Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Dec 4, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #34 : The 7/8 Field Trip

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals

The 7/8 Field Trip


Larry Marian

Matt Leech stepped off the bus leading the second bus full of Jones Lab School 7/8 students for their their two day field trip to Washington, DC and parts of Virginia.Behind him he left 120 seventh and eighth grade students and ten other adult chaperones, eight teachers and two brave parents, both Jones grads, now adults.He went into the hotel lobby to approach the desk.

"Good evening.We're here from Jones Lab School with a field trip reservation,The kids are still on the two busses. My understanding is there is a place where we can get the kids to their rooms?"

"Yes,Another middle school is already here.You will share the sixth and seventh floors with them. They have their girls on the seventh floor and the boys on the sixth.Is that okay?"

"We'd planned the seventh on the one floor and the eighth on the one above, but that's okay.We have their teachers, two parents and myself as chaperones. That's a total of eleven adults.Is there a place we can send our kids to their rooms? I understand that about half the student rooms adjoin, so we have eight kids in two rooms in queen beds"

"The breakfast room is what we normally use for group meetings other than for breakfast."

"Great. Stand by for the invasion."With that he went out to the first bus where Lacey waited for him."Okay, lead this bus load into the lobby, then turn right into the breakfast room.It may be a bit crowded.Bring their bags.I'll get the second bus."

"Done. Okay, kids, listen up," Laceycalled into the bus as Matt walked to the second bus to tell everybody to get their bag and follow him.Soon the breakfast room had 120 twelve and thirteen year olds, and ten adults, five male and five female.There was a lot of chatter until Mr Leech raised his hand and called "Hand UP!" Hands began to raise and talk lessened and ended.

"Thank you.Please pay attention to these instructions.I know you are anxious to get to your room and perhaps get comfortable before we go to dinner.First.You know who your chaperones are.When I'm finished, go with your room mate to your chaperone to get your room assignment and then to the desk to get your room keys.Next, it will be about an hour and a half before we go to dinner.That will be at the Capital Lab School, but you must be dressed and wear the Jones Lab School shirt.

"Your rooms are on the same floor as a public middle school. That school will have all girls on the sixth floor and all boys on the seventh. We are not going to re-arrange the rooms. If you are a boarder, you will share your room with your normal room mate.In most cases, since there are four to a room, two will be boarders and two day students. About half the rooms are connected rooms and you may open the connecting doors.

"If you have gotten comfortable and want to visit a friend in another room, you must put on your bathrobe at least to go to and from non-connected rooms.Two sets of room mates will share a room with chaperones.There are reasons for this, but it's a pairing that had to be done.

"If you encounter students from Slippery Rock Middle School, be friendly and polite.It's okay to visit, but don't shock them.Now, chaperones, please go out to the lobby and get your assignment.Only one occupant needs to get keys for all the room mates if you know who you are.

It took close to forty-five minutes for all the Jones group to find room, get their small amount of luggage in and talk with room mates.Lacey didn't get undressed other than to take off her Jones shirt long enough to shed her bra, then put her shirt back on.Her and Matt's room mates were two eighth grade day students who seemed to have quite a crush on each other,Baxter and Sylvia.Sylvia did the same, shedding her bra as well.

Ten minutes before they were to load onto the buses for dinner the chaperones were going down the two halls knocking on the doors of their charges telling them to get ready and get to the buses.Chaos, of course ensued, but the buses loaded on time with every nose and the head behind it accounted for. Twenty minutes later they arrived and headed for the cafeteria, under the direction of a team of students, those outside dressed, and those inside, nude, which caused lots of laughing and joking on the part of both schools.

All of Jones acted both surprised and pleased to see the cafeteria with low lighting, table decorations and some signs on the wall welcoming "Jones - The Mother School" among other signs including a sign that read "Capital Locker Club's Looking for Associates - 8th grade and up."

Lacey nudged Matt. "I belonged to the first Locker Club."

"I'm sure you did."

Close to an hour later Jones boarded the busses again to return to the hotel.Unloading, even with three elevators it took a bit for Jones to begin to get to their floor.Fortunately all three elevators had a chaperone on it.One elevator had a lot of eighth graders and they hit the "7" button. The other two hit the "6" button.

