Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Jun 27, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #62. Juliet and the Soccer Stars(bisexual High School)

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Juliet and the Soccer Stars


Larry Marian

Fourteen year old Juliet Giovanni sat in the Food Court, now seeing better days, eating a footlong and drinking an orange drink. She wore suitable clothes for a hot August early afternoon - a pair of white shorts - fairly tight, just enough so her camel toe showed if she didn't keep her legs together and top that was essentially two bandanas with straps. At her feet was a small travel bag which hid a pair of old jeans and a very modest top.As she ate the hot dog, she looked at four selfies, brought back from her trip with her best friend, Gwen M'urk, to Cameroon.

The first was her and her "date," a boy with the European name of Pierre, standing next to her in front of a small hut.He wore a loin cloth and a necklace of canine teeth, with a spear in one hand and a shield in the other. She wore a red skirt, rouged nipples, and a wreath in her hair.The next was the two of them, sitting on a bed, both nude.His skin was ebony while hers spoke of her Italian ancestry.He had a serious erection and her hand rested on his thigh as his hand rested on her thigh.Her legs were parted enough to see her outer lips plainly.

The second set was again her, this time with Gwen's older brother Jeff, who was about as dark as Pierre and just as hard.She, like Jeff, was nude, with arms around each other.The second was the two of them lying down next to each other, again each with a hand close to the other's sex, Juliet with one knee raised.

Well, so now I've had sex, vaginal sex with two guys.One lives in a small village in northeast Cameroon.I met him the day before and he was nice enough.He sure knew nothing about foreplay.That will never happen again.The second is the mostly gay older brother of my best friend Gwen.He may prefer to suck dicks, but he sure knew what to do with my pussy,He did make me cum. But it was a one time deal, probably.Oh, well.She closed her smart phone.

"You're Tony's sister Juliet, aren't you?" she heard and turned around to see two older teen boys, who she thought she knew from Cannon Lab School.

"Uh huh.I know I've seen you in the halls.I think maybe you're going to be seniors?"

"I'm Hank, gonna be a senior in the fall.Mike's gonna be a junior. We're both on the soccer team.Rumor is you had some great adventure earlier in the summer. You and your brother and his girl friend Gwen."

"Yeah.We did. Here, take a seat if you're interested."The two boys sat down.

"So you were some place in Africa?" Mike, the blond asked.

"Yeah. Cameroon. Gwen's dad is Major M'urk. He was born there.We came for a couple of ceremonies, me, Gwen, Veronica, and Diane.Real old.Sort of coming of age."

"Ceremonies?"Like what?"

"We danced."

"Got pictures?"

"Yeah. My dad took a bunch with my phone.Here."Juliet opened her phone again and ran rapidly forward to the pics of the M'urk enormous home, then pics of the two ceremonies and then a few of kids and family."Start here," she said and finished the foot long and took a long sip of the orange drink.

Hank took the phone and started to scroll."That's a damn palace, wow!My, look at all the tits.Jesus, who is that Zulu warrior next to you?"

"Oh.Uh, stop there please.It gets sort of personal."

"I'll say.Okay.Here.That's something else.He gave the phone back toJuliet."Uh, how would you like to go for a ride with me and Mike.Maybe drive out on the Reservation, go to Crater Lake and take a swim?Damn hot outside."

Knowing full well that her folks would say no, Juliet looked at them and said, "Okay.I don't have to be home for a couple of hours. But where's Crater Lake?I don't know that one."

"It's small.Sort of out of the way.We don't have our suits with us and I'll bet you don't either,but it's unofficially CO every, day" Mike said. "It's just a bit south of the Visitor's Center.Let's go."

Juliet finished her orange and the three walked on out, Juliet in the center. The two boys each grabbed a hand as they walked out, Hank guiding them towards an obviously customized van."Okay, Mike.You and Juliet in the back to start.How about we swap in the parking lotjust before we get to the Reservation?"

"Sounds good to me.Okay, Juliet?"

"Sure," she said as Mike pulled open the door for her to see an interior that looked like a moving harem, blankets or something on the side walls, carpeting on the floor, window shades on the rear windows, and a wide couch along the wall behind the driver.Wow, she thought, what is going to happen?

The door closed as she sat down, crossing her legs, her hands at her side Mike sitting down beside her, putting his arm around her at once. "A movingexperience," Mike said."I hope this experience to move you.By the way, that outfit is fabulous.Does your mother know what you have on?"

