Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Oct 24, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab # 82. A Little Learning-Bi-Sexual High School stories

A Little Learning


Larry Marian

The two SUV caravan stopped in front of the main entrance to Jones Lab School "The Mother School."Standing on the steps in front of the entrance were several older teens along with several younger ones looking like tweens or maybe upper elementary.As the two SUVs stopped, two of the teens and two tweens came forward as though to help the arrivals.As they approached the SUVs, they split up, an older boy and a younger girl going to the first vehicle and the older girl and younger boy to the second.

The first two came up to the leading vehicle on the driver's side as the driver lowered the window."Hi, kids.In the front are Ms Jones and myself with our daughter Sissy and her room mate Zach McDaniel in the middle seat.They have their required and suggested material for Jones in two suitcases and two back packs and are ready to go.

"What would you like us to do?"

"Welcome to Jones. "I'm Jack Adams and my assistant Veronica Faith.Is the SUV behind you with you?"

"Yes.That's the McDaniel SUV with Bob and Ginger O'Sullivan.Ginger's folks are back at home restoring the mess left with our little convoy. "

"Fine.We'll help your students get their belongings to the entrance where you may say `good byes' and then enter Jones where they will be led to their grade level commons.If they have a different commons, each will go to the correct one."

"Well, Sissy will be a sophomore and Zack will be a junior. They're approved as room mates."

"Oh,if they are assigned room mates, they will be in 11/12 I.Any other questions? I see some more cars coming in."

"Thanks.Okay, kids, grab your stuff and welcome to boarding school!" Jack said.Ms. Jones got out to hug first Sissy, then Zack, who would have blushed if he could have, then dashed for the following SUV to hug his mother and shake hands with his father while his older brother Bob did the same to the Jones adults."Let's go and get you started," Jack said, almost repeating himself.He picked up the two suitcases while Veronica grabbed the two backpacks as they led the four newbies up the steps to the new plaque above the entrance to "SENATOR PAIGE ADAMS MEMORIAL HALL" There they were handed their bags and the door opened for them.Inside they found a new set of welcoming older teens, tweens, and older elementary, except all of them were nude, though the younger ones wore a white waist belt and shoulder strap like a school crossing guard with a badge on it.A girl of probably ten stepped up to Sissy and Zach while a boy of the same probable age stepped up to Bob and Ginger.

"Names, please, and year," the girl said, with a clipboard and pencil.

"I'm Samantha Jones, sophomore."

"I'm Zack McDaniel, junior. We're room mates."

"Yes.Eleven/Twelve II. Room 205, but I'll take you to your Commons first.Oh, please grab your suitcase and backpack.Once you sign in, take your luggage up to your room, put your stuff on your bed and come back down to your Commons."

The two, or four really followed their younger guides to their Commons with a handwritten sign over it proclaiming "THIS AIN'T HOGWARTS!" But a desk and several older students all nude, who took the newbies to their new room, had them place bag and backpack on a bed, then took them back to the Commons to help them find their chair with their white bag marked - LAUNDRY,

Sissy and Zack sat side by side as did Ginger and Bob, but several seats away.The room began to fill until there were twenty-six new 11/12s looking at four teens, two boys, two girls standing nude in front of them."I think we can begin."I'm Bob McCoy, senior class president and co-chair with Tiffany Herald, junior class president who is commons chief for11/12 II with thirty new 11/12s.That gives us a senior class of just at 113 and a junior class of 125.Now, in the past, our counselors have conducted this, but four years ago they have delegated this opening to the class officers, in all three groupings.

"You may have noticed that the four of us and the greeters and pages are all nude.Before adults gave the command but we thought that having all of you see what was going to happen would be better.Yes, we know about CO pools, but I've seen a lot of kids spend all their time in the water and when the whistle blows, they grab the towel.

"So, make sure the white bag is yours, undress and place your clothes, other than foot gear in your bag.Then sit down."Sissy and Zackstood up, looked at each other and began to disrobe.

"God, Sissy.I have a boner!" Zack said.

"I've seen it before."

"That was different."

"All kinds of new girls. It'll go away."

Zack smiled. "After lights out with you?"

