Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Jul 4, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #67. Jack and Patty Learn about Sex (bisexual High School)

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Jack and Patty Learn about Sex


Larry Marian

On an early Saturday morning sixteen year old Tony Giavonnia and fourteen year old Gwen M'urk lay in their bed, arms around each other, kissing before beginning the exploration of the other's nude body."Tony, so good. Do you want me to suck you off now or later?"

"Later, dear.You're damp already.I'm ready if you are."

"Old fashioned, Tony."She saw him smile as he got between her welcoming spread and raised knees and slowly entered her waiting vertical lips, still not fully covered with her pubic hair."Oh, nice, love," she half moaned.

"Yes.Yes."They both heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Tony asked, turning his head towards the door.He saw it open just a crack and the top of a boy's head appeared.

"Jack and Patty.We want to talk to you guys."

"Come back in ten minutes, okay?" He shook his head."And close the door behind you." The door closed."Is the mood shattered?"

"You're still inside me," Gwen moaned."Continue." Tony resumed his stroking."That's it, Tony. Give me some good Italian loving."

"Sì, bella ragazza," Tony whispered, then kissed her. Minutes later he said, "I'm close Gwen."

"So am I." Tony increased his strokes speed as Gwen responded with her hips, her feet inside his legs."Yes!" He cried as he released his seed into her vulva.

"Yes, Tony," she cried."Oh, Oh!!" Then they lay there, resting to return to normalcy and the two eleven year olds.It wasn't long before there was another knock on the door. "Yes?" Gwen sat up in bed, the covers on her side down to about the middle of her thighs.

"It's us," came two voices at once.Tony sat up, also, leaving him exposed as well.

"Come in and grab the desk chairs,but stand up before you sit down.We want to just look at you," Tony said.

"Are you becoming a perv?" Gwen asked.

"No. Just getting an idea about how far along you two are in puberty.I'm still in it and so is Gwen.So Patty, and Gwen can agree or disagree, you sure have started.I mean you do have little boobs, your nipples are darker.You've got some fuzz on your mound; you're getting ready to attract older boys.Same way with Jack.His prick and balls are doing something or other. Boys' visible development is slower than girls.

"So have you two done any making out?" Gwen asked softly.

"Uh, we don't know.We sorta did something, but nothing much happened.I don't think we did stuff right," Patty said, hanging her head a bit.

"Yeah.I don't think so either," Jack said.

"Okay.When Gwen and I started, we were both inexperienced.I mean, before we got together as wannabe beddies, Gwen's dad explained beddies to us, we fumbled around a lot.So, here's what I suggest. I will take Patty to Gwen's old room and Gwen will do the same to the other guest bedroom.Gwen and I will coach what to do. Then, if there is enough time, you two will practice.We'll watch and ask you what you think now.

"So first, what do you think, Gwen?"

She laughed."Wish my sisters and my brother told me this back when I waseleven.Believe it or not, my Uncle Mason was a better teacher and he never touched me in a bad way.

"But, Jack's my brother.He has the same mom as me and Mom."

"We do, but not the same dad," Jack said, turning away his eyes.

"Jack.We have the same dad.Don't you dare say anything different, okay?"

"But what about Uncle Mason? He was the one who gave you away at the maidens' dance. "

"Jack, my kid brother.You're smart. We talked about making out.Now we get into making babies.Mom is our mom.Uncle Mason and Mom have been lovers for years, back when they were our age.My father is Dr. Mason, but he is Pop to me and me only. My dad is a black army major who I love very much.

"The problem is I can not make out with my brother to teach him how to make out. Tony can with Patty."

"Juliet!" Jack shouted.

"Yes," Gwen said as she took her phone off the charger."Juliet.Remember how you got caught with the cameras? Jack needs a coach. Will you?"A pause. "No. A duty, just like I did for you in the beginning. Good.

"Yeah, love you too.By."

Gwen looked up."Okay, I'm letting go of my bedmate Tony for the next hour to teach Patty. "

"Juliet is on her way here for Jack." The now crowded bedroom suddenly was empty except for Tony waiting for Patty and Juliet waiting for Jack in his bedroom.

