Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 18, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #71. True Confessions (bisexual High School)

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

True Confessions


Larry Marian

Discipline Review Board

Six people, five teens and one adult sat on wood chairs in the outer office of the room used for serious Discipline Review Board action.Of the six, five were male and one female.In front of them stood the DoB, the Dean of Boys.

"There will be no talking, no use of a cell phone or any similar device. You may use it to play games but don't even think about talking on it.There are cameras here and microphones.Penalties for violation can include expulsion or resignation.Do all of you understand me?"He paused listening for six affirmations."Good.I will call you in one by one in no particular order to give your testimony in no particular order."With that he left for just a minute or two and then re-entered."Coach and 7/8 Counselor Jim Gros."All five teens watched as he got up and followed the DoB into the next room.

Counselor Jim Gros

"Coach, please tell us what happened during the afternoon rec period, two days ago," the principal asked.

"I had just left the gym and saw my current new student Jenna Louise Jefferson and one of my former students, Jimmy Baker come out of PR #7, talking.I heard Jimmy say something like `you were really great this time.'I figured she'd been picked for the "Miss Innocent New Eighth Grader Contest."Then along come three more guys: Chuck Jones, Jeff Morgan, and Bryan Smith.That looked a bit suspicious so I went back to the gym entrance.The five started off together, all laughing, but were they headed for make out cove and if so, four boys and one girl, with all the boys sophomores and juniors looked suspicious. I hung back for a few minutes and then left to go towards make out cove. Again I thought, foolish or suspicious.I knew where to stop where the weird acoustics would let me hear but hard for them to hear.

"I heard JL say something like, `I really don't want my butt fucked two more times today.Maybe tomorrow, I can meet with you two. But yeah, one more round of sucking will be okay.And I have to get back to Shark. I really don't want him to know how much shit I've done the past month.'

"So Bryan says, Look, JL, why not your pussy?I know you wear a V, but are you really?'And Jeff says, I know three guys who say you screwed them."JL says, "I know Shark and I are having a rough time, but the V is important to us.'"Bullshit, guys.Just put her on the ground on her back and I'll prove she's not a virgin and she's lying about her V.'The next thing I hear is her yelling, `Please no. I am. You can do my butt now, but no!HELP!!'"

"I stepped out to see JL on the ground on her back, Jimmy holding her arms, Chuck holding one leg and Jeff the other. Bryan was kneeling between her legs while she was screaming, crying and trying to get free. I yell'Get off her at once, move away from her, and sit your butts on the ground.

"They complied, looking really scared.I asked JL if she were hurt and she said her pride was. With JL at my side and the boys two by two we went to the office. I set them all down, told the secretary I caught the boys with the girl, said I'm ready to give a witness statement either in writing or in person.I was thanked and told I could leave.

"The next I heard was that each boy got three and JL two and that Shark gave quite a little speech. With all due respect, I think the boys should have been given the choice of five or expulsion and JL thanks."

"Anything else?"

"Well, I've taught coached, or counseled all four of these boys.They are essentially decent, but they they really messed up badly."

The DoG said, "You suggest the worst possible punishment we give and then say they are essentially decent. Can you justify that?"

"I think so.First, you may decide on something less, especially since each has already had three wacks.Second, when I was in the Army on active duty, I was told I needed three to one to attack and win. She was being attacked four to one by four boys who were older and heavier and one was about to not only penetrate her, but deflower her, something she wanted to share with one boy only.

"The boys made a very serious mistake. The Army also told me that one Oh crap' cancels 25,000 well done."

"Thank you Coach - and - Counselor. You may return under the same circumstances.Mr. Dean, escort Ms. Jefferson in, please."

Jenna Louise Jefferson

"We understand you like to be called JL, is that correct?" The principal asked.

"Yes, sir. I have lots of aunts and uncles that go by their initials."

"JL, I think you know by now that our number one virtue is honesty. Please be honest with us, even though it may stay something bad about yourself, okay?"

"Yes sir.We've gone by that ever since Jones opened.That's why we are almost always nude."

"Good. Can you quickly tell us what happened three days ago now?"

"Do I have to name names now?"

"Not now.Maybe later."

"I was competing in a contest for new, younger students - I guess it's sort of secret." JL looked around to see the seven adults grinning.

