Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on May 31, 2023


Bisexual High School - Bonnie and Clyde and Jack and Jill # 41. Enemies Become Lovers

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

Enemies become Lovers


Larry Marion

Bonnie came into the Jones Caf for 7/8 and 11/12 lunch as the first rush to eat slowed down, leaving tables and chairs about three quarters full.She walked past a table full of eighth grade girls, all of whom she now knew. From the voice and auburn hair she knew the talker was Cindy the soccer player."Yep.Never been so muddy in my life.Jack and I got sent to the showers to get the damn mud off us and our soccer uniforms. Well, we went to the visiting team showers and pow - it happened.Girls, Jack is good.We got it off twice -first with my back against the shower wall with my legs wrapped around his waist and the second on the..."

Bonnie chocked off the rest of the description by grabbing Cindy by the shoulders and pulling her backwards off her chair, then jumping on top of her rival even while her tears flowed. "That's my man!What are you doing fucking my beddie?" As she began to beat Cindy with her fists.This lasted less than a minute before two big senior boys pulled her off Cindy, holding onto the crying, screaming Bonnie.

"Calm down," one of the seniors said to her."Grab her legs," he said as Bonnie began to kick backwards.

"What's going on?" Came from the DoG followed from across the room the DoB as the whole caf was on their feet to watch this very unusual event.The DoB blew his whistle as Jack rushed to the scene."Okay,Bonnie,?Right, here, blow your nose.Cindy, are you okay?George, help Cindy up.So Jack, right?Why are you here?

"Bonnie is my beddie and we've been friends since we were four and boy friend/girl friend since we were like eleven. Uh, I'm afraid Cindy and I played around in the locker room a few days ago."

"Okay.Cindy, you walk in front.Bonnie and Jack, walk behind Cindy.I'll lead and Mr. Belinson, please take up the rear.We are going to my office and determine what happened andwhat will happen.Any crap and I will make sure you get two."Still sniffling, Bonnie got behind Jack and grabbed his hand while giving him a hurt look.He looked like he was about to cry as they walked down the hall to Ms. Belinson's office.She opened the door and waved them in."Jack , you sit in the middle, Bonnie on his right, Cindy on his left.

"Okay, Cindy.You've been at Jones for your third year now.Your story. "

"Soccer practice.Jack was in Green and I was in Red.We hit each other chasing the ball, which caused both of us to slide into that dip which turns to mud after some rain.It was full of mud and we both got coated with mud.Coach told us to go take a shower and clean our stuff.We went down to the visiting girls' team showers and did it there.Well, Jack looks awful cute when he's clean and I sorta hinted and he thought about if a bit and we did it - twice."


"Once in the shower.Jack on his feet and my back against the wall.Uh, the second time as our gear dried - in the PT room. So that's it."

"Okay, Bonnie.Your side. By the way, do you smoke cigars and carry shotguns?"

"No ma'am.I don't rob banks, either."She gave a wan smile."Neither from Clyde."

"Once this is over, I'll ask about Jack and Jill, too.Now go ahead."

"I came into the caf for lunch and Cindy was bragging about making love with Jack.I just lost it, ma'am."She sniffled. The DoG gave her some Kleenex."I was like in a rage because this girl who I thought was a friend was stealing my boy friend!"

"Okay, Jack.Your account. "

"It's like I said.I love Bonnie very much.I mean we can walk to each other's house.Cindy and I just carried away - I mean like from looking like some monster in a horror video to looking awful cute - for Cindy, not me."

"Uh huh.Now, Cindy, I know you have a beddie and I know you and Harry have shaved the three year rule pretty close.I need at least both hands to count how many times I've seen you walk out of a PR with a guy with that we've done it and it was so good' smile on your pretty face - and that grin on the guy that says I got laid.'So I'm not going to ask the questionI'm going to ask Jack and Bonnie.Jack and Bonnie.Neither of you wear the V.You are telling the world that you have had vaginal intercourse at least once.Is that correct?"Bonnie hung her head while Jack bit his lip and nodded yes. "Okay, and this time I want a spoken answer.It's either yes' or no' and nothing else. Bonnie, is Jack the only boy with whom you have had penile-vaginal intercourse?"

Very softly Bonnie said, "No, ma'am," and started crying again.Jack reached for her hand.

"Jack, other than Cindy, have you had penile-vaginal intercourse with any other girl except Bonnie?"

