Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 13, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #70. Minnow and JL (bisexual High School)

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Minnow and JL


Larry Marian

Ever since they could remember, Mason Fish Adams, III and Jenna Louise Jefferson wanted to go to Jones Lab School as soon as they could, which could be sixth grade since there were no relatives close to the school any longer.When the two were six, with birthdays reasonably close, they began to play "school" until parents convinced them that not all their friends or their friends parents totally approved of no clothes at school, especially in the front yard.

Summerbrought the neighborhood pool and swimming.They were very happy on CO days, which now was even more frequent.School was now in a bedroom and a few more "students" came without prying eyes.Theyboth loved to hear stories when their grandparents came.In turn the grandparents, long time friends, had no problem with Minnow and JL coming to supper with other guests undressed, even at nine and ten.

The two had sleep overs at least once a week, playing being a boarding student at Jones.Of course they slept in the same bed and, as was normal at Jones, nude.

Both Minnow and JL gushed over being in one of the sixth grade cottages at Jones. Then the stock crash came and that was no longer possible.So they went to the local Lab School, on the bus, undressing at their lockers, going to classes and then getting dressed to go home.

Encouragement came, but it wasn't what the two wanted.The stories swirled around their ears.

Finally, somehow, the two were going to be boarders as eighth graders at theMother School, Jones Lab.As required, the two got dropped off by parents at the main door, with scant luggage, as it was not needed, and followed instructions of a guide, who might be from 8 to 12, some boys and some girls.

There the two found themselves within an auditorium, or something similar.Still dressed, but carrying their white clothes bag and the small suitcase they were led to the 7/8 II Common Room to meet their counselors.As they walked in Minnow said quietly, "This isn't Syltherin's Common Room, but it looksnice."He took JL'shand.

"Not Ravenclaw's either.Not enough books."They looked at each other and laughed.

The two looked around the room with some ten or so new students, two counselors, one each male and female and two kids, agessomewhere between seven and ten, wearing what looked like a road crossing guard wearing a white belt, a white baldric, a badge, and nothing else. The door opened and some additionalstudents came in, white bag in hand but also dressed.As they entered, one of the kids with the belts closed the door, raised her hand and yelled, "Hand UP.That means you Charlotte!"

The obvious returnees raised their hands, the new ones, including JL and Minnow, were a bit slower. "Welcome to 7/8 II.I'm Jim Gros and my SO Linda Bishop.The pages are our two kids, Bob, who is just nine and Ginny, who will turn 11 next week.Pages, when they aren't in school do run errands, both for us, the counselors and for you, the members of 7/8 II.

"Of course, the first event is to don the official Jones Academic regalia.Now, for our newcomers, most of you will find in your clothing bag your "v" for your virgin status.Put that on before you undress.Fold your clothing as neatly as you can and put everything in the whitebag except footwear.

"So, let's get nude."With that the two counselors began to undress.

"Race you," JL said softly.Minnow nodded as he pulled off his polo shirt.He looked to see that JL was not wearing a bra, although at 13 she had a very nice pair of 32 Bs.In any event the two were the first of the new 7/8s to put their sandals back on to be wearing nothing but sandals and their V.

"JL - why no bra?You've always worn one since you were eleven when you had other clothes on."

"Make us even.You, no t-shirt.Me, no bra."She laughed.So did Minnow.

"Now that everybody is attired correctly, go find your seat.Seventh grade is in the seats to the left and eighth on the right hand side of the aisle.Your name tag is on the seat. Right hand side corresponds to looking towards the podium and the two chairs. "

It took a few minutes for the two to find their chairs, each with a paper cover over it."Sanitation," Minnow said.JL nodded.The two listened to all the introductory stuff, to include making their bed and room organization.Finally the two counselors asked for questions.JL raised her hand.

"Yes?And you are?" MS Bishop asked.

"I'm Jenna Louise Jefferson.Myboy friend since we were six years old or so is Mason Fish Adams, III.I go by JL and he's called Minnow because he was so small for a long time.So when can we push our beds together?This evening?"

"Uh.After a lot of debate, the school has decided that you have to be a sophmore and have gone to Jones for at least one year prior to be allowed to push your beds together.Sorry."

