Tales of the Team Managers

By Ronald Frobnitz

Published on Nov 21, 2015


This is a work of fiction. While some of the characters portrayed in this story might have existed to a certain extent, they are really composites, and don't really reflect what the original people were really like. If reading stories about sex between and/or among teenage boys is illegal in your jurisdiction, or if you are under the age of consent, or if you would be offended by the same, stop reading now. Go away and bug someone else. Otherwise, sit back, whip it out, and enjoy.


Baseball season had ended, and that meant the end of the school year wasn't far behind. Valley High School, home of the Wildcats, had finished in a somewhat respectable 3rd Place, barely edged out of 2nd Place by the Cucamonga High School Warriors. It seems no one could defeat the Brookdale Cardinals.

To celebrate the end of the season, the team managers met for a burger and a coke at the Taco Jiffy, TJ Tacos, across from the high school. There was me, I'm Mark, and Jimmy, and Bill, my suck buddies, and Tom. Somehow, it just didn't seem that Tom would be interested in playing our after-school games. Not that we wouldn't have liked him to; after all, he was beautiful. Tom was the youngest of our crowd at 14, had blond, almost white, hair that he wore as long as the dress code would allow, a tan complexion and the kind of body that would make any gay boy drool. He had tried out for the swim team, but just didn't make the cut. Yes, he was gorgeous, but he just didn't act like he'd be the type to join us naked in my bedroom.

We were sitting in the patio area of TJ's, rehashing the last game of the season, and talking about how we looked forward to summer vacation, when who should show up, but Bill's twin brother, Mike. Bill and Mike were twins, but not identical. Where Bill had short, brown hair, Mike was blond. Bill was a bit curvy, Mike was skinny. He was older than Bill by about 10 minutes, but looked a year younger. According to Bill, he and Mike did everything together, and I do mean everything. Bill had taught Mike about sucking dick, and Mike had taught Bill about rimming. To me, it was a wonder why he bothered leaving the house at all, with a suck bud right there in his own room. Nevertheless, Bill was always eager to join Jimmy and me in sex orgies whenever we could get away from family long enough to get naked.

They had just celebrated their 15th birthday, and Jimmy and I had given Bill the best birthday present we could have thought of: While Jimmy sucked his dick, I rimmed his beautiful hairless ass, then we switched places. Happy Birthday, Bill! We finished up by jacking off and cumming all over his naked body, then together we licked him clean.

But I digress. Mike sat down at our table and Bill reintroduced us to his brother, just in case we hadn't met him before.

"So how are my fellow dweebs doing?" Mike asked.

"Dweebs? I asked. "Who are you calling dweebs?"

"Hey, I included myself, didn't I?" Mike said. "I'm just as low on the totem pole as you guys. I'm in the band, you know. And I play the flute. Do you know what it means when a boy plays the flute?"

"No, what?" Tom asked.

"It means even the guys in the band look down on you. Only girls play the flute."

"Oh? What about Jean-Pierre Rampal and Meredith Willson?" Jimmy asked? His mother gave classical piano lessons. "They both play the flute, and they're guys."

"That's different. They're both famous," Mike retorted. "Besides, that's not the point. I know my brother is a dweeb, but I love him anyway. Even if he is a manager." He gave his twin a rough shoulder hug to prove it.

"Anyway, Dad was at the game, and I asked him if maybe we could all go camping after school lets out," he continued. "That is, if you guys want to go."

"I love camping," Tom said. "When do we start?"

"I'd like to go, too," Jimmy said.

Bill and I exchanged glances. I knew what he was thinking. If we went camping, how would we handle Tom? No doubt that the rest of us would want to mess around, but Tom was a question mark, and a very doubtful one at that. Would Tom's presence poop our party?

"We've got a big tent, and air mattresses, and Mom could make up something that we could just throw on to the fire to cook it. Dad says he'd drive us up to the campground and drop us off. He could pick us up later, after, say two nights in the wild."

"Sounds good to me," I said.

