Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 20, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #74. One Weekend - Three Parties (bisexual High School)

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

One Weekend - Three Parties


Larry Marian

The Birthday Party

Shark and JL lay on their bed after the last Friday class."So you are going to be at Connie's house until Sunday?"JL said between nibbles on his ear.

"Yes.And you will be with Bryan when he's not with Sylvia."

JL laughed."No.Thanks to Sylvia, I'll be with Bryan until Sunday afternoon.Seems that Sylvia is taking a bit of town leave with Jack Jones and Bob Smith.Turns our Jack and Bob are bi, and they're going to have a weekend of a threesome at Bob's grandmother's house.

"I'm going to have to give him a BJ every fifteen minutes or my butt will be sore for a week."

"Does he really like that back door love so much?"

"He does.But he does do it slow and gentle with plenty of lube.He is good.You are too.But you are bigger than he is.But once you're in, you're wonderful."She put her arms around him."Give me a kiss.Have fun.Be a nice house guest.And don't let her talk you into taking her virginity for a twelfth birthday present."They kissed soundly, he got up, got dressed to leave the campus, picked up the overnight bag with the paper bag that held his present to Connie.

"Bye, love,Have fun," JL said as she got off the bed."I'll walk you as far as the PR."

"Why not meet here?"

"We can't close the door at 1500."

"True."There was one last kiss and they left their room holding hands.

The hands parted with a squeeze at the door to the PR.As Shark started to walk away he heard JL say, "Bryan.He's all ready for me!"

"And I have a surprise for you."

Wonder what the surprise is, Shark thought.What's first, a BJ, a muff dive, or a back door loving?Then he saw Connie, with her red pigtails, a blue dress, a big smile on her face standing just outside the glass door.He picked up his pace and was out the door.In legal territory now, they came together, she put her arms around him and they kissed.It was deep, but not long.She broke it."Mom's waiting for us."

"Let's go," he said.

In the car Connie introduced Shark to her mom who responded pleasantly.The two sat in the back seat, close together, holding hands.The drive wasn't long and soon he and Connie were in the family room with her parents.Shark shook hands with Connie's dad."So you do wear clothes sometime."

"Yes, sir.This what we wear when we represent the school.I'm told they stole our casual clothes from HARRY POTTER movies.So here I am with a neck tie.My... room mate had to show me how to tie it."

"Well, both Peter and Constance seem to eat it up.Now, we do wear clothes, but we want to make you feel at home.Connie's room has a full sized bed in it.Both Pete and Connie tell me that room mates are boy and girl for the most part and they can be as much as three years apart.Well, Connie is twelve tomorrow, as you know and she says you are now fourteen."Shark and Connielooked at each other as Shark took her hand."Her mother and I think it's okay for you sleep in Connie's room with her.We just ask that you act the gentleman that Connie says you are."

"Uh, I didn't bring my pajamas," Shark said awkwardly.

"Connie says that none of her friends in the sixth grade cottages wear nightclothes," Connie's mom said.

"That's what they say," Connie said. "Both boys and girls say that."

"Well, apparently you two know what each other looks like," her dad said with a laugh."So go take Shark to your room.Just like your brother and his friend, clothes on outside your room or the playhouse."

"Thank you sir.I wasn't expecting this at all."

"Oh.Connie never told us why you're called `Shark.'"

"Well, ma'am, my middle name is an old family name on my grandmother's side.It's Fish.I was real small when I was born and small up until I was ten or elevenso I got called `Minnow.'Then I hit a growth spurt and my room mateJenna Louise, whose my third or fourth cousin, started calling me "Shark."

"Nice story.Well, Connie take Shark to your room."Shark picked up his bag, Connie took his hand and led him towards the hall.As they got there a door opened.Two older teens walked out, both with nothing on but underpants.

"Woops.Didn't know you were home, Cunt.Sorry.This Shark?"

"Yeah, Peter Sucker.This your new friend?"

"Yeah.Pat, this is my sister Connie and her new boy friend Shark."

"Uh, hi.Sorry.We were headed for the bath room."

"Well, go.Dad and Mom told us we have to wear clothes in my room or in the Playhouse.I think you should too.Especially when your boner's head is peaking out."With that Connie took Shark's hand again to practically pull him along and into her room, shutting the door behind them.

