Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Dec 5, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #35:Sylvia and Molly Discover Their Love

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals

Sylvia and Molly Discover Their Love


Larry Marian

Sylvia Concannon, 12, brown hair in pig tails, hazel eyes,developing melon breasts with, in proportion, large and dark nipples and aureoles, beginning to be puffy vaginal lips and the faint beginnings of pubic hair faced her best friend Molly Peterson, 13 with a blond pony tail green eyes,nicely forming conical breasts topped with pale small nipples and aureoles, mature looking vaginal lips and a nice thatch of brown pubic hair on her mons venus.The two girls had said good night to Sylvia's parents and older brother and now were getting into bed to sleep.

Molly lived six hundred miles away so boarded throughout the year while Sylvia boarded Sunday through Thursday to come home from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon.Sylvia frequently had Molly spend the weekend with her at her house. In fact Molly stayed there so often she had clothes and toilet articles kept in Sylvia's room.Sylvia also had her beddie, Baxter Farmer spend the weekend as well, keeping clothes and stuff in the guest bedroom.

"I just don't understand why my parents won't let Baxter sleep in this bed with me! Like we do at Jones and they know it.You sleep here and not in the guest bedroom."

"We're girls.Baxter's a boy. He's got a p-e-n-i-s!"The two girls giggled at that."I guess they don't want to think of you giving him a blow job here.Bet they don't know you do that at Jones."

`Or what you and Jack do."They giggled again as they got into bed.Sylvia turned off the light."Molly.You looked a bit nervous while we got ready for bed."

"Yeah, I sorta am, Sylvia.Have you ever touched another girl's pussy?Or a girl touched yours?I know Baxter has - but another girl's?'


"I just wondered.Wondered what it would be like to touch another girl's boobs and pussy.Maybe kiss.You know, a real close friend. Somebody like you."

Sylvia felt something strange.For some reason, attraction, but at the same time fear.

"I'm so afraid you'll get mad at me for saying this. Maybe not want to be my friend any longer.But I've thought about this for a long time.Several months now."



"Molly.Why don't you start the same way a boy would?Kiss, then boobs."


"I think so."She turned her face towards her best friend, then turned the bedside lamp back on at its lowest setting.She could see Molly's face was slightly flushed but even in the dim light her green eyes sparkled.They kissed. It was not a first timid kiss. It was a full, mouth open, tongues probing, deep throated kiss.As they kissed, even on the first kiss Sylvia felt

Molly's gentle hand begin to caress her available breast, the fingers tweaking the nipple into hard erection.Finally the lips of the two girls separated."Yes," Sylvia gasped."Don't stop, Molly."

At once Molly's fingers began to explore Sylvia's pussy lips, spreading them with two fingers to allow them entrance by Molly's middle finger, sliding up and down the slit to slip into her actual pussy then go up to play with the younger girl's clit."Oh, Molly.Wonderful," Sylvia moaned as her body began to quake."I came, Molly."

"Baxter's gone down on you?"

"Yes.Please, you do me, too."

"Of course," Molly said as she positioned herself between Sylvia's now spread legs. Sylvia soon felt the first tentative touch of Molly's tongue to her damp pussy.She shuttered in anticipation. How would Molly do in comparison to Baxter's?Gentler, smoother perhaps she thought, as a second cum shook her small body.Her hands rested on Molly's shoulders as the older girl lapped her pussy juices as she continued to moan.Finally Molly raised her head."You okay?"

"Wonderful.I want to kiss you.I think I'm falling in love with you.I want to do for you what you did for me."

"Sylvia.I've been in love with you for six months now.I was just frightened you'd reject me.And I still love Jack and don't want to loose him."As Molly talked, the two girls changed places Sylvia putting an arm around Molly as the two girls kissed again, Sylvia's other hand beginning to roam over Molly's larger conical breasts.

As the kiss ended Sylvia said almost in a whisper, "I can taste my pussy in your mouth."

"Yeah, just like you can taste a boy's cum." The two smiled at each other as Sylvia's hand moved south to feel for the first time in her life another girl's pussy. Her hand followed Molly's lead with gentle probing of lips and depth and the prized clit at the top of Molly's slit.Like Sylvia, Molly came part way through the exploration before she moved down, inhaled the aroma of the welcoming pussy and began to tongue it herself. Soon she heard her reward, "Yes, Sylvia, yes," as Molly began to shake enough that her pony tail twitched.

Almost exhausted the two girls got back under the covers, turned the light out tofall asleep in each other's arms.Sylvia's bedroom window faced east so the rising sun on the girls' faces woke them early - early enough to once more enjoy their body being worshiped by their other lover.They did remember to put pjs on before going to help with and eat breakfast.

