Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Jun 6, 2023


Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

The Pentagrams


Larry Marian

One thing about a small all grades school, is that stories and rumors float.A freshman day student may have to corral the fourth grade sibling to get home, but that fourth grader may have heard something from a friend whose sophomore boarding student sibling had heard about the events in the former punishment room at the end of 9/10 I.What had had a total of three students over the past six years now housed five students who had been rewarded with this, not punishment.

Not much was said that early Friday in November when the Gangsters, Bonnie and Clyde, and the Fairies, Jack and Jill, and Winnie, belonging to nobody, walked into the cafeteria as it filled for lunch, when the townies ate there. Heads turned.A hush settled over a room normally silent only when somebody bent their bare bottom over the Punishment Table.

Jack nudged Winnie."We've made our entrance.Go for it. "

Winnie laughed."Hey, you'd think we all got 100s for our last ten grades in each class.Nope.I have now four new friends; no, loves.You guys know them.And, hey, we have two cups to add to our trophy case.Hard to do this; Jack and Jill and Bonnie and Clyde are really Jack and Bonnie and Clyde and Jill.Then there's me - Winnie. So, we are now the Pentagrams.Come see us."

There was silence for a moment, then laughs and applause.A senior girl shouted "Go to the front of the line!" and the line parted for them .

"Wow," Jill said as she got pushed along with Winnie and herbrother, friend, and boy friend.

After classes as the five gathered in their new room, visitors started to arrive.

"Wow.That is some bed!"

"Do you have tickets?" "Or a schedule?"

"Can I join?" This from several boys.

But it died down and as the last left, Winnie cried, "Damn.It's Friday afternoon and I have a train to pull in ten minutes."

"So do I.In fifteen," Bonnie said.

"Well, I have one tomorrow morning," Jill said.

Jack and Clyde laughed."We both are on the two 1:10 Saturday afternoons," Clyde said. "You aren't an engineer.We checked."

As Winnie and Bonnie left with quick kisses to the appropriate boys, Jack said, "We're gonna have to make up a schedule.I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to be on a train with any of the girls now."

"Me neither.Especially Bonnie."

"I agree. Not with my beddie or my brother."The remaining three laughed.As the three settled in, looking around and arranging their own desk, Jill opened a door which had not been investigated.It had the hardware for a padlock, but that was gone.She opened the door."Hey guys - our own bathroom - two sinks, two toilets, and a shower with two heads.Look!"

The two guys hurried over to peer in."This could be fun.Real privacy!" Clyde said.

"It might be a little crowded with all five of us in there, but we all are sorta small," JIll said. "Well, Clyde's not small where it counts."She laughed.

Bonnie arrived back from her train a half hour before the supper bell, smiling."Well, not bad.Short local.Only four passengers.Tom was a repeat.All four were pleasant and fast.I gotta say that that junior, Bernard, has really tasty cum.I still rinsed and gargled after the ride.He did ask if I was a ninth grader.I just asked if he thought I was and he said yes. So I said okay and we screwed. "

Jack kissed her."NIce gargle.I can only taste you.Now come see the surprise," as he grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom.

The room door opened and Winnie walked in."I'm gonna see Charlie and get that SOB Jimmie Goodman made unwelcome!Fucked up a fun train ride for me.Five guys. Four real nice, guys I've had before.Fun and pleasant. First Jimmie wanted the back door. I asked if he brought lube.He said no,' and I said, no lube, no butt.'So when it was his turn he wasn't gentle at all.For a ninth grader, he's awful big, and I don't mean just his cock."

"So, maybe Clyde and I will pay him a visit," Jack said.

"Yeah," Clyde agreed."Anything else?" "Yeah.We agreed on a fuck and a suck.Now all the other guys at least rinsed off their cocks before I went down, except Jimmie.I saw him walk over to the sink, but he didn't clean that prick at all.Then the bastard, without asking, pulls out at the last second, grabs my head and gives me a facial.

"Guys, I"m telling you right now, if you say pretty please with sugar on it, I might go along with a facial, but I'd prefer a boob bath.But don't do it without my permission, okay?"