"My brother can be saint or a butt head.Sorry, Shark. " She slowly turnedherself around, her right arm stretched out."So this is my room, Sweetie.No boy has ever slept in my bed until tonight.Look.Put down your bag, then let me show you the playhouse. "

Again she took his hand and towed him through the house and outside to a separate building.Opening the door she pointed to a very nice playroom, family room.Already streamers of Jones school colors, purple and gold, hung on the walls.Shark saw a door in the rear with"PR # 0" on it. He walked over to the door, opened it and sawwhat would be a big walk in closet, but instead had something like a bed with coverings and pillows."Who's done all this?" Shark asked.

"Actually Peter and I did most of it, but Mom and Dad have helped.I've invited three couples, all sixth graders who I've known all my life.They've been asking me about Jones since I began.They all have permission to dress just like we do.Mom and another mother dress like teachers - or maybe the cafe staff, since they have aprons on - to bring out the drinks and food.What do you think?"

"Great idea.Should be fun. "

"We have a bit more work tomorrow to finish up.You will help, won't you?"

"Of course.Uh.We're off campus now. May I kiss you?"

"Yes, as long as when we get back to the room you'll undress me and let me undress you."He smiled and kissed her, one of those leg raising kisses seen in movies.Then, hand in hand, they returned to Connie's room to kiss again, long and deep, Shark kissing Connie as JL taught him to kiss like Bryan did. It broke. "Undress me, Shark.The buttons are in the rear.The belt is in the front."She kicked off her loafers.

"I don't know if I have ever undressed a girl before."Connie giggled as Shark opened her dresses' belt, then she turned around for Shark to see a row of very small, plastic pearls which he fumbling slowly undid until he could see the strap of her bra and the blue panties she wore."How do I take your dress off you?"

She raised her arms."Gather the skirt on both sides and pull it up.I hold my arms up. "That she did, getting it off without pulling either pig tail.

"I've never unhooked a bra."

Connie giggled again. "Mom suggested I get a padded one.I said, `Mom, Shark sees my skeeter bites every school day.He's not going to think I grew three bra sizes in one day.Okay, Shark.You see the where the straps overlap and the hook and the holder?Put your hands on the straps, take it just off my back at the hook and pull the ends away from each other.Yep.They're unhooked.Just drop it on the floor.Yes, it's a 28 AA.Next year this time I'll have 32 Bs."She turned around smiling.

"Best way to take off my panties is to kneel down and just pull them down like you'd pull off your undershorts."

"So I get to kneel to your beauty?"

"Yes."Shark took the tween panties and slid them down to below her knees, then Connie stepped out of them."Sweetie.Take a look.Something's changed.Look close."

Shark looked close at her developing lips, then looked up to see a small thatch of short, red hairs across the top of her lips."Connie.You have pubes!"

"Not much,but I do.Just a little.But I do."Shark bent forward and kissed her where the hairs were.He felt her spread her feet apart a bit.

"Something else, Shark."

"Uh.A piece of string?" His mouth tightened. "Huh?"

"Boys! Silly.One of the most important days in a girl's life. It's a tampon string.My menarche was two days ago in class - algebra in fact. I looked down and there was blood on my towel.You may have heard how strict Ms. Livingston is.I held up my hand,and she asked what is it.Could you come here, please, Ms. Livingston.She came back to me with a frown on her face.I pointed down to the red stain.She tucked the towel around me and said `Go to the nurse.I'll call.'

"I actually got to my next class with three teen tampons in that secret compartment girls have."

Shark looked a bit confused. "Aren't you supposed to feel bad or something?"

"I'm not this time.Maybe nextmonth.But I'm happy.The nurse said I was a bit early, but not that much."She smiled at him."Stand up, Mason Fish Adams.Time to undress you."She reached down and drew him to his feet.Sheeasily pulled his school sweater off, then loosened the tie to throw it on her school desk.The buttons of the white school shirt came loose quickly.

"How you doing this so fast?"

"I'm helping some other girls baby sit.They give me some of what the parents give them.Part of it is getting the three year olds ready for bed."By that time Shark's pants were down around his ankles as he stepped out of them .Already kneeling, she pulled down his jockeys, allowing his hard cock to spring free."Oh, God, Shark.My birthday candle. I need to blow it.Lie down, please."

"As you wish," Shark said then lay on the bed they would sleep in, his knees up and spread.Connie got on the bed between his legs, on her hands and knees."Oh, God, Connie.Your tongue!OH! "Then he felt her slowly take his cock into her mouth. She'd bobbed up and down twice when there was one knock on the door.Before Shark couldyell anything, the door opened as Pete and Pat looked in.