"I hope so."Zack finished rapidly, got his clothes in the white bag, and sat dow with the bag on his lap.He looked around to see several other males of his age look quite put out.

"I said this is now a mostly student run exercise,but I want all of you to meet our counselors.Now each dorm has a pair of counselors, normally married or in a committed relationship.They came here last year out of retirement as guidance counselors to return to being dorm counselors.

"I've read their story of their first year. Only the famous Paige and Mason could have helped them.So Mr. and Ms. Abeena and Nathan Beilinson."

The new students looked at two maybe young grandparently types walked out, with a wave. They looked at each other, then kissed.

`Hi.If you need us, holler.We both hope you will not, but if you do, come see us, no matter what.Now, why us?I mean we look like we're from the Middle East.We are.When we met at age 13,I was Abeena Hareem al-Farsi, while my husband of thirty-five years was Nathan Levi Beilinson,Anybody know why that was a problem?"

Both Sissy and Zack saw Bob raise his."Yes, the tall black guy.You are?"

"Bob McDaniel.Ms. Beilinson, you are an Arabic Muslim and your husband is Jewish.You must have been young when theMiddle East became peaceful after two thousand or more years."

"Very good.Yes, and Nathan and I still thank our God for Mom Paige, Dad Mason and their twins."

"This is just an introduction.As Abeena says, we are here to help you if you need it,Im sure some of you will.Have a great year and see you later."With that the two waved and left.

"Okay, now that everybody is in the school uniform, the next meal is supper at 1800.You will hear a bell, then an announcement.Pages will be in the halls to make sure you find the dining hall and get a seat.There are no assigned seats.So, any questions?"

"Uh, yeah,I'm looking around and I see I'm not the only one.I've sprung a boner," came from a big, football player type guy."

"It's going to go away in a day or two.This is not like a CO day at the pool.You are going to go from being naked to being nude in a matter of days.Trust me.So,Tiffany, the other big problem the first time?"

"Sure.As Bob said, newbie boys will have an almost constant erection for the first few days. Girls will have the same sort of problem when their period hits.Check your student manual, girls,The school strongly recommends using a tampon during the day,Lots of us use a pad at night, Believe it or not, the string is not very noticeable.Way back in the beginning the school suggested girls wear panties during those days - but it really makes you stand out,That didn't last through the first year.I trim when my period is over and then let the hair grow. Next month, the string is covered. Any other questions? "

Sissy raised her hand."Yes?And you are?"

"Sissy Jones. I'm in tenth but my room mate is a junior.We've been boyfriend/girlfriend for almost a year now.Can we push our beds together now?"

"Sure.Just don't let your parents know."There was laughter at that."Oh, since this is a junior/senior commons, I didn't expect to see veery many Vs, if any.If you still have one, please put it on and wear it at all times.Let me remind you that if you talk to a V wearer, use no pressure.Period.

"This should be about it. I'm in Room 207.Tiffany is also.Tiff and I are not actual room mates.I have a beddie as does she.It's also not where you think it is. Room 205 is next to Room 209 and 207 is the end room next to 217.Please knock before entering.Dinner is in an hour and a half - go unpack."

Two weeks later the Checkerboards, as they instantly got named, knocked on the door of the Resident Counselors to hear Ms. Belinson say, "Come in.I'm expecting you."The four walked in to see a tween girl sitting in a chair."Okay, Candice. You head back to your cottage.Grandad will see you later."

"Thanks, Granma," the girl, obviously eleven, jumped from the chair and headed out, her V proudly around her neck.

"Sorry.Sometimes being a grandparent can be interesting.Okay, you four pull up three more chairs and let me switch roles.And no, the Checkerboards are not in trouble.They just need a bit of history and advice."

"Glad to hear that," Bob said."Everybody was real friendly the first couple of days.But now, especially with Ginger and myself and somewhat Zach, we don't get a lot of talk."

"This is a Jones custom that is a model for sex in the future.You four, as well as the Jones students in the past, were brought up in the past.Let's put it this way.For hundreds, if not thousands of years, girls lived in dread of getting pregnant when they didn't want it to happen.Both boys and girls, once they figured out that STDs come from having sex with a contagious partner, dreaded getting one of the diseases.

