Tales of the New Phoenix

By Joshua B Weston

Published on Dec 10, 2002


This is not my first story, but I think this is going to be where I flourish. My previous stories lay in hibernation awaiting the day I decide to pick them back up again. ("Learning Curve" in Boy Bands, and "Johnny Boy" in High School) I've never had as many Ideas running around my head as with Tales Of The New Phoenix. I don't know exactly how fast I will be able to get chapters out, so please don't kill me. And, as you can see by my title, I am going to have a character based on The Phoenix from Marvel Comics. I am going to go a bit of my own way with the Char. so any die hard fans, please refrain from hurting me, ok? My experience with the Phoenix is limited to the cartoon, and the Dark Phoenix comic book saga. I do hope to hold true to the heart of the character, but will be making some changes just as was made with The Bat Man. Now, on to the boring stuff.

I do not own any of the following:

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera, The Wallflowers, and any other celebrities. I also know nothing of their sexual orientations.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and all related characters.

The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

The Vampire Chronicles, Tales Of The New Vampires, The Mayfair Witches, all series written by Anne Rice.

Buffy & Angel television series.

Star Wars

Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek The New Frontier, Enterprise television series, movies, and novels.

I am restating; I do not own any of the above mentioned, although I wish I did. Those make tons of money. I do not know the sexual orientation of anyone mentioned for certain. Everything I write is purely fiction from my mind. Please don't sue me, I am a poor college student and have nothing. If you are under aged, go away. This site is for adults. Warning to the closed minded, gay fiction is about to start.

I've received a few E-Mails. I will respond, I promise. I'm in the middle of my finals right now and just... am way too frazzled. I'm actually considering setting this story down until after finals, but I keep seeing a flaming bird behind my eye lids. This section of the Phoenix Story will be ending with Chapter 10, I think, and then "The Story of the _____ of ____" will begin. (What? Those two words would give away WAY too much. 8^D )

Chapter 5:

I fell asleep quickly. The last thing I saw; Josh's sweet smile as we cuddled under the blanket on the couch. I soon found myself standing on a beech. I was completely disoriented; one never really expects to find themselves standing on a beach at night when they fall asleep. To my left were trees, completely blocking that direction. To my right endless ocean meeting an impossibly large and bright moon in the distant horizon nestled in the stars. The stars were infinite, each one bright. I'd never seen so many stars, mixed in with blue and red nebulas. The ocean was a quiet steady noise. This had to be the most beautiful place I'd ever seen. I spotted Josh a hundred or so yards ahead of me kneeling in the sand running his hands through it.

I started running towards him, noticing the soft sand on my naked feet, and the warm air on my chest and legs. I was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a whit dress shirt unbuttoned. This was turning into a strange dream. As I got closer Josh noticed me, stood, and let the sand slip out his fist.

"Blake, where are we? What's going on? The last thing I remember is falling asleep waiting for you on the couch." I looked at him, dressed in a white tank-top and blue-jean shorts.

"One of us must be dreaming." I looked back the way I came and just saw the beach stretch on forever. The same was ahead of me.

"Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not a figment. Otherwise I wouldn't be worrying about the conference call with Management in two days." Josh said with a crinkled brow. I didn't know that he had a conference call.

"Yeah. It's about the split up. Management was bitching out Chris." That was surprising. I decided to test a little theory by just thinking something, not at him, just to myself.

`Josh, what is my middle name?'

He turned back to me, "You never told me."

"Sweetie, I didn't say anything." I looked around us, and then back at him. "Let me scan your thoughts. I think I know what is going on, but need to be sure."

"Ok. My mind is your mind... or something like that." I laughed a little, and then did a quick sweep of his mind. It was him alright. I stopped that, and then started probing outwards.

"Just as I thought," I gestured around us to Josh. "Welcome to OUR dream. Somehow, my powers have created a joint dream world for us. I'm really sorry for intruding into your personal space like this Josh." I was. Merging our thoughts like this, even by accident, was a drastic invasion of his personal space.

"Blake, don't be sorry. I love you. I want to be with you for, like, ever. I would love for this to happen every night. I feel fully awake, and this means that we don't have to be limited to spending time together during the day." He pulled me into a hug, and I giggled into his neck.

