Tales of the New Phoenix

By Joshua B Weston

Published on Jan 9, 2004


Legal Disclaimer:

I do not own any of the following stories, bands, comic book characters, cartoon characters, movie characters, or television series. I am not affiliated with them, do not know anyone's sexual preference, or them personally. They are as follow:

  • *Nsync - Backstreet Boys -- Evanecence -- The Birds of Prey Television Series or Comic Book Series -- The Harry Potter Book Series -- Any Characters or themes of Marvel Comic Books -- Any Characters or themes of DC Comic Books -- Any of Laurell K. Hamilton's Stories or themes therein -- The Dresden Files Book Series -- Any of Anne Rice's Stories or themes therein -- The Buffy Television Series -- The Angel Television Series -- The Star Wars Movies -- Anything Star Trek

Disclaimer on Series Title:

The title for this new storyline is "My Immortal". This is based on a moving song preformed by the band Evanescence. The lyrics appeared in the chapter about Blake's Wake. You should purchase their new Album, "Fallen". It's a truly great CD.

Special Note:

The Disclaimer will only appear in the first chapter, instead of repeating the same crap over and over again. I will put in smaller disclaimers if something comes up that I did not cover above. Now for the basics, if you are not over 18 (21 in some places) go away. This series contains adult themes and sexual activity. Not to mention it's Man on Man. If you just went "Ew, gross!" this is definitely not the place for you.

Other Stories to Read:

"Tales of a Real Dark Night" (The series that started it all.) ~Under the Boy Bands Section

"Tales of a Super Hero Band" ~Under the Boy Bands Section

"Marvel Knights" ~Under the Celebrity Section

"Tales of a Young Mutant" ~Under the Celebrity Section

News From the Author:

Hey there everyone, it's me Blake. How are you all? I've gotten a number of flame letters regarding Blake's Death. It was crucial for the ending of the storyline. I hope things will become clear in this one. A lot of interesting things are going to happen, including someone you all love... well, I'm not going to give anything away. Expect posts every two weeks, except for Chapters 1, 2, & 3. Chapter 3 will be e-mailed to Nifty and will either be posted on Saturday night, or Sunday Night. Enjoy, and E-mail me! WriteMeAStory@Juno.com!

My Immortal Chapter 1: Lost

I was standing there basking in Dasro's death when the gateway formed. I turned to the arch and saw a tunnel of white. At the end another world. A city. I moved towards it and could sense a great mind that was curious. It sensed the gate. I looked at the gate and tried to feel what powered it. I couldn't sense its energy source. I tried to break it telekinetically. It wouldn't brake.

I pulled the sword from the wall, walked over, and struck the arch. The sword hit and did nothing. I cast my powers into the tunnel and studied it. The tunnel could be broken. I could destroy it, but not the arch.

I picked up the dagger and created a sheath for it on my pants. I put the sword away and stepped up to arch. I knew what this meant. I knew what had to be done. The tunnel can't be broken at either end, only within. So I did what needed to be done.

I envisioned the beach that Josh and I shared most nights. I looked about, then concentrated on bringing him there too. He appered to my right a few meters away. "Blake!" he ran towards me. "Oh my god, I'm so glad you're ok." He threw his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. "I... I don't think I could live if anything happened to you." I put my arms around me and started crying.

"You will." I said.

"I... I will? What... what do you mean I will?" He pulled away and looked me deep in the eyes.

"Josh," I said. I stroked his cheek just studying him. "You are my universe. You are my everything. And I would do anything, anything to make sure you're safe." I used my powers to make him look like he did before all of this had happened.

"What's going on Blake? Why are we here? Why aren't you with me in the real world." He was becoming frantic and scared, and it tore my heart apart. "What the hell is going on?"

"I... I have to do this. If I don't, it could spell ruin for the entire human race. I can't let that happen." We were both sobbing.

"Blake, no. Please, don't leave me! We can find another way to do whatever it is that needs to be done. Just tell me where you are! We can go charge Andreas ring and be there!"

