Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on May 25, 2023


Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with these stories

A New Year at Jones - Jill

The two sets of siblings, Jack and Jill and Bonnie and Clyde stopped at the top of the steps leading into Jones Lab School, turned and waved to their parents who waved back and droveaway."HiHo, Silver!"Jack said as Jill moved to be next to Clyde and Bonnie went to Jack.The two couples adjusted the small backpacks, grabbed their small suitcases and headed into the hall.The first thing they noticed were several trophy cases and above them pictures in pairs.The first one was a teenage girl with short blond hair, wearing a mortarboard and a National Honor Society scarf.Next to that picture was the same person wearing a business suit with a medal on it and a red, black, and green sash over her shoulder.

"Move along please.We need to get started," came from a tall dark tanned man."Keep going until you find the head teacher for your grade or class."

"Yes sir.But the boys are both in tenth grade and we're in eighth, but we're room mates. "

"If you aren't in the same grade or class you are in the highest group, so you would be in 9/10≥"

"Thanks, sir," Jill finishedand the man turned to another group of gazing arrivals.

"Let's go, " Jack said and the four continued until they saw an older teen holding a sign with 9/10 on it.Beside her were three grade school looking kids, two girls and a boy, each wearing a school crossing white belt and shoulder strap and flops.The strap had a badge on it with PAIG on it. Other than that they were nude.

"We're in 9/10 Ma'am," Jack said. The girls are in 8th, but they are Clyde's and my room mates. "

"Oh.You must be Jack and Jill and Clyde and Bonnie."

"Yes, Ma'am. "

"Sure.Sandy, you take them over to 9/10 II with their stuff to the Commons and get back here at once.And don't stop to talk to Harry."

"Yes, Ms. Jefferson," she said."Follow me, please," the little girl said, turned and started down the hall. She led the foursome to the end of the hall, through glass doors into a room of doors to one with 9/10 II on it, pushed it open and went down the hall with open doors on either side. Looking in the four could see they were dorm rooms.The first four doors, however were closed, the first with 9/10 COUNSELORS on it.A few rooms had teens already in the room, putting stuff away.A few waved at the new comers.

Sandy opened the door at the end of the hall and led them into a comfortable looking room that contained seven teens, a late teen boy and another young boy, also wearing the PAIG badge and also nude."Here they are Uncle FrankAunt Jeannie said there are two more coming.Harry, I can't talk now.Counselors' orders."

"That's okay, Sandy.When the other two get here you four can hit the Green if you want."The four looked around; the seven teens were three boys and four girls, apparently about their own age.Now, you are?If you would, just your called name and grade, please. "

"I'm Jack, 10th."

"Bonnie, 8th"

"Clyde, 10th."

"Jill, 8th."

The door swung open and Ms Jefferson, carrying her sign came in followed by two more,both boys, looking very similar."Okay, Frank.All present and accounted for as your grandfather would say."

"Great, Jeannie.We have eleven already here plus two, makes thirteen.We lost fifteen tenth graders and two drop offs.We may have to recruit."

"We're going now Aunt Jeannie," Sandy shouted, leading the other three out as they removed their white belting.

"Okay.The entire 9/10 meeting will be this evening after dinner, but this is for our new members.But first..." as he turned a knob on an obvious intercom system."Attention 9/10, both sections who are present - you may now shed and store your clothing as long as you stay within 9/10 dorms and the door room.If you leave that are you must either get dressed or wear a bathrobe.Wrapping a towel around your body does not count today.That is all" He touched the knob again and a hub bub of "Get nekked - STREAK - I beat you again - Why did I wear this fuckin' bra, horn dog?"

Mr. M'urk turned the nob again and hit a button."Penny, that's your first for the year."

"WHAT?Uncle Frank?

"What kind of a bra did you wear?

"You heard that, Mr. Frank?"

"All of 9/10 heard it Penny."

"Mom made me wear it."

"You can probably wait until Thanksgiving to wear it again.Just between us girls, Penny, I should tell you to put it back on and wear it until you shower - tomorrow morning."

"Please, No, Aunt Jeannie.I promise I'll watch my mouth."

"Okay.You've been warned. "With that "Uncle" Frank switchedoff the intercom and turned to the six girls and seven boys."Okay kids,we are going to line up in two rows, boys on me and girls on Aunt Jeannie and go down the line and introduce each other.Got it?Good.Now, if your evil parents named you Percival' and you prefer Pete,' use that.Okay, line up, no particular order.