"Me too," said Tom

"Me three," said Jimmy.

"I'm in," said Bill. "How could I not be?"

"Then it's settled." Mike said. "All we got to do is pick a date and get permission from you guy's folks."


It was no sooner said than done . Everyone's parents were more than happy to let us go, and we soon set the date as the second weekend after school ended, just about a month away.

One lazy afternoon, Bill and I met at my house to discuss plans. As usual, we just couldn't keep our clothes on. I don't know what happened to Jimmy that day. He just wasn't there, that's all.

Bill was lying naked on my bed, and I was on top of him, licking his big brown tits, while he talked about the Tom problem. In spite of the discussion at hand, we were both aware of our boners pressing into each other's bodies.

"We can't just kick him out of the tent," he was saying. "After all, he's our friend, even if he doesn't mess around."

"Yeah, but do we really want to spend a whole weekend without supervision and not mess around?" I asked.

"Well, no, but what can we do?"

"Maybe we could sneak out into the woods," I suggested. "Two at a time. I imagine Mike will want to play, too."

"You know he does," Bill said. "That's all he's been talking about since we decided to go, how he wants to get you and Jimmy in to the sack. He says he wants to show us some new things, too."

"What new things?" I wanted to know.

"He won't say. He just says we'll like it."

"Well, if it's anything like getting a tongue in my ass, I'm sure I will."

"We'll come up with something," Bill said. "Meanwhile, why don't you leave my tits alone and suck my dick?"

I was more than happy to. Bill's dick was shorter than mine, I'd say about four inches long, but it was fat, and the head was a huge knob that looked like a pink ping-pong ball. I gobbled down his cock and swirled my tongue around on the sensitive head, causing him to moan in ecstasy.

"You like that, eh?" I said.

"Oh, yeah. For someone who didn't know anything about blowjobs just a few weeks ago, you're sure good at it."

"Oh, I knew about it, I just didn't know that's what it was called." I said. "Why say blow when you mean suck? I mean, it doesn't make sense."

"Who cares, as long as it feels good?" Bill said. "Turn around. I want to suck yours, too."

Bill took my skinny 6 into his mouth and gave as good as he got, and, if I do say so myself, I was giving pretty good. We sucked and licked, and slurped until the inevitable orgasm hit us both at the same time. Bill pumped his load of boycum into my mouth and I shot my wad into his. We slurped it up and swallowed every drop.

"To be continued," Bill said. "We're a bunch of horny teenagers. Tom's got to be as horny as the rest of us. We'll get him, if someone has to hold him down."

"We'll see," I said. "I just hope he doesn't tell."

"Yep, we'll see."


The big day arrived, hot and sunny, and we all gathered at the twins' house, ready to go camping. Enough sleeping bags had been rounded up for all five boys, and Mrs. Campbell, the twin's mother, had packed a basket and cooler full of good things to eat. We had hot dogs, hamburgers, marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate. What would a camping trip be without 'smores, right? For breakfast, she'd packed a big box of cereal and a carton of milk, and there were plenty of sandwich fixings and sodas. Mrs. Campbell obviously knew teenage boys.

Mr. Campbell helped us load everything into the back of the station wagon, and we were off to Buzzard Flats, a free campground in the mountains just a few miles from home.

"Now you boys know the drill, right?" Mr. Campbell was saying. "If you have any problems, you call me. There's a pay phone at the campground, and you all have dimes. If we don't answer the phone, then you call Jimmy's dad, or Tom's, and then, last on the list, Mark's mom.

"That's the order of precedence. Someone will come up and get you right away. Otherwise, I'll be back Sunday around noon. Have everything packed up and ready to load back into the wagon by then. Got it?"

"Got it," we chorused.

In what seemed like hours, but really was just 30 minutes or so, we arrived at Buzzard Flats. The campground was situated on both sides of the road, with three campsites on one side, and several more on the other, complete with a restroom and a pay phone. The only electricity in the camp was for the light that lit up the bulletin board that explained the camp rules and regulations, along with a map of the hiking trails nearby, and the restroom lights. One trail even led to a small pond, known locally as Bellybutton Lake, so called because that's how deep it was.