"Deal, Winnie.So we're going to go see Jimmie Goodman after we show you the surpriseJill found," as Jack grabbed Winnie's hand to lead her to their private bath.

"This can be a wet orgy," Winnie said.

"Yeah," Clyde said as he first and then Jack kissed her and left.

"I"m taking another shower.I think I can still smell Jimmie."Winnie called out to the other girls.

"We'll join you. Just a three way wet pussy probe while the boys take care of JImmie," Bonnie said.

Down on the first floor Jack and Clyde headed for Jimmie and Manda's room.They gave a light knock to the cracked open door. "Came in," called Manda.Both boys had to pause at the ninth grader, with her Irish red hair, freckles, and a trimmed thatch of pussy moss, below a very nice, firm set of breasts.

"Hi, Manda," Jack said."Looking good, girl. Say, I just noticed.No V."

Manda frowned."Yeah. I did something really dumb last year.Sorry I did." "Hey, we may be able to help you out on that.But we're here on business.Where's Jimmie?"

"Probably shooting baskets.Or hustling some girl in 7/8."

"Bad choice for a room mate?Being nosy?" Clyde put in.

"Yeah and nope." "Too bad.Maybe something good will happen. Maybe Jill or Bonnie will come talk to you," Jack said.

"Or Winnie."

"Yeah I heard about this five way."

"Thanks, Manda," the two chorused.

"I"d say come and see me sometime, but you two are sure gonna be busy!"The boys left shaking their heads.

"Wonder if she'd like to be an engineer?"Jack said as they entered the gym to spot Jimmie trying to shoot baskets."Hey, a mat is already down.Let's go." At once the two walked across the gym to where Jimmie was shooting baskets.He shot just as they walked up behind him.Clyde leaped forward to grab the ball as it came down.

"What the hell?" Jimmie sputtered.

"Jack and I need to talk to you Jimmie." "About what?"

"Right now, Winnie Copeland."

"What about her? Her room mate is a fag.She's something of a slut."

"She doesn't go around preying on girls in 7/8 and she doesn't take kindly to guys acting like they want to be a pimp.There is also the fact, that I guess you don't know, is that she is also in the big room with the four of us.

"So.Clyde and I want you to come back with us and sincerely apologize to Winnie."

"And if I don't?" "Well.There's a mat right over there where we can fight over it."

"Jack, you think you can beat me up?"

`Yep.That first picture on the hall wall, that's Paige Jefferson as a student here.She's my great aunt.She started as my senti when I was six. I'm a second level black belt now.You may remember Aunt Paige threw a varsity football player over her shoulder when she was thirteen.I know her trick.

"Now, if you don't want to do either, I"ll just go to the DoB about your treatment of our new room mate.I"m walking to the mat."

With that, Jack turned and sauntered to the mat. "What's it gonna be?"

"OKay. It ain't worth nothin.I"ll go and say sorry to Winnie." As the boys entered the Big Room, the three girls came smiling out of their bathroom, toweling off, smiling, until they saw Jimmie.They stopped."Well," Winnie said quietly.

"Okay.I'm sorry. I didn't realize I'd offend you."

Winnie laughed."Offend?No.You just insulted me and the other guys. who I like.I signed up for this, but .... Never mind.Something like this happens again and you'll never ride again.Now, apology accepted.Please leave my room."

"Bye, Jimmie," came from the chorus.

"Almost study hall. We can close the door," Winnie said. They did.

Then the five got ready for bed.So, if you wander around nude all day, what does that mean?Brush teeth and wash and dry feet, especially if you share the bed with four others.

Lights out came.All five waited for the knocks coming.They all heard theclosest one and the whistle stood ready.But the knock didn't come.Instead the door opened.A low beam shone on the five faces above three blankets."One, two, three, four, five.No alive hills," said Aunt Jeannie.The door closed.

The kissing began and the touching and groping which lasted some twenty minutes, and the sleeping order was broken.Falling asleep were Winnie on the outside, Jack, Bonnie, Jill, and Clyde.

What would Saturday morning bring?

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 46

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