So they did, shaking hands and calling out names.When that was done the teens sat down and looked towards their young counselors.Uncle Frank said "We have several important things to do.The first is this.Aunt Jeannie has several piles of white bags.She will grab a pile and so will I.We will call out your first name. If you are one of two two Amandas, I know who is Amanda and who is Mandy.The same for the three Johns.And so on.Raise your hand and the white bag will come to you.When all bags are with their owner,one ofus will call "Disrobe," and start myself.There is a sanitary towel in each bag.Take it out and when you are finished, put on your footwear, spread the towel, and sit down.There is a large bag for used towels by the door and a lot of fresh towels in the closet next to the door.Use them ."

Aunt Jeannie pulled off her top to display her bare breasts and said, "Disrobe!" Jill saw Jack and Clyde look at each other but began to undress.The new students went slow, the boys slower than the girls though most had a bra to unhook.Jill noticed as the boys removed their jockeys or boxers that they were hard. She also noticed that several of the other girls were trying to cover themselves

"Okay everybody, since everybody is now disrobed, please sit down, get comfortable and pay attention. Jones Lab, the Mother School is fifty years old now and we have never had a student die of shame.One of the purposes of not wearing anything most of the time is too demonstrate we can not hide or lie.The first thing I want to mention is that we have two groups.The vets, who will join us in about ten minutes, will come in nude.Most of you are naked - you are maybe uncomfortable around undressed people you don't know - undressed people your age who you don't know.You will get accustomed to it fairly soon.Now, I'm going to address the boys for a few minutes and then Uncle Frank the girls.Yep, it's to embarrass you."She let out a pleasant laugh.

"Okay, boys, if your hands are in your laps, put them straight down at your side. "Jill watched as first one then another and then all of them complied."Well, I see every one of you has an erection, a boner, a hard on, a stiffy, - get my drift?When the vets stream in I don't think you'll see a single real boner, though seeing new girls may cause some disturbance in the Force.Girls, they are not going to rape you, I promise.Guys, as early as two days from now to as long as a week, you will not get hard for no reason.Yeah, morning wood is going to happen.If you and your room mate or the girl next to you in English suddenly start holding hands and such, yep, that pole is going to stick out. Butmost of the time it just does its other purpose - taking a leak. You guys okay with this?"Jill saw Jack, Clyde and the other boys shake their heads in the affirmative."Okay, Uncle Frank, talk to the girls."

"Alright girls.Another lab school objective is to live with nature.I'm sure all of your mothers have told you that after a certain age every approximately 28 days a girl or woman has her period.This lasts for five to seven days and then goes away.During this time a girl can feel a bit out of sorts or even have things like bad cramps.It's necessary to use sanitaryprotection. Jones does not dictate, but strongly suggests using a tampon,not a pad.In your room you will find a fanny pack.Girls have an opaque pouch that holds three tampons - just in case.By the way, if something other than tampons are found, it could get unpleasant.Now in the beginning the Mother School suggested girls could wear panties during their period.Well, first the girls felt singled out and second, most of the girls didn't have seven pairs of panties.They rapidly found that their pubic hair did a great job of hiding the string.According to our records there areonly three girls in this year's 9/10 who have not attained their menarche.In 7/8 there are many more and in the lower grades, of course, almost every girl.By the way, those three girls are all excellent athletes.

"So.Questions so far?"

Jill saw a girl raise her hand."You are??"

"I'm Becky, ninth grade.Why do we have opposite sex room mates?"

"I'll jump in on that.Becky, there is an old but famous book,MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN FROM VENUS. There are differences between males and females.This puts you in close physical contact with a stranger, and you need to learn to adapt to the other.Okay?"

"Hey Unca,time for all call.Sound the alarm and I'll get the cattle prod."

"Give me two more minutes, Auntie. Years ago four of our original counselors during the summer took their young kids, about five then on a picnic hike.The kids went off on a safe trail and the girls came back because the boys could pee easily in the woods, but girls couldn't.That's a minor lesson. Sound the alarm.

Aunt Jeanniewent to the intercom."All vet 9/10, come to the9/10 Commons NOW."At once the doors flew open and the vets streamed in, greeting their comrades and welcoming the newbies.Soon two hands went up and then several and then all."Good. Okay.Quickly as it's almost supper time, most of the new students to Jones will have a maybe temporary room mate for the first month to help the newbie along.After that month, if arrangements need to be altered, they will be.We have two newbie couples and we have already asked that their rooms surround the newbie couples.So, once more, to totally embarrass and humiliate you, would Jack and Bonnie and Clyde and Jill please hold up your hands.We have them as a club sandwich with the newbies as the good stuff and the vets as the toasted bread.Okay, as I call your names come get your room assignment and your class schedule. "Joe Johnson, look for Jack and Bonnie's hands and take them to 113. You and Stacy are in 114."

