Tales of Sol

By Joseph Klimczak

Published on Oct 27, 2012


The Tales of Sol 9 By Joe at3unit3@yahoo.com

I dedicate the Tales of Sol to all of my brothers and sisters of the US armed service past, present, and future. This is a fictional story it is not intended to imply that any of the celebrities mentioned are homosexuals. If you are not old enough to read these stories do yourself a favor don't get caught. The same goes for those people whose countries have these sites made illegal. And for everyone else enjoy

Captain Planet and related characters was created by R.E Turner and copyright by AOL Time Warner Company and Trademark by TBS Productions

Babylon 5 and all related characters and props were created by Michael Straczynski and copyright by Warner Bros.

Star Trek and all related characters created by Gene Roddenberry. Copyright Paramount

Transformers and all related characters, and props are trademarked by Hasbro inc. Copyright Rhino Home Videos and AOL Time Warner Entertainment CO

He-Man, She-Ra, related characters, and props are trademarked by Filmation 1980's

Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Angel and all related characters created by Joss Whedon. Copyright 20th Century Fox.

Batman, and all related characters created by Bob Kane. Copyright DC Comics and Warner Bros.

X-MEN, and all related characters created by Stan Lee. Copyright Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox.

Star Wars and all related concepts created by or based on the universe created by George Lucas. Copyright 20th Century Fox, LucasFilms Ltd. and Lucas Books/Ballantine Books.

Gargoyles and all related characters created by Greg Weisman and Copyright by Walt Disney

Here is the next chapter for Sol I hope you enjoy reading, please donate to Nifty.org so that they continue to offer this service.

The Tales of Sol 9 A Day with 98 Degrees

After dropping the guys off at the damaged hall and I flew the Sea Dragon back to the Lair. Where I changed back into my civilian clothes and then took the subway back to the Geo Plant the concert hall. It still looked like it just been through a war I am going to find out how those guys managed to penetrated our security but that was for another time. I saw Dave standing with 98 Degrees and they all looked better then the last time I saw them. Dave had a Band-Aid on his cheek and he managed to get his hair back to his liking and none of the guys from 98 Degrees had a scratch on them.

"Hey guys I am so sorry I didn't catch on before it was too late," I said to them I still felt the shame for not understanding the ping sooner.

Sympathizing Nick asked, "What could have you've done?"

"I don't know but it was my job to make sure that Geo Plant was secure and I failed in my duties," I told them I was doing all I could to insure that I took the blame and not Dave.

Dave turned to me then with a knowing look he knew what I was doing by placing the blame squarely on my shoulders. He said, "But, Mike you knew something was up when you told me to increase security,"

"That was just a feeling," I replied "And it still didn't do any good because the plant was bombed and you guys were kidnapped," I berated myself

"Mike it wasn't your fault someone was lax in their duties," Dave tried to assure me

"But I should have been in the security room and not at the concert," I scolded at myself

"But it was I who insisted on you being there, because I wanted you there," Dave stated he was right as usual but that didn't change the fact that I should have done more.

"Well you can rest assure my friend we are just fine thanks to a friend," Drew said trying to make me feel better

That made my heart sing knowing, who this friend was he was talking about, turning to see Dave smiling at me I smiled back.

"So you have met my friend Guardian Angel?" I asked

"How did you know?" Jeff asked

"Who do you think it was who told him you were kidnapped?" I told him

"Guardian Angel, and I are very good friends," I told them

"So you did help us out after all," Jeff commented

"I guess I did," I replied

Changing the subject before they asked too many question "So what now?" I asked

"Well we would like to head back to our hotel change then go out and have some fun," Justin replied

"Cool, cool," I said

"Mike, why don't you go with them?" Dave recommended

Dave's suggestion nearly made me faint I couldn't think of anything I rather do but I was a, nobody why would these gorgeous and extremely wonderful people want to spend any time with me.

"Oh no, I couldn't impose myself on them," I stated nervously holding my hands up as if to ward off any attack

"Nonsense, we would love to have you along," Jeff replied, my pulse quicken this was impossible I had nothing to offer them why would they even show an interest.

I didn't deserve to be in the same obit with 98 Degrees how could they even be considering wanting to hang out with me.

