. When he didn't respond, I scrolled down for my other texts.

I'd definitely be paying more attention to my messages until I heard back from him. Quyen hadn't gotten inside me yet, but it was only a matter of time until he joined the Dicked Ty Club. Tyhcinn was the inaugural member, and until early this morning Tony and Lang had been the only other members. But now the club had a membership of thirteen... and growing.

I had a text from another number I didn't recognize and when I opened it, my eyes went wide. A picture of a stiff cock was accompanied by a note, "Want this n ur hot holes?"

The cock was, well, awesome. Thick, veiny and long. The owner shaved his pubes, making the masculine tool stand out even more. It was massive and stunning. The photo didn't include much beyond the erection and a pair of smooth, low-hanging eggs, but it was enough to show the dude had muscular thighs and a hard, flat stomach. The photo was going to the top of my collection of porn stills. It would be perfect beat off material.

I almost responded with a quick, "Hell, yes," but I hesitated. I didn't recognize the cell number and had no idea who'd sent the photo. The guy who'd texted probably wasn't even the stud in the photo. Sure, I was a dedicated cock whore, but that didn't mean I should take stupid risks like hooking up with strangers. The text might be spam. Probably was. I reluctantly moved on from the mysterious message, making sure to save the photo for my collection.

I flipped through a couple more texts, but I couldn't get my slut mind off the mystery cock. I kept going back to it. Repeatedly. Damn, what I wouldn't give to suck on the awesome rod and feel it slide inside my boi pussy and then fuck my brains out. Rationalizing that a noncommittal reply couldn't hurt anything, I texted back, "Do I no u?"

I got an immediate reply. "Yes."

My heart fluttered. I was hooked and couldn't resist posing the question I really wanted to ask. "Is the pic u?


Fuck! My dick was rock hard now, and I launched into speculating about who the dude could be. I didn't think he was anyone I knew in high school. I would have remembered that awesome cock if I'd have seen it in the gym showers, even soft as opposed to the rock-hard shaft in the picture. Of course he might not have been in my gym classes, but he looked athletic so he would likely have been on some sports team.

It wasn't a geek cock. Given my experience with Tyhcinn's black python I couldn't rule out nerds having awesome equipment, but the rest of the dude's body wasn't that of a bookish dweeb. Or, for that matter, a stoner like Creed. No, I was salivating over the steel rod of a stud who was athletic or at least in great shape.

If he wasn't in my high school, who else could it be? One of the pool boys? The slim evidence from the picture ruled that out. The dude didn't have a tan line, and every pool boy followed the informal, shirtless dress code and had a distinct line below his waist. The only exceptions were two guys with coal black skin, but the mystery cock wasn't black.

I was fixated on my cell, puzzling over who the owner of the cock could be when he texted, "Waiting 4 an answer."

The dude was demanding an answer to whether I wanted his tool in my holes. I was hooked. He might be making it all up but I was a cock whore and the lure was irresistible. Taking a breath, I texted, "BOTH HOLES. U SAY WHEN AND WHERE." I almost added `AND HOW MANY TIMES' but whoever had sent the text had me figured out and probably knew I was up for that.

The reply was fast. "Right answer. Latr." I didn't know if that meant we'd hook up later or if he was signing off. I debated asking him when we'd meet, but maybe that was putting the horse before the cart. Maybe the horse cock before the cart.

After staring at my cell for several minutes, hoping for a response and debating if I should do anything more, I texted, "Who r u?" I somehow knew he wouldn't answer me, and indeed after I gawked and fantasized about the mystery cock for some time, it became apparent he'd signed off.

I reluctantly moved on to my other messages. I probably could have stared at the monster tool for the rest of the night. Well, not without jacking off repeatedly.

My string of texts from unknown numbers continued, but the next was from the 44-country code and I knew it had to be from Marshall. I wondered how the Brit stud had gotten my number and when he found time to text. He must have had a break while serving guests at the Pattens' pool party.

After seeing the photo of the mystery cock, I didn't think anything in a text would surprise me, but I was still taken aback to discover Marshall's messages each contained an explicit picture. The first image was a closeup of Marshall's uncut dick. It was semi-hard and looked amazing. His note said, "Want this again?".

