Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 16, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #8: Adams Family Christmas/ Iowa Christmas

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

Adams Family Christmas/Iowa Christmas by

Larry Marion

\ Abby and Fred

Friday, 20 December at noon, Jones Lab School began sending students home for the holidays. The day students were gone in a flash as driving sophomores, juniors, and seniors got in their car to take friends and, maybe under duress, younger siblings home. Dormies began to leave - a micro bus to the airport, followed a bit latter by a larger bus, even a taxi or uber to the regional airport.

Mason Fish and Sissy, Molly and Phil raced to the old family SUV as it pulled up, their overnight bags in their hands and backpacks on their shoulders. Mason pulled the door open, looked in and shouted, "Uncle Francois! Aunt Cindy! You're here!"

"We are. And we brought everybody. Don't panic. We have the owner's suit, but you'll have to be careful there. I'm not sure I can take an age range of fifteen years to eleven months!" Uncle Francois let out a laugh. "Get in. It's cold outside!"

The four climbed in and they were off to vacation. Francois turned to see two couples with arms around each other. "Hmm. So there are other PDA's allowed now?"

"Uncle Francois. We aren't on school grounds. So THERE!"

`Molly! Wow."

"I can't control her, Aunt Cindy. She's all over me all the time."

"Phil - guess who sleeps on the floor tonight!"

"The ones who want the most room, my pretty niece," Francois said to laughter from all as they pulled into the drive. Francois stopped, turned off the engine, and faced the four in the rear. "Look, please. Fred is acting very shy right now. You know he's between you two, Fish and Molly. He's just not sure how he belongs. You know he's your brother, right?" Fish and Molly both nodded. "He knows the story. He just doesn't quite understand. And he has no girl friend with him!"

"Poor guy," Fish said. "Uncle Francois. Molly and I will do what we can. And Sissy and Phil will help. OH!! Look. Sissy. Abby is stuck here for the next three days. Call her up. Ask her if she wants to come to the Adams Family Christmas!" He looked around. "Uncle Francois, if she says yes, will you go back, and get her? Maybe have Fred come along?"

"Fish, I always knew I had a smart nephew. I want you in the army for sure."

Then they were out of the SUV. Standing in the living room she had grown to like, Sissy called Abby. A brief conversation and then Francois, Sissy, and a somewhat reluctant Fred headed back to Jones to pick up Abby.

Sissy carefully put Abby in the middle, with her on one side and Fred on the other. Sissy worked both of them. Both remained almost mute. They got back to what Sissy had begun to think of as her second home. Francois got out of the SUV. "Come on," he said.

"In a moment, Uncle Francois," she said. Then she turned to both of them. "I almost wish Fish were here. He has the knack for gab. I don't. Look, I know you don't know each other. Abby, you know us, but you never came home to Mom and Dad Adams. Fred, you hardly know us. I'd like to know you more. I've heard so many stories about your dad - and your mom. We want to be your friends - your family.

"It can work. I started out tolerating Fish. Now... well, you know we're beddies. If you don't know, Fred, that means Fish and I sleep together."

"Uh, does that mean what I think?"

"Yes." She smiled at both of them. "Let's get into the house. "

They walked into bedlam. Even Fish and Molly weren't sure whose niece or nephew belonged to which older brother or sister. Sure, they knew who FM and JM were, and who Prize and Sammie were. It was fairly obvious that the two dark ones belonged to FM and JM, but then there were the others.

Paige rushed to Abby. "I'm so glad you can come. Fish and Sissy have told me about you - all good, I might add. Excuse the bedlam. It's going to be worse." She smiled at Abby. "By the way, I'm told you have a lot of grit. Have you seen that movie?"

"I have. Both versions. I like the first better."

"Good." She smiled. "Sleeping arrangements may be tense. Francois and his mob will go back to the hotel fairly soon. Then we can see what is left. Who knows, you may get invited to go with Francois. I'm sure there is a vacant bed there. You may be with a couple of kids. Is that okay?"

Abby laughed. `I shared a room with brothers and sisters."