"Yeah it not often we get to hang out with our male fans," Nick said firmly

"I?" I started to say but Justin interrupted, "We insist you come along,"

I just stood there thinking it over then for no apparent reason I started laughing, which just sent the whole lot into a fit.

"Oh, alright I know when I am being outflanked, I will come but I too have to head home so that I can change," I told them

"How about I come with you then direct you to our hotel," Jeff supplied again my heart began to pound into my chest, give me an enemy any day but being in the same orbit of someone of Jeff's caliber. It just didn't seem right but I couldn't be rude so I finally agreed, "Sounds like a plan,"

Jeff and I said our goodbyes then we head for my truck when we approached it Jeff just whistled

"What?" I asked

"Nothing just it looks beautiful," He Blushed

"Yeah, yeah," I smiled

No sooner do I turn the key to start up the engine, that I thought the Fates were plotting against me. My CD player comes to life and wouldn't you know it the first song to come out of the speakers was 'Drowning' by the Backstreet Boys I blushed heavily the last thing I needed was Jeff thinking I was some crazed fan and I was going to hold him hostage or something.


Don't pretend you're sorry

you know you're not

You know you got the power to make me weak inside

And girl you leave me breathless

But it's OK

Cause you are my survival

Now hear me say...

I can't imagine life without your love

And even forever don't seem like long enough

'Cause everytime I breathe I take you in

And my heart beats again

Baby I can't help it

You keep me drowning in your love

Everytime I try to rise above

I'm swept away by love

Baby I can't help it

You keep me drowning in your love

Maybe I'm a drifter

maybe not

Cause I have known the safety of floating freely in your arms

I don't need another lifeline

It's not for me

Cause only you can save me

Oh, can't you see

I can't imagine life without your love

And even forever don't seem like long enough

Don't seem like long enough, yeah

Cause everytime I breathe I take you in

And my heart beats again

Baby I can't help it

You keep me drowning in your love

And everytime I try to rise above

I'm swept away by love

Baby I can't help it

You keep me drowning in your love

Go on and pull me under

Cover me with dreams, yeah

Love me mouth to mouth now

You know I can't resist

Cause you're the air that I breathe

Everytime I breathe I take you in

everytime I breathe, yeah

And my heart beats again

Baby I can't help it

baby I can't help it

Keep me drowning in your love

And everytime I try to rise above

I'm swept away by love

Baby I can't help it

Baby I can't help it

Keep me drowning in your love


Baby I can't help it

Keep me drowning in your love

Keep me drowning in your love


Got me drowning

Keep me drowning in your love

Baby I can't help it

I can't help it, can't help it, no no

Everytime I breathe I take you in

I do

And my heart beats again


Baby I can't help it

Baby I can't help it

Keep me drowning in your love

Every time I try to rise above

Everytime I try to rise, rise above

I'm swept away by love

Baby I can't help it

You keep me drowning in.... your love

Still blushing heavily I quickly turned switched to the radio which played a different song. When I looked back at Jeff and he was snickering, "So you like them too eh?"

"Well I won't lie, while like 98 Degrees I love the Backstreet Boys," I told him I could still feel the heat coming off of my extremely red face.

"Oh and what do they got that we don't?" Jeff laughed

"Nothing I just love them more then you," I laughed back

"Hump," Jeff pouted

Damn he was cute with that pout on his face and when the smile returned I swore the ambient lighting in my truck's cab went up several magnitudes, And one thing was for certain it was one that I would go to war for.

My feelings were all over the place I couldn't nail them down, they were so mixed up it felt like I was going to have a mental meltdown. So I tried to begin a mind focusing exercise attempting regain some control of my emotions, but for whatever the reason I couldn't rest my feeling enough to focus my mind.

"So how did you like the Navy?" Jeff asked I was glad for the change in the subject

"It had its ups, and downs just like everything else," I shrugged

"That wasn't an answer," Jeff laughed

I laughed 'two could play at this game' I thought

"OK how do you like being in the singing group 98 Degrees?" I asked

"It has its ups and downs just like everything else," Jeff said sheepishly

I laughed, "Well, that wasn't an answer either,"

We both started laughing uncontrollably "That wasn't fair," Jeff pouted again

"OK I loved the Navy, and the only reason I got out was because the Navy was down size to meet with the budget," I slightly lied I was not ready to tell him the truth.

