Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Jun 22, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #61. Gwen Comes of Age (bisexual High School)

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Gwen Comes of Age


Larry Marian

The passenger compartment of the Gulfsteaam G600 held fifteen people,aged from their forties to four two year olds, all fortunately asleep for right now.Gwendolyn Ebele M'urk, 14, sat nestled against Antonio Giovanni, 16.All the passengers were dressed to some degree out of deference to thecrew of four, the parents of Tony and his sister Juliet, and Diane's betrothed, Mark. The rest had some dealings with the Lab Schools and were very comfortable being nude.

Gwen nudged Tony and put her mouth to his ear. "OMG," she whispered, your mom and dad are going to the Mile High Club bed!"

"Yeah, Folks," Tony whispered back."We're eligible coming back from Cameroon."

"I can't wait."

Tony chuckled."I've been waiting two years, sweetie."

"I'm worth every second.But is it fair for Mom Cindy to go in there with Mom Monique?"

"Dad didn't have a heart attack.I wonder if Diane and Veronica's description of the `I Am a Woman' will kill him."

Gwen looked up to see her dad, Major Francoise David M'urk towering over them.What have I done wrong? She wondered."Tony, I'd like to ask you a big favor."Gwen saw Tony looking a bit mystified, but he nodded approval. Not to do that to a brand new major, and a cannon battalion ops officer, she thought.

"Your folks are taking a nap.Would you please go up to where they were sitting?I'd like to have a little father -daughter talk before her big day, day after tomorrow."

"Oh, sure, sir, Major M'urk, er Dad David."

Gwen heard her dad laugh."Thanks, Tony.And thanks for being such a wonderful boy friend for my Gwen." Tony kissed Gwen briefly, then got up and moved forward towards where his parents had b been seated.Gwen watched her father sit down beside her. He kissed her forehead."You okay for the celebrations, honey?"

"I think so, Dad.Enwere m nsọpụrụ na akpọrọ m nwanyị. "

"Wonderful, Gwen.I'm so proud of you.Your mother is too.But she wants me to talk to you a bit."

"Sure, Dad.Just please don't tell me I can't be with Tony afterthe Engagement Dance. We've been practicing for weeks now. "

"Not that."She watched him place his ebony forearm against her almost magnolia forearm."Ever wonder about the skin color of Clan M'urk?"

"You mean why my brother Jeff is so dark as is my kid brother Jack and I'm azụbelly dị ọcha?"Gwen saw her dad's eyes go wide.

"Gwen.You know better.That's an insult.Even MaMa stopped using that ten years ago.But yes, you are about the lightest of the clan, other than Cindy and Paige.Of course, Simone is pale, too. "

"Well, I heard that a couple of times last year and I had to find out what it means. And Dad, I do sort of stand out.I mean, I know Mom is light skinned, too.She told me about the Europeans who raped my grandmothers and great grandmothers.But, it's okay.You're my Dad and I love you very much."Gwen smiled."But Dad, you know and I know that I have a Dad and a Father and my Father never raped anybody."

She watched her Dad's face change into astonishment."A Dad and a Father, Gwen?"

"Yes, Dad. You helped raise me.You taught me so much."She laughed a low, pleasant laugh.As my seventh grade sex ed teachers told us, the man inserts his penis into the vagina of the woman and their combined movements cause the man to ejaculate a cloud of sperm into her.If there is an egg, a sperm and the egg collide and an embryo is formed.YUCH! And they'relatives! "The two, dad and teen daughter laughed.

"Okay, Gwen, I thought I was Paul Revere coming to warn you about shocking news.So tell me, my Junior National Honor Society Daughter, who is your father? How do you know?"

"Two years ago Dad.I was twelve.Jeff and Veronica both kidded me about being boy crazy,We kids, that is Diane, Jeff, and Veronica, and me, though they didn't want to admit it, knew that you and Mom Paige were going to meet in San Francisco and Uncle Mason was going to come here, both for a longweekend.I figured out that you and Mom Paige were going to try to have a baby together and Uncle Mason was going to do the same with Mom, MomCindy, and Mom Moniqueas well as Diane and Veronica.Well, Dad, hold onto your hat, I'd had my first period and I wanted to be included - at twelve."

"Oh, Gwen! And my blood brother refused you."

"He did, Dad.And he explained that Mom is my mom, Uncle Mason is myFather.He wants me to call him Uncle' around others.But when I can, I call him either Father' or `Pops.' He sends me gifts for my birthday, for good grades, for other things.It may be me, but it seems my Christmas presents are nicer than the others.

