Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Jun 2, 2023


BisexualHigh School - Bonnie and Clyde and Jack and Jill # 42.First Train for Jack and Clyde

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

First Train for Jack and Clyde


Larry Marian

Jack andClyde entered the 9/10 Commons at the beginning of Sports/Free time after regular classes.Both were going to be late for practice, soccer or cross country, but they didn't make much difference.After all, what was an extra mile to run? "There he is," Clyde said, almost in a whisper.

"Yep."The two walked over to a cluster of six or so boys, now known to the now aging new students, as this was early November and practice called for clothes, which would make them a little later.

"Hey, Charlie, we'd like to ask a personal question,"Jack said.

"Sure, guys.Look, a reading room is open.Let's go there. "He got up and went with them to one of the two reading rooms.Once inside Charlie closed the door, then sat down at the desk while Jack and Clyde took two small easy chairs.The three got settled."Okay, personal question."

"Charlie, you probably know that our sisters are Jill and Bonnie."

"Oh, sure, and you two are the other half of The Gangsters and the Fairies.Great names. Better Fairies than Bucket Kickers".

Clyde turned to Jack."Gotta agree with that, Bro.But, Charlie we are going to be late for practice.But we know they wear the T."

"We also know they have been active."

"You know?"

"Sure.Jill joined first.She's done six now. "

"Bonnie joined later.She's done three, but her two to Jill's one. "

"So you want me to kick them off?"

"NO," both boys exclaimed.

"It's been great,"Jack said."Bonnie wants me to learn new stuff. How do we join as guys?"

"Oh.Well, we could use a couple more.You are both tenth but 15 and 16."

"We're both counted 15 because of when I turned 16, " Jack explained.

"So according to school rules, 12 is as low as you go."

"Yep.That's fine.So how does it work?"Clyde asked.

"Well.Pretty simple.Easier than the Locker Club and free.We do a few fund raisers to buy necklaces. We've been thinking on something to show more than one participation.I know your names, but drop a note with name, room, and locker and door number in my room - 430.If you get an assignment it will tell you where and when - and if, if possible.The if is a conflict.We try to have seven candidates, but the max we select is six.We contact the guys individually. And you meet with the girl and have sex wit her. Okay?"

"No Making out or nothing?" Clyde asked.

"Nope.Some girls do it every other week, some three times a month.A few less.A small amount as often as once a week.But no romance and no persuasion. The girl says, no blow, then no go.Okay?'Both boys nodded."Get to practice.If interested, let me know by tomorrow afternoon."

Jack and Clyde jumped up with a quick "Thanks" trailing them.

They each had a extra mile for being late, but were in agreementto participate as soon as possible.So after a quick shower, though a bit of grab ass happened as the large latrine was empty they went to Charlie's room where they found him and his beddie at their desks.

"Uh, we have guests, Bev said."Charlie turned to see them.

"Well, we came back.Can we talk in private?" Clyde asked.

"Don't bother.I gave up keeping secrets from Bev in seventh grade when she was in sixth."

"Okay.We want to join or what ever we need to do. The only thing would not want a time when the girl was our beddie or our sister,"Jack said.

Bev laughed."That's never bothered Charlie or me.Sometimes it makes it more fun."

"Well Bev found out by accident and just demanded to join."

"Oh," Jack said."Can we think about that?"

"Sure. But there are two openings tomorrow. Both are in number 11, one at ten and the other at three, both for an hour and a half.Should be five or six guys.Maybe seven for theten o'clock. You guys decide who goes when and be there a few minutes early.Okay?"

"Sure, Charlie.We'll be there," Jack said.

"We'll be five minutes early, "Clyde chimed in.


The next morning Clyde was at the door of Number 11 at 9:55.He went in to see four other boys and, of all girls,Bev.She laughed."Surprised?"

"Yeah.But that's fine.Do we start now?"

"No," Hank from down the hall said. "We might start at ten with the plan and maybe wait five minutes at most." Just at ten in walked another boy, who looked quite young, until the others saw his cock, which had to be seven inches and thick.

"Damn, kid. That's huge.What dorm are you hiding in?"Billy asked.

I''m in 7/8 in seventh.I hit puberty young.I'm Zeke.This is my third time."

"Well, we got six, which is even so it works.Bev, let us know your plan."

"Okay guys, I wanted to save time and allow you to pace yourselves. I want to double team with each pair.One guy gets my puss, the other my mouth.Then the second and the third.Then the first pair does the same, but if they want the same pleasure, that's fine.I just want to get some good cums.