"Okay. If that's what happened, we'll get a car early to bring you back here in the morning." Minutes later Paige came back to Molly, Phil, Abby, and Fred. The latter two kept eyeing each other, as though each waited for the other to make the first move. "This is rather drastic, I know. Francois says they aren't even sure there is room for Fred. We have a big futon. The patio is enclosed and heated. Fred and Abby, can you two share it, at least for tonight?" Paige asked.

Fred and Abby turned to each other. "I don't snore," Fred said.

"Do you grab covers?" Abby responded.

"I don't think so. I don't think I've slept in the same bed with somebody since I was like ten.'"

"Abby, if Fred's like his father, you'll think you're next to a log with the bark removed," Paige said.

"Oh." Abby looked at Paige with wrinkled brow. "Well, Fred, if it's okay with you, it's okay with me. And I haven't slept with anybody since I was about the same age, maybe a bit older. And that was a sleep over. Jack is my roomie, not my beddie."

"Well, okay. What's a beddie?"

"That's your roomie when the two of you have decided to be a bit closer."

"You mean...they do it?"

"`It'? You mean have sex, make love?"


"Not necessarily I have four good friends who are beddies, but they're all virgins. But if you're beddies, you push your beds together and after lights out it's easier to talk when you're next to the other than across the room. Of course other things happen, too."

"Oh. Sounds sort of neat. But we wouldn't be beddies, right?"

"No. This is just sort of last resort."

Several hours later Fred and Abby stood on opposite sides of the futon, all made up and looking comfortable. They had already brushed teeth and such. Now they looked at each other. Abby shrugged, then began to unbutton her sweater.

"You have pj's?" Fred asked.

"No. I think 90% of the dormies sleep nude. Much more comfortable. I'll turn around if you want."

"No. No. That's okay. I mean I go to a small Corporation Lab school and we are nude in class. But I'm not a dorm student. We only have about 50 of them." He began to remove his shirt the same time her bra came off. "Ah shit," he breathed.


"Uh, er. I, I have a ha...erection. I'm sorry. Look, I can wear my shorts."

Abby laughed as she pulled off her jeans to reveal regular light blue panties. Fred gulped and lowered his jeans. "Jack's a 15 year old guy. He has a morning wood. No big deal. Sometimes I see a guy taking a shower, and pow - he has a hard on. Mostly guys are relaxed. Look, Fred. You have a boner. Guess what? My nipples are hard. So I'm undressing with a guy I just met. It is a bit titilating."

Fred laughed, turned his head, and then pulled off his shorts. Abby almost gasped. She'd seen some fairly big dicks in the three years she'd been a dormie at Jones, but Fred, granted hard, had to be seven inches long, maybe more. "Nice pun," he said and he jumped into the futon.

"What pun?"


"Oh, yeah. That just slipped out of me." She turned off the light and slid under the covers. Their feet touched and withdrew.

"Fred. Can I ask you a question?"

"Ask. I'll let you know."

"So I see your dad. But who are the three ladies?"

"Oh, boy. Well, okay. Ready for your head to spin?"

"Look, I'm lying in a futon, nude, next to a black guy I met four hours ago, who also has a very big and hard, prepared to spend the night with him. How can my head spin more?"
"Because I'm lying in bed with a very cute white girl who I met four hours ago who told me a few minutes ago that her nipples are hard. My head's a bit wobbly, too,

"So, I'm going to cut to the chase. Mom Cindy is Dad's legal wife. I won't bother with names, but she's the mother of two of the kids, including the oldest, Madeline, who's finishing college this year. Mom Simone and Mom Monique also have two each, or so they say. Now, if you noticed, four of us are fairly dark, but the two that look like ebony are Mom Monique's. The rest of us are all lighter and I guess I'm probably the second lightest, mostly brown really. Mom Simone is actually mostly European, but she is a natural Cameroonian. Last year I did a calculation on three of us. There is no way that Mom Simone could have had Joan and me. Joan is six months younger than me. I'm pretty darn sure that my real mom is Mom Paige and my real dad is Dad."

"So why are you living with your Dad and these three ladies?"

"Take a guess. Don't I rather stand out? And it's no family secret that Dad and Mom Paige have slept together since they were at Jones the year it opened and that Mason and Simone have for almost as long. Notice the girl who looks about twelve. She and I are about the same shade, with her just a bit darker. But she could pass of southern European, easily, I think she's Dad Mason's daughter by Simone. "

"Wow. Sounds like an orgy. Why?"

