Tales of Middle Earth


Published on Sep 28, 2004


Disclaimer: Lord of the Rings and Middle Earth are the property of JRR Tolkein and New Line Cinema, and I have no connection with either. None of the characters described here are meant to besmirch the original and much loved characters of Lord of the Rings, or imply anything about the actors who played them in the movie trilogy. If you are too young, or don't like gay stories, PLEASE GO ELSEWHERE, or I'll get in trouble. These stories contain scenes of gay sex without condoms or protection, because it doesn't seem likely that condoms would exist in Middle Earth, or STDs for that matter - don't try and copy these fictional characters - always wear a condom during sex, the experience isn't worth the risk.

Author's notes: Okay, a whole month. Disappointing I'm sure, and I am sorry, really. You can blame it on job applications and failures, college preparations, family stuff, little brothers hogging computers (what I wouldn't do for a laptop!), etc. I'll try my best not to take so long again, but I'm not promising anything. I think the main problem was that I stopped receiving those enormously motivational emails from people, and although I did get several over the last month from various (you know who you are, and I thank you), the rate of feedback seemed to fry out quite a bit after Minas Tirith part 2, so I feel its probably necessary to remind you that I LIKE getting emails, and if you have read the story at all, I'd like to hear what you think of it, because if I don't get responses, it seems I loose motivation, and I like this story, and I'd rather not stop. So, again, if you read here, feel completely free to send me a message with greetings, congratulations, or flames and suggestions, its all welcome. Some other things id like to mention are, firstly, I've written a second story, which is in the Athletics section in Nifty.org, called Footy Team Morale, second part on the way. Secondly, I'd like to recommend another story by a fellow author, My Father's Men, in the Incest section, and even if you don't like the subject of incest, its still a pretty good turn-on. And I'm sure Mical likes emails too (I don't know for sure, but im just guessing!) And lastly, something that's been bothering me for a few months. Does anyone know what happened to the Nifty author 'DLS' who wrote 'Brian and me' and 'The sun from both sides' in the boyband section? Because it's been almost ten months since his last post, and I'm getting a bit worried about him. Plus, it's a good story and id hate to see it end. Send me an email if you know anything. Okay, that seems to be all, now...finally...

Tales of Middle Earth Part 7

The seemingly endless countryside of Rohan, more specifically, the Eastfold, spread out towards the horizon. To the north, the dark shadow of Fangorn forest against the distant peaks of the Misty Mountains could be seen. To the south, the White Mountains, the Mount Snowbourne dominant over the rest directly southwards. To the West, Edoras and Isengard, the plains of Edoras hidden from view by the distant peak Dunharrow. And to the East, the far-stretching plains of Anorien, flat, hummocky land all the way from the borders of Rohan to the River Anduin and Gondor, the black clouds over Ered Lithui (Ash Mountains) and Ephel Duath (Mountains of Shadow) looming like a haze in the far distance. To Eomer, it felt that his home town of Aldburg was at the centre of all this, that this was his own kingdom, where he could do more or less as he pleased, within the law, of course, and very few troubles existed. But that was the past. As Eomer stood on the sentry tower in the halls of Aldburg, looking out over the barren, almost bleak, landscape, north, south, east and west, he felt isolated rather than empowered, lonely rather than carefree. He had felt the loneliness here before, but to a decidedly lesser degree, his loneliness lessened decidedly by the presence of his faithful Rohirrim and their families, who always made him feel more at home than any lodging at Edoras. But now, the magic was gone somehow, and he felt his gaze being drawn almost automatically away from the sweeping mountains to the south and the horizon to the east, back towards the plains surrounding the invisible Edoras. Eomer had come back to Aldburg less than a week ago, and already he was beginning to miss the Capitol. It wasn't because the grand halls of Meduseld were more comfortable than his regal residence at Aldburg (which it unavoidably was), but because there were memories there that he wanted to recapture, and which he was desperately trying to escape. His encounter with Káin had left him with feelings he had never had, didn't understand, and certainly didn't want anymore. Shame, guilt, embarrassment, but also lust, excitement, and one other emotion that seemed to drown every other. Whenever he had seen Káin in Edoras, either in the stables or elsewhere, he had tried to either avoid looking directly at him, or, in extreme cases, to hide. This made him feel bad, for he knew Káin noticed this, but the lad hadn't confronted him, and Eomer wasn't going to make an idiot of himself again unless he had to. But he felt an overwhelming need to have the young man in his arms, or at least on his knees in front