Bonnie squeezed his hand."Yes, ma'am.And I'm trying..."

"Do or not do.No trying.Okay,Bonnie, is there a rational reason for a girl to be so mad at another girl as to try to hurt her when you have maybe done the same thing?

"I,,,I,,,,guess not."

"Cindy, you are in your third year.You know the ropes - and how to jerk them.Seems I remember you stretched out over the punishment table before.So, from my perspective you seduced this fellow student who is a newbie to Jones. "

"I guess so, Ms. Belinson.Sorry. "

"Yeah.One or two Mr. Belinson? "

"You know, I think Cindy might be worth two.Jack and Bonnie are new here, so I'd say, one.But I would defer one from Cindy and keep it in reserve just in case."

"I agree.In addition, with your agreement all three will eat at the punishment table for three days, counting this one.In addition,Bonnie and Cindy will use the empty room 032 in the 7/8 I dorm, but may not use the Commons of either 7/8 or 9/10, or in Cindy's case, 11/12.Further, no PR use during this period. Agreed, Mr. Belinson?

"So let it be written; so let it be done.I'll go help the duty nurse bring up what is

needed. "

"Fine.I will stay here with these delinquents."Mr. Belinson left as the Dog faced the three."Okay, kids.Listen to this.It is important to mend wounds and fences.I do not want to see a feud betweenCindy and Bonnie or one between Bonnie and Jack. "She breathed.Cindy probably knows, but you two probably don't yet, but once upon a time before there was a small human station on Mars, we were Nathan and Rose, newbie 8th grade room mates.You probably know that I am Muslim and the DoB is Jewish - Reformed Jewish.We both tried to keep from stripping on First Day.We went so far as to put a wall between our beds - a wall built from three Johnny plungers and some kite string.Then we saw a movie in class - on the beginning of World War II. I had a nightmare that night of something I saw. I actually stumbled over to Nathan's bed.Icried; he kept wiping his eyes.We didn't have sex really, but we discovered that we were two 13 year olds in a foreign country and had far more in common than we thought we did. Our Johny plunger came down.We both turned 14/1 and that morning we hung a sheet with a reddish brown spot on one side.We never told anybody about talking to the nurse and getting a bit of blood from me and a bit from Nathan. My folks in Palestine were wealthy and I rode a bike a lot.

"If two kids whose people have been at war with each other for two thousand years or more, so can two 14 year olds come to love each other, to marry, and now have an eight and a six year old page running the halls.

"What was so awful about that video, Ms. Belinson ?" Jack asked.

"It wasn't the film so much; it was afterwards."I remembered after that film a Jewish artillery attack.When it was over we came out of cover.I saw my friend's head lying in the street."She paused."Nathan's little sister went looking for her friend.She could't find her friend.He did. He's never told me what he saw. Kids.Old song.Smile on your brother. Love one another right now. That includes people with whom you have done wrong."

The door opened. "We're here, Ms. Belinson," the nurse said.

"Okay. We need to get this over before lunch is over for 7/8 and 11/12."

"We'll hold if necessary, but let's get this over with, so we will set up in three minutes from now. Bring them down in four, Madam DoG,"

"They're coming."The DoG looked at the three."Heads up and high." Bonnie blinked back a tear. Jack looked nervous.Cindy looked embarrassed. "Let's go. Cindy, you've done this before.First.Jack.Bonnie.Each ofyou come to me first . Go."She opened the door then led the way.Bonnie almost wanted to turn and flee out the main doors, but she didn't to enter a silent cafeteria at lunch.

"Before any of you dorm lawyers wish to object, let me remind you that the principals the DoG, the DoB, and certain counselors are allowed to dictate one or even two swats.There is only one given to each today.Remain silent for the administration of punishment.

"Cindy.Do you accept this punishment?"

"Yes, sir."

"Report to the Dean of Girls."

"Yes, sir." Bonnie watched as Cindy walked up to the Dog, then went to the table with a big towel over it and a small pillow. The nurse sat beside the table as the DoB stepped up, paddle in hand. Cindy faced the table, then bent over, arms outstretched, legs wide. She watched the paddle raise and flash down with a loud smack of thin wood on bare flesh. Cindy jerked forward, then stood up to walk to the DoG as a boy and a girl rushed up to take her away.'