Saturday's Fun and More Fun

The M'urk clan and hangers on played in the waters of Medicine Creek, all nude except for the still diapered ones, now only two.Ever so often strangers would glance again, either from the shore or from the suspension bridge - after all, one adult large black male, one adult blond female, one adult light skinned female, one tall adult black female, and then a swarm ofkids from 17 to 2, in colors ranging from ebony through sand to ivory. All of them were nude and happy.

At the second break those watching saw the small blond white woman climb onto the Island, take a whistle to her lips and blow four blasts, two longs, a short, and a long.At once the swarm swarmed, teens picking up the toddlers, as younger ones picked up maybe forgotten possessions.

"Old Plantation for ice cream," called the tall black man beside her. "Five minutes or you pay for your own."

Led by Tony Giovanni and Gwen M'urk, all under thirty followed them, the over thirty acting as sweepers.Soon cones, sundaes, and floats appeared as six went up to sit in the still made up parlor of Grandma.

"So how was it, Jack?You think you know what to do for Patty?" Julietasked.

"Jack did well," Patty replied. "I'll be happy to get my parents to let me live with Jack."

"I wouldn't count on it.It took almost the whole school year and Dianne moving out to allow Gwen's folks and mine to agree on that."

"Well, I'm sure your folks wouldn't let us be nude at the house or sleep in the same bed, Patty said wistfully.

"We need to wait until we get back to the fort and you can show us," Gwen said.

Back in Gwen and Tony's room, Jack and Patty sat on the bed with the older teens holding hands looking at the two younger ones, both still wearing their now dry swim suit with a shirt over each of them.

"Okay teen throbs starring in a video near you, roll `em," Tony said, turning his hands into a very short megaphone.

"Patty, you sure look pretty to me."

"You are very handsome, Jack."The audience watched as Jack puts his hands on Patty's shoulders.

"I'd like to kiss you, Patty."

"That's okay.You can."With that the two kissed...and kissed...and kissed.Tony stood up and looked to the side.

"CUT!" He said.The two jumped back looking started.

"What's wrong?" Patty said.

"Okay.Both of you may have a different boy friend or girl friend.Not only do you not kiss on the first date, you sure don't French kiss on the first date.Here.This is a first date kiss," as Tony held Gwen and they kissed, all of five seconds long."So was this a first date or have you gotten to the fourth or fifth date - something like that."

"Uh.Not sure," Jack said."We've never been on a date - maybe to Bath Lake.... Dad took us to the movie on post once. "

"Let's try again.You two decide.Either you have kissed before, or this is your first one. Okay?"

"We've kissed before.That's the truth," Patty said.

"And action." The two tweens looked at each other, the lips drawing closer."Yes," Patty whispered loudly and they kissed with both Tony and Gwen seeing the parted lips, the probing tongues and then Jack's hand move to cup Patty's developing breast.Minutes later, Jack took Patty's shirt and gently took it off her bare shoulders, except for her one piece swim suit.

Patty responded by taking Jack's shirt off also.She went for Jack's boy nipple at once.

"Hmmm.Would a girl normally do that?" Tony asked in a whisper.

"Only if it's you.But no.Maybe it's a natural for Patty.After all, this is not the normal stuff to wear for serious make out."

"Patty.So nice," Jack said.

She raised her head off his boy nipples. "Good."She smiled."Seems you like that."

"I do," Jack said as he reached for Patty's tiny breast covered by her one piece swim suit.He put his hand on it and began to rub. "Can I touch them?"

"You are. Jack. It's sorta nice."

He kissed her again, but broke the kiss after a minute."I mean can I really touch them?Like without your suit covering them."

"Okay.Just a sec."With that she eased off her straps to lower her top to her waist line, showing off her buds with nipples almost as big as the buds.Jack instantly began to touch them."Jack. Don't pinch them.Just roll with with your thumb and finger.Or you can suck on them."The judges nodded approval."That's nicer, Jack."