"Get out! " Shark roared.The two ducked back out."Shit. Your brother and his friend. " Connie got up offShark, went to the door, opened it allowing Shark to see the two boys in board shorts.

"Peter, you and your friend come in and shut the door. " The two older teens did.

"We knocked."

"You knocked once."

"I'm not going to get into a brother -sister thing, but you should have waited for a response.What did you expect, Peter when your sister and I could be nude in her bedroom?"

"Uh.I don't know.Look, I'm sorry.We won't do it again.Oh, Sis. You've got a string hanging down. "

"Peter.I'm a guest.But I'd like to give you a black eye right now. Please leave.I really want to pat your wonderful sister on her back in honor of her birthday tomorrow and her menarche two days ago."

"Get, PS and your friend too.See you tomorrow. "

Later the two lay cuddled, both nude under the covers, gentle kisses exchanged."Thanks for your support, Shark."

"You're welcome.I'm going to tell JL about this. Knowing her, the shit's gonna hit the fan," Her hand crept up to his cock.

"You can't go in here.I'm twelve in just a few minutes.But I hope in three more years you will honor me by posting my sheet."

She kissed him and began to stroke his cock."You can explore above, Shark.I wish you would.

"You know about Ms. Livingston?"

"We've heard - kids I know who had her in sixth tell stories about how strict and even mean she was."

"I thought so too. But the next class day, I sort of hung back.Ms. Livingston put her hand on my shoulder, thengave my pigtail a tug.`Be brave, Constance.We're going to teach a lesson today I've wanted to teach for ten years.Spread that white towel on your seat and sit down proud.'I did that and heard a lot of whispers, especially from boys and some giggles and laughs.

"I really don't remember what she said exactly, but this is what I remember from yesterday. She said that we didn't have an accident happen yesterday, but something that happens to every girl, some as early as eight, some as late as fourteen .With Constance, our Connie, it happened in an Algebra I class, three days before her twelfth birthday.

"Was she expecting it?No.Did she want it?No.What she did was to raise her hand and ask for help.It came.I'm glad to have helped one of your fellow students in a surprised moment.

"What happened to Connie will happen or has happened to every girl in this room.Boys, this happens every month to your older sister, your cousin, your mother, even some grandmothers.Because of this, guess what, we have people following us.

"I don 't want to ever hear a boy in this classroom again who makes fun of a girl when her period starts without warning. Grab a jacket or a towel or something and take her to the nurse. "

"You understand, Shark?"

"I was one of the boys who would have giggled. I understand. "

The next afternoon between Connie, Pete, and even Pat, Shark thought things were as ready at five as they would be.Decorations were in place, a baker's box covered the cake, there stood a bowl of ice, glasses, bottles of soft drinks.Soon after the first lone boy appeared and then a girl, who matched up to him, then a second couple, then the third couple.

Everybody was dressed.Shark looked around. Pete said he'd do the introduction.Where was Pete?Then Pete came out, nude, his cock soft, with a big book which he put on a podium that seemed to suddenly appear."I'm Profesor McSnape," which caused the kids to laugh."Do you all want detention? I have a potion for all of you."

He waved a wand."Hmm.That didn'twork. Well, wand, DISROBALUS. HMM.Okay, kids.That didn't seem to work. You've seenmine.Show me yours. "

Connie said, "But ProfessorMcSnape, it's UNDRESSABALUS ,"at which she and Shark began to shed clothes.The other guests followed suit to a bunch of laughter from all.

So the birthday party commenced with seven twelve year olds, a fourteen year old and two gay seventeen year olds.Shark noticed that all three couples went into PRX#0, one for just a few minutes, two for some twenty minutes each."They aren't doing it in there, are they?" I whispered into Connie's ear.

"Well, I'm sure Norman and Betty didn't do more than kiss.Charlie and Veronica - bet they got to second base.Winnie and Kevin - at least third base.She told me she's sucked Kevin several times and he's gone down on her.Oh, look. Norman and Betty just went back in!"Shark laughed.

"So do we go in?" Shark asked.

"I want to save that until tonight, dear. "She glanced down."Oh, my.You're getting hard. "

"Yeah.It happens."

Connie's mom and a second mom came with the cake and ice cream wearing a full apron and nothing else which caused stifled giggles.While the guests, birthday girl and her date ate the ice cream and cake, Pete and Pat went into PR # 0.Whispers flew. Finally Winnie came up to Connie."Your brother and his friend went in."

"Yeah.Same reason you and Kevin went in."

"A boy is sucking another boy?"

