Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Sep 2, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #78 . Baby Factory : Bi-SexualHigh School

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Baby Factory


Larry Marian

Fourteen year old Jill Adams sat in the Davis hot tub, with the arm of 16 year old Clyde Davis around her neck, his hand cupping one of her breasts.Opposite her sat her 17 year old brother Jack with his arm around also fourteen , closing on fifteen years old, BonnieDavis.Parents Buck and Sissy Adams sat facing the sliding glass doors leading to the family room of the Davis home, while Ernie and Helen Davis had their backs to family room, so their heads were turned sideways so everybody could see the two Corporation agents wearing robes.

Jill could not tell because of the swirling water what Jack might be touching on Bonnie, but she was slumped down in the water making her breasts invisible.Both her mom and Bonnie's's momsat up so Helen's nipples were unseen while her mom's weren't.

"So, to be formal, may Abby and I join you?"

"Sure, Bret, ditch your robes and come in," Buck said."I assume your papers are waterproof. "

"They are.And ink doesn't run."With that the two shed their robes, revealing an early thirties trimly fit couple.Jill noticed at once that both had totally shaven pubic areas and Bret's soft cock had to be at least as big as Clyde's - maybe bigger.Her thoughts went to how a fourteen year old girl like herself couldseduce that man and his cock.

"As I said, I'm Bret and this is Abby.We're in a doctoral programlooking into maximizing having wonderful, healthy babies which grow to be fantastic kids and adults.You four, Ms. Adams, Ms. Davis, Jill Adams, and Bonnie Davis are natural candidates for this program.Now, two things.The first is simply that none of you are required to become a mother.All of you may "enlist" if you will, or none of you or some of you.The second is for the teens and their moms.This is not the stereotype teen pregnancy.A young teen, that is fifteen or younger is quite likely to become pregnant by accident and may not tell the father, or her parents.For the two of you, if you do become pregnant, it will not be by accident and you will, as your moms will, receive excellent comprehensive care.

"So, shall I continue on, or are there any here who want to drop out now?" The two adult women and two teen girls all looked at each other, then one after the other shook their heads in the negative. " Okay, time for Abby."

"Hi.By the way, this sitting in a hot tub is a very relaxing way to get through this.I'm going to be specific forstuff for the ladies and Bret will be likewise for the gentlemen.So, starting with Bonnie and Jill.Bonnie, have you achieved your menarche?"

"Oh, yes.But I was maybe a bit late.I think it was a month or two before my thirteenth birthday."

"Good.Are your periods regular?"

"Yes ma'am.Maybe, 27, maybe 29, but mostly 28 since I was 14."

"Good.Cramps, upset stomach, or other side effects?"

"Not really."

"Okay, thanks Bonnie. You sound very good.So, Jill, have you achieved your menarche?"

"Yes.Bonnie was late, but I was early. I was actually eleven years, 11 months, and 11 days.But it was in September, not November.

"Very patriotic.Regular periods?

"Pretty much.Most between 26 and 30 days.I've known girls who might have one that is 18 days and the next is as long as 40."

"Yeah.So, Cramps, upset stomach, or other side effects?"

"Not often.But a couple I actually had to go to the nurse and she put me on bed rest for two days.Clyde and Bonnie took care of me."

"Thanks, Jill.I think you'llmake it. "

"Now, Helen, have you hit menopause yet?"

"Thank God, no."

"Have you had two or more miscarriages?"


"Would a third child be a burden on you or your family?

"I hope not. "

"Thanks, now Samantha, have you hit menopause yet?

"Call me Sissy.Nope. Hot flashes are more than ten years away."

"Have you had two or more miscarriages?"

"No.One when I was nineteen and in college."

"About what week was it?"

"Probably the ninth or tenth."

"Would a third child be a burden on you or your family?"

"I've got wonderful support."

"Wonderful.Now, back to the guys.

"The first is a general question for all of you males.Do any of you have a child that is either from a previous marriage or the mother of a child born out of wedlock or a common law marriage? Buck,no.Ernie?no.Clyde? no. Jack?no.Good.

