Tales of the Team Managers

By Ronald Frobnitz

Published on Jul 9, 2015


The year is 1967. My tale is short, but sweet., and I promise you, there is a happy ending. Certain parts of this story actually took place. I'll let you decide for yourself which parts. Anyhoo, all the legal warnings apply. This story depicts sex between teenage boys. If this sort of material offends you, or if it is illegal for you to be reading such material in your jurisdiction, please hit your back button now, and go read something else.


My name is Mark. I'm 15, and I'm a freshman at Valley High. I'm also a manager for the Varsity baseball team. Manager. That word calls up images of a pot-bellied, middle-aged man in a baseball uniform, choosing what players are in and what players are out. On the high school level, a manager is more like a glorified bat boy. What we manage are the bases that need to be set out before each practice, and the pitching machines. We also chase balls that go too far afield. That sounds more interesting than it really is. I'm talking about baseballs, but I'm getting ahead of myself here.

Baseball practice begins for us as we set the bases out on the field, lug the pitching machines out from the shed, and wrangle everyone's bats into the dugout. Then the players all work with the coach, fielding balls, (I said it again, didn't I?) running, catching, hitting, you know, baseball stuff. And they take turns at bat in these cages lined with netting that I and my fellow managers shoot fastballs into with the machines. This goes on for about an hour, then it's everyone on the field for batting practice, and the managers take a break, hanging out in the visiting team's dugout. That is where my story really begins.

There are four of us, me, Jimmy, Bill and Tom. We're all freshmen, and I suspect we all became managers for the same reason: we all hated PE, and hated dressing out. Me, I was scared to death that I'd get a boner in the locker room. Pop a woody around a bunch of naked teenagers, and you'll be branded for life. Yes, I'm gay, but I don't want everybody to know about it.

Well, on this day, we were hanging around in the dugout, talking about this and that, and somehow or another, conversation got around to sex. Four boys, aged 14 and 15, and sex comes into the conversation, can you believe it?

Tom was talking about his older cousin, getting busy with his girlfriend, and he says he got nervous about it, not wanting to pop her cherry, or risk getting her pregnant, so they decided she'd just blow him.

"Mark, I'll bet you wouldn't even know how to blow a guy," smartass Bill said to me.

He was right, but I sure didn't want anyone to know it. I wasn't even sure what a blowjob was.

"Sure I do," I answered with as much swagger as I could muster. And I blew a puff of air towards him.

"I once blew a guy," Jimmy said. "I'll admit it."

I looked at him with appreciation. Here was a kid who'd been around the block. Jimmy was a cute boy, with dirty blond hair and an air of shyness about him. Whoda thunkit, to use an expression that wouldn't come into popularity for another ten years.

By this time the conversation had moved on, and I guess I was off the hook . . . for now.

By this time the team was running sprints, and that meant it was time to tear down the field, put the machines away and lug the bat bags back into the clubhouse. We had the coach's keys, so we stowed everything away in the store rooms, and a few things that went into the coaches' office (complete with a private shower),

I was dragging a bag full of baseball bats into the corner of the coaches' locker room when Bill started in again.

"I'll just bet that you don't know how to blow a guy. You probably never even heard of a blowjob before."

"Sure I have! But if you want to show me . . ."

"Ah, nuts!" he said, and headed for the bathroom, letting the door close behind him.

Jimmy was standing in the office, listening. Did I see a funny look in his eye?

"Heh heh, I, ah . . . I was just . . ."

"Yeah, I know," Jimmy said. "Bill's just a big blowhard, if you'll pardon the expression."

"Uh, Jimmy," I said


"You said that you . . . uh, that you blew a guy once?"

"Yeah. He was my cousin." He blushed. This wasn't any easier for him than it was for me.

"Well, what's it like?"

"Well, you know, you just . . . kinda . . . you know, you take the guy's dick in your mouth and suck on it." I learned something. You don't really blow, you suck. That I'd heard of.

"Could I kind of try it? I mean, I've never done anything like that before, and I kind of wondered . . ."

"Yeah, I guess so." He looked around the room. There was a big window looking out on to the locker room. "Not here. We'd get caught."

"Yeah, we would. How about my house? My mom is working late tonight."