"But we don't have to worry about either of those things."My Candice knows all about sex.She knows she's approaching her menarche, but doesn't care.If one of her boy roommates cons her having intercourse after that, she just worries about not having her V any more - and she so wants to wait for her 15/1.Now what'd her grandmother would say to a Vless eleven year old Candiceand her dastardly seducer is something else.

"I'm going to use some unprofessional language and use old English words; not Arabic or Hebrew, or Latin or anything else.You four were something of an attraction the first couple of days - sort of like Nathan and me when we walked in for breakfast that morning after we both realized we were children of the same God with our arms around each other, oblivious to the rest of the world.The DoG of back then gave us holy Hell, believe me.

"So, we have a first year senior and a sophomore and a first year junior and a sophomore, so we have two sophomores in a 11/12 dorm, and two mixed race couples, obviously not new to the concept.Then, for all the high school and maybe middle school girls to see is the myth of the BBC come to life!"Abeena paused for a few moments."You are familiar with the term BBC'?"Ginger and Sissy shook their heads whileBob and Zach frowned."It means Bib Black Cock' and comes from the myth that black men are very well endowed and white women secretly yearn to have a black man in bed with them because of prowess, stamina, and pure savage virility.

"And there they are in person: Bob and Zach,OH BOY! Let me at that hunk and get him between m legs!"She smiled. "Now, here's the part you really don't know.Jones for the last thirty years at least has smiled on a committed couple who are beddies also having one or more friends who they meet up with from time to time.Last year there were two senior beddie couples.Let's call them MA and FA and MB and FB.They roomed next to each other and normally, if I delayed bed check for some five minutes and waited just a few more, I would hear suggestive noises from MA and FA and MBand FB.But sometimes I hear suggestive noises coming from MA and FB and MB and FA.Once I saw two PR doors open at the same time and who came out holding hands?MA and FB and MB and FA.

"It's accepted.Back when we were young counselors and this was just getting started, I watched a young manwalk into his room and come right back out saying, Sorry I disturbed you.Be back in twenty minutes.'I sort of hung around to see young man's best friend give a quick illegal kiss to young man's beddie and say, Next week let's get a PR.We don't want to upset Saul'.

"What's going on here is those girls, especially 11/12s wanted to check out Bob especially andmaybe some 9/10s as well.And 9/10s and a few 7/8s were willing to chance getting to the hig school dorms.

"So Bob and Zack, with Ginger and Sissy listening, here's what I suggest.I will talk to two or so girls to approach you again with the suggestion of going to a PR.Once there, apologize for not knowing the rules,Then do what comes naturally."

"But what about us?" Sissy asked."I mean, if Zack is in a PR with some girl, pounding her, what am I supposed to do?"

"What Jones girls learned to do twenty-five years ago.Stand in her half vacant room door and wait for the beddie to walk by, look at you and say, "Hi.You seem to be settling in and your beddie is off for awhile.Why don't I come in and teach you more about Jones?"She smiled."That's the code.I broke it more than twenty years ago."She snapped her fingers.

"I almost forgot. Our beloved patron, the senator this hall is named for at age 13, not 18, had her faithful lover Mason.Suddenly she was in PR #3 with a certain African senior almost on a schedule,Those three have shared each other's body ever since.It worked for them.It works for Jones kids today."

"At Jones you can be absolutely faithful to your beddie or your SO, if the two of you are not roommates, and still have sex with other friends.It's okay.Nobody has ever had a paddle strike them for having sex with your best friend, not your beddie or SO.

"Think it over.I've already sent out e-mails to fours girls and three boys.The girls are two seniors and two juniors.The boys are two sophomores and a junior.And don't worry.The boys will ask their room mate for one or beddies for the other two to go do something.


"I guess.It sounds sort of logical," Bob said.The others nodded their heads, doubt still on theirfaces."Win friends and influence people gang.We don't like it, we try something else. In any event I'm kissing Ginger tonight"

Bob and Hailey

The next afternoon Bob came out of his last block of the day, American Lit to almost run into a girl he'd seen a few times, maybetalked to once or twice.She was leaving her last block, American History.They almost bumped into each other.

"Well, fuck.Fancy seeing you again.Rumor is you put an application to join a religious group.And you look like so much fun."