"Of course, I learned that puppies and kittens are a lot easier than trying to change the diaper of a six month old during your thirteenth birthday party."Her dad laughed.

"Okay, Gwen Ebele M'urk, in two days you will dance twice.The first, in the morning, your mom will present you for the "I'm a Woman Dance." Your friend Tony's sister will dance with you. In the afternoon, you will dance the "Courtship Dance," and a male will, your father, or if necessary an uncle or older brother will present you. So, who will present you in the afternoon?"

"You, Dad. Of course. " Her dad engulfed her still growing body.He kissed her forehead and her cheek.

"I'll send Tony back to you, my very wonderful daughter."

"Thanks - Dad.I love you."

Major Francoise David M'urk, turned around to wipe his eye.

Two days later at 0700 Gwendolyn Ebele M'urk stood next to her friend Juliet Giovanni, with eight other girls, all of them dark except for the palms of their hands or the soles of their feet. All ten stood in order of height, standing in front of their mother. All ten wore a red clothskirt, knee high, sandals made of straw, and a wreath of flowers on their head.. Their bare breasts, ranging from just nipples to almost mature ones for Gwen, Juliet, and the next tallest girl,sported rouge covered nipples and aureoles. Gwen, at fourteen, stood tallest, with Juliet next, and then the others, looking shorter, and, it seemed to Gwen, younger. Behind her stood herMom, Simone, dressed similar to Gwen, and next to her, behind Juliet was Mom Paige standing in for Juliet's mom.

Drums began to beat with whistles and horn making the music as the ten girls began to sway away from their mothers.Gwen concentrated on making her movements precise, aping the videos she'd been watching for six months, often with Juliet.The dance lasted five minutes and ended with a crash of drums and the mothers rushing out to hug their daughters while their fathers came to them with a basket of fruit.As her pale skinnedMom, her breasts still firm, wore the same garment as her daughter, Simone's skirt was mostly blue, as was Paige's.Gwen's dad wore, not his military uniform, but the dress of a chief warrior of his clan and tribe.Juliet's dad wore a light weight business suit.

As parents talked, Gwen went up to Juliet and hugged her."I'm sorry your mom couldn't present you," she said softly to her best friend.

"That's okay.Mom's still Italian and she doesn't show her tits to anybody except Daddy.I sure have never seen them.I know she nursed Tony and me, but I sure don't remember.But thanks," asthe two girls, now women, hugged.

"We didn't want to interrupt, but it's now father's turn to warn their daughter about lustful men, " Gwen's black father said."Follow me and we will talk under the shade ofthis tree. Notice, the other girls go with their father for the same message."

So they went and sat down , the basketin front of them."Okay, Gwen," her father said, picking up a banana, "after the `Dance of the Maidens" when you see Tony, give him this one.This tells him that you can now be a mother.Do not give one to any other boy except Tony.After Tony has one, if you want to reward two other boys, give them one if they ask.You can expect that if you do, another boy will come to you after talking with Tony.Okay?"

Gwen smiled."Sounds like the Locker Club, Dad.I joined after Tony and I got together."

"So you are still an actual virgin."

"By Corporation rules, Dad, sure.Mom took me to the ob-gyn last month.My hymen is still intact.Not after tonight." She grinned."I have two other holes a cock can enter.They don't have hymens. "

"I'm not a bit surprised.Your Mom Paige gave hers to my blood brother Mason when they were both twelve. "

"Dad, the first time I sucked Tony, I was twelve.First time he entered my back door, I was still twelve."

"I hope he was a gentle boy. "

"He was Dad. I had a great coach.Jeff. "

"You didn't....."

"No Dad.Here's his model," as she held up her raised middle finger.Major M'urk laughed."Any thing else, Dad?"

"Just what your mother will tell you.Dance with abandon.It's not the old "Dance of the Concubine," but the skirt is slit, though they overlap.It may be possible for the audience to catch glimpses of you as you dance."

"I know that, Dad. I tried the dance in front of my birthday mirror. Yep, Tabby can be seen."

"Tabby. Cute, Gwen.You are an honor to your tribe and clan."

"Thanks, Dad.Now may I ask you a maybe awkward question?"

"Go ahead, Dear."

"Okay.I know you were a senior and she was the only girl and eighth graderin an advanced physics class. You sent her anote asking to meet her in a PR.You met. What happened?"

"We ...made love, Gwen."

