Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 24, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #76.One Big Happy Family

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

One Big Happy Family


Larry Marian

Bonnie was sure that she and Jill were to hook up at ten, but Jill hadn't come over.She started next door and for some totally unknown reason decided to check the detached garage.She entered, to see Buck sitting on a stool wearing nothing but a pair of shorts and sneakers, his back to the fourteen year old girl.A wild thought came over her and she walked to him silently.

Her hands went over his eyes."Who wants his dick sucked this morning, dear.Do we have time?"With that her hands dropped to his nipples which she began to tweak."Where's Jill?We were supposed to do stuff together."

"You are a chatterbox this morning, Sweetheart.Sissy took Jill shopping for a few things. They're going to be gone at least another forty-five minutes.Yes, my cock could slow down your talking."With that he removed her hands from his nipples to spin around on the stool.He got off it to put his arms around her."This going to be a quick blow job, or do I get to play with your beautiful breasts first?"

"Would you?Please Buck.Just a sec."With that she undid her halter and put it on Buck's work bench.She stepped closer to him."Here, Buck."With that he leaned forward to kiss each nipple as his hands cupped her firm breasts.Then his lips settled on her right breast which he began to suck. "Oh, yes," she said softly.Her hands began to caress his shoulders."Buck.Let me.You'vemade me really horny!"

"Then lower the stool and sit on it, sweet Bonnie.I'll stand in front of you."Buck stood up, lowered the stool when he saw Bonnie wasn't sure how to do that and waved her onto it.Once seated she reached out for Buck's belt. Soon his pants and briefs were on the concrete floor.

"Nice cock," she said."Nice cherry tip.Oh.Some white sauce.Yummy."One hand wrapped around his hard cock and the other held his ball sac. She licked the precum, then took the head momentarily, then began to bob back and forth on the shaft.

"Hey, Sweetie.Have you ever had a facial?"

She took her mouth off the cock, now wet with her saliva. "You mean like in a beauty parlor?Mud on your face.No,"

"No.Cum on your face.The guy withdraws at the last second after telling the girl to close her eyes.He cums.Maybe she opens her mouth to see if any cum gets in the mouth.There's a sink here you can clean your face and maybe your chest afterwards. Some girls really like it, or so I here."

Bonnie put Buck's cock back in his mouth and bobbed for a few seconds. She took her mouth off his cock."Do you want to, Buck?If you do, I'll try it."She smiled as she returned his cock to her mouth.

"If you don't like it, we'll never do it again.If you do, we can do it sometime.This might be a good place - the sink."Bonnie continued to bob."Just thinking about it, Bonnie, is bringing me close. Let me have my dick. You can play with my balls.Close your eyes and open your mouth!Shit.Cumming!"

Bonnie felt, rather than saw the first stream of cum hit just above her eyes, on her nose, and her chin.The second hit her lips while some hit her open mouth.The next hit the valley of her breasts while the last dribbled out

"Here. Keep your eyes shut and I'll wipe the cum off your lids.There.Open them.Want a mirror?"

She gave a wan smile. "Sure.I'm sure I look a mess." Buck handed her a small mirror."Nothing in my hair. " She licked her lips."Well, that's Buck's cum's taste today. Okay, let me rinse off my face and boobs."

Face and boob valley clear of cum, her halter top back on, Bonnie came out of the garage as Sissy drove up with Helen, Jack, and Jill.Five minutes later the three teens were in their fortress of bean chairs and a small futon.The conversation dropped in volume as the wild parent weekend came up.

"That really was fun.Having sex with your best friend's parents is something else.I sort of wish I could be with your mom, Bonnie." Jack said.

"I gave your dad a blow job this morning and he gave me a facial," Bonnie said.She felt her face start heating."Oh, God.I shouldn't have said that!"

"You've done stuff with Dad since that weekend?" Jill asked.

"I shouldn't have said anything. But yes.I have.Uh, so has Clyde with your mom."