What was with my text suddenly being filled with porn-worthy cock photos from dudes asking if I wanted them? I suppose the two texts were merely a coincidence but it was weird. Unlike the mystery cock, Marshall's manhood rose from a bed of light brown pubes. It wasn't as long and veiny as the mystery cock but was close to as thick. It looked luscious. Fuck, I was a cock whore and all stiff shafts look luscious, regardless of who they were attached to.

I'd love another round taking the Brit rod. Or several rounds. Unlike when I'd gotten the picture of the mystery cock, or maybe because I was so horned up from it, I sent a quick response saying, "Hell Yes!" My cock stayed rock hard at the thought of hooking up a second time with the spiked-haired dude. The pouch of my jock was drenched with pre-cum.

Marshall's second text said simply, "This, too?" He'd attached a shot from less than an hour ago of Dillon dicking my ass. I didn't remember Marshall taking any photos, but at the time I had other things on my mind. More precisely, in my ass. Without thinking, I replied, "YES!"

The photo looked like a professional porn shot. I couldn't resist zooming in to see Dillon's Aussie dick imbedded in my hole, then zooming out to see my face and Dillon's. I looked ecstatic and hungry; Dillon looked intense and excited. His long hair cascaded over his shoulders. In the flurry of activity in the pool house, I hadn't fully appreciated what a hot body he had. His abs were flexed as he thrust his shaft into my sloppy hole, making me wish I'd had time to run my tongue over them and lick the dude's tits. His two big tats were sexy as hell.

As I studied the picture, it realized it was too high-quality to be from a cell. The angle was wrong too. The photo had been taken from well above the table on which Dillon fucked my ass.

I didn't remember Marshall taking the photo because he hadn't taken it. With a sinking feeling I realized instead it came from the security cameras in the pool house. Either Marshall had access to the security cameras or Lachlan had shared the picture with him. Dillon probably had seen the photo and Lord knows who else.

Preoccupied with Marshall's messages and the explicit photos, I didn't realize someone had entered the lobby. I was startled by a hand snatching my cell away in a quick motion. I looked up in surprise to see one of the pool boys, Piers, with his eyes riveted on Marshall's pictures.

"Nice porn, Tyler!" he giggled, staring at my phone. His eyes drifted to my crotch, and his grin quickly revealed that he'd noticed my boner.

Fuck! It was hard to imagine a disaster bigger than the one that was unfolding in slow motion front of me. Piers was about the last person in the world I wanted to discover a photo of a guy's dick in my ass.

This would not be good.

Lang was at least partially responsible for the dire situation. He was hopeless, incapable of keeping a secret. If you told him something in confidence, you might as well broadcast it to the world. Or take out a full-page ad in The New York Times. Given that, it was totally predictable that within two weeks of starting my summer job, half the pool boys knew Lang was dicking my ass regularly. The red-headed baller was the horniest guy I knew; he thought about getting off constantly, but he talked about it, too, whether he was fucking girls, fucking boys, or fucking his fist. To his credit, he wasn't in the least embarrassed that the pool boys knew he was doing it with another dude.

The pool boys' reactions to the news that I was Lang's favorite bottom boy and he was regularly drilling me ranged from measured curiosity through polite indifference to rude hostility. I assumed the dudes in the first category might be gay or bi. Or perhaps they were straight but interested in getting off and not picky about who's hole they used. The second and third categories I took to be hopelessly straight.

Piers was the ringleader of the last category. The dude had turned snide comments about my sex life into an art form. He couldn't resist snarky asides about my love for Lang's long dong, like suggesting I was walking funny because my hole was so sore. After work he'd ask, loud enough for every nearby pool boy to hear, "You riding tonight, Tyler?" He wasn't talking about riding a bicycle or a horse.

I grabbed my cell back from him and gritted my teeth, ready for the worst. Piers' smirk turned into a big, toothy grin. "One of your boyfriends using your ass again? Or is the dude plowing you an anonymous pick up? How long did you know him before throwing your legs in the air for him? Fifteen minutes? Did you even know his name before taking his boner up your ass?"

Fifteen minutes was about right, but at least I knew Dillon's name before he rammed his cock all the way up my fuck chute. Of course, it was mostly an accident that he'd introduced himself before I stumbled across him giving Lang head in the Pattens' pool house. Admittedly, knowing Dillon's name was hardly a prerequisite.