"Now, if we have time and we want a three way, one team splits up, so we have two teams of three.Whoever gets my butt wears a condom if there is a rotation, which is doubtful.Let's make it easy and do it doggy style. Okay?"Clyde watched all the guys nod their head in agreementalong with him.Bev climbed up on the middle couch asZeke got a step stool.Clyde thought the seventh grader looked like a hobbit with a man's cock.

So Clyde watched as Zeke's cock slid back and forth in Bev's pussy while Don's dick got sucked.The was a new treat for Clyde and his cock showed that.Several minutes later the first showing was over.Bev stayed on her hands and knees as Zeke and Don got out of the way.Hank went to Bev's mouth and Russ went to her pussy. Clyde thought they were a bit unbalanced as Hank didn't last a full two minutes while Russ didn't stop pumpinguntil he didn't cum until after three."Take your fuckin' time, why don'tcha?" Hank said.Russ laughed."Bev, you musta cum five times."

"Four and one was lame.But all's good."

"You're new, right?" Teddy asked Clyde.

"Yeah.I guess I get second choice."

"No.Front or back?"

"Awh, I'll go back first."

"All aboard," Bev said and the two boys took their places, Clyde getting between Bev's legs and Teddy to her lips."Action," she called.

Clyde's cock slipped in very easily.Clyde felt the moisture in Bev's tunnel of love. He actually thought of "sloppy seconds."But Jill was not going to get mad about this.How could she, anyway.He began to move inside her, in and out, wiggle side to side, gain speed.His breathing became heavier, deeper."Oh, yeah, " he said in a low voice. He listened to Teddy's moans and pants.Bev must be good at both. He came first, but just by seconds.Clyde rested a second, then withdrew.He slipped off the couch.Bev swung to sit on the edge of the couch, carefully keeping her butt on the towel.

"Five minutes to round two, " she said. `I need to get a wash cloth.You guys ain't beatin' off too much.Or you're gettin the real stuff real often. " With that she walked to a sink.

"Okay, while Bev is cleaning up for us, I, by the powers invested in me by myself, do decree, that, we, Zeke and myself will go second, Hank and Russ will go third, and Teddy and Clyde will go first.Inany event, what you did the first time will not be done the second. So let it be written; so let it be done."Groans followed Don's decree, with grins.

So the second set went. Clyde was sure that as much as he loved Jill, how could he tell his girl that Bev gave twice as good a blow job?

Bev sat up on the couch after Don shot his second load."Guys, it's been fun, but we have ten minutes to get out of here .Me, I'm hitting a walled shower and see if I can get rid of some of this junk. If I have some help, so be it.Let's get this place clean.There's a noon couple of seniors coming in soon.

They left with the PR straight and cleanas Don and Russ went with Bev to the 9/10 showers.Clyde dashed into the latrine to pass a wet washcloth around his junk and under his pits before heading for their room and, he hoped, Jill.She awaited him on their bed.


Jack was the last to arrive at #11 at three in the afternoon. He walked in, closed the door, placed the "occupied" sign up, locked it and turned to see his biology lab partner,Winnie, and three other guys, two from 9/10 and one from 11/12."Am I late?" He asked, a bit awkward.

"Not by much.But my grandparents want me for dinner.So I'm glad to have only the four of you.Oh, they're Jones grads.Used to be 9/10 counselors. "She laughed at that."Let's do this. There are only four of you.So, top, bottom, top, bottom and then reverse? Okay?This got met with agreement.

"Who goes first? Winnie asked.

"Me," Jack said."I think we are something like second cousins."

"Okay..I'll take Jack first.Then follow on by age. Deal?"Nods from the others. "How about I change my mind and give head first and then come back for screwing?"More nods."Okay, Jack hop up on the couch.I see you're hard."

His quiet and some what shy bio lab partner knew how to give a boy a lot of pleasure.He really wished her mouth could stay on him forever, but he came fairly fast.In turn the other three got their turn and were more than satisfied.

"Now to reverse the order and Jack goes last.Only fair."

"Sure, Winnie," Frank said."That's fair."

"Especially since you go first," Winnie said. "The rest get sloppy seconds," she said and laughed.But Winnie hopped up on the couch, lay down to spread her legs and raise her knees.Frank got on the couch and got inside her legs.A squirm and the two were humping. ThenGordon slid in between the spread legs and left a few minutes later. Mike, the senior took his place and took his time beforeJack took his place between his lab partner's legs.

As he entered her snatch he whispered in her ear, "You were wonderful earlier and I'll bet you are now.Thanks."

She whispered back as they briefly rested, "Thanks.See you for lab tomorrow."Before they parted, Jackgave Winnie a quick lips kiss.He felt what had to be a quicker tongue prob before it ended.

