Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Jun 20, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #60.David and Winnie (bisexual High School)

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

David and Winnie


Larry Marian

The Pentagrams + David, sat on the bed built for five in the old extreme punishment room, four of them looking at David and Winnie."Okay," Clyde said, "since this has turned from `Truth or Dare' to "True Confessions' you two are the last.Do you want to spill your guts one by one, or take turns?"

The two looked at each other, the tall dark sand colored six foot plus junior male, his soft manhood's length attesting to its possible eight or nine inch erection size, or the five foot three inch blond haired, blue eyed, 34B , freckled sophomore female, holding hands.

"We're going to interrupt each other.We've been doing this for three years now. What will I do when he leaves Jones?" Winnie asked.

"I'll get a job in the kitchen making Sengalese chicken soup just so I can be close to you," David responded. The others laughed at that.

"David, you know how to open a can of chicken soup?"Winnie asked softly.

"Sengalese chicken soup doesn't come in cans, Winnie."

"And you wonder how I put up with this dual citizen guy who's not old enough to be a citizen!Okay, I came to Jones my first year, seventh.You came your eighth.We were in 7/8 I together.We were not room mates; not even on the same dorm floor.

"I had spent most of the summer with therapy and stuff after I'd finally ratted on my brother, and from him my father.I was done with boys.But in the dorm, my room mate was a boy, a nice kid - he's a great guy now, but then he was what I needed - a twelve year old boy who had no idea what a girl was for. So we got along fine.Then he hit puberty HARD! He wanted to experiment.I told him I didn't want to. Then I discovered two eighth grade wanna be lesbians.We formed a three some.I was in love.

"But they moved up to ninth grade.I was alone the beginning of my eighth grade year.Same room mate, but he hinted on a swap.He'd discovered a seventh grader with bigger than average seventh grade boobs. I looked for a possible swap.

"Now, what would it be like to swap room mates with a ninth grade tall black boy, with a six inch dong, soft?Not what I wanted.Frying pan to fire, for sure.

"Then, chorus and we met.Really. David?"

"Well, I was actually born in the US, but taken to Cameroon for my first year.No idea about that, of course. But then when I was six, my mom and dad,and my grandfather Francoise and my grandmother Paige all sat me down one day and told me that I would go to school here, in the US for my first two years, but that while that was going on, I would start to learn French and my tribal language . Then, the next two years, I would go to the M'urk home in Cameroon to learn about my people.

"That's what happened.It was actually three years - kindergarden, first and second in the US, and then going to Cameroon with my grandmothers, Paige and Cindy, both white, and my aunt Simone.It was sort of surprising when you are seven and your great greatmother dies!

"I didn't understand that neither Grandma Paige or Granny Cindy wanted to stay in Cameroon but they assured me that Mom Simmone would return and it would be okay.

"It was. I became proficient in French and my tribal tongue; with the other youngkids in the village below the age of twelve roamed nude everywhere, and had to stand up that I was a fish belly.Mom Simmone cleared that up one day.I got in a lot of fights with other boys because my skin was so light, compared with the other kids.But Aunt Simone stopped it, gathered us all together and reminded all the other kids, boys and girls, that I was the grandson of the Fishbelly Angel Paige.

"Anyway, years go by and I arrive at Jones in seventh grade.I was already interested in girls, but the girls just didn't seem to be interested in me.About that time I hit a growth spurt and shot up.And my dick started to get bigger.But most girls just didn't seem interested.This went on for two years - I was great in sports, especially soccer and baseball, and had lots of male friends who were amazed at the size of my cock, but the best I could do with a girl was to hold hands, or close mouth kiss a couple of them.

"Then I tried out for chorus and made it.I was on the edge of the boys side and suddenly there was this shy blond next to me.At breaks we started talking, but she wanted no physical contact.I could check out her boobs and they were perfect in my mind's eye.Winnie?