"I thought only Lang used you as a fuck toy, but I see you're too big of a slut to be satisfied even by that horn dog. I bet you'd give it up to any dude who can get it up."

He had me there.

"You love servicing dick with your butt, don't you? From Lang's reports, you're quite accomplished at it, too. You wanna give me a little piece of that sugar?" He sniggered and lewdly rolled his tongue over his lips, grabbing his crotch.

"Fuck off!" I replied mechanically. I'd given Piers the same response dozens of times when he made rude comments about my interest in dick.

But time seemed to stop as Piers sneered at me. Tyhcinn's instructions were clear. "If a man gives even the barest hint that he might want it, you're gonna give it up to him." I looked at Piers in a different light. He was still smirking at me and likely his last comment was merely his normal, crude talk. But an outside possibility existed that it might be the bare hint Tyhcinn mentioned. In the unlikely event he was serious, his comment was well beyond a hint.

Piers was a college dude two years older than me. He was one of the pool boys who maintained a sexy scruff on his face. His chest was well-defined, actually ripped, and seeing him up close I couldn't help but admire the spray of light brown hair across his broad pecs. It was barely more than a downy fuzz and because the color was so light, Piers' dark tan camouflaged it enough that you had to be almost on top of him to detect it. But damn, was it sexy.

The dude had nice abs, too. Not as good as mine but hell, nobody's were as good as mine. While his abs were good, in my eyes Piers' real claim to fame was his fabulous shoulder muscles. They gave his body a distinct `V' shape, tapering to a narrow waist. He was perpetually shirtless like the rest of the pool boys, and a distinct tan line, well below his bellybutton, marked his waist. His low-hanging red swim trunks hung above a pert little ass. An ass that begged to be felt up. As ass that begged for a hot mouth. An ass that begged for a stiff dick.

I thought about doing it with him. He'd been such a jerk that I had never considered it. Not only that, I didn't even want to be in the same room with him. But fuck, he was sexy. I was barely out of high school and Piers was a stud college boy, but I was a cock whore, Piers was hot, and perhaps he'd given me an opening.

Likely, his banter was only that – all talk and no play. During the entire summer, he'd never given any indication that he wasn't totally straight. Even so, maybe he'd fuck me or at least let me go down on him. If I could get over the dude's attitude, I wouldn't mind adding a pool boy to the list of men I'd had. If he was merely harassing me, I'd call his bluff.

Okay, cock whore, time to follow Tyhcinn's instructions. What would a cock slut do? I rose from where I was sitting and looked Piers directly in the eyes. I was either going call his bluff about wanting his cock serviced or plunge into doing it.

"On second thought, Piers, I've got as much sugar as you can handle. Whaddaya say you give me a lift back to the gym? On the way I'll make the ride as sweet as you can handle." I licked my lips slowly, staring into his gray-green eyes.

A shocked look crossed his face, which was priceless. Even if he expressed horror about doing it with a guy and told every pool boy that I'd made a blatant pass at him, his look made it worth it. He was speechless.

I was having fun with him. Regardless of what happened, it was refreshing to be on the offensive for a change. I went for the jugular, reaching for his crotch and grabbing his junk. "C'mon, Piers. Put up or shut up. I know how to take a cock in the ass, but do you know how to fuck a dude senseless? `Cuz that's what's on the table. You're not gonna get a better offer tonight. Or tomorrow, for that matter. Hot mouth, tight ass or both. You name your poison."

Piers probably had a sexy coed lined up for later. Or maybe a horny cougar. But he continued to stare wide eyed. After a long moment, he whispered, "Serious?"

Fuck, he was interested after all! Oddly, he was now the one wondering if I was playing him. I was sorely tempted to laugh at him and threaten to tell the pool boys he was a closet case. As much as taking my revenge on him would be sweet, it would mean passing up a chance to do him. I realized I'd moved past the stage of making fun of any dude for being gay. I'd admitted I was gay to Coach earlier in the day, and gay boys needed to stick together.

Of course, a one-word question hardly established the dude was gay. He might just want to get off. A lot of dudes who weren't strictly gay or straight and rolled with the punches. Even if he was straight, so what?

I charged forward. "Hell, yeah I'm serious. Whaddaya say? You gotta be horny, working pools all day and watching the ladies sunning themselves and wondering what it'd be like to get your dick inside their pussies. I'll take the pressure off your balls. I'm serious enough that if you pull it out right now, I'll give you head to get you started." I squeezed his package. Cock slut, full speed ahead.

