Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Jul 22, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #69. Tom, Prissy, and Friends (bisexual High School)

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Tom, Prissy, and Friends


Larry Marian

Tom Bailey left his last class of the day, 8th grade science, smiling. He'd dropped his calculator by accident. It landed behind him, on the wrong side of his desk chair. To get it, he would have to get out of his desk, walk around, pick it up, and return to his desk without incurring the wrath of Ms. Atkins, better known to any who had had her in 8th grade as Ms. Attila. As he turned in indecision, Penny, he thought was Penny in the next row, bent down, picked up the dropped calculator, and handed it to Tom with a smile. "Thank you, Penny," he stammered, looking at her copper red hair and breasts that would make a 10th grader proud. "Welcome, Tom. That was a nice speech you made. Please follow through with it, You're a boy, I'd like to have as a friend." "Are you two finished disturbing my classroom?" Attila demanded. "I'm sorry, Ms. Atkins. I dropped my calculator by mistake. Penny was nice enough to pick it up for me. I thanked her. It's my fault." "Well. Congratulations. Work on that politeness, Tom. It does a lot of good." Free of Attila's grasp, Penny turned to head for her dorm, not 7/8III, but maybe one of the 9/10s. "Thanks again, Penny. For everything." The two parted, Tom to a room by himself, and Penny for her and her room mate? roomie? beddie? He had no idea. The dark cloud began to descend again. "Tom Bailey! Wait up," he heard - a girl's voice sure. He turned around to see Prissy striding towards him. "Am I under arrest again?" he asked, trying to make his voice as friendly as possible. She laughed and his fear dropped. "No. In fact I think you did a hell of a good job. I'm glad I volunteered to be part of your escort. I just want to wish you good luck and if you want suggestions, let me know. You have no idea what it's like to be a girl who's 5'8" and a 30A." He looked at her. "Prissy, you have really cute nipples and your rings around them are nice, " They grinned at each other. "Prissy. I'd like to ask you a very personal question." "I don't answer all personal questions." She smiled. "But ask away. By the way, those rings around my nips are my areolas" "Oh. Thanks. A girl told me that I wasn't very good when I went down on you." He looked down as he said that. "Well, Tom, you weren't. Would you like to learn?" "Please, Prissy." She smiled. "Have you joined the Locker Club yet?" "What's that?" Tom looked totally puzzled. "Well, if you want to be an asshole, you say it's a whore house, with both guys and gals. If you want to be nice, it's a fun way to raise extra money for the school and the volunteers who contribute their time and money to help out fellow students and the school. It has sex. You log in to join. You answer some questions - one being your real name and another your grade. You join and you can search for somebody to meet you - normally at a PR. You do the agreed upon and go away happy. I've had three times when I reported the jerk - no, not you - and they have all three been blackballed. BTW, one was a girl. "Want to join?" "Would I get accepted?" "Probably." Prissy put her hand on his hand. "Tom, you made a good impression. Has it wiped out how you started? No. But just to get your spirits up, my room mate is gone - I know. We can go to my room and I will coach you on how to really eat pussy so you will want to make me demand that you screw me blue." She looked at his crotch. "Uh huh." Tom smiled. "You want to lead? I'll follow." She took his hand and led him to her room where, as promised, her roomie was gone. He noted that the beds were against the wall - not pushed together. Prissy left the door just sightly open and closed the curtain on the door's window. She sat down on a bed, probably hers and patted the place beside her. "Now what?" he asked. "Well, let's do it the proper way. You put your arm around me. We kiss. Then we French. Then we ease down on the bed. You play with my little bobbies. You go between my legs. Then you start kissing my pussy. Then I start telling you what to do. Got it?" "Got it," Tom said as he put his arm around Prissy. Some five minutes later the two lay on the bed, Prissy on her back, knees up, giving Tom access to her lips, his horizontal lips touching her vertical ones. "Okay Tom. Stop there. I want you to take your fingers and gently spread my pussy lips. Then use your tongue to go up my gash touching where I'm all pink and juicy. Do this several times - not the outside, but the inside. Now try that. Tom tried. Soon he felt Prissy's hips begin to move up and down, then low moans began to come from her horizontal lips. "Yes. Keep it up. Tip of tongue. Find my hole. Stick it in. Yes." She began to rub his back. "Okay, Tom. Do you know where my clit is?" "Sorta." "Then put your thumb and first finger on her. Uh, no top of my slit. Under a little flesh hood. It's sorta round and small. Feel. There. Roll it with your thumb and finger and then start sucking on it like a girl cock - which it is." Tom again followed instructions, found Prissy's clit, felt it, rubbed it and then began to suck on it. Again her body showed its appreciation. Tom felt closer and closer to wanting to ease his large hard cock into her. "Oh, God, Tom. Get inside me. I want that cock in my cunt now. Fuck me, Tom. Screw me. Get that big dick in my twat." With that he sat back up, she brought her feet up, turned to her stomach and got up on her hands and knees. He entered her at once, sliding in as though he was on hot ice she was so slick. "Yes..." she purred as Tom slid his young, thick seven inches into her. "Oh, yes...." she moaned in pleasure. "Feels good Tom. You can go fast." "I want you to enjoy." "I am. I am. Oh, yes!" "Prissy. I'm gonna cum soon. Real soon. Oh, SHIT! SO GOOD! " "Damn, Tom. You made me cum, too. Yeah." "Oh, shit, Prissy. I didn't realize you were occupied." "Oops. Sorry Chuck. I forgot to put out the signal. Well, we're finished for now. Tom, this is my roomie, Chuck." Tom withdrew from Prissy's cunt, his cock shrunk to some five inches. "Uh, hi, Chuck. No offense, I hope. I mean, are you Prissy's beddie?" Both Chuck and Prissy laughed. "We're roomies, not beddies. We room together because we like each other and I protect him from girls. Chuck is quite gay. "Yes. I am. And I'll tell you, that package looks wonderful. I see you just did your thing with Prissy, but God does it look yummy! Would you be bi, perhaps? I know this is forward and we've just met, but, I'd love to suck on that magnificent cock of yours." "You ought to, Tom. Every straight boy that has had a chance has loved a Chuck suck. "Well, if you say so, Prissy. But you give a really great one." Prissy smiled. "Guess who taught me?" "Okay. What do you want me to do, Chuck?" "Lie down and relax. You aren't totally hard, but a little hand job should get us started." Tom did as instructed and Chuck soon had him stiff and pointed to the sky again. Prissy sat on her bed and watched. "Enjoy, Tom. Most girls just go up and down on the cock. I've watched Chuck for two years now. Last year he was voted most popular boy in the 7th grade." "You're right. Chuck. This is wonderful. Thanks. Oh, yeah. Sucking my balls is wonderful. Yeah." Chuck lifted his talented mouth from the hard seven inches. "You getting close? You feel like it," and brought his mouth back down on his prize. "I am. I really am. Oh, God. So good! Communing!" The two boys lay there for several minutes regrouping strength. "Chuck. That was wonderful. Thanks." "And thank you. You have a great cock, Tom. I'm so glad you turned the corner . You will do great here, I know"

