Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Jun 28, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #63. Juliet and Adeben (bisexual High School)

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Juliet and Adeben


Larry Marian

Juliet sat looking at her computer screen."Juliet.Thanks for sending those pictures to me and Mike.Promise they won't get out.Also thanks for the Crater Lake selfies and couples shots.Next time we need to do some BJ & MD ones.So a surprise for you. We have a new team member, sort of an exchange student.You'll like him, I'm sure.So I'll pick you up in ten minutes.I'll have you home by 5:30 at the latest.Mike can't come so there'll still be only you, me, and your surprise. I know a place right next to the East Range that will work out just fine."

Juliet smiled."Better not or I'll tell every girl I know that you and Mike don't last more than 15 seconds. I'm wearing the same shorts and top and sandals.Let me check out this surprise."A horn honked. She looked out the window to seeHank's van at the curb.She closed down her computer and fled out of the house, carrying her purse.

She pulled open the van' side door, jumped in and stopped."Close the door, Juliet."

"Uh," she said, but it closed and she went over to the couch and sat down. "Uh.I'm Juliet."She looked at a boy her age, maybe a year older, a bit taller than she was, wearing soccer shorts and a Manchester United t-shirt, with skin like ebony, except for his palms.

"I'm Adeben.Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Juliet."He had a sweet accent.

"Call me Juliet or Julie," she said."You know, I just got back from a trip to Cameroon.My best friend Gwen and I joined in some ceremonies for becoming a woman and becoming eligible for marriage.But I'm not marrying any guy yet."

"I'm from Ghana."He smiled, showing his teeth. "Hank and Mike told me that you will teach me the American custom of "make out," between boys and girls.Will you do me that honor?"

"I hope I do a better job than I did with Pierre in Cameroon.He...well, maybe that can wait." She turned towards Hank."So when should I start?"

"You haven't yet.Hey, your top's still on."

"Okay.Uh, Adeben, you do know about kissing, right?"

"Yes.I have watched American movies. "

"Okay, my new friend from Ghana. Let me put my hands on your shoulders and you do the same.Now, let's try." At that Juliet tilted her head and the two kissed, a very awkward one, but the second was better. At the third, Juliet slid her arms around Adeben."Okay, student, put your arms around me.Do you hug in Ghana?"

"Yes, but not a girl my age. "

"Let's try."They did. They kissed with Juliet opening her mouth, sliding her tongue along his lips.She backed off."Okay, Adeben, I don't know why this is called French kissing, but it is.Now when we kiss again, when you feel my tongue, open your mouth just a bit. I know it sounds sorta gross, but it's the next step to making out. Then you do the same with me, okay?"

"Yes, I understand," Adeben said.

"Hey, Teach.Wouldn't a demonstration do a lot to help Adeben understand.He says that guys in Ghana just shove it in and pump."

Juliet laughed."Good idea.That was Pierre's method.He did it once.Yeah.Okay, Adeben. Hank and I are going to show you how a couple makes out and even makes love.Okay?"

"Oh, Adeben.Your cock.Is it hard yet?"



"Oh.I shouldn't say that around Juliet.But in America, yes."

"Okay, grab a cushion, sit on the floor and Juliet and I will demonstrate. "

With that Adeben went to a cushion and sat down, eyes towards Juliet who was then joined by Hank. "Okay, darling.Roll this x-rated film."With that the two threw their arms around each other and began to kiss.Almost at once, Hank had his hand cupping a breast and seconds later Juliet felt the top bow come loose.She leaned forward as his hand went up her back. Hank threw her top on the floor as she pulled off his t-shirt.

Hank moved so Adeben could see him playing with Juliet's exposed nipple, tweaking and kissing."Oh, Hank.What are you doing to me?I'm feeling so hot."

"Me, too.Yes," he murmured as his hand slid up her thigh to cup her covered snatch."You're damp."

"I know."She turned her head towards Adeben."You catching on?"

"What is `catching on.'

"Understand what is happening."

"I think.Does this pleasure you?"

"Oh, yes. Hank.Third base time."

"Yeah."With that Hank used both hands to slide her zipper down, unfasten her waist button and slide her tight shorts down to her calfs where she kicked them off.Juliet worked on Hank's belt and pants.

Two minutes later Juliet lay on her back, legs spread, knees up, arms outstretched as Hank slid between legs and arms.The two kissed, then Hank lowered himself into Juliet.

"Ah.So good.Now, screw me, Hank. "

"Sure," as he began to pump and Juliet to moan. "It's gonna be soon. YES!"

"OH!YEAH." Then the two hugged and lay still.Hank rolled off Juliet, sat up and reached down for his jockey's and pants as Juliet began dressing herself. "So, that's the lesson, Adeben.Uh, have you had your shots yet?"


"Injections to keep you from getting a girl pregnant or giving you a disease."

"Oh.I have to wait for school to start.Can I..."

"Mine are up to date.I got my period right after I left Cameroon, so Pierre's sperm all died."She smiled."Ready to try?"