"Fuck, not here!" Piers replied hastily with a horrified look. He brushed my hand away from his junk. He recovered enough to glance around the office nervously and say, "Okay, let's go. I'll give you a ride."

I was surprised by the turn of events, but I couldn't resist a final comment. With a big smile I said, "Good. I want a ride in your Jeep, too." Piers blushed when he realized my double meaning. Fuck, the dude was handsome as hell.

I stuck my head into Lang's brother's office and told Lang I was getting a lift back to the gym. "Cool," he replied, not looking up or asking who I was leaving with. He and his brother were preoccupied with some papers. Lang might be a while, so it was probably a good thing I was getting a lift from Piers. "See you at baseball tomorrow, dude," he said.

I scoped out Piers as we walked to his Jeep. Fuck, who wouldn't want to do the scruffy pool boy? He had a long, straight jaw line with high cheeks. And dreamy gray-green eyes. He kept his spiked brown hair short, but a summer in the sun had given it auburn highlights that looked awesome. His tan made his skin look amazing. His muscles were more toned than bulky and were damn nice. His legs were slender and, in my eyes, perfectly proportioned. I wanted to crawl in between them.

And fuck, those shoulders! It was all I could do to keep my hands off them. I wanted my hands clamped on them, feeling his muscles flex while Piers pounded me senseless.

Piers made small talk, sounding nervous. He was no longer the belligerent bully he'd been all summer. The dude might actually be cool.

After hopping into his Jeep, I wasted no time. I reached over and cupped his junk, "So you wouldn't let me give you head back there, how about now?"

"While I'm driving?" Piers asked incredulously.

"Yeah. Don't have an accident unless it's shooting too soon in my mouth." I maneuvered Piers' cock from his swim trunks and jock strap. The dude was semi-hard and oozing pre-cum. He had an awesome looking cut cock, rising from trimmed pubes at the bottom of a sexy treasure trail spilling from his bellybutton.

I went down on him, dispensing with any foreplay and getting the head of his dick into my mouth in no time. I couldn't deep throat him because of his swim trunks and jock strap – and the steering wheel – but I worked his prick all the same. A full face-fuck could wait.

The dude was stupid horny. I had him hard as a rock in no time. Fuck, I was getting stiff, too. I wanted another cock in my ass. I wanted Piers to pummel me.

Sucking dick in a moving vehicle has its challenges and on top of that, Piers worried that someone would see us. It was fortunate we were not far from the gym. When we arrived, I directed Piers to the far side of the parking lot, next to the woods that ran along the steep ravine bisecting the city.

It wouldn't my first time having sex in the woods. I fucked Tony's ass there after my wild Memorial Day weekend at my parents' lake house with Tyhcinn, Tony and Lang. I'd been the second dude to ball him. I missed taking his virginity by a couple of days. We shared that in common. Over Memorial Day, his fat prick was the second one to invade my hole and he missed taking my virginity by a little more than an hour. In high school, nobody would have believed that Tyhcinn had popped the cherries of both reigning big jocks on campus with his big nerd cock. Hell, he'd inaugurated Lang's ass that weekend, too.

The city had installed paved bike paths on both sides of the ravine. The paths were popular, but few people ventured off them and down into the ravine. I found an isolated spot that sheltered us from anyone who might be on the bike path or walking in the grass along the edge of the trees.

My first surprise came when Piers said, "Fuck, dude, you're hot," and pulled me into a kiss as his hands roamed over my chest and abs. From the straight-boy image he projected, I'd expected him to treat me like I was only a couple of holes for him to use. I would have been okay with that. He'd shove his cock into my mouth and then bend me over and pound my ass. Foreplay definitely wouldn't be on the agenda and certainly not kissing.

However, I wasn't complaining about sucking face with the dude. The light fur on his face was soft and French kissing him was hot. The interlude also gave me an opportunity to get a good feel of Piers' amazing shoulders and the rest of his hot, ripped body, including brushing the sexy spray of hair on his chest. Damn. I could run my hands over his body for hours.

