Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Oct 29, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab # 84. Bob and Zack -Engineers Bi-Sexual High School stories

Bob and Zack - Engineers


Larry Marian

Sissy picked up one of the leaflets she heard about, dropped randomly throughout the middle/high school division of Jones Lab School (The Mother School).






(Necessary for resupply - male logistical problem)




"Jesus shit, "Sissy said to herself softly."He didn't tell me about this.He might have to sleep on the floor tonight. "The flyer got gently pulled away from her.

"Sorry, Sissy," her classmate Nancy said, "let me read this please."

"Sure.I'm not going.I have Zack every day."

"Yeah, lucky girl.And I bet you mean every night. "

Sissy smiled."That too.But he's in trouble.I knew nothing about this. Let me have it back when you're finished.I want him to `splain this to me."

"Don't blame you, girl friend.He's gonna come to your room dragging Saturday."

Sissy smiled."He'ssleeping on the floor while my my legs will be crossed in our bed," she said.Nancy handed the flyer back to Sissy."Go sign up girl.Zach is good."The two girls smiled and departed, Sissy back to her room.At the door she paused to look at her plaque in all its new glory. "Sissy Jones, Sophomore, Engineer for the MP&B RW" and the date, two weeks earlier.On the right were four green stars and one the left, three green stars, each with one red and one blue star.

She opened the door to see Zach at his desk playing with his computer.She again noticed the ten pictures on the wall, five of just her, the rest with her and Zack or with her, Zack, Bob, and Ginger.Zack turned and smiled, "Hi, dear.What's happening?"

"That, ZackMcDaniel is what I want to know.What's this `Special Train for Girls'?

"Oh, damn.You already know.Sissy, I've already screamed at Charlie about this.He told both Bob and me that you and Ginger would know before the flyers got out.Urs, the junior, told me about them fifteen minutes ago and I spazzed.I came here at once, figuring you come storming in. "

"So when did this come up?"

"Right after breakfast he grabbed both of us.You know, Bob and myself. Pitched this two black guys to alternate with a train load of girls. You know, the BBC thing, Bob long and me thick.So we said sure, I mean our beddies are both engineers.In fact, Ginger is in PR #4 with five passengers right now.

"Anyway, Dad called and we had a talk with him for awhile.You know how long winded he can be.When that was over I started for our room and saw one of the flyers. I kicked it to warp speed, got to our room and hoped you be here before you saw a flyer.Here's one on my desk to show you if you hadn't already seen you."

Sissy looked at Zack sternly."Well.I'm going to go scream at Charlie. In the mean time, you may sleep in our bed tonight. I'll let you kiss me good night - on my cheek."

"Which cheek, Sissy?"

"Not sure whether it'll be one above my neck line or below my waist line.Might be both."

"Okay, don't ask me to put your butt plug in after lunch."

"Oh, passenger Herman said he'd do it for me before lunch."She ducked the pillow he threw at her.

Lunch came with the Checkerboards sitting at "their table," with Bob and Ginger on one side and Sissy and Zach sitting on the opposite side.All-around the conversation was on the Girls' Special and the fact thatall fourteen "seats" were already taken and there was a waiting list.

Half way through lunch, Charlie Bates came over to the Checkerboards.He squatted down at the end of the table."Hey, sorry about the screw up with the flyers.I tried to be nice and asked a couple of seventh and eighth graders who aren't pages to distribute them right after lunch and they thought I meant before lunch.Anyway, fourteen girls said they could get themselves ready, so all you guys need to do is screw.So is it okay if there are two more.Or do you want to run a special Saturday tonight, say at 1900?I'd limit that to twelve girls."

"You'd better ask Ginger and Sissy about that," Bob said."I've alreadybeen told I might have to sleep in the locker room tonight."

"And he'll have to find his own blanket," Ginger said."But look,why not another Sunday,same time.Make it twelve. I'll see if Nathan or Nino or some other stud is available, PR not necessary."

"I agree.Ryanwould do. Or Mason.Sometimes you just can't be particular," Sissy smiled. "How could I forget Jacob who taught me about Jones customs?Or Ginger Nino? That's another green star for both of us."

"You're right.Add a star after lunch," Ginger said.

"Well, special engineers, want to go Saturday and another on Sunday?" Charlie asked.

The Checkerboards looked at each other, then, one by one they nodded agreement."Ours not to reason why,..." Bob said.

"Into the room with no bed...." Ginger said.