"They're gay.When they come out you and Kevin can go back in."

"You and Shark aren't going to?"

"We'll do that tonight - in bed."

"Wow!" Shark saw Winnie actually begin to blush and her nipples, on much larger baby breasts than Connie had, hardened.

Finally the guests and the hosts and the two oldest teens got dressed, the guests picked up and the major left overs got brought back into the house.

Connie's dad asked Shark to speak to him privately.He didn't seem mad but Shark was a bit concerned."Tell me, Shark.What, exactly is this 15/1 that the school mentions but really doesn't explain."

"Well, sir, it's a pledge that we won't have vaginal sex until we are at least 15 years and one day old. "

"What about other forms of sex?And what about boys?"

"We swear we will not put our penis in a girl's vagina without permission before we are 15 years and one day old.I've already made that promise to Connie and she to me.Other forms, well, sir, they're allowed."

"Okay.I see where that is going.Just don't hurt my daughter in any way."

"I won't sir.I really like Connie a lot."

Later as the two lay in Connie's bed, she said, "Did Dad tell you not to do anything?"

"No. He told me not to hurt you."

"You never have before. "She reached under the covers to hold his cock."Maybe tomorrow morning you can do me with your mouth."You're hard.I guess I get to suck you first."

"Yes," Shark breathed.

"Then you can..."


It was close to an hour before they fell asleep.Parents looked in to see them spooned, his hand on her very small breast.

The Gift

Humming a wordless tune JL opened the door to PR #4.Sitting on the medium high bed/couch was her new lover, the junior class President, Bryan.His cock seemed about half hard.But she could feel moisture between her legs, telling her once more that her pledge to keep her V with Shark was in serious danger.Of course he was at a birthday party for a twelve year old in love with his very large cock. While Bryan's wasn't small.

She locked the door and turned the sign on the door to "RESERVED-OCCUPIED."She walked over to Bryan, put her hands on his shoulders and kissed, long, deep, hard, and wet. His hands went to her bare butt.The kiss broke. "Well, Bryan.Your mistress is here.Shark is in town with his tween mistress for her birthday party.He'll be there tonight and tomorrow night.What's your pleasure?"

"Sylvia is off with Jack and Bob, the black and white bi boys for the weekend.So, do we sleep in your bed or my bed or do we sleep alone and you finger yourself and I beat off?"

"Either bed is fine.Hell, we can sleep in one tonight and the other tomorrow night.Just let a counselor know whichstrange bed we'll be in."

"How about you see the joys of an 11/12 bathroom and commons both nights?"

"Sounds good.I see, dear lover, your cock is trying to get hard,You're sitting,lover.Shall I just lean over and suck you off for the canapé?"

He kissed her."Nice mistress.Yeah suck my dick and make sure you swallow my cum."With that she bent over, took his cock in one hand, which caused the almost seven inch cock to spring to full life, then licked the precum seeping from his piss slit.Then she slowly took the flesh pole into her mouth as she felt his hand slide between her legs. JL moved her feet apart, one at a time to give him access to her slit and clit. "So nice, Jenna Louise.Oh, Good .Deep throat.Yeah.Oh, the cock highway to my balls.So good.Oh, lick my mushroom. Christ.Oh, your pussy is so wet.So wet.Yes.Getting close.OH, SHIT!"

JL had to gulp his first shot deep in her throat as she swallowed as the second an then the third as her hands massaged his nuts.Finally she swallowed the last dribble.He, as he now always did, raise her up and kiss her deeply.Finally they parted and looked at each other, their eyes filled with lust and love.Then JL hopped on the couch and they cuddled for awhile, exchanging little pecks.

"Bryan, Darling, I've been doing some reading about love and love affairs.In the old days, we'd be having an affair since we each have a SO.WhenI came in to be with you I called myself your mistress, which is old fashioned, but I like it, just like I love you calling me `Jenna Louise.'Now, do you know what a mistress calls the man of the affair?" "I have no clue.And it doesn't look like Shark is going to shoot me.So what am I?"

"You're my darling, Darling. Mistress and Darling.How's that?"She looked down."Well, darling, your ding a ling is standing up again."

"Well, my beautiful, sexy mistress, I have something to aide my ding a ling."With that Bryan reached under a towel to pull out a gift wrapped box and gave it to her with a kiss."I still taste my cum in your mouth.I hope you like today's flavor."