Our French kissing session also gave me a chance to get Piers naked so I could play with his cock. I worked his shorts and jock down to his ankles. He kicked them away, giving me easy access to his junk. I grabbed his shaft and began stroking, eliciting a gasping moan from the stud. His dick had softened somewhat as we walked from the parking lot to the woods but was soon back to full mast.

Piers was oddly tentative beyond kissing. He let me play with his tool and massage his balls and couldn't suck face enough, but other than cupping my cock beneath my swim trunks once and feeling up my abs and chest, he didn't make any moves. He was acting like a straight dude and kissing like a gay boy. I expected him to make a move for my ass, but strangely, he didn't. Dudes who want to get their cocks in an asshole usually aren't shy about grabbing butt cheeks and working them. I didn't think too much about Pier's approach, chalking it up to straight boy awkwardness.

I dropped my swim suit and jock and Piers cautiously put his hand around my dick and gasped, "Fuck yeah." He continued to kiss me and began to slowly jack me off. I did the same to his cock, which was slippery and moist. It had started off damp from sweat, gotten wet with my spit in the Jeep, and now a continual stream of pre-cum made the dude's pole slimy and hot in my hand.

Piers broke the kiss long enough to whisper, "Can I lick your pits?"

Weird. I'd watched porn videos where dudes licked armpits, but it had never been on my radar screen as something I'd end up doing or having done to me. But hell, who was I to say no? I might find it hot.

"You sure? I've been outside all day long and they're probably rank." Sex always seemed to make my pits smell worse, and if there was ever a day when they'd be gross, it was today. I'd spent much of the day with an erection and a dick up my ass or in my mouth.

"Yeah, for sure." The dude's eyes confirmed he was excited about doing it. He raised my arms and plunged into my pits. He soon soaked both, licking until they were clean.

I wondered if Piers would want me to return the favor. It might be kinda hot. I'd never rimmed a dude until Tyhcinn ordered me to eat Lang's ass and then Tony's over Memorial Day weekend. I'd gone from thinking it was totally gross to getting off on it. Armpits might be the same.

However, after he finished with my pits, Piers went back to kissing me. If my pits were gross I was now tasting them, but the dude's mouth tasted the same. Maybe he'd swallowed whatever made them smell. He continued to slowly fist my boner but seemed to be content kissing and fisting me without moving on to sucking or fucking.

I understood Piers' tentativeness a few minutes later. Breaking the kiss, he whispered, "I've never actually done it with a guy before."

I wasn't all that surprised. The dude being so hungry to kiss threw me off, but I assumed he was straight and I might be his first and only guy. Still, I wondered about the odds of doing two newbies on the same day. I'd initiated Ashton into gay sex, so there was no good reason to back out of doing it with Piers. Come to think of it, Piers might be the third man I'd initiated. From the way he reacted, I might have been the first guy put his mouth on Creed's tool and blow the stoner.

Getting it on with Piers would be the perfect end to my wild first day as a cock whore. I was mildly disappointed that the hot college stud wasn't going to take charge and fuck me like a cum slut, but his pre-cum drenched cock felt great in my hand and even if the dude wasn't an experienced butt fucker, his cock would feel the same in my ass whether he'd been fucking boi asses for years or not.

"Fuck me like you fuck girls. Except, asses are tighter than cunts. You're gonna love shoving it all the way up my butt and riding me. You don't have to go easy. I won't break. Jam it in and ball me."

I was about to drop to my knees and taste Piers' pole again, getting him wet before turning around and spreading my crack for him when he asked, "Can I suck your cock?"

This was not developing the way I thought it would, not that I was complaining. I almost said, "Dude why ask?" Instead I said, "Sure. Great! Go for it."

Piers got on his knees and touched my dick like it was a fragile package. "Fuck, your cock is beautiful," he said. He was back to acting like a gay boy. He seemed uncertain what to do, tentatively holding my piece, putting his tongue out and slowly moving toward my cock. He moaned as he touched a man's dick with his tongue for the first time.

It was slow going with him. He cautiously licked my cock and took it into his mouth. Periodically he stroked his own rod, keeping his pre-cum flowing. More than flowing. A big dollop of thick, clear liquid pooled in his piss slit and began to dangle toward the ground, tempting me to interrupt him long enough to slurp it up. Instead I let him work undisturbed.