"No, Dad.I've told you I,,, first sucked Tony's dick when I was twelve.He took me in the butt when I was still twelve.I've had that kind of sex in the Locker Club with quite a few other boys.Juliet and I have had lesbian sex.I'm going to show my pussy off to a bunch of boys and adults I don't know in just a few hours.Please, what happened? "

Major M'urk took a deep breath."Okay. First thing is I used my middle name David instead of Francoise, because I wanted to conceal who I was until the last minute.I'd already been denied by a few girls who just really didn't want to get physical with a black kid."

"Dumb bunnies," Gwen said.

"Things have changed, Gwen.But sometimes when I'm out with Cindy, or Paige, or Simone,or when we have little grand daughter Becky out, we can still get stares.Remember.Becky is about as dark as Veronica, or Jeff, or your brother Jack.But I'm sure you've noticed when Cindy and I are out with you."

"Yeah, Dad.I've even had a few comments at school. Screw `em."

"Yeah.Okay, Gwen,remember this happened over thirty years ago. Jones was the Mother School, a small experiment.In the high and middle schools, I think we had about 60 boys total, 6th through 12 grade. Paige formed the Locker Club and was the only provider.She never touched a sixth or seventh grader, except once or twice, and refused a few in the other grades.But in the Advanced Physics class there were only12 boys, grades ten through twelve, and all of us very smart, at least as far as physics was concerned.Paige was the only girl, and an eighth grader at that, butstill cute if not fully developed.

"Well, the other guys in the class wanted to try it out and the word spread that, yes, she'd go down for a fee, but the guy had to do her first, and it had to be a good job."

"Dad, it's still that way. "

"Okay.So I wrote Paige a request, but signed it with an F and not a D.So she was surprised when I walked into PR#3 that afternoon. Well, she gushed over my note.Said if was so romantic, but why the F'?I explained, then we actually kissed, then we did a bit of foreplay and then she liked the way I took care of her.I made her cum.So she returned the favor, and her blow job was fantastic. Well, I was on my back and she lay between my legs.She looked up at me and said, This isn't a part of the agreement,' and crawled up on top of me and put my erect again cock into her snatch and we made vaginal love.

"It should have been over then and there, but she missed the late bus. I drove her home.In her driveway, we kissed and petted a bit, and then she got down on her knees and sucked me off a second time.Honest, I tried to get her to go into her house and be safe, but she told me nobody would be home before six.I reluctantly agreed to come in.Of course I was hard again.So we went up to her room.We get undressed, Paige starts to suck me, then I manage to take her off my cock, get her on her hands and knees, and do it doggie style.We make love two more times before I franticly get dressed and escaped, but dying to be with her again.

"Next day in physics, she comes in and I get hard.She almost giggled. I really didn't pay much attention to Newton that day.We agreed to meet the next day and we did .I won't give you all the details, but the first time she sucked me, just as I was about to cum, she pulled off, took my cock and sprayed my cum all over her before we made vaginal love.

"So there you have it, Gwen. Paige confessed to Mason.Mason and I met and became friends. Paige became our common mistress until they got married.I'd already married your mother.As you know, Paige and I still meet and Mason and Simone still meet.Okay?"

"Thank you, Dad.I know more about myself. I think somehow Mom would not be as wild as Mom Paige.Mom seems to have two men, you and Pops.She'd never would have been a member of the Locker Club and it took you and Moms Cindy, Monique, Diane, Veronica, and Jeff to get her to allow me to join.Mom's a bit of a prude to be a former concubine!"With that she got up, kissed her Dad, picked up the basket of fruit and went looking for Tony.

In the cool of the evening Gwen stood with Juliet, with the other eight girls, all obviously physically coming close to adulthood, each with their father behind her, except for Dad.Included were her two older sisters, Diane and Veronica.Facing her was Tony, looking like an Italian African warrior, complete with shield and spear.Juliet stood as well, facing a boy from another village who had struck up an English conversation after he had asked about a banana.She gave him one.Behind Diane and Veronica was an empty space.Gwen kept looking around.Where is Dad, she thought. He can't let me down.Then she heard, "Sorry I'm late!" coming from, not Dad, but Pop! She couldn't help herself but turned, took a few steps and flung her arms around him.

"Oh, Pop!Are you really?"

"Your Dad and I agreed, daughter Gwen.Now don't cry.Get back in place. "Then he kissed her on her cheek and forehead. She beamed as she tried to wipe the happy tear away from her eye.She glanced to see Dad, one hand on the shoulder of each of her older sisters. Then the drums began their beat as the whistles and horns joined in and she began to dance towards Tony.Her hips began to move, her legs rose and fell, she spun, her skirts spinning outwards.She saw Tony's eyes widen. Tony surely saw Tabby, and not just once or twice.She glanced towards Juliet, who seemed to dance as wildly as the other girls, enticing the boys, even with their spears beating against the thick hide of their shields. Then they danced so that they all were as close together as teens in a slow dance.Then back, dancing backwards until Gwen felt Pops outstretched hands stop her backward movement and begin her forward movement again.Three times the two lines approached, then retreated.As Gwen watched Tony return to Mom and took his spear and shield away from him, then the line of boys and girls approached each other one more time.This time they met and each boy put his arm around the girl's waist.The drums beat fast, then stopped as the audience signaled their approval.