She took the small box."I like whatever flavor comes out of your cock."She began to unwrap the box.She opened it to find a purple box with gold lettering and a large tube.She picked it up, "Sexual lubricant for your partner.Hmm."Then she opened the box.Inside she saw five objects that looked sort of like a strange arrow head with a curved handle like thing.

"What are these, darling?"she asked.

"They're called butt plugs.I think it will make back door loving better for you,You start with the smallest.It gets put in gently and slowly, pulled out most of the way, then put in again, same way.Repeat with the next largersize and keep doing this until your butt is opened enough to easily take my dick - or Shark's."

"Thank you, Darling.When do we start?"

"How about now?Oh, if you read the bottom of the box, it's designed to be very hard to spot while nude. It says something like `Especially good for nude situations like nudist camps, or beaches, public or private pools on CO days and certain lab schools, public or private.'So we could go to dinner this evening and you could have a plug in getting you ready for an after dinner treat.I've already washed all five of them. "

"Okay. What do I do?"

"Lie down and relax."They kissed."On your front of course with your legs just parted a little.We start with the yellow one, the smallest.I don't use your gift lube, but some I have. I put a good gob on the arrow, put some just inside your butt.Ready?"

"Yes, darling."

"Here it comes.In just a bit. Move it around, take it almost out, put it in a bit more.Move it around.How you feeling Jenna Louise."

"It's okay.Easier than you.Much easier than Shark."

"Deeper now.Tell me if it starts to hurt."

"Keep going.Getting used to it."

The two keep going.The smallest plug got firmly seated then replaced by the next largest, the blue plug.This went a bit faster.Then the green plug.Once it got all the way in, Jenna Louise said, "Darling, I'm getting up doggie style.Take it out and let's see what happens."

As she got up on her hands and knees, Bryan positioned himself behind her, then proceeded to slowly enter her enlarged opening.

"God that's better," she said asBryan began to move faster inside her, force and speed gathering strength as his almost seven inches b Egan to act like a piston.They both began to breathe heavier. "God, Bryan.I've cum already."

"Maybe the blow job helped."

"Could be.This is the best back door loving I've had.Is this set mine or ours?"

"Yours.But keep it with you."

"Oh, God.Another cum."

"I'm about too.YES!"JL felt his cum flood in, despite the amount she swallowed an hour ago.

Friday was a light supper night with lots of students gone to a friend's home, or relatives, or just to eat out and see a new movie. Bryan and Jenna Louise ate with several of Bryan's friends.She obviously saw that nobody was suspicious of the second largest butt plug in her butt.She also found it making her feel good.

After supper Bryan took her to the 11/12 commons which hadmany pictures ofgrads.She passed over the picture of her grandmother and her aunt in the original students section. The room was almost empty of other students and a closed door was now legal.She whispered in his ear."Hey, Darling.I'm hungry. Let's go to your room and give me a snack.Then we can pull out the stopper and see what number four does to the pleasure pack."

Bryan's hand snuck to between her slightly parted legs to find moisture."Let's go, dear mistress." The two got up and left the commons and walked down to Bryan and Sylvia's room.Jenna Louise lay on the bed as Bryan removed number four, then cleaned it before placing it back in it's box."Maybe see what number five does tomorrow.It may take a bit to work back up to it."

She turned over to see him on his knees, his cock pointed towards her head.Bryan picked her up by her shoulders to move her to his thighs, his hard cock within range of her parted lips.

"Are you going to force me to do unnatural things to you?" She asked coyly.

"No.You have to ask your darling if you may suck his cock and swallow his cum."

"Oh.Hey, darling.Your cock is right at my mouth.Okay if I suck it until you cum so I can swallow your delicious stuff?"

"Yes.And please don't back away at the last second like somebody we know. "

That night they lay together.Bryan had gone down on her, as she moaned.Then he'd crawled up her body kissing all the way, sucking onhere nipples and kissing her tits.She turned over, got on her hands and knees. He entered her rosebud with no problem, his almost seven inch cock sliding gently and easily until he bottomed out. They fell asleep with his cock still inside her.

They slept late getting up just in time to get the tail end of breakfast.They had pienty of empty space around them, which was good as they both knew theystank of stale sex.Back in the room on this Saturday morning they grabbed towels and soap to go to one of the walled showers.There she sank to her knees to suck him off.Playfully at the last moment he withdrew and his cum and the shower water hit her face and breasts. She laughed.

After they dried off they returned to his room, cuddled for a moment on the bed, the door closed and the curtain drawn then full passion returned.Minutes later they paused, as if looking for the correct next path.