"There isn't time. She is coming already." I sniffed back my tears. "I need to go now. I'm sending you back. Just always remember, I love you. It's only you. All for you."

"NO!" He screamed grabbing onto me but I sent him back.

I looked around at our special place. The waves broke against the rocks softly and the sand sparkled in the moonlight. I looked up and saw something I had never noticed before. Two stars that danced around each other. I smiled through my tears and went back to my body.

I walked into the tunnel, the only thing keeping me from falling down and weeping was the fact that I needed to do this to ensure Josh's safety. That the world would go on for him without this new threat.

`What are you?' suddenly came into my mind.

She was calling to me. Speaking to me with her mind.

`I am Phoenix. You shall not enter this world.' I cast back.

`Don't do what you are planning. This world I sense is lovely. I shall enter it and make it mine.' She whispered. I was suddenly so very cold and scared. I reached deep within and cast her power back at her.

`I am PHOENIX! You shall not stop me with cheap tricks!' I screamed back at her. I was almost to the center of the tunnel. I could see her standing at the end, wearing a flowing white gown that was muddy at the hem from walking in the wet grass. It was a park overlooking a city at the other end.

`Then you shall die!' she whispered back to me. Cuts started forming all over my body. I ignored them and finally reached the middle of the tunnel.

The cuts kept forming and I ignored them. I cast my mind back towards Josh and said three final words. "I love you." Then I unleashed the Phoenix. His flames expanded to the edges of the tunnel and pushed it outwards. She fell away from the tunnel at the other end shrieking as the Phoenix flames erupted out her end. The energy forming the tunnel spread to its breaking point and snapped violently. I cried out as the world folded in on itself. The Phoenix faded in pain as energy washed through my body. I saw bright white, then black, and then stopped all feeling as my thoughts slipped away.

A sense of peace and stillness came. Then unspeakable pain. I could feel the Phoenix being pulled apart within me, and my aura being ripped at. I looked behind me, the way I had come and saw nothing but a void of black. I looked ahead of me and could see white plasma replacing the tunnel, and in its center I could vaguely make out the park where the woman was.

I used the last bit of my strength and pushed myself through the plasma. The Phoenix was too weakened to really protect me and I could feel my skin at my arms being burned severely. I made it through the tunnel and fell onto the grass.

To my right was the woman. Her gown was muddied and had grass stains. She was as pale as fresh linen, with hair that was a soft blond. She would have been beautiful, but her jaw was just a bit too sharp.

"You have made a mistake this night, creature." She said. She looked me deep in the eyes. Her eyes were a soft green and I was suddenly falling into them. Her mind washed into mine and I could feel her snipping at it in places. The Phoenix finally recovered and I created a shield around my mind. I cast her out and looked into her eyes which had been replaced with green flames.

"Nice trick, now its my turn!" I lit my eyes with the phoenix force and could feel the light blue flames dance around them. She gasped and shielded her eyes from me.

"I'm not stupid enough to look into your eyes and be rolled!" she shrieked.

"I don't need you to look me in the eyes!" I said. I washed my mind into hers and flooded it with my power. I sent it searing into the depths of her being and she fell to the ground.

I could feel the Phoenix growing weak and knew I didn't have the strength to continue this. I let the flames erupt from my body and flew into the sky.

I was high above San Francisco. That was the city. I looked down and was momentarily happy. I was home. I cast my mind out in search of Josh, but he was no where within my reach. I realized, I was in a different world all together. I flew to where Club Serenity should have been and found a small market. I flew to the loft and found a bookstore. I took off for my condo and found it still there. I scanned it though and found others living within.

I flew to the Golden Gate Bridge and landed on top. I could hear the cars screeching to a halt to see the giant flaming bird and ignored them. I cried and the Phoenix shrieked into the night.

It was all gone.

I was lost.

I had no idea how to get home.

Then I heard them bellow me talking. And a name caught my attention.