Do you agree with this statement?"Raising a child is the duty of the mother."Silence was followed by a group - "NO."Jack said, "If I'm going to be the older brother of a new younger brother or sister, I'm going to help.Even when I was a kid, I helped Mom with Jill - and she needed it."Jill glared at Jack, stuck her tongue out at him, and laughed.

"Okay.BTW, if anybody wants to borrow my two year old for practice.... So. I will ignore Buck and Ernie for this question, as four children seem to be a sign that both of them produce viable sperm, this question is for Jack and Clyde.

"Jack - when you masturbate, is your ejaculate clear or cloudy?"

"What if I were to say, `I don't look'?"

"I'd have to send you to a doctor."

"It's cloudy."


"Cloudy and sticky."

"Good. You are both producing sperm.You both can be a father for your girl friend's baby. "

"Sir, she is not my girl friend.She's my beddie. Maybe that's a Jones thing, but I have a beddie - and a girl friend, and she has a boy friend - me - and a beddie.We're team mates on the Jones soccer team," Jack said.

"We've heard of that.

"What we have to express to all of you is to ensure you are willing to go through this.Bear in mind that all of you will be compensated and a scholarshipestablished for each baby - or babies.Okay, guys,Abby is about to get into the nitty gritty, but for you,beginning on the first day of your companion's last cycle, your job is to produce sperm.So no sexual contact, no masturbation except, once every five days to release pressure until fertilization attempts begin.

"When your partner tells you that her next period's flow ended on such and such a day,she will then tell you when she will probably ovulate.Backtrack the calendar five days.Your sperm can live five days in her womb.At that time, have intercourse with her and her only, twice a day, twelve hours apart, until day nineteen or twenty of her period.In addition,for the next ten days, she must not have sex of any sort, other than with you, the prospective father.

"This sounds very mechanical.All of you, once this starts, make love."

The video the Corporation team brought with them began.

All eight of theviewers saw a room, all white with a large bed holding three nude tweens, a boy and two girls. As they sat, the boy had an erection,maybe four inches, one girl had a strange hair do, tiny breasts and a nice patch of pubic hair, the third had some nicely developing breasts and no pubic hair.The audience heard the boy say, "What?"The girl with tiny boobs said, "You're just so cute" and the third with the bald pussy said, "You really are."

"Oh my God," Jill cried."That's Grandpa and Grandma as kids! The two having sex look so happy!"

"You're right and they are about to give up their virginity," Sissysaid.They watched spellbound as a twelve year old Paige got on top of Mason, paused over his cock and slowly lowered herself onto it. "Your folks look happy, but the other girl looks jealous," Clyde said.

The video stopped.

"Were they really your parents?"

"They sure were," Buck said.

*. *. *. *. *. *

"Mom.My period started this afternoon. I started inserting a tampon two days ago and changing them regularly.I'm counting the days for when Clyde and I can start trying to become teen parents."

"Glad you're happy, Jill.Just remember to change your tampon regularly."

Oh, MOM!I can't wait to tell Clyde!"

"I know dear.I should start either later today or tomorrow."

"Great, Mom.Oh, Clyde is being such a pill right now. He gripes that his balls hurt.I told him he could live on one blow job every five days!"

"I told your father the same, Dear.Now, don't forget to unload the dishwasher,"

"Yes, Mom."

*. *. *. *. *. *. *

"Hi, Dear.How are you?" Clyde said as he walked into his and Jill's room at the Davis house.She smiled at him, picked up a tissue, held it before his eyes and unwrapped a teen tampon, colored a brownish red."I've started.It normally lasts three or four days.So about five or so days from now, it will be twice a day for us.I'm so excited! "

"You know, I want to be creative.They showed the bit about Grandma and Grandpa making love for the first time.How about 0700 on the living room couch?Or in the playroom?Or the kitchen table?"

"How about your dad and mom or my mom and dad making love at 0700 on the living room couch?"

Jill giggled."That would be fun.You know I walked into their bedroom one Saturday morning and they were!Doggie style at that. No covers."

"You were?"


