Tales of the New Phoenix

By Joshua B Weston

Published on Jul 4, 2003


Enter the infamous legal disclaimer... NOW:

I do not own any of the following. I wish I did. OH how I wish I did. Do you know how much money some of these bring in? But alas, I am but a meager college student working towards a teaching degree. That's right; I am in college, and going to be a teacher. Going from no money at all (college student) to no money at all (teacher). Please don't sue. You'll get a crappy pen set that I got from my brother many moons ago. Now, onto everything I do not own. Repeat. Don't own. I don't know sexual orientations or personalities either. DON'T OWN, DON'T KNOW!

Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Pink, Christina Aguilera, The Wallflowers, and any other celebrities. I also know nothing of their sexual orientations.

Marvel Comics, DC Comics, and all related characters.

The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter book series by Laurell K. Hamilton.

The Vampire Chronicles, Tales Of The New Vampires, The Mayfair Witches, all series and characters written by Anne Rice.

Buffy & Angel television series.

Birds Of Prey television series.

Star Wars

Star Trek, Star Trek TNG, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek The New Frontier, Enterprise television series, movies, and novels.

Ok, now that that is taken care of, a little publicity for my co-authors. Go read these four stories in the Boy Bands, and Celebrity sections:

Tales Of A Real Dark Night (The series that started it all.) celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-real-dark-knight/

Marvel Knights celebrity/marvel-knights/

Tales Of A Super Hero Band celebrity/boy-bands/tales-of-a-superhero-band/

Tales Of A Young Mutant celebrity/tales-of-a-young-mutant/

There may also be a new writer up and coming. Good luck! I love the storyline I've seen so far dude! Keep writing!

Finally, this is it I promise, we are entering into a section of the story where 4 stories converge. I am hoping that this is not confusing, but exciting for you all. So, enjoy!

Note from Author: I'm sorry it's taken so long to post again. I'm a jerk. Hate me if you wish. I have the next two chapters written, and will be posting once a week until I run out of writing. Then... well... one step at a time... eh?

The Story of the Birds Of Prey Chapter 7: Silence Broken

Hours had passed with out much happening. We had no idea what to do. We found what appeared to be the burial grounds in a large crypt deep within the temple. Jean and I took the remains of the wizards there. But we were all shell shocked and confused. Ororo contacted the Professor, but he was as much at a loss as we were.

"So... what do we do now?" Josh asked, sitting on a bench in the center of the great, quiet, hall.

"I have no idea." I said. "We have no idea how to track Dasro or Sanswah. We're royally screwed."

"No we are not. Marvel Girl, Rogue, and C will go to Cairo." Ororo said taking control. "There is a tavern there called the Night Star. Ask for Jared. He will know if anything is happening in the under ground. Phoenix, you and I shall take to the air. These monsters will show themselves." I nodded. We were about to exit when the temple shook.

"What the hell?" I screamed as the shaking became a roar.

"They're gonna burry us alive!" Andrea screamed, dodging a falling chunk of stone.

"Not if I can help it!" I erected a force field around us. Chunks of stone smacked against my barrier as the temple began crumbled around us. We watched as the spell that expanded this incredible space began to waver, walls sliding towards us. Then all became dark as the torches that lit the space were doused by falling debris.

After many moments silence began to fall.

"Did they stop firing?" Jean asked.

"Only because..." My powers allowed me to sense the ruin around us, "they have completely destroyed this temple. There is nothing left but so much rock and sand."

"By the Goddess!" Ororo whispered. Then I heard her voice crack as she said, "Can you get us out of here?"

"My pleasure." I said. I felt the Phoenix extending into the rock, feeling the stone as it pushed it away with a cry. Then it surged upwards, sending giant boulders flying into the air. When we were clear we could see the troops of vampires wearing black army gear and tinted visor helmets.

"Ok guy's, from her out we fight. C, I'm setting you on top of the rock pile with Rogue. You two are our snipers. Take as many as you can." I looked at Josh. "And be careful."

"Will do." Josh said, smiling behind his blue glasses.

"I'll take the base of the rocks." Jean said "They will have to get by me to get to C and Rogue."

"Righteo Marvel Girl." With that, I sent the two of them away, encased in energy orbs. When they were safely on terra firma I let the energy disperse and turned to Ororo and Andrea. "Shall we?" I asked, pulling away from them and watching Ororo's eyes fog to white.

"Let's go." She said. The Phoenix let out a cry and I swooped down towards the troops. They had actual tanks with missile launchers attached to the sides.

"I see some fighter jets in the distance, they're mine!" Andrea said, letting her falcon form and flying off after the fighter planes.

Storm created a sand storm and swept it across the troops, disorienting them. I used my powers and lifted one of the tanks high into the air. I floated it above one of the other tanks and let it drop. I was about to do it again with another tank when I felt a blinding energy slam into me.