of him again. But he just couldn't bring himself to face up to him, and the feeling made him feel humiliated with himself. Káin was only a stable boy, and he himself was the nephew of King Theoden, possible heir to the throne and First Marshal of the Rohirrim. Why was he afraid? It didn't make sense, and it seemed the only way to get the images of the beauty of the young man out of his head, if only for a short while, was downing several pints of beer. But he had very little time to enjoy the freedom, since the alcohol, while becoming more familiar to Eomer's taste, was still causing him to fall asleep after a short time, meaning that when he awoke, he was plagued with both thoughts of Káin, and a hangover he couldn't seem to overcome. But the small amount of relief this brought him seemed worth the trouble, and it became a more and more frequent way for Eomer to pass the time, and was rarely seen anywhere other than the ale house on the outskirts of Aldburg, alone at a table, cradling a single pint of ale in his hands, and soon enough asking for another, before staggering out of the door, occasionally managing to make it up the hill to the Hall, but more often ending up in the gatehouse, the stables, even sometimes managing to leave the town unnoticed, wandering through the gates in a stupor, and falling asleep on a rock somewhere like the town drunk, and having to walk the distance home in the morning, averting his eyes from the looks of astonishment on the guard's faces as he arrived back at dawn. This was embarrassing, but it worked, and he didn't feel like giving up. So he didn't.

Gamling, the Second Marshal of the Rohirrim, had noticed this. He saw his lord and marshal every night at the alehouse, with his beer, and then manoeuvring himself out of the door like some kind of troll and disappearing for a while. He did, of course, remember the morning only two weeks ago when he had seen Eomer practically running out of the stables of Edoras, leaving a young and rather unhappy stable-boy behind. He had had to follow when Eomer had suddenly decided a week later to relocate to Aldburg, not an unusual occurrence, but unexpected. He had seen Eomer every night at the pub since then, at first thinking that his lord was at last trying to be sociable, but not possessing the nerve to actually come and sit down at a table uninvited. But as the week had wore on, and Eomer had again and again failed to socialise, apparently preferring the company of his flagon of ale, he noticed a pattern arising; Eomer arriving, Eomer drinking himself legless, Eomer being found passed out the next morning in various locations in and out of town. He knew it had something to do with his encounter in Edoras, but didn't know how to approach him. It wasn't really his place to interfere, and he knew that a lower lieutenant would most likely ignore the change, and act as though nothing was out of the ordinary. But he had known Eomer for years, they were friends, and he didn't like the looks of what was happening. It was quite obvious to him that Eomer was feeling guilty, having seen so many soldiers of Rohan turn to ale after they were confronted with something they didn't think they were strong enough to face. But this time he, Gamling, knew what was bothering his First Marshal, and he knew exactly how to deal with it...

A few days later, Eomer was sitting in his usual place at his table in the ale house, alone and feeling like shit. He had already put away three pints, so his perception of the world was a little bit warped, enough to create a bit of a delay between his surroundings and his brain, meaning that if he heard someone talking, it was occasionally a few seconds, or even a whole minute before he understood what words they had used. However, he hadn't drunk enough so that it was difficult to see yet, so he was surprised when he saw someone sit in front of him at the table. He stared at the man for a moment, noted his broad shoulders and chest, and the tuft of chest hair showing over the low collar of his tunic. Then the man's face began to fall into focus, and Eomer realised that it was his First Lieutenant Gamling. "Gamling?" he queried stupidly, trying to focus better, then rubbing his eyes hard and putting his head on the table. "My lord, don't you agree that three pints of ale is enough for one evening?" He heard through his malfunctioning ears. It echoed round his skull for a moment, and then it registered. 'Don't you th...pints of ale...enough...?' Stop drinking, now? And risk being exposed to reality. No. "Nnnno..." he slurred drunkenly. Then turning to the bar, he raised his hand and roared, "BARMAN!! ANOTHER ROUND!!" A cheer went up from the men in the pub, but was then doused with an icy glare from Gamling, who then turned back to Eomer and clapped a hand securely on his shoulder. "Come on, old friend." He implored quietly, standing up and trying to pull Eomer with him. Eomer tried to resist of course, but he was way too far-gone for it to be very effective, and Gamling managed to get him out of his chair, standing, and then walking without too much difficulty. Everyone followed the two men with their eyes, trying to hold back the laughter as they both wobbled out of the door, Eomer practically draped over Gamling's broad shoulders.

