Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Jun 8, 2023


Tales of Jones Lab #47:Thanksgiving for Eight

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Thanksgiving for Eight


Larry Marian

Hugs were exchanged at the bus station as Winnie grabbed her small suitcase and boarded the bus for her grandparents.`Have fun, Guys," she called as she led David up the steps.

`Have fun.Don't eat too much," David called as he followed her.The remaining Pentacles waved back, then trooped back to the van for the hour or so trip to home.Waiting for the four teens, Jack and Jill and Clyde and Bonnie, were their parents, as they slid the door of the large van open they saw, instead of two empty sets of seats behind the Davises and the Adams in the front seat,there was one adult in each row.

`Surprise!" saidMs. Adams."We're going to have four conversations on the way home, kids.Now, Clyde, you get to sit with me. Bonnie, with Mr. Adams, Jack with Ms. Davis and Jill with Mr. Davis.Don't worry.Nobody is going to eat you - yet.This is just a little experiment on what you learned so far at Jones, okay?"

"Sure, Mom," Jill said, rolling her thirteen year old eyes, "Hi, Mr. Davis," she said as she moved to sit next to Clyde's dad, who did look like and older version of her beddie, Clyde.

"Hi, Jill.Honest, we're looking for data from new Jones students and you guys meet the criteria."

With that the other three took their assigned seats after their scant baggage got placed under the seats and the van took off for home as four teens, now totally used to being nude most of the time talked to an adult not their parent or teacher while squirming under the pressure of belts, bras, and other instruments of confinement.

But the trip was over in the driveway of the Adams.Mr. Adams turned around,"Okay, kids.Grab your bags.Bonnie and Clyde, you can leave yours by the door to take home after dinner.Jack and Jill, you take yours to your rooms.Take your beddie with you if you guys want. If you want to get nude, that's fine.Go to the playroom for that.However, we're going to eat in about an hour and a half, right dear?"

"That's about right. We've got potatoes to cook and mash, gravy to make, casserole to finish and heat up in the oven, a table to set, etc. No time for hanging around in your respective bedroom, no matter who is with you. Got it?"

"Yes, Mom," Jack said."But we can get nude?"

"Sure. May have to put on an apron."

"I sure don't want to get gravy on my boobs," Jill said.

"If you do, I get dibs on the gravy," Clyde said.Jill stuck her tongue out.

"OUT OF THE VAN!" Mr. Adams said and action began.

Five minutes later, Bonnie and Clyde's two bags sat by the door and Jack and Jill came down from putting their bags in their room.The four went into the playroom, the girls huddling forsecond or two until they took off their tops, then removed shoes and pulled off jeans as the boys did the same thing. The girls closed in on the boys before they could drop their drawers."Okay Beddies," Bonnie said, "There may be a time somewhere we are out at a party with clothing required and we find a nice, private place.Jill and I don't want to wait fifteen minuteswhile you try to remove a simple one hook bra.So guys, our tops are off.Take off our bra for us, lovers,"

Jack and Clyde each looked at their girl and stepped forward."So turn around,"Clyde said."Please."

"No.Every time a boy took off my bra he faced me and put his arms around me,"Bonnie said, looking at her brother.

"And how many times might that be, Sister?" `Uh, three or four.Maybe five.At least once it was a training bra.Let's go, guys.Pull down your jockeys, take off our bras, we'll take off our panties and go help our folks."

The boys put there arms around their beddie, found the hook and begin to fumble. " "Hmmm.They must have missed that chapter on `How not to upset your date.'"

`Uh.I wonder if mine's being ruined.Okay, Jack.Notice my shoulders areback.There's a bit of space between my back and my bra.Slide one thumb under one strap and the other thumb under the other.Clamp your first fingers on the straps.Got it?Good. NOW, holding the straps firmly, push the ends towards each other. WOW!!It's undone." "Your welcome, Bonnie.By the way, nice boobs." "Well, I got Jill's off."

"Clyde, you followed Bonnie's instructions." "TEENS. HELP NEEDED!" Ms. Adam's voice came from the kitchen area.

"COMING!" The four responded and stopped dead in their tracks as they saw their parents wearing flops and nothing else.Ms. Adams put on a full apron as Ms. Davis took just a short apron from waist down.But the eyes of the four teens, especially Bonnie and Jill focused on their respective father as they watched two cocks thicken, rise, and get harder.

"I was afraid that might happen, Ernie."

"Oh well, it's not like they haven't seen others." "But you're our Dads!" Both girls said.

`I"m sure they'll behave in a minute or two.Now give us a hand."

It's amazing how teens, boys and girls, get mobilized when food gets mentioned.Forty five minutes later there was a just right sized turkey waiting to be carved, stuffing and dressing, mashed potatoes with turkey gravy, green bean casserole made with fresh, not canned or frozen, green beans.Clyde waxed very important for having learned how to quickly French a green bean. "Still, I'd rather French Jill," he said in a low voice.Two bottles ofPinot Noir graced the side board and all four of the underaged got about three ounces in a sherry glass.

Finally dinner was over, the table cleared, and the two families returned to sit around.The drapes had been drawn since they had returned from Jones.Dr. Davis stood up."Your parents have a proposition for you, our wonderful children, now real live honest to god teens, doing a lot of stuff you think we don't know you are doing. "The adults laughed."When we were your age, we did it too, though maybe in different ways.

"Okay.We are making a proposition to you, This must be a double dog dare,cross my heart, hope to die, on my grandmother's grave swear that whether the four of you say yes or one says no, this will not leave the eight of us.Think on that, for you know not what your parents propose."

Mr. Adams stood up."Un pour tous et tous pour un!"

"They're gonna sell us on the street as run away teen sex slaves," Jack said."I'm for it."

"I think it's good," Bonnie said.

"I trust my Mom and Dad," Jill said.

"That was French from THE THREE MUSKETEERS. `All for one and one for all.' I"m good. "Clyde grinned. "Tres bien."

"That sounds they agree to silence, but not the proposition.Okay, kids.Here goes," said Mrs. Davis.After we have dessert, Ernie, andBuck, Sissie, and me, Helen, will take the appropriate teen to either the master bed or the guest bed to spend the night, the Adams teens to our house while the Davis teens to the Adams house.Jack will join me in the guest bedroom while Jill will join Ernie.What happens after that depends on what the teen wants, other than spending the night.

"We hope to get to know a teen who we watched grow up but who is not ours. You guys think about it for a bit.Go back to the play room and discuss it a bit.

The four looked at each other. Jill raised her hand.

"Yes, Jill?" "Mr. Davis.."

"Ernie for now, Jill."

Jill smiled. "I want to sleep with Ernie.Clyde is so nice.He must be too. "

"YEAH, SIS!!"Jack said. " I agree....Helen."

Bonnie put her hand on Buck's shoulder, looking at his hard again cock."Buck.Please take me over to your room, er bed."

"With pleasure, Bonnie.We will sneak out the back gate."

"Right behind you, Sissie," Clyde said standingup with a massive hard on.

"I can't wait," she said.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 48

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