"Okay, guys, this is it," Mr. Campbell said after we got everything unloaded from the station wagon. "Have a good time, and stay safe. I'll be back Sunday noon, unless there's a problem, and if there is, be sure to call me. Got it?

"Got it," we all answered in unison. We thanked him for driving us, and he was gone.

Mike took charge right away. "Let's get the tent set up, then we can mess around."

Jimmy and I giggled.

Mike blushed. "You know what I mean."

We got the tent set up in record time, and before long, we had each established our sleeping areas. Jimmy and me next to each other, with Tom on the other side, and Mike and Bill close by.

"How about Bellybutton Lake?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeah, how about it?" Mike said.

"How far is it?" asked Tom.

"Not far, it should take about 15 minutes to get there."

"But we didn't bring bathing suits," Jimmy said.

"So?" Bill said. "We're wearing shorts. They'll dry in this heat." It was quite warm that day.

So we all set off down the trail. I took off my shirt, and Bill and Mike did the same. Not too far down the trail, Jimmy took his off, too.

"Well, am I going to be the only one?" Tom asked. "Nope." And peeled his own shirt off, tucking it into the waistband of his shorts.

Did I say Tom was beautiful? Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe him. That gorgeous swimmer's body should never be forced into a shirt. Beautiful brown nipples, about the size of a nickel, light muscles, and the beginnings of a summer tan contrasted with his platinum blond hair. He was the stuff daydreams are made of. Wet daydreams. I was sure hoping he would loosen up and join us in our sex games.

Around the next bend, and there, in all it's glory, was Bellybutton Lake. It was only about as wide as a football field, and about four feet deep. Just as high as your bellybutton.

We sat down on the rocks to take our shoes and socks off, then Jimmy cried out "Last one in is a rotten egg!"

"To hell with that," Bill said. "I'm not going around with wet pants the rest of the day." and he pulled his pants off, too.

"Good idea," his brother said, and stripped.

"Yeah," Jimmy said. He took his shorts off, too.

That left me and Tom standing on the bank fully clothed, well, just wearing our shorts, anyway.

"What about you," Tom asked.

"Oh, why not?" I said. "We're all boys here."

"Well, I will if you will," Tom said, and together we got naked.

Oh, just feast your eyes on that beautiful sight! Tom stood naked in the sunshine. He was a little smaller than the rest of us, being the youngest by almost six months, but what the hell? His dick must have been close to 7 inches long! Long and thin, a cute pink head, and just a little dusting of fine hair above it.

I couldn't help myself. The sight of that most beautiful boy I had ever seen made my dick start to grow.

"Don't worry about it," he said. "It happens. Mine's doing its thing, too. See?"

Indeed I did see. His beautiful young cock was rapidly coming to attention right before my eyes.

From the lake, Bill called out, "Hey, boner brigade! Are you coming in, or are you two going to start without us?"

"I'm thinking it over," Tom replied.

"Huh?" I looked Tom square in the eye. Not an easy feat with that cock to look at.

"You think I didn't know? I was just wondering when you guys were going to invite me."

"We didn't think you'd want to." I said.

Well, I do. Now let's go swimming."

"Problem solved, guys!" I called out to the others, and grabbed Tom's dick and gave it a stroke.

"Cool. Dibs on the first taste," cried Bill.

"Sloppy seconds," called Mike.

"Ah, you twins get everything," I said, then plunged into the cold water.

It didn't take long before a game of tag was organized.

"The only legal tag is on the dick," Mike ruled.

"And not just a tag, you gotta pull on it," Jimmy added.

And so it was that five boys ended up in the lake sporting hard cocks. After all, who didn't want to get tagged that way?


Skinny dipping is loads of fun, especially with no-holds-barred kind of rules, and I lost track of how many times my boner got grabbed, not to mention how many times I grabbed someone else's, but all good things must come to an end. The sun was starting to go down behind the mountain, and so we put our shorts back on and headed up the trail toward camp.