The principal smiled. "My wife's first place plaque is in the front hall in our home.Our daughter's third place is in her room here at Jones.Every adult here has one, is the parent of one, or married to the holder of one."

"Oh," she said.

"So you can probably start your story here - except for one thing.While his votes will count, one boy is no longer qualified to be a judge.So go ahead, JL Jefferson."

"Three days ago I met up for the third time with my fifth guy.We chatted a bit, I sat on the low stool, he stood in front of me.Since you all seem to know and we tell the truth, I sucked him off. Then there was a knock on the door.He said he'd get it.

"He did and it was three other boys, all high school. I have to say that all three had hard ons.He introduced me to them and suggested, just in case of a run off, I might practice on the new guys.

"We still had some 45 minutes. I have to say I wondered, but agreed. So I blew the other three, which they said was great.Then two asked if I'd ever done anal. I said yes, but not with Shark, yet. I got asked if they could. I sort of tried to get out but finally agreed.Two guys did, but then the warning light came on and the bell. We left as the other two said, `Let's go to Make Out Cove.'

"I had no idea what that was. But we got there and all four guys began to get scary to me. The two who hadn't done anal wanted it.I suggested the next day.Then all of a sudden I was pushed down, held by three while the fourth was between my legs. He said something like `I'm gonna fuck your brains out and you're gonna love it.'

"That's when I started crying and yelling and Coach Gross arrived."

She looked at the adults. "I just don't know how I can face Shark ever again."

"I shouldn't say this, but if Shark is the boy I think he is, he will welcome you in open arms," said a male teacher she did not know.

"Any questions for JL?"

"Yes. JL. Considering what you know about Jones now, are you very careful about any sexual contact with somebody else other than your boyfriend?"

"Maybe a little. We were both upset over the bed issue.For us - well, we live two blocks apart.For five years wespent the night together at least once a week.We started making out when we were eleven. My mom talked to me about what we could or should not do when we were ten. We both agreed. We have."

"Any other questions?Thank you.You may return to your seat and remain silent."

Jimmy Baker

"Jimmy, you've been at Jones how many years?" His 9/10 II counselor asked him.

"I started in fifth grade but then we moved so I've been a dormie until now."

"Are you in charge of this year's "8/10 Participation Award"?

"No.Ron Thacker is. "

"Have there been any changes?"

"Yes.One judge has been dismissed. But JL was willing up to the last minute.In fact as we were leaving she said, I've never sucked four boys in one day before,' and we laughed. Then she said, I guess I get to do it again.'Then Bryan asked Do you always swallow?' And she said It wouldn't be a real blow job if I didn't.Cum tastes yummy.'And everybody laughed.

"So she was enthusiastic?" One female teacher asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Did you ask about anal intercourse?"

"She'd already done it twice with me and Chuck.She said she'd do it with Bryan and Jeff the next day.Then Bryan said, How about your front door now?' She said, Shark thinks I'm still virgin. I've only done it twice.'So we all start to try to talk her into it.Finally she says, okay and she sits down.Bryan says I'm first' and Jeff says, Sloppy seconds,' Chuck says,'I'm next' and before I can say anything she says, "Woah!I've changed my mind,' and gets up.Bryan says You agreed.Lie down or we'll lay you down.'No.I'm leaving,' and she starts to push her way out. Bryan says, `Put her down for me,' and we do.She starts crying and then screaming when Bryan kneels down between her legs. I was holding her arms so I could see Bryan was about to put his dick in her when Coach Gross started yelling at us.

"She was fine with everything until the last moment. In fact she stopped yeling.I'll bet if Coach Gross hadn't shown up she'd of changed her mind once Bryan started."

"You saying that if Bryan raped her, she'd have liked the rest of you to rape her, too?" The principal asked.

"I don't think Bryan would have raped her.I think she was playing around with us.She probably let some other guy do it first and then she could cover up to keep her boy friend from finding out."

"Any other questions?Okay, Jimmy, you may return and remember you are to say nothing in there. Dean, bring in Bryan Smith."

Jenna Louise Returns

"That's all four boys," the principal said."Comments?Do we need to recall anybody?

The school resource officer said, "One thing I noticed is the fact that all four boys told essentially the same story.They all said she basically came on to them and then seemed to back off at the last moment.And then she stopped yelling and crying."

"Then there was the thing about first time for four guys in one day and then going to do it again."

