Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 10, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #4: Mason Fish's Probation Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

Mason Fish's Probation


Larry Marion

Mason Fish Adams, Jr. walked into the administration office of Jones Lab School, a note in his hand. "Ms. Williams, they called me down to the office."

"You're Fish Adams, right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Go knock once on Ms. Callahan's door and then just walk in."

"Yes ma'am." He followed her instructions, went to the door, knocked once, and walked in. His eyes grew wide. Seated behind her desk was Ms. Callahan, in front of a large portrait of Ms. Anderson the first and now retired principal of Jones Lab. Next to her on one side were the Dean of Boys and the Dean of Girls. On the other side were his parents, both dressed. "Mom? Dad?"

"Fish. Take the seat in front of my desk, please."

Nervously he said, "Yes ma'am," and sat down. Suddenly he felt really nervous being nude while his parents were dressed, his father in a coat and tie and his mother in a business suit.

"You have any idea why you were called here, Fish?"

"No ma'am."

"Son, last year how many girls did you bring home for the weekend?" Paige asked quietly.

"Uh, six, er, maybe seven, Mom."

"How many came more than once?"

"Er, none, Dad."

"None of them? They didn't enjoy themselves?"

"I think they did, Mom." Fish looked down at his sandaled feet.

"You know why none came back with you?"

"Uh, I guess I didn't ask them back."

"Yep. Ms. Callahan?"

"Thank you Ma - I guess I should address you as Dr. Adams."

"I still think you're my advanced physics teacher. Please call me Mason."

"Sure, Mason, and I guess you are still Paige and not Congresswoman Adams, correct?"

"Yes, please."

"Okay. Fish, you have agreed that last year you brought home for the weekend, which is perfectly fine, some six or seven girls, all about your age at the time, fourteen. None came a second time. About the time you and each girl got interested in each other, without fan fare each girl stopped wearing a V necklace.

"Son, this expression seems to have vanished, but my mom told me when I was getting interested in boys, that some boys played by the `Four F Rule.' Fish, have you ever heard this rule? Do you know what it is?"

"Uh, no Ma'am." Fish did not keep his eyes on Ms. Callahan.

"It's the guide to girls: Find em, feel em, fuck em, forget em.' Mason Fish, it appears that know it or not, you seem to be following that rule. Seems that already this year you met a new freshman girl, were seen with her, got the school's permission to take her home on a weekend, and had your folks say no,' You then stopped seeing her. She no longer wears a V.

"Mason Fish, the school knows about beddie room mates. Prissy is a nice girl, but you are roomies but not beddies. She still wears her V."

"Ms. Callahan, she told me we could room together, but she just didn't want to get close."

"Girl's perogative, Mason Fish.

"Son, you are not in trouble with the school. You have broken no school rules that we know of. But, Ms. Jackson, what does the DoG have to say to Mr. Mason Fish?"

"Mason. Over the last two years I've had some 20 girls come to me about you. Some were quite explicit, others just hemmed and hawed. But the gist was you pressured them into having sex with you and then after two or three times doing so, got dropped without a word. True?"

"Uh, Ms. Jackson. I, uh, really can't remember."

"Truth, Mason."

"I'm sorry. Some, maybe. I'm pretty sure it wasn't all."

"Okay. Larry?"

"Mason, do you know that some six or seven of your male classmates have come to me to tell me that their current beddie told them that they'd gotten infatuated with you, got seduced, in some cases surrendered their virginity to you, and then after between two to five more times, got dumped. In all cases the boys said that the girl was now in a happy, long term relation with the reporting boy. Comments?"

"Coach, look, I didn't mean to hurt anybody. Honest. I'm not some bad or evil guy. Honest." His words started to choke up.

