Tales of the Team Managers

By Ronald Frobnitz

Published on Aug 24, 2015


This story depicts sex among high school boys. If this idea offends you, or if it is illegal for you to read such a story where you are, please back out now and go find something else to read. It is a work of pure fiction, although the characters depicted might be composites of people I have known.

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Think of the hierarchy of high school students. First, there are the athletes and cheerleaders, then there's student government, whom the first two #almost# consider their equals, and then there's the band. Everyone looks down on the band, accusing them of being wannabe athletes, even though that's usually not true. And then, at the very bottom of the heap, you'll find the team managers. Managers find themselves looked down on by all of the above, and by the outcasts and misfits, as well.

Welcome to my world. My name is Mark, and I'm a manager. I'm a Freshman at Valley High. It is my job, and that of my fellow bottom-feeders to wrangle all the equipment required, set up the field for whatever sport is in season, and take all the guff handed out by athletes and coaches. That is why we managers are a close-knit group. We all have that one thing in common, a desire to participate, but no particular athletic prowess, so we work behind the scenes to make sure the sports program works smoothly.

Recently, I had discovered that my friend Jimmy and I had something else in common: we both liked to suck cock. Now there's something to form a friendship around!

It was a Saturday afternoon, and my mom was at some party for her work, and my older brother was staying with our grandparents, so Jimmy and I were hanging out at my house. When I say hanging out, I do mean hanging out. As a matter of fact, we were naked, boned up, and busy.

Jimmy lay back on the bed, and I got between his legs and was licking his hairless balls while he slowly stroked his cut cock.

"Mmm, hmmm," Jimmy said. "Lick my balls."

I licked. I licked his balls, and I licked his shaft, then I went back and licked his balls some more. He had just a little tuft of dark hair right above his dick, sort of like an arrow pointing the way to the good parts.

Jimmy took his hand away and started pinching his tits. Those cute little nipples seemed to give a purpose to his skinny frame. I pulled myself up on the bed and put my tongue to one of them.

"Oh, yeah. Suck my tits," Jimmy whispered.

I licked and sucked his nips one by one, then went back to the first one again. I was really enjoying this, plus I had the added bonus of feeling his boner press into my stomach.

The doorbell rang. Oh, shit, who could that be?

"You think you better answer that?" Jimmy asked.

"I guess," I said, and got up and pulled my basketball shorts on, heading for the door shirtless. My boner led the way.

"Ding-dong," the bell rang again.

"I'm coming," I said to the closed door.

I stood behind the door and opened it enough to poke my head out.

"Bill!" I exclaimed at the sight of our fellow manager, the very one who had recently teased my for my naivete concerning blowjobs. If he only knew.

"I just came by to see what you were up to," he began. "Are you naked back there?"

"Hell, no," I said, pulling the door open a little further so he could see I was wearing shorts. I hoped my dick had gone down enough that it wasn't still poking against the thin fabric.

"I never saw you without a shirt before," he said, casting an eye up and down my bare chest. His eyes also seemed to go down a little further, checking out the bulge (yep, still there) in my pants.

"And Jimmy, too?" he said, looking beyond me into the living room.

Jimmy had thrown his shorts on and was standing behind me, also shirtless.

"Hi, Bill," Jimmy said. "What's up?"

Bill took the open door as an invitation, and stepped in.

"I was just looking for something to do, someone to hang with. "

Jimmy and I stood there, both wearing nothing but flimsy shorts, our slowly softening cocks tenting a little. This was not lost on Bill, who definitely eyeballed our crotches and our bare chests.

"So what're you guys up to, or should I ask?" he said with a bit of a leer.

"Well, we're . . . um," I hesitated.

"Oh, I see," he said. He pulled the tail of his T-shirt up, exposing his belly button and rubbed his crotch. "Can I play, too? Or is this a lovers-only thing?"

Jimmy spoke up. "Uh, Bill, it's not what it looks like."

"Don't hand me that shit. I can see what's going on," Bill said. "I do it, too. That is, when I can find someone to do it with."

"Do what?" I tried to play innocent.

"You guys are messing around. Having sex. And you played so innocent the other day, trying to make me believe you didn't know what a blowjob was. Hell, I'll bet you suck dick as much as me.

"How 'bout it, guys? Can I join you?"

I looked at Jimmy, and he shrugged.

"Okay," I said. "Come on in."

I led the way back to the bedroom, and Bill followed, peeling his shirt off as he went.

Bill was just short of his 15th birthday, about as tall as me and Jimmy, and had a look of softness to him, what the grownups called baby fat. Not really fat, mind you, just a little soft. He had dark hair that he wore in a crew cut, and big brown nipples on just a hint of boy boobs.

"So what are we doing here?" he asked as he sat down on the bed to pull off his sneakers and socks.

"Well," I said. "Let's get naked and see what happens."

"Suits me," he answered, and undid his belt buckle, dropping his pants into a puddle on the floor around his ankles.

He was wearing white briefs, and from the bulge, I could see he was starting to get hard.

Jimmy reached over and rubbed Bill's cock through the underwear.

"Mmm, nice," he said.

