Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Jun 6, 2023


BisexualHigh School - Bonnie and Clyde and Jack and Jill # 44.Winnie's Tale/Bonnie's Tale

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Winnie's Tale/Jack's Tale


Larry Marian

Winnie's Story

Settled now in the former punishment room with space for six,the five new room mates relaxed as home work - dorm work? - got finished.Their door was legally closed now and behind it the Gangsters and the Fairies wanted to know about Winnie's strange comment about her past life.The five sat on the five beds pushed together, Winnie by herself with the other four facing her. "Winnie, will you tell the others you told me about your strange life?" Jack asked quietly."You know, the three days of rain in Disney World and strange adventures and such?"

"Yeah.I'll show you mine if you show me yours," she said with a sparkling laugh. It got returned by the two sets of siblings.

"I have a brother.He's seven years older than I am.Now, I think you know that a lot of little kids, you know, maybe four or younger tend to get naked at some unfortunate times.Well, I kept that up at least in the house until I was eight.I may have been teasing him, I don't know. So when I was seven and Dean was fourteen, he started molesting me.Truth is, it didn't bother me at all.

"Dean would borrow some of Pops porn - the regular stuff and kiddie stuff as well when Pops didn't know. When Pops left us alone while Mom worked night shift Dean would show some, almost always the klddie stuff, ranging from teens to maybe three year olds.He'd point out how they enjoyed it. He told me I would too.So at age seven he fingered me and I learned how to give a blow job. When I was eight he taught me how to rim him. He'd go down on me several times a week.I sucked him almost every day.He fucked me the first time the night of my tenth birthday party.He said it was a special present.

"All the while he kept me mentally enslaved.That three days at Disney?Parents were in the bar. I was having sex with my sixteen year old brother.It wasn't util I was 11 he thought to use a rubber. He found a male friend there, a year younger than him the first day.Secondday he taught Ron how to put his in mine.He even gave the boy three more rubbers. The guy used them.I can't even remember his name.

"Then the police found about Pops kiddie porn collection.Yep.I came to my senses and called, told them where it was.Told them about my brother.I testified.Pops in prison for 20 years - if he lasts that long.Dean got released on his 21st birthday, but got arrested two months later for attempting tomolest an 11 year old.He's in prison now."

"Damn, that's awful," Jack said. "Surprised you'd even talk to boys."

Jill hugged Winnie, a tear in the corner of her eye."All I can say is we're here for you.I know that's trite, but what else can I say?"

"Nothing," Winnie said quietly."Mymother's parents took me in, got me some mental help and loved me. I came to Jones as a sixth grader.The Dog talked to me regularly explaining that sex is a two edged sword and I'd seen nothing but the bad side.I played Ms Prim and Proper and actually had some friends who were boys.But the T led me on.

"This is the truth. Jack opened up the door for me.And so have all of you.I feel so relaxed now.Friends!"Then she started bawling."How come this could't have happened years ago?"Her cries stopped."But I wouldn't have met you four!"She wiped her eyes and gave a faint smile."Love you all."

"Oh, shit," Clyde said. "I'm about to cry!"

"Then do so, Bro!" Bonnie scolded.

"Do it, Clyde.If you do, I can," Jack said as he grabbed a tissue from the nearest desk.

"Winnie, if you don't mind asking, what about your saying if your dad, your father has 20 years, if he lasts that long, Jill asked.

"His trial.My father made lots of money.I mean we had everything, except maybe love.He hired a really good lawyer. But the DA was also really good.I was on the stand testifying.My father's lawyer asked me if I was not telling the truth and my dad got convicted and sent to prison, other inmates might kill him because of my testimony and I'd have helped murder my dad.I responded that my father did bad things to me.The DA objected to the question and the judge threw out the question.

"Yeah, he's in prison.He's in a cell with another pedophile for their own protection."

"Damn," Jack said.

"I'd like to see Senator Adams on a mat with him.I mean she threw a varsity football player ten yards when she was fourteen or fifteen," Jill said.

"She's over sixty now," Bonnie said.

"Bet she still could," Clyde said.

"Hey, how about your story or stories," Winnie said.

"Okay, Jack, spill our beans, " Jill said.

Jack's Story

Jack smiled. "Once upon a time there lived two brothers and sisters in houses next door. They were Bonnie and Clyde and Jack and Jill.I'm Jack and the oldest.Now in the beginning, until we all passed ten years old, Clyde and I knew that girls were stupid and clumsy while Bonnie and Jill knew that boys had cooties. So the girls hung out together and we boys did the same.Am I right?"

"You know, ever so often, one of you still does," Jill said with a laugh.

"Thanks, little sister," Jack said.Anyway, Clyde began to see that big pest Jill was beginning to act rationale and I had the same opinion about Bonnie and the girls seemed to agree.One day in August we were all at the pool at our house and parents left us alone for two hours.What a two hours that was!"

"I'll say," Bonnie said. "Jack grew three years in two hours."

"My brother has always been a slow learner.Clyde took fifteen minutes."

"Anyway, instead of me talking only to Clyde, suddenly I was talking to Bonnie and Clyde talked to Jill. I can't remember who suggested we go upstairs to our bedrooms, but we did, Bonnie and me to my room and Jill and Clyde to hers.I've never heard the complete story of what happened in Jill's bedroom, but, okay with you, Bonnie?"

