Tales of the New Phoenix

By Joshua B Weston

Published on Oct 24, 2004


Disclaimer: Merry Gentry and all related char's are created by my hero Laurell K. Hamilton, not I. Love you Laurell, you are the greatest writer EVER!!!

Note from author: Sorry this is late, life once again got hectic. I love you all, back to my stats project. Have I mentioned that Math is actually a tool of the devil? I haven't proven it yet, it is just a theory.

My Immortal Chapter 14: In the Happy Times

"...and so he turned to her and said I'm sorry, but you're a little too inverted for me.', and when she looked at him genuinely confused, he dropped his pants, pointed at his dick, and said I'm looking for another one of these.'" Jean just about fell out of her seat when Andrea finished her story. I thought I was simply going to burst into flames my cheeks were so flushed.

"You're leaking." Josh said poking me in the rib.

Horrified I checked my groin. This caused Josh to fall off his chair laughing, gasping to breath. "Your eyes are on fire. You're leaking flames, not pre-cum you dork!" shot through my head.

I covered my face with my hands and teleported out of the room, so embarrassed I gave serious thought to flying home and hiding in the closet.

What? Give me a vampiric army bent on world domination over embarrassing stories any day.

"What's up?" Jubilee asked walking up to me in the kitchen.

"My blood pressure. Andrea is breaking out the stories from college." I looked at her, and she was grinning. "Copious amounts of alcohol and I don't mix well. Well... at least not before the fangs."

"That's too bad... we coulda partayed." She bopped me in the hip with hers, and we started laughing.

"Nervous?" she asked finally.

"Not really. I'm already his, heart and soul. This seems like some formality we have to go through." I smiled at her.

"I think I know what you mean. With Tabby, it's like... we're supposed to be forever." She looked me in the eye. "He knows what you mean to him. You fought an entire universe to get home to him. Now... I thought about a lot of gifts I could get for you... but I think that this would mean more. I want you to read my mind."


"Just... trust me." I nodded and entered her mind. There was the white flash of entering, and then...

"C! Duck!" I threw a blast of fireworks over his head, tearing the vampires head off.

"You too Jubes!" He yelled shooting around me. We heard about the nest and went in to take them out.

We fought for a bit longer, but wiped them out. Slayers can keep the stakes. I like just blowing the suckers up.

"Scratch one nest of skeeters, they're dust." I said slapping him on the back. He gave me a meek smile, but it didn't reach his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I just... I don't want to hurt him." He said finally. He walked over and sat on one of the requisite crates that lined every alley in the world.

"Who Joshie?" I said plopping down next to him. I took off my glasses and put my arm around his waist. He seemed like he was about to hit bottom.

"Blake. He died doing this. Keeping evil out of everyone's lives. I just... I need to keep his dream alive." I reached up and hit him in the head, hard. "What the hell?"

"Is that why you've been doing this? The only reason we've put up with this is we thought you needed something to fight out your rage against! Damn it Joshua, he died for you! For all of us! He died because he chose your life and happiness above his own. He didn't die to make you take his place." I walked up and took him into my arms. "This isn't your life, it's his. You can bring light into the darkness in a million other ways. Plus..."

"What?" He said sniffling.

"You're not that great a fighter. You may be good with dance moves and choreography, but come on!" He pulled back and shoved me, laughing.

"I miss him more than I thought I could miss anyone. Everything feels cold." He said.

"I know babe." I pulled him to me and we walked towards home. "I know."

"Tabby and I may be forever Blake... but you and Josh? You're a pair put together by God. Like starlight and moonlight. Like shorelines and oceans." She picked up her sandwich. "Like peanut butter and mustard."

"You, are a sweet, unbelievably kind, freak."

"Yeah," she took a big bite, "buh ooo wub meh."

"Yeah," I thought about Josh in her memory. He hurt as much as I did. "I love you all."

"None of this is as we expected." Thoth walked up to Isis, who was standing upon the wall over looking the courtyard of the ruins.

"I know that." She didn't look at him. Instead watched as the house elves finished setting up the last of the seats.

"The prophecies regarding this have all been wiped from writing. It's as if destiny has gone wrong." He said taking in the courtyard.

"I know. But there is one prophecy you have all forgotten to apply to this situation." Isis said with a smile.