Jill's phone buzzed at 0600 the next day."Jill.I've started. I'm so excited. Mom hasn't. "

"That' s great, Bonnie.Hey, I'd better change. I put a pad on at ten last night."

"Yeah, us."Both girls laughed.

"Well,Bonnie, your mom has come in fourth place.Started right after lunch."

"Oh, Mom.So great. I guess we're close together.Jill, started the eighth, I did the ninth, her mom actually the ninth and you today, the tenth. "

"Bonnie, consider a moment.We may have our own babies a week apart. That's almost like having twins.What if one of us doesn't have our milk come in?"

"Yeah.I guess you're right. "

*. *. *. *. *. *

Bonnie and Jill walked down the street from the small shopping center back towards their homes.A van honked its horn."Hey, Bonnie, Jill,how are you?You two look nice, even with your clothes on.Want a ride?"

"Hey, Philip, Tony.It's only two blocks," Jill said. The two girls walked across the street to stand at the passenger side. "We really need to walk.Doc's orders."

"You sick or something?" Tony asked.

"No.It's a girl thing, Bonnie said.

"Oh.Well, if it's not serious,you two could hop in, we go to the old mall, and practice mutual undressing and some serious bouncing exercise.You've both pulled a train with us as passengers."

The girls laughed.

"What's so funny?" Phillip asked.

"We can't.Later might be fine." Jill replied.

"Come on," Tony prompted.

The two girls looked at each other. "It's a Corporation thing.Bonnie and I are trying to get pregnant by the other's brother.We can't have sex with any male except the other's brother."

"Bummer," Phillip said.

"But we have to have sex with the father to be twice a day, twelve hours apart," Bonnie said.

"Such pain!"Tony said."But hey, how about a blow job?.No girl ever got PG sucking a dick.Seem to remember good ones from each of you last year."

The two girls looked at each other."I'll call," Bonnie said. She got out her phone."Hi, Abby,This is Bonnie.No, we're doing fine but we have a question.... Yeah, is oral sex okay?....... of course not with our brothers.......friends from school........ hey guys, your shots are still active?.....they both nodded `yes...... yeah, understand, sperm could get in the wrong hole....... Thanks, Abby.Bye.""Okay guys, Jill and I can suck you."

"Great.On to the old Mall and the loading dock," Phillip said.

"Just in case, we'd better take off our tops," Jill said.

"And our bras," Bonnie added.

"This an added attraction, ladies?" Tony said.

"Boys can be so dumb or silly.If one of you accidentally or on purpose gives us a facial, our tops probably couldn't be cleaned up before we got home. We have tissue to clean up our boobs,"Jill explained.

"And beautiful knockers they are,"Phillip said."Climb in the van and let's go.Minutes later Phillip backed the van down the slope of the unused loading dock. "Well, here we are, the teenage sexual hideaway.So one of you and Tony get in the back and I'll push the driver's seat back so the other can get to me."

With that Tony and Jill got out, lightly kissing each other as they passed.As soon as Jill was in the passenger seat she pulled her top off and undid her bra as Phillip pulled down his jeans and shorts, revealing his five inch plus cock with its mushroom head.Jill slid over as far as she could as the two kissed, then Phillip began to warm Jill up with some hand play on breasts and pussy.

Jill heard Tony say, "Nice start,Bonnie.I like to do a little oral foreplay.You do a good job with your mouth."

Jill gently pushed Phillip away, turned and got down on the floorboard to take the older teen's close to six inch cock two begin to prepare it." Go Jill.Nice long, deep sucks, Baby.Yeah."

"God, Bonnie is great.I think she's better than my beddie, and Vivvie is really good."

"Yeah, Phillip, Jill is too.But it's in her genes.I know you've heard the stories about her grandmother when she was a student here."

"Yeah, what guy hasn't?But they can't all be true!Like the one about a black guy and a white guy giving her a facial."

Jill pulled off Phillip."It's true.The white guy became my grandfather and the black guy became Grandpa's best friend and Grandma's lover for over fifty years now."With that she popped the cock back into her mouth to begin to suck faster.

"Oh, Christ, Bonnie.Any second now.YES!"

"YEAH, Jill.No more talking.I'm gonna cream any second now. YES!!!"