After Lab

Biology on PurpleDaywaslast block.Jack entered three minutes before the bell with Winnie sliding in at the last minute, looking a bit flushed. "Hi, Jack.May have a surprise for you."The opening of class shut down that conversation for lab instructions, which they followed and finished and cleaned up with almost ten minutes to spare.Every time during the lab he could sneak a peak, he did.Yeah, her hair was a light brown to match her eyes.She had it in a pony tail this time.She was maybe three inches shorter, with modest conical breasts tipped by small pale brown areolasand nipples.Her body was trim and her pubic hair trimmed, but not shaven.His cock went to semi-hard thinking about the train the previous day.

"Like what you see, Jack.I like what I see."

Jack almost stuttered in response."You've always been so shy and polite and, uh, well,if I'd made a suggestion, I was sure you'd slap my face and run away."

Winnie covered her mouth, obviously to hush her giggles. "I'm Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," she said. "I have #3 reserved for right after class if you'd like to join me.Just you and me.We could get acquainted.ButI'm not trying to cut in front of Bonnie."

"Winnie.I'm totally honored.And I accept.Nothing planned for this afternoon for me.In fact, I think she and sister Jill have something working.Clyde's birthday is next week. "

"Nice.Some day maybe I'll tell you my story. It's full of adventure, romance, unrequited love, broken promises, and three days ofrain at Disney. "He reached over and gave her hand a squeeze.

"Look I may have to duck into my room. My fedora and whip are pretty much out in the open , but the Smith & Wesson .38 revolver is VERY well hidden. "

Winnie laughed at that just as the final bell rang.They were two of the first out.

They were also smart enough to walk apart and not hold hands. Jack held the door open for Winnie, then closed it, turned the sign to "Occupied," locked it,turned back to Winnie and held out his arms as his cock rose and stiffened.

"Well," she said, "That's a pleasant hello."

"Thanks.Say, I have a kinky idea."

"I don't do Great Danes."They laughed at that.

"No. Let's just pretend that this is a date after seeing a movie in some small town and we're just getting really acquainted.We're in a car.A convertible with the top up on the side road to my grandparent's farm.How does that sound?"

"You know, Jack, I think I like your idea. Good idea.Say, is it one of those old cars with the full front seat?"

"Yep.Like the low couch,"he said as they both sat down next to each other on the couch, which had a back but no arms.His arm came around her shoulders.His hand squeezed her far shoulder as her hand slid onto his calf, right above his knee. "Winnie, I didn't ask permission to kiss you yesterday.I'm so sorry for my rudeness."

"Well. Jack, I accept your apology .Now how can you make up for what you did?"

"I'd like to put my arms around you, kiss you in the manner your mother told you not to, and then cup one of your beautiful but dainty breasts.."

"Damn but that sounds like a great fuckin' idea! "They were both laughing as they embraced, kissed, and began to explore. A few minutes later the two lab partners lay on the couch,one arm hugging, one arm caressing, legs locked around each other.

They came up for air."My grandfather told me we'd fog up the windows," Jack said.

Winnie laughed."My grandmother told me not to let that happen. Jack?"


"You do know what going down means, don't you?"With that she gave him a fast peck.


"PLEASE!I knew you would yesterday, but I had to wait. "Jack slid at once so his face rested on her mons Venus for a moment before he began to lick, suck, probe,kiss, and swallow her flowing juices.Winnie began to moan. "Oh, yes.Jack.I'm ready.Really ready."Hemoved back so they had face to face and crotch to crotch.Winnie's feet went between Jack's legs as he eased his cock into her wet pussy."YES!" As they began to really make love.

The love making was not silent. In addition to the faint sound of a boy and a girl entangled there came sounds of excitement,passion, and suspense. Gasps came from Winnie and groans from Jack.Finally Jack croaked, "I'm cumming," as he squeezed her shoulders.

"I am again, Jack.YES!! "

Afterwards they rested and cuddled."Jack, I told you I don't want to break you and Bonnie up.And I don't want to break up with Mel. "

Jack laughed."Let's get up and come to the wall behind the curtain. Mom, actually told me about this."He took her hand and led her to that wall and pulled away the curtain. "Look there," he said. "What do you see?"

"Two hearts, each with an arrow through them."

"What do they say?"

"One is PJ + MA and the other is PJ + FM.Sorta faint."

"I'm gonna get somebody in art to brighten them up. That PJ is a cousin or aunt of mine.That MA is her husband.The FM is her lover of years and years.She's had children from both guys - one is a professor and the other a general and diplomat.She's in Congress.

"Winnie, I have a relative who can love two men forever - and they are best friends.I think I can love two girls forever - and I'd like them to be best friends."

Winnie threw her arms around him.She kissed him,laughed,and said, "Mr Sulu, make it so."

They still had ten minutes of their time left. They took it.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the. invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11. . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 43

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