"Sure.I apologize, but is it permitted, me being a African boy and you a white American girl?"

Juliet laughed."Sweet Adeben, Pierre is from Cameroon. He's as black as you are and Jeff is almost so.They were the first two.After them, it's Hank and Mike. It's fine. "She sat down, pulling Abeben down to her. "Let's make out."

So the two started again.She found that Abeden had followed the lesson very closely.They hugged, French kissed, he cupped a boob, he fumbled undoing her bandana top.When he touched her nipple he squeezed it. "Like this, Abeden," she said as she ran her hand up his chest to gently roll his nipple. "Okay?"He tried again. "That's it.Let's get your shirt off.

The two continued at second base for a few minutes until Abeden obviously thought to continue.Again Juliet had to demonstrate by moving her hand up slowly along his inner thigh until she touched his rock hard cock.She gave it a squeeze, then began to loosen his pants."Normally the boy takes the girl's off first, but you get the idea."She patted the big bulge at his crotch.

"Oh. OH.!Juliet.I wet myself!"

"I think you came."He looked quizzically at her."You made cum, sperm, lots of other names.Now, you should have my shorts off first, but go ahead strip off your pants and undies.Hey, Hank, got something so Abeden can get a clean dong? "

"Yeah.That chest thing. There some towels and wash cloths and other stuff- even some rubbers."

"Never had one in me.Thanks.Juliet got up and found what she needed while Abeden got naked.She got down on her knees and cleaned the cum off his crotch and cock, causing his dong to rise again."OMG," she signed."Biggern Jeff, for sure.Lord, Aberden,your dick must be seven inches long. "

"I think, maybe 18 centimeters."

"And its thick.Wow. Okay, Aberden, sometimes a girl will do this first."With that, she took his cock in her hand, lowered it, and guided the hard pecker into her mouth, doing as Jeff instructed her to do at 25,000 feet.


She took her mouth off his cock. "This is a blow job, Aberden. We also call it sucking a dick, or cock."

"Hey, Aberden, go ahead. Let her do it. It feels great," Hank called back.

"I'm not real experienced.Just, Jeff, Hank, and Mike.Shall I continue."

"I think I would be honored.But the taste? It must be bad."

"No.Only taste is your cum.Sweet and salty, salty and sweet.Jeff, Hank, and Mike all tasted different ."Juliet saw him nod approval so she lowered her mouth onto the purple headed thick licorice stick. He didn't last long. But she had to swallow four times.When she finished she stood up to take off her shorts and panties."Next time you get to remove them."She sat back down. "Now, continue my ebony lover.Let's get to the end."

"Juliet.That was wonderful.You call it again?"

"Many things.I hope we will have time to discuss them soon.And I want to teach you how to eat pussy!" With that she gave Aberden a kiss, then lay down."Okay, final act.Lie down beside me and get me fired up again. "

He did. She felt his hand cover her snatch and lie there."Aberden.The idea now is to get me really excited and ready for your ebony rod.So, take your middle finger and run it up and down my crack.At the bottom is the entrance for your dick.So rub your finger a couple of times and find that entrance,Use your middle finger and insert it.Rub up and down a few times.Try that. "She felt his finger enter and he rubbed up and down."Good.Push it all the way in. Pull it almost all the way out. Increase speed a bit.I'm feeling moister.Yes.

"Now, move up to the top of my slit - uh, slit and crack mean the same, dear Aberden.Up at the top, there's a little knob. Sorta tent around it. That's my clit.Sex Ed teacher says clitoris.Sorta like my nipple, rub it.Next class will be you sucking on it. You may have to gently search a bit. Yeah. Getting close. Warmer.YEAH.There. Ah, yes. Now, kiss me and keep doing that. Yes.Oh. God, Aberden. Yes. I'm ready.Yes.Between my legs.Hole's at the bottom.Yes.Just keep going in. All the way in. Yes.You know what to do now, sweet Aberden?"She felt his cock slip back almost out, then he came down again, fast. "Oh, God yes.Keep it up. Yes. "

"Oh.Juliet.I,,,,I,,,CUM."She felt his cum, too.

" Yes."The two clung to each other for several minutes in silence.

"You were wonderful, Aberden.Let's not make this what my friend Gwen says her sister Veronica calls a one night stand. "She laughed."I'll explain that later. "

"Okay, international relations, better get dressed.I have to get Juliet home first, dressed and presentable to her folks and maybe her older brother. Then I can get Aberden back to his sponsors."

"Okay, Hank.And thanks.And I owe you one."

As the van approached Juliet's house as it closed on 5:30 for Juliet, the two on the couch hugged and kissed. The van stopped. Juliet gave Aberden one last kiss, then patted his hard again cock.

"Aberden, I told you.You were boy number five.But now you are boy number best. "She kissed him."Tomorrow will be too soon."

"If I have to walk and bring you somewhere on a donkey.."

A blown kiss and then Juliet Giovanni raced into her home before her parents got there.She had to change clothes and get her shorts and panties into the dirty clothes.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 64

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