"Yeah.And the whole virginity issue."

"Okay, let's have JL in here again with those specific questions.This may bring up a few more.So Mr. Dean, please bring JL Jefferson back in."

The DoB went out and came back in very quickly with JL putting her cell phone back in her waist belt.

"Have you used your phone, JL."

"No, sir.Just to play some games."

"We need to ask you some specific questions. Some may be very personal."

"I understand."

"Okay, Mr Black," your question if you have one."

"Thank you.JL, did you have any idea what was going to happen when you left the PR with four boys?" "I was pretty sure there was going to be more oral sex."

"Did you suggest that you wanted to give all four oral sex?"

"Not really."

"Thanks for now.I guess Ms. Hailey."

"Yes.JL, this is really personal, and I'm going to be teen age crude, do you enjoy sucking dicks?"

"Honest, yes ma'am. All the girls I know who have, like it for one reason or another."

"You have any idea how many boys you've blown?"

"Uh.My first, of course was Shark.Here, at Jones, I think, including the four in the other room, fifteen. But I know girls who are providers at The Locker Club who say over 100."

"Well, that's about what it was when I was a student.There's the old rumor that when Paige was graduated valedictorian, her diploma had a dick' instead of dic' in it."

"JL, are you an actual vaginal virgin?"

"Yes, ma'am.I am. According to Jones and the other lab school rules, I am. As I said, I've sucked fifteen boys, including Shark. I've had anal sex with five boys, including Shark.Of those five, two are sitting outside.I've only done it once with each of them.With Shark, more than once - but not many."

"Thank you.So. I guess it's Mr. Mouton's turn."

"So, JL. A boy's penis has never entered your vagina.Correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Has one touched your pubic area?"

"I was yelling and twisting then, but I think Bryan's touched it, but didn't get a chance to put it in.When Shark and I were old enough for Shark to get hard, we rubbed each other a few times, but no further.Mom found us once.We got a big talking to and told us not to do that again.Hands were okay, but nothing more.We stopped."

"Thank you for your honesty.Officer Nelson."

"JL, this sounds fairly traumatic for you. Was it?"

"Not really until the last few minutes.That's when they grabbed me, pushed me to the ground, and held me down while Bryan knelt between my legs.He said, `I'm gonna fuck your brains out and you're gonna love it."

"Did you tell the boys you liked the taste of cum?"

"Not really.I said it has a lot of different tastes.Any girl who's done oral more than once will say the same thing."

"Did you admit that you've had vaginal sex twice?"

"NO! Have I been asked? Yeah.And I'll tell you - by two different seniors.Shark and I vowed to each other we would do it first with each other.When we heard about 14/1, we vowed it be on my 14/1 as I'm about three weeks older.When we learned it would be 15/1 now, we shrugged our shoulders."

"You sound very positive."

"I am. I know I'm only thirteen and so is Shark. But we're both intelligent.The idea that we've both had two kinds of sex that lots of people do and still be a virgin sounds sort of foolish."

"Well, it may be, but that's the Corporation definition and it applies to both boys and girls.If your room mate/boy friend were to go out and have vaginal sex with another girl, he would no longer be a virgin.I hope he's as strong as you," the principal said."Okay, Mr. Dean, take JL back out.You can remain there while we decide. "

The Decision

The four boys entered with the DoB between them and JL.The six took the empty chairs now sitting in front of the table.The principal said, "Officer Nelson, since he has extensive training in this will discuss our reasoning and then render our decision.Officer Nelson."

"First, I've run a juvenile check on all five of the teens sitting here. Except for a speeding ticket for 45 in a 25 zone, all are clean.This really wasn't necessary except to see how the law treats them.

"Now, if I'm investigating something I always find that if I have four witnesses, I will get four stories, sometimes wildly different. In the case of the four boys I found extreme consistency in their narrative.All four boys said that JL sucked each one of them and boasted she would do it again with them in a few minutes.Next they all said she claimed to like to swallow semen and it tasted good.I'm wondering if four teenage boys would even consider asking her about that. All four boys said she admitted to having had vaginal intercourse.The nurse examined her within the hour.No evidence of vaginal penetration but semen in the rectum.

"I looked at the testimony of both Coach Gros and JL. Their testimony was consistent but with no chance of collusion that I could see. In private I asked each if either had spoken to the other. No. Ms. Bishop gave an excellent alibi for Coach Gros.