Later, Sissy said , "It's going to be fun.I have a date for Saturday and Sunday."She laughed."I'll dress as a cowgirl."

"You going to wear a dress like in a western movie?" Zack asked.

"A bandana and a cowboy hat," she replied. "Padna."

"Both days?"

"No.Sunday I'll meet Mason dressed as Lady Godiva. Saturday is Tex."

Friday, even the classrooms without windows heard the sound of a helicopter quite low, then quiet, then the helicopter noise again.Sissy and Ginger, in Algebra II together looked at each other and shook their heads.Walking out of class, before heading in different directions, Ginger said, "Now how many Jones students have a father with a helicopter?"

"Uh, two?Named McDaniel?" Sissy replied. Ginger nodded.

After classes on Friday Sissy walked into their room to see a smiling Zack.He pointed to a package on her pillow."For you. That was Dad.Wait until you see tomorrow!"Sissy reached for it."Dad said to tell me to tell you to not open the package `till Saturday noon.Okay?I have no clue, either."

"Thanks, Zack. This is getting strange," but she smiled.

Saturday morning came with breakfast, then room straightening, then a lot of scurrying around. The most quoted comment seemed to be "What the hell is going to happen."Coming from a sixth grader, that was strange.

Saturday lunch cleared early with day students sneaking in anyway. Around 1230 the fourteen girls began to arrive. Three wore the V, two eighth graders and a ninth grader.The other eleven wore either the T or nothing,Then Bob and Zach arrived with what had to be blue and white engineers hats, their cocks already at half hard.

Bob and Zach opened the door to bow the fourteen in, all of them smiling and commenting on the two brothers.Bob waved at the students in the hall then closed the door.Forty-five minutes later the fourteen girls came back out, all smiling.

"So what happened?" came from several students, mostly girls.

One of the four seniors, Denise, said, "It was great.The engineers said they had fun.We had fun. They will again tomorrow, but it has to be different girls."

"For those who want to know, the three girls with Vs still have them and it's all legal by school rules," Zach said. "Now I'm going to 11/12 Commons and relax."He and Bob left to find Sissy already in the Commons wearing, as she said, a cowboy hat and a bandana around her neck, almost covering her T."Well, howdy, cowgirl.Who was your ride?"

"He wore a mask, but he was good.And how about you guys?"

"Tell us about your masked mount first?"

"Well, and this was all totally voluntary, but I got two blue stars, a red, a pink, and a white."

Zack looked confused."So you gave two blow jobs, and screwed once.What's the pink and white ones for?"

"What did we talk about for pink?"

"Well, I put a butt plug in last night.Masked man took it out this morning.It's back in for you tonight if you want."

"Thanks, Sissy.What about the white?

"Think Zack."What do you have that's white that I don't have?"Sissy watched the consternation on her face.Zack shrugged."The first job he came in my mouth..."

"He came on your face?"

"Mostly boobs.First he asked if it was okay.You know we don't do that very often.I took a quick shower afterwards.Now, how about you?"

"Well Bob and I alternated.He'd screw one while the other sucked me down the line of girls.Then we started over with me screwing one while the next sucked Bob.The three with a V each had a butt plug which they removed and we went in their observation car.

"They all liked us.Each one got Bob's length and my girth.We talked for a bit.Bob and I both thought that fourteen girls was about enough.All of the girls said it was our cocks that attracted them.Almost all of them had at least one cum and quite a few had several.All of them said they had no thought of leaving their beddie or SO.

"So what do our beddies think?" Zack finished.

"I'll go with what Zack said.

Ginger looked at Bob and Zack."We talked about it, too.We hadseveral of the girls come to us and ask about sex and a black guy.Both Sissy and I told them that we loved our man for who they were, not what dangled or pointed between their legs, but that you two are great lovers.

"We both said you can continue doing that as long as you understand that either of us or both might well do some of our own entertaining.Sissy didn't tell you who came to see me, but you both know and like him.Like Sissy's Sunday guy, I'll have a second one tomorrow.He'll come to our room, Bob.

"Now today he asked for a BJ first, I gave it to him.He went down on me, which I enjoyed and we had sex.We enjoyed what the other did and had sex again, another method.Strange, I guess we ended up doing 69.

"I'm not going to wear a pirate outfit or anything else like that.So that's the female report.Tonight after bed check will be like any other night at Jones Lab School.

"Oh, by the way, Bob McDaniel, if you were purple with green spots, I'd still love you."

"The same way with me,Ginger."