The elevators stopped at the sixth floor, the door opened with six girls in front of the first to open and eight when the second opened thirty seconds later.Matt came out right behind the girls to see some fifteen or twenty middle school boys, some wearing as little as underpants carousing in the hall.The Jones girls gave a giggle as they headed for their room.The Slippery Rock boys stopped in their tracks."GIRLS"!! they cried as the most scantily clad boys dashed for their rooms, often to find the door locked, causing them to beat on the door.


"I'll find one," one of the other school's boys said then walked down the hall to knock on a door. It opened after a bit.

"There a problem?" A middle aged lady asked.

`I think there is.Our students have instructions on what to do in the hall. Yours are playing, pardon my French, grab ass with each other.We need to co-operate.Middle school can be hard enough.Two middle schools?"

"But, this is a boy floor.What are these girls doing here?"

`Our plan was seventh on one floor and eighth on the other.Every Jones student here except two is seventh grade.The floor above, Jones is eighth grade."

"You have boys and girls on the same floor?"

"Same room, ma'am.Boarding students keep their same room mate. Day students, we're trying to give them an idea of dorm life at Jones."Lacey came up to Matt.

"I think the seventh floor has calmed down.You'd think those girls thought they'd be raped - and were looking forward to it."

"Good."He turned back to the Slippery Rock chaperone."Please tell your students what I've told ours. `Leave the room, wear a bathrobe at least.' "

"But there are girls on the boy's floor."

"Not our rules. All of ours are seventh graders except for one eighth grade couple in my fiancee and my room."

"You have boys and girls on the same floor?"


"But it makes it easier for a boy to get into a girls' room."

"Quite easy. Each room has two boys and two girls.In most cases one couple are boarders and the other day students.It's worked for more than twenty years now."

"You must have a horrible pregnancy rate."

"We've had exactly one girl get pregnant while at a different lab school in another state.It was late enough in the school year she wasn't showing at graduation.Her daughter is in the second grade now and her son will start Jones next year.

"Now, we have chaperones spaced along the hall.So, if you will excuse me?" Matt turned away."Jones students - get in your rooms.If you get comfortable, wear your bathrobe if you visit.Lights out in an hour.Leave your door unlocked until after bed check, then you may lock it.Understand?"

"Yes, Mr. Leech.Good night Ms. Livingston," came from most of the Jones students who went to their rooms quietly.

Rooms 635, 636, and 637

With the doors between rooms 635 and 637 open, there were eight Jones seventh graders in the 635, sitting on the two queen beds, the couch and desk chairs, one slid in from 637.The eight twelve and thirteen year olds happily discussed the bus trip from Jones to Washington, DC, or actually Fairfax County, and what they would see over the next two days.They all heard a knock on the door.

"You're closest, Bobbi.See who it is," her beddie, Jack said.

"Okay," the thirteen year old said as she slipped her bare feet into her flops and walked to the door.Without thinking, she opened it to reveal her nude body to four dressed boys.What they saw was a girl about their age with brown hair, green eyes, a smile, some nicely developing breasts tipped by light brown nipples and small areola, a firm belly, and a pussy with developing still light brown pubic hair.

"Oh my God.They're all naked!" one of the boys at the door said loudly.

She smiled."No.We're nude and comfortable.What do you need?"

"Uh, we just wanted to say hi.We're across the hall in 636.You have your doors open.Is that okay with the chaperones?"

"Sure.Why not?Look, you want to come in?There's a little room.By the way, I'm Bobbi, that's my brother Bob, my beddie, Jack, Bob's beddie Sue, Dorothy and Harry are roomies and Angela and George are townies."The four Slippery Rock boys looked at each other.

"Sure," one said.Bobbi stood back from the door and the neighbors walked in as the Jones kids made room on the beds.They sat down."Well, I'm Frank, and Tom, and Joe, and Bill," the one who said "sure" introduced themselves.

"Uh, yeah I'm Bill, What's a beddie?"

"A beddie is your room mate who you like a lot. Really, you both like each other a lot.So instead of the beds being on opposite sides of the room, beddies push their beds together in the center of the room, though some leave one against the wall and push the other next to it.Some even get larger top sheets and blankets so we can sleep under the same covers," Jack said.

"Ugggh!Are you guys gay or something?Two boys in the same bed?And, er, here are four naked girls and you don't have hard ons."

