Tales of the New Republic: - Preamble

By Francis Scott

Published on May 16, 2006



I have been reading a lot here in Nifty recently - and feeling guilty for not contributing. The influences and inspirations for this story are many and various and, you will probably be disappointed to hear, mostly non-sex based. You would be amazed at how horned up you can get reading an encyclopaedia if you have got a twisted mind! :)

Anyone guessing 5 or more of the books/authors that indirectly inspired this story will get a gold star from teacher.

As this is my first attempt at a story for Nifty I would be grateful for feedback. I will do my best to post regularly till I get to some sort of logical end point, but I do have a life and postings may be a week or two apart.

This obviously a work of fiction so if you are unable to distinguish fact from fiction stop reading and book yourself in for therapy. If you are underage for your local jurisdiction then I am sorry you will just have to do what horny teens have been doing since the dawn of time and make up your own wank material. This story will include references to gay sex and if this is likely to offend you then please go and read something else. (Unless of course you get turned on by being offended in which case feel free to wank to your hearts content.) If you a member of a law enforcement agency - well, frankly, you are just not invited to read...

Tales of the New Republic

Chapter 1 - The Setting.

[Please feel free to jump straight to the main sleaze (Chapter 2) - this bit just explains the world in which the story is set. It is basically an ultra libertarian America of the near future with the governing principle: "Freedom that does not include the right to make what other people might consider bad choices is not freedom, but that along with that freedom comes the responsibility to deal with the consequences of your own choices."]

Following the capture of Osama bin Laden by the French secret service at the end of 2006 the CIA was shocked to find that the "world's most wanted" had been bright enough to video tape the planning meetings with his CIA handler arranging the WTC bombings and the Bastille Day nuking of Paris in 2006, including their indiscreet commentaries on why they wanted it done. The six year reign of George Bush ended with his rather messy public execution, along with his co-conspirators, on the White House lawn at the climax of the Second American Revolution.

The UN, in protest at the revelations (and nearly twenty years of late and/or unpaid membership dues) imposed sanctions and relocated to Geneva. Without being able to consume 30% of the world's resources the American economy collapsed. The nation fragmented in a decade of turmoil following the event.

An unlikely hero emerged from the rubble; an aging former rent boy and sometime gay activist, Adam Allman. After a long career in the sex industry he had gone on to study law at night school. Prior to the collapse he had been working mainly on environmental issues and had stood for various local elected positions. He had never managed to get elected, but tended to get coverage as the joke candidate especially after an expose in one of the local tabloids made much of his former life as a prostitute. Cornered at a press conference by a reporter waving one of his old DVDs his response was to say, "My principles are not for sale, only my ass." He also offered to autograph the DVD.

Whatever the issue he was willing to give an opinion. The opinions weren't always popular and many were controversial. However his witty delivery took away some of the sting and often left people scratching their heads and saying, "That's not as dumb as it first sounded." So little by little he made ground.

Then came the crash came and so did his moment, taking a congressional seat by a very narrow margin in the last congress of the old republic. Several southern states seceded to form the American Christian Confederation (ACC). Texas, under the leadership of televangelist Dwayne D. Ridgeforth, briefly became God's Kingdom of Free Texas after Ridgeforth announced that the election of a "godless sodomite" was the final sign that the end was at hand and that he was the new Messiah. This state-let collapsed after fifty three days when Ridgeforth was caught giving more than divine guidance to an eleven year old choirboy and was shot by the outraged father. Shortly after that incident Texas was annexed by the ACC.

Maine led several of the north-eastern states in a move to join Canada. The remnant of the nation struggled on through an economic depression that made the 1930s look like a party. Nearly twenty trillion dollars in debt and declared a rogue state by the UN the situation was desperate. At the height of the crisis the Mexican government authorised their immigration service to shoot to kill illegal immigrants from the north as the numbers of Americans trying to make it into Mexico to provide a better standard of living for their families turned from a trickle to a flood. (On the positive side the American obesity crisis soon became a thing of the past.)

As part of the rescue package Allman proposed what he called the "Nevada option". A hundred years earlier Nevada had nearly lost its status as a state due to dwindling population and the decline of the economic activity from mineral extraction. The state's solution was to legalise a wide range of activities that were illegal elsewhere in the union from gambling and prostitution to easy divorce.

The first to go was the war on drugs. The remnants of middle class America that hadn't managed to claim citizenship elsewhere watched with dread, expecting the once great nation to finally dissolve into anarchy. Then they watched in puzzlement as it didn't happen. The easy availability of cheap, clean drugs did lead to an increase usage, though not as much as expected. However it also led to a massive drop in related crime as those people who had previously had to steal or engage in a range of other anti-social activities to feed their habits could now maintain themselves without that sort of behaviour. It also ended the internecine turf wars between various gangs trying to control the massively profitable trade. With the profits gone the need for the battles that had made some urban areas into war zones disappeared too.