It was good thing that Gamling was a strong man, because a man who had less muscle trying to carry the drunken form of Eomer, who was 6 feet tall and weighed about 195lb of pure muscle, was no joking matter. It was all Gamling could do to get him into the Aldburg halls without collapsing, because Eomer, while he had stopped resisting, wasn't exactly being very cooperative, dragging his feet, making the older man take his full weight. But it was managed eventually, and the guards opened the double doors into the halls, glad that Lord Eomer would be sleeping at home for a change. It wasn't hard to find Eomer's bedroom in the relatively limited size of the halls, since it was the second largest room there. Gamling and two other door guards dragged Eomer into his room and dumped him on his bed, where he seemed to fall asleep immediately, his mouth open slightly. Gamling looked at him with sympathy, and dismissed the guards, preparing himself for a night on the floor. It wasn't exactly how he'd planned the evening, but it was something to look forward to in the morning.

Eomer woke up in a similar situation to the last seven mornings, feeling dazed and confused, with no idea where he was. His eyes focussed finally, and he was surprised and quite pleased to find he'd made it home last night without realising, and into his bed as well. He sat up from his bed, anticipating a hangover pain that never came. He looked down at himself and realised his tunic was missing for some reason, but he shrugged it off. He normally had to dunk his head in a barrel of ice-cold water before he felt more-or-less normal again, but this morning he felt much better than usual. He strained his memory for images of the previous night. He remembered something about...no, that wasn't right. He knew it would come back to him. He swung his legs out of bed, glad to see he was still wearing the brown woollen trousers he'd been wearing the previous day, a noticed the large tube-shaped bulge down the inside of his left leg. This often happened in the morning, especially if he'd been drinking, but he hardly noticed it at most times, but he was so hard this morning it felt extremely uncomfortable when he stood up. He figured that, since he was alone, it wasn't really a problem. He reached for the thin leather belt at his waist, and dropped his trousers. His long, thick cock sprang free, a string of pre-cum springing up with it and sticking to his tight stomach. As he stood, he looked down at his manhood proudly, marvelling in its size and appearance. It was about 9.5 inches long and almost 2 inches thick, which registered as pretty well endowed in Rohan. He remembered back to his days of shafting bawdy women in the Foldes, how they would cry out in delight as he pounded his cock into them. For any other man, this would seem something to boast about. But the idea made Eomer's spirits drop, because the memory was of times when he was desperate, not for women, but just for sexual relief. And it also brought back memories of how Káin's hot mouth had felt so much better than the loose pussy of any woman in Rohan, Gondor, or any land he knew, and it summoned back the guilt and confusion more than ever before. However, the thick meat between his legs seemed to enjoy having a guilty conscience, because it seemed to get even harder at the thought of Káin, stretching up at an angle towards the ceiling. The emotions tumbling about in Eomer's mind began to slow and then stop for the time being as an intense feeling of horniness that he hadn't felt for a while overcame his senses. He looked down at his impressive manhood, the veins beneath the skin in sharp relief as the shaft got harder and harder, the head pushing against the foreskin, trying to get out. Eomer obliged and pulled the skin down, exposing the dark pink flesh below, letting off a contented grunt of pleasure as he did so. He licked his dry lips, his breath and heart rate quickening as he ran his right hand down the pulsing shaft, squeezing it as he did so. He hadn't had any action with his cock since Káin's mouth, not even with his right hand. His large smooth balls felt like they were boiling between his thighs, he knew he had to do something about it, or he would have to walk around with a hard-on all day, and not even leather breeches would have hidden the monster in his groin if it was hard. He took a firm hold of the base of his cock with his left hand, and placed his right hand above it. There was still more than an inch of shaft