"Sorry. You're?? Sorry, I'm still getting used to this place."

"Oh.I'm Hailey.I'm beddies with Nino.But I have other friends. Say, I have PR #4 reserved, but Nino decided to play some video games with Jacob andDaniel to see who gets to screw Ellie after dinner.She's all excited about that.

"Anyway, want to come with me to PR#4 for awhile?Tell you, I'm craving that big black cock of yours.Fuck, does it fit into me?"

"We can go find out.My beddie Ginger is in our commons playing chess."She laughed as she took his hand to let her lead him to PR#4.

As they entered Hailey said, "This is my second year here. I'm a fucking junior, but it's been great.We still get together to have fun. I'm thinking you might like a blow job first.Then we get on one of the couchesand fuck."

Bob turned to really look at Hailey.Her brown hair really set her off nicely as his eyes went down to her muscular thighs and legs with a pushing forward with some nicely trimmed brown pubic hair that looked like it needed a good fuck after she'd willingly suck him.Her breasts were small, in the 34 range at best, but very firm and pert with cute nipples, already hard surrounded by quarter sized also pink areola. She almost begged by getting on her knees.

Hailey took him as soon as he came within range of her eager mouth.He sighed almost at once as he watched her take his entire uncut seven inches of black cock into her mouth before beginning to bob on it. She really did a great job. "Shit, that feels so good.Damn, Hailey, you're so good at this,"Bob moaned.She gave him her thumbs up as she increased her speed on his black flesh spear, her nose buried in his dark pubes.Bob had his hands on the back of her head, guiding her on his cock. She sucked it down a few more times, then Bob said , "Hailey, I'm about to cum." Hailey raised her hand with her thumb up."Yes!" Bob cried, his cock all the way in Hailey'smouth.

"In my mouth," she cried, taking the cock back in at once.

"I'm cumming," Bob cried. Her throat moved as she swallowed Bob's cum. The two remained as they were, his cock in her mouth for like a minute and then let his thick cock slide out of her mouth.

Hailey wiped her mouth of any cum that had escaped. " God, Bob, your cum's so sweet and thick," she said.With that, Bob kissed her, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth as he played with her pale boobs.

"Now what?" he asked.

"We fuck," she replied with a laugh. "Will it fit?You look bigger than Nino.Maybe as big as Ryan. "

"Whose Ryan?"

"A friend we met a few years ago and still see.He's in college now.May see him Christmas.We had a big Christmas party a few years ago - before I came to Jones.I still remember the first time we fucked.Might be the same now.Let's go."

Hailey pulled away from him and quickly got on her hands and knees.Bob placed his hands on her muscular ass as she positioned herself on one of the couches and spread her legs.Bob grabbed hold of his cock, and as he pointed his teenhood at her,he held onto his boner and pointed it at Hailey obviously wiggling it around her pussy, before he pushed forward, and they both moaned as he penetrated her with his large cock, and he immediately began to fuck her, pounding into her pussy.

"Fuck," she moaned."It's so fucking big.I can't believe how big it' is."

"Yeah," Bob replied in a hushed whisper."And it's all for you."

"Yeah, Bob," she whined."You're stretching me out so good.And it's so deep.Fuck...go faster."

Bob began to really pound into her, his hips smacking off her ass.From the doggie position , anybody could see his cock leaving and entering her

pussy, the shaft of his cock shining with her juices. His balls swung as they screwed

"Shit, I'm getting close," Bob said, going really hard and fast now.

"Fuck," Hailey moaned."Cum in me, Bob."Seconds later Hailey cried."So much.Oh, Bob.So fucking good."The two collapsed together.For a minute or two they said nothing. Just nuzzling.

"Hailey, what is this "cum in me."That's what I do."

"I just keep saying that.I got an IUD at thirteen.So it was something I could tell the boy it was safe.

"Bob, thanks.I have my beddie, Nino.And, well, we won't go into that, but you were great.If you want to get together again, well, fuck, yeah."

Still inside the PR they kissed, then left heading back to their room or the commons.