Jill heard herself and Bonnie making happy moans before swallowing the cum and releasing the dick which was trying to go soft.

Ten minutes later, the girls with bra and top back on gave the respective boy a cum flavored tongue kiss to head for their respective home for the evening.For this Thursday afternoon it was the master bedroom of Ernie Davis, so her brother would be with Helen Davis in the guest bedroom.They waved at each other as they entered the home oftheir beddie.

"Are we really going to act like our kids, Buck? Just because you hit the magic 'sperm can last up to five days in the uterus'day doesn't mean we have to have sex every day, twice a day, starting tonight."

"But it's fun and we haven't and..."

"You're horny.."

"As shit.You can finger yourself. "

"Okay, Bow wow!" as Sissy got up on her hands and knees.

"Oh, God, Buck.Feels so good."

"Yeah.Yeah." Buck laughed."Told you!"

Jill rolled over in Clyde's regular size bed, big enough for the two of them, to put her arms aroundhim, then begin to rub her pussy against his butt. She nibbled his ear."Wake up, Sweetie. I just checked.Your morning wood is up.Remember, we're going tomake love on the living room couch this morning."


"Cock in pussy, remember that?We started that right after I turned thirteen.You promised."

"We're going to shock Mom and Dad."

"Impossible. Ernie introduced me to the wheelbarrow position."

"What's that?"

"Tomorrow night.We've got about five minutes to get out of bed, go to the living room couch, do some foreplay, and start the missionary before your folks walk in on us."

Seven minutes later Jill lay on the living room couch on her back, legs spread and knees raised.Clyde lay between her legs as he guided his cock to then entrance to her pussy. "Yes," she sighed."Make me a mother and you a father."Clyde's cock began to move in and out of Jill's muff. "

"Oh my God," both teens heard Ernie say.

"Don't stop, Clyde. Don't stop."

"God.I don't believe I'd ever say this, but, Clyde, be gentle but loving to my daughter. "

"I hope you're enjoying this, son," Helen said.

Clyde gasped out a "OH, GOD - CUMMIMG!" As Jill moaned beforeeach surrendered to the arms of the other.

"Okay, kids.Our turn on the couch next," Ernie said.

"You did what?"Bonnie said.

"Jill and I had sex on the couch as Mom and Dad watched this morning."

"And then your folks did it doggie style on the couch.Your mom can be real vocal," Jill said.

"Okay, we're going to have to do something like that to my folks, " Jack said.

"How about right before dinner.You're sleeping in my bed tonight, right?"

"Yep.Sounds like a plan."

As 1900 came closer Jack and Bonnie walked from her bedroom to the living room to hear, "Yeah, Buck.Keep it up," coming from the dining room.They peered in to see Sissy bent over the dining room table, her arms supporting herself, her legs wide spread as Buck's butt moved back and forth.

"Mom!Dad!What?" Jack said.

"We're making love, son.Why don't you and Bonnie go to the other end, move the chair and join in."

The two teens looked at each other, grinned, and kissed."I'll move the chair and get ready,"Bonnie said."I'm already wet. "

Jill came out of her last block class, headed for the room she shared withClyde, now on his way to soccer practice.She thought of getting on their bed and doing some yoga when she heard, "Hey Jill.Got a second?"

"Oh, hi Phillip. How's it hanging?"

He laughed."You can look.It's a little public here.I just saw that Number Five is vacant for the next hour.Want to go get private?"

"Yeah.Let's go.Clyde's at soccer practice."

Silently they walked to #5, entered, Phillip closed and locked the door.They gave a simple brother -sister kiss as Phillip took her hand and led her to the middle bed/couch."I haven't had a chance to ask - and I haven't told a soul -are you and Bonnie pregnant?"

"Yes.And so are our moms.We're all about two months preggars.Our periods all started within a few days of each other."

"So what's it's name?"

"Well, I'm not going to tell anybody what names Clyde and I have thought about, but we're not telling anybody until we know the sex."

"You don't know?"