"And which one is that?" The God of Wisdom asked her.

"The Tapestry of Change." She said smiling.

"But... that tells of... it can not be!" The God roared. The Gods were without form perceptible by life, but the house elves all froze in place and started glancing about.

Isis looked at her companion on the wall. "Worry not old friend. It is their time. Ours ended long ago, but still we exist. We shall not fade anytime soon." She looked back to the house elves which had gone back to running about. "For the Winter shall dawn. From its tears and pleas shall rise the Spring. Spring shall rescue Summer from the hands of madness. And with the rise of Summer, Fall shall find its power. The Four quarters shall raise, the four courts... and a new age of Gods."

"Have they seen it yet?" Jean asked walking to her seat. The ruins held a serene courtyard with the walls still half standing in a ring. The arch leading into the yard still stood. The wall opposite it was nearly completely toppled, but the destruction offered a marvelous view of the ocean.

"I do not know. But... something seems to be missing." Ororo said with a smile. She looked up at the clear sky and her eyes went cloudy. Streaks of clouds formed, accenting the stars and catching the light of the full moon.

Jean smiled and looked over at the ivy growing on the far wall. She broke a few strands free and created a small arch suspended over the altar where Josh and Blake would be joined.

They smiled and took their seats.

Everyone filed into the courtyard. As they did, points of light began to glow about five feet above everyone's heads. They swayed with the breeze and cast a soft silver light on the night.

There not being many guests, they all sat in a small group, with Josh's and Andrea's parents in front. Eric sat just behind them along with Jessica and the kids. The members of the X-Men that Josh had come to know so well sat behind them, with their dates. Everyone shared one feature that night, Human, Mutant alike. They were all smiling.

"I hope we're not too late." Said a group strolling into the courtyard.

"Well, I told you we should have left earlier." The man muttered.

"David, if we had left earlier, we would be dust." One of the women muttered.

"We would not. It would have just been a very... unpleasant tan." They sat in the back. When they smiled, they were very careful not to show teeth.

None of the guests in the court noticed the fey that sat upon the walls surrounding the yard. Members of all five of the demi-fey courts were present. Also, nobles of the Seelie, and Unseelie courts of the Sidhe were present. All were carefully cloaked with Glamour.

And none of those present noticed the Goddess standing at the Altar. Josh and Blake were simply going to promise themselves to each other in front of those who mattered to them. She had other plans.

Suddenly, as if from the very air, music began to play. It sounded like wind-chimes and children laughing, like bird-song and... it was in essence indescribable. It was, in fact a spell cast on the site to set the mood for any function the space would be used for. It made music that fit perfectly.

Joey walked in with Jubilee on arm. They separated at the back of the seating area and walked around to their places beside the altar. Once in place, Chris led Tabitha in. They followed the same path and were followed by Alison and Lance. Justin led Andrea in and to their final places. Devin came in and walked around to the Podium.

"It is one of the greatest honors of my long life to speak to you all tonight. Blake and Joshua are two of the most caring, most devoted people I have ever met. It is love like theirs that sparks legends that move through the ages and beyond. And tonight it is my pleasure to bring them forward to take vows to carry that spark into eternity." He lifted his wand, muttered an incantation, and the floating lights over head began to pulse and send out sprinkles of light.

The lights fell like snow with each pulse from above. The music picked up, gained energy, and volume.

The Grooms Maids and Grooms Men were all dressed to correspond with their respective groom. Nsync was all dressed in white tuxedos. The Birds of Prey were all dressed in elaborate single strapped dresses.

Josh was dressed in an elaborate white suit trimmed with gold. He had a white cloak that trailed behind him for several feet. On his right hip he wore a sword with a black grip and silver leaf patterns. On his right hip he wore a dagger that matched.

At his side was Blake who wore a black silk shirt that tied up the front. The collar had silver Phoenix's that flowed to the front of his throat. The sleeves opened wide at his wrists. His pants were black leather that tied at the front with black thread. He wore knee high leather boots. At his left hip he wore the Sword of Horus, and at his right the Fang of Set.

The two looked like pieces of imagination given life. The shining prince and the dark assassin. A romance between night and day.

When they reached the Altar they stood staring into one another's eyes.

