Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 22, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #75.Hello, Mrs Robinson

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Hello, Mrs. Robinson


Larry Marian

Clyde Davis, now 16, having finished what he needed to do for the rest of the day, looked out the dining room window at the house next door - where Jill lived, and her mom, Sissie. Well, everybody else was gone except for him and Ms. Adams, er Sissie.It had been several months since that weekend after Thanksgiving.He wasn't sure why she was still home.He shrugged his shoulders and set outthetwo hundred feet from his house to his best friends' house.

He knocked on the back door, like he did to see either his beddie at Jones Lab, Jill, or his best bud, Jack,boy friend of his now almost 15 sister, Bonnie."Who is it?" came to him.

"Clyde, Ms Adams.Everybody else is gone."

"I'm in my bedroom.You know where it is.Come on up."Clyde gulped, then climbed the stairs to the rooms of his best bud, Jack; his beddie at school, Jill; and Sissie, who he had sex with, love with, his mother's best friend.

He entered the bedroom to see his beddie, Jill's mom, in jeans and a t-shirt by an unmade bed, the one he and she had had sex on several times."Clyde, I'm not Ms. Adams now, I'm Sissie. "

"I know that. You are so beautiful.But... but I just can't forget you're Jill's mom and Jill's my beddie."

"And I can't forget I'm mom to both Jill.. and Jack." Clyde looked at Sissie's smile."Four months ago we did an experiment with the Corporation. As it came to an end, you said you loved me. And I said the same to you.The Greeks have many names for love. One is eros.'One translation to English might be fuck'.

"Clyde.Could we perhaps, `eros'"?

Clyde exhaled."Please."He put his arms around her."What are the Greek words for suck' and eat pussy'?"

"We'll look them up later," she replied as her mouth met his to begin a tongue duel which lasted until they sat down on the bed. As the kiss broke, Clyde took the tail of her t-shirt to pull it up and off Sissie, revealing her fancy bra covered breasts."You any better at unhooking bras?"

"Jill wears one so seldom."With that Sissy reached behind and unhooked hers, letting it drop to the floor.Then she followed Clyde's example and removed his t-shirt.

She looked at him."Clyde.Just in case, let's go to the guest bedroom.We'll take our stuff and be nice and secure."

"Will you get the lube, just in case?"

"Of course.Buck said they'd be gone about three hours.He said he had something else to do and he might be a little longer.We'll have plenty of time to do anything. "

Bra, t-shirts, and lube in hand they walked down the hall from the master bedroom to the guest bedroom, walked in, closed the door, walked to the bed and dropped the removed clothing to the floor,Sissy put the lube on the night stand."Wonder why the bed looks rumpled?"

Clyde laughed."Buck and Bonnie probably screwed on it and didn't make it back up," he said, sure that wasn't the reason.

Sissy laughed. "Then we'll make it neat so they won't know what we did today."With that they hugged, kissed, and played the "You touch my nipple and I touch yours" game until Sissy dropped to her knees and began to undo his belt buckle.Clyde continued to play with her breasts and nipples. "God, I want that dick in my mouth," she moaned.

"I'll cum in it."

"Yes," as she pulled his jeans and boxers down, allowing his teen dong to spring out to just an inch from her mouth.Sissy didn't hesitate to take Clyde's cock into her mouth at once. She sighed as he went through the first deep bob, then licking his cock's head to kissing down to his balls and back to bobbing.All the while she whispered encouragements and endearments to him.Finally he felt his cock give the warning signs of his release.

"Sissy.I'm about to squirt."

"Hmmm," was all she could say as he began to unload. He felt her swallow and swallow but not after his last two shots.She released his cock and then stood up, a smile on her face.She hugged him and kissed him.As he opened his mouth to receive her tongue, he tasted and felt his own cum returning to him in his mouth. He swallowed, just like he would Jack's. "Sorry, Darling, I just had to do that."

"That's okay.I've swallowed cum before.Just never any of my own."She broke the hug, then sat on the bed.