Seeing his scruffy face with his lips wrapped around my shaft was hot. A couple of times he asked, "Am I doing this right?" The first time I gave him the usual caution about teeth. The second time I said, "Dude, guys are the best cocksuckers because they know exactly what feels good. Suck my dick the way you like to be sucked." Piers got into it and soon was doing a more-than-credible job.

I was enjoying the blow job when he pulled off my cock, still staring at it like he was mesmerized, and said, "I want you to fuck me."

I never saw that one coming. Piers was a bag of surprises. "You sure?" I asked skeptically. "I mean, you said you'd never done it with a guy before."

"Yeah, fuck me before I change my mind." He rose to his feet and turned his back to me, bending over and pulling his crack apart to expose his deep hole, fringed with light brown hair.

Fucking a college dude as hot as Piers was not something to be turned down. I resolved to strike while the iron was hot. I bent down and spit in his crack a couple of times and pushed my spit into his hole with my tongue. He tasted sweaty and a little funky. What would you expect, eating out a dude who'd been working in the sun in the July heat all day? It actually wasn't bad.

"What... what are you doing?" Piers asked hesitantly.

Jeez. He was totally a newbie. "Rimming you and getting your ass ready for my cock. Unless you brought lube, this is the way to do it."

"Okay," Piers replied, uncertainty evident in his voice. Hell, didn't the dude watch porn? Maybe not. I never expected to find a guy who was into eating pits but freaked out by rimming.

I got his ass wet and primed and stood up, beginning to ease my hard dick into the college man. He was about to be the fourth man I'd fucked, after Tony, Lang and Coach. Not that I was keeping count.

Fuck yeah, I was totally keeping count.

He flinched as I pushed past his sphincter. I asked if he was okay and he exhaled, "Fuck that hurts!"

I pulled out. "You sure you want to try this?"

"Yeah. I can take it. I want a dick inside me. I want to feel a cock fucking my ass."

I went back to work, easing my dick farther inside the dude. I had to pull out twice more before getting my fuck pole all the way inside his recently-virgin hole. It was incredibly tight. I began to slowly move in and out, giving the stud his first sensation of a stiff prick pressing against his prostate. He responded with a series of gasps and moans. I couldn't tell what they signified, but I kept at it. I was delivering Piers his first fucking.

He announced, "Oh, jeez, that feels amazing! Ride my ass. Fuck it!" Dude was past the pain and was getting into being butt fucked. I knew how good it felt. Did I ever!

I picked up speed, sliding my prick into the stud's hole at a faster rate. The July evening was steamy and whatever breeze there might have been wasn't penetrating the deep foliage of the woods, so I soon worked up a sweat. I gripped Piers' hips as I plowed his ass but occasionally bent forward to stroke his rock-hard prick and run my hand across his abs and through the sparse hair on his chest. It was hot to see Piers bent over in front of me. His narrow hips and broad shoulders made a perfect `V', anchored by two muscular glutes that plumped up every time I rammed my cock into his tight hole.

Piers was digging it. He gasped and moaned, "Fuck it! Fuck that ass!" Dude might have gotten a late start and been a virgin until moments ago, but he was making up for lost time. I was the first guy to breed the college boy, but he was enjoying the experience so much that I was confident I wouldn't be the last. If he was straight, he was an unusual straight man.

Hell no, Piers wasn't straight.

My balls signaled that I was close to a climax. I love the churning feeling when my nuts get ready to dump cum. Piers' tight college jock pussy felt so good that I wanted to prolong the sensation, so I slowed down, edging but not pushing over the top. I wondered how long I could keep penetrating him without nutting.

As it turned out, not that long. I thought I could hold off, but Piers stood up and turned his head around, pulling me into a kiss. The stud clenched his ass around my dick and I plunged into his hot, moist hole a couple more times before I reached the point of no return.

"I'm cumming!" I gasped.

"Yeah, dude, in my asshole. Cum inside me!"

I shot my wad, juicing Piers' ass and shaking as my balls exploded. Piers eagerly kissed me until my cock stopped firing.

I reached around and gripped Piers' slippery, pre-cum soaked cock and began to slide my hand up and down on it. "Beat me off while you're still inside me," Piers moaned. "Don't take it out! It feels too good." I started to work his dick, enjoying the feel of his soft skin and rigid shaft.

All at once, Piers grabbed my hand and stopped me. I wondered why until I heard someone walking through the woods nearby. Fuck. We both held our breath.