"Sure.Ain't nobody here but us nudists!" Bonnie said as she held Jack's hand.

"Okay.So here we are in my bedroom, the two of us in wet swim suits,me with board shorts and Bonnie in a one piece. It may have been the first time I noticed that Clyde's sister didn't look like our mothers any longer, that there were bumps under that green one piece."

"You remember the suit, Jack?"

"Sure do, Bonnie. And I remember you saying, "I'm cold and wet, Jack."

"And you said, `Well, remember when I was six?'"

"And we took our suits off that day and our parents laughed at us."

"I still remember being just a bit scared when I said, Bonnie, let's take these off and then I'll get a couple towels.

"Then Bonnie said..."

"I said, `Let's Jack,' and pulled my shoulder straps down then my suit and watched as Jackpulled his board shorts off.I'd heard girls talk about erections before, but now I saw one.He went out of his room and came back at once with two big towels.We dried each other off, then..."

"I took Jill's hand, we lay on the bed, and were trying to make out.We sort of did. But we thought it was great."

"We did.But the funny thing was both of us thought we needed to pee.So we opened Jack's door with nothing on and Clyde and Jill came out of Jill's room, also nude.Jack and I headed for Mom and Dad's bathroom while the others went to the hall bathroom."

"I think it was three weeks later we gave our virginity to each other," Bonnie finished.

"With us it was four weeks," Jill said. "I had my first period the week before."

"That's a Hollywood movie," Winnie said.

"Funny, but itwas a year before we told our brother or sister that we were having sex; that we were making love," Jack said.

"Yeah,"Winnie replied. "Of course I didn't have a brother that I would tell as he was molesting me daily.I just thought that was normal. "She laughed."I have to admit that while the "T" is fun, I mean I do cum when I act the engineer, and the guys are nice and everything, we're just getting our rocks off.Like, I've had sex with lots of guys since sixth grade, I've only really made love with three, and one is Jack." Winnieleaned over towards Jack, put her hands on his shoulders andkissed him, fully so the other three see the hidden tongue action going on. Finally they came up for air.

"Wow, Winnie.Thanks.But tell us, if you don't mind, how many guys have you had sex with?" Jill asked softly.

Winnie laughed."This is another I'll show you if you show me."She paused for the slight laughs she got."You have to remember that the T is the answer to the V.In addition almost every V is a boarder, not a dayer.So with some 700 middle and high students, there are about fifty boys and maybe seventy five girls who didn't make 14-1.We are the only ones eligible for the T.So, in sixth grade I had sex with one boy in my cottage.And I think we did it twice. Remember, PRs are open to seventh and higher only.Cottage parents are sharp. So in seventh grade I had sex with seven different boys,one a seventh grader and the others eighth and ninth.Older boys really weren't interested in a girl with a 28AA bra.Eighth grade came along and so did a 32B and eighth thru eleventh grade.That added fifteen boys to my list. "

"A junior?How about the three year limit?" Bonnie said.

Winnie laughed."The three year limit as written in the school rules applies to couples going together.As an eighth grader if a junior wanted to hump me, we could do it and maybe I'd get a scolding if the DoG found out and the DoB would handle him. It's one of those ignored rules unless the relationship gets anywhere close to serious.But last year I pulled a train once that had three seniors and two juniors.I just make surethat over three years apart trips are at leastthree weeks apart."

"So you've had sex with some 75 boys?"Clyde gasped.

"Oh, no.Of the fifty eligible, fifteen were from my eighth grade year.The sixth grader either got expelled or resigned afterChristmas.Of the seven seventh graders two left Jones.Now of the fifty here, there are seven or eight, are "NO."I've actually had sex with a total of forty-eight, not including Dean or his friend from rainy Disney. This year's total has been eighteen of that fifty odd.

"Oh.I don't accept tips.I'm not a whore or a prostitute.And Jack, I want you to keep loving Bonnie, okay?"

"You bet,Winnie.You bet."

Then, one bell sounded."Fifteen minutes to lights out."

"Ah, shit," exploded from Jill as the five dashed to get themselves ready for their new bed.A few minutes prior the five, teeth brushed, the five lay in the big bed, sheets and blankets held together with safety pins, with - in left to right, Jill, Clyde, Winnie, Jack, and Bonnie.Some seriouswhispering and lights out came.They waited, as it was a long hall and they were at the end.Then came the rap on the door.

"Okay?" Came the voice of Aunt Jeannie.

From the other side of the door came the sound of a whistle."Jill."Two whistles. "Clyde."One long, one short whistle."Winnie."One short, one long whistle."Jack." Three short whistles. "Bonnie."Inside the five suppressed their giggles

The door came open and the five could see Aunt Jeannie in the hall's dim lighting."Doe, a deer.A female deer, Re, a drop of golden sun..." as she closed the door.The five in the bed giggled for a moment, then came silence.

That lasted for a minute or two."Okay, I don't want to spoil the party.Let me climb out and you have fun."

"No, Winnie.Let's make sure you are a part of us now.From now on we will say we make magic as the Pentacles," Jack said as he kissed Winnie even as his hand landed on her thigh and traveled up to her spreading calves.At the same time Bonnie wrapped her arms around Jack. In the dark, Jill and Clyde began to caress as the five christened their imperial bed.

The next morning the five marched down to the end of the shower section and and turned on the water. All five barely made breakfast.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 45

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