Jenna Louise looked into his eyes."Darling, I love Shark.I love Mason Fish.Always have.Always will. But Darling, I love you too.I really do.I'm your loving mistress.I'll lie for the next year or so and wear my V, but, I want this day to be when I surrender my V.I don't have a hymen anymore.I haven't since a bike accident when I was ten.Minnow was there.He didn'tknow then why I had a spot on my white shorts.Mom did. So, roll on your back and letmehave it looking up to you."

Bryan was quiet for a time."Jenna Louise, are you sure?"

"I am."

"Okay, on one condition - we do it doggie style."

Without a comment, Jenna Louise got on her hands and knees."Bow wow," she said.Bryan got behind her.She felt his hand caress her pussy, getting it ready despite the dampness she already felt.She felt his fingers peeling apart her lips, then the tip begin to enter her before he pulled out, then raised himself maybe a few centimeters until his cock felt her still spread open rose bud.Swiftly, but gently his whole length entered her ass and began fast, powerful strokes.

"NO," she cried.

"Jenna Louise, I love you too."His stroking continued."I'm about to cum."

"Please," she whispered.When he finished, he held her tight, then turned her to look at her flushed face. "Why'd you do that?"

"JL, I had to.Let me explain.The first time I ever saw you and Shark together, I knew it was love, not puppy love.I became positive very shortly that the weak link between you two and this new 15/1 was you.Even so, I saw you as strong.

"Maybe five minutes ago, the tip of my seven inch cock parted your inner lips.I was about to do what Jones Lab said would deflower you. I couldn't see it. So I went up a centimeter and we did what we'venow done twenty times or more.

"But, my sweet mistress Jenna Louise, after you and Mason Fish hang your V pinned on sheet, you'll see me back from college and I'll claim sloppy seconds.Okay?"

Tears formed in JL's eyes. "Damn you.You're right.ButI want you more than once every ten days."

"Jenna Louise, you're my mistress.Of course it will be more than once every ten days."

The Reverse Oreo

Friday afternoonSylviastood in front of the entrance to Jones Lab School holding the hand of Jack Jones, waiting for Bob Smith to bring the car that would take them to his grandmother's home some forty miles outside of town.

"We haven't done this in a month, Syl," Jack said.

" No.But Bob will make it work.Has for years now."

"Best buds in fifth grade.Who'd believe?A black boy,a white boy,and a white girl.Nobody fucked with us then."

"Jack, we made it work.But, fifth grade, what did `fuck' mean?"

"Rhymed with `truck.' Here's Bob.Sit up front, or two in the back?"

"Sit up front, Syl.For now. "

The ancient restored 1955 Ford Fairlane station wagon stopped and Bob stepped out."The Reverse Oreos have transportation."Jack and Sylvia each grabbed their small overnight bag, tossed to the rear seat and climbed into the front seat of the station wagon's restored bench seat, Sylvia in the middle,Bob as the driver and Jack and Sylvia as passengers on the ancient bench seat.Bob pulled out to head for the interstate.Once on it the three looked around

"Uh,the Oreos don' match.Should be Jack or Sylvia driving and Bob in the middle," Jack said.

"I don't care who I'm blowing or whose eating me. It's all good,"Sylvia said."Beside that, you guys know I can't drive stick."

"But you suck a mean dick."

"I thought two cute ones.And I know two guys who really know how to eat pussy."With that she reached out with both hands to handle two cocks."Now what should it be first, chocolate or vanilla."

"Chocolate's driving.Swap drivers at the rest stop," Jack said.

"That means Vanilla is first," Syl cooed."Then Chocolate after the rest stop.Who gets Fish first?"

"Whoever cums first for you, Syl," Bob says.

"Okay," Sylvia said as she struggled to turn herself around and get down on the floor of the station wagon."Be a good boy, Jack and take your pants down yourself."She leaned forward to kiss his jeans covered hard dick."You know it's hard for me to take yours off in a moving car."

"Yeah.Okay, Syl, here comes ole number 5.5."With that he rapidly got his pants loose and down, giving Sylvia a nice view of the only cut cock in the group.Sly cupped his balls, looked up at him, winked, and began to lick the precum off his arrow shaped cock head."Always love your beginnings.Yeah," as she began to slowly take more and more of his straight shaft into her willing mouth.Going slow, Sly slowly took the cock into her mouth, then rapidly slid back until only the tip of the arrow stayed in her mouth.She began to bob up and down, her tongue working its magic on the stiff rod.