"What the hell!" I screamed as it drove me high into the sky. When I could move again I turned and saw Dasro floating in the air about a half mile away with my enhanced vision. He was holding a black sword and a dagger in the other hand.

"Come and get it pigeon." He said to me telepathically.

With a great cry I started at him. As I flew I formed a red ball of plasma and hurled it at him. As it neared he held the dagger up and I watched the plasma get sucked into it. A flaming aura formed around Dasro and he began to laugh.

"Foolish creature. You have just given me that which will destroy you." He lifted the sword towards me as my mind realized what was happening. It was the Sword of Horus and Fang of Set he was using. Everything was happening so fast I hadn't noticed.

When the tip of the sword was aimed directly at me, the energy field around his body flowed like water to the sword and slid to the tip, creating a blinding red point. A beam of raw energy screamed from the tip and slammed into me. I could feel the force of the hit in my teeth, but the Phoenix protected me. With a loud cry the Phoenix held in place, wings beating furiously. Then I felt the Phoenix begin to feed off the energy.

The plasma ball I had thrown was being magnified hundreds of times. The Phoenix absorbed this new energy and I felt myself becoming more and more vitalized. I reached towards the setting sun with my powers and did as I had seen within the Memory Keepers mind, only using the sun instead.

I don't know how I knew how to do this, maybe it was pure instinct on the part of the Phoenix, but I began to collect the light. Telekinetically I drew in all the photons coming from the setting sun, even as the last of the energy came from the sword. Phoenix fed and I saw its flames begin to change from Red to Yellow. I remembered from Astronomy that the colors of heat followed the rainbow spectrum. When the flames reached their greatest intensity at Blue, Phoenix let the light flood back into the lands. The battle had stopped and all eyes were on me, including Dasro.

"Come pitiful Vampire." I said, my voice coming from the very air itself. "Let us take this fight where it shall be you and I alone." I lifted my hand and a blast of blue light slammed into him at the speed of light, hurtling him into the distant desert. I looked at my friends, the light from the now blue Phoenix flames casting an eerie glow on the battle below, and shot into the sky towards Dasro.

He had slammed into the sand and was standing when I reached him thirty miles away.

"You may have been able to knock me from the sky Phoenix, but you have yet to defeat me." Dasro launched towards me, but I easily swiped him from the sky.

"You are out of your league vampire. I am Phoenix!" As I said this, phoenix let out a cry. "I have been holding my powers at bay only for the sake of my colleagues, now feel my power."

Ever since I first felt the Phoenix flames I knew I could make them real. Actual streamers of plasma, actual flaming feathers on the Phoenix. I didn't do this to protect people around me. But with the only other living person thirty miles away, I didn't worry about this.

I was not even fifty feet off the ground when I brought the flames to life. The sand beneath me instantly melted and began to boil. Dasro, only a few hundred feet away shielded himself from the heat of the Phoenix, which was hotter than the surface of the sun.

"Very good Phoenix, but you still pale in comparison to my powers." Dasro looked at me and I saw his skin begin to glow a bright white from within. Arcs of white lightening began to dace from his exposed flesh, and flames erupted from his eyes. "I have the powers of a god within me. I shall crush you like the small creature you are."

We both hung in the air, our power dancing from deep within us. Then he sheathed the dagger, and pointed the sword towards me. I lifted one arm towards him and we both let pure, raw energy stream towards each other. Where the energy beams met a great blast of energy crashed outwards. A crater was blasted hundreds of feet into the ground and I knew that they would feel the energy blast back at the temple. I also knew it would take time for that.

I contacted Andrea telepathically, surprised that I could divert my mind in such a way, and warned her of the coming blast. I then turned my attention back to Dasro and saw him not breaking a sweat.

I sensed a build up of power from him and I began to build up a new surge myself. As he launched his new thrust of power, I launched mine. The blast from this volley was amazing. As the two energies collided the atoms that were there fused and a small fusion explosion was set off. I knew that we did not have time for this, and began to worry that we would cause a blast strong enough to destroy what was left of the temple. I reached down into the heart of the earth and felt the molted rock. I pulled a river of magma upwards and saw the earth tremble as I did so. It erupted and blasted into Dasro. The sword went flying as he was knocked into the air. I grabbed the sword with my powers and looked towards Dasro. He was focusing his defenses only his front, and was not prepared for a blast from beneath. His clothes were decimated, and his skin charred where the molten rock had touched. He looked towards me, in visible pain, and clutched the sheathed dagger in his ruined hand. "You have won this battle Phoenix." He said with a broken voice. "But the war shall be mine." With a speed I didn't think he possessed he launched into the now dark night and out of my sight. I tried to sense him, but he was able to block my scans with his own powers.