left between his right hand and the flange of his mushroom head, the skin now turning red, as his two hands trapped the blood in the end of his cock. He opened his mouth and began to breathe harder as he began to slowly move both his hands up his shaft, rubbing his right hand firmly over the sensitive skin of his cockhead, and then back down. His stomach felt like it was clenching, all his hormones simmering in his balls, and he clenched his teeth as the feeling spread throughout his body. He ran his hands up and down his cock again, then again, and again, getting faster each time. Beating off with both hands was the best way to bring on a quick orgasm, Eomer had learned years ago when his manhood had reached 7.5 inches in length at the age of 15. The added friction of his left hand as well as his right roused the cum from his nuts faster than any other way he knew while doing it alone. It didn't really make for intense orgasms, but it did the trick if he had a stubborn hard-on in the morning. He was moving his hands faster and faster up and down his wide shaft now, feeling the rising feeling in the pit of his stomach, meaning that he was close to climax. He gritted his teeth as he pumped harder and harder, his balls swinging back and forth between his legs wildly. Then he felt the feeling that a small explosion had taken place inside his body, as he felt the cum rush from his balls and through his cock, erupting like a fire hose. The streak of cum shot across the room and hit the wooden wall two metres away, more than three feet from the floor. After he had shot four good streaks, he sat back down on the bed, a satisfied grin on his face as he milked the last drops from his dick. Then he suddenly heard footsteps outside the door, and in a panic, he stuffed his softening cock back into his tunic. The door opened, and in walked Gamling. "Good morning," he said as he walked in. He stood in front of Eomer, and Eomer just stared. Gamling was naked from the waist up, and all he had on was a small pair of belted underpants, the very faint morning light enhancing the lines of his muscular body, the cords in his legs flexing. The outline of his cock was clearly visible, and it didn't look small to Eomer. Gamling watched Eomer stare at his body, and then hastily look away as if ashamed. He felt a pang of sympathy for the young man. He had never met any man who was ashamed to look at another man's body, and it was obvious that this man needed education in loosening up. He turned around to face the window, turning his butt to Eomer, who gazed down again at the two hairy globes contained within the white cotton. Gamling, feeling Eomer's eyes on him, grinned to himself, and pulled down his underwear. He gave Eomer a chance for a good look, and then turned around, his cock getting hard just at the thought of what he knew was to come. Eomer looked at Gamling in shock. It wasn't the first time he had seen another man naked, but never in this situation, where the naked man seemed to be allowing him to look. And it wasn't a bad look either. Gamling was a typical rider of Rohan, tall, broad shouldered and tight stomached, the traces of developed abdominal muscles visible beneath his hairy skin. The older man's cock was fully hard now, stretching out from his body at an angle towards the ground. It was about 8 inches, but thicker than Eomer's, and very meaty, with a set of very large, furry nuts hanging below. Eomer felt adrenaline course through his body as his own cock began to harden again. "Like what you see, boy?" Gamling asked, with a sly grin. Eomer just licked his lips, almost hungrily. He was so entranced by the second sight he had been granted of another man's tackle, that he didn't even hear the oak door open slowly behind him. All of a sudden, he felt a strong pair of arms go around his waist, another two pairs grasped his arms below the elbow, preventing him from retaliating with his fists. Eomer yelled loudly and began to kick and struggle, but although he was strong, he couldn't struggle free of three attackers once they had a hold of him. To his surprise and anger, Gamling just stood where he was, arms folded across his bare chest, his thick manhood still hard and throbbing. He yelled to the older man to help him, but he just continued to stand there, apparently unconcerned. After several minutes of struggling however, he had worn himself out. The three assailants had held him patiently while he thrashed about uselessly, and now they kept him standing