"... Anita Blake in here she might know what to do with this thing. I mean, what is it? A type of dragon?"

"What species of dragon is made entirely of flames?"

"Well, I just think someone should call Anita Blake, she knows more about dealing with weird shit like this than anyone."

Anita Blake. From Saint Lewis. I knew the name, and knew what she did. A animator at Animators Inc. But I had no idea why I knew this. I did the only thing I could think of, I took off and headed straight into the sky with ever bit of energy I had. I would fly to the sun, feed, then go to Saint Lewis and figure out what to do there. It was my only idea, and so it was my only plan.

I used the energy from the sun to heal my wounds. The burning faded to nothing, and the cuts knit themselves shut. But my head hurt more than I can ever remember. I closed my eyes, focused, and the pain eased to a bearable hum.

On my way back I realized that the vampire woman had actually taken bits of my memory. I mean, it was the only explanation. I was slightly confused, and knew I had been in the Atlantian chamber fighting Dasro... then I remembered being in the tunnel. I had bits missing.

I flew and flew and was finally above Saint Lewis. I scanned it with my mind and felt hundreds, maybe thousands, of Vampires bellow. Not only that, I felt witches, wizards, lycanthropes, and a few things I couldn't explain. I decided the Phoenix was a bit showy and let the flames dispel.

I flew above the city and headed for the Vampire District. How did I know there was one? No idea.

I landed in an alley beside a club. It was called Guilty Pleasures. I headed for it and stopped. I was dressed as a Vampire Slayer in a city swarming with vamps. I concentrated and got rid of my base weapons, and sent the Sword and Dagger to the roof of the building. I changed my clothes so that I was wearing skin tight leather pants, a sheer black shirt that showed off my body, black boots that came up to just bellow my knees and then folded back down, and my Ankh was naked on my chest.

I headed up to the bouncer still confused as to why I was here, but felt it was the right thing to do.

I made to step around him, but he stopped me. He was a vampire.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked, smiling and showing teeth.

"Into the club." I said plainly.

"No you're not." He said crossing his arms and stepping in front of me.

I looked him straight in the eyes, and I could feel him try and sway my mind. I almost laughed, he was weak compared to the woman in San Francisco.

A look of shock registered on his face and I smiled.

"Stronger ones than you have failed. Now, allow me in. I mean no harm and don't want to have to force you." I said.

"You aint getting in this club." He said. He was really big. Balled. Wearing sun glasses at night. Classic body guard. I moved him aside with my mind and walked in. I heard him coming for me and stopped him with my powers.

I walked in and realized I was in unknown territory, being very foolish. I stopped and concentrated. I pulled my aura close to me and bottled up my powers. I could walk by Professor Xavier and not be noticed as anything more than a normal human.

"Excuse me mon-ami, but may I ask why you forced yourself past my bouncer?" a voice with a French accent asked. I turned and saw possibly the second most beautiful man I had ever seen. He was an inch taller than me, had long black hair that curled at the end and mixed into the black lace that was his shirt. His chest showed and there was a scar on it in the shape of a cross. His pants were perfectly tailored black slacks, and his shoes were polished, black dress.

"Jean-Claude." I said without thinking. How did I know this man? I had never seen him before in my life.

"You know my name, but I know nothing about you." He said. He looked angry. "You have me at a disadvantage, and I don't like being at a disadvantage." I looked into his eyes, and they were the deepest blue I had ever seen. He registered a look of shock and I realized he must have been trying to sway my mind. With my shields and powers so tightly packed he couldn't, but I still could. I could sense his power and it was vast. I also sensed two trails going from him to someplace else. I didn't know where, but knew that I would be up against a great strength if I fought him. "What are you?" He asked simply.

I knew I couldn't tell him what I really was, so I lied. "I am a powerful Telepath and Telekinetic. The strongest on this world." I said. Ok, not a lie, but not really the truth.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

I knew I needed to find someplace to stay. And I felt there was something about this city. I needed to be here. Right here. I looked at the stage were a man was stripping in front of hundreds of women. "I'm looking for a job." I said.

