Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 19, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #73. The Missing Towel (bisexual High School)

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

The Missing Towel


Larry Marian

Mason Fish Adams, III, 14, formerly named "Minnow" because of his size but now known as "Shark" after his girl friend/beddie, Jenna Louise Jefferson, BKA JL, had started calling him that walked along side Sylvia Morris, 15, headed towards his dorm room.

"It's okay. JL is out with a science project with four other students.They had to get dressed to go out to the woods behind the school.We won't be disturbed."

"I've been waiting for this chance for three weeks. You know how many of my friends have talked about being with you?"

"Really. It's no big deal."

"I'm walking beside you. It is a big deal.My beddie - a great guy - is at least eight centimeters less than you."

They stopped at Shark's dorm room door. He opened the door to an empty room. "Well. Coast is clear." Shark ushered the rust brown haired girl into the room with its neatly made bed in the center of the room."I know we have twenty minutes.It shouldn't take that long. I hope you like it."

"I know I will. But I'm not going to tell my brother in the sixth grade."They both laughed.Shark lowered the door window shade, then pushed the purloined brick to keep it from closing completely.

"You ready, Sylvia?"


"You have done a BJ before?"

Sylvia laughed."Eleventh birthday party.Not as much now, as we beat the old 14/1."

Shark took her hand, led her to the bed, sat down, drew her to him as she got on the bed too. "Take your time.I'm sure JL won't be here for forty-five minutes."

"She jealous?"

"No. We have boundaries."

Sylvia laughed. "Me and Bryan learned that when we went from Sixth Cottages to 7/8 dorms."

"I think we are okay."The twocuddled for a minute or two. "I think you can start anytime."

"God.It's big. Really big," she said as her hand took his hard cock to guide it towards her mouth.

"Take your time." He rubbed her shoulder. He felt the first lick of her tongue on the bright red round top of his very hard cock. Then the kisses as his hand moved towards the treasure between her splayed legs. "I hope my hand doesn't bother you."

She raised her head off his cock."No. Feels good."She went back to his cock and her mouth and tongue. "You know I don't wear a V anymore."

"I do. JL and I have promised each other."

"That's what they say.Yours is nice."With that Sylvia gently attacked the long, thick cock.

Shark lay back, his eyes closed as he enjoyed the attention Sylvia paid to his hard cock as it approached his climax."God, Sylvia.Getting close.You're good."

He heard the door open. "Shark! You didn't warn me!Bryan and I could have..."

"Bryan?The guy who tried to rape you?"

"Oh, shit!"Sylvia took her mouth from Shark's cock just as his first blast hit her face. Shark's hand cut the flow a bit.

"Oh, God," Bryan said, "Sylvia."


"Christ!" JL said. "Let's not have a fucking war, to quote my grandmother Jenna."

"Let's try to get organized," Bryan said."I am the Junior Class President, after all."

"So were you here to take my beddie's cherry?" Shark asked.

"NO. We agreed on that some two months ago. JL waits for you and only you, Shark. Oral and anal? Sure.Looks like a facial to me." Bryan said.

"Bryan, it's okay.Look, you went after JL.I wanted to suck Shark. Every girl at Jones wants to suck Shark. Now would you get a towel and let me wipe this cum off my face. It wasn't a planned facial."

"So, JL, you and Bryan weren't here for a one afternoon stand, right?"

"No.Two months now.Once every ten days.Neither of us know what happened.I'd promised him to finish what that bad day started.You know I love you."

Bryan carefully cleared Sylvia's face of Shark's cum and kissed her.He took her hand."You want to go up to our room and lower the blind?"

"Yes.Thanks, Shark. Now I can say Shark gave me a facial."She laughed.

"Before you two go, let me tell you a bit of family history.Sit down, but it won't take a minute."Sylvia and Bryan sat down on the bed as JL sat down next to Shark.

"Back when my grandma Paige was a first year student here with my granddad Mason; they were really in love, but Grandma founded the Locker Club. She got a really fabulous request one day.She responded at once.The guy was one of two in her Advanced Physics class she'd not serviced.Well, it went from a paid for blow job to making love to sex in a car to more sex in her bedroom - all in maybe two hours.

"Mason and Francoise, instead of becoming enemies became friends. Later Mason met Simone who was a mistress of Francoise and they fell in love. I'm the grandson of Grandma Paige and Grandfather Francoise and the grandson ofGranddad Mason. Grandad Mason is the father of my Aunt Gwen whose mother is Aunt Simone, who is maybe 1/8tn African and the rest white.