while he tried to summon the energy to keep fighting back, and failing, giving a few futile struggles every now and then, like a trapped cat. Then the hands let him drop, and he fell to his knees. He felt himself being rolled over onto his back, and he once again tried to break loose. He also attempted to see the face of his attackers, but it was still early morning, and the only reliable light was from the candle by the bed, which was being shielded by Gamling. Soon enough he lay splayed out on the wooden floor, his arms being held tight, and someone sitting on his legs. The belt that held his sheathed dagger had been removed, and his tunic had been ripped down the front by his own ineffective attempts to escape, just a few inches of fabric covering his masculinity. It was still almost completely dark, but around him he could hear whispers, and what sounded like silenced laughter and chuckles. His anger flared, and he struggled again, grunting and roaring like a lion in a cage, but still he was held. He began to wonder what kind of men in Aldburg could be strong enough to hold him down so securely, but these thoughts were pushed from his head completely, as he felt a large hand stroking his balls gently. His cock gave a jerk to the tingling feeling the hand was creating in his groin, but it was still against his will. With a huge effort he wrenched his leg free and kicked out. His foot hit something and he heard a yelp, and the hand left him for a moment. But the outburst had made his holders take a stronger hold on his body, and when he struggled again, trying to take advantage of the kick, he found he could barely move now. The stroking hand returned to his balls, fondling and squeezing them almost lovingly. In spite of his rage and slight fear, his cock was getting hard. He felt it swelling and then lifting off his belly until in moments it was standing vertically from his body, swaying slightly as his heart beat faster. Another hand joined the palm stroking his nuts, and wrapped around his thick shaft, stroking up and down, getting it to full erectness, the crimson head straining once again against his foreskin. It had barely reached its peak, when both hands left him, and a tongue began licking up and down the shaft, and another nibbling on his balls. For a flash second, and image of a young man on his knees with his cock in his mouth appeared in front of his eyes, but as his cockhead was engulfed by a hot mouth, the image vanished, and pleasure coursed through his veins, causing him to roll his head back on the floor with a groan. He spread his legs out further, without realising that the person who had been sitting on his legs was now gone; all he could focus on was the attention being given to his cock and balls. This went on for a few minutes, with Eomer squirming on the floor, still held by the arms, now completely naked, his ripped tunic gone, his cock being deepthroated by someone he couldn't see, another sucking his balls into their mouth, and all the time he was vaguely aware of Gamling standing off to the side, jerking his cock slowly, simply watching the scene. It had been about three minutes, when Eomer felt someone crawl in between his splayed legs. Then two hands took hold of his firm butt cheeks, spread them apart, and then... Eomer yelled loudly as something hot and moist began lathing up and down his butt crack, starting from the base of his spine, rubbing roughly over his hole, and then finishing up under his balls. Someone was licking his butt, causing tremors throughout his body whenever their tongue contacted his butt hole. He was just getting really into getting his butt rimmed out by this expert tongue, when he felt something brush against his face, leaving an intriguing scent behind. It happened again, and he realised that it was a pair of large, fleshy hairy balls, the hairs tickling his face. There was a huge cock attached to the balls, al least 9 inches long and wonderfully slender, not quite as big as his own, but still pretty impressive. This surprised him a bit, realising that whoever was doing these things to him were most likely men, but he hadn't really expected them to be women either, but he was surprised all the same. Whoever it was rested his large balls on Eomer's mouth, letting the unique scent of sweat and man fill his nostrils, the large slab of cock resting in the cleft between his eyebrows, dribbling precum into his long hair. He instinctively relaxed, and opened his mouth to get more of the