"You're Tom, right?" Jack asked. The boy who asked the question nodded his head."Bobbi is my beddie.We couldn't be in sixth grade cause she and I lived in different cottages and sixth grade doesn't allow beddies.And Bobbie is the girl who opened the door. She and Bob are twins.Guys who are old enough to get hard, are new to Jones, and aren't used to seeing nude girls - like the don't go to a pool with nude swimming hours or something, they'll be hard the first couple of days.We have one seventh grader with this weird condition.He used to walk around hard all the time until they tried some medicine.Now he's normal most of the time.

"Now the guys in this room are not gay, nor the girls.We have some.They either have an opposite sex room mate and see other gays in a Private Room, or get permission to have a same sex room mate.There's a gay guy ninth grade couple and a gay gal tenth grade couple.So they have opposite sex roomies, actually, and work it out with the dorm counselors."

"So what's a roomie?" Tom asked.

"Those are two in the same room who are close friends but not beddies. Dorothy and Harry are roomies.Dorothy has a boy friend and Harry has a girl friend.You guys asked to room withCharlie and Becky next year, right?"

"Sure did.And we asked to have rooms next to each other," Dorothy said.

"Like, is everybody naked at Jones?" Frank asked.

"We're not naked.We're nude," Angela said.

"What's the difference?We see you with nothing on," Frank persisted.

"Okay. If you guys were to just take off your clothes now, I'll bet you'd be naked.You'd have probably both hands over your crotch.If two of you were girls, you'd have one arm over your breasts and one over your crotch.Right?" Bobbi asked."We see each other nude all the time, waking up, showering, eating, in class.It's no big deal."

"So you guys don't kiss or anything?"

All of the Jones students laughed at this."Yes, we do. And we have Private Rooms we can go to for privacy.They're mostly used by day students. Dormies have our room.And yes, Beddies will cuddle and kiss in bed at night and do a bunch of other stuff,"Bobbie suddenly stopped talking."Uh, Frank.Please take your hand off my thigh.You don't have my permission to be that close to my pussy.Jack doesn't have to ask, and one other boy, but anybody else needs to get my okay.So move it, please."

"My sister just asked you to take your hand away from her pussy.You need to do that,"

"Frank, she's my beddie.Move your hand."

Frank slowly withdrew his hand,"Hey, I thought this was some sort of free sex stuff."

"No.It's not.And hey, we have a half hour to get ready for bed.Two showers for eight of us isn't much.And I'm not sure we can have two together.So you guys need to leave.No hard feelings, okay?" Bob said, standing next to Bobbi.

The four Slippery Rock boys got up.Frank mumbled an "I'm sorry," and they were out the door.

"God, never seen so much pussy in my life!" Was the last thing Bobbi heard as she closed the door.The Jones students looked at each other and laughed.

`Imagine having to wear clothes all the time.I love Jones,"Dorothy said.

"I wish we could be dormies,"Angela said."George has spent the night at my house once and I've done the same at his.But our folks won't let us sleep in the same room.This is the first time we've ever slept in the same room, much less in the same bed."

"Yeah.I feel sorry for you and George," Bobbi said.

Baxter and Sylvia

Eighth graders Baxter and Sylvia sat together on the side of their hotel queen bed while Lacey and Matt sat facing them."No, Baxter, you two are not being punished by being our room mates for this trip.It's just how the logistics worked out," Matt said, knowing that he'd come as close as he could to a lie."You should feel sort of honored."

The two eighth graders looked at each other fighting to keep from laughing or crying."Mr. Leech, everybody is saying we did something wrong.And Jessie and Fran did to to have them room with Ms. Callahan and Mr. Jones. "

"Sylvia, everybody would include us, and Mr. Leech and I don't think you've done anything wrong."

"Okay. The kids, 7/8. They do.And they say,why have us in a room with a seventh grade teacher and Jessie and Fran who are seventh graders sleep in a room with eighth grade teachers?" Baxter asked.

"To keep that idea down.If this were some sort of punishment, you'd be with Ms. Callahan and Mr. Jones and Jessie and Fran would be with us.Think on that." The two thirteen year olds looked at each other.

"We're going to do bed check.This should not take to long as we only have six rooms to check, actually five.Just don't get stranded on Jackson's Island or get lost in the cave while we're gone," Mr. Leech instructed.

Out in the empty hallway the two gave a quick kiss, then Matt hurried to the end of their section while Lacey began to move towards him as the other chaperones began their check.Unlike at Jones each opened the door, counted noses above the sheets, and said, "Good night.Come lock the door and bolt it.Don't open it to any voice you hear you do not recognize as your chaperone."