Saturday got filled with furtive kisses and caresses.Saturday night they watched a movie in the darkened den and hands snuck into laps when they were sure it was safe.They wanted to go to bed when the movie finished, but got caught up with a game of Clue.

Finally they were able to escape to Sylvia's room, maybe fifteen minutes earlier than the normal time they would head for bed.There they forgot - saying "good night,"so they reluctantly got into pajamas and bathrobes to say good night to parents, sibling, and sibling's girl friend.Once back in Sylvia's room, the room left with a single candle on her school desk, the two continued their exploration of each other's body and the joy of that exploration before the candle got blown out and the two drifted off to sleep, once more entangled in the arms and legs of the other.

That began their furtive trysts, dodging their respective beddies from time to time for a week.Then both met after classes in PR #3.The two girls made frantic love then, arms around each other began to cry."What can I tell Jack?" came from Molly,

"I love you.But I love Baxter.I know all this stuff about middle school love - but I love both of you.What can we do?"

"Simple.We bring both boys into PR 6 or 7 - one of the two couple ones, and confess our problem.We want to be with them.But we want to be with us as well.If Paige and her two men can do it, so can we."

Two days later two desperate girls sat side by side on a bed/couch in PR 6 as Jack and Baxter entered."Lock the door,"Molly said.Sylvia noticed that each boy looked about half hard.

"What's this about?" Jack asked.

"Us," Molly replied.

"Yes," Sylvia agreed.

"Sylvia and I agreed that I would start this thing.Speaking for her, she loves you, Baxter very much.Jack, I love you very much.Guys, Sylvia and I love each other.Can you accept that?"

"Love each other?In what way?"Jack asked.

"In the same way we do, Jack, since we both wear the V.But not buying Girl Scout cookies for for the Jones troop."She smiled, got up and kissed him.

The two boys looked at each other. The two girls stared at their boy friends.Jack, his dick suddenly hard, stood up. "Show them, Baxter?"

"Why not?" Baxter said as he dropped to his knees in front of Jack's hard cock.Seconds later Baxter bobbed back and forth while Molly and Sylvia watched in awe.

"Oh my God.Baxter's sucking Jack!" Molly and Sylvia spoke over each other.

"OH Baxter. Cumming!" Jack cried while putting out his hand to Molly who took it.At the same time Sylvia knelt next to Baxter and put her arm around him.When he took his mouth off Jack's wilting cock, she turned his face and kissed him.

"Like, I guess we're all bi," she said.

"I guess so," Jack said.

"I've never actually seen a blow job before," Sylvia said.

"I've never seen two girls make out," Baxter said.

"Okay, Sylvia, join me on the couch and we'll show them.What say?"

"Why not?" So the two girls sat down on the couch next to each other as their beddies sat on cushions on the floor, holding hands as Molly and Sylvia began to hug and kiss.Sylvia felt a special thrill knowing that Baxter and Jack watched them as the kiss lingered, their tongues probed, and her nipples hardened.Soon the two girls were playing with the other's tit and nipple.As a kiss broke, Sylvia glanced towards the boys to see they had stopped holding hands to slowly jack the other.

That glance caused her to slowly work her way down Molly's body util Sylvia's fingers parted Molly's vertical lips and began to suck on the pussy juices leaking from her body."You made me cum," Molly moaned.

Sylvia raised her girl cum coated mouth and nose. "Good.I love to make you moan." Her mouth went back to its pleasant work.Molly moaned again.

"Jack is sucking Baxter.He's licking the tip.But don't talk. Love that tongue in my cunt."

"Jesus, Jack.Feels so good.You can't see, but Sylvia has her face buried in Molly's snatch.I think Molly just came."

"I did,I'm about to again.Fuck, we're a bunch of hungry queers.OH SHIT!! YES!!" Molly said.After a minute or so she said, "That was great, Sylvia.My turn."

"Jack.Here it cums!!YES!!

The four rested for a bit until Jack sat next to Molly and Baxter next to Sylvia and two male/female couplesbegan to kiss and caress.So Baxter got to taste Molly's girl cum on Sylvia's lips and cheeks as Molly tasted Baxter's cum from Jack's mouth.

All four washed up before surrendering PR #6 to two seniors waiting with seeming impatience."Damn," the guy said as he entered."You kids must have been doing something else.You just weren't holding hands!"

"And all four have their V.What is the younger generation coming to?"

"We're fast learners," Molly said as the door closed behind them.