Zack and Ramsay

Zack left the student book store with some last minute supplies as a girl he vaguely recognized came towards him.She was cute to say the least, a blond with a short pony tail.Her boobs were small, but perfectly formed and firm. "You're Zack, right?" She asked."I'm Ramsay.I'm a sophomore.I think you are too. I think we almost met last week."

"I think so.Hi."

"Uh, I don't want to be too personal, but that's a nice cock you have there."

"Well, thanks.I've got to say your boobs are knokers out."

"Nice joke, Zack.Look, I think we met last week and we just didn't communicate real well. " Ramsay smiled. "Look, my beddie, Nathan, is at swimming practice.Well, he's with his boyfriend Daniel at practice, too. Want to come to my room and get better acquainted?I've seen your brother. But you look a bit thicker. "

"Wow.So you have a beddie and he has a boyfriend?"

"And I have a girl friend, but she's busy right now.You want to ...cum?"

"Yes, Ramsay.I want to...cum."

"Let's go."

So Zack and Ramsay joined hands as she led him to 9/10 I and her room shared with Nathan, the two beds shoved together then pushed against one wall."Why against one wall and not in the middle?"

"It works for us. Doesn't for everybody.We had a standoff for a few months, but then... well, we're beddies now.

"But, what now, Ramsay?"

"Well, we have over an hour before dinner.As Hailey says, A suck and a fuck.' But she alsO says, a suck, then a lick to a fuck' so I suck you, you lick me, and then we fuck.How does that sound?"

"Cumming good."

"Another good one." With that Ramsay took his hand to lead him to her shared room. Once inside the room, with the door left slightly open, the door block placed to keep the door from moving, and the curtain drawn, the two sat on the bed.

"One thing about being nude all the time, it saves time undressing and dressing, " Zack said.

"Yeah, like getting a close look at five thick inches of uncut black meat, Zack. You want to lie down and spread your legs so I can get to your cock and balls?"

"You ever have sex with a black guy before?" Zack asked as he lay down and opened his legs for Ramsay.

"Nope.But I've heard it's great," she said as she got on her hands and knees between his legs, then lowered her face to his cock, then it it in her hand.

"Well, Sissy and Ginger both think we're pretty good."

"So you've had sex with both?" She smiled at Zack."This is big!"

"Sissy's my girl and Ginger's Bob's, but we've traded off a few times."

"Sounds like some of us.We still have swap parties."With that she lowered her mouth and began to take Zack's cock into her mouth.She bobbed up and down a few times, then kissed her way down to his hairy balls, to take them into her mouth, one by one before going back to the prick head."That purple head is cute.You're uncut, like Nino."She went back to sucking Zack's thick cock.

"You're good.Feels great.Really does.Not like Sissy.She's good too.Just different."He put his hand on the back of her head. "Yeah.Gonna cum soon.Do I need to warn you?"

Ramsay raised her blond head."Warn me, but cum in my mouth.I swallow," then dropped back down on his cock, going faster, her free hand playing with his balls.

"Oh, yeah.Yeah.SHOOTING!" He called as his warm, thick seed flooded her mouth.He felt her swallowing his offering. She finally took her mouth off his deflating cock and looked up at him.

"Was it good?" She asked quietly. In response he put his hands under her arms, then pulled her up, her boobs traveling across his muscular chest until they were face to face. Then he kissed her, his tongue in her mouth at once.A moan escaped her.

"You were wonderful.Now it's my turn to eat pussy." He smiled."And yes, I've eaten white pussy before. Just last night, in fact."

Ramsay giggled."They say all pussy is pink inside."With that she rolled onto her back, spread her legs made shapely by volleyball, and raised her knees. "Come to dinner, Zack."

Zack complied, moving between her welcominglegs to place his face above her cunt, his horizontal lips brushing her vertical ones as he eased her outer lips apart, giving access to her actual snatch.His tongue eased into her entrance causing her to sigh. "Nice start," she said as she began rubbing his shoulders.

After tonguing her twat for a minute or two, Zack began his voyage of discovery to her clit, his tongue tracing its way up her pink gash."So good, Zack.So fucking good!Cum.Little, but cum.Keep going!" In two minutes her hips kept thrusting her pussy into his mouth."Too good, Zack.Your cock.Your thick black cock.Put him in me, Zack.Fuck me with that thick black cock.Please!"