"But our folks already bought the right size sheets and blankets so we could.Our parents were beddies.Our grandparents were beddies.They were at Jones when there were no dorms, no Common Rooms."

"I'm really sorry about this."

"JL's right, her grandparents and mine were first year students here," Minnow said.

"Again, I'm sorry.It sounds like you have been wanting to come here for a long time," MS Bishop said."I hope both of you can overcome this set back.You are still roommates and I know that most roomies are also backies.I enjoyed going to Jones when we had to walk to school barefoot in the snow..."

"...uphill and backwards.Yes and Grandpa talked about bringing water in from the well and Grandma talked about sending my dad Mason out to chop wood."Minnow looked at JL, her face still set in her Slythern mask.She cracked a slight smile and squeezed his hand.

That evening, being told that a counselor would check rooms for at least made beds and unpacked personal stuff and necessary clothes, JL and Minnow did the best they could with full size sheets and blankets.Ms Bishop, along withBob with a recorder, came in and looked at the room."By any chance, do either of you have a receipt for your bedding?"

"We both do," Minnow replied.

"Here's what we are going to do.Tomorrow after school you two get dressed and come down to the Counselor's apartment with all your bedding except pillow cases.I will drive both of you to the bedding store and I will make sure you get to exchange your bedding."

"Thanks, Ms. Bishop," Minnow said.

"I appreciate your help, but I think this sucks," JL said.

"You know, JL, I was a 13 year old girl once myself.And I'm two years away from having a 13 year old daughter.You can bet she'll be in 7/8 I and not 7/8 II. " With that the door closed quietly.

Later the two listened to the intercom as they went through the process of bed time.They went to the communal bathroomand washed each other's backs, dried off, went back to their room and sat down, side by side on JL's bed.

"After this, I almost forgot what we promised each other.Mason Fish, do you want me to do what we talked about for our first night?I know how to do it, I think. "

"If you are willing still, yes.And I'll do the same for you.I promise.And I've seen some videos. So after lights out and they come around with this bed check, I'll come over to your bed.We're small enough we can fit.We might even be able to go to sleep with each other.We haven't pushed our beds together."

"Good thought.Maybe I should start calling you Shark."

"Minnow's good for now, JL."

So for the first time they heard, "Lights out in fifteen minutes.For all of our new Jones students,turn off all lights when you hear that message.One of your counselors will be along at once to hear your voices.Good night. "

So it went.They closed their door, turned of the overhead and one desk lamp.They heard "Lights out" and turned off the other desk lamp, with only the moon giving any light.

Soon they heard a knock on their door. "Here," they both said.

"Good.Sleep well," and then silence.Minnow was not sure how long it was, but he crept out of his bed to cross the bed to JL.He saw in the dark her pull back the sheet and blanket. He got into bed with JL, as he had done for seven years or so.

She'd touched him before, as he had touched her.But this was different.They maneuvered around until finally he lay on his back, half sitting up, giving JL more room as she knelt between his legs."Shark.Yes,You are.It's big.Okay, boy friend, here goes," and with that, she took his hard four inch cock with her hand to guide the tip into her mouth.

It didn't 't last long; maybe a minute before he came.She swallowed.They rested, then reversed and his tongue traced the path up her slit from her actual vagina to where he actually found her clitoris and sucked on it.She moaned."Oh, God, no Minnow.Shark.No matter what, Shark."

Then, when he was hard again, her lips covered his cock.This time it lasted much longer and his kisses to her were deeper.They cuddled. They stroked and finally fell asleep together.


"Not what I want to hear," JL said, though she kissed Mason Fish good morning, as she had for some six years at their sleep overs.He pulled off the covers. "My God, Shark. It's huge."

"Uh.Yeah.It'll go down soon."

Going to breakfast both saw a lot of boys, young and old, new and vets, with hard ons."Remember what we were told," JL said.

"Yeah, but," Shark said.They laughed as they got their breakfast and found a place with other 7/8 Its with talk about the first day and night. As breakfast ended and time for first block loomed near, one or two of the older students startedmaking totally unofficial announcements, mostly funny and many close to the boundary of allowed comment.