"Yeek. Take your mouth off!Big bump ahead!" Jack shouted. She did just before there was a big bump.

"Damn, that would have been lunch!Clear for me to continue?"

"Yeah Sly.As that move said, `Suck on; suck off.'"Sylvia gave a laugh and went back to Jack's cock.

"Oh, yeah," Jack said as his hands cupped her braless boobs."Always like playing with your boobs, Sly.Just thinking.Been doing that since you were twelve."

"Oh.I first touched those white cupcakes when she was eleven," Bob said."I was twelve."

"Oh, crap, Sylvia.Soft serve vanilla coming fast.Gonna be a big scoop I know.It's been a month of Bob and no Syl.Oh, shit.YESS!!"

Sylvia's mouth was totally on it at his first shot, so a little dribbled out of the corners of her mouth even though she managed to swallow.The second blast came with just the head in so she held the load for his next blast and swallowed.Two more came, smaller and smallest.She licked the head as she finished.

"Thanks," she said.He bent down and they kissed.

"Thank you.Some girls give head as great as a guy does," Jack said.Sylvia wormed her way back to sitting on thebench as Jack zipped up his jeans.

"Oh. Rest stop coming," Bob said. "I'm taking a pee before we swap."

"After that, I will too," Sylvia said.The car parked, the three slid out and headed for the rest rooms.Sylvia put her arm around Bob's waist in a hug."Looking forward to that licorice stick," she said softly.

"It's waiting," he responded.She put her head against his side and squeezed him."

She heard, "Look at that little white girl hugging that'd big black boy.Disgusting."

"It is.Did you just see him put his hand on her breast?" Sylvia looked back to see a group of about eight, all white, to her looking sort of like her grandparents.She hugged Bob again as they continued to walk.Once inside Sylvia headed towards the ladies as Jack andBob the men's.

When Sylvia walked out feeling better she saw her two lovers talking to each other."So what's happening?" She asked.

"Those old folks with the nasty comments about you and Bob.They're still there like they're waiting for us.How would you two act out like you're about to get married or something.Talk loud enough for them to hear but not so everybody can hear.Then we walk away.What do you think?"

"Okay with that Bob, dear?"

"I'm game, Whitebread."

"Let's go.I'll walk a couple steps behind and we all stop close to them."

With that the three stepped off, Sylvia with her arm around Bob and Bob with his arm around Sylvia's neck, his hand brushing her left breast.All three kept an eye peeled for the group of older people. As they get just in front of the group, they stopped."Bobbie Jo, I ain't kissed them lips I gonna marry tomorrow for three hours now.Gimme some white girl lovin' right here."At that he kissed her, mouths obviously moving.The kiss broke.

"Now LeRoy ya'll just got me all hot and bothered. That Hilton with that big ole kingsize bed's waiting for you to strip off mah clothes, throw me on it and stick that 18 centimeterblack cock of ya'lls in my white and pink pussy."She kissed him, her eyes looking towards their captive audience.All she saw was shock on their faces."

"Soon's we get in that room, Bobbie Jo, that's how it's gonna be.You ain't gonna get my nigga cock in that white pussy just once."

"Hey, LeRoy.She's my cousin, Bro, I do get sloppy seconds."

"Hell, you be lucky if yo white dick gets sloppy fourths.Now let's get goin'.Me and Bobbie Jo got us some big ass fuckin' fo' we be man and wife tomorrow. "With that the trio started off again, holding their laughter until they were atthe station wagon.They had to choke to hold their laughs volume. Finally they managed to stop.

"One thing we missed," Jack said.

"What's that?" Sylvia asked.

"That people wouldn't see you were pregnant with LeRoy's kids."

"That would have been the coup d'grace," Bob said."Okay, Jack.Here the keys."

"Let me get in comfortable as possible and then Bob get in," Sylvia, still chuckling, said."Oh.I hope we didn't cause a stroke or a heart attack."

Jack got in the station wagon, Sylvia got in, then turned to face the rear."Better," she said.Bob stood with the door open, then slid down his jeans zipper and loosened his belt buckle.

"Gotta let my black 18 centimeter cock stretch," he said as he climbed into the station wagon and shut the door.He leaned forward and kissed Sylvia."I'll wait until we get out of the parking lot.They may be calling the state troopers even now."