He raised himself from her wet loins, came up to her face to face, smiled and guided his cock into her sopping wet snatch. "There you go, White Bread.Aren't you glad you can't get knocked up, especially by a BBC?"He asked as he began to pump, slowly sliding his cock all the way until he bottomed and then drew it back rapidly to repeat it again and again.

"That feels so different, Zack.Different but good.I'm going to have to tell Nathan."And Daniel and Nino and Ryan and Jacob and..others, she thought.

"Yeah.You're breathing a bit heavy.Little cum, maybe?"

"Yeah.Feel another coming."

"A bit more speed then," Zack said as he picked up speed, but still slower than Nathan.Then a bit faster as Zack's fat cock slipped in and out of Ramsay'swet twat and another cum."You're getting close.I'm getting close.Here goes," as Zack began to pound Ramsay."Yeah.How close are you?"

"Big one cumming.OH!You're shooting now.I feel you cum now!"

"OH YEAH!"Then the two collapsed onto one another, hugging and resting.After a few minutes Ramsay got up, went to the room sink and cleaned her muff.Zach got up and kissed her again.

"Looks like there's a puddle on the bed," Zach said.

"We'll change the sheets when Nathan gets back from swimming.Of course he will probably stop at Nathan's room for some boy/boy sex. "

"Hey, I'll look you up again."

"Do that. And point me out to your brother."

"Sure will."

That night Nathan and Ramsay lay in their bed, touching each other and quietly talking."So you welcomed Zach McDaniel.How was he?"

"Really different.Felt really good.I can explain it to you if you want.I think you'd like doing it.You do like a bit of variety from time to time." Ramsay kissed him, a mild one and not a call to action.

"Okay.He got hard. You got damp.He put it in and went in and out until he shot into your cooter."

"It's not what he did - it's how he did it."

"I'm getting interested -if you know what I mean.How did he do it?"

Nathan kissed her.

"So, we do foreplay and get ready.Now we screwed missionary.He put his cock in real slow. I mean real slow.When he was all the way in so I could feel his balls on my butt, he paused for a few seconds and then jerked it back until his cock almost left me.He paused for a few seconds and let Ole' Pete slide in Miss Snatch a gain real slow.The back out real fast. He did this for a couple of minutes and then sped up.I had a couple of small cums then he started to pound me real fast.I came, he came, I came real hard.It was good. Any time you want to try, Nathan dear, let me know."

"How about right now?"

"Sounds good to me.

Twenty minutes later Ramsay said,"That was a fucking good time, Nathan.Loved it.How about you?"

"Fun.We have to do this a few more times for practice.Like you practice spiking the ball and me doing flip turns."They both laughed.

Ginger and Nino.

Ginger O'Sullivan sat on one of the benches in the still warmth of the beginning of a new school - Jones Lab School - the Mother School.Shesat looking at the attractive Asian style garden, the rock climbing wall, and the other attractions of the Greens, the natural area for the Middle/High School students.She was a bit miffed, something not quite like her.

Her boy friend, Bob McDaniel, a senior to her sophomore, had been approached by a girl who had been to Jones last year.She didn't catch the girl's full name but "Hailey" is what she thought she'd heard.Very attractive withfreckles, light brown hair and green eyes. She was also the captain of the Jonesgirls' volleyball team.Apparently she'd latched on to her Bob and got him to fuck her the day before.

Yeah, she knew what her dorm counselor, Ms. Belinson had said, but.... "Excuse me, but aren't you Ginger O'Sullivan, one of our new students?Just call me Nino.I'm a second year student, and a sophomore. I'm Hailey's beddie, if you know what that means."

"I know.I'm already beddie with Bob McDaniel.We've been boyfriend/girlfriend for a year now.But she pulled him off and they fucked."

Nino groaned and shook his head."I know Ms. Beilinson talked to you Checkerboards.Look, we have two standards.One, if we have a beddie or a SO, we stand by that other person until hell freezes over or Rome vanishes.Two, what happens in a PR stays in a PR.It's something between a couple of friends. Am I pissed at Hailey?Not a bit.She said she had a great time with Bob and he did, too.