With maybe five minutes to spare, with a bit of silence, JL jumped up."I may have made a bit of trouble yesterday with 7/8 II, but I want to tell you about my room mate here andmy friend since we were five or six. His grandfather is Mason Fish Adams.He's the Third. We have been together for how many years now?He's always been called Minnow' because he's always been small.But he's grown a bunch.He doesn't like it thrown around, but were he to go back to Cameroon in West Africa, hisname would be He who fears no Elephant.`

"Last night I called him by a new name - `Shark.'He is. Don't let his size surprise you."

She sat down next to him."JL.Really?"

"Shark.Yeah.I had to say it. You are.Go for it, Ravenclaw.Think of that name."

The first day of school was- the first day of school.Except everybody was new to JL and Shark and the other new students. Their schedule said they were only in three classes together.They each had a study hall, but not at the same time. The best part, perhaps was Ms Bishop was as good as her word and they were able to exchange sheets and blankets, even the sheets they'd slept on the night before.

Study hall that night was brief on work and long on quiet talking.Again, after lights out and room check, Shark came to JL's bed, her covers drawn back and her legs spread for his lips and tongue."That's good," she moaned as she rubbed his back.Minutes later she said quietly, "Okay Shark.You made me cum three times.Time for my midnight snack.That all day sucker with the sweet-sour cream at the end."Shark rolled on his back as JL pounced onhis hard, purpled ended cock, one piece of evidence that he was only two generations from Cameroon one his grandfather's side.

He had to wade between those who still called him Minnow and those who now called him Shark.Part of that was obvious to many of the girls that his cock was much bigger than the average eighth grade boy.The one who seemed to ignore it was JL, despite her being the source of his new nickname.

In fact, he noticed that she was more and more away from him, frequently being gone during free time."Well, after all, you're Ravenclaw and I'm Slytherin, Shark.Maybe it's a phase we're both going through."But their actual sleeping the night through came less and less and the mutual oral sex stopped occurring every night after bed check.

Two months into the school year Shark came into the room to find JL talking on her cell phone.She looked up and said, "Hey.Shark just came in.Gotta go.Bye."

"JL, I'm going out to the track and just run a couple of miles.I'll shower when I get back.If you want to come, that's fine."

"That's okay, Shark.I think I'll go down to the Commons and see what's going on."Shark pulled on his jock and running shorts and shoes, gaveJL a hurried kiss and left the room.

An hour later he returned, stopping at the communal bathroom to take a quick shower, then dry off using one of the provided towels then walked to their room.As required the door was slightly open but the shade was down, which was legal but not normal.

"God you're good.Yeah.Oh, shit,Suck on my cock, girl.Yeah."Shark was not sure who was in the room."Jenna the cock vacuum.Yeah."With that he threw open the door to see a guy lying on his bed, JL with her butt up, legs inside the guy's, headbobbing up and down, his hands on her shoulders.

"What the hell's going on in here?That's my bed you're on, Buster."

"So go back out side.I'm getting fucking close.Your bed isn't going to be messed up.It was just the one I lay down on.Your roomie swallows.No big deal.Yeah.Here it comes.Been saving this for you all week!"There was silence for a minute."Yeah, Baby.It's all gone.Thanks."

JL got off the Shark's bed and faced him."Sorry, Shark.I really didn't want you to know.Buster didn't come on time. "Buster got up, picked up the towel he'd put down on the bed.

"See you again," Buster said and walked out.And the door he stopped."I'll tell Tom and Bill.Next week." He was gone.

"Little bastard.He didn't have to say that shit with you here, Shark."

Shark sat on his bed."How long has this been going on, Jennna Louise?"

He hung his head."Other boys, too?"

She sat down next to him."Jenna Louise?Am I being punished?"She took his hand. "Really.I didn't want to ever hurt you, Shark.It was all supposed to be hidden."

"But why?"

"Okay.Month and a half ago.Study hall.Junior named Ron Thacker comes up and says, Hey, you're one of the cutest new eighth graders.'So I say Thanks.You're cute too.'He says We have a contest every year for new girls.Say, you aren't a prude are you?'We both laugh.I'm sitting here naked next to a naked boy.What do you think?'Okay. Real personal question.Have you ever done oral sex with a boy?'Of course I say, With one.'He says, Would you do it with another?Me, for instance?'I say, Well, you are cute.You look clean.But why should I?'Well, depends on how many girls compete.I can show you my beddie's plaque.It's worded so you can show your mom and dad and they'll have no idea.We can go up to my room, you can see Vickie's plaque, and, if you want to be a contestant, we can start right then.Rules are each guy gets blown three times by each contestant, scores each event and turns in the tabulation sheets to the judges.Each girl has to get evaluated by five different guys.'That's a lot,' I said.`Contest lasts until the beginning of spring vacation.Plenty of time.The guy comes to you.There's a password that let's you know the guy is legit.You can withdraw at any time.You're new.Oral sex is no big thing here now.'