As Matt and Lacey quickly checked their group, the other chaperones did theirs.Then they were back in their shared room, door locked and bolted, Baxter and Sylvia in their bed acting totally disinterested in each other and the fact that they were in bed with each other for the first time ever.The two adults smiled at each other.They quickly took off their bath robes and crawled into their bed.

"We tend to go to sleep quickly.We hope you do too. Ms. Livingston says I snore and I say she does, but it's not loud on either of us, we say.But don't try to keep each other awake.So go to sleep.We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. A lot of walking.Arlington is enormous.And then some of the memorials."

"We go to the Capital?" Sylvia asked.

"Day after tomorrow.We'll meet the first representative who was graduated from Jones -Paige Adams. Now, good night,"

This got followed by "good nights" from Baxter and Sylvia.Matt and Lacey lay next to each other for about five minutes.Then Matt hit the "play" button under his pillow to start the sound of soft, gentle, but masculine snores. Minutes later Lacey did the same.They lay still, arms around each other.

Faintly they both heard Baxter say, "They're asleep.Now?"

"I'm ready, Bax. But, get me ready, please."

"Sure Sylvia."The two chaperones listened to the faint noises of fumbling foreplay, staying as still as possible while the endless tapes of their light snoring continued.

"Baxter, really, I'm ready."

`Oh, Sylvia. You sure about this?" "Yes.I know we shouldn't.I just don't think I can wait any longer."

Matt turned, then turned the bedside light on."Kids," he said gently, "You need to wait.It's not that long.You will get your 14/1, I promise."

The two young lovers lay in their bed, looking like they were about to cry or scream. "You knew?" Baxter asked.

"Your parents warned us.They were fairly sure that being room mates for this trip would be your chance to defy school traditiions.Believe it or not, both of your folks want you to celebrate 14/1.But they had lots of clues you were going to give each other their virginity on this trip."

Baxter's face crinkled while Sylvia's eyes began to water.The two chaperones saw them; Matt hugged Sylvia while Lacey embraced Baxter.

"This virginity thing is a pain in the pussy," Lacey said. "I'm sure you have done almost everything but vaginal."The two nodded their heads."Look.Just wait it out.I know you both turn fourteen over the summer.Here's the deal.Wait until the real date and hold on. Or wait until school begins and let it begin with your 14/1 celebration.Will you do that?"The two young teens separated, then Baxter hugged Matt while Sylvia hugged Lacey.

"We promise," they both said.

"Good. Lights out and good night." The next morning Lacey woke to see Sylvia and Baxter on top of their covers, arms around each other in the active 69 position. She saw no blood stain on the bottom sheet.She smiled.She peeked under the covers.Lying on his side, Matt had his morning woodpointed straight at her.Quietly she maneuvered herself to line up his dick with her pussy.That must have brought him out of sleep as she felt his hand guide his cock in.She stifled her moan of delight as she felt Matt move inside her.

"They're still asleep," Baxter said in a loud whisper.Lacey opened her eye a crack.The two teens were still on top of the covers, spooned, their backs towards the adults."You want to try without lube?"

"Yes," came the eager but quiet response. More movement and then a slight gasp from Sylvia."It's okay now, Baxter.You're in my butt."

Matt picked up his thrusts, both of them keeping as quiet as they could.The teens were not as quiet."I'm about to cum," Matt whispered in Lacey's ear.

The thrill of making love right next to two young teens butt fucking triggered a cum by Lacey right after she felt Matt's cock release its load.She heard Baxter's sigh, a good sign that he had cum.She let out a loud sigh."Good morning, world," she said in her normal voice.

"Good morning, Ms. Livingston," Sylvia said.

"Good morning, both of you," Lacey responded. "You seem to have had a pleasant wake up."The two looked at her, eyes widening but said nothing.

"And we need to get moving. Look, let's let us guys get in first, and then you two go in.That way we just do what we need to do and get out quickly," Matt said.

"Good idea, dear," Lacey said.

"Come on, Baxter.You hit the shower while I shave."With that the two guys went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Sylvia sat on the edge of the rumpled bed."Ms. Livingston, you and Mr. Leech were having sex, weren't you?"

"Yes.So were you and Baxter, but you still get the V."