That night, after showering and being greeted by several of 7/8, both boys and girls, and thanking them, he lay in his bed for bed check and then to go to sleep, alone, though with memories of both Prissy and Chuck. He remembered how pleased she was with his kissing and praising her small boobs. "Anything more than a mouthful is a waste," she said and laughed. It was so much nicer now, though the announcement at dinner that 10th grader Winston, had to go home as his grandmother was dying. Felicia would be in school until something happened, He had gone up to Felicia and said, "I'm sorry to hear about this." "Thanks, Tom. You're a great guy." She smiled at him.

The knock came at the door after lights out. "Just me," he responded and turned his back to the empty other side of the room. He was almost asleep when, as in a dream, he heard the door open. At once he sat up, sure that the tribunal had come for him again. What had he done? "What do you want?" he cried. "Tom. It's me. Felicia. I need company now." "Uh, sure. We can't turn on the lights." "I think there's room for me with you. Will you hold me?" "Felicia. Of course." He slid back so he was against the wall and she slid in, pulling the covers over her body, then turned to face him in the darkness. "Thank you. I've thought of you being alone and now me being alone, I,,I've never had a grandparent die. Win has his folks, his younger brother and sister, waiting to go to Jones. You have nobody it seems." She took his hand and moved it to lie on her breast, a breast he had known he would never touch, But it was and his fingers found a hard nipple. "Felicia. I feel so bad. You tried to be nice and I was just a total ass," "You were scared. It's okay. I saw you that day when you were silenced and Win and I tacked up my 14/1 sheet. I saw you look--so --alone. We're not alone. "Thomas, please kiss me. Please play with my boobs. Please find my clit. Please let me touch your cock. Please, let's do the Mason Method," "Oh, God, Felicia. I,,I'm crying. I;m so happy." Her hand took his and placed it on her lips, then drew it up towards her clit. They were late for breakfast, but my mutual consent did not hold hands. But until Felicia left to go to the funeral, they slept together after each talked to the appropriate counselor. For four nights they each called, "present," and then on the fifth day, Tom wore his Jones school uniform to the funeral. Once a week then, either at night or in a PR, Prissy would meet Win and Felicia Tom, who became very popular.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 70

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