That Friday Sylvia and Baxter waited on the curb in front of the Jones entrance wearing shorts and a t-shirt since it was so nice, waiting for Sylvia's mom to pick them up for the weekend.The full size Buick pulled up to the curb and stopped.Baxter opened the door for Sylvia who slid in to sit behind her mom while Baxter followed her."Thanks for putting up with me, Ms. Concannon," he said,

"No bother, Baxter.We're glad you and Sylvia like each other."

"Hi, Mom. Thanks for letting Baxter stay the week end."She leaned forward and kissed her mother on the cheek."But Mom, please.Can Bax stay in my room and not the guest bedroom. I mean, like when Molly comes she's in my bedroom.Why not Bax?"

"Well, for one thing he's a boy.Molly's a girl."The two looked at each other as Sylvia rolled her eyes.

"Mom, understand,We go to Jones Lab School.We're on the same team, have the same classes except for elective.We have the same lunch.We're room mates.The only clothes we wear are some sort of foot gear unless PE needs some clothes.We take showers together. We even scrub each other's back.The toilets are unisex."Bax and I are beddies as you know.Our beds are pushed together so they're almost like one bed.Yes, we kiss each other good night.

"But here he's down the hall and he's not about to sneak down the hall to my room.But it's lonely without him."

"Well, dear.You make a strong case.I don't know.Maybe it's just the old fashioned thing about our daughter in bed with a boy and what might happen."

"Ms. Concannon, in social studies we heard about the courting board the Amish use that allows a couple to share a bed but there's a board down the middle to keep them apart. Well, the V we wear is like that board.Sylvia and I agree that we will wait at least until her 14/1 to wear the V."

"Do any of the Jones students wear their V and are not virgins?Sure would be easy for a boy to not be a virgin and nobody would know except the girl."

"Mom, you know the strictest Jones rule is `don't lie.'And Mom, I've done gymnastics and horseback riding and bike riding. I don't think I've had my hymen since I was ten."

"Yeah. Some things are hard to change.But.Tell you what.Baxter, you put your toilet kit in Sylvia's room and I'll talk to her father.Okay?

"Thanks," came from both of them.

"Oh, and Sylvia, before your father and brother get home, put a bra on."

"Yes, ma'am."

So the two went into Sylvia's bedroom, Baxter put his overnight bag on the floor while Sylvia took off her top to put on the bra."If Mom can'tconvince Dad to let us sleep together, this is the last time you see these until Friday afternoon."

"Oh, well.I see them all the time at Jones,"Baxter said, thus becoming the first boy to ever get smacked by a bra strap.

Later they came back out, but not so long in the room that Sylvia's mom would get suspicious.The two helped in the kitchen to prepare dinner as first Sylvia's brother and then her father arrived.Both were warned not to talk about the bedroom until after dinner and Mike, the brother, had left on his date.Once he was gone, smelling of cologne, Ms. Concannon brought them into the family room.

"Well, Sylvia's mother has talked to me about you, Baxter, sharing the bed with Sylvia when you are here for a weekend.Tell me, what do most people see when they are told that a boy and a girl are sleeping together?"

"Well, sir, under normal circumstances they'd be thinking the couple was having sex."

"Vaginal sex, Dad," Sylvia said.

"Exactly.And I don't want people thinking that Sylvia is having sex with you or anybody else."

"Sir, respectfully, how many people have you told that Sylvia and I are room mates and actually have our beds pushed together at school?"

"Why none, really, though most of the people in the office know that Sylvia goes to Jones and Mike graduated from there. I guess most people know that Jones is a nude school, though most don't know thatdorm students have opposite sex room mates."

"That's the point, Sir.If you haven't told friends Sylvia and I are sleeping in what looks like one bed at school, why would you tell them I sleep with her in her bed at her home?We sure aren't going to do anything more here then we would in our room at school. "

"So what do you do in your room at school?"

"Dad, I bet we've done about the same things you did at about our age," Sylvia said quietly.

He frowned."Well, I think a little older.But I sure was hoping..."He turned to his wife."Okay.Let's try it.There are just a few more weeks until the end of school."

"There are.Thanks, Dad.You are great parents."

"Thanks so much, sir.I appreciate the trust."

As they got into Sylvia's bed later that night she said to him, "This is great.But we sure can't do much more than kiss and make out a bit.We can't get the sheets messy."

"No.But we can kiss.And I can kiss those wonderful boobs of yours."

"And I know how to get rid of your morning wood...".

"Yes, you do," he said as they began to kiss in her bed with the lights off for the first time ever. "I wonder what your parents would think of you and Molly?"

"Just kiss me, Baxter."

"Sure.And a bit more."Kissing, then touching resumed.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 36

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