"It doesn't work like that. I'm not even sure how this happened." I pulled away and started up the banks of the beech pulling him along.

"Well, we'll just have to enjoy this while we can." We sat on the beach looking out over the waters. The moon was spilling a silvery light, brighter then I'd ever seen at night, over the waters. Waves about 7 feet in height were breaking just off shore, and the water was a glimmering black. It was a beautiful sight.

After a few minutes I broke the silence. "Jacob."

"What?" Josh asked turning to me.

"My middle name. My full name is Blake Jacob Alexander." I turned to him and looked deep into his eyes. I could see the same light I saw on the moon dancing deep within his pupil. "Wow."

"I see it too. I see you. And I know that you belong in my arms and I in yours Blake. My friends are worried that The Phoenix somehow made me fall in love with you. The truth is she just opened my eyes. I've always believed in soul mates. Another soul that mine is destined to meet and be with. I've seen your soul and know that you are the one." I felt a tear building as I saw one fall down his cheek.

"Josh... are you proposing to me?" He just smiled.

"Yes Blake. I am. I already know that I want to be with you forever. I know it more than I knew I wanted to sing before Nsync, hell before MMC. I've never been so sure of anything in my life. So I don't think it really matters how long we've been together, I want to marry you. I want to be your husband, and I want to call you mine." I was full out bawling by this time.

"Yes. Oh God, yes!" I pulled him up to our feet and just started to kiss him. When we finally broke, we both started laughing and I started swinging him around.

"This is a dream right?" Josh finally asked after we got dizzy and fell to the sand in a heap.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Well, then I should be able to change the environment, and make stuff right?" He asked looking at me.

"I think so. I know I've done things in dreams as soon as I realized it was one." I smiled. "Why?"

"Well, let me see your left hand." I gave him a puzzled look, but gave him my hand. He looked down at it, and then he closed his eyes. I was just enjoying the look of quiet concentration on his features. After a minute I felt a tingling on my ring finger, and when I looked down at it there was a silver colored band with Celtic Knots wrapping around it.

"It's beautiful." He opened his eyes then looked down smiling.

"It worked!" He laughed then pulled my hand up to see it. "It's just as I imagined it. Right down to the Leo symbol. A sign that you're mine!" I pulled it back and looked closer. There was a symbol mirroring the one on his necklace.

"Well, now I need to mark that little finger of yours." I pulled his hand out and looked at it. I pictured the exact same ring, but with an ankh replacing the Leo symbol. The ankh had been and important symbol to me ever since I discovered it's meaning in the sixth grade. I'd been wearing one as a pendant ever since my Jr. Year in high school. It formed perfectly on his hand.

"Man, I wish we could take these with us when we wake up." He said looking at his new ring.

"We'll just have to get new ones soon." I said pulling him towards me. He just grinned at me.

What happened next was a blur. We started kissing, and then he pulled my shirt off. I pulled his over his head and started running my hands over his chest. There was slight bit of fine dark hair here and there, but it was mostly smooth. He started kissing my neck, and explored my smooth chest as I was his. I pulled away from him and he just looked at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked, suddenly worried.

"Nothing. Everything is perfect." I then slid down the sand until I was looking up at him from his waist. I undid his pants and pulled them down his thighs. He was definitely ready for what came next. I took him in my mouth and the strangest thing happened, I felt my mouth on him, as if it were his mouth on me. I started to smoothly take him in and out, tasting his salty sweet taste, and heard him whimpering. I decided to see if this worked both ways. I undid my pants, never taking my mouth off him, and started to stroke myself. The effect was immediate. He arched his back and gasped. It was only a moment more before we both climaxed at the same time and felt both. I rode his wave of pleasure as mine crashed into it. It was the most incredible feeling I had ever experienced.

He looked down at me and was fighting to catch his breath. "Wha... hu... Wow." He finally got out.

"Yeah." I pulled myself up beside him and we simply held each other gazing out at the still, silent, starry night until we woke up.

Waking up was a very strange experience. Suddenly I had an uncontrollable urge to shut my eyes, and when I opened them Josh was opening his and looking at me on the couch. "Good morning fiance." He said with a smile.