"I believe that in the time they had, these young men concocted a story to disgrace JL and hide the fact that she would have been sexually assaulted if it were not for Coach Gros."

"So, Officer Nelson, you are saying they are lying?"

"Yes, sir.That's my professional opinion."

"Okay, Chuck, Bryan, Jimmy, and Jeff, you've just heard Officer Nelson make a very serious accusation, an accusation that rocks the very foundation of the lab school concept. You are accused of not one small lie, but several enormous ones.I believe that automatic expulsion would be the only possible punishment."He looked at the boys, all now with hanging heads and one wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

"If you are in fact lying, and admit it, the punishment will be to simply add two more wacks to the three you already have and expunge from her record the two she received. You may huddle and decide within the next five minutes."

The boys turned towards the center.Heads shook, more hands rubbed eyes. Then Jimmy stood up."Sir, we never really lied.But, well, we did add a bit, I guess. We'll take the two wacks.

"This just me, but JL, I'm sorry for what happened at the end.I just got carried away.I know this is going to get around.Three of us are beddies.My beddie just might push her side back against her wall."

"Mine, too. JL, I just. . . got stupid.Sorry, JL," Ryan said.

"Alright. Since you four have two different lunches, you will report to the DoG five minutes before your class before lunch for punishment.Case closed."


Shark came into the dorm room he shared with his friend and now girl friend, JL some twenty minutes into free time/athletics/clubs."You been dragged by a gang of four girls bent on taking your virginity?" She asked, looking away from her computer screen.

He sat down on her side of their bed, now equipped, thanks to both sets of parents with full size sheets and blankets.They exchanged a brief, legal kiss as they were inside their room."JL, I guess I have to confess.I should have told you a month ago.I have a girl problem and it's not you."

"Okay, Fish, what is it?"

"Well, you've told me all about the new girl most popular contest you're in, the number of boys you've sucked because of it, the other boys you've also sucked, and the boy's you've done anal with."

"Well, to the anal add one new boy and of the five original, one has met with me a second time. I've promised the last of the four who hasn't done anal with me, we'd do it next week.So, have you been hiding something from me?"

"Yeah.Don't laugh, JL.But I get propositioned every day by girls - and some boys, too."

"Well, you are cute and smart and stuff.But being propositioned and doing something isn't the same."

"JL. I've gone along with about half of them.Everywhere from sixth graders to seniors.Even an eighteen year old senior who gave me a sorry I bothered you when I told her I'd be fourteen in three weeks."

JL put her arm around his neck."So, what is the magnet?"

"You're so used to it, it doesn't register.My cock size.That thing about girls like big cocks - apparently a lot at Jones want to find out."

"It's not that big."

"Jenna Louise, soft it's still 13 centimeters.Hard, it's almost 18 centimeters. Even junior and senior boys notice it.And it's thick, too. Hard, it's right at 14 centimeters."

"I guess I'm used to it.Okay, I've spilled my beans.When did this start and how many girls? Any boys?What did you do?"

Shark took her hand in his."Well, it did start slow.I think the first time was the second week of school and it was a short sophomore.She said she and her roomie were getting along fine, but she'd really like to suck me.I asked her to let me think about it.We're in study hall together.I told her I didn't think you'd mind, so let's just ask. The proctor said to be back in 20 minutes. We did.The next one was the following week - an eighth grader from 7/8 I and her friend, a sixth grade town student.

"Those were the first.There were four requests the fourth week. It went up from there.They were mostly BJs of course. Maybe one out of four or five were for anal."

"So how many girls, total?"

"More than you with boys, I think.I'm not keeping a totally accurate tally, but about 38.Most of them was a one time thing.About ten hit me twice.Three, more than that."

"Okay."With that JL got up from her chair, walked to the room door, pulled down the shade, pushed the heavy old book to keep it from flying open, walked back to Shark, took his shoulders gently, one in each hand and pushed him backwards onto their bed. She rolled on top of him.

Then they kissed, long and hard, hands moving around, breathing getting heavy. Shark took the initiative to slide down her body, gently spread her legs and begin to lick her exposed vertical lips. As he traversed up from her vagina to her clit to return several times before taking her clit and rubbing it she began to moan."God, Shark.I'm going to cum. You're going to make me cum."