"Mostly it just happened. But let me finish. Mom Cindy and Dad got married. Dad Mason was best man and Mom Paige was maid of honor. You know what a concubine is?"

"Uh. Something out of the Bible or Arabian Nights or something. Sort of a prostitute."

Fred shook his head. "No. More like a mistress because for some reason the couple can't get married. Get this, Mom Paige was Dad's Chief, head, or first concubine. Mom Simone and Mom Monique were his number two and three. Mom Cindy was briefly number four. Mom Simone and Monique got married in Cameroon where polygamy is not illegal. They are not considered his wives, though their children are his dependents. I can show you my military dependent's card."

"This is awesome. So what do you feel about this?"

"Interesting. Most people I just say Aunts Simone and Monique live with us. For some reason they're dependent on Dad, though they both work as well."

"So how did this all come about?"

"Grand Ma-Ma would spit and say it was the Colonials. In part, it was. About two hundred years ago a series of wars, mostly to try to fight off the invading Europeans with spears and arrows, the men were decimated. Then some horrible disease killed off more so suddenly for every young man there was like four to six young women. Pow. Polygamy returned. It's never totally died out but women still outnumber men.

"Dad has dual citizenship and he returns to Cameroon every year. He's managed to outlaw concubinage, but semi-legalize polygamy. He retires in five years, he thinks, will take Simone and Monique back, do another wedding ceremony and bring them back as his wives.

"So what do you think?"

"Interesting. You sound fascinating."

"I'll tell you. I've never told anybody outside of my family and the Adams and the Jeffersons anything about this, including who I think is my birth mom. I don't know why, but it's almost like how I heard Dad and Mom Paige got together."

"Oh. You mean how Mom Paige and some black senior guy got it on in a PR? And kept meeting there? "

"Well, that's the bare bones. But I know every time they visit us or we visit them Dad and Mom Paige vanish in one bedroom and Dad Mason and Mom Simone into another and they come out of them the next morning. I got the idea that when Dad and Mom Paige met, he just bowled her over. And I guess she him."

Fred suddenly felt Abby's hand on his shoulder. "Fred. I don't do this often. In fact, I've never done it before. But would you kiss me?"

"Abby. Wow. I've been wanting to do that for the last ten minutes. " They had been lying on their sides, facing each other, so Fred put his arm around her, they inched together and then kissed. The first lasted some ten seconds. The second lasted longer; before it was over, both lips parted and tongues began to dart back and forth. A short breather and then another long, wet kiss as both hands began to roam over the other's back until Fred turned Abby on her back and began to touch her breasts, both with hand and lips.

He felt her hand slide between his legs and first cup his balls and then begin to touch his hard cock. His response was to slide his hand between her legs, which parted for his exploration. Their lips parted. "Fred. I'm a virgin."

"Does that mean no further?"

"No. I can't believe I'm doing this. But I want to. Fred. My clit. It's on top. Touch it. Rub it. Yes. You found it. Yes. "

"Abby. We just met."

"I know. I don't understand. But there's a voice saying, Abby, this is the time and the place and the guy. "

"Abby. I'm a virgin too. We will give ourselves to each other. "

"Fred. Roll on your back, please."

"Mason method?"

"Of course. Am I going to say tomorrow morning, Fred and I made love but we didn't use your method for the first time?" Fred rolled on his back, then took the covers and pulled them off his body. Abby sat up, then slid on top of Fred and took his cock in hand, positioned it. "We agree?" she asked quietly.

"Yes, Abby. Yes." He felt her slide down his cock, pause and then pushed herself down. In the dim light coming in he saw her grimace and then smile."

There second time was the old fashioned way so they kissed and licked each other. Then they fell asleep.

The next morning they were about the last for breakfast. Heads turned when the two walked in, not holding hands, but with their arms around each other. They were not the only ones nude, but most of them at least had on a robe, even if it was open.

Fred heard Mom Paige say, "What have I done?"

He wanted to reply, "You woke us up."