"So I'm pretty conditioned to be accepting. I don't know how Sylvia feels, but if you two really want to have a relationship, I'm okay with it. JL, it sounded like you and Bryan are having sex every ten days.Fine.If it's every three days, fine.But that's totally between you and Sylvia."

JL hugged Shark. "Thanks, dear. Now I can do what I've wanted to do for two months now."

"What's that?"

"Teach you how to kiss like Bryan does."

"Okay.As soon as your boy friend and his beddie leave, teach me."

"We're leaving."

"Thanks, Shark. Maybe there will be a next time.Maybe it won't end with a facial.Maybe it will."The door didn't close completely but Shark put the brick back in its place.JL lay down, on her back.

"Okay, Shark, come let me teach you how to make me cry for more."

Two weeks later Shark walked down the mail hall towards the gym.He heard rapid footsteps behind him to see a short girl walking towards him, almost running. Her red hair was braided into two pig tails, making her look like she shouldn't be in the mid/high section of Jones.

"Hi," she said."Remember me?"He looked at her.Breasts were small mounds with nipples and aureola.A quick glance found no trace of pubic hair.Her face was cute."I was with my eighth grade friend Zena.I'm Constance.She convinced me to come with her to see you and......"

"Go to a PR with me so the two of you could suck me.You're in sixth grade, right? Eleven?"

"I'm three weeks from being twelve.Yes.Zena went first, then I did.I hope you liked it.But I've learned that sixth graders are not allowed in a PR.

"You have a dorm room.I'm a day student."

"If you're a sixth grade day student, how do you get into themid/high area?"

"Either my eighth grade friend or my brother who's a tenth grader.Could we go to your room?What about your room mate - or do you have a beddie now?"

Shark looked again at her chest.Her breasts might be just starting, but her nipples stuck out from the aureolas and looked hard. Shark thought for a moment."Is this a one time deal or are you looking for something longer?"

"I..I'd like to be with you a lot.But you have a beddie."

"Constance, JL and I have a deal.From evening study hall until breakfast, JL and I are a couple.From after breakfast to evening study hall, she and a junior named Bryan are a couple except she wears a V and they don't screw.He has a beddie and Sylvia and he work it the same way.So if you want from breakfast to evening study hall, we can see."

"Let's go to your room.Evening study hall isn't for another hour and a half." With that Shark turned around, put his hand briefly on her shoulder as he led her back towards the 7/8II dorm.

There he placed the towel on the door knob, just in case, put the brick to keep the door from swinging open, then took Constance's hand and guided her to the bed, where he sat down, gently pulling her down to sit beside him.

"You want this like before, or do you want to make this like a couple?"

"A couple, Shark.Oh, it's getting bigger."

He put his arm around her. "That's because my dick's brain is sensing he's going to feel real good soon."Then he kissed her, using his tongue at once, finding little resistance to its intrusion.

Five minutes later they were lying down, Shark sucking her breastlets while gently rubbing her vertical lips."I will not put a finger in you unless you say it's okay.JL and I do this."

"It's okay.But you're like you were the first time." Her hand touched his hard cock,

"Any time you want to start, Constance, it's fine with me." She kissed Shark fully, her tongue in his mouth before kissing her way down his body until she got to his cock."Oh, such a big red lollypop.Here goes," as she began to lick and kiss his red cockhead before taking it into her mouth.She sure didn't get it all in, but what she did was very good.

"Constance.I'm getting close. Unless you want me to cum in your mouth, better stop."

"Mmmuh!" was what he heard and her hand thumbs up was what he saw ten seconds before he came. She held it in her mouth before finally releasing the cock."So good," she said.Shark reached under her arms to draw here to him to kiss her deeply."Your cum tastes nice," she said.

"Have you done this before,other than that time three months ago when you did me the first time?"

"No.You're the only boy I've sucked.My brother taught me how."

"Neat brother."

"He really is.He's gay, so he might approach you."

"If he's your brother,I'd be happy to meet him. "Shark sat up."I thinkyou probably need to find yourbrother and get back to your cottage, Constance.Or is Connie better?"

"Constance is when I'm in trouble.Connie is what my friends call me. "She grinned."My brother's called me Cunt since before I knew what it means."

Shark gave a short laugh. "I guess that's what big brothers are for.So what do you call him?"