With that Jack and Bonnie raised their hands to see two others stand, look around and signaled for them to follow them ."Welcome to Jones. Let's get you settled. We're across the hall.Let's get you guys withit at Jones. "With that Jack and Bonnie grabbed their back pack and suitcase and followed their guides to their new life.

... ..

Jill and the T Necklace

A month later a now very confident Jill left her last class and headed for the 9/10 Commons room as Clyde was headed for soccer practice and her music practice wasn't for another hour.As she did Charlie Battes, a 10th grader, came along side of her. "Hey, Jill, room or the Commons?"

"Commons.Clyde's headed for soccer."

"Great.Let me walk you to the Commons.Might be fun."

Jill smiled."Okay."So they walked and she found it almost empty with three guys she knew, Lee from Korea, then Peter and Melvin from some western state.She noticed thatnone ofthem, like her wore a V, though all were over 14/1, unlike her.

"David will be here shortly. He's a junior, but sixteen.Ah!David!Come join us." Jill saw a thin but muscular black guy, at least six feet tall.Her glance stopped at his limp cock which hung half way to his knees.

"Hey.This the possible young lady?"

"Yep.Okay,Jill,the five of us have a proposition for you.It came from the fact that all ofus except David were in the 8th grade, but thirteen because of when we turned fourteen.So we happened upon a girl who was also in 8th, but still 13.Because of this none wore the V.You don'teither.Here's the deal.You are already beddies with Jack in less than a month."

"First evening there we pushed our beds together and we had sheets to cover.Mom and Dad sent us more sheets.So did Jack's. "Jill paused."And?"

"So very personal question number one.Was Jack your first?"

Jill grinned. "Nope.If you are nosy, my 15 year old third cousin when I'd just turned 11. Mere bumps." She giggled."We do it every July 4th, so two times now and once at New Year's and once at Thanksgiving,"Jill giggled."Those two times were in his bedroom while everybody else watched football.

"So was this cousin the only other than Jack?"

"Nope.One other.School friend., but 16.Uh, I was 12 then.Stuff got carried away.Gotta say, until I saw David, Tommy had the biggest one I'd ever seen, and I'd seen both Jack and Clyde a few times. BeforeJones. "

"Great.Here's the deal.Initiation into`Screw the V'.The five of us have a PR after class now- you knowPR?"

"Sure.Clyde and I have been in one and the four of us once. So?" She felt her nipples harden .

"This is not a rape. You can say `no' at any time - you just won't get an invite ever again.But we go to a PR with you.We have sex.Not love. Pure sex.If you are willing, oral, probably two guys at once.Also willing - ever had butt sex? "

"Once.Not good but he didn't have lube.A couple of girls think it's great."


Jill felt her nipples harden."When?"

"Pr#7, ten minutes.The guys will be there as soon as we draw straws."

"Okay. "With that she walked to # 7 and entered, turning the occupancy sign to "welcoming."Then she took off her fanny pack, laid it on a small table and sat on the medium height couch/bed.Two minutes later the five guys walked in.

"Glad to see you here, Jill,"Charlie said. "We drew straws.Well, three of us cause David always goes last because of his enormous cock and Lee goes first since his is thin, but he lasts a long time.So Peter is second, I'm third, and Melvin is fourth. You ever have two guys at once?"

"No.How does that work?"

"One guy fucks your pussy and you suck another's cock."He smiled.We've had a few girls take it in the butt, too.We do have lube for that," Charlie said as he pulled out a tube and showed Jill.

"Oh.So how does that work?Would David do it?"

"Usually the bottom guy lies on his back with his legs over the bed's edge.The gal normally lies down on him, facing him.Often the other guy stands between their legs and slowly enters her butt. There's only been one girl to take on three."


"Well she loves it," Melvin said.

"Well, I'll see," Jill said."Lee, I'm ready if you are.Do we make out a bit first? She looked and saw Lee with a thin but five inch cock.He smeared some lube on it.Then he reached down and put his hand between her legs.

"Your snatch is pretty damp, Jill.Just lie down and spread your knees, please." Jill nodded her head, turned and lay down on the comma couch.She looked at Lee as he got between her spread knees and used his hand to guide his cock into her waiting snatch.She felt it slide in easily and soon the two were humping.She felt her still small breasts begin to bounce with their screwing."I don't cum fast," Lee said."Most girls get a good cum off me.Do you cum easily?"

"Sometimes.Clyde is good.You're good.I like this." Se locked her feet inside his legs and put her hands on his butt."Yes," she breathed.