"That is cool," Jeff accepting my answered

"However the Navy wasn't ready to let go so they gave me orders for the Naval Reserves," I chuckled

"Hey we all got to do what we can," Jeff said with that damn disarming smile of his

By the Mother's Hand he was handsome, and yes I would go to war him I did a quick personnel diagnostic to make sure all of my personnel blocks were still intact.

Whatever the reason I couldn't help but feel secure around Jeff.

We pulled up to my home from the outside it looked like a typical twin house with its identical twin attached

"So, which one is yours?" Jeff asked

"They both are," I told him

"What there is no way," He said

"The one on the left was my home as I grow up and the one on the right was my neighbor's but they moved out because of the tax were too high I saved us both the trouble and bought both of them. And thanks to Dave I was able to secure them both." I said

We entered my home and the only thing that would have told some one that the homes were once linked is the center staircase and the Fireplace that I had enlarged. The second floor was also connected with the master bedrooms and bathrooms were also enlarged. The rest of it was all opened up and redone the living room was huge now that it wasn't hampered by the walls that divided the two homes there were support columns in place to take the weight that the wall would have I had them in the style of Ancient Greek columns. The place was well lit thanks to all the windows that came from all angles. I had enlarged the kitchen and dinning room too I could now host large dinner guess. I had redone all of the rooms upstairs and the cellars downstairs. And running the entire length of the house were fiber optics lines that made up my home internal computer.

"OK let me go get changed, and I will be right down, you are welcome to anything in the kitchen." I told him

The stunned expression made me laugh I went to my room and quickly changed.

When I got back down Jeff was still in the living room sitting patiently on one of my couches he had to his award-winning smile that could melt the polar icecaps

"You are just one surprise after another," Jeff said

"Well that make two of us," I replied

"So do you need to do anything before we go?" I asked

"Nothing I can think of," He replied

"Then there is just one thing left to do," I stated

"Oh, what's that?" Jeff asked

"Mister Timmons, would you like to drive my truck?" I asked holding up the keys.

Jeff nearly took my hand when he grabbed for them.

"Hell yes," He laughed

"Next time can I keep my hand?" I joked making Jeff blushed deeply.

It took us a half hour to reach the hotel that 98 Degrees was staying at, and when we reached floor. Jeff told me I could head for Nick's room if I wanted to while he went to change. He told me that was where everyone seemed to hang out I agreed and moved toward the indicated door. While Jeff went to his room so that he could change when I heard his door close behind me a part of my mind still couldn't believe. That I here was in the hotel of 98 Degrees and I was outside the door of Nick Lachey of all people. I almost did an about face and make a made dash for the elevator I felt the ever presence of the Mother in the back of my mind she reassuring me. Somehow she was telling me that this was where I was meant to be so I came up to Nick's room gathering as much courage as I could muster and knocked on the Door.

"Who is it?" I heard Nick ask

Deciding to have a little fun in my best female voice which helped alleviate some of the anxiety that I was feeling I answered, "Room service,"

"Thanks, I am good," Nick said through the door.

"Are you sure, I have new sheets, fresh towels, new rolls of toilet paper?" I asked still in my female voice

"I said, I am good," Nick reiterated.

"Are you afraid what I might find on those sheets?" I asked

I heard a couple doors open I turned to see both Drew and Justin looking out their doors. It looked like Justin was about to say something but I put a finger to my lips and he got the message and instead watched to see what would happen next.

"That none of your business," Nick said sounding annoyed

I had to stifle my laughter I turned to see Drew and Justin doing the same thing when they caught on to the joke.

I then asked, "So how many boys are in there sleeping with you?"

In a sudden brush of air the door flew open and out came Nick yelling, "Now that is going too far!"

As soon as he saw me his jaw dropped and his face turning every shade of red in the color wheel.

I broke into a hysterical laughter Jeff had just exited his room to see Nick towering over me. "Howdy Nick, fancy seeing you those shades of red." I cackled

"I was yelling at a very rude Maid," Nick said trying to apologizes

Because of how close he was I could smell his breath and a faint odor excepted it was a smell that I've known all my life. His breath was laced with the smell that heavy alcohol drinking often left behind. I took the moment look into his eyes they showed me barely concealed pain. I was hit with a small ping from the Earth which told me that I needed to keep an eye on Nick. That got my attention he was trying to hide something I knew it could lead to a very dark road, what I didn't know was if his band mates knew anything.