"Damn.How long has this been going on?" Jack asked quietly.

"For me and your dad, almost three months.For Clyde and your mom, less than a week."

"Just hearing this makes my nipples get hard.How'd this happen?" Jill asked.

"For both of us, it was sorta an accident, but why not just approach them?They're home now.We'll walk over to yours house.Ask to speak to them privately and Clyde and I will talk to them in two bedrooms. ThenI'll go up to my room and chill.Then come to my room when you're finished so I can find out what happened.Mean time, I'm going to strip down for awhile.I'll call Clyde and get him here, too."

So the three walked over to the Adams home as Bonnie called Clyde.Theconversation was short."Clyde will be here in about fifteen minutes,"Bonnie said as they walked in the door."Hey, call your folks.I'll act as MC and then go to the rec room.If you guys are not downstairs, Clyde will call me. "

So Bonnie and Clyde rounded up their parents and we all sat in the den for a few minutes as Bonnie set the stage.

"Thanks, Mr. and Ms.Davis . Our buds, your kids Clyde and myself told Jack and Jill about something and we asked them to talk to you, their parents.I think you'll like this.So would each of you take one of our friends and the other the other parent to talk in private.I think a couple of bedrooms would work.Clyde and I will head for the play room.We might get comfortable. "

"Okay.Jill, will you come with me?You may call me Ernie if you want."

"I'd love to, Ernie," Jill said as they both stood up.Ernie offered Jill his arm, so the climbed the stairs like they did four months ago.

"Let's go, Jack.I have a good feeling about this," Helen said. The four watched the two couples ascend the stairs to the second floor and the bedrooms.

"Let's go to the playroom and get comfy, Sis," Clyde said.

"I'll wait a bit and call Buck and ask him and Sissy to come here," Bonnie said."It may be a bit before the others begin to come down stairs.I may ask Buck to do a better job than he did this morning. " She then pulled off her top, laid it over the couch, then slid down her shorts."You shy, Bro?Not like you've never seen a girl."

Clyde laughed to rapidly begin stripping. Soon, brother and sister were nude, sitting in two of the easy chairs, both eyeing the stairs.Some thirty or so minutes later, Ernie and Jill came down, both nude, hand in hand.Jill looked a little flushed with her hair in some disarray. Ernie looked semi-hard. He and Jill sat together on the couch made for four, snuggled together.Buck and Sissy arrived, looked around, and began to undress.Buck went to Bonnie while Clyde went to Sissy.Both pairs began with kisses, then Buck and Bonnie pulled two of the easy chairs together, while Clyde and Sissy sat down with Ernie and Jill.

Bonnie, an official look on her face, stood up and said, "I think we have the other two groups thinking of continuing a physical relation started four months ago."All four of the adults laughed.

"Bonnie, we adults didn't laugh at you for that introduction.But I do have a picture of you from this morning with your eyes shut."

"Buck, you do and it's the last time..."

"Don't worry, Bonnie.Now, we the two parental units to the two teen units, prepare to come in out of the dark.Corporation contacted the adults - the four of us three weeks after our weekendHere's what they said:We want you to be silent towards the non-adults, but we want them to decide on their own If they wanted to resume behaviors first performed during that weekend.Bonnie was the first to approach her opposite adult - me.This was just a little over a month since that weekend.Clyde and my wife Sissy were next, maybe with a nudge from Sissy.It's obvious that the Gangsters were instrumental in the bringing the other four to here.Adults Helen and Ernie, did the two of you have any sexual experience today with Jack and Jill?"

"We did.I thought it wonderful, and I see Jill nodding her head and smiling.

"Jack is grinning.He seemed to have fun. I sure did."