"Patty, they're really pretty.I like them."

"They'll grow, Jack.Wait until I'm twelve."

"Okay kids, " Tony said, "you're looking good.You seem to be doing well with second base."

"Uh, what's that?" Patty asked.

"Jack, can you tell Patty what that means?Girls who are making out need to know."

"Yeah.Like baseball.Kissing is first base.What we were doing is second base."

"So between our legs would be third base, so doing it would be... a home run."

"Yeah.Sort of childish."

"But Patty and Jack, if you want your 14/1 to actually happen, home base has got to be off limits for more than a year for both of you.Let's see. About 3 or four months to 13 for Patty and maybe nine for Jack, right?"The two tweens nodded their heads."When you get to third, home plate looks awful tempting.It surewas for Gwen, and even for me.

"And poor Juliet.She didn't have Adeban there, but a boy from the villagein Cameroon, she'd talked to the day before; a boy who knew English fairly well. I hate to say it, but he knew English, but he didn't know how to make love. Gwen and I celebrated our 14/1 when school started, but Juliet refused it.It's important.

"So you two think about it, okay? "Is oral sex part of third base?" Patty asked.

"A very important part of third base.It often makes sure there's a home run.But there are some other things besides you can do and still be a Lab School virgin on 14/1.

The two looked at each other. Jack said, "We're going to wait a bit for third base.But when we decide, we're also going to insure about 14/1.

A month later on the Friday that Patty came to spend the weekend with Jack, the two knocked on the open door of Tony and Gwen's room."Come in, door's open," Gwen said.The tweens walked in freshly nude, and Jack quietly closed the door.The room mates were on their desk chairs, so Jack and Patty sat on the queen sized bed, smiling.

"What's up?" Jack asked.

"First, next weekend, when Jack comes for the weekend, Mom and Dad have said that when he spends the night, I can be in the guest bedroom with him in a FULL SIZE BED!AND as long as we're in that room, the hall, or my room, we can be nude."Patty giggled."And when he undressed in the guest bedroom, his WIENIE WAS A STIFFIE!" He got it when he saw me undress in front of him, which he can't at school cause we're on different teams, different locker areas."

"Have you cum yet, Jack?"

"Not squirted, but it sure felt good."

"Congratulations to both of you," Gwen said. "Now, what else is new?"

"Well, we've seen a couple of videos.We've touched each other - you know, down there..." Patty's voice trailed off.

"Kids, down there' doesn't cut it.I know you've heard both Jeff and Veronica say something other than penis' `or vagina,' Tony said."Go ahead, Jack."

"Well, mostly he's my dick.But, cock, rod, peter, and other stuff guys use."


"Most of my friends call theirs, pussy.'But I saw in a list, muff' and I like that.My older sister says hers is her twat.'I don't like cunt.'"

"So be sex ed or use what you use. After all, down there could be your knee or your big toe,"Tony said. The tweens laughed.

"So what do you want to know?" Gwen asked.

"Third base.And oral sex," Patty said softly."Like what does it taste like?"

Gwen laughed."Jack, you haven't peed on your hands, have you?They clean?"

"Gwen, you are a bad older sister!"

"Wait until you are fourteen and you and Tony want to go someplace romantic and you have to watch three five year olds instead.I had to take care of you when I was six.But I love you anyway. Now, are your hands clean?"

"Yes, oh princesses of youngest of older sisters," as Jack bowed.

"We are glad you know how to approach us. Now, give Patty the finger."


"If you want Patty to know what fellatio tastes like, give your wonderful girl friend the one finger salute."

"Do it, Jack.You gave me the finger the first time when we were about nine."Jack raised his middle finger.

"Patty, put your hand under his and put your mouth on his finger.Then go up and down a few times.Take it out.Good.What does it taste like?"