"Friends, family, we are here today to hear the pledges of these two men to be together for as long as they live. To hold each other in the darkest of times, and to stand beside each other in the best. To life the other when they stumble or fall, to be there for them when they need support. To pledge that they will stand with each other for the rest of their lives. Now, I leave them to say these things." Devin stepped back to beside Andrea.

"My father," Josh began, "spoke to me during the trip here. He said something to me that brought a poem to mind. I would like to recite a portion of it. `To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour." Blake, you are my grain of sand, you are my wild flower. In your eyes I see infinity, and my soul is yours for infinity. I'm sorry, but I can't give the pledge that Devin has asked of me." There were startled gasps from the audience. "He says that I should stand with you for the rest of my life when I would follow you beyond that. Blake, if you will have me I shall never leave."

Blake blinked away a few tears. "Joshua, before I met you I was so alone. I had Mom, and Dad, and Andrea... and their love kept me sane. I thought that that was life. With you I'm whole. Their love kept me alive, your love gives me life. If I could I would build you a paradise, I would give you your deepest dreams. I would rearrange the stars to spell your name and make it so shadows and nightmares never touched your existence. And I thought it was my place to do so. Now I realize that you don't want that. You want to stand beside me in this world, imperfect as it is. I don't need to pledge myself to you Josh..." Blake knelt to one knee, held the hilt of his sword with his right hand and placed his left palm on his right knee. He bowed his head to face the ground. "I'm already yours."

Suddenly there was a soft breeze. Upon it was carried the scent of baked sand and water. Blake stood and looked at the altar. A woman in flowing white linen wearing a golden crown and wearing immaculate eye makeup shimmered into being.

"My name is Isis, Goddess of the ancient Egyptians and still so of many alive today. Before any of you speak out against the idea of Gods other than your own I remind you that I am not asking to be worshiped." She turned to Josh and Blake. "Young Devin spoke of your love sparking legends and I say he thinks on far too small a scale. Love like yours builds worlds of possibilities. Today I am here to offer you my blessings. You Joshua already wear my first gift." He touched his chest and felt the pendant. "And you Blake wear a token from me." Blake mirrored Josh's movement. "When my brother killed my husband for the second time and threw his remains into the Nile I lost hope. Anubis came to me at my darkest hour with a solution and now my husband rules over the land of the Dead. But we are still together. My lesson here is that though things change, people leave us and move on in their existence, love ties us together on that path. Go wherever you wish you are bound by that love.

"My next gift to you each are titles. With these titles shall come a small amount of power that can be grown." She looked upon Blake. "Blake Jacob Alexander, I deem the Shadow Phoenix, Lord of Winter, Fire, and Ice." She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. After she did lightning and thunder cracked over head. "With this title you gain little for you have such power already. But be aware, the power shall make itself known."

She turned to Josh and smiled. "My sweet singer. Joshua Scott Chasez, I deem thee Bard, Lord of Spring, Water and Song." She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. Lightning and thunder once again cracked over head. "You are stepping into a new realm of being. As such your abilities shall come slowly. Very slowly actually." Isis laughed. "Worry not though, and watch for them."

She turned to the crowd who was still slightly in awe. "Not a one of those here have any true darkness within them. You each do have that with which all mortals are born. And you," she waved her hand and dispelled the glamour that the fairy folk were using to hide, "you have nothing to fear from these mortals. This is a night of celebration, a night of joy shared. You are all the reason that the Gods of any religion love their children. We see the light of the Goddess shining from within you." She smiled and faded away once again.

Her presence seemed to hold everyone in place. When she was gone everyone became fully aware of what had happened. Josh held out his left hand, as did Blake. Blake's eyes flashed blue-black flame and the silver engagement bands they wore became a marble mix of white and yellow gold.

Everyone stood and cheered. Jubilee raised her hands and let a stream of fireworks shoot into the sky. The Sidhe Nobles stood off to the side, uncomfortable with being found out. The fairies fluttered about, basking in the joy.

I broke away from the crowd, allowing his new husband to handle their loved ones, and strolled to the waiting group of four. I held out his hand, "Good evening."

Each painfully beautiful, the shortest amongst them gripped my hand. "Good evening. I am Princess Meredith Nic'Essus, co heir to the throne of Unseelie Court. This is my guard Doyle."