"I think I can trust you.You seem more friendly than Ms. Johnston.You know Baxter and I have been together since fifth grade, really.We had one tiff in sixth grade and didn't talk for like six months, but then we were back together again.But I have a problem, Ms. Livingston.Uh, I'm also in love with somebody else."

"Oh.That happens in life.You know when we go to the Capital this afternoon, we are going to meet with Congresswoman Adams.As you know, she's a Jones grad and her husband is a Jones grad.She's also a founder of the Locker Club.The story goes that in the first year, she was in the eighth grade but in an advanced Physics class because she was so smart.One of the students in the class was a boy from Africa.He came to the Locker Club as a client and they left as lovers and have been so ever since.If you see her family portrait, you will see one of the youngest is much darker than the others.I chanced upon a picture of the three of them as students, just before Francis was graduated.Paige was in the middle, with Mason and Francis on either side, each with an arm around her shoulder ... and a hand on a breast.

"So it's possible to have two loves.And may I ask who is the other boy?"

"Not a boy.In your third block eighth grade class.Molly Peterson."

"Oh.Well, here they come.You shower first, Sylvia."

The First Day

The two buses rolled into the bus parking lot of Arlington National Cemetery.As agreed 120 students and eleven chaperones would not be a manageable group, so divide.One group to the Visitors Center, one group to the JFK Memorial, one group to the Tomb of the Unknowns, and one to The Women's Memorial and then rotate clockwise.This gave three groups three chaperones and one group two. Lacey and Matt volunteered to be the two chaperones with twenty-eight seventh graders and two eighth graders.They also started at the Women's. Memorial .Surprisingly, Lacey found the boys more in awe of the exhibits than the girls, though one turned to a boy who asked a foolish question with, "Don, I can do that.And my sister is a plebe in West Point.So there."

From there they went to the Visitors' Center, then the long trek up to the JFK site, then got to the Tomb of the Unknowns in time to watch the Changing of the Guard.From there they headed back to the their bus, but since they had a half hour before getting on the bus for their lunch break, back at the Capital Lab School, their group asked if they could just see part of the "regular cemetery."Matt and Lacey agreed so, using the map, headed for the flat area, walking down what looked like a street which passed under a red brick arch.When they were almost to the arch they all heard drums behind them.Matt and Lacey turned around to see an obvious procession headed towards them.

"Kids.Off the street and stand on the grass.Be quiet and respectful."All of them turned and got off the street to stand facing the street.First came a color guard, all in blue uniforms with gold stripes on the sleeves, then the horse drawn caisson with riders on three horses and two sitting on the seat, with the flag draped casket, then soldiers with rifles, followed by a small band.Following the band came what had to be at least some of the mourners. Matt and Lacey glanced around to see if anybody was being a seventh grader.Nope.Quiet and still.

Probably because they were "room mates," Baxter turned to Mr. Leech and asked quietly, "Can we follow along and watch?"Mr. Leech checked his watch.

"I think so. But we must stand back.I understand it is fairly short. "So at a respectful distance the Jones students followed the funeral party to the Columbarium.Twice the band played, both times slow and mournful tunes.They watched again, all silent from a distance while the flag got folded, presented to a girl who looked their age, the firing squad fired, causing some to jump, and the bugler blew "Taps."Lacey saw several of the kids dabbing their eyes.Then the funeral party marched away to a tune most at least recognized, "The Caisson Song."

"Wow.He must have been a general," some boy whispered.

"Nah. I'm an army brat.General would have a flag and the riderless horse."


"Okay, kids.We need to hump it.And congratulations. Your conduct was superb.Keep it up at lunch."

Well, they tried. They were supposed to have lunch after the last scheduled one, but somebody didn't calculate on 120 dressed students and eleven chaperones meeting 150 nude students and twenty-four teachers and staff.Cat calling by the nude students hurrying to class met equal comments from those who may have been nude in school for several years.

But no fights happened, and they ate the good lunch, then got back on the busses for the Capital.Here again came dire warnings against misbehavior.They were led, through security up to the visitor's gallery, which apparently had been cleared for them for twenty minutes.The House seats were mostly full.

Down below a short blond lady stood up.`Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak on a new and marvelous educational experiment, the Lab School.Mr. Speaker, members of this fabulous house, some twenty or more years ago a new concept in education began in the school of which I am a graduate some ...years ago, Jones Lab School, the first of its kind.It's web site will show you some strange ideas that have resulted in fabulous results.First and foremost, the idea has spread so there is at least one lab school in every state of the union except Alaska, and there's a good reason for that - and, unfortunately, Alabama.My own state now has four.The nation's capital has its own new one, Capital Lab School, now five years old and beginning to build dormitories for grades 7 through 12 and cottages for grade 6.