"Sure hope my boner goes down before we get back in public," Tom observed.

"Yeah, me too," I said. "That's why I ditched gym class to be a manager. It never wants to behave itself."

"I know just how you feel," Tom said. "The sight of a naked guy just sets me off.

"You know, once in 7th grade I got a boner in the shower, and I never heard the end of it. The fact that I started a chain reaction and five other guys boned up didn't matter. I started it."

"Man, I feel for you," I said. "Five other guys? Who were they?"

"Ray Herndon, George Powers, Ted Hooper, Paul Wiggs and Bill Bishop," he answered.

"Wow." Five of the cutest guys I could think of. "I wish I'd been there to see it."

"It was something, I'll say that," he said. "Paul hadn't started to grow yet, and he didn't have any pubic hair, but it was still a fine sight to see. All that wood just made me harder."

"We're gonna get plenty of that tonight, I promise," I said. "You do mess around, right?"

"Just with the guy next door, so far," he answered. "He goes to private school, so you don't know him."

"Hey, you two," Mike called. "You gonna keep up, or what?"

We quickened our pace and joined the others.

Back in camp, we built a fire and got the things ready to make hot dogs.

"Sure wish this campground wasn't so public," Bill said. "Wouldn't it be great if we could just run around naked all day?"

"Maybe we could take a moonlight hike," Mike suggested. "In the nude."

"What about bears?" Jimmy asked.

"We'd all be bare, wouldn't we? And Tom could fight 'em of with that big machete of his."

"I've got a pocket knife," Jimmy piped up, rubbing his crotch.

"Great, if a bear can be tickled to death, you'll have him," Mike snorted.

"Ah, it's not that small," Tom said. "It's bite size."

"Don't even think about biting it!" Jimmy cried.

"Nope. You don't bite a lollypop, you suck on it," Tom answered.

The five of us sat around the campfire, roasted our hot dogs and traded stories about sex. Dicks got hard, then soft, then hard again, at the thought of all we had done with each other, and what was to come. Mike told us about all the guys he had known at Band Camp the year before, and how he'd gotten fucked for the first time by an older trumpet player.

"He fucked you?" I asked. "How?"

"That was what I wanted to show you guys," he told us. "You grease up your dick and stick it in his ass."

"Wouldn't that hurt?" Jimmy asked.

"Well, it hurts at first, then the feeling is fantastic, he answered. "There's a spot in there that when a guy's dick hits it, it'll send you through the roof!"

"How does it feel to fuck a guy?" Tom wanted to know.

"Oh, so tight, like your dick is in a vice grip," he said. "Once you get it in there and start fucking in and out, you won't be able to keep from cumming. It's like the most beautiful thing you can ever experience."

"I can't wait," I said.

Bill started singing. "He'll be cumming in your butthole when he comes . . ."

"Knock it off, Bro," Mike said.

"Ah, blow it out your ass," Bill retorted.

"Later," Mike answered. "After you fuck me."


By then it was good and dark. Not the kind of dark you see in the city, what with all the street lights, but dark, dark, dark. We could see every star in the sky.

Mike, still acting as our leader, said, "Well, guys, what's next? Want to take that moonlight hike, or should we just go in the tent?"

"I don't see any moonlight," I said. "Let's go in the tent."

"Yeah," said Jimmy. "I think we all ought to go to bed."

"It's too early to go to sleep," Tom said.

"Who said anything about sleeping?" Bill added.

"That's right," said Jimmy. "You were going to show us how to fuck!"

"Yeah! Let's fuck!" someone said.

We all went into the tent and started undressing, which basically meant just taking our shorts and shoes off.

Being the closest to Tom, I grabbed that massive cock of his and gave it a few strokes. I was just about to take it into my mouth when Bill pushed me over and said, "Hey, I had dibs on first taste, remember?"

Mike waddled over on his knees and got behind his naked brother. "I've got seconds!" he said.