"This is Guilty Pleasures mon-ami, we cater to the darkest fantasies, and display extraordinary gifts. When our dancers put on a show, there is a show to be seen." I looked at the man and realized he was right. The man had bite marks all over his body.

"I can put on a show." I said. "Put me on next and I will amaze your audience." I said.

He looked at me with curiosity. "I do not even know your name." He said.

"Blake Alexander." I closed my eyes and grew my hair out. I added highlights of blue and looked back at Jean Claude who was looking at me with a blank expression. With that face he could either kiss me, or kill me. It was simply that non committal. "I am not a threat, I simply am." I said.

"You will be on next. I will announce it." I nodded and moved towards the stage.

The hair thing was a small show of power. He knew I was more than I appeared, and I needed to prove I did have my own secrets. It was my trump card.

I stopped halfway through the club as the lights died. The man had finished.

"To my special guests tonight it seems we have a surprise. A young man who has requested to dance for us. I have not even seen him perform so we are in for a true treat. Let us see what he has." Jean Claude, it seems, had announced me.

The lights came on in light blue. I looked about me and saw women staring at me. I looked at the stage that was 30 feet away and made a jump. I threw in enough telekinesis to ensure I would make it all the way, but made sure it didn't look like I was flying.

With a graceful flip I was standing on the stage. I heard the music start and recognized it. Working as a Club Owner you tend to know many different dance songs. I could work with this. I moved with the beat, and knew I needed more than just good dance moves. I sent a feeling of sensuality flowing out across the room, and heard everyone gasp. I let my telekinetic powers flow over me and it looked as if a wind were dancing around me. My now long black hair danced around me, blue highlights flashing in the light.

I concentrated on my shirt and started to tear it without my hands. It looked like magic as I danced. The shirt fell to the floor in strips and I kept moving. I rubbed my hands over my chest and concentrated on my boots. I readjusted my outfit with my Phoenix Powers, careful not to let it show. I created a black thong with wire thin straps. It wouldn't show in my pants. I also created disguised zippers in my boots. When I was done I started to unzip the boots with my powers. I stood in places and just used my arms and upper body to dance to the music. When my boots were unzipped I stepped out of them. I then started to undo my pants with my powers.

The room was silent as my pants started to unbutton and unzip. I then started to rip them at the front all the way down. They peeled off me and I stood there naked except for the black thong. I moved towards the crowd of women who were now standing at the stage with money in their hands. I used my powers to snatch the money into the air, letting it dance about me like a cyclone. The music faded and the lights fell. I used my powers quickly to have my clothes reform on me. The house lights came back on and I stood there, fully dressed holding the money. The crowd gasped and then started to applaud. I walked to the edge of the stage and was met by Jean Claude.

"Do I have a job?" I asked.

"Yes, you do." He said.

"I have no social security number, no ID, no anything. I don't exist." I said simply.

He smiled. "You are a mystery Mr. Alexander. I look forward to figuring you out." He started walking and I followed. "I will acquire a small place for you to live. You shall be paid cash. You have two shows a night, 5 nights a week, and three shows on Saturday. Five hundred a night plus any tips you receive."

"I can also bartend between sets." I said.

He smiled. "Very well, eight hundred." He stopped and looked at me. "For some reason I feel compelled to help you. I do not know why."

"I don't know either, but I thank you." He smiled and we walked towards the office.

That night I was taken to a small apartment by one of his people. It was cozy. I sat on the furbished bed, and then walked to the window. I called for the sword and dagger and they came. I sat back down and looked at the wall.

I cried.

I cried because I was separated from the man I love and had no idea what was happening with the war.

I was crying because I was scared and alone.

I slept, and didn't dream. I'm not sure if that should hurt, or be a gift.

Next: Chapter 28: My Immortal 2

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