"Round Two.Come eat me out, please."

"With pleasure," Clyde said as his cock began to harden.Sissy spread her knees apart.

"I'll take you kneeling and me sitting.Okay?"

"Fine," he said as he knelt down."I don't think I've ever eaten pussy kneeling.A whole new experience."He put his hands on her calfs to begin licking and sucking her trimmed bush.She sighed.Two minutes later she moaned.Her feet began to kick.

"Yes, Clyde. Yes.My clit.Suck my clit.I've cum.I've cum twice.Make me cum again. "Suddenly she took her hands and moved his pussy juice covered face from her snatch.She pushed herself backwards on the bed, knees raised, feet apart, then down on the mattress."Fuck me, Clyde.Quick.Get those six inches in me.Make me cum some more, you teen stud."

Clyde didn't pause.He stood and practically leaped to land between her spread legs and shove his cock into her waiting snatch."Yes.Oh, so good.So fucking good.Make me cum again, Stud Clyde.Ram that nice thick cock home in my pussy.OH!!CHRIST!!CUMMING AGAIN! "

Clyde obliged, driving his cock as deep and fast into Sissy as he could.Their breathing became heavier, gasping as Sissy put her feet inside his legs to increase the humping her hips were giving to her snatch. "I'M CUMMING AGAIN CLYDE!YOUR DICK IS SO GOOD!!! which sent Clyde's balls into high gear so Clyde could cum.The pair collapsed on the bed.They lay still for a couple of minutes, making little pats and touches.

"Clyde, I have no idea what came over me.I've really never sounded like a slut or whore before. Maybe a little bit, but not like that.Except for you and a guy my age, I've only made love with Buck since we got engaged."She gave Clyde a brief kiss."Now, if you ask me if I had sex before Buck, the answer is yes.A total of three in high school and college."

"That guy your age.A friend?"

"A fellow worker at an educational convention.It was one of those lust at first sight things.It was Thursday evening through Sunday morning.We had sex or made love for all three nights and Sunday morning. Ah.I see you're hard again.Doggie style, Clyde?"

"Woof.Woof!" So Sissy got on her hands and knees on the bed and Clyde slid between her legs to find a very wet pussy which he entered easily, again starting slowly and gently. Shortly, as the pair began to speed up, Sissy's moans turned into the same sort of monolog as their first love making.Clyde joined in. "You're liking my teen dick in your pussy, Sissy?"

"YES!FUCK ME WITH IT.LOVE YOUR DICK.YES!" So it went to another several cums on Sissy's part, then Clyde's, a rest period, then cowgirl, a rest period, then side by side, all with Sissy's enthusiastic loud talk to yelling out her orgasms.

As they rested and caresses after the side by side,Sissy said, "Clyde.My pussy says it's time for the lube and your cock in my butt, okay sweetie?"

"Yeah.Let's do it," as he got off the bed for the lube. He carefully lubed his cock, then used a finger to add lube to Sissy's rose bud."You ready, Sissy?"

"Relaxed as I'm gonna be. I know you'll take it slow. "

He did, slowly and gently, centimeter by centimeter, easing through the sphincter while Sissy made happy sounds."I'm in, Sissy," Clyde said as he leaned forward to cup her breasts.At some point earlier while they rested, Sissy'd turned on the radio to a romantic, easy listening station, some how incompatible with the music as Sissy began to go from moans of delight to commands to be fucked harder.Her butt was high, her head low and turned from the door while Clyde's head essentially lay on top of hers.

Clyde's ears perked up in a spot with only music."Did you hear a laugh, Sissy?Sounded like a girl."




Clyde turned his head to the door to see Buck and Bonnie standing in the door, her arm around his waist,her blouse unbuttoned to her shorts and his hand inside the open blouse.

"I'M CUMMING CLYDE.DON'T STOP NOW.KEEP FUCKING!"Clyde paused for a second, but came.