Two days later as Abby prepared to fly home, Fred stood looking at his dad, Mom Simone, Mom Cindy, with Abby at his side. "Dad. I really want to transfer to Jones as a boarding student. Mom and Dad Adams say I'm welcome to visit them. Abby's told me about Jones - you've told me about Jones. I mean Fort Sill is nice, but the Corporation lab school is small there."

"Be honest Fred. Do you really want to do this, or is this an infatuation?"

"Uh, Major. I can't speak for Fred, but I'm not infatuated. I think Fred is a keeper."

"Do you?"

"Sir. I do. And our time, short though it is, seals it for me."

"Francois, dear. Look in her eyes. Look in Fred's. I've seen that look in you. Tell me you haven't seen it in my eyes. Or in Simone's eyes. Face it dear. They act in love. We can't plead we can't afford it. You know as well as I do that all of our kids have various degrees of scholarship backing."

Francois turned to Cindy. "You sure?"

"Francois, listen to her. Of course she's sure." Simone chuckled. "Been a concubine. Been a wife. Wife's better."

"Okay. But what about Abby's room mate?"

"I've already spoken with him, sir. He was going to come to me. He has a girl he'd like to be beddies with. He just was quiet to not bother me. They signed up for a PR almost every day. You may not understand that most kids think the PR is nice, but not as great as having a beddie." At that Francois began to laugh.

"Sorry, Abby. I was only at Jones one year, but I knew the difference between a PR and your own room. I only wish..,, well, never mind.

"Fred. You've already agreed that you will work this summer. You can get a work permit. I'll make sure you get a job on post - something. If Abby comes, we will look for a job for her too. It may not be the same as yours. You get bagging jobs at the commissary and come home with four bucks in your pocket - will be questions. You both understand?"

"Yes, Dad."

"Yes, Sir."

"Okay. I will talk to Jones tomorrow, Summer is a long way away. Now, we have to get Abby to the airport in 45 minutes. Grab her bags son and let's move out. You can kiss her good bye at the TSA gate. "

Fred's twelve year old sister came to the airport with them. Fred blocked the entrance to the TSA inspection area while he and Abby kissed good bye. Ke'shan rolled her eyes while they did so,

Mason Fish and Sissy on the Farm

Mason Fish and Sissy sat side by side in the train coach after their ride from Jones Lab School to the closest Amtrak station to Sissy's farm home. Not really a farm as such as her father earned a nice income as an on line lawyer while her mother had an online "Farm home cooking" show. Actually, the two fifteen year old sophomores leaned against each other, fingers traveling over the arm or shoulder or whatever seemed exposed to view.

"That's the Missouri River Bridge, Fish. Bout fifteen or so minutes and we'll see Mom and Dad."

"I just hope I make a good impression. I mean, bringing me to your home for the rest of Christmas? "

"It's okay sweetie. They'll never vote for your mom for congress, even if they were in her district - but a call from her office. Wow. Okay. Almost there. He's sounding for the Fifth Street grade crossing. "

"You seem to know a lot about trains."

"Grandpa was an engineer on the CB&Q. He was young then, but he always said he had the last revenue steamer on the Quincy."

"Oh. Well, I do like some steamy stuff."

She smiled a wicked smile. "Fish, with you, so do I." She looked out the coach window. "Here we are, my loving city slicker."

"Oh. Now I have to figure out how to take advantage of my sweet, innocent country girl." With nobody close looking, Fish cupped Sissy's breast to give it a squeeze.

"Later, Fish."

The train came to a stop with a long horn blast. Sissy stood up and began to gather her things. Fish followed her example. Soon, with their carry on and two bags of presents, they were off the train and onto the platform. Sissy looked around, then waved. "MOM! DAD!! Here we are," She began pulling her small suitcase behind her. "Come on, Fish," she said. He got his small case and followed her to her folks, who didn't look like farmers at all. Like Sissy and himself, they were bundled up, but Fish saw a neatly knotted tie at her father's throat.

In a moment Sissy made hasty introductions to Fish to her folks and ten year old Sweetpea. Then, the one big suitcase claimed, Fish got led by his hand to an SUV which they got in, to be soon on the road. Twenty minutes later they turned up a drive, or path, or trail to a two story farm house in the middle of barren fields, snow covering most of them.