"Good morning lover." I said pulling him into a kiss. I was running my hand through his hair when I felt a weight on my finger. I looked at it and saw the ring.

"Josh, honey, look at your finger." I said sitting up suddenly.

"Oh my god, my ring! How... how did it get here?" He said pulling himself up to sit with his legs behind me, leaning against the arm of the couch.

"I have no idea." I thought for a moment on it. "It might be... you know how I can create a uniform? It might be an extension of that power. I might be able to create objects on a small scale." I looked at him smiling. "You must have somehow tapped into that while our minds were connected."

"I guess we won't need to go buy rings now." He laughed.

"Guess not." I started to lean over to kiss him again when I noticed a wet feeling in my boxer briefs. "Josh, I'm all wet and sticky. I think I need to take a shower."

He reached down to himself, then smiled at me. "Me too, I got dibs on the shower!" He shouted, climbing up and off the couch.

"But I thought of it first." I pouted as he reached the door to the bathroom.

"Who said you couldn't join me?" He said with a sly grin as he entered. I jumped up and followed.

An hour later we were both tying our shoes when I saw something strange out the window. A green light was flying over the bay in the distance. It was heading right in this direction. I walked over to the sliding glass door that led to the balcony and watched it. As it got closer I saw it was actually a man in a dark green suit. He flew over the building.

"Josh?" I called into the bedroom where Josh was finishing his packing.

"Yeah?" He said coming out.

"Go to Lance and Eric's room. Tell Eric I just saw someone fly over the building and am going to go investigate. You'll be safe there if something happens. Ok?" I pulled him I looked at him, and he was worried.

"I finally understand how Lance feels. Be careful, ok?" I pulled him into a kiss, then stepped out onto the balcony. I looked back and faced him smiling. I focused my powers and could feel my clothes changing into my all black suit, and the mask forming over my face. I felt the light in my eyes building, and finally changed my hair to red.

"Love you." I said as I did a back flip over the guard rail, falling upwards instead of back and soaring over the top of the building. I picked up speed and left the Hotel behind me. Once I felt I was far enough away from the Hotel that no one would know I had come from it, I allowed the Phoenix out. The streamers of flames danced around me and grew into the body of the phoenix. I only let it grow enough to hold me inside, I didn't think that a giant flaming bird was something that the locals would take easily.

I soon was scanning the sky trying to find the figure in green and could see it heading over the Bank of America building. I sped up and gave chase. He didn't seem to notice me following me so I gave a cry through the Phoenix to announce my presence. He slowed and turned to see me. I flew up next to him and let the Phoenix fade around me.

"Who are you and why are you flying over my city?" I immediately asked.

"I'm the Green Lantern. I'm searching for the local Slayer, she and I were supposed to meet last night. I'm new to the area and was hoping to team up." He was looking for the Slayer? Could he be in on the Slayer and Watcher murders?

I made a quick decision. The only way to know for sure was to search his mind. I didn't like it, but I had no other options really. I quickly entered and read through his mind. He had come from New York, where he fought along side a Slayer named Shawna. He was telling the truth. I didn't want to intrude anymore so I left his mind.

"She was murdered, along with many other slayers around the world." He was genuinely surprised.

"Who did it?" He asked.

"I'm not sure, but I do know that the Vampires in San Francisco are gearing up for something. They have a small fleet of cars and motorcycles decked out for heavy battle. If you were hoping to team up with someone, I'm it." I held out my hand for him to shake. "I'm The Phoenix."

"Nice to meet you." We were suddenly interrupted by a whistling sound coming from over the bay. We both turned to see to small missiles streaking towards us. "What the fuck!?!" Green lantern yelled as we both separated and flew straight up. The missile followed him and another came from behind it following me. I let the Phoenix form around me and flew as fast as I could. The missile picked up speed and followed. I darted straight down towards the bay waters and at the last minute pulled up hoping it would crash into the waters and detonate. It instead blasted out of the waters and followed me. I turned sharply and it streaked past and started arcing back. Before it turned completely I formed a ball of energy in my hands and shot it at the weapon. It struck home and detonated.