"Like I said, I wanted nothing to do with guys, butDavid, being darker and taller, and with the biggest dick of all the boys in chorus seemed to be safe for me.And he still had a slight accent.So I put him down as safe. On the other hand, I was getting real horny, as my two lesbian friends decided they were `married' and our threesome broke up.Another thing, I knew from others that David's room mate was a girl who had been raped by her stepfather when she was ten.She was more confused than me, but because David was black, she felt safe with him.They were comfortable being room mates, but that was it, though they really were roomies.

"Anyway, during breaks David and I started talking, andlaughing, and even giggling. I became very comfortable with him, so much so that when he helped me up on the risers, we kept holding hands as long as possible.Then we had the Spring Concert Competition.We rode to the auditorium of the nearby university in a bus, wearing our school dress uniform.David and I sat together and we held hands going to the competition.And the end we won the trophy and the medals for "Best Private School Small Choir."We had kids hugging and kissing each other. We settled for a small, short hug and then held hands going back to Jones.

"The inevitable happened.My shy, quiet, studious David asked me after we got away from the madhouse, if we could may be go to a PR, just to talk, of course.Something made me say, YES. So, hand in hand we went and found a vacant PR.We entered, looked around. I'd never been in a PR, but it looked nice - a few comfortable chairs and three sort of bed-couches.I looked atDavid.`Well, we can carry our clothes back to our dorms.Might as well get undressed,' I said, feeling very bold, yet nervous.I remember wondering why I said that. "Might as well,' David replied and started by taking off his Jones jacket as I did the same.There were some clothes hooks on the wall by the door where we hung our jackets.Then, facing each other, we took off our shirts, then David took off his undershirt and I removed my bra.Then our shoes came off, then his pants, my skirt, and finally his shorts, my panties.I looked at his now hard cock, sticking up to his belly button.I felt dampness around my pussy.

`'Winnie.You are beautiful,' he said and gently took me in his arms.Then we kissed. Really, tongue dueling kissing which went on forever as my nipples hardened.It took ten thousand years before his hand touched a breast, a nipple. Then one hand was on a breast and the other on my butt, a finger tracingmy butt crack.He kissed my breast, then sucked on my nipple.I rubbed his butt, I even eased my hand between his legs to hold his balls.Then I knew I had to.

"Oh, David.You are wonderful.Thank you.' With that I sank to my knees, took his massive cock in my hand to lower it to my mouth.You don't have to,' he almost whispered.David, I have to.This will erase all the bad memories.'So I licked his purple head, then slowly took his cock into my mouth, a mouth that had not had a cock in it since I was eleven.It was over in a minute, but then it seemed to take another until he was spent. He pulled me back up and kissed me, then picked me up, carried me to one of the couches and sat me down.He gently spread my knees and went down on me.I came almost at once.I held his head down as his tongue probed my snatch, my clit, my lips.I came again and again.He finally raised his head and looked at me.David?'`Yes, Winnie?'"Make love to me David.Put me on my back.Let me spread my legs.I want your cock in my cunt.All the way, but with love, David.'And he did. We've been lovers ever since.David?"

"`Winnie is correct.We've been lovers ever since.Yes.She does pull trains.Yes, I have sex with other girls.You know I've even had sex with Winnie, Bonnie, and Jill together.But Winnie is the girl I love.'

The others sat for a moment and then first Bonnie, then Jill, then Jack, and finally Clyde stood up and clapped.David and Winnie hugged, Winnie actually blushing.The clapping died away."David, I have one question to ask you, all the way back to that first night in a PR.How did you learn to be so good at oral sex for a girl?"

David laughed."Cameroonian birth control.Most of the people are poor.Many of the girls get their period at ten or eleven.When I was eleven, visiting in the summer, a nine year old girl named Monique taught me how to give her pleasure without taking her virginity.You are the second girl I did it too.I'm glad I was a good student and she was a good teacher. "

"I'm glad she was too.Shall we go find an open PR and practice?"

Jill and Bonnie looked at each other."We want you to practice with us, too."

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected. Thanks.

If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 61

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