"Maybe you feel left out.You shouldn't be.Lots of things to do here.Lots.Along those lots, Nathan and Hailey are in PR#5 right now.The smart money is that Daniel and Stacey are there too as it's made for two couples.The question is, what are they doing?"

"I'm here and I'm not mad or anything. But, how about you and me going to PR#6 right now and, as Hailey used to say, `mess around.'?"

"If I go with you, can I back out?"

"Sure.And I'll never bother you again. By the way, you are one fantastic looking girl."

"Thanks.Have to say, with a name like Nino, your black hair, and thatcomplexion, you must be one of those romantic Italians. So, give me your hand and lead me to temptation."

Five minutes later Nino opened the door to PR#6 and bowed Gingerinto the soft lighted pleasant room, looking like it was there for one couple.She tookin a couch, an apparent cot or bed, a sink with towels and such and a control panel for apparent music or some videos.

Nino led her to the couch to sit her down, then sat next to her, but not at a totally uncomfortable distance.He put his arm around her."Tell me if you get uncomfortable."

"So far so good.A perfect gentleman, even with your half hard cock."

Nino gave a laugh."And your nipples, Ms. O'Sullivan?

"Oh.They lie a lot. Teens, you understand."

"Yeah." He smiled."Ginger, I'd like to put my arm around you and maybe sit a bit closer.Okay?"

"Please. "Nino did what he said as his arm went around Ginger's shoulder even as his hand crept closer and closer to her conical breast. Ginger smiled at him, then took his hand and placed it under her breast, finger close to an engorged nipple.

"Nino.Bob told me about what happened yesterday with him and,uh, the girl with green eyes."

"Hailey?My beddie?She did. Frankly, she'd love to bring Bob to one of their parties.So, Ginger.Would you like to join me on this comfortable large cot?If so, what would you like to do?"

"I think l'li lay down next to you and explore some paths and see which one is best for us."With thatGinger hopped up onto the comfortably wide bed and lay down on her side. She smiled as Nino followed her.

He smiled in return."Ginger.I just touched you.You're wet.I think we want to.Is that okay?"

"Nino.You're hard.I just touched you.If this is how Jones works, great.If not, I have two defenders, sprung from the loins of the soldiers of the Songhai Empire."She smiled."You don't want to fuck with them."

Ginger felt Nino's hand on her already very damp cunt."Ginger. As Hailey would say, `I crave this.' "

Ginger rolled to her back, spread her legs and raised her knees. "Nino.Will you make love to me?"

Nino kissed her."You bet."

Nino rolled on top of her.She took his cock and placed it at her entrance."I'm ready Nino."She felt his cock enter her as she sighed.

Later as they lay entangled she said."I think I understand.I'll talk toBob about this."

"Let's get together first with you and Bob and Hailey and me about you guys."

"Let's.I think I understand."

Sissy and Jacob

Sissy put down her paper notebook and stretched.She smiled as her boy friend/beddie Zach was at soccer practice, along with his older brother Bob.She'd probably join him with a shower, followed by a massage on their pushed together bed, followed by some quick loving before dinner. "Hi," she heard and turned to see a thin boy, maybe one of the many freshmen she had not met.He was thin, with blond hair, blue eyes, with freckled fair skin, the freckles mostly on his cheeks."I'm Jacob.I'm a sophomore,but it looks like we've avoided each other - no classes together. I was just wondering if you'd like to know more about Jones. Ihave a PR reserved.My beddie is taking a nap after her volleyball practice."

Sissy smiled at him.Well, Zack had told her all about Ramsay.And the dorm counselor had been very clear about what went on in the dorms and PRs when students weren't in class."Sure, Jacob.Always good to get new friends.Be glad to come with you."With that she grinned, then opened her lips in an "O."

Jacob nodded."Come with me to the PR," he said as he held out his hand for her. She grabbed her paper notebook and took his hand to lead her to PR#3.Jacob opened the door, held it for her and closed it behind them."Let's sit on the middle size cot and get to know each other a bit, okay?"

"Sure."She sat down on the cot as Jacob sat down next to her, close, but not touching You must have figured I'm new to Jones, along with my best girl friend Ginger.I have a boy friend whose also my beddie,Zach McDaniel.His older brother is Bob and Ginger is his beddie.So what about you?"