I turned to find Green Lantern and saw him flying backwards facing the missile firing what appeared to be his own missiles from his right fist. The rocket kept changing course and they would keep missing and fade to nothing when they would miss. Finally one hit and they both exploded violently in the air. I streaked back to him. "Do you know what's going on?"

"No. Look over there!" He pointed to what appeared to be two small black fighter jets, about the size of cars, hovering above the Golden Gate Bridge. They both turned and flew out towards the ocean. I gave chase, putting forth as much speed as I could. I allowed the Phoenix to grow around me to its full size, with a wing span of at least a hundred feel, and was able to easily keep up. So was the Green Lantern, at my side leaving an emerald trail behind him. I caught up to the one to the right as Green Lantern came up over the one to the left. Both craft veered in separate directions. I quickly changed course and caught the jet by its wings with my talons. It fought to break free but I was amazed to see I could hold it steady. I reached down with my beak and grabbed hold of the blacked out canopy. I ripped it off and saw the pilot burst into flames with a high pitched wail. Before she turned to dust I could see the red aura.

I turned to Green Lantern and projected a though to him as I released the fighter to fall into the water. `Break open the canopy.' He quickly started firing green blasts at the canopy of the jet which was evading as well as it could. One of his blasts struck home and a large chunk of the canopy was blasted off. A trail of smoke poured out of the cockpit for a moment as the jet started a crash dive. Green Lantern flew towards me as I scaled The Phoenix down to the size I had started it at. "Vampires." He said as we started flying back to the city. "I've never seen them being so risky during the day."

"I took out one of their leaders I think. It was an ancient one. They were probably out for revenge." We entered the bay and I turned to him. "Can you meet me at the top of the B of A building tonight, at one o'clock? I'm going to talk to some friends and see if they have any advice." "Sure." With that we separated over the bay. He headed off towards Fisherman's Whorf, and I headed back to the Hotel.

As I neared the hotel I dropped the Phoenix Form. I was actually heading far to the right, but thought that people could probably just follow my flight path and see where I was heading. I landed on the balcony and headed into the room. Josh left the door open, and had taken all of our stuff. I left the room after shifting back into my street clothes and went down the hall to Lance and Eric's room.

I reached it and knocked. "Who is it?" Called Jessica from inside.

"Blake." She opened the door and I saw Eric turning off what appeared to be a light saber. "Was that what I think it was?"

"Yes." He said putting the handle into his bag. "Let's just say the world is a lot weirder that you'd think. I'll tell you the story some other time. We need to leave in 15 minutes to make our flights, what happened?" I quickly related the story, and it was actually Rachel, Joey's friend, who spoke.

"I've seen Vampires using weapons before, but never on such a large scale." That caught me off guard.

"You fight Vampires?" I asked.

Eric turned to me. "Yeah, she and her family are mostly all vampire hunters. She was fighting a group in the women's room at the club, then stayed with the guys to make sure nothing happened to them."

"Well, we need to get going or you'll miss your flights. With all that's going on, you need to get to your cities and protect them." I picked up my bag and all of us headed out.

In the elevator Jessica turned to me. "Listen, I've heard of the Green Lantern before. He's a good guy. He should be able to teach you the things you know. But I'm going to request the Council send a Watcher out here to help guide you. This city is with out an actual Slayer, but I'm sure you and GL can fill in."

The doors opened and we headed to the curb and everyone bell hops started putting things into taxis. Eric came over to me. "JC has mine and Jessica's numbers. Call if you need anything."

I looked at him and pulled a pen out of my pocket. I opened my back pack ad ripped a page out of my Journal. I jotted down my name and number three times. I gave one each to Jessica and Eric. "You do the same." They climbed into taxis and I ran over to Rachel who was climbing in a taxi after Joey and grabbed her arm. "If you need help from a big flaming bird, call." She took the note and smiled.

"I'll do that. You take care Blake." She smiled and climbed into the taxi.

Josh and I waved after them and then asked the valet to get my car.

The trip back to my condo was mostly quiet, then I turned to Josh. "Did you tell them we're engaged?"

"I forgot in the excitement. But... I sort of like them not knowing right now. It's something that only you and I know. It makes it special.