"Jack.Do you accept this punishment? "


"Report to the Dean of Girls.

"Yes, sir."Bonnie watched as her beddie, her boy friend of three years, her friend for about ten went to the DoG. Please don't hurt my Jack, she thought as the paddle rose and fell.She saw his ball sack swing hard, the one she'd actually had in her mouth. She watched him escorted away from the DoG by Jill and a new friend of Jack's.

"Bonnie. Do you accept this punishment?"

She gulped."Yes, sir."

"Report to the Dean of Girls.

"Yes, sir." She walked up to the Dean of Girls who smiled at her.

"Dear, try to relax as much as possible. Take this and put it in your mouth, then close it.It will help. Sure did me once.Then bring it back to me. Your brother and a girl will be there to help you to your table."

Bonnie took the mouth guard, slipped it into her mouth and walked to the table. Without instructions she bent over the padded table, arms stretched out, legs spread, eyes closed.They all see my pussy, she thought as the paddle hit flesh hard.She rocked forward, her cry blocked. She stood up."Steady, Bonnie," came to her ear from the DoB.She walked straight back to the DoG.

"Good show," Ms Belinson said as Clyde and Cynthia from next to them came to her and walked her to a table with a pillowed chair and a bowl of soup.Next to her were Jack and then, Cindy, all with soup.

"Go to class.Tardy is excused," came from the DoB who walked over to them."The soup is good, , drink whatever is next to you - you know who to blame if it's not what you like.Please don't let this happen again.And, Cindy and Bonnie, I hope tomorrow morning you two will find peace and understanding and friendship. Jack, I hope you and Bonnie will be beddies for a long time.Okay?"

"Mr. Belinson?"

"Yes Cindy?"

"I'm sorry about your sister's friend."

"I'll tell her that. She's a lieutenant colonel in the IDF.She commands tanks."

After classes Cindy and Bonnie went to Room 32 in the 7/8 dorm.It was bare of anything except for a pillow and case, sheets, a wash cloth and towel, and a set of travel toiletries and two tooth brushes. In addition, were their homework assignments.Without talkingthey got their needs taken care of and went to work studying.Dinner time came so they went with their normal room time.Bonnie had several people, even a few she hardly knew come up to her with some encouragement. Bonnie saw Jack at the far end of the caf.He waved.She waved back and blew her nose.

She went back to Room 32 and began her homework.Cindy came in and began the same thing.Unlike with bantering and mutual help, the room remained silent.One of the Resident Counselors, FM III came in."Everything okay?Glad to have you here for a few days."

"I think we're okay.This isn't hard. Sitting down is," Cindy said. FM III laughed.He left.

Study hall over,the two looked at each other as they heard the 7/8s getting ready for bed - the carrying on from the shower room and the last secrets of the day - and reactions to three paddles - two of them girls. Then it got quiet for "Lights out."

Bonnie's hearing the drill, felt surprised, they were tapped so early.

"Bonnie, can I try to explain some of this shit?"

"Yeah,why?Jack and I have been friends and then an item for years.Were you tryin to split us up?"

Even in the darkened strange room Cindy sat up in her bed."Hell, no, Bonnie.It was a casual fling. I just forgot that Jack is a great forward. Of course he's cute and smart, too. But you're both newbies.Look, three weeks ago, I walked into our room in 11/12 and my beddie was on top of Beckie Grier.Know what I did?"

"No.You like her?"

"One of my best friends.Look, I don't know about the faculty, but the kids here think there is love and sex. What I had with Jack was, for me, sex.I thought he had the same idea. Ithink he did too. I totally didn't think it would bother you.I'm sorry about that.Really. Look, Bonnie, have you ever had sex with a girl?"

"Uh, yeah. Not many. "

"Good.Look. Let me show my feelings now.You're nude.Get on top of your covers and I'll go down on you.That will be my bound for you?Okay?

In the darkness of this unfamiliar room, Bonnie said "Yes," as she got from out of the sheet and blanket. She raised and spread her knees. Moments later Cindy slid between the welcoming gates.

In minutes Bonnie bucked and rolled, sighed and cried as Cindy worked on her clit and vagina.She let loose a torrent of encouragement and thanks.As the two teens finally collapsed, Bonnie breathed, "I think I can;do you want me to return the favor?"

"Yes. Now?"

"Sure," as the girls switched places.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 42

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