"Anyway, Shark, I said I'd try.So we did.After study hall I went to 11/12 I with him, saw the beds pushed together and almost cried, went to his and Vickie's room, read the plaque - Outstanding service that improved the morale of her fellow students' or something like that.Then we did it.He gave me the password to expect.I walked out the door just as Vickie returned.Candidate?' she asked.I said yes,' she said good luck.I'm going to ask Ron how you did.'

"So that's how it started.I guess I've let you down, Shark."He put his arm around her.

"I don't think so, JL.I'll be okay.Look we've been friends, we've been boy friend/girl friend for at least the last three-four years.We've had a few squabbles.We've always made up.Am I a bit confused?Uh huh.I think this will go away. "

"I have to admit now that I've started, you know me.I want to finish.Even this.And I've met some nice kids, boys and girls. You'd like them, too."

"So how far are you along in this contest?"

"Well, Ron and I have done all three.He thinks I'm way up there.One guy hasn't given me the password yet. So, the other three.One is complete, one has had two, and the other one.They've all said I was great."

"Every one you did was great.Even the first one back home.So when is your next?"

"Twenty minutes in PR #7.There might be more than one, including the one with a different password.It's reserved for an hour."

"Oh.Well do your best.If you're going to do this, then go for the gold, JL."

"You know I always do."He hugged her; they kissed."I'm saving the best for last."Then she was gone.

Well, he had some research to do, best done in the library, so he headed there, found what he needed, which took some time and finished up just at five.An hour she said as he headed for the library door.As he got there he saw two boys walk past, laughing, then JL with a boy on either side of her, the three of them laughing as well.Four? He thought.He gave them a little time and then went back to the dorm room.

JL sat at her desk, working on some home work.She looked up when he entered.He went to her, reached down and rubbed her shoulders. "Number four showed up.Well, three are now complete, the other two have one more to go.Then I'll be finished."

"Good.But what about giving that many in an hour?I count four.Or was it three?"

"Three.But the one who finally came along with his password had a really strong taste to it.Yuch!I gargled and rinsed and brushed my teeth."

The signal for an important announcement came over the intercom. "Attention to Jones.A very important announcement to some, important information to all.

"Since the beginning of this year we have been flooded by e-mail, letter, personal visits and everything else concerning what grade level would allow students to move their beds to the center of the room.The input has been overwhelming from parents of eighth graders or freshmen that those who are very happy with their room mate should be allowed to become beddies.Some of you should have an e-mail in your inbox right now with official permission.Anybody else wanting to do this need only check with either of your counselors.

"Questions, see your counselor.

"By the way.Two new eighth graders have grandparents who are original Jones students.These grandparents were instrumental in making Jones what it is.Thank you."

Mason Fish Adams and Jenna Louise Jefferson looked at each other for a moment, then threw arms around each other and danced for some seconds."Shark.Check your computer.You're faster.We have to be!"

Shark broke from the hug to rush to his computer."YES!!We can now!""Uh, we just have regular sheets and blankets."

"We can make do.We can't return them now. " She looked around."Okay, I'll go down to the Counselors' apartment.I'll ask if she has some big safety pins we can at least borrow.Next time in town, we buy some and give her back hers."

"Great idea.I'll start moving our beds."

"Lights out.An especial good night to those younger Jones students who already have, or are planning on becoming beddies. Sleep well, everybody. "JL and Shark may or may not have heard the last part. They were too busy making up for lost time.

"Shark.We know again, we will keep our V.But there's something we haven't done.We talked about it.You are the first guy I sucked.I'm forgetting those others as much as possible.But, would you want to try my butt?"

"I sure have thought about it."

"I'll get the lube.I can put some on you.You'll have to put some on your finger forme."

"Have you done this before?"

"Yes.But I'm still a virgin.I think you are too."