"Mason Fish, neither your mother nor I think you are bad or evil. We think that you just went overboard and still are. That's why we told you you couldn't bring a girl home unless you swore she would return. You didn't do that. But your sister has brought her beddie, Phil, home three times. You saw, they sleep in Molly's room together. "

"Mason Fish Adams. You are essentially now on probation. Here is what you will do. First, you will talk to Prissy, best in a PR. Tell her you want to turn over a new leaf. That you would like her to help you. That you will honor and respect her. We will see what comes of that. Next, Linda Bishop is the current Locker Club co-ordinator. You will go see her and ask to join. She will say yes. You will service your clients. They will not do the same to you. Sissy will give you the details.

"You come off of probation when Prissy tells Madam DoG that she has suggested that perhaps you two could check out a PR for a long talk. And she has gone home with you at least twice. 

"Uh. You aren't going to kick me out?"

"Not yet. But this is probation."

"Uh, my clients, just girls?"

"No Mason Fish. Girls or boys. Rumor has it you had a couple real close friends in sixth grade - and they are now beddies, right." Fish's face dropped. "Mason Fish. I need to see your face." He raised it as he blinked back a few tears. "Do you understand? The bell is about to ring."

"Yes, ma'am. I, I'll see Linda this afternoon. Can I go?"

"Say good bye to your folks and go. If you're late to your next class, ask your teacher to verify the excused with me."

Mason Fish went to his mom, who gave him a big hug. "We love you, Fish," she said, and kissed him.

His father gave him a handshake and gripped his shoulder. "We will help you, Fish."

He looked at his parents. "I'll, try. Thanks." With that he turned and hurried out of the office, past Ms. Williams, through the door, and into the hall which was full of rushing kids as the classes changed. He rushed right past his next class, headed towards the 9/10 dorm and into the room he shared with Prissy to throw himself down on his bed and cry.

He didn't hear the door open, but he felt a sudden weight on the side of his bed,and a hand on his shoulder.

"You okay, Fish?" he heard Prissy say softly.

He choked back his tears and raised his face enough to stumble out. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"So are you. We're in English together, remember? I told Madam Shakespeare something was wrong and I needed to check on you. You in trouble?"

He turned so he could see his roomie. A bit shorter than he was, red headed with freckles that went down to her very charming 34B breasts, and even dark red neatly trimmed pubic hair. Blue eyes and a smile. "Sorta. I, I'm on probation. It's all those girls I stood up. Prissy, am I a bad guy?"

"Mason Fish - you're a dangerous guy, and mostly to yourself. Look. My wash cloth is still mostly wet. Wipe your eyes and your face and come to class with me. Okay?"

He took the offered cloth and did as instructed. "Thanks, Prissy. I'm really beginning to feel like a heel."

"Mason Fish. Face it. You aren't a bad guy. But you sure can be a heel. Now come on," as she offered him her hand. For the first time he took it. They walked back to class hand in hand, but he dropped it before entering.

"Thanks, Prissy. I just don't want to give the wrong impression, you know."

I know, Fish. I wouldn't have agreed to room with you if I thought you evil. Now let's get larned some English." The walked in.

As promised, Fish went to the 11/12 dorm, checked the address board and quickly found 103. He knocked on the door frame then looked in. "Linda? May I come in," he said, remembering his mom's nagging.

"Ah, Flounder the fish net thrower. No. We're going to a PR I reserved just for us. Come with me." With that she was out the door and moving as swift as the field hockey captain should move. "You wouldn't want to be in our room if Harry were there. The first girl you seduced last year was his kid sister. I was there when she ran to him, crying her eyes out. He really wanted to kill you."


"Yes. It took three of us to stop him and calm him down. Tell the truth I was more worried he'd break my favorite hockey stick on your head. Okay, come in and turn the knob to occupied and lock it. " Fish did so. "Pull up a chair. I'll sit on the middle couch." Fish did and sat down. Linda sat, then looked him dead in the eye.

"Honest, Ms. Callahan and Ms. Jackson gang banged me in the presence of Mom Paige to force me to put you on the Locker Club roster. If your mom hadn't been there I think I could have held out. But your mom was my 7/8. We were her last. Your dad, too. All of us loved them very much. At least half the girls would have done anything for him to come in after lights out if they could have gotten rid of their roomie - or even their beddie. But he wouldn't have done that.