"Uh, no," she admitted.

"Just as well.Bet I know what's in that bag."

"Not much."

"Some jeans, a top, your purse, I'll bet.Say, I'm going to take off my shoes.Why don't you, too?"With that Mike slipped his sandals off and wiggled his toes.Juliet followed along. The van began to go faster.Mike took her chin, turned it towards him and kissed her lightly on the lips. The third kiss came with a probing tongue, something that Jeff had, but Pierre didn't. She responded.The kiss broke."You okay with this?"he asked.

"Yes," she said.They kissed again as she put her arms around him and he eased her down to lie on the couch, his hands briefly on her shoulders. They kissed again.She felt herself getting warm.I'm about to get laid, she thought.Do I really want to?She felt his hand on the bow holding her neck straps.They came loose.Then the back bow and her top fluttered to the floor as he began to kiss her boobs."Mike...uh... we just met..."

"Yeah.I want you to feel good.And we have seen each other before.In fact weren't we in study hall Bronze Third?"He kissed her again."I like girls who kiss on the first date."

"I...'ve kissed on the first date."His hands were gentle on her breast, then he sucked her hard nipple.That stopped, he rose up a bit and pulled off his "Lawton Pioneer Days Rodeo t-shirt and dropped it on the floor.She put a hand on his chest, on his nipple.He went back, briefly to sucking her nipple and kissing her breast.She felt warmer and her white shorts felt damp.She should stop this.But it felt so good. Pierre was just unconcerned about her and Jeff, bless his heart, was doing a favor for his sisters.

Then his fingers touched her between her legs.Unthinking, her knees spread just a bit so she could feel the probing hand. "You're damp, Juliet." He said as his fingers probed her."Just relax, sweetie," he whispered into her ear as his hands worked on her zipper and her waist button.When he began to draw off the white shorts, she lifted her butt to make it easier for them to slide down her legs.Without thinking, sort of in a daze, her feet got rid of them."You are very pretty, Juliet. Beautiful, really.He rose to kneeling beside her, then leaned over to kiss her breasts and then her lips again. Still kneeling, he reached for his belt buckle and undid it.Her hands came to his zipper and then the waist button.She slid his jeans down.Then she took his boxers and slid them down, past where his hard cock popped into view.He pulled his jeans and boxers down to below his knees as he took her yellow panties and eased them down and off her body. They fell to the floor.

"Your not a virgin are you?"

"No.It's okay.You and Hank seem so nice."She held out her arms, he slid into them, a hand probing for his target.She sucked in her breath as he began to enter her.

She had a small cum and then a larger one when Mike climaxed inside her."Thank God for those shots," Mike said.

"Yeah," she said.

"Mike, we've been in the parking lot for five minutes.Get some clothes on and let's drive to Crater Lake.You know the way, right?"

"Yeah."With that he kissed Juliet again, then slipped on his jeans and sandals. Juliet watched as Mike climbed out, turned, blew a kiss to her,bumped elbows with Hank and disappeared from view as he obviously moved to the driver's seat.

Hank climbed in, then sat on the couch and smiled at Juliet, lying nude on the couch as he pulled off his t-shirt, faded to not announce what event had happened and when.The van began to move.

"You okay, Juliet?" he asked softly.His hand rested on her calf.

"Yeah. I...I...maybe a bit confused.I wasn't expecting this..wasn't expecting to agree.I'm not scared."

"Good. Wouldn't want you to be. Say, weren't you one of the girls who came out to cheer us when we played Ok City Lab School and beat them 2-1?"

"That was us.My Mom suggested the skirts we wore.Of course we never wore them when we played a clothed team."She grinned.

He leaned forward and the two kissed.The kiss broke as his hand cupped her breast as the van rolled over a cattle guard. "Hank?"


"You have your pants on. Could you take them off?You can see Kitty.Let me see your Peter."

"Sure. Hey, Mike. "


"Next turn out.If it's empty or almost empty, pull over. "

"Okay. " Hank pulled off his jeans and then his jockeys.Juliet almost gasped at the size of his liberated cock.When she saw it, she gently rolled him onto his back, then straddled him., guiding his cock into her wet snatch. She began to rock up and down as Hank began to thrust with her movement.

When her first orgasm hit her hard she cried, "Oh, God. So good" as the van turned off the main road and headed for Crater Lake.They still cuddled and smooched when Mike brought the van to a stop.