As they got up to speed, Bob finished getting his jeans and shorts down, presenting his cock to Sylvia, who took it cheerfully.Bob and Jack continued to chuckle and laugh as Sylvia gave Bob, the same service Jack had received.Once Sylvia finished and Bob was presentable, she gave Bob a firm kiss and then a peck for the driver."Well, if one of us wants to eat fish soon, once we get off the interstate, there's a secondary.Two kilometers up the road, there's a good dirt road to the right.One of us guys can have his fish then and the other once we get into the room at Gramma's.How's that sound?"

"Good.Okay guys, the stopwatch says I sucked Jack for two minutes and 38 seconds and Bob for three minutes and one second.So Jack gets me first.I guess we stop the wagon, Jack and I get on the mattress on the back, I drop trou, he tongue fucks me and we go onto Gramma's so Jack can tongue fuck me while Bob listens to Gramma tell her what a great guy Jack is."

Fifteen minutes later Jack raised the rear window and lowered the tail gate.Sylvia climbed in followed by Jack."Good fishing,"Bob said as he raised the tail gate and lowered the rear window.Sylvia slithered to the pillows right behind the front seat, as Jack scooted on his side to her.They kissed."Okay love birds, this ain't no `Drivin' Miss Daisy, but I'm takin' ya'll to Grammas.Ya'll might have time for a twofer."

Sylvia laughed as she took off her shirt, then worked on her jeans to loosen and then let them slip to below her knees."A sight for sore eyes," Jack said as he moved between her now spread legs."Ah.Herring, with a splash of rainbow trout," as his tongue slid between her finger spread lips.

"Nice start," Sylvia said."Now I get to talk as a great guy tries to get me to a cum.Good start, Jack.I think you noticed I'm a bit damp down there."

He raised his head."Damp?It's an ocean - tasty. But wet."He went back to sliding his tongue up and down her crack.

"Oh, yes," she moaned.Two minutes later her hips thrust her snatch up from the mattress."Cumming!Oh, God.Suck on my clit.Yes!"She lay back down on the mattress.

In the silence Jack began to take down his jeans and boxers."You okay with this, Syl?"

"Yeah.I haven't had you inside me for a month."Sylvia laughed."Bryan, of course.Then there was Shark."

"I haven't been inside you for a month.Bob a lot."With that he moved between Sylvia's still splayed legs.

"Oh that's good," she said as she felt him enter her.Her arms came around him and they began to move together, starting slowly, then speeding up.They both dimly heard Bob warn them that they were less than five minutes to the private road up to the house.

They were just putting their clothes back on when the station wagon stopped and Bob honked the horn.The three got out of the station wagon with help from Bob. Bob 's grandmother came out to welcome them then sent them to their rooms, only one of which would be used.The big king size could fit all three and nobody wanted to sleep alone.What grandmother's didn't notice, wouldn't hurt her.

After putting the small bags in the two separate rooms, the three came to the parlor to talk with the Widow Smith, Bob's grandmother.

"I've heard so much about Jones.It gives me joy that Bob is doing so well - his folks forward them to me.He speaks highly of both of you as his friend.Now, am I clear that everybody there wears nothing but shoes? "

"Well, Gramma, that's mostly true.The kitchencrew has to wear a full apron. Custodial staff need pants and shirt for their jobs.Teams need their uniforms.Now, if it's Jones against another Lab school, clothing is minimal, except for protection for both boys and girls.Against other schools, we wear a full uniform for the sport.

"But the rest - we're nude."

"We know something bad has happened when a student or students, the deans, and a nurse comes to lunch.Everybody is nude except the nurse who's in full uniform."

"I don't understand."

"Somebody's getting a paddle on their bare butt in front of everybody in their lunch."

"Well, I got a lickin' or two back before I was your age.But.When I was your age or younger, lots of kids back then came to our pond.Some were poor and their folks really couldn't afford swim suits. We were kids and we all just jumped in buck naked. And some were white and some were black.And we just didn't care.And I still remember back when I was thirteen or so talking to a white boy `bout the same age.Suddenly he got himself a big boner looking at me.Nothing happened, but I joshed him for years.I even got an invite to his wedding.

"So.I've seen my share, and maybe more of dicks and pussies.Know what they look like.If you three want to make me think I'm sixteen again, go back to your rooms, and get comfortable.Dinner in a half hour."

Sylvia stood up and walked over to Bob's grandmother."Widow Smith.You have a wonderful grandson.In fact, I told him so today.But thank you.I'm going to tell the principal you ought to come talk to the students."With that Sylvia leaned over and kissed Gramma on the cheek.

She turned around to face Jack and Bob."Come on guys, let's go get neked. "

She led the race.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 75

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