"Maid?" I pondered "Did you guys see this Maid Nick speaks of?" I asked Drew and Justin. With the straightest face Drew tried to muster, "Nope I don't even see a Maid's cart on this floor," Drew replied while looking up and down the hall

"Yes our boy Nick is hearing things again, I told you to see a shrink about that," Justin did a better job of hiding the laughter that I knew was building up inside of him.

"This is not funny I am sure I heard some crazed Maid out here," Nick tried to defend himself

I turned to see both Drew and Justin fall to the floor laughing so hard that they had tears streaming out of their eyes. Jeff not knowing was going on just stood by with perplex look.

"Well there no one out here but us chickens Nick you must have been hearing things," I smiled

It took him a minute and when I saw the light bulb go off in his head he asked, "That was you, wasn't it?"

"Eh it a possibility," I replied in by best Bugs Bunny impersonation.

It took Nick another second to figure it out "You asshole," Nick finally laughed

"That was just so good Bro I couldn't help but watch," Drew came up

"You knew he was out here?" Nick asked

"Yeah when I heard the elevator door open I knew Jeff was back and that Mike would have been with him," Drew pointed out

Then he continued, "I was about to say hi when I saw him knock on you door."

Nick grabbed Drew and soon the two of them were wrestling.

"Nick, can you wait till we have eaten, before trying to make out with your brother?" I asked this sent Jeff and Justin in roar of laughter and making both Nick and Drew blush heavily.

"That was just sick," Nick retorted

"Oh, I don't know I'd pay money to see the two of you going at it," I smiled

"UGGGHHH," Nick and Drew said at the same time making us all laugh again.

"Let get out of here before I beat our new friend," Drew said

"Drew we don't even know him yet and you already want to beat him?" Justin asked chuckling

"Ugh don't you start," Drew groaned

We all went to the elevator after a quick debate it was decided that it would be safer if we took me truck instead of a limo when we came up to my Ram everyone except Jeff and I whistled.

"Would you care to drive Nick?" I asked

"Oh no, I couldn't," Nick replied

"I could," Drew said snatching my keys out of my hands we piled into my truck with Nick taking shot gun, Justin behind the passenger's seat, Jeff in the center, and me behind the driver's seat. For the first time I was glad that I got such a roomy truck the last thing I wanted was the three of us to feel like a trio of sardines.

Once on the road Jeff starts babbling about my home, "Guys you won't believe but our friend here has a castle,"

"I do not," I said laughing at Jeff description

"Mike I have seen mansions smaller then your home," Jeff came back

"So how big is it?" Justin asked

"It is huge he took pair twin houses, and united them both. To form a monster of a home," Jeff glowed

The guys just looked at me, "Is there something we should know about you?" Drew asked from the front

"No let just say I know how to make the rules work for me," I smiled the guys just laughed

"So where are we going anyway?" I asked realizing that we really haven't decided on where we were going

"I don't know we just drove off really," Drew said honestly

I just sat back and smiled for the first time in years I could smile with joy in my heart.

For most of the ride the five of use played the get to know you game. Drew finally stopped at a restaurant it was one of many Italian restaurants that Philly has to offer. We were seated by the waitress who was all aglow knowing that she was serving 98 Degree's she asked, "Is there anything I can get you to drink?"

Nick to a look at the drink menu, as did the rest of us.

"I will have a Sprite," I answered

"I will have cup of coffee," Drew answered

"I'd like a Long Island ice-tea," Nick replied

"I too would like a Sprite," Jeff answered

"I will have Coke," Justin said

"Very good," She said taking the orders and walking away.

I got a second ping from the Mother there was something wrong with Nick not that the drink alone was the issue but it seemed linked somehow.

"So Mike I have to ask last night you said you had a connection with the Earth what did you mean by that?" Jeff asked this got everyone attention apparently this is the first that they've have heard of this.

"Well first it not connection more like a belief," I started I redirected I didn't want to let them know how close I was to the Earth not yet any way.