"So good.Now, before we order the pizzas, here are the basic rules Corporation wants us to follow:One - Incest is not allowed except when Corporate it occur for the good of the Corporation - whatever that means.Incest will lead to termination. Two - The younger/weaker member sets the high bar.That person must not be threatened or shamed into doing that person does not want to do/can not or should not do,Three - No more than three sexual relations a week may occur between an adult and a younger person.Four - No more than three exchanges of spouse or partner may occur in any one month. "

"Does that mean our parents do it with other adults?" Jill broke in.

"Well, Jill it doesn't say whose spouse or parent, but what it means is that,Sissy and I can't swap partners with Helen and Ernie more than three timesa month. I can assure you that we've never made it to three more than twice in a monthfor six years now - the tween/teen years. "

"So, Dad, you and Mom had sex with Helen and Ernie?"

`Yes, kids we did.Not so much now, but we did.It was easy when you were young. Not so easy now," Buck said.

"Before you two get all teenageree on us - how many of your dates ended with a third base hit or a home run with a different date?" Sissy asked.The four teens got silent."Okay,lastrule:No more than five active partners at any one time.All must be STD clear.

"Now, shall we order pizza? I see there is plenty of cokes for the teens and sufficient beer for the adults.Now, who will watch for the delivery guy and have one of the nude females meet a male deliverer or amalemeet a female?They'll need a large tip."

So after the phone call, the adults hid from the view of the front door while Jill, Clyde, and Jack hid watching the walk to the front door.Jack watched for the pizza guy, ready to warn while Jill or Clyde were ready to stuffbill and tip into the only article of clothing other than sandals - a leather belt.

"Car's stopping," Jack announced."Door opening.Guy steps out.Oh, shit.Looks like my grandfather."Jill, here's the money.Money under belt, smile, take pizzas, hand him money, thank him, close door."

As the doorbell rang, Jill stuffed the bills under the belt, then opened the door wide, showing off her teen girl nude body."Hi, thanks.Let me give you your money. "She smiled.Pizza boxes and money changed hands.

"Thank you.You are quite attractive looking - nice tits.Good looking snatch.Well, I have a granddaughter to fuck after work, and a niece I'm training to suck older dicks or we could screw when I get off.Call again.I'll have time for you then.Bye now."

The four teens got the door closed and the pizzas to the table. There waslaughter aroundthe table."Was that guy a Corporation spy?" Helen asked.

"We don't use that word. Security Agent," Sissy said.The group fell silent.

Finally Buck said, "We need to finish up and get the kitchen squared away.Then, I suggest that each of us,Jack and Helen, Ernie and Jill, Clyde and Sissy, and Bonnie and myself, find a bedroom for here. For tonight.Some of us have been away from each another for awhile.Use some pillow talk.Where are we going?

"I'm not going to embarrass Bonnie.We talked, she and I, about this an hour ago.She said I may use this.Thismorning she came into my shop.We had oral sex.At the end she got hit by a facial.She's already told me she'd do it again, that she'd let Jack do it.Again, Bonnie?"

"Probably," Bonnie replied loudly.

"Now, before we go, I have four envelopes," Ernie said. "Each envelope has two or more sexual tasks.It might be the mission position and doing 69.It might be, as Buck and Bonnie did, a facial.So between now and breakfast, each couple will do the tasks and report on them during breakfast.Got it?Okay, Jack, pull one.Good.Clyde?Great. Buck?Fine - hope you don't get the facial.And us.Don't open your envelope until you are in bed.

Helen said, "The fridge is full.Not planned, but eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese, ham, you name it.I hope all of you will need a big breakfast.I know, I've seen him eat."She laughed."I've felt him eat."Helenstood up."Group hug, clean up and then hit the sack - for what ever reason."

Jack and Helen

Teen age Jack, the oldest of the fours teens sat next to Helen, the maybe late thirties mother of Jack's beddie, Bonnie, youngest of the teens.They both looked at the envelope on Jack's lap, covering for now, his soft cock."Open it, Jack.See what our pleasures are.Read it to me."