Bill took Tom's cock in his mouth and started sucking. Mike leaned forward and put his arms around Bill from behind, humping his cock against his brother's ass.

"This is just for starters," Mike said. "Wait til you get the real thing."

Bill pulled his mouth off Tom's cock and said, "Yeah? How about that real thing?

"Well, turn around." Mike said.

Bill stood up and faced his brother. Mike bent over and gave Tom's dick a few licks, and said, "There. I got my seconds." Then he grabbed Bill's dick and gave it a good long suck.

"We need the Vaseline. Somebody want to get it? It's right there by my bed."

I found the jar and tossed it to Mike. Mike took a gob of the jelly and smeared it on Bill's dick, jacking it slowly with loud squishing noises.

"You ready, Bro?"

"Yeah." Bill answered. "What do I do?"

Mike got on his hands and knees and pointed his butt towards his twin brother.

"Take some of that grease and lube up my butthole." Bill did as he was told. "Now, stick your finger in."

A look of pure pleasure crossed Mike's face as Bill finger-fucked him.

"Now put your dickhead right against my hole."

Bill guided his dick to his target.

"Now, gently, ever so slowly, put it in."

Bill moved forward, just starting to stretch his brother's hole.

"You're doing fine. A little more . . . a little more. Stop. No, don't pull out, just give me a second to get used to it." He paused. "Okay, now go again. Slowly."

The look of concentration on Bill's face was classic. Gently, slowly, he pushed his cock into his brother's pucker, until his pubes rested against his ass.

"Yeah," Mike sighed. "You got it."

Tom, Jimmy and I sat on our haunches watching this sex scene, and, of course, we couldn't keep our hands off our own cocks.

Bill started fucking in and out, little strokes at first, then got bolder and pulled his cock almost all the way out before plunging back in.

"I want to try that," Jimmy cried.

"Which way?" I asked.

"Both," he replied.

I reached for the Vaseline. "You do me first, then I'll do you," I said.

"Hey, what about me?" Tom asked. "I want to get fucked, too!"

"Don't you worry, Tom," Mike said between pants. "We'll get you, too!"

"Oh, fuck!" Bill cried. "I'm gonna shoot! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuck!

He rammed his cock all the way in his twin's ass and held it there.

"Oooh, yeah," Mike sighed. "Yeah. That's what it's all about."

While the Cambell brothers froze there in sexual ecstasy, I took the lube and greased up Jimmy's little boner, then smeared my own hole. I was amazed at how good it felt. Why hadn't I thought of this before?

"Here, let me do that," Jimmy said, and took over my anus. He stuck his finger in, and wiggled it around.

"Man, that's tight!" Jimmy said. "I know my dick isn't that big, but how is it going to fit in that little hole?"

Mike had recovered his leadership attitude somewhat. "Don't worry, it will. Just go slow."

Bill pulled his cock out of Mike's butt and Mike turned to us to supervise while Bill collapsed on his back to rest.

"Just press the head against his asshole like Bill did to me," he instructed.

Jimmy did so, and I reveled in the feeling.

"A little farther."

I felt my ass open up a little. It kind of felt like trying to get rid of a particularly hard turd.

"Keep going."

Oh! Man, that hurt. I cried out.

"Stop. Let him get used to it."

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean . . ."

All of a sudden, the pain went away, and I rocked back a little, and before I knew it, he was in.

"Oh." Jimmy panted. "Wow."

"Yeah, wow," I said, and I pushed up against him.

It felt as if all the fires of hell had been released in my ass, but at the same time, there was a feeling like I never wanted it to end. I rocked back and forth on Jimmy's dick and felt him hit something inside me.

"Mmmm! This is something else," I exclaimed.

"I knew you'd like it," Mike said. "Ride that pony!"

Jimmy started fucking me in earnest, and I saw stars. I felt his skinny body press up against mine, felt his dick hitting that spot, over and over, and I knew I was born to be fucked.