They all turned to me "I have come to believe that there's more to the Earth then a nickel and iron core, that our world possessed a Soul just as we did, and in my greatest hour of need I called to her and she answered me." I told them

"How do you know it wasn't an Angel or God?" Justin asked

While I had figured this might come I knew what my answer would be, "Because when I had asked that same question I got my answer when I asked the Earth to verify itself," "How?" Drew asked

"I asked the Earth to send me a sign and that exact moment three blue whales appear off my ship's starboard bow," I told them

"Wow," Nick gasped

"When I looked back at it I realized that I was right," I told them

I looked Jeff he didn't look happy for some reason.

"Since then I did my best to pay attention anytime the Earth had something important to say." I told him.

Jeff seemed to relax Nick on the other hand seemed just worried. I looked into his eyes I could sense trouble from him. It wasn't hatred but great sadness as if his whole world had come crashing in on him.

I could feel for him before I could answer further the waitress came back with us our drinks. The whole table was tensing up with the guys were looking more at Nick then anything else. He drank his alcoholic beverage rather quickly then one would in normal circumstances this told me that they were indeed aware of Nick and knew he was in trouble,

"Have you guys decided on what you wanted yet?" the waitress asked this seemed to bring everyone back to the present and we each looked at our menu we ordered the waitress went off to have our orders made.

"If you guys will excuse me I need to use the head," I told them I got up and went to the restroom. Once the door was close I went to the sink and turned on the water splashing some on my face clearing my thoughts 'Mother what is wrong my senses are being over run here I know it is not my place but something is terrible wrong here,' I sent to the world

I came back out of the bathroom to see the guys still in their current state of mood.

I was suddenly hit by another more powerful ping from the Mother I turned just in time to the main door burst open and gun wielding masked man stormed in.

"Damn!" I heard Drew

"Alright nobody move!" A masked man ordered

I turned back into the bathroom and changed into the Guardian Angel leaping out the back window I fired a line into the night sky latching onto a street pole with a slight pull back the line took me into the air.

I fired another line at the closest streetlight jumping off the roof letting the momentum swing into the large window pane. In a very heroic maneuver I smashed into the restaurant's large bay window, shattering the glass sailing through it catching everyone off guard looking up from my crouched position I saw my target. "Now we can do this one of two ways," I told the gunman.

He looked understandably terrified "What?" He asked "This outcome will end in one of two ways," I told him again as I pulling out my Fighting Pike. "Either I will take you down with this Fighting Pike and you are dragged out of here by the police," I informed him. The gunman was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. "Or you can leave and never come back this city is under the protection of the Guardian Angel," I informed him and everyone in the restaurant.

The gunman looked at his gun and it seemed to give him some strength then he turned it on me "You forget freak I am the one with the gun and all you have is a metal pole, I am betting you don't have any other special abilities," When I heard the gun cock I dove forward and rolled back onto my feet. I swung the Fighting Pike first I had it strike the gunman's armed hand making him drop the gun. Then grabbing both ends and thrust the blunt center of my pike under the man's chin I sent him wheeling over a table behind him. Using my Pike I slid the gun out next to the restaurant's door and out of range of the robber. The masked man twisted after landing on the wood floors when he was back upon his feet now he was wielding a knife. "I am going to gut you like a fish freak,"

"I would not advise it," I stated as the masked man came at me waiting till he was almost on top of me stepped out of the way and leaving the Fighting Pike in play he tripped over it and went flying into the restaurant's brick wall. "Sir, I hate to tell you this, however when you take on a building with your face the building will win," I informed my opponent he turned back around I could see the blood seeping through his mask. "Freak I will make you pay," "Can you accept and IOU," I said. As he again charged at me and I again held my pike horizontally in both hands, when he was with in a few feet I struck out the pike's blunt surface landing a blow squarely on the assailant's chin. Then in a fluid motion I completed my move by striking his back, this sent him flying out the door and into a parked car. Exiting the building I grabbed cord and used it to tie his hands behind his back before he could get back up "BEATTI please home in on my position and have the police pick some street litter," I ordered into the Combadge I had placed on the back of my right hand glove.

"Understood," I heard as I turned and headed back the back of the restaurant.

When I got out of the bathroom I asked, "Did I miss anything?"

"Only an armed gunman and Guardian Angels beating the crap out of him," Drew replied

"Oh is that all," I said

"What happen fall in?" Justin asked

"Very funny Justin I was drinking nothing but ice tea all day and it finally got to me," I responded

"Oh that suck," Justin cringed our food had finally arrived and it was good I had to remember to come back here again.

Next: Chapter 10

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