"Okay.`Pick any three of the four activities:1.Mutual masturbation,preferably to orgasm.Does not have to be simultaneous.2.Regular intercourse, any position.3.69 - side by side or one on top of other.4.Anal intercourse.What's your fancy, Dear?"

"How about we start with the MM and just talk?I'll jerk you then you finger me.How's that?"

"Sounds good.I'll get a couple of towels and a damp wash cloth."

"Good thinking, Jack.A damp wash cloth might be handy for both of us." Jack left at once, returning with towels and washcloth to find Helen with legs open, fingering herself.""A girl takes longer, Jack," she purred.

"I know.So I'm lying down and I'm ready for you to start with the hand job.By the way, if you don't mind me asking, did you and Ernie really have sex with my mom and dad?"

"Not at all.It was part of the deal with Corporation.Ernie and I have been married nineteen years now.I've slept with your dad for eighteen of them, as Ernie has with your mom.Until you guys were like ten years old, either the two hubbies would pass each other or the wives would after you kids were asleep.Now it takes a bit more - or did.Now I guess I'll say, hey you two, I'm hoping over next door.Sissy'll be along any minute. "

"Uh, Helen, your hand feels so good on my cock. Nice. But is there any chance that Dad isn't my dad?"

"Same reason you can't get Bonnie pregnant - the every three year injection. "

"That's right.Forgot about that.Oh, Helen.I'm getting close.I always jerk faster when I'm about to cum."

Helen began to pump faster."I thought you and Bonnie'd not have to masturbate."

"Uh...uh...there she goes!" he said as his load soared up and back down.Helen grabbed the wash cloth and began to clean him up."Uh, I don't real often.Mostly during Bonnie's time or when she or I are off somewhere."He put his hand on Helen's thigh."Does mutual masturbation include oral?"

"We make our own rules.I remember you muff dive fairly well. Course you can't talk and lickmy clitty at the same time. Ah - but your finger knows how to start."

"But you can talk about those years back and anything that happened with you and Dadand either of us when we were kids."

"Okay, Jack.I was just 12 or so and you weren't in the picture yet.I had just starting babysitting but I had aboy friend who was 15. I was sitting a three year old boy and my boyfriend called me and said he could come over if I let him in.I told him to wait until nine when Johnny had to be in bed .

"So I got Johnny to bed by 8:30, told him a short story and he went to sleep real fast.So BF comes over.We start making out on the couch.He starts touching my breasts.We're frenching like crazy. I'm all hot and bothered.He gets my top off.He's like, Helen, you gave me a BJ before.Please!'Well, he takes down his pants and underpants and I go ahead and start.So he starts to try to unhook my bra.He's really about as experienced with bras as I am with cocks.OH, GOD JACK.SUCK ON MY CLIT.YES.USE YOUR FINGER IN MY PUSSY!So he's trying to unhook it, but not the right way.So I take my mouth offhis cock and say.Boys.Can't you do anything?' I unhooked it and threw it on the floor.Then I go back to his cock. I'm sucking away and body friend has his hands under me, playing with my baby titties when we both hear, `Hell-en who dat boy?Dat he we-we in your mouth?What he doin?' And there is Johnny.

"Well we got him back to bed and asleep and boy friend left.I was scared to death Johnny would spill the beans.When I got home, I frigged myself into a major orgasm - just like I'm doing now, even as you did for me. OH GOD!SO GOOD! "

"I think we knocked the MM out of the park, Helen. "

"I do too.I propose backwards Cowgirl and then to bed with anal in the morning."

"Let's do it."

Clyde and Sissy

Clyde and Sissywalked into a bedroom, not bothering to notice which one and headed for the bed at once, lying down on it and beginning to strip each other until Sissy said, "Shouldn't we read the instructions?"

"Yeah.You want to read them?"