Lee began to pump faster, breathe heavier.He kissed her quickly."I'm almost there.Almost.Yes!" He cried as he continued to pump.Jill gasped as her climax hit her.

"Oh, God.Fuck you're good Lee. Yes." They stopped and just clung to each other for a moment.Lee kissed her again and got off Jill who closed her eyes to keep the cum feeling alive even as she felt somebody else - uh, Peter, get on the couch between her spread legs.She opened her eyes.Yes, black haired Peter."Hi, Peter.Got a Peter for my pussy? "

Peter grinned."Yep.Here he cums," he said as he entered her quickly and began to pump fast at once with Jill keeping pace.

A minute later she felt her cum hit her. "Oh, God, YES!" She cried as Peter continued."Oh YES Peter.I'm cumming!"

"I'm getting there. I'm close," Peter said, pumping faster."Yeah.OH. YEAH!" She heard as his cum exploded inside her. She came again.

"Oh, lord. That felt good.Thanks, Peter."She put her arms around him and kissed him.

` "Welcome.You're a great screw."With that Peter got off her and the couch.Charlie approached her.

"Having fun?"

"Yeah.Uh,you said a girl can stop anytime.Have any?"

"Well, we started in the eighth grade, except for David, who was ninth of course. What was it, Mel - three girls quit before David got his first shot.And he wasn't quite as big then.Look, if you want, give the beaver a break and give my dick a suck.I'll check you out later, after Mel, okay?"

Jill shrugged."Sounds like a good idea.I like sucking.I think I'd like to take on two of you.Maybe three."

"Great.So you're lying there, just scoot over to the edge, open wide, and say `ah'." Jill smiled, scooted over with her face half off the couch, then licked her lips. Charlie walked up to the couch, his bulbous dick almost touching her lips.She opened her mouth and cock and lips met for a second, then she drew back to lick the head. "Ah," he breathed.Then she moved back.

Look.I can give a better blow job if I get off the couch and kneel down or you get on the couch and lie down between your legs."

"Sure.I'll lie down." They rapidly switched so Jill began to give Charlie an excellent blow job, kissing down the shaft, tonguing his slit, even sucking his balls."Damn.This is great.So did you blow your cousin?"Still working Charlie's dick she gave a thumbs up."Your school friend?"Again she gave a thumb's up.""Yes.Jill, I'm going to cum any second now."A third thumbs up.Just then she felt his dick twitch and then cum exploded in her mouth.After the second blast she swallowed quickly and again after the fifth.The seventh blast was the last and she slowly eased her mouth off the dwindling pecker."That has got to be the best blow job of my life."

"Thanks.I liked it to. Nice cum."

"Okay, my turn," Mel said, his dick hard.

"Hey, Jill, you want to suck me at the same time?" Lee asked.

"Sure.Why not. I'll bet, you sit on the bed, maybe even cross legged.I'll get on my hands and knees. Okay?Mel can cum in behind me."

"I'm Asian.Crosslegged works fine."

In moments Lee was on the couch, cross legged, with his dick hard and pointed straight up.Jill got on her hands and knees, knees spread wide; then Mel slide between them to enter Jill's love tunnel.Soon Jill moved like a hobby horse with Lee caressing her boobs and Mel pumping away.

"Oh, yeah," Mel moaned. "Nice.

"Damn she's good," Lee moaned.

"Hey, Jill tell me after I've cum, if it tastes like soy sauce." Lee said.Jill just gave out grunt.

"Oh, shit.I'm about to cum," Mel moaned."Ah!" He crowed as Jill felt another blast of cum enter her love canal bringing her to another cum.I have to have cum at least eight times now, she thought, and I still haven't been screwed by Charlie or David. She felt Mel exit her pussy and then more movement between her legs.

"Okay, Jill, I'm back," she heard Charlie say as she felt him enter her pussy slowly.With that she came again even as Lee began to fuck her mouth.

"That's it, Jill.Sweet and sour pork is almost here," Lee said.His laugh got cut short."Cumming.Oh SHIT AM I COMING."He was cumming and she had to swallow three times to get it all in.All the while Charlie kept pumping her pussy with slow, deep thrusts bringing another cum.Se raised her mouth offLee's dick as it began to deflate.Charlie continued to pump as Lee eased himself backwards."God, Jill, that was one super blow job.Thanks. "

"I liked it too.And I didn't taste any soy sauce.Charlie - getting close or does somebody else get a turn?"

"I'm doing fine," Charlie said. "Peter?"

"Sure," Pete said as he slid under Jill, still on her hands and knees."Here you are, Jill."