All too soon Jimmy cried out, "Ooooh! Shit, I'm cuuuuuuummming!" And he unloaded in my ass. I felt his throbbing cock jerking in my rectum. It had been the greatest feeling in the world, and I was sad that it was coming to an end.

Jimmy pulled out and collapsed on the tent floor like Bill had, breathing hard.

"That was fantastic!" he said.

I wasn't done yet. "Tom! Your turn. I want to feel that big dick of yours inside me."

Tom didn't have to be told twice. He waddled over to where I was kneeling and stroked his big boner a few times, pointing it towards my itching hole.

"Grease it up and just slide it in," Mike said. "He's already opened up."

I was back up on all fours, ass in the air, and Tom positioned himself behind me. I felt his hand rubbing against my butthole. He stuck a finger in, and worked it around.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah. Give it to me."

Tom placed the head of his dick against my ass and pushed. It went in with a little pain and a lot of pleasure. When he hit that one spot, I felt I'd died and gone to heaven.

"Ohh," Tom sighed.

He started making the fucking motion, in and out, and every time he passed that spot, something went Zing! inside me. In and out, in and out. Zing, zing, zing, zing. Man, this was the life!

Off to my left, I saw that Mike had Bill on his back, legs in the air, and was starting to fuck his brother, missionary-style. The look on his face was pained, but determined.

Jimmy sat on the sidelines, already hard again, stroking his boner as he watched the fuck-fest unfold before him.

"How come you didn't show us that position at first?" Jimmy wanted to know.

"It's just easier that way to start," Mike said. "But this way is good, too."

"I want to try it that way," I said.

"Sure," Tom said. "Let's change position."

He pulled out and I got on my back, pulling my legs up in the air. Tom knelt between my knees and stuck his (what seemed to me) massive cock in my boy pussy.

As he fucked, I rubbed my bare feet against his beautiful chest. Tom stroked my feet with his hands, caressing them lovingly as he fucked my eager hole. We looked into each others' eyes as we made mad, beautiful love in the lantern light, then he did something funny.

He bent forward, pushing my feet to either side, and put his face against mine. That's when he kissed me. That's right, he kissed me! Not just a chaste little peck on the lips, but open-mouthed, tongues-out kissed me. And I kissed him back.

That put me over the edge, and my little boner swelled up to its biggest and shot a load of cum all over myself. Squirt after squirt, getting it all over me, and all over Tom.

The overall sexiness of the situation took its toll on Tom, too, and he unloaded into me with a shout and a grunt, then collapsed on top of me and kissed me again. I put my arms around his naked torso and pulled him as close to me as I could as we made out with a passion never seen in any movie. Did I say I was born to be fucked? I was born to be kissed, too. I knew from then on that kissing like this was going to be a part of every sex act I was ever involved in.

Jimmy was watching us in open-mouthed disbelief, his hand still on his cock, frozen in place.

"Wow, I never dreamed that two guys would kiss!" he exclaimed.

"Don't knock it till you've tried it," Mike said, and bent forward to kiss his twin brother.

Just as it had been with Tom and me, that set them off, and they both came at the same time.

We pried ourselves apart, and lay back on the tent floor, totally spent. The air smelled strongly of sex and sweat. I fondled Tom's body, feeling his chest, cock and ass, and Jimmy knee-waddled over to me, and he kissed me, too.

For a bunch of young teens that had never done anything like that, I must say we were pretty good at it. I guess that Man was made for sex, and kissing was just a natural instinct. I knew in my heart that the five of us would never be quite the same again.

"But who's going to fuck me?" Tom asked. "I don't want to die a virgin."

We were all happy to oblige.

I'll leave you now, allowing your imagination to fill in the rest. Yes, all four of us fucked Tom, and most of us got a chance to fuck each of the others, and kissing and cuddling was the order of the evening in between. Of such things wonderful friendships are formed.

If you enjoyed my tale, I'd love to hear from you. My email address is moose91762@yahoo.com. Let me know what you think. I take constructive criticism well, and ignore the flames.

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So until next time,

Hugs and blowjobs

Dick Zucher

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