Jimmy rubbed his crotch a little while he thought about it.

"I think, I . . . yeah. "

I could feel my dick growing in my pants, and I'm pretty sure Jimmy was hardening up, too.

Just then Coach walked in the door.

"Ok, men, that's it. See you tomorrow," he said.

"Nite, Coach," and we headed out the door.

Once outside, we all said our good-bys and each went our separate ways, except Jimmy and me. We both lived about a block away from the school.

Jimmy and I walked in silence the block to my house. As I was putting my key in the lock on the front door he said,

"You want to do this? I mean, are you sure?"

"Well, yeah, I'm pretty sure. If you don't want to, I understand."

"I want to, I just don't want you to think you have to, unless you really want to."

"Yeah, I want to. Let's go to my room."

I led the way down the hall into my bedroom, which I actually shared with my older brother, but he usually stayed with my grandparents, so I felt I had the right to call it mine.

"So how do you want to do this?" Jimmy asked, looking awkward.

"I guess I want to try sucking your dick," I answered.

Jimmy undid his belt buckle and opened his pants. He hesitated a little, then slid them down a little, showing his underwear. I could see the bulge of his dick through the white cotton. I reached my hand out and touched it.

"It's okay," he said, and slid his undies down, exposing himself.

He was about half-hard, and I took it in my hand and stroked it a bit.

"Mmm, that feels good," he said.

My own cock was getting hard. I thought that I might regret this later, but, by golly, I was going through with it. I dropped to my knees and took his member in my hand, pointing it towards my mouth. It looked to be about six inches, circumsized, and there was a little patch of dark hair just above it. It was getting harder in my hand.

"Go on," he said. "That is, if you want to."

I didn't need any more invitation. I gave the head a lick, and his dick twitched. I licked some more, going a little farther down the shaft, coming back up to the head.

Jimmy sighed.

I took the shaft into my mouth, and went down a little ways. Savoring the taste of boy cock.

"Oh, yeah," he said. "Just like that."

Now I knew for sure I wanted to go through with it. I took as much of him into my mouth as I could,

Jimmy whimpered in appreciation, and I pulled my mouth back and went back down again. I was giving my very first blowjob!

"Where's yours?" he asked.

My own cock was hard as a rock by now, and I stood up and pulled my pants down to show it to him.

"Nice," he said. We were about the same size, and both of us were circumsized. The hair on mine was a brilliant red, a gift from my father.

Jimmy took hold of my cock and squeezed it. I did the same to his. He pushed his pants down to his knees..

"Let's get on the bed," he suggested.

He lay down on my bed, and I got between his legs and started sucking.

"I want to do you, too."

"How do we do that?" I asked.

He slid down a ways, and said, "Turn around."

I followed his direction, and we both lay on our sides with our cocks even with each other's heads. I took his cock back into my mouth, and Jimmy took mine in his.

Wow! That's all I can say, wow! It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. Well, not like nothing, it felt like it did when I jacked off, only much stronger.

Our inhibitions were gone now. We sucked and we licked, and we played with each other's balls until the inevitable happened. Suddenly I felt the cock in my mouth get a little bigger, a little harder, and Jimmy let out a kind of whoosh as he blasted a gusher of cream into my mouth. I slurped it up, determined to accept this precious gift he was giving me, and then let go with a blast of my own.

That was the most amazing feeling I had ever felt in all my young life, and Jimmy dutifully swallowed every drop.

We lay back, totally spent, and rested for a few moments. I fondled his softening cock and wiped the little bit of remaining jizz from his slit with my thumb.

"That was awesome!" I said.

"Yeah," he answered. "I think we should try this again some time, only next time, we should wait til we have plenty of time, and get completely naked. It's even better that way."

"Yeah. I'd like that," I said. "When?"

"Maybe Saturday? My parents are going to some party for my Mom's work. That would give us all afternoon."

We quickly made it a date.

"Just one thing, Mark."

"What's that?"

"If Bill ever gives you a hard time about not knowing how to blow a guy, just do that blowing thing again. He'll never know."

So that's my story, and I'm sticky from it. I hope you are, too. Please remember that Nifty needs your donations to keep going.

If you enjoyed my tale, let me know. My email address is moose91762@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2: The Managers Take a Day Off

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