"In those twenty or so years, my school has produced, with an average graduating class of 150,with 13 PhDs, of which I am one 25 medical doctors of various practices,military and naval veterans with awards including the Distinguished Service Cross, the Navy Cross, the Silver Star and at least 25 Purple Hearts.I might add that the recipient of the DSC sat in the school's first Advanced Physics class with me.He came to us from Cameroon, went to college in California where he took ROTC after becoming an American citizen, and has more campaign medals than I have gold stars on all my report cards.

"What is even more amazing is that for students who are in their junior and senior year at a Lab School face a 100% graduation rate, a 100% college or advance schooling acceptance, a 95% college graduation rate, all with a total of four expulsions from all lab schools and exactly one pregnancy prior to graduation.

"So I would like to introduce this resolution commending the Corporation Lab Schools for their fantastic success over the time of their existence.I pause for debate."

"The chair recognizes the distinguished Member of the great state of Mississippi."

"Thank you madam Speaker.Distinguished member, is it really true that you threw a varsity football player 25 feet for insulting you when you were but thirteen?"

"No.It was no more than two feet.I'm afraid he was expelled as one of the four in the history of Lab Schools.I have to admit my punishment for not seeking adult help was a bit more painful, but I was not expelled.

"May I move the question?"

"I second the motion," the Member from Mississippi called."Any member of this chamber who can throw a varsity football player any distance has my vote."

Needless to say the resolution carried.After this Congresswoman Adams first met with all of the Jones students in a big room and then twelve students and four chaperones met her in her office.

By luck, Stacey got picked to go.She found herself by a book case with official looking books on it and some photo albums on top.Casually she opened one in the middle.There were five pictures on the page. One caught her eye at once.In the middle stood a nude blond haired girl between two boys.Both looked like they had hard ons.One was at least six feet tall and black as an iron skillet, the other a few inches taller than the girl, as blond as the girl.Under the black guy somebody wrote "Francois" with a heart drawn in red while the other had "Mason" with another heart.She gulped before closing the album.She received a pen along with the others and a copy of both the total group photo and just the selected students.

As they were about to leave Congresswoman Adams said, "Fellow Jones students, I really like your Jones shirts. If I can get one, I'd love to have one. I will wear it, and on the floor.But I'm afraid my staff says we can't do a group photo with the real Jones class uniform.

"Thanks for coming."

After that came a bus tour of monuments as the next day would be the Smithsonian.Even for middle school kids and their chaperones, sleep came early with no playing around, either from Jones or from Slippery Rock.

The Return to Jones

The second day was museum day and Mall day.As before they broke into small groups ina round robin of the various museums before going down to the Wall and the Korean and World War II memorials.Those in the group of one of Matt and Lacey's students watched while one seventh grade classmatemade a rubbing of the name of a nineteen year old uncle he never knew.

After dinner the Jones kids retreated to their rooms, most of them too tired to want to do anything but get into bed and sleep.The chaperones agreed.Matt and Lacey lay next to each other, hands gliding over the other's body when both heard a soprano scream. "No!GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME! MR LEECH!! HELP!"

Both Matt and Lacey jumped out of bed, despite both being nude.Behind them came Baxter and Sylvia,equally nude, all four rushing to open their door.At their opened door they saw twelve year old Karen Colvin, in a bathrobe being dragged into a Slippery Rock door, two doors down the hall.

Mr. Leech roared into action."Let my student go!" He shouted. "Lacey - get those damned so called chaperones out here."He grabbed one of the boys, pulling him off Karen while the other got collared by Lacey."Baxter.Sylvia.Go get a robe on and bring ours."

Matt pulled the boy he'd grabbed to face him."What do you think you're doing?

"We was just having a little fun, mister.That's all."

"What happened, Karen?"

"I was going back to my room.I'd been talking to Sarah and her room mates and these two boys came out of a room. They started talking, then one grabbed my robe and pulled it open. One said "She's naked.Look at her tits!."The other grabbed me and started pushing me into their room.I yelled."