The early period of the reforms was accompanied by the largest internal migration in north America since the nineteenth century. God fearing folk from all over what was to become known as the Federal American Republic (often referred to as the just the New Republic) fled to the ACC. At the same time those who did not want to live under the fist of a christian theocracy escaped to FAR. This population shift accentuated the political trends of both units as dissidents moved to what the saw as, for want of better words, their "spiritual homelands".

Step by step ACC became a more closed and controlled society. While to the north the opposite was true. The drug policy had a positive effect on the FAR economy as tax revenues rocketed and crime budgets were slashed. It also helped start the rebuilding of the country's shattered tourism industry.

It was then that FAR got a lucky break. A dutch cannibis breeder hired by the government to head their medical marijuanna research programme developed a strain of cannibis that cured HIV/AIDS. The FAR government's decision to donate the plant to the world was an inspired piece of international diplomacy. With even the poorest nations on earth able to buy a few seeds and start growing a cure the disease was totally eradicated in less than two years and officially declared a dead disease in 2024 after five years of no new cases. It also brought the New Republic international tributes and respect. After over a decade the UN sanctions imposed in 2007 were lifted for FAR, though the Security Council voted to keep them in place against the ACC.

Allman who had been the main proponent of the policy and Kees van Lehman (the plant geneticist) won the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. Allman declined the honour, saying "This was not the act of a generous man. It was the act of an old gay man who has buried far too many friends over the last forty years and would prefer not to bury any more." The following year Allman, now in his early sixties, became the second president of the New Republic. His first year in office saw codification of protections of people's right to live their lives as they saw fit. After long debate the death penalty was retained, but only for the crimes of tax evasion or political corruption.

It was also during his first term that the issue of slavery raised its head for the first time. In a case of assault in San Francisco (State of California v Tyler, 6th circuit, 2021, p1022, case 9-112). Tyler, a sex worker with the Blue Meanies SM Escort Service, was charged with assault on a client after breaking his arm. In his defence he brought a notarised slave contract signed by the complainant. Under the terms of the contract he had been fully within his rights to go that far. The "victim" argued that it had all been simple role play and he had not intended himself to come to this degree of harm. In line with the new protections a person's right to self determination the case was thrown out.

The case opened a can of worms and the slavery debate raged for two years. Eventually it was settled that slave contracts were enforceable, but some protections were put in place before the Slavery Act 2023 came into force. The original provisions were:

    1. Any adult person may voluntarily place themselves into slavery.
    1. No person may be forced into debt slavery. This was amended in the Slavery Act Revision 2026 to exclude debts incurred by gambling in response to a case arising in Nevada (Lucky Jim's Casino & Brothel v Malcom Sutter (aka Dog Boy), Nevada Supreme Court, 2025, p873, case 13-716). Sutter, a high school jock from Chicago, was visiting the casino in Winnemucca on spring break with a bunch of group of his friends. He lost most of his spending money on his first night and offered to put himself up as collateral for a credit line for further gambling. The manager had taken one look at the athletic young man and decided that the offer was a no lose proposition. Over the next three nights Sutter's gambling spree continued, along with his losing streak. As he went to check out casino security detained him and took him to the brothel complex to serve out the agreed six months. Sutter contended that this was debt slavery. The casino contended it was a conditional contract related to a debt of honour. The court found in favour of the casino and Sutter was duly micro-chipped and the contract enforced. Points to note: a) a) Sutter remained on staff with the Lucky Jim's Casino Corporation for eight years. He finally left when he met his future wife, Mandy Wittington (aka Mistress Mandy) and now helps run the Pink Flamingo Gay Resort in Battle Mountain, Nevada where his two eighteen year old sons are amongst the most popular attractions. b) b) The Pink Flamingo Corporation bought out Lucky Jim's Casino Corporation in a hostile takeover in 2034 and the former CEO is now Mistress Mandy's butler. c) c) The webcast of his cherry popping was the sixth most viewed webcast in history and earned Long John's an estimated one hundred and seventy thousand new dollars and probably several times that in DVD sales. d) d) The secret auction of his cherry was won by German fisting master, Deiter Erhardt. The amount paid was never disclosed, but was rumoured to be in excess of the thirty thousand new dollars. e) e) If you are in the market for a slave the monthly Nevada State Slave auction following spring break is still a great place to start your search as dozens of young guys and girls hoping to be the next Malcom Sutter or Mistress Mandy head to the state to party.

Over the next several years additional provisions were added over time in response to cases generated by the new law in courts around the New Republic.