As they pulled their stuff out of the back, Sissy's dad said, "Only one bag, Sissy?"

"Dad, most of my clothes are here. Remember, we don';t need much at Jones. Most of this is Fish's stuff. We figured one big bag and then our carry on things. Mostly my girl stuff, and then some of his stuff."

The SUV started up away from the station. "So you two really are room mates?"

"Dad! You know about this. Fish and I are roomies. Yes. Group I 9/10 Dorm, Room, 108."

"Sweetie, I really thought I was forward looking. And Fish, I think I'd like to talk with you. Like how did you get that name?"

"Not for the halibut, sir. I'm named for a relative. A Major James Fish, Confederate States Artillery, Wells' Regiment, Blackman's Battalion."

"Oh. Very good. You seem to know something about history."

"Yes, sir. But right now I'm concentrating on making history with Sissy. I've never known a girl like her before." He put his hand on her arm . "Sir, I haven't had the chance until now, but I'd like your permission to court Sissy."

Sissy choked on this. "Dad, I know that sounds corny. But Fish is serious. He wants your permission."

"Sissy, let's wait until morning. We have supper waiting."

While they were eating supper Sweetpea said, "Sissy do you and Fish really have the same room?"

"We do. Most of the dormies at Jones have a roomie who is the opposite sex.

"Oh. I don't think I'd like that."

"Well, you get to know what the other thinks like and such. Your sister has already taught me a lot," Fish said.


"Sweetpea, this is not dinner talk," Mr. Wright said.

"Yes, sir," the ten year old said quietly, her face down. For several moments there was quiet and then conversation resumed, though Sweetpea remained silent.

Sissy and Fish helped with the dishes after dinner, the two talking about school and study and both of them trying to avoid any mention of sex or the clothing rules. However clothes came up when they'd moved into the family room, Sweetpea having gone to her room to read a book.

"So everything we read, to include your grades and conduct, Sissy, is excellent. We've looked at the test examples on line and your mother and I agree some of them we can't answer. But why the no clothes?"

"Well, sir, if you are nude, there's no hiding. Uh, I can't go around the other guys and claim mine's enormous when everybody can see it's just average. A girl can't stuff her,,,, bra - and some jerk of a boy can't bother her by popping it like my folks said used to happen. We can't fake showing off."

"And, we can't use a smart phone to cheat. The waist belt where we keep our pens and stuff is mesh. A teacher would see the phone. They are only allowed before or after school."

"But a distraction...?"

Well, Ms. Wright, I have to admit it is in the beginning. Even the beginning of the school year for old hands, some boys just can't help it. But that's gone in a day or so. And some girls get a bit upset once a month. But when they see nobody notices, it goes away."

"Fish is right, Mom. I remember seventh grade back home and most of the girls started getting our boobs. Boys were constantly trying to look down our top. And they would pop a strap. Just doesn't happen at Jones. When I'm in class with 20 other kids, none of us notice a thing."

"But what about when you and Fish are in your room?"

"Well, Mom. I told you. Fish and I are attracted to each other. But Mom, really, that's personal, don't you think?"
"Well, we were warned about the rules. They explained their rationale. They haven't sent us the latest results on their chastity efforts, but the last two years, I do know that things like pregnancy here and at Jones are very different - like zero at Jones.

"Your dad and I do shake our heads a bit, but we'll send Sweetpea starting in the seventh, as long as she wants to go. We told her that she just can't go to Hogwarts."

Sissy and Fish laughed at that. "I did get her a wand for Christmas," Fish said,

"I'm sure she'll love it. Well, kids, you know we get up at five at the latest. We're going to bed now. Sweetpea will gather eggs. I'll do the milking."

"Dad, I'll try to bring Fish down to the barn and show him how it's done. He says he just follows his dad about sleeping." Fish watched Missy's folks exchange a glance. UH, he thought if that doesn't say `we're sleeping together. Of course they know we'll share a bed here. But they've avoided that.

Sissy kissed her mom and dad while Fish shook hands with Mr. Wright and got a mild hug from Ms. Wright. They headed for their bedroom. As they passed what had to have been Sweetpea's her mom called, "Eggs in the morning." Fish turned to Sissy, who suddenly yawned.