"Oh, good,"Jill said."OH GOOD! Another cum.Never had this many before!"She gasped. Yeah.And what does your cum taste like?"She asked before taking his cock into her mouth.

"Don't know, Lee says it tastes like root beer with lots of foam."Jill gave out a giggle before starting her ministrations to another cock that had been deep in her crack.Pete had only been sucked for a minute before Charlie began to moan with pleasure.

"Close.Yeah, close.Oh, YEAH!"Jill felt yet another squirt of warm cum enter her pussy from Charlie's hard pecker. She turned her mind on Pete's cock filling her mouth as her tongue played with the cock.Se felt Charlie leave her and leave the couch.

"Close. YEAH!" As Pete's pecker's cum flowed into her waiting mouth."GOD that was good.I agree.Best blow job ever. Thanks, Jill.Guess whose next?"

Jill looked at David's dick, nine inches at least, thick, with a purple mushroom head, leaking cum. "Wow," she breathed.

"Jill.Use the Mason Method even if you aren't a virgin."

"What's that?" Jill asked, sitting up on the couch.

"She must have missed her seventh grade sex ed class," Charlie said.

"Simple, Jill.Most people call it the Cowgirl position.But, I lie down on the couch, you straddle me and lower your gash onto my cock.Then you control speed and depth.Okay?Shall I lie down?"

"Sure, lie down, David."

"Okay. Jill, after David, would you like to try a three way?Lee could be back door,David or I could be mouth and Pete or Mel front door.If it's too much, we'll stop. "

"David's been patient. Let us get together first. David's lying down. I've only done Cowboy once." With that Jill climbed onto David, positioned herself over his hard cock which he held straight up.She felt him guide the purple mushroom into her vertical lips.

"Okay, Jill, slide down this black pole as slowly as you like. Go as deep as you want before we screw.Okay?"

"Got it. Ride `em cowgirl!"With that Jill began to lower herself onto the thick, long pole of flesh, slowly."Oh.Big.Uh.It's hardly in.Ohh!God.I have it all." She felt him thrust up, then she rose faster, then slid down, as the two matched their strokes. "Oh.Cumming again.Good.How ya doing, David?"

"You're good. Nice and tight. Nice tempo.Be a good one. "

"Yeah. Really good. Cumming.Love it. Cumming."

"Yeah.Soon.I can feel it.Yeah, Jill.CUMMING. "Again she felt the hot rush of cum surge into her and she came again. Then she fell forward to lie on top of David, the end of his cock still inside her.

"Wow," she breathed.

"Yeah.That was something." He grinned."Somebody should have filmed this."

"Clyde might not like the idea."

"Probably not.Sherry might not either.She's a bit more jealous than most Jones girls."

"Your beddie?"

"No.We're roomies.We do mess around a bit. "

"Okay.Jill - you want to try a three way?Lee for the butt, Pete for the puss, and Mel for the mouth.Cancel at any time.David and I are life guards."

"Give me a couple minutes."

"Sure.If this works, you'll only be the fifth girl to do a three way."

Jill sat up, then rose off the tall, thick cockand stood up."And so how many girls have done this?"

"Umm -this is the beginning of our third year -eight, nine, ten -actually, close to 30. There is a number who get sent here to keep them from getting pregnant or infected - or both.But there are also the rebels.So.Ready to rock n roll?"


"Okay, Lee, lie down on your back with your feet over the foot of the bed.Jill, facing away, sit on Lee and guide his cock into your butt.Go slow.You lube your dick?"


"Good.Jill, as it goes in, lie back down on top of Lee. Lee, put your arms around her.Pete, you should see your target, Enter there with you standing.Now, Mel straddle Jill at her shoulders, push another pillow under her head so she can get your dick in her mouth.Got it". Let's try. "

Some fumbling, but soon she felt the new sensation of a cock going the wrong way up a one way street, then a second one above it, and finally, a friendly cock, but hard to do her normal great job. Still, things worked out.From the corner of her eye she saw Charlie and David watching the other four, but each with his hand on the other's hard dick, pumping away.

Five minutes later the four disentangled from one another and stood up, with a group hug.They all put their Fannie packs back on.Charlie reached into his and took out a small chain wit a very small "'T" on it. "Jill, you are now an official engineer as you have pulled a train.You are now a member of a secret society. If the DOG asks you about it, you can say it's a secret which you may not share. If your brother or Clyde asks the same question, give them the same answer. Okay?"

"Okay.Hey - wear it?"

"You'll see a few. Some just keep it in the fanny pack and wear it when we have a meeting.If you want to kiss anybody here, that's the end."

With that Jill kissed each boy on the lips and left "I have got to pee!"

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 38

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