"They hope this will help to redeem you. Here' s it. You will probably get at least one request a day. You will honor that request. I don't care who makes it, you will honor it. You will go down on a girl. You will suck a boy. And don't tell me you haven't sucked a boy. You, Jason, and Marvin were thick as thieves in sixth grade and half way through seventh until they came out of the closet. If your client wants to return the favor, that's up to them. But you may not ask them too. You understand me, Mason Fish Adams, Jr.? "

"Yes, Linda. I do. I guess I have to."

"Uh huh. Remember, I'm doing this for Mom Paige and Dad Mason - and, by the way, for your sister. Seems Phillip Nelson is my third cousin. Okay. Let's see what you can do. Come here and make me cum, Fish. " With that she went and sat on the lower couch, her legs tightly together. He got up and went to her.

"Linda. I can't do anything with your legs so tight. Could you open them up, please? "

"Oh. Okay. A start. " She spread her knees, revealing a very neatly trimmed thatch of black pubic hair. He knelt down, put his hands on her knees and touched her pussy lips with his. He began to kiss her. "Oh, boy, Fish. Looks like not only did you seduce those girls and then throw them away, you had no idea how to make them feel good.

"Take your damn hands off my knees and use them to part my pussy lips. Take your tongue and slide it along my exposed slit. That's it. From bottom to top. Better. My clit. Lick it. It's the hard knob at the top. Yeah. You touched it. Suck on it. Yeah. Like a cock. Yeah. Okay, start from the bottom. Find my actual vagina. Stick your tongue in. Okay. Now you're getting it. Better. Yeah. Okay, stop a moment and look up." Fish did and looked at her face, maybe a tad flushed.

"You getting the idea. Okay. No coaching now. Do it again. Keep at it until I tell you to stop, "

"Okay." Fish began to lick, suck and probe. Three minutes later she began to moan faintly.

Then, a wiggle of her hips. "Oh, shit. You got it kid. Cumming. Hot damn!" She gently pushed him away. Okay. Go wash your face. You do have pussy juice all over it. " He went over, rinsed, dried his face, and came back to her.

"So was that better?"

"Yes." She grabbed the fanny pac she'd shed and took out three slips of paper. Next three days, at four, PR #17. Three clients. You get the $5.00. However, the dollar meant for you goes to the ninth grade kitty for those girls you screwed in more ways than one last year and the dollar meant for your class goes to a special account. Be there on time. You're scheduled for a half hour. Understand?"

"Yes, Linda."

"You know, you do look like your father a little. I had to cheat and imagine that was him. Now get."

He got back to his room about ten minutes before the dinner bell. Sissy stopped working on her essay. "So what happens now?" she asked.

"Im now a member of the Locker Club."

"That might help you out."

He gave a grim laugh. "I don't get to select my clients. I get a note - I say yes. Doesn't matter. I do the work. I can't ask them to return the favor. I have appointments for the next three days to begin with. They didn't even leave names."

"Well, that sucks, Fish. It really does. Look. I promise. I won't put my name down for you, okay."

"I didn't think you would, Sissy."

"Fish, I'm not saying anything more but, if you ever go down on me, it will be because we both want it and it will be either here in our room or at your home."

He stood speechless. "Sissy, I don't know what to say. Thanks very much."

"You're welcome. Let's go eat." So for the first time they went to the dining hall to eat dinner side by side.

During the next three weeks Mason Fish averaged two clients a day. There was never less than one. One week he was able to go home for the weekend for Molly's thirteenth birthday party, but he had to double and triple up to take care of the back up. To his relief as he was not very bi at all, the girls outnumbered the boys, four or five to one. One, however, was Harry, Linda's beddie. Fish was certain Harry had not showered for two days before his appointment and he didn't want Fish to suck him, he wanted to face fuck Fish, which he did, hard and fast. Harry's cum was bitter and he must have not made love to Linda for four or five days, including the days he hadn't showered.