Slowly, the sounds receded. Unfortunately, the jolt of adrenalin from worrying about the intruder and the gradual softening of my cock meant I slipped out of Piers' sloppy ass. "Damn," was Piers' disappointed response. "I wanted to cum while you were still inside me."

"Next time," I said. Returning to my cock whore mentality, I asked, "You wanna fuck me?"

"Hell, yeah. That's what I came here for. To find out what Lang raves about." Piers turned around and pulled me back into a kiss, sliding his slippery cock between my sweat-soaked abs. He kissed hungrily and his hands wandered to my ass, kneading my cheeks with a hard grip. The dude was finally claiming my butt. As much as I'd liked drilling him, this was more like it. I was in the arms of man who wanted my ass and would make good use of it. And yeah, I wanted my ass to be his first.

Piers paused and whispered, "I don't know about eating your ass." It hadn't occurred to me that he would. I hardly expected the newbie to do everything on his first time. He'd already sucked his first cock and lost his cherry. There was, however, still one first in Piers' future. My pussy was the first boy butt he would seed.

"You're slippery enough and I'm sweaty enough that you don't need to rim me. Spit on your cock and ram it in me." I didn't tell him that my ass was lubed with cum from a full-day parade of stiff dicks and overflowing balls.

Piers was relieved that I wasn't expecting him to rim me and was ready to fuck. "I want you on your back so I can kiss you while I'm fucking your ass," he said. There wasn't a particularly inviting spot, but I kicked some spent branches out of the way and put our swim trunks on the ground. Piers raised my legs until my shoes, the only thing I was still wearing, were high in the air. He spit on my hole, added some to his cock and aimed his dick at my ass.

He tentatively entered me, gasping and exclaiming, "Oh fuck, that's tight." I was surprised anyone would think my ass was tight after it had been open more-or-less continuously for what, almost 14 hours? Xavier drilled me in the gym shortly after 6:00 a.m., and now Piers was performing an encore at almost 8:00 p.m. But then, Piers hadn't fucked a boy's ass before, so maybe he didn't have a good idea of what tight was.

As he hovered over me, the dying light caught the scant hairs on his chest and forearms and turned them golden. The auburn highlights in his spiked hair looked reddish-blond. Fuck. The stud was handsome. I was ready for him to drill me.

Piers sank all the way inside me. We both gasped. "Dude, your ass feels awesome. Fucking A!" He immediately began pulling out and penetrating me with deep thrusts of his slippery cock. He bent forward and smothered my lips as his tongue explored my mouth. I loved sucking face with the scruffy dude, even if my back was complaining about whatever was wedged in the middle of it. I got my wish of feeling his strong shoulders flex as he butt-fucked me.

Piers pulled out of the kiss and put his hands under my legs, forcing them all the way back until my knees were next to my ears. With my hole raised, the stud powered deep inside me and began ramming his cock into my ass relentlessly. I couldn't complain; after all, I'd bragged that he didn't have to go easy on me. He was taking me at my word. It was hot and erotic, made better by the setting in the woods and the whole setup. I was excited that I was about to be seeded with the first load the college boy ever deposited in a guy's ass. I wanted him to come away thinking my ass was better than any cunt he'd used. Yeah, I was competitive at times.

Why the hell wasn't my ass sore and raw? I didn't care, because Piers' cock was making my boi pussy sing. My damn prostate had gotten the workout of its life today as dick after dick raked it. It felt so great and so natural to have a dude's stiff shaft imbedded in my hole. I squeezed my ass around Piers' fuck stick, causing the college stud to moan. And pound me harder.

A sheen of sweat appeared on Piers' handsome face and soon drips began working their way through his slight scruff and hitting me. The dude had an intense look and was clearly concentrating on the job at hand: breeding my ass. "Fucking tight!" he gasped.

"Yeah, pound my ass," I replied. "Fuck me into tomorrow!"

Piers took my comment as a challenge. He drew in a hissing breath and growled. He put his weight on top of me as he slam-fucked my boi pussy, making the damn branch or rock or whatever was in my back poke me even worse. My back may have been in pain, but the eye candy was worth it. The stud's sinewy shoulder muscles were rock hard as he supported himself above me, making them look even more awesome than before. I'd loved being under Coach's massive body three hours ago, loved looking up at Dillon's hunky tats and now I was loving being underneath Pier's wide shoulders. Fuck. I loved being under any man.