Jill shook her head."Boys!I've got a mass of cells in my womb right now, Phillip."Two months is like about nine weeks.My Ob-Gyn says at eighteen to twenty weeks.That's about five months.And it can be harder to tell the sex if the fetus is a boy - see his little dickie."She giggled at that. "So am I here to give you a review with what you learned in sex education? "

Phillip laughed."No.I'm here to ask if you'd like to have some form of sexual activity with me.I guess screwing is out.Oral?Anal?"

"All are possible.My Ob-Gyn told me that I can have any form of sex up until when I start to deliver.But I've said, after six months, I prefer oral or anal.How much time do we have?"

"Just at a half hour."

"Then old fashioned pussy and prick, with some great foreplay first."With that Phillip put his arm around Jill, drew her towards him until they kissed, at once a frantic tongue dueling, heart rate increasing session.Five minutes into the kissing and touching, Jill sank down onto the couch/bed on her back, drawing him down between her raised knees.A hand gripped his cock, guiding it to her opening."Screw me, Phillip.Clyde's being so gentle.Screw me!" With thatshe began to feel that six inches of male meat enter her rapidly beginning to hump her."Yeah.That's it. Yeah."

Later they lay facing each other, acting more like lovers than a casual one afternoon stand.Jill stroked his face and his start of a mustache."I love Clyde very much.He's a fine lover.But there's every difference in the world between you feel inside me and how Clyde does - or Ernie for that matter. "

She suddenly shook free from Phillip and sat up."Oh, crap," she said.

"Who's Ernie?I don't know any boy over the age of twelve named Ernie."

Jill thought she was almost in tears."Phillip, will you swear you won't repeat this?Please!I promise - anything you want me to do - other than give up my baby - I will do.Look I'll have any sex you want, once a week forever, if you swear you will not tell anybody."She sniffed, keeping the tears away.Phillip sat up, gently hugged her and kissed her.

"Okay,at the most every few weeks.Who's Ernie?"

"Clyde's dad.It's another corporation project. Our folks, Clyde and myself got selected by another corporation family with two teens, boy and girl, boy older for an experiment.My family agreed. The other family agreed.We would meet for at least one Friday night to as long as until Sunday afternoon.Mom would sleep with the other family's dad.I'd sleep with the boy.Dad and my brother would do the same.

"It turned out the other family was our next door neighbors - the Davis's.We had a dinner together, Ernie and I went up to his bedroom while Jack and Helen went to the best guest room.The same thing happenedwith Jack's and my folks.

"The next morning we all met, arms around the partner of the previous night.We agreed we'd continue this for the weekend.We did.Then we were given the opportunity to continue for an indefinite period as long as we all agreed.

"Now, we have an agreement.So on Tuesday and Thursday, I sleep with Ernie and Jack sleeps with Helen.Clyde and Bonnie sleep withBuck and Sissy.The rest of the week we sleep with our beddie or married partner.

"We file reports every two weeks."

Phillip hugged her."Sounds like incest."

"No.My dad has never touched me like Ernie has. Child abuse?Well, I'm sure the Corporation has found a loophole to keep Ernie from being arrested for `carnal knowledge of a child under eighteen.

"So that's it.We have six minutes.Take care, Phillip."

"No.I swear I will not breathe a word of this.But I will contact you, probably not next week. "

"Thank you, Phillip," as they kissed one last time.

Both stopped to take a quick shower in the more convenient 9/10 shower room, in the commonshower area, a nozzle apart.

That night, while four pregnant women, two mothers, and two, their teen daughters, talked about the next seven months.

"Mom, I think I understand that Jack is the father of our baby, but is it safe for Buck and me to make love?"

"Yes. Once that egg gets hit, nothing else happens except growth.I shouldn't say this, but you could line up the boys of the Jones senior class, except you would have a sore pussy/."

"Not going to happen, Mom."


"Bonnie and Jill, you now have in some ways two moms and we have two daughters.And we're all four knocked up.We have to be careful, but not foolish.I don't think for a moment either Buck or Clyde would try to rape me.But others might.We avoid them.

"Girls, if you want a bit of recreation, fine, but make sure you trust his - or hers - lips. Now, let's have a good night hug. "

They did.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 79

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