"This is why I became a manager," Bill said. "I get around a bunch of naked guys, and I get a boner. Can't have that."

"Yeah, me too," I said.

"Me three," Jimmy said and yanked Bill's drawers down, exposing his cock.

Bill had a big thatch of hair above his dick, which was a little shorter than mine or Jimmy's but a lot fatter. It stood up straight and proud, and he had a big knob of a head.

He started to kick of his pants and undies, and said, "Well, am I going to be the only one naked here? C'mon, guys, let's see yours.

There was no need to be shy. After all, Jimmy and I had definitely seen each other naked, and now we were seeing Bill, so we both pulled our shorts off and showed our boners.

"Nice, guys," said Bill.

He took each of our cocks in hand, stroking us a bit. "Very nice."

I grabbed ahold of Bill's member and returned the favor.

"I really didn't know what a blowjob was the other day," I confessed. "But I do now." And I dropped to my knees and took his dick into my mouth.

"Ooooh," Bill sighed. "I guess you do."

He guided me over to the bed, cock still in my mouth, and we plopped down. Jimmy knelt down on the floor and started sucking on my dick. Here was a new experience; Jimmy and I had sucked each other at the same time, but I had never sucked another guy while someone else was sucking me. In fact, I'd never sucked a dick at all until a few days ago. I was getting to like it.

"Come on, Jimmy, get up here," Bill ordered. "I want to do you, too."

So there we were. The three of us formed an awkward triangle, Jimmy's dick in Bill's mouth, Bill's dick in mine, and my dick in Jimmy's. Was this what you called an orgy?

We sucked and we slurped, each of us trying to tease the most pleasure possible out of the other guy's cock. I licked at the giant head on Bill's boner, and ran my tongue down his fat shaft to his hairy balls. I could feel Jimmy doing the same to me.

Bill pulled off Jimmy's dick and said, "Hey, guys, have you ever tried this?" He pulled Jimmy's legs farther apart and ran his tongue down past his balls towards his butthole.

"Mmmph!" Jimmy gulped. "What's that?"

"It's called rimming," Bill explained. "My brother showed me. It's one of the greatest feelings a guy can have."

"You got that right," Jimmy said. "But doesn't it taste awful?"

"Not if you're clean down there, and you are."

"I gotta try that," I said. "Open up."

Bill obliged. I mentioned that Bill had a lot of hair above his dick, and on his balls, but that's where the hair ended. His butthole was smooth and hairless, brown as his nipples, and was one of the most inviting sights I'd ever seen.

"Are you clean?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah," Bill answered. "I washed my hole this morning. I haven't taken a dump since, so there's no shit down there."

"Okay," I said. "Here goes nothing."

I stuck my tongue out and took a lick at the winking hole in front of me. He was right. It only tasted mildly of soap and a little sweat. I licked harder.

"That's the way!" Bill gave his approval.

Encouraged, I made my tongue as hard as I could and tried to stick it in the hole.

"Yeah! That's it. Tongue fuck me, baby!"

I poked and I prodded, and I licked and I slurped. All the while, Jimmy was licking at my cock and balls, then I felt him take the plunge, too.

Oooh, wow! Now there was a feeling! My ass felt like it had died and gone to heaven. It was little warm puppies, ice cream sundaes and Grandma's home-made lasagna all concentrated into one little pucker. I renewed my efforts on Bill's hole, eating him out with a vengeance.

"Oh, man, I'm gonna cum!" Bill cried.

I wasn't going to miss that, so I moved back to his cock and started sucking. True to his word, Bill shot spurt after spurt of hot cum into my mouth, and that triggered my own orgasm, which Jimmy was good enough to catch, just as he unloaded his own wad in Bill's hungry mouth.

We broke apart, three horny teenagers, each of us satisfied, spent.

"Man, that was something else," Jimmy said. "Cocksucking I knew about, but this? You say it's called rimming?"

"Yeah. My brother picked it up at Band Camp, then he came back and showed me," Bill explained. "We're twins, you know. You wouldn't know it to look at us – mom says it's called 'fraternal twins,' but we're still twins, and we've always done everything together.

"I'll bet you have," I said. "Did he teach you to suck cock, too?"

"No, I taught him that, back when we were still little. I kind of figured that one out on my own."

"Well, thank God for your brother," I said.

"I second that," Jimmy piped up. "I want to do that again."

"We will, my friend," Bill said. "We will."

"I'm sure we will," I added.

Guess what? We did. But that's another story.

That's all for now. Mark, Jimmy and Bill, being the horny young teens that they were, had many more adventures together, and perhaps some day I'll tell you about them. I would imagine the twin brother might get involved, and there's another manager named Tom that might enter the picture, too. I have a germ of an idea in my head already.

Meanwhile, don't forget to support Nifty. He works hard to keep us hard, and I'm sure he really appreciates any donations that come his way to help support the website.

If you enjoyed my little tale of butts and boners, I'd like to hear from you. You can write to me at moose91762@yahoo.com.

Here's wishing you hugs and blowjobs.

Dick Zucher

Next: Chapter 3: Managers Camp

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