scent. One of the balls dropped into his mouth, and he bean to suck on the fleshy orb greedily. There was a loud groan from above him as his tongue wrapped around the large ball, soaking it with his saliva, and sucking hard. He could taste the man scent on the wrinkled skin and the sparse hairs, and almost feel the cum boiling within them. His cock, still being attacked by an unidentified hot mouth, strained at the thought. It was only seconds before the ball was pulled from his mouth gently, his head grasped by two strong hands, and the head of the man's long, slender cock pushed in instead. It tasted salty from cum and piss, and he licked under the foreskin, as he remembered Káin had done to him just weeks ago, once again, he heard a loud moan from above, as another two inches of the meaty shaft was pushed into his mouth, lodging the head at the back of his throat, causing him to gag slightly. He tried to swallow, and another inch and a half glided past his gag-reflex, and into his hot throat. He swallowed again, and the remaining five inches slid through his mouth and into his throat. He panicked at this and tried to push the man off, almost suffocating in the effort, but whoever was holding his head kept a firm hold on it, and he eventually tried to calm down. It was a very strange and hot experience. His lips and throat were stretched to accommodate the length of this huge cock, and he caught himself wondering how the hell Káin had managed this, when his, Eomer's cock was a lot longer and thicker than this one. It then struck him that Káin, being a Rohan stable boy with his striking good looks, had probably had lots of practice. He suckled on the shaft as it was held still in his throat, swallowing every so often, making its owner groan and grunt with pleasure. Then the cock was pulled from his mouth, and sunlight hit the face of the man attached to it. It was Baldor, 2nd Lieutenant of the West Folde, one of the Chief Rohirrim. Baldor saw the shock on Eomer's face, smiled, and gave him a wink, rubbing his big, slippery cock with his knuckled hand. In a flash, Eomer guessed what was going on, and he felt rage course through him again. He began to mount the power to escape once more, but all resistance faded again when the man at his butt dug his tongue inside his hole. Instead of the roar or rage that he had been summoning, a howl of ecstasy escaped him, and he spread his legs as far as possible, attempting to get more of the man's tongue inside, as it probed further and deeper. Eomer began to see spots before his eyes. Four men were on top of him, one sitting on his chest after just having had his cock in Eomer's mouth, one sucking his cock, one licking his balls, and now he had the fourth man's tongue deep in his arse. He was in heaven. At least he thought he was, until Baldor backed away from Eomer's head slightly, sat on his stomach, bent down and took his left nipple into his mouth and bit down gently, licking at the nub between his teeth with his active tongue, and Eomer discovered a whole new level of heaven, as his eyes rolled up into his head, and he began to moan loader and louder. When he felt able to open his eyes again, he noticed another large cock being presented to him. It belonged, he noticed, looking up, to Galmod, who was a rider in the Rohirrim, a very young and fit lad of 20 years, with a solid chest and strong arms, with a light growth of fur on his tight belly. His cock was noticeably smaller than Baldor's, just longer than 8 inches, and with a wide mushroom head and a thick shaft. Galmod was holding his manhood between his thumb and forefinger, pointing it down towards Eomer's face, giving him a cock grin. Eager for more cock, Eomer pulled himself up to get at it, but the lad pulled it back, teasing him, putting a hand on Eomer's shoulder and pushing him gently back onto the floor. He then leaned down and placed his cockhead at Eomer's lips. He opened them readily, allowing the thick taste of cock fill his mouth. Galmod's grin widened, and pushed his meat all the way down Eomer's used throat, until his balls were resting on his chin. He rested for a moment, and then drew it out, leaving just his head in Eomer's mouth. Then he pushed it smoothly all the way back in. He did this several times, picking up the pace on each stroke. He then put both his hands behind Eomer's head, running his hands through his long hair, and began pumping hard, his mouth hanging open in a silent moan. He slammed harder and harder, clenching his