I made the phoenix flames cool again and looked at what was left of our battle site. A crater hundreds of meters in diameter, and almost as many deep, was bellow me with glowing lava pooling at its bottom. I reached downward and cooled the small volcano I had created making it forever quiet. I was about to fly back to the ruined temple when I spotted the sheath for the sword. I levitated it to me and saw it scorched and melted. Using my powers I mended it and attached it to the back of my suit. I sheathed the sword and went back to the battle.

I knew that Blake's powers were awesome in strength but the display he gave when fighting Dasro was unbelievable. As he followed after Dasro into the distance I refocused my attention back to the enemy aircraft. There were at least twenty jets flying all about. Storm was doing her best to push back the hundreds of ground troops while avoiding getting hit by weapons fire, while C and Rogue kept firing from crouched positions at the top of the rock pile. Things were not looking all that good though.

"Storm! You've got a jet coming in fast from the east! Can you get it?" I bellowed into my comm.

"Affirmative Green Falcon. But I think we are spreading ourselves too thin. Rendezvous at C and Rogue's location. We can't keep fighting without any structure." Storm responded.

"Copy that!" I yelled while dodging a missile. An actual missile! For little ole me. I pointed my ring in the direction of the jet that shot at me and shot a large green spear at it. It struck the engine located at the back of the aircraft dead on, sending the jet into a crash dive. Before I could see it slam into the sand bellow I was flying my fastest back to the ruins.

When I came in for a landing I reeled in the falcon persona. Jean had rejoined them at the mountain top. As I set down Storm turned to me. "Green Falcon, can you create a protective shield around us?"

"Sure thing." I pointed straight outward and a green bubble sprung up around us.

"Now, I shall take care of the troops. Green Falcon, things are about to get very windy. Please keep us secure." I turned to look at Storm as lighting cracked in the distance, one blast after another. I turned to see dark clouds rolling in with impossible speed. The covered the area in no time, blocking out the setting sun.

Blasts of lightning began to strike the tanks that Phoenix didn't take care of. Phoenix, Blake, these names were beginning to give me a headache. After each tank had been blasted with lightning a wind started to sweep up the sand. The troops bellow had focused on firing on us without any relent. The bullets from rifles and rays from energy weapons cause bright green to flare on the shield, but I could feel that it would hold.

Within less than a minute the vampires bellow us had stopped firing, deciding they would rather try to hold their positions as Storm's winds hammered into them. I looked up to the clouds and could see the clouds beginning the reach down with a giant finger, illuminated grandly by the occasional bolt of lightning. I looked back down and saw the vampires scrambling to run away as the tornado touched down. It was futile as Storm began to sweep the land like she was vacuuming a living room.

Then we all stopped as we felt and heard a blast in the distance. We all turned to see a distant point of light.

"Blake..." C whispered. I turned to him and watched for a moment. Then I heard Blake in my mind, warning of another blast, much stronger.

"Guy's, hold on!" I reformed the shield so that there was a point aimed towards Blake and Dasro. We felt the earth shake as a fierce wind rode over us. When it was finished we all turned to the desolate landscape Storm had left. Not a single vampire or vehicle remained where they once were. Instead bodies lay crumpled on the desert floor.

"The battle is done." Storm said, sadness tinting her voice.

When I got back to the others I was met with a desolate battle field. I saw the clouds overhead from the distance, dispersing rapidly. I landed and looked at the others. "How did it go?"

"I used my powers to decimate a small army." Storm said under her breath. She sank to the ground. "And it was very, very easy." She said as tears fell. Jean came to her side and pulled her into her arms.

"Ororo, it couldn't be helped. And they were Vampires. They were going to kill us and go on to feed upon all other living beings." Jean said. "You did what you had to do."

"I also got back the Sword. We are making great progress in this war." I said kneeling beside them.

"It is over now." She said standing. "The battle has been won. We must now prepare for the next."

"Now that they have the dagger, they won't be staying in Egypt." I said.

"They will, however, come back for the sword." Ororo said.

"Guys... did anyone keep track of the mini-jets during this?" Rogue asked. We all looked at her, then down towards the battle field and saw the charred husks that were the vehicles we came here in.

"All things considered, I believe we should return to New York." Ororo said. "How we are going to get there is another question."

"Leave that to Air Falcon!" Andy said. She pointed her ring down towards the battlefield and a green jet formed. "All aboard!" She yelled.

Josh stopped me as we all started climbing towards the Jet. "You know, this has to be the shortest stay in a foreign country I've ever had."

"And probably the most exciting." I said with a grin.

"Oh shut up and kiss me." He said pulling me into a deep kiss. We stood like that for a while, and then I heard a roar in the distance. Josh pulled away and turned towards it. "What is that?"

I looked towards the distant sound and didn't want to believe what I was seeing. Hundreds of giant robots were flying towards us, along with a fleet of Dasro's ships. "Guy's!" I yelled towards the others. "It's not over!"

Next: Chapter 19: Birds of Prey 8

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