But he and Sissy did a lot more talking together, began to actually study together, and from time to time their hands clasped each other. In the morning now they went to the shower room and showered together. Heads turned the first time they scrubbed each other's backs. But her V still rode proud between her freckled breasts while Fish made no moves of seduction.

Two weeks later Fish entered their room after going down on a really pudgy eighth grader who was very proud of her pubic hair and just let it go. He got to the room and rinsed his mouth with tap water. "Fish. I have an important question for you, roomie." He sat down on his bed where he could see her.

"Ask, Sissy, my now all time favorite roomie." He smiled at that, deciding he was not going to mention Chubby Carol at all.

"When this started, I told you that you were not a bad guy, but that you were dangerous, mostly to yourself. Well, I think, I have something to add to that." She paused.

"Okay, Sissy. What?"

"I now think you're one of the nicest guys I've ever met. I went around and talked to almost every girl you fucked last year. Yes, Fish, little miss prissy Sissy said `fuck' because you did."

"Sissy. You're right. I'll tell you the truth now. I like you more than I ever did all of them put together. I've been thinking of going to each one, getting on my knees in public, and asking their pardon."

Sissy got up, went over, and gave him a hug. "You should do that, Mason Fish. But I'd like to propose something before that."

Mason Fish Adams, Jr felt his heart thump. "What's that Sindy Alexander Wright?"

"Would you like to push our beds together and be beddies? Understand - I am not yet willing to give up my V . . .yet. But I think I'd really like to cuddle with you after lights out."

Mason Fish jumped up, pulled her up and hugged her. Then, they looked at each other, their heads tilted, and they kissed. First a short one. Then a long one. Then a sloppy one as he felt his cock grow hard. Oh, God, he thought, that damn prick is going to make a mess of this.

They parted and looked at each other, "Fish, I think we can do a time out so we can redo our room. Looks like I woke a sleeping lion,"

"I promise I'll keep the lion in the cage until you open the door."

"Please," she said as she began to pull her bed from the wall.

Three weeks later, a Thursday night the two faced each other after registering that they were both in their room. Hands roamed over the other's body. They kissed lightly but constantly. Sissy sighed. "We'll be in your house tomorrow for the weekend."

"Uh huh. And I promised Mom, Dad, and Molly, that I would invite you back."

"And I will come. So, Mason Fish Adams, Jr. I've heard that you removed the V from three girls last year."

"Yes, Sindy Alexander Wright. Actually four. You know how I feel about that."

"Well, feel good now." In the dark she reached the necklace and drew it over her head, kissed it, and lay it on the bed away from Fish. "Here's my virginity, Fish. With all my blessings, but please be gentle."

Fish felt his eyes water. He kissed her. "I don't think I deserve this, but I will be gentle. I think this is the first time I will ever really make love." She rolled on top of him.

Later, as they gently kissed and touched, he said softly. "Sissy. I don't think I took it. I hope it didn't hurt,"

"I gave it. It didn't hurt much."

The next afternoon JM drove Fish and Sissy in the middle row with Molly and Phil in the back. At the Adams house they all piled out and went to the door. Nobody greeted them as they quickly stripped off their clothes and headed for the den and the French doors to the patio.

Sissy pulled away from Fish to go straight to Mom Paige. "Thank you so much for inviting me, Representative Adams."

"Woah! I'm still Mom Paige to Jones kids. Glad to have you. I hope you have a good time here this weekend."

"I just want you to know that Mason Fish has already asked me to come the next time we can. Is that okay?"

Paige reached out and hugged Sissy. "That's fine. I understand you are now beddies."

"We are. Fish was a good catch, as far as I'm concerned."

"Welcome to the Adams family," Paige said.

"Thanks, Mom. If I ever bring home somebody other than Sissy, please disown me."

"If she doesn't, I will," Molly said, cuddled against Phil.

"Let me show you to our room," Fish said.

"No more than ten minutes, you two," Paige called.

"Of course," they both called as Mason Fish tugged her towards their room for the weekend.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 5

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