"I have a neat older sister, Ellie, who is an older girl version of me.I hear your friends have already met some of my friends.Is it true that you've never been with a white boy?"

Sissy was quiet for almost a minute. "Uh, Zach is the only guy under eighteen that I've ever been with, if you know what I mean.He died several months ago, but Uncle Jack and I, well, we liked each other a whole lot."

Jacob looked at Sissy."You mean you had sex with an adult?"

"Yeah.We said we loved each other.But don't tell anybody.Mom would just freak out.Please."

"Sure.Well, maybe I'll be your first white boy."

"I guess that's what we're here for."Sissy looked into Jacob's eyes."I really loved Jack.I love Zack.I understand you probably have a beddie and you two do have sex with other kids."

"Yeah.I'll talk about that afterwards."With that Sissy felt himput his arm around her.She put her hand on his shoulder as they kissed.It was a short one, sort of like making sure the other had a pair of lips, too.They looked at each other and then kissed again, longer, wetter, closer, his bare chest rubbing her bare breasts.Glancing down Sissy saw his cock rise.Well, she was getting damp.

Then he had one hand on a breast and the other fingering her, sliding up her slit from love hole to clit until he gently laid her on her back."You ready Sissy?Your snatch seems ready for a new visitor."

"Your caller seem all prepared.But do you know how to screw like a black boy?"

"Stick it in, go up and down until the guy cums and hopes he makes the girl cum."

"Yeah, but try this on me.Go in real slow and as deep as you can.Pause a few seconds, then pull back fast, just don't come all the way out, pause, then slow again.Afterawhile, I'll tell you when to speed up.This is good for both you and me.Try it.Your beddie will love it."She kissed hard.

The kiss over, Sissy broke the embrace to get on the cot on her hands and knees."Doggie style is the best position for this, Jacob.Let's screw."

"Sure," Jacob said as he positioned himself behind her between her spread legs. Slowly his hard five inches slipped into her wet cunt."Go slow," he said to himself."Slow."

"Like that.Slow.Pause when you're in me all the way.Like count to ten.Then yank it back, but not out.YEAH! Pause for ten, then slow.Yeah.Feels good.You're getting it. "Sissy felt that Jacob was, in fact, getting it, slow entrance, pause, fast withdrawal, pause."Yeah.Bit faster going in.Yeah.Bout one quarter speed.Yeah, Jacob.Feeling good. What do you think?"

"Learning.But it feels good.Real good."

"Jacob , crank it up about two notches.I've had two nice cums.You getting close?"

"Shit, yeah, Sissy.Think I have a gallon for you. "

Sissy felt a cum on its way, a big one."Pump, Jacob.Maybe we'll be close.Sissy felt hers coming.Seconds before she felt his cock give that twitch in her bag and then his cum entering her.And she came, yelling and moaning this time.

"Damn that was good Sissy.Thanks for teaching me.Can't wait to tell Ursula." They kissed before leaving the PR."By the way, what did you think of the PR?"

"Nice place to meet a friend, not yourbeddie or SO.I'm sure we will talk it over."

After dinner but before study hall, as all four were new students and for themthey all had to have in room study hall for the first quarter, the Checkerboards met in a far corner of the commons."So what did you think.We going to stick with just our beddie, or do we do what Hailie, Nino Jacob, and Ramsay do?"

"That's what we'd like to know,too.All four of us enjoyed our meeting with an individual Checkerboard.All four of us agree that we'd have no problem contacting our original partner, or another.By the way, all four of us are bi," Hailey said, acting as the leader.

The Checkerboards looked at each other, grinned, and nodded their heads.

"So is there some way the experienced ones know we have an idea as to what is going on?" Ginger asked.

"Oh, it's already out.In fact, there are five newbies who still haven't figured things out.Never can tell, you might be one asked to `explain' things,"Nino said.

"Study Hall is about to happen.Next, since none of you wear a V, you are all eligible to be an engineer or fireman," Ramsay said, letting out a giggle.

"Engineer? Sissy asked.

"Come here tomorrow to learn more,"Ramsay said."See you guys tomorrow."

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 83

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