"Since I was nine and heard about it I called him Peter Sucker.But now it's PS.By the way, his name is Peter.But he sure can't start calling me Cunt Sucker."She gave Shark another kiss."Day after tomorrow,I hope, Shark."

"Yeah. You were wonderful."

Friday night, their homework done, Shark and JL sat on their bed, notebooks open."I had three propositions.I took one," JL said."Words getting out that I'm cheating on you, that he's robbing the cradle.He is a junior and I'm an eighth grader."

"He's still sixteen and you're fourteen.And there is nothing official about going together."Shark leaned over and kissed her."So you are seeing Bryan a lot?"

"Yeah.First off, he has put no pressure on me to give my virginity to him.I flat out told him, it is yours.Next,I talked with Sylvia.She thanked me.`He can be insatiable,' she said.I noticed that.He likes back door love.He's slow and gentle, but one's not enough almost every time."

"Well, I agreed."

She gave him another kiss."Seems like you may have skipped your report. "

"No.I allowed one new blow job request."


"I've entered into the same arrangement as you and Bryan.I guess I'm robbing the cradle.She's a townie, in sixth grade, and will be twelve in less than three weeks."

"Oh.She good looking?"

"Cute.Boobs just starting but grown up nipples. I see her tomorrow.I've alreadyreserved a PR.I know she can't reserve one herself,but only one name is needed.Her brother has his license and will take her and get her in and then pick her up.I suspect you will be with Brandon."

"Yeah.And I heard a rumor that Sylvia will be with either Jack Jones or Bob Smith, or both of them up in 238 as their beddies are off with their folks for the week end. "

Shark laughed."What are we going to do after we have our drivers' licenses and a car?"

"I don't know.But how about you pull the shade, prop the door so it doesn't swing open and come get me excited.You lick me.I suck you.I welcome you to some back door love. "

"What do we do then?"

"Rest up for the evening performance. "Arms flew around each other.

Two weeks later,as Connie, now dressed to go home,and Shark, only wearing his waist belt, stood at the door between clothed and nude.Connie took an envelope from her book bag."Don't open this here, Shark.E-mail me after I get home. Oh.Mom's honk."She could not kiss him in public, so she squeezed his hand then turned and fled towards the second honk.

Shark waved, then headed towards his dorm room, knowing that this was still Bryan/JL time and no telling where they might be.But there was no towel folded over the door knob so he left the door open but not propped.

In the room he shared with JL he sat at his desk and opened the envelope,.The card was his invitation to Connie's 12th birthday party to be held next Saturday at Connie's house.Inside was a note on looseleaf paper with a handwritten note, looking a lot more adult than whata sixth grader might write, both in context and form.

Dear Shark,

I hope you can come to my party.My folks have already told me I can invite you to spend the night.I've already talked to Pete.His room has one large bed and I have two beds (sleep overs).When he has a gay friend come, they pretend to sleep in my room while I sleep in his.Nope. I sleep in mine and they sleep in his.So he will sleep in mine and we will sleep in his.Is this OK?They never check.I've never spent the night with a boy before.Will you be the first?

Shark looked up.He knew he had to show it to JL.Connie was so cute, so friendly.

An hour later he showed the note to JL."What do you think?"

"Do you love Connie?"

"I really sorta think I do.Do you love Bryan?"

"I really sorta think I do.Your grandparents prove it can be done. "JL kissed Shark."Go for it Shark.And let me show you this picture I found.It took me a bit."

With that she sat down at her computer, avoided the blocks, and pulled up a color photo."Look at this, Shark," as she slid aside so he could see."What do you see?"

"Oh, wow.They must have still been teens, except for Uncle Francoise.Must be a hotel room.Uncle Francoise on the far left, next to Grandma Paige.His hand is on her breast.She's looking up like they're about to kiss.Her hand is on his cock.Next isGrandpa Mason.His arm is over Aunt Simone and his hand is on her breast.Her hand is on his cock."

"Next picture - what do you see?"

Damn.Uncle Francoise and Aunt Simone, hand on breast, hand on cock.She's looking up to him,Grandma Paige and Grandpa Mason, hand on breast, hand on cock, kissing."

"I think I see real love here.Can we do the same?"

"I hope so, Shark.Can we do early lights out?"

"Let me turn them off."

The lights went off. "God I'm glad Bryan taught me how to really French kiss."

"I'm glad you did, too." He chuckled."Connie's glad too."

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 74

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