He raised his head."That's the general idea, my love of seven years."He returned to licking. She thrashed.

"OH, YES!!" JL moaned.

Then they turned together, Shark on the bottom, JL on top, licking his very erect cock, kissing down the shaft before taking it into her mouth. Now it was his turn to moan. He did."Oh, God, JL. So good.So.....GOOD. NOT GOING TO LAST.OH!CUMMING!!"

Then they lay together on their pushed together bed, with suitable sheets and blankets, arms around each other. For awhile they just lay there.

"Are you okay with me having sex with other boys?" JL asked between nibbles of his ear.

"Are you okay with me having sex with other girls?" Shark asked between kisses on her neck.

"You tell me first."

"Okay,You were there.In Oklahoma, in that funny little town, Medicine Park for the wedding anniversary of your grandparents and mine. Remember? You wanted to be around all the girl nieces and aunts and such and I wanted to be with the boy nephews, but both wanted to be just with the kids our age - what, 9 to 11 or so. Right?"

"That was the two days in all our life so far when I thought you were a total jerk."


"So we were down at the Medicine Park Swimming Hole andwe rented the hole for the day and it was a CO day. The mayor gave a little speech about how Grandmother Paige caused this to happen. Afterwards I came up to Grandmother Paige, who was feeding I guess maybe her first great grandchild. I say, "Grandmother Paige, can I ask you a question?"

"Can you? What has your mother taught you?"

"May I Gramma Paige?"

"Please do Grandson Minnow."

"Now come I'm darker than most of the other kids here? Do I belong here?"

And she laughed."You see your Aunt Gwen over there?The one who still has red hair, above and below? The one with her youngest daughter, same age as you?"


"Go ask her. She can tell it best."

"Should I?"

"Go see your Aunt Gwen."So I went over to my Aunt Gwen and Cousin Paige, who was apparently pushing 12. "Be polite."Then my grandmother went back to cooing over the newest one of the family.

"Aunt Gwen, I have a question and Gramma Paige told me to ask you. May I ask it?"

"If it's not about asking if it's okay to kiss a boy on the first date, sure."

"MOM! There's a boy here!"

"Yep. Sit down and listen.You weren't named for Gramma Paige for nothing.Go ahead, Fish."

"I guess I've never seen so many relatives before.And they are light and dark, tall and short. Why am I much darker than JL - Jenna Louise? my third cousin?"

Aunt Gwen laughed."You and I, Fish are on the other side of heredity.We don't keep secrets.Your grandmother sent you to see me because of what you see here.Over there, the tall black guy next to the short white woman.Who are they?"

"Gramma Paige and Colonel Francoise."

"Yep.And the medium white guy with a goatee and a pale skinned woman in sort of an African dress."

"Uh, Gramps Mason and Aunt Simone."

"Good. Now how about that dark guy playing croquet with a boy, maybe ten?'

"Uncle Jack. Is that his son Shaka?"

"Yep. Now, the tall black guy, my age, with his arm around a shorter white guy."

"I don't know, Aunt Gwen."

"Starting from the last. The tall black guy is my brother Jeff.The white guy is his husband Bill. Your Uncle Jack is my brother with his son Fred.Nancy is deployed right now, but her tribal name means "Her Arrows Fly Swift and Far."Her father in law is very proud of her.

"This family is a meld, a mixing pot they used to say.Mason Fish, you are looking at your dad and your mom and your father.You are also looking at your dad's very serious girlfriend, while your father has loved your mom almost as long as your dad has. Figure it out?"

"I'm not sure. But my folks...."Shark stopped. "Gramma Paige and Uncle Francoise.Granpa Mason and Aunt Simon. You, Aunt Gwen."

"You are close.Three hundred years ago your ancestors would have been flogged and then burned at the stake. Now they are what we want to be.So who is your grandmother?"

"Gramma Paige."

Your grandfather?"

"Uncle Francoise."

"Your granddad?"

"Uncle Mason."


"Uncle Mason and.... Aunt Simon?"


"Be proud, Mason Fish. You will be a real shark."

"I guess we have to be like our families," JL said as they snuggled.

"As long as you love me, you can chase any lure you want,"Shark said.

"As long as you love me, I will bite any lure you send me," JL said as the two spooned together, belly together.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 72

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