We reached the condo and I parked. In Frisco finding a good parking space so fast should be counted as a power in and of itself. I took him upstairs and unlocked the door. "Here we are, home sweet home." I hadn't been back since the day after the incident with Josh. We had stayed at his hotel room that night, and then had gotten me one the next morning. I stopped back here to grab some clothes, my phone charger, car and that was it. He had stayed at the hotel.

"I love it." He said smiling. He dropped his stuff and went exploring.

My condo is on the high side of modest. It's a second floor with three bedrooms, two baths. I turned the smallest into an office, and kept the spare open mainly for when Andrea stops by. There is actually a separation between the kitchen, dining, and living room. That was one of the main selling points because I really wanted a nice dining area. It was really just a doorway that led from the kitchen to the dining room and a set of half walls with pillars creating a mock doorway that led to the living room. There was a hall the led from the front door to a T, on the right the living room, on the left the office, hall closet, bathroom, guest room, and across from that the master bedroom. Between the master bedroom and living room was a long, wide balcony. I loved this place the moment I saw it.

"This place is great Blake." Josh came in and hugged me.

"It will be great. We will need to redecorate completely so it's not mine, but ours." We laughed, and then went to put our stuff away. Josh looked at the dresser with all the photo's, then looked at me. "Blake, why do I see a lot of pictures of you and your parents up until your teenage years, but none of you and Andrea until much later?"

"Well, my parents both died in a car crash when I was a freshman at San Jose State. Andrea was my best friend there, and she and her parents sort of adopted me as one of their own. I have no other family but them. Me and Andrea decided to start up the club. She didn't want to be the owner for some reason, but was jazzed about managing. But don't tell her, I'm giving her 49% of the club this Christmas." I laughed, but Josh just looked down.

"I can't believe I never asked this before. I told you all about my family, but never asked about yours." Seeing him hurt because he was distracted by his family broke my heart.

"Josh, you had a lot going on. I don't remember ever offering up info to you. I held back because I didn't want to dredge up my past." I pulled him to the bed and we held each other. I thought a change in subject was due. "Josh, I do need to go back into work tomorrow." "That's cool. I knew you would eventually. But until tonight you're mine." He looked at me with a wicked grin, and I readily returned it.

Josh and I spent the rest of the day watching movies, preparing dinner, and simply enjoying each others company. When 12 o'clock rolled around I walked out onto the balcony, Josh right behind me. "Josh, go to bed. I'm not sure what time I'm going to be in."

"What time are you leaving for work tomorrow." He asked, sliding his arms around me.

"Three. I'm leading the crew through to next Saturday. Plus, the day after tomorrow is the big concert." I looked into his eyes, and knew that this would not be the last time I would wish I could just stay in his arms.

"Who's playing?" he asked leaning in to kiss me.

"Pink." He pulled back smiling.

"No way! She's an old friend of mine. We always hang out whenever we're in town together." He ran inside almost jumping for joy. He came back out with his phone. "You promise me you'll be careful, ok?" I laughed at the way he quickly shifted from lovey, to gleeful, and then to worrying.

"I promise. Now, go call whoever you're calling." I pulled him into a deep kiss. "Love you." I stepped back and shifted my clothes into my suit, then floated into the sky. I looked back and saw him fighting to keep sight of my in the black sky. I flew low over Castro Street and saw a lot of people for a Thursday night. I decided to give them a show. I let the Phoenix flame to life around me with a deafening cry. All the people looked up in amazement as I passed overhead. I smiled as a couple people flashed cameras at me even though no one could see through my mask. I couldn't wait to see the headlines of the paper in the morning after what happened today. It wasn't like with Batman, or Huntress, or even the Slayers with me. How can you fight darkness when you just so happen to be a giant flaming bird? I was going to be in the public's eye.

I headed towards my destination, and Green Lantern. I arrived much earlier than was planned, and saw he to was early. I came to a hover near him and motioned my head towards the coast. I took him to the place I trained with my powers. We both laded near a spot that had too washed up logs that were positioned for two people to sit on and face each other.

"So, did you find anything out?" He asked.