Baxter and Sylvia came back with robes on to hand the adults theirs.Matt put his on while still holding on to the one boy, then he held onto the one Lacey had while she put on hers. Safely covered they waited for the same middle aged Slippery Rock chaperone who came out before."Now what's going on?I told you girls on this floor would bring problems."

"How have any of our girls made problems?" Lacey asked in a quiet voice."Have any of our boys made problems on the seventh floor?"

"No.That's not the point.There are girls on this floor," the Slippery Rock chaperone said.

"And we have our eighth grade boys and girls on the seventh floor.No problems.Seems like the problems here come from the boys.Have you had a problem with any of our girls trying to pull any of your boys into a Jones room?" Lacey asked, her voice still steady.

"Not that I've heard of," the chaperone replied."But let go of these two boys. What do you say they did?"

"Let the girl they attacked tell you.Karen, be polite, but tell this lady what these two boys did."

"Yes, Mr. Leech. Ma'am I had been with my friend Sarah and her room mates.We realized bed check was about to happen so I put on my bathrobe and left to go to my room. On the way these two boys came out and started talking to me.I told them I had to get to my room.One grabbed my bathrobe and pulled It open.He said something like "I see her tits.She's naked."The other grabbed me and started pulling me into the room they'd come from.So I yelled for help."

"So, do you have any questions, ma'am?By the way when we opened the door when we heard her screams, her bath robe was pulled open and, as the Victorians would have said, her private parts were clearly visible and one boy pulled an arm while the other pushed her in the back."

Lacey turned to Karen."Karen, when did you first come to Jones?"

"I was fourth grade Ms. Livingston.I was a day student, of course until this year.I'm a five day dormie now.I baby sit on weekends to help my folks pay my tuition.I just didn't like undressing and dressing every day to go to and from school,you know."

"Karen, think on this.How many times since then has a Jones boy assaulted you or molested you?"

"MS. LIVINGSTON!None, of course.Why would they do that?"She laughed."Fifth grade, Charlie Jones stole my panties while I was getting dressed to go home.But I stole his boxers the next day.That was the big thing to do that spring.The whole fifth grade got a big lecture and had a silent no lunch day.We didn't do it any more."

"So, Ma'am, what do your boys say?"

"Well,I have to say that stealing underwear in school and getting naked in public in school with the sexes mingled... I just don't see anything positive.I'm sure these two boys were just joking.."

"Ma'am, I think I can speak as a woman, a teacher, and a Jones grad, there is a hell of a lot of difference between being nude among your friends and having two strangers pull your robe apart and talk about your body while they try to drag you into a room with two other strange boys.What if Mr. Leech and Mr. McPherson were to grab you and try to pull you into a Jones bedroom?"

"That's a preposterous question.They wouldn't do that."

"What if all three of you were twelve?"

"I don't know."

"Neither does Karen.At school she wears a silver V on a necklace, telling the school she is a virgin. She's proud of that, as are all our kids who wear a V.And the kids who don't wear one are protective of those who do.

"We can call the police.I'm sure they would arrest these two boys on juvenile charges.They might well ruin the rest of their lives.If there is any commotion caused by your boys, we will call the police.We're about to do bed check.As part of the check tonight, we will enter each room and tell the room that leaving the room before 6:30 tomorrow morning will result in a DRB meeting.You understand that?"

"Yes.Let my boys go and they will go to their room until I knock on it tomorrow,Understand, boys?"

"Yes, Ms. Himmler," they chorused.

"Good," Matt said."We appreciate the co-operation. I'm going to call our chaperones now and give them additional instructions.Good night."

The hall cleared as Lacey escorted Karen back to her room, then returned to find Baxter and Stylvia comfortable after brushing their teeth before bed. "Remember your promise," she said softly then, "Thanks in helping your fellow student."The two students beamed.

The next afternoon as the two buses unloaded the two drivers came up to Matt and Lacey, furtively holding hands like the engaged couple they were."You know, Mr. Leech, Ms. Livingston, Ted and I have driven middle school bus trips several times.As a rule we get extra pay for doing those trips.But your kids are fantastic.I have an eleven year old girl and a nine year old boy.Ted has twelve year old fraternal twins.We aren't rich, but we both think we'd like to see our kids in Jones."

"There are ways.Check with admissions."Matt smiled."If nothing else, your daughtersdon't have to worry about the idiot boy behind her popping her bra strap."

The adults laughed.It was a good trip.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 35

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