"Damn you feel good," he panted.

"Mmm. Fuck my ass! Fill it with your jizz."

"Lang is luckier than all get out, having you to fuck all summer."

"He'll share from here on out."

"Fuck yeah. This is so fucking much better than sex with women." In the next instant, he reached his climax, gasping, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" It felt like a fire hydrant filled with cum was discharging in my ass. Piers whimpered and moaned as he juiced me. I'd taken some big loads in my whore hole during the day, but Piers' might have been the biggest. My ass would be dripping cum all night.

The Dicked Ty Club officially had its fourteenth and newest member.

Piers' glazed eyes gradually focused and he stared down at me and said, "Oh fuck!" I worried for a split second that he was about to have regrets. But, with his cock still imbedded in my sloppy ass, he bent down and kissed me again. He kept me on the ground with his cock in my hole for several minutes while devouring my mouth and running his hands over my body.

I had to move. My back was killing me. I scrambled up and I discovered a sharp rock, mostly buried in the ground, had been in the middle of my back.

Piers pulled me into an embrace and grabbed my ass cheeks. He rubbed his cum soaked, semi-hard cock against my abs. ""Fuck, can we do that again? I wanna get my cock inside your ass again. That felt so damn awesome that I can't wait to fuck your sweet hole again."

Shit. Piers might have been a newbie, but he'd gone from zero to 60 in a flash. He was a horn dog. "Um, now?" I asked.

"No, I meant... well, yeah! Fuck yeah! If you want to. Your ass is damn tight and fucking it felt amazing. But I was thinking about some other time."

I would have taken another ride on Piers' cock right then, but I had to collect a week's worth of dirty laundry from the gym and get home to eat before I starved to death. The sandwich I'd eaten with Lang at lunch was nothing more than a distant memory and I was famished; you can build up a good hunger fucking all day. My parents would wonder where I was. And there was the hoped-for possibility that Tyhcinn would want to dump a load or two in my hole before he left town with his parents.

I told Piers I was up for another round whenever he wanted, as long as we found someplace without rocks in the ground. I couldn't let the cum coating his cock go to waste, so I dropped to my knees and prepared to swallow him.

"My dick was just in your ass," he protested with a grimace.

"So what? It's covered in cum that I fully intend to enjoy. Don't knock it until you try it." He watched as I slurped down his softening rod and cleaned it off. I think he would have been up for a second round on my whore hole because he was getting stiff again when I finished. It was hugely tempting.

My first fuck with Piers didn't turn out to be a `call me later' affair where he disappeared afterwards, maybe going back to a girlfriend. Quite the contrary. I'd breached the dam. Before he climbed into his Jeep, we'd agreed to meet Monday after work. The timing was good for me; I'd need some alternative action with Tyhcinn gone. Piers wanted me to spend the night, and the idea of flip-flopping with the dude all night and waking up to his scruffy face nuzzling me and his furry chest pressed against my back was enticing. But not coming home would have gone over with the rents like a lead balloon, so I had to beg off. In a month I'd be in college and wouldn't have that constraint, and the thought of sleeping with different men was exciting. If college boys were anything like the three who'd bred me during the day – Xavier, Yves and Piers – I would thoroughly enjoy college life. My grades might not be great, but the sex sure as hell would be.

Witnessing how fast Piers would bust out of the closet would be interesting. I figured it was a 50/50 proposition that the college stud would nail some other lucky dude over the weekend. Maybe more than one lucky dude. Fuck, he was so excited by his first foray into gay sex that I wouldn't have been surprised if he picked up a guy after he sped off in his Jeep and enjoyed another round of sex tonight.

By Monday he might be a jaded veteran.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and for that matter the rest of the story. If so, send me a note. I'm always interested in what readers like – characters, lines, the setup, etc. ColtonAalto@gmail.com.

My plan is to post new chapters every two weeks, so look for them! The story does have an ending, however, and won't go on endlessly.

My other Nifty stories are listed in the author index under `Colton,' or search for "Colton Aalto" using the Nifty Archive Search button: https://search.niftyarchives.org/?keywords=colton+aalto&sort=Relevance
I jump around in different Nifty categories, so you'll find a bit of everything. Enjoy!

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