"Long day, Fish. Bed?"

"Yes. I'm tired too."

"Shower tonight or the morning? I don't know about you, but tonight a hug, a kiss, maybe a touch. In the morning, I think I'll be ready for some real lovin'" Sissy gave him a kiss. "And then a shower. You'll like it."

"Sounds good."

With that the two got undressed, slipped into Sissy's full size bed, and both were asleep almost at once. The hug, kiss, and touch were perfunctory, almost as though they'd been married thirty years or more.

Sissy, lying in her own bed, in her own room, though she'd never slept nude there, much less have a nude boy of the same age in bed with her, woke early, as though she were going to milk Daisy. Instead, she snuggled against the soundly sleeping Fish and began to tickle his back, slowly moving down from his neck, along his spine, to his waist, and then going lower. She gently moved his legs to cup his balls. Her fingers found a hard cock, morning wood. He moaned. She kissed his neck, then began to nibble his ear.

"Good morning, my redeemed heart breaker. Turn on your back. I want your lollypop." He moaned again. A gentle nudge and yes, he rolled onto his back. She smiled. She kissed his lips. Another moan. Moaning in his sleep? Maybe. Was that a word he said? "Ready to wake up with me licking your lollypop, sweetie?"

"Yash," he said. She was sure of it. She pulled the covers down to his knees, slid down and got on her knees, her butt in the air to begin to lick his hard, erect cock before taking it into her mouth. She knew she was not an expert. Fish was the only guy she'd even consider doing this to. And she's only done it twice with Billy last year. Not so now. She began to bob on it. "Sissy? Oh. Sissy. So nice. So...nice." He began to respond, gently thrusting with his hips as she slid her lips up and down on his cock. "Oh,. God, Sissy. Soon. Oh, YES. GOD!! So GOOD!"

His cock finally stopped its delivering his cum. She raised her head, kissed it, and then lay her head on his thigh, looking at it shrink and then begin to rise again. When it was fully erect, she slid between his legs. "Second course," she said. "Oh, good morning love. We may still be in time for the end of milking."

`Uh. Sissy. God, you're beautiful in the morning?"

"You can barely see me."

"I know what you look like. Have I ever told you I love the freckles on your boobs?"

"You just love my boobs." With that she positioned his cock and slowly slid down it. "I like it this way."

"I know. And I like it, too." The two began to move, Sissy up and down while Fish wiggled his hips back and forth. "Oh, Sissy. Good. Good."

"Yes. Make me cum, Mason Fish. Make me cum. Really fuck me. You can do it."

"I want to. I want..." and then they both heard a crash in the direction of the bedroom door. Sissy twisted around to see what was going on, causing Fish's cock to slip out of her pussy, while Fish twisted to see what her body hid. They both saw Sweetpea standing in the open door way, still in her heavy coat and boots, a basket of eggs sitting on the floor, her mouth covered by her hands, her eyes wide.

"Samantha! What are you doing?!? Step in, close the door and come here," Sissy said, her voice distorted.

"I,,I,,I,," she stuttered.

"Close the door, Samantha," Sissy repeated. The ten year old did so. "Take off your coat. What are you doing.?"

"Sissy, she's about to start crying. Sweetpea, it's okay. But, please, what did you see?" Fish said gently. As he talked he grabbed the covers and pulled them up over his still hard cock. "Take off that coat. It looks heavy." Slowly Sweetpea took off the coat. "Come sit on the bed. Now, like your big sister asked, what did you see?"

"I,,I, saw Sissy wake up. I wanted to see if you were, to let you know Dad was late with Daisy. Fish could go watch the milking. And she pulled the covers off you. She was naked. I saw her boobs like I'm going to get. I saw your, your, .. thing sticking up. Then she had it in her mouth and you were like moaning, but sounding like it was good. Then she stopped. Then she got on top of you. I saw her put your thing in her... vagna. And then I leaned on the door too much and it flew open and hit the wall." Sissy and Fish both saw the younger girl's lip tremble.

Sissy got out of bed, went to Sweetpea and put her arm around her younger sister. "Sweetpea, I shouldn't have yelled at you or called you Samantha. But you started us. Really. You should have closed the door at once and left. What you saw is very private, just Fish and me. You understand?"