"Sure."Clyde read:"Okay.Pick any four of the five activities:1.Mutual masturbation,preferably to orgasm.Does not have to be simultaneous.2.Regular intercourse, any position.3.69 - side by side or one on top of other.4.Anal intercourse.5.Facial He laughed."I can do that, I bet.Shall I tell you, Sissy?"

"Well, it doesn't say `DO', it just says take. But tell you what, let's do two together - can you beat off while you tell this story?"


"I can frig myself.Then let's do it."

So they started, lying on their backs, heads on pillows, looking at each other, lips close together.They kissed briefly, then Sissy found her pussy and began at the bottom, using a finger into her vagina and then two to get started. Clyde gave her a few minutes as he recalled his memory.

"I can stop from time to time and kiss you, Sissy."

"Please do.If your hand gets tired of going up and down, we can swap from time to time. You know how to finger a girl. "

"So, a few years ago, Bonnie had just started baby sitting.She was eleven, going on twelve, but had some experience with cousins up to about three.She got this job for two kids, one boy about eighteen months and a girl, six months.She'd had them once before but asked me to come along.I did.Soabout an hour later, the girl started wailing. `I think that's her dirty diaper cry," Bonnie announced."I'll get her," she said and went back to the nursery.As soon as she was back from the girl, I looked and saw the boy holding the rail to his crib, hoping just like I would if I really had to pee."

As the two, the teen boy and the early middle aged woman, both nude, continued to pleasure themselves, switching off to help their lover cum the story from some maybe four years ago continued, with kisses.

"So I picked him up to lay him down on his back inhis crib.His diaper was damp, like his mom had forgotten to change him before she'd left. So I went to get a new one, removed the old, put it in the pail and laid out the clean one.I'd reached for the diaper ends when I looked and his baby penis was hard and standing straight up.As I went to close the open diaper, he peed - straight up, some of it actually going into my open mouth. I yelled. It didn't stop the pee fountain.

"Bonnie,bless her tween heart, cleaned me up, and we got Mr. Pee Fountain cleaned and back to crib.

"So is that a magic facial story?"

"It helped me cum.I bit my lower lip to keep from screaming, especially when you took over that last couple of minutes.By the way.Hand me the wash cloth so I can clean your manly chest.

"We'll run it by them.Bonnie will approve if I threaten to tell our folks about the boy, not Clyde, who she hid under her bed at home when she snuck him in for the night."

Helen laughed. "I did something like that when I was sixteen. Now, I think we claim two.You want to 69 before going to sleep and anal in the morning or vice versa?Or drop one for the secretary position during breakfast? "

"How about we do something old fashioned off the record, then 69 before going to sleep and anal in the morning?"

"I'm ready to hear about God not wanting us to do that now. Let's start by making out, mother of my beddie."

Helen threw her arms around Clyde."Feel me up, lover of my sweet, not so innocent daughter.That will get your love rod started. "

Ernie and Jill

Ernie and Jill, the oldest and youngest of the eightlay on the bed they'd taken.Jill, still small, sat on Ernie's erect cock on which held her to her lover as she bounced up and down as she wiggled from side to side.Ernie put his arms around the fourteen year old and rose up so the two, some thirty years apart in age could kiss and caress as both waited for their own orgasm.

"Ernie.I swear.Your dick is going to make me cum.I can feel it.That cock."

"That pussy is a joy to my approaching final years.I'm getting close, Jill.I may push sementhrough your nose."Jill laughed, "Oh, Christ.Cumming!"

"Oh.Little one.But nice."They rolled on their backs."Ernie, we have to look at the envelope.What we `need' to do."

"Yeah.Can we find one that says we need to brush our teeth, get into bed, hug, kiss, tell each other we love somebody else AND each other?"Ernie said.

"And make gentle, passionate love, the way I love you, Ernie Davis. Yeah keep those fingers between my legs."

In the end the two untangled to read their note together.Ernie read: "Pick any four of the five activities:1.Mutual masturbation,preferably to orgasm.Does not have to be simultaneous.2.Regular intercourse, any position.3.Some form of bondage or discipline4.Anal intercourse.