She looked at Tony, "Have you found a place for us?" she whispered.

"I have," then he took her hand and led her away as the crowd laughed and cheered as they walked towardsthe M'urk home, followed by Diane and Mark, her fiance, Veronica, with a village boy she'd known for ten years now, and Juliet, with another village boy as black as she was olive.

The four couples entered the large home, once the residence of the French colonial governor, and each went to the bedroom of the girl.Tony opened the door to Gwen's room, and Tony's too, of course, but what they saw was a bed with flower pedals and large, sweet smelling flowers, safely covered candles, and envelopes on the pillows. "OMG," Gwen said as she burst into tears, throwing her arms around Tony's neck. He bent down, picked her up, carried her to the bed and laid her gently down.He then, kissed each breast, then her lips, and then untied the knot that held her skirt."Oh, Tony.At last," she sighed.

"You are worth it,' as he lay down beside her.

Thirty minutes later they lay next to each other, stroking each other. "Was it okay?" he asked.

"Wonderful.Wonderful.Tony you are the best lover in the whole wide world."Then they heard a knock on the door.It opened slightly.

"Your feast begins.Come at once," the voice sounded like a major domo at least.Then Jeff stuck his head in."Your sisters are already heading for the feast. Your friend Juliet is already there.Get a move on.You're still my kid sister and former roomie."He ducked the thrown object.

The next day, Tony and Gwen sat on one of the couches in the rear of the Gulfstream. Well, he sat, while she rested her head on his lap."We haven't yet," she said softly.

"I know.We have plenty of time."

"But, what about Juliet?I guess a gay couple could. But sure seems like she had quite a time with Henri last night .What her folks think -"

"My Italian conservative folks seem to have decided to make sure they qualify."Tony laughed."They just closed the curtains."

"Look, Jeff is mostly gay, but I know he brought a girl home once or twice. I was ten or eleven or so and I slept in the guest room and she slept in my bed - maybe."She gently pulled his head down and kissed him.I'm gonna talk to Jeff. He's sitting with Veronica.I'm sure she'll come back and talk to you for a moment. Love you, Antonio.You are the sexist boy I've ever slept with. "

"And you are the sexist girl I've ever slept with.Need to get that 20,000 feet stamp." She got up and walked down the aisle to Veronica and Jeff.

"Veronica.I hope your night was as good as mine was,"Gwen said.

"Glad yours was, too.Shall I forward the pictures to you?"

"Later.Jeff, please come down and talk to me.Tony will come and talk to Veronica. It's about Juliet and theMile High Club.Tony and I are joining soon.I don't want Juliet to be left out."

"Okay, Baby Sister.Let's go." With that he stood up, took Gwen by the arm, and led her back to Tony.At once Tony stood up, shook Jeff's hand, and headed forward to Veronica.

Minutes later Juliet sat with Gwen and Jeff. "Girl friend.I think you want to do the Mile High Club. Honest, Tony and I are shooting for it when your folks come out. But - Jeff?"

"Juliet.I've seen you around my favorite sister.You are great. Yeah, most folks think I'm totally gay, but I've had girl friends and we .... did stuff.I'm not a member either.You want to join with me?"

"Jeff.Thanks.I had a rather bad experience.I mean he didn't rape me.But he wasn't gentle or anything.Maybe I should try again?I mean with my best friend's older brother?"

The curtains parted and Tony's parents came out of the one bedroom,holding hands."Hi, Mom and Pop.See you in a bit."The two looked a bit startled, then walked back to their seats. "Okay, Juliet.You ready?"

"I hope so, Jeff," as Juliet and Jeff got out of their seats and went to and behind the curtains. Gwen sighed in relief and went back to be with Tony.

Forty-five minutes later the two came out from behind the curtains.Juliet had her arm around Jeff's waist, her head resting against his rib cage."Thanks, Gwen," she said softly.

"Wow," Gwen said.

"Shall we go?" Tony asked.

"Please.This will be our fourth."

"Fifth, Gwen."

"Fifteen seconds doesn't count.But I love you, Tony Giovanni."

"And I love you, Gwen M'urk."

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 62

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