"Oh, shit," Clyde said as Sissy's butt continued to move back and forth on the teen's still hard cox.

"GOD!There. YESSssss!" Sissy moaned as she slid into the prone position on her stomach.Clyde stared at Buck and Bonnie, her with her arm around Buck and him with his hand his hand on a naked breast, the bra pushed up and off Bonnie's boobs.

Buck removed his hand from the teen's tit, then turned and shut the door."Well, this is going to be hard to explain," he said.

"I don't see how," Sissy said."Clyde.Be gentle leaving my butt, please."

"I'm trying, Sissy."

"God, Sissy, you were taking it in the ass?"

"Buck, yes.This time not by you.And I think I saw your hand on a 14 year old girl's bare breast. Buck, let's start by a bit of true confession.Yeah, Clyde came over to here and we wound up making love, just like we had sex together some four months ago, just like you and Bonnie did.Clyde, how many days have we had sex together?"

"Other than that week end four months ago, this is the first time.We met in your bedroom, then went to the guest bedroom where we found the bed mussed up."

"Okay, Bonnie, you heard what your brother said.Other than that planned week end four months ago, how many times have you and Buck had sex together?Let me clarify. I really mean meetings. Clyde and I had sex more than three times today, but only one meeting.So, Bonnie?"

Clyde saw his kid sister turn towards Buck.He sawBuck nod his head, okay. Bonnie started, "Uh, about two and a half months ago.That soccer tournament that Clyde was in. Several delays, then a long delay for an injury, anyway, a lot of delays.I was getting tired of watching nothing.Remember Sissy was with Jill with indoor volleyball. So I asked Buck if he'd like to go see how the new housing development was coming along.He agreed and we slipped out.

"In the car, and I remember this, I said, `Buck I remember that weekend.Know what I'd like to do?'"

"He said, What?'I said.What we did.I'd like to suck you again.' He said Where?'I said, Back of the development there's an empty dirt cul de sac surrounded by trees.Teens with cars are there at night all the time.It's a five minute walk through the woods to our house.'Anyway, we went there.We got in the back seat, and yeah, I blew him.He went down on me.Since then we've met about every other week."

"Damn, Buck, do we have Humbert Humbert and Lolita here?" Sissy asked.

"Well, one Thursday I rented a no tell motel room.Told the clerk it was a kid custody swap. Sissy, we have too much to loose, especially with our kids, both the Gangsters and the Fairies.We can just be more careful, for them and for us.But, kids, Clyde and Bonnie, what do you think?"

"After that first morning, I told Sissy I loved her.She told me the same.I love Jill, but I know she loves me. She's best buds with Jill and Jack.Can we make this work?" Clyde said.

"I knew making love to an adult's different than having sex with another teen - Jack excepted.If Buck is willing, so am I.By the way, sorry about the bed.I forgot to smooth it up. "Bonnie said.

"So, Sissy, you want to stay in the guest bedroom for the next hour with Clyde while Bonnie and I go to the master bed for the same time?This will be our arrangement for as long as all parties are in agreement.This will be close hold to just we four."

"Just us four," Sissy said.

"Just us four," Bonnie said as she took off her still unbuttoned blouse to remove her bra."Yeah. I'm showing them off, but the bra around my neck was uncomfortable. "The other three laughed.

"Just us four," Clyde said.

"Just us four," Buck said. "Okay, Bonnie, let's go back to where we almost started.We have about an hour. We'll get the bed squared away before we leave and come to get the guest bed straight too. Good?"

"Good," Sissy said."Now you and Bonnie get out of here.Clyde and I have some planning to do."With that Sissy kissed Buck hard, then Bonnie on the forehead.

Buck and Bonnie left, one of her hands held by Buck, the other holding her bra and blouse.As the door closed, Sissy and and Clyde went to the bed and lay down, hugging.

An hour or so later, the two left hand in hand, the guest bed looking as though nothing had happened, heading to inspect the master bed.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 76

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