"I won't ask any more.I still am.Get the lube."

The darkness caused by a new moon didn't help as the two prepared themselves .JL got in the doggie style position as Shark got ready."Go in slow, dear.When you seem to hit a wall, withdraw a bit, then try again, again slow and easy.It'll take a few.Then it feels good.You can make me cum."

It did.He did.She did.He withdrew to allow themselves to hug, kiss, touch before they finally fell asleep in each other's arms.

Some time later, early in the dark morning, Shark awoke to hear JL crying, something he had seldom heard.Gently he put his hand on her shoulder. "JL.What's wrong?"

"Me.I've treated you like dirt."He pulled her to him.

"No, you haven't.It's okay, JL. Just go back to sleep.It'll be fine in the morning."

"No.Roll on your back. You're hard.I want it in my mouth." Shark rolled onto his back as JL slid between his legs.He didn't last long.Their kissing probably did before they drifted back to sleep.

They heard the first bell and wake up call. They were out of bed and, hand in hand headed for the communal bathroom.There they showered, washed backs, and cleaned each other.They left hand in hand, to towel off, and then head for breakfast.

Before heading for classes, in their room, they kissed again."Shark.I have one appointment after classes.The last guy.I guess I have to go.Okay?"

"As you said, you start what you finish.I'm okay.I guess I just haven't said `I love you' enough."

"I know you do.We'll be okay. "

So the day went for the one of two classes they had together. Shark had a sort of field trip to Mary Mount to students interested in martial arts.He came back to school, went to the mail room, then headed to their room and their new bed and room.She was not there.

Some ten minutes later she came in, crying.Crying like he had never heard her before.He threw his arms around her as he shut the door with his foot."What's wrong?"

"Oh, Shark.I've been so.... Oh, God.You don't want to even be around me again, ever."

"Tell me."He squeezed her shoulder. "Please."

"I met the last guy.I finished what I agreed to.We left the PR then three of his friends showed up.Well, we went to a spot back close to the gym and the woods. It was supposed to be a joke until they wanted to do everything.I said `no,'I, I can't call it rape, but one was about to take my virginity.Coach Gros stopped them.But we all went to the DRB.The boys'll get three tomorrow at lunch. They all said I suggested it. I'll get two."She threw her arms around him.

"Oh, JL.Whatever I can do. Anything."He patted her back.

"Oh, thanks, Shark. Oh, God.Two tried to get me to suck both of them at once.But then the same two pushed me to the ground and one got between my legs.I said I was still virgin.He said `Sure you are.'That's when I started yelling."

Shark held her tightly.

The next day, at their lunch she and two of the boys came into a silent lunch room with the deans and one of the school nurses, wearing her nurse uniform,stethoscope around her neck.To the side was the punishment table, a blanket over it and a pillow. There was a brief conversation with the DoB, then JL, wiping her eyes, walked to the DoG, then to the table and assistant principal.As Shark watched, JL spread her legs, then bent over the table, her head between her arms.

Shark had a pillow and some water waiting for her.He looked and really for the first time, he saw a girl totally exposed.He bit his lip as the first swat came down and she rocked forward.The second and she stayed in the same position.Then the AP helped her up and she walked back to the DoG and turned towards Shark who came to help her to the chair with the pillow on it.

Defying PDA rules he put his arm around her waist and helped her towards the chair.Then he stopped.

"I guess I shouldn't say this, but I've done some talking today.The four boys thought this up as a prank and then let it go to far.Yeah, at first JL went along with this until two boys tried to get her to take both of them at once in her mouth.How do I know this?Not fromJL, but two boys and a girl who were told that by one of the boys who did this.Then she was forced to the ground and one boy was about to steal her virginity when Coach Gros stopped it.

"I've known JL since we were both six.We've wanted to come here since we were ten.She's always wanted to wait until at least 14/1 for both of us so we could give each other our gift.And these guys, all older, wanted her last treasure.They'd already done everything else - and she went along with it - untiltwo wanted to be sucked at the same time and then they wanted to fuck her pussy - and take turns.And these guys told it to other people.And I want to thank the two boys and a girl who went to the DRB with Coach Gros.

"I just hope nothing like this ever happens again."With that Shark continued to help JL to her seat.The room sat in silence until the first boy approached the punishment table.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 71

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