"Yep.It won't unless his cock is dirty or he ejaculates - cums - shoots sperm.You have a few choices.Don't give Jack blow jobs.Do it, but make him warn you before he shoots. Then expect to get cum all over your front.Or do it, and swallow.Then it will taste.But it varies.It's like ice cream - sometimes vanilla, sometimes chocolate, sometimes one of the flavors you really don't care for.You have no idea what exactly it tastes like, but it's not nasty. "

"So what about a guy kissing the girl's muff?" Jack asked quietly.

"There's a taste.But it's not nasty either," Tony said."Like with boys, keep yourself clean there.I've never complained about Gwen's taste. "

"So how do we do it?"Patty asked.

"Which of you wants to give pleasure to your partner first?" Tony asked softly. The tweens looked at each other. "I'll go first," they both said quietly.

"Very brave, Brother, " Gwen said."Patty is older. Jack, lie down.Patty, lie down with your head over his dick.Cover your teeth with your lips. Slowly go down as far as you can, then come up. Hold his cock in one hand. He'll probably cum real fast, but he says he hasn't shot yet.Ready?"

"Yeah."The two teachers watched as Patty took the hard three inch cock in her hand, lowered herself, then began to take Jack's prick all the way down, then up, then down.

"OMG!" Jack yelled."Oh. So good .Oh!"He rubbed Patty's shoulders.She raised her mouth off his cock.

"I didn't taste anything.Was it okay?"

Jack threw his arms around her. "Wonderful, Patty. Wonderful. I, I didn't shoot.Thank you," then they kissed.

"Congratulations," both Gwen and Tony said. "Now, Jack, Patty has the hard part.It's a lot harder to bring a girl off, either with your hand or your mouth.

"Do you know where her clit is?"

"She's shown me."

"Okay.Start at the bottom of her slit. Lick up it to the top. Do this several times. She should be getting moist.Put the tip of your tongue at the bottom where the hole is. Lick it.Go up again.Find the clit.Suck on it. Keep doing that. Understand?"

"I hope so."

"Okay. Patty, lie down on your back. Raise your knees and spread your legs.Give Jack room.Now try to remember what Tony told you.He does great with me. "

The two tweens followed the instructions, Patty on her back, Jack between her splayed legs.His face disappeared into her mostly bald snatch.For a moment she seemed quizzical or perplexed.Then a smile appeared."That's it, Jack.Yeah.Okay.Go up.Yeah. Clit. Found it.YES!No.Don't stop.Don't stop. Please.YES!OH, THANK YOU." Then she lay still.

"You okay, Patty?"

"Oh, yes, Jack.That was wonderful.I hope the next time is better for you."Jack put his arms around Patty, raised her to sitting and kissed her.The kiss broke and the two tweens looked at the two teens."Gwen, there's one more thing older sister."

"What's that, Brother?"

"Would you....could you show us how to ... screw.Not that we're going to do anything until we're both fourteen.But..."

"We've seen some videos.But we'd like to see how it's really done," Patty said quietly.

Tony and Gwen looked at each other."Well, why not?" Gwen said.

"Yeah. Well, okay.So you two need to get off the bed and sit in the desk chairs," Tony prompted.The tweens scrambled off the bed and Tony got on their bed first, Gwen then kneeling beside him.

"Patty, the first mistake a new couple makes when the girl has not given her virginity is to use the missionary position.That's what happened with Juliet; the boy jumped on top of her, pushed his dick in, bounced up and down hard and fast, came, and got off.

"This is what we are going to show you.Tony's on his back. I straddle him.One of us adjusts his cock so the tip just enters the girl - me.He either holds me at my waist or holds my breasts.I then slowly lower myself until I have to stop, then go back up. We do this until at least he cums.Got it?"

"Now watch."The tweens watched asGwen did exactly as she described, except for the two talking to each other until conversation died to sighs, moans,and increased heavy breathing.

"Oh, Gwen.I'm about to cum."

"I'm close, too."


"Don't stop. Oh. Yes!"

Gwen looked over to see both Jack and Paddy masturbating, their eyes glued towards her and Jack.

"Let's leave them in private until they have to wash for dinner, " Gwen said."Dad's doing steaks."

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 68

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