Lights out came and bed check as Bob and Ginger lay cuddled together. "Gin, I have to say I'm a bit tuckered out after the train trip this afternoon."

"I can believe.Why not I just kiss you and then move down hill `till I find that licorice pole with the creamy surprise?"

"Well, I'd love that if you aren't too tired."Ginger rolled back their covers and began her search for the fabulous cream filled licorice stick.After the discovery and consumption the two fell asleep rapidly.

The next afternoon Sissy gave Zack's hand a squeeze as he left for the "train station" to meet with fourteen new female passengers. He had on his engineer's cap and an old Boy Scout kerchief with the symbol of the Santa Fe Railroad on it.She turned around to go back to their room where she pulled out a beret, put it on, then sat cross legged on the bed she shared with Zack.

A few minutes later there was a single knock on the door."If you're Alex, come in," she called.A tall, lanky older boy with red hair above and below came in, then closed the door according to custom, the door not totally closed, but propped so it would not open on its own and the curtain closed.

"Hi, Sissy.Glad we could drown our sorrow together, your man in the cab and my SO on the train."They both smiled at that.

"Glad you could cum, Alex.Penny sure helped me get settled into Jones those first couple of days.What's your pleasure?"

Alex sat on the neatly made bed next to her, as nude as she was except for his backward bill baseball cap.Since nothing had happened, he was still soft looking, at her glance at something around four inches and uncut, the foreskin protecting the sensitive head. "Why not just pretend this is our third date, this is the time when we want to see how far we want to go and what we want to do when we get there?"

"Sounds like a good idea.I want Penny to know she had a good time."

"Poor Zack, he may be pooped tonight.But I hope she has a good time, too." With that the two cuddled together, put an arm around each other's shoulder, drew closer and kissed.However, the kiss was not a first kiss on third date kiss, but one filled at once with tongue and roaming hands.

It didn't 't take long before the fifteen year old sophomore and the sixteen year old junior were in a tight clinch, kissing and touching, caressing and preparing each other for the next obvious move. They rolled onto the bed,seeming to fight as to who was to be on top.Alex soon became interested in Sissy's breasts and nipples while Sissy avoided Alex's firehose but played with his ball sac.

"If you suck me first, I can make you cum," Alex moaned.

"Probably. You're hard. Real hard."With that Sissy slid down from Alex's lips to his chest, kissing each nipple on her way down."Where"s that lollypop Alex has for me?Sweet lollypop! Ah. There you are.You're not as long as Bob or as fat as Zack, but you look yummy! Yes." as Sissy began to lick and kiss the bright red head before taking the now close to six inch cock deep into her mouth. She began bobbing even as her hand found his ball sac so she could roll his balls as she bobbed. Alex moaned.

"Damn.That feels good already, Sissy.You are good.Real good. You're bringing me close. I haven't cum in two days.Be prepared.OH YES!" Sissy felt the first burst of cum as his cock was all the way to her throat, warm and thick.As she bobbed back she felt his second shot as she swallowed.

Sissy was sure he hadn't cum in several days because of the volume of his load but he finally dribbled out as she licked her lips."Wow," she said.

With that Alex flipped Sissy onto her back. "Gonna eat me some pussy," Alex said as he gently spread Sissy's legs apart, Sissy raised her knees. "Ah, nice pink pussy that's already damp.Yes!"With that Alex began to lick her open cunt, probing with the tip of his tongue into the entrance to her love tunnel ."You must be expecting my cock," he said.

"I am. You invited me yesterday, remember?" Alex's tongue began its first journey up her slit to the clit treasure box at the end.Sissy felt a cum coming."Oh.Little cum - so soon.Yes."Alex began to suck on her clit."Nice.Very nice.Good."

Alex raised his head."You doing okay?"

"Yeah. Feeling good.I like what you're doing.I'm plenty wet, I know,"

"Well, here we go then," Alex said as he moved back to lips to lips with Sissy.She felt his had cock enter, then begin to move up and down at a steady pace."So, is it true that I'm the first white guy for you?" He began to increase his speed a bit, her hips staying in stride with his cock.

"No.Cowboy was yesterday.He's another sophomore. Then back when I was in sixth grade there was an eighth grader who lived next door.We felt each other up, but that was about it.Then my secret lover.I can't say anything more about him other than he was wonderful. Zack and Bob knows there was another, but he is gone away."All the while the two continued to hump."Damn.I'm getting close. You aren't black, but you're good."Sissy began to rub Alex's back.