    1. Contracts could only sold on to other owners if the original contract document specifically included a clause for property transfer or resale. This provision developed out of a case involving a group of female medical students at UCLA who were seducing straight young men into signing contracts, castrating them and selling them on to a gay brothel in Reno in what became known in the popular press as the Hollywood Hellcats Case. (Vincent Markovitz et al. v Mary Anne Price et al., 9th circuit, 2029, p412, case 17-023). Markovitz (and sixteen others) contended that Mary Anne Price and her four companions had exceeded the terms of the contract in both the major body modification and in their resale and asked the court for emancipation and redress in the form of enslavement of Price and her companions. Price responded that as the boys were property she could sell them on in the same way as she could sell her old car. On the matter of the castrations the judge ruled that a clause stating that the slaves could be modified to suit them for their purpose did extend to castration. However on the matter of resale he decided in favour of Markovitz as Price had consistently made misleading statements about the nature of the servitude she had intended. He qualified this by saying that if Price had merely rented the Markovitz and the others to the brothel she would have been entirely within the rights of the contract as it was drawn up. Price and her companions were judged to be in breach and ordered enslaved as a consequence. Markovitz and his companions were refused emancipation as they had volunteered to sign, even if they had been mislead. Both groups went up for sale in the SoCal Slave Auction the following month. Points to note: a) a) All the women in the case and thirteen of the men were purchased by their families and emancipated. b) b) Vincent Markovitz Sr, who had two other sons, refused to put up the money to buy out his eunuch son's contract and it was eventually sold to the Reno brothel who had purchased him from Price in the first place (as were the contracts of the three others). c) c) The brothel owner annoyed at having to pay for the merchandise twice had the process of nullification finished with a penectomy. They are now known as Nullo-613 through Nullo-616 and are still available to rent. (For profiles and rates see the corporate website: www.darkdreamspleasurepalace.com) d) d) The case also began moves to introduce standardised categories of slave contract being established and standard contracts are now available in most stationery stores. Category A - short term, often for a specific event - fairly common with the SM party circuit where couples will only be invited if one of them is a slave. Category A contracts are always non-transferable. Category B - longer term, the slave generally has much fewer options available to him or her - just the agreed limits set out in the contract. Will sometimes include breeding rights - although obviously the children arising will be free born and the financial responsibility of the slave owner. This category was pioneered by a Wisconsin fertility clinic. (Case law established that the child of a slave and a free adult will always go to the free adult if the matter of custody should arise.) Category B contracts may or not be transferable. Category L - life term contract with slave rights restricted solely to the provisions agreed at the time the contract was signed. Category L contracts may or may not be transferable. Category Z - life term contract with absolutely no rights for the slave whatsoever, not even control over how much life the slave has left. Category Z property terminated by the owner is deemed to have committed suicide. This category was established in response to a case of a psychopath in Oregon who drugged young women into submission and got them to sign contracts which were then notarised by a corrupt court official. The official was given the death penalty by the judge in the case. However he was given the right to choose a no-rights slavery contract as an alternative on appeal. It should be noted that this did not actually end up benefiting the official in question as his contract was purchased by a collective of his victims and he became the star in the first legal snuff movie. (It also still holds the record for the most complicated suicide on record. (cf Encyclopaedia Republica, Vol 15, p112, 2045 edition)). This level of slavery is fairly rare and beyond the original ruling in the Oregon Supreme Court there is very little case law on this subject.
    1. Criminals could choose enslavement in preference to prison. The most common categories being B or L depending on the crime. Criminals are not initially auctioned in the traditional sense and do have some limited bargaining rights. However if the prisoner refuses three offers he or she is deemed to have chosen imprisonment over slavery and his or her options end.

Adam Allman died on April 9th 2038 of a heart attack on his eightieth birthday, half way through his fifth term as president. He was being gang-fucked by three muscular young men from his security detail over his desk in the Oval Office. The nation mourned the chief architect of the New Republic, but almost everyone conceded that it was how he would have wanted to go.

By the time of his death FAR has emerged from pariah status and is economically booming. Being forced to do without so many things during the period of the Second Great Depression meant the country is largely self sufficient and leads the world in alternative energy technologies and regularly (and justifiably) takes the moral high ground on environmental issues. The world has spent nearly three decades watching the social experiment of the New Republic expecting it to collapse into chaos, but the new nation has proved a lot more resilient than anyone except, perhaps, Allman could have guessed. Slavery is commonplace and unremarkable, although at any one time less than three per cent of the population is enslaved.

Case summaries have been reprinted with kind permission of Interstate University Press and originally appeared in The Slave Law Review (Copyright 2023-2048).

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