"Was you trying to make a baby? "

"Oh, no!" both Sissy and Fish said. "We both had a shot. Fish can't make me pregnant and I can't get pregnant. When you go to Jones, you'll get the same shot. That's a just in case thing. Now, since you saw us, we really don't want you to tell Mom and Dad. They're not real sure about this.

"But if you are confused at all, ask us. We'll answer any question you have. But can it wait until after breakfast? " Sweetpea nodded her head. "Good. You scoot. Fish and I'll put on something warm, go down to the barn, and maybe Fish can watch the end of Daisy's milking."

"Is it okay if I see something udder?" Fish asked.

"Sweetpea, scoot. I'm going to kill this boy. You don't want to see it happen!" Sissy laughed, but Sweetpea grabbed the basket of eggs and left, a smile on her face.

Three hours later Fish and Mr. Wright were back in the barn, back in the work room, heated by a real woodturning stove. "Okay, Fish - is that what they normally call you?"

"Well, yes. To keep me from being confused with Dad. I've tried to get Sissy to call me `Mason,' but she just won't. Sissy can be stubborn. But very tender and kind, too. She's sure helped me, sir."

"She's said you were wild last year."

"I was. I, I sort of can be real persuasive and I started hitting on girls, ninth graders and a few eighth that were already fourteen, and even a couple of sophomores. I guess I got `lucky' but then after a week or so I'd drop them. Didn't really think they'd think much about it.

"Anyway, this year started and the first thing I got from Mom and Dad was that if I brought a girl home, I had to swear to them I'd bring her back again. I didn't do that. Well, before that, they put me in with Sissy as my room mate. I asked about somebody else. They said Sissy - nobody else wanted to room with me and I was not going to have a room by myself. Sissy said she would. She told me we were room mates, wouldn't even use the term `"roomie."


"Yes, sir. At first you're room mates. You get to know each other. You get to be friends. You're roomies. Maybe later you become beddies, which means you push your beds together. That way you can talk after lights out. Maybe do some kissing and such. At first the beds are together, but the covers are separate on each bed. So maybe later, the covers overlap. There's other signs like washing your beddie's back in the shower."

"And Sissy liked this?"

Fish laughed. "Well, sir, last year a lot of people called her `Prissy.' I did too. I don't now. In fact, two weeks ago I challenged one of our senior football players when he called her that. He laughed until I told him that Mom Paige was my mom and my sensi. I was third degree black belt. He apologized."

"Mom Paige?"

"My mom, sir. She and Dad were 7/8 counselors for at least ten years. They called them Mom Paige and Dad Mason. One of the reasons I'm still stuck with Fish.

"Maybe they'll flounder around for a bit and start calling you Mason. You seem like a good brick."

Fish groaned. "Anyway, sir. I know this is old fashioned and such. And I know it's late. But I'd like to have your permission, and Ms. Wright's permission to date your daughter. I promise at school she'll be home by ten every time we go out." Fish smiled at that.

Mr. Wright smiled at that. "And have my Sindy in bed at 10:10?'

"Yes, sir."

"Fish. I think I can grow to like you. Suggestion, you might want to lock your door at night. Sweetpea is ten and very curious. I think she's beginning to think that at least some boys don't have cooties. I'd hate to have her barge in on you two."

Fish hid his grin. "Yes sir."

After supper Sissy and Fish handed out Christmas presents to the other Wrights while they did the same to Sissy and Fish. Sweetpea's favorite present was one from both Sissy and Fish, with Gryffindor House colors on the wrapping. She opened it to find a wand. Sissy got a hug; Fish got a kiss, almost on the lips.

As they were parting for the evening, Fish touched Sweetpea on the shoulder. "I have to warn you, little sister of my beloved. My wand has the expelluspajamaus curse on it."

"What does that do?"

"It sends your pajamas out to the pig pen and sticks your feet to the floor."

Sissy laughed.

"Mason Fish. I hate to say this, but I think I'm falling in love with you."

"Sindy Alexander Wright, I know I've fallen in love with you. I'm glad to say it."

"Lock the door tonight, Big Boy." He did.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 9

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