I held out my hand to him; a man so black it was almost as if his skin were made from shadows. "Hello Doyle."

"Good evening Shadow Phoenix, Lord of Winter, Fire, and Ice."

I smiled, "Please, call me Blake."

"As you wish."

I turned my attention to the other two. A young looking man with gold hair that was striped with green, and a young woman with hair that looked spun from glass. The man held out his hand. "Good evening. I am Galvern Mic'Ellent, a Lord of the Seelie Court." He made it sound as if it were the only natural thing, and that the Unseelie were bellow him. "This is my guard Shallentra Div'Exalld." After shaking his hand, I shook the woman's. Her grip tightened strongly around mine. So strong that without my powers I would have broken bones.

"We are to take you and your husband through the Never Never. We abandoned the Mounds in Europe many years ago and settled in America, but have managed to retain a good many pockets in our ancient home." Meredith smiled. "I'm most curious how you got the Gate Keepers to make this request of us."

Galvern made a rude noise. "Trust an Unseelie to snoop into others business."

I smiled at him. "The Queen of Air and Darkness may have her ways of gaining information, but she doesn't include in her title illusion; a classic and sneaky way to gain it." I had studied the Sidhe in each universe. In this one the Queen of Air and Darkness was ruler of the Unseelie Court. In many cultures they were seen as the stuff of nightmares, a group willing to unleash the Slaugh on their enemies. The King of Light and Illusion ruled the Seelie, the Shining Throng. But in my opinion people had it wrong. The Shining Court was only that because they didn't really allow for imperfection. I had come to the view that they were almost Aryan in their zeal to keep their beautiful status.

Galvern stared at me open mouthed. "How dare you assume to say such things about our King!"

I let my eyes bleed flames and felt my skin harden. "I am Shadow Phoenix. I am Power. I am that which can raise the Dead to do as I Will. I say what I think, and no one can make me do otherwise." He blanched.

Maharet and Meker were suddenly beside us as Shallentra was pulling her crystal sword from its sheath. "I wouldn't if I were you." Maharet said simply.

"Who are you to say what I should or should not do? You are dead." Shallentra's voice sounded like breaking glass.

"I am Maharet, and this is Meker. We are the Fount for the strongest of this worlds Vampires. He is Shadow Phoenix, Master Vampire, and your equivalent of a Lord in our hierarchy. He is the Master of his city, he just hasn't found how to use that ability." She looked me in the eyes. "That is why we are here. To give him the knowledge he needs to assume command of his territory." She turned back to Shallentra and Galvern. "I say to you now, to attack him is to attack us. Do you wish War between our people's?"

"You would declare War between the Sidhe and the Soul Bearing Vampires?" Galvern whispered. "He's not even of your race!"

"He is Vampire. He has a soul. The humans have many different nations with different people's, but they are all human. The only race of Vampire that does not fall under that rule are the Demonic."

"And it would not be the Sidhe as a whole, Galvern," Meredith said smiling, "but the Seelie Court. The Unseelie hold nothing against the Vampires."

"Because you are all vile." He spat out.

I turned to him and Shallentra. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." I flung my hand up into the air, and they shot over the wall and towards the water.

"I don't think I could have enjoyed that more." Meredith stepped over to Maharet and they joined in a hug. "How are you Auntie?"

"I am well child. I have not seen you since you ran."

"Well, things became a little too dangerous at Court." They pulled apart. "I was so glad when I heard you two had found each other again."

The twin sisters looked at each other and nodded. "Before you two prepare to make final arrangements to leave, Blake, I offer you this."

Suddenly information was pouring into my mind. Maharet gave me knowledge of how she controlled the Vampires of her race. When she was done I knew how I could adapt the information for me to use my own powers to do the same. Not only for the Vampires that went through the Watchtower of the West, but all the Races on Earth.

"I can bring the city of San Francisco under control..." I said, shocked.

"Yes. We had a feeling that with your vast abilities you would be able to tie any given species to you. You can end the violence in your kingdom."

"Thank you... I don't know what I can do to repay you." I said.

"You brought down Dasro and Sanswah. The worst of our kind. It is I that has repaid you."

The rest of the evening was filled with nothing but happiness. People dancing. And me doting over my new husband.

Life had finally become perfect.

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