"Not really. I spoke to two slayers, and neither had ever heard of Vampires behaving this way. One that I spoke to is going to contact the Watchers Council and see if we can get ourselves a Watcher. But with the events of the past few days, I wouldn't hold my breath." I looked at him. "If we are going to be partners here, don't you think we can trust each other? I know I can trust you. I am psychic."

"I suppose." I nodded and let the light fade from my eyes. My vision was drastically impaired, but the moon was bright enough for me to see him. I then focused on dissolving my mask, and changing my hair back to black. Once I was finished I looked to him.

He grinned and waved his hand in front of his face, letting the mask disappear as his hand moved across it. I held my hand out to him. "Hello, my name is Blake Alexander."

"Ryan Charles. Nice to formally meet you." We both just sat there for a moment.

"Well, I didn't really expect to have a partner this soon. I've only been at it for... about a week now." I said and Ryan laughed.

"Three months. I've slain a lot of Vamps though. It's easy. If it has pointy teeth, chop off its head." It was my turn to laugh.

"Yeah. I guess I have the advantage in that I can tell the species apart at a glance." Ryan raised an eyebrow at me.

"How can you do that?" He asked.

"It has something to do with my powers. When my eyes glow, I see auras of the people around my. It seems I can distinguish normal people, and the different species of vamps." I looked at him. "So, are you a mutant?"

"No, I was given this ring. A small blue man handed it to my in New York along with a green lantern. Like, a literal green miner's lantern. The thing is it wasn't really a lantern. He told me that it was a device to charge the ring, and that the ring was actually a weapon. The most powerful weapon in the known universe to be exact. It allows me to manifest whatever I think of. It lets me fly, go into space, the only thing is it can only create green things." To demonstrate he pointed his fist, which I now noticed had a green ring with the same symbol that was on his chest on it, towards the shore. A green light shot out and a Pegasus formed. It reared and stomped about for a bit. Then it faded.

"Wow." I said amazed. To be able to create anything at will.

"What about you? You a mutant?" He asked looking at me.

"Yes and no. I'm a mutant with psychic/telekinetic powers. But a little over a week ago I was joined with the essence of a new born entity. I'm now also the son of an ancient being known as The Phoenix. I'm still getting used to my powers but so far they have amplified my own, given me the ability to change matter within the space immediately around me, and create different forms of energy." He nodded.

"Well... it seems to me the city is no longer in need of an actual Slayer with us here." We both laughed at that comment.

"So what are you doing here in Frisco?" I asked. He had mentioned New York a lot.

"Well I just took a job as a reporter. I'm doing articles here and there at the Chronicle. Nothing big. How about you? What do you do besides fly around killing Vamps?"

"I own a club. Serenity." He seemed to jump at that.

"No Way! I have tickets to see Pink there!" I laughed.

"Well guess what. You're meeting me at my place, and then meeting Pink." He stood a jumped a bit.

"This is so cool! I always thought the only pay off that came with this gig was helping people. Now I get to meet a totally hot celeb. Thank you so much!" I laughed and stood.

"We really should get to work. We need to start learning how we each fight and operate. You know, the first part of any partnership is hardest. You need to get oriented to how your new partner acts." He looked at me funny, with a grin.

"Bad experience with a business partner?" He asked as we both dawned our masks.

"No. Just remembering when my sister and I became college roommates." I laughed and we took off.

Patrol was actually very boring. The Vampires seem to have gone underground or something. We flew around the city for hours trying to find any signs of trouble. There were none. 3 o'clock rolled around and we both decided to go get some rest. Before he left I told him how to get to my house and what time to be there before the concert, we exchanged phone numbers, and that was it. I headed home to my Josh.

Now, if you haven't read the other stories in the "Tales Universe" go do that now.

Tales Of A Real Dark Night (The series that started it all.) celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-real-dark-knight/

Marvel Knights celebrity/marvel-knights/

Tales Of A Super Hero Band celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-superhero-band/

Tales Of A Young Mutant celebrity/tales-of-a-young-mutant/

You can E-Mail me at WriteMeAStory@Juno.com (Please E-Mail me! I'm becomming lost in my finals! Feedback is my only source of comfort. E-MAIL ME!)

Next: Chapter 6

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