teeth, face-fucking Eomer as though his life depended on it. Eomer himself was in a haze. It had become impossible to determine what he was feeling where on his body, as though he was one giant nerve. Galmod's fierce ramming was almost blinding him with lust. He became abruptly aware of himself again when Galmod stopped fucking his throat suddenly, and just held the head of his cock in Eomer's mouth. "Oooh, fuck!" he grunted, and a sweet-salty-bitter taste burst over Eomer's taste buds. Galmod was young, and was literally full of cum, and after three shots, Eomer was forced to swallow his cum. He started to gag again, as the cum hit his throat, but was forced to swallow again, as Galmod released another three shots into his mouth. After a total of twelve spasms, the stream stopped, and a breathless young Galmod pulled his softening cock out of his first marshal's mouth. Eomer just lay there, tasting the sweet cum residue in his mouth, and feeling the combined sensations of rimming and sucking in his lower body. But before he could fully recuperate, yet another cock was positioned in front of his face. This was much smaller than the other two, only just seven inches long, but so thick it looked like a short fence post, and had a large pair of balls hanging tentatively below. The owner of this one was Hama, an older Rohirrim of about the same age as Gamling, a thickset man with hard labour-borne muscles. He had obviously decided not to tease him as Galmod had, and pushed the head of his abnormally wide cock into Eomer's mouth. Eomer's lips stretched as the full six-and-a-half inches glided into his mouth, stretching his lips almost painfully and filling his mouth to the maximum. He pumped it in and out a few times, not too hard, and then pulled it out, and began to pump it with his left hand, his right hand coming round the back of Eomer's head, holding it still, the red cockhead less than an inch away from his skin. Then Hama's face clenched, and with a load groan, he shot seven thick loads of cum from his cock, covering Eomer's face and sticking in his hair and beard. Eomer put his tongue out and licked the white cream from his face. While Hama had been fucking his face, Eomer hadn't realised that the tongue was gone from his butt. He became very much aware of this when he felt two thick fingers being pushed inside him. He gave a yelp of pain and tried to get away, but Hama was still sitting on his chest, so he couldn't get far. The two fingers were pushed and pulled in and out of his butt, loosening his sphincter. Then he felt a sharp slap on his buns, and then another. There were a few growls of amusement from around him, as he was spanked some more. Then another finger was added, and they were all forced further and further up inside him, until he felt something that almost made him cum. Those fingers were stroking something up there, something that was making him feel better than fucking, getting blown or beating off. His cock was jumping around like a fish out of water. He cried out in joy. There were more gruff chuckles around him, and he somehow got the impression that there were a lot more men around him than he had thought. The idea thrilled his senses so much, the thought that all these sexual acts he was being subjected to were being watched, that his hole started to loosen through excitement, allowing all three of the man's thick fingers to penetrate him easily. There was suddenly a small flurry of activity between Eomer's legs, like the guy who had been there was suddenly pulled away, and the fingers were wrenched out of his butt by force. Eomer yelled as pain shot through his butt, but more fingers replaced the others, big thick fingers. Looking between his legs, Eomer saw the grinning face of Baldor looking back at him, his jaw set, all his muscles picked out in the faint light now coming through the window, and two of his fingers fucking Eomer's butt. "Mmmm..." was all the noise Eomer could make, as his prostate was revisited, getting an expert massage. It faintly occurred to Eomer that all these men in the Rohirrim, HIS Rohirrim, seemed to be pretty damn good at the guy-on-guy thing. Maybe this wasn't so unusual after all... Meanwhile, Baldor had gently removed his fingers, and was spreading Eomer's legs, while the man squirmed on the floor, thrusting his hips up towards the ceiling in obvious sexual tension. Baldor smiled to himself, spat on his hand, lubed his big cock up with it, and pushed the head of it into Eomer's butt.

"AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!" Eomer roared in pain, his chest rearing, as three strong riders grabbed a good hold of his legs to keep him still, as Baldor forced inch after inch of his slender meat into his butt, spreading his hole, and then gliding deliciously over his prostate. Eomer stopped yelling, and began to pant, watching the long cock enter his own butt, his mouth open in shock. The feeling was incredible, the pain receding as his willing butt stretched to accommodate this new invader, and leaving a feeling of getting well and truly stuffed. Baldor finally bottomed out, his 9 inch cock buried to the hilt in Eomer's butt, and he was just sitting there, simply enjoying the feeling of a good virgin arse. So tight and hot. Eomer was still squirming slightly, but now, quite apart from trying to get away, he was desperately trying to get more of the big cock inside him, because it felt so good. Then Baldor began to move it in and out slowly, moving out slowly, and then making a punch motion with his hips so that his loins hit Eomer's butt cheeks with a loud slap. He carried on doing this for a little while, Eomer's hole dragging his cock back in whenever hi pulled out, slowly increasing the speed. Then Baldor seemed to brace himself, grabbed a firm hold of Eomer's thighs, and began to fuck him like a madman. Eomer's moans and yelps of pleasure filled the room, along with the wet sound of slapping, and the funk of butt fucking. The minutes flew past in a blur to Eomer, as his butt was reamed by Baldor's big cock, his prostate getting a firm punch on every inward stroke. It wasn't too long before Baldor's moans began getting louder and shorter, and then he suddenly pulled his cock from Eomer's butt, and shot a huge load all over his belly. After he had finished, he sat back on his haunches, exhausted. Eomer was almost too tired to move, his stomach slippery with Baldor's spent cum, and his butt clenching, missing the feeling of Baldor's cock. But all of a sudden, the empty feeling in his bowels was gone, and he felt full up again. Another cock began roughly raking against his prostate, and he sat up with a yell. There between his legs sat Gamling, his thick cock driving in and out, in and out, going hard and fast already. His eyes locked with Eomer's, and he smiled lewdly and the younger man, as he continued to pound his butt. Gamling's cock, while not as long as Baldor's, was bigger in width by more than a centimetre, and it made all the difference to Eomer, who felt his butt hole being stretched further than it had ever been, Gamling's dick grinding against his butt chute. Gamling was a good fucker, and he managed to go on for ages, so by the time Eomer felt him get close to orgasm, the sun was already in the sky, and he could see the other twelve Rohirrim surrounding him on the floor, as well as every contour on Gamling's muscled body. Gamling's head rolled about, as he whispered over the sound of slapping that he was about to cum. "Get ready boy, I'm going to breed you good and thorough!" Eomer braced himself for Gamling to pull his monster out, but he didn't, simply carrying on, with increasingly loud moans. Then Eomer felt his Gamling's cock swell in his butt, and a strange sensation spread through his bowels. Gamling let out a roar like a lion, and grabbed hold of Eomer's cock and began to jerk it hard. Eomer let out a shuddering gasp, he half sat up, and his cock shot like a fountain right into Gamling's face. Eomer fell down onto his back, lying his head on the floor as Gamling slowly pulled his soft cock from his butt. Then, exhausted from two huge orgasms, a face fucking and two butt-fucking sessions, he felt himself fall asleep as men gathered around him to lick the cum from his body.

Eomer closed his eyes for a moment, as he felt the wind in his face and the movement of the dark horse beneath him. He was riding back across the Folde with Gamling and a segment of the Rohirrim, including Baldor, Galmod and Hama. Every now and then he would see them look at him, and smile, as did most of the others, whom he knew had watched the previous morning. It had been revealed to him when he awoke from the fuck-fest that all of the other Rohirrim knew what was going on, and had all wanted to join in the breaking in of Eomer, nephew of the king, but Gamling had only chosen a select few. Eomer now felt much more confident about himself. He had lost only a little of the guilt over Káin, but that was mostly over how he had left the boy in a rush. But he knew that would probably be settled soon, as the valley of Edoras drew closer over the horizon as the group rode away from Aldburg. It was just then that Gamling, who was riding at the head of the eored, held up his hand, and they all stopped. In the distance was a large group of black figures. Orcs. "Not again." He whispered to himself, so that none of the others could hear. "They're making for Dunharrow!" shouted Gamling from ahead. Angry mutterings came from the men around him, and Eomer couldn't agree with them more. This was the third time this had happened, and they were not going to be as lenient this time. "Baldor, lead the left flank to their rear. Gamling, stay with me and take them from the front. Ride!" They rode on fast towards the small huddle of figures, Baldor's group splitting from the main to come around the back of the marauders. Gamling and Eomer's group rode straight for them, hopefully for victory, but many of them knew that there was probably more to come...

Next: Chapter 9: Tales of Middle Earth Delay 2

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