"Okay, if we want to swim here or whatever, time to get to work, Mike said."At that he began to undress, once more exposing a hard cock to her eyes.She watched as the two guys brought out a large air mattress and an air pump with an electric plug to blow it up.Once inflated they put it on the shady side of the van, and added two light blankets on the mattress.Then the three headed to the water to splash, swim and play for some time .After awhile, with still nobody else showing up,the three stood in shallow water,until Juliet sank to her knees with Hank andMike in front of her. The two boys moved forward and she took both of them, swapping back and forth between their cocks until they both climaxed into her mouth, Mike first and then Hank.

"Juliet, there's enough time before we drive back," Hank said.

Juliet was about to say `yes' when a Refuge pickup pulled up close to them."Stay calm.We've done nothing wrong," Hank continued.The door of the pickup opened and a female Ranger got out of the cab, holstered hand gun and all.

"Well, good afternoon.Do I have to ask for your ID?"

"Ma'am, we've been skinny dipping.We all go to Cannon Lab.We just happened to hook up about lunch time and came up here to do some swimming."

She turned to Juliet."You are?"

"Juliet Giovanni.My dad owns La Scalla on Gore. I'm 15, but when I turn 16, I'll start working there."

"Nice restaurant . Okay, other than you are all Lab School students, I see nothing wrong.On the other hand, there's a small herd of 40-50 bison headed towards Crater Lake, probably to drink.I'd get out of here soon."

All three gulped and began to move.Before the dust of the pickupcleared, the three, none of them dressed, headed back towards Lawton,this time withMike and Juliet having foreplay. They stopped at the now deserted gas station at the H.E. Bailey exchange so Mike could get somewhat dressed to drive to the almost deserted parking lot of the dying mall. As Juliet put on her white shorts, Mike pulled her phone out.She half heartedly tried to take it from him."Oh, well," she said. "Go ahead.Look."Juliet's phone rang.Mike said "Wow. Big dick," before handing it back to Juliet.

"Hi, MaMa...Sorry, yeah, I'm a bit late.Met up with some Jones friends. - we drove out to the Reservation. .. Mom, it's a CO day today.Sorry, Mom. Yes.I'll be home as soon as possible."She turned off her phone." Sorry. Where..." and Mike handed her the colorfulscarf bra.By the time the van pulled in front of her house, she was dressed.

Rapidly she grabbed her bag with the clothes she should have had on, kissed both boys and fled towards home.She thought that perhaps she could tiptoe to her room and get back to her room to wear what she left in."Momma and Papa want to see you now, Juliet," she heard Tony say quietly.

"Help me, Tony.Please."

"Of course.Think. Into your room.Rightbehind you. " She felt him almost push her into her room, coming in behind her and not even closing her door."Get out of that shit.Where are the clothes you left in? "

"Black travel bag on the floor."

"Get out of that whore shit.I'll get your stuff. "

The two hurried as Juliet shed what she had on as Tony handed her the yellow panties, the actual teen Maidenform bra, her jeans and a practical shirt asTony threw her damp white shorts and the kerchief top into the travel bag.

"Juliet, we need to see you now ," she heard PaPa call.Tony gave her a thumb's up as brother and sister entered the living room.

"Here, PaPa," she said softly.

"So what happened today, my daughter?"

"Papa, I went to the Mall.I was eating lunch and two boys I knew at Cannon saw me and we talked. We went out towards the Reservation.It got a bit late.We were having fun.A ranger told us a bison herd was coming this way and to leave.Then Mama called. My Cannon friends took me home."

Juliet's Mama looked at her."My daughter, fruit of my loins, are you still pure?"

Juliet felt tears appear.Then Tony said, "Mama, that's not fair.Gwen has slept here with me for two years now. You have welcomed her as a daughter, as the one who will give you grandchildren to spoil.My sister is as pure as I am. Did she maybe make a mistake?Take away her tv for a week or so.Or her computer.Or even make me give her a smack like the DoG might do."

"Oh, Tony.Thank you."Juliet threw her arms around her brother.

"And to think two years ago they hated each other.Mama, let us be gentle, but guide Juliet. No internet for a month without Tony's supervision.We want to meet any boy who comes to call.Understand, Juliet?"

"Yes, Papa."Juliet first hugged her brother, then her parents.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 63

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