"So have you had sex with both Zack and Bob?"Alex's breathing began to be ragged.

"Mostly Zack, of course.But three times with Bob. Each time a mutual swap."Her breathing, too, became close to a pant."They make love mostly the same. "

"Oh, shit. Cumming!"Sissy felt Alex's spasms as his load flooded her. "Still a lot."

"Oh.Cum.Oh, so good! Alex, you're a keeper."The lay on the bed, clinched together before finally separating, Alex rolling off onto the bed, the two lying there for a few minutes when Sissy's phone buzzed."Zack.Anything wrong?"She put it on speaker.

"No,Just slow.It's going to be another forty-five minutes at least.Bob and I are just having to take it easy between passengers."

"That's fine, sweetheart. We're good here."


Sissy hung up."Well, another forty five minutes or so.What's your pleasure?My butt plug got removed this morning.If you want I can explain what Zack and Bob both do.Have to say we never did it that way in my butt -p or Ginger's.So pussy's front door is the best bet for that."

"Okay, Sissy.How about this. Next doggie style, back door.Then I clean my cock.So you explain how Zack and Bob screw and I try that.We end with a second BJ.Do you object to, not so much a facial, but a tital?"

"I've had a facial or two. I'm up for that.I just go take a quick shower. You're going tojust hit my boobs, right?"

"Try to avoid your face and hair for sure.You're to cute to mess up your face."

"Thanks. You have done it with yourbeddie? "

"Oh, yes.She loves it."Sissy rolled over onto her stomach, then got up on her hands and knees.

"Woof, woof."At once Alex got behind Sissy between her spreadknees to position his cock and then began to slowly feed his cock into her waiting ass. Sissy felt its slow entrance into herbowels. "You're doing great, Alex.No hurt, just nice.I have had cums with Zack."

"What about Bob?"

"I've asked him not to try.Bob and I haven't had sex very often. Each time was sort of a special thing.Ah.Now then begins, Alex.I'm feeling good with you inside my butt."

"Yeah.Feels good."Sissy felt his hands on the top of her thighs as he began to pump his cock back and forth, rocking her gently as he thrust his cock into her."I'm glad you like this.You and Penny might want to get together and discuss my technique."

"Doing great.Little baby cum, but nice. No pun intended. "The two continued to move together as Alex picked up speed, Sissy matching him stroke for stroke. "Ah," Sissy moaned, shaking her head. "Gave me another cum, Alex.Maybe I should trade you in for a new model."

"Maybe!"The two were silent for a few moments. "Bout to cum, Sissy.Bout to.OH GOD! CUMMING."

"YES!!SO DAMN FUCKING GOOD!"Sissy collapsed to fall totally on the bed as Alex slowly removed his cock from her ass.As before they spent several silent minutes winding down.Finally, Sissy turned to look Alex in the eye. "Come on stud, let me lead you to our sink and I'll wash your cock before we end this adventure."

"Yeah.Penny always wants to get mine washed if we are going to do anything else. "The two first laughed, then hugged and kissed. Thataccomplished, they moved back to the wrinkled bed where Sissy explained how both Zach and Bob screwed both her and Ginger. Then they tried it. "Damn, that was fun," Alex said as the two parted to rest.

Alex looked at Sissy. "Well, if we are going to play this out, that train must be approaching the station."

"Yeah," she said, getting on her knees to take Alex's risen cock again into her mouth.As she played with his hard again cock, Sissy tried to figure how many times he had to have cum this day.Had to be one with Penny, like she'd had with Zack. This was second BJ,two regular, one butt.The boy is going to take a bit.

"Getting close, Sissy.Your hand or mine?"In answer, Sissy gave one more deep dive, then took his cock in her hand and began to stroke him.She hoped she had his dick aimed correctly when she heard, "Gonna cum, NOW!" as she saw the white stream erupt towards her, hitting her chin. She pushed the still pulsing cock lower where it hit her right breast. A shift to the left and her left nipple.Finally a last feeble effort to hit the upper valley.

"Nothing in your hair.You are great, kid.Wonderful day. Let me get toPenny."

"Well, hello," Zack said, walking into the room, taking offhisengineer cap."Alex.Guess who was passengernumber two for me?Small world."

"Hey, Zack.Yeah, gotta get to Penny."

"And me to Sissy, who looks like she's going to the shower."

"Come with me, Zach.If one's not occupied, we can scrub together."

"We do better, together," Zach said as they held hands to walk to a walled stall and turned the water on.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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