5.Facial "He smiled."I think we nailed # 2 already. "

Jill smiled."I think so too.You want to do anal before we go to sleep?I've got lube."

"Fine.And I do, too,Would bondage include I tie your hands up and then suck you, then you tie my hands up and you sit on my cock?"

"Probably, Ernie.How many is that?"

"Regular. Masturbation. Bondage. Anal,That's four. Sweetie, it's getting late.Shower together in the morning.We need light for bondage. Anal tonight.At least animal wasn't listed."

"You know what wasn't listed, Sweetheart?"

"What, little Jill?"

"Sex with a different race."

"Yeah, but then we'd have to have a third.So have you had sex with somebody whose not white?"

"Yeah.Neat black guy named David with an enormous cock.Also an Asian guy.His dick was thin but long and he made me cum before he did.And I'd love to make it with Barry.And I know Bonnie fucked our meter reader once - a college student so almost our age.And, Cindy for some girl on girl sex."

"You're amazing Jill.Just amazing.So is it different making it with a black guy?"

"Sort of.David really has an enormous cock.Barry's pretty big, too.But I've only seen it."

"Well, let's clean up.You want to have sex or make love, when we go to bed, Jill?"

"With you, Ernie, make love.Always."

Buck and Bonnie

Buck and Bonnie looked at their choices."Just ole normal is a great way to start, Buck," Bonnie offered.

"Why not?But there is such a thing as variety."

"I'd think a teen would want to try a bunch of different stuff, but let's face it.You've had a whole lot longer to be doing stuff. It's only been about two years for me."

"Okay - how abut me tying you up on the bed and then doing some sexual act.Bondage.Or you tie me up.Lots of old porn had a woman in a Nazi uniform- sort of - and a whip."

"I didn't know you watched porn, Buck."

"Not often - but I did go to college!" With that Buck hugged her, then kissed her. As their tongues began to dart back and forth, his hands crept towards her breast while hers dropped to below the belly button. "Oh, Bonnie, better stop or we will do anal.Let's make our decisions so we can do our tasks and go to sleep after we've had our fun."

She drew back."Grown ups are such spoil sports," she said, then stuck her tongue out at her older lover."You know what, dear? That facial was an accident, you know.But if I put my hair up and put a scarf on, it might be fun to do another one.Then I could nag Mom into letting Dad or Jack to give Mom one."

"Okay.We'll do that. You start off blowing me, then switch to masturbating me, then I'll take over for the end.How does that sound?"

"Great.Tomorrow morning before we shower?"

"Done.So, it's still early.I guess we can force ourselves to start with ole normal..."

"Yet, but Buck, I'm nice and limber, why not me put my feet behind my ears.That elevates my kitty and it feels good when Jack's inside me. "With that the two kissed.

"I'm not as limber as I used to be, but I don't have to put my feet behind my ears.But we're going for the gold.Feet behind the ears.Tied to the bed.I know where there's some clothes line.Facial.Shall we finish with 69?You on top of me?How does that sound?"

"Wonderful Buck.Just don't get some idea of tying me upside down on the curtain rod and standing on a step stool to fuck me."

Buck's face turned serious."My lovely and dear Bonnie.I would never do that.Ever."

The kiss lasted until they slipped onto the bed, Bonnie on top, reaching for his cock to guide into her kitty."This isn't for the gold, darling Buck.This is for the love I hold for you and the love I know you hold for me."

As they rested after their love making, they lay quietly playing with each other."Sweet Bonnie.That was some of the best sex and love I've ever had. Now let me go get that rope and we'll get to work.First 69. Feet behind ears.Bondage.Facial in the morning before sex in the shower."

"God, Buck.Really you are so wonderful.I wish I could be number 2 wife with Sissy."

"We've got to get to work, dear."

Bonnie rolled out of bed."Let's go, Darling."

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 77

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