Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Nov 30, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #33: The Engagement

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals

The Engagement


Larry Marian

Lacey Livingston woke up slowly, nestled against the chest of Matt Leech.She felt his morning wood pressed against her crack.He didn't seem to be awake yet as there was no motion on his part to enter her.She wiggled her bare hips,, hoping that might start waking him.This was getting to be almost routine.They'd now been sleeping together for four months.Not even night, but most nights, either at his house or her apartment.Her contact with both Pete and Bobby had to slowed to maybe one of them once a week.But she really began to think of Matt as her SO, It seemed he felt the same way, too.

Which brought her to last night at the Lee mansion for her sixth experience with the combination of lightening strip poker with partner swapping.All the other times they had played with three other couples, but this time there were six, as the hosts were wealthy Koreans, and the guests included Lacey and Matt, white,an Africa-American couple who went by LeRoy and Belinda,a Hispanic couple, Juan and Roberta, and their now old swap friends,Frank and Abby and Adam and Liz.

Over drinks and snacks Mr, Lee explained the different rules for tonight. "I hope everybody is having a good time and and will have a better time later.So, once everybody is nude we will have a general get acquainted period until the half hour or the hour.Then each couple will go to their first assigned bedroom.Instead of staying with the partner the entire evening, we will rotate every half hour.Taking my first partner, the very lovely Lacey, as an example, she and I will delight each other for a half hour.Then an automatic tone signals the end, so we will bid a sad adeau and Lacey will depart for room #2 and the lucky lady who was in room #6 will enter my room for our half hour of fun.In three hours time we will have enjoyed companionship with all six members of the other sex. So are there any objections?"

"Sounds like fun," or some variation came from everybody.

"Before we begin this fun, Mr. Lee has, like all men, failed to give direction instructions.So, ladies, I have six sets of instructions, depending on which bedroom you start from and how to get to that room."With that she handed out route instructions to each naked lady in the room. She then went to Matt and eased herself onto his lap as they were couple number two to begin.Lacey and the others followed suit.

So it had been fun, Lacey thought as she and Mr Lee began to warm up.Matt's touching, feeling hand brought her out of her memories of the previous evening. In return, she ran her hand over his stiff cock. "My wonderful Lacey, good morning."

"Good morning, Sweetie," she responded."Matt, after last night, I have a confession, love."

"What's that, Lacey?"

"Matt, this started out as a memory of four years ago. To me, it has grown,Matt, I have no intention of your being the only man.I have no intention of making you swear that you will never sleep with another woman. But, Matt, I;m positive I've fallen in love with you."

"You have? Well, Lacey,, I have a surprise for you.Just a second."With that he rolled over to his side of the bed. Lacey heard the drawer open and close.He rolled back over to face her."Lacey Livingston, there are some old fashioned parts of me. How would you like to begin the next school year as Lacey Leech?"With that he showed her the diamond ring in the jewelry box."Should I see if it fits?"

Lacey threw her arms around him."Right now, the only thing I want is to slip something I know does fit into me.I'll try the ring later. Then - my dad is a thousand miles away. Call and ask him for my hand in marriage.If he says no,' hang up and tell me he said yes."With that she rolled onto her back. "Gotta start the engagement missionary style," she said.

Later they made breakfast for themselves, a nice, hearty breakfast, the ring on her finger.After breakfast, still nude, they sat before the fire.Matt handed Lacey his phone."Your dad should be awake.Dial his number, please."

"You're kidding. You are going to ask for my hand?"

"Yep."Lacey grinned, dialed, and handed the phone to Matt after putting the phone on speaker.


"Mr. Livingston, this is Mr. Leech, the Dean of Boys at Jones Lab School where your daughter Lacey teaches.I have a question to ask you and her mom about her."

"She okay?"To Lacey, bitting her tongue, he sounded worried.

"She's just fine. I'm looking at her right now."

"Hmm. It's about eight thirty your time.A tad early to see a girl unless she spent the night."

"I did Dad.That's why Matt's calling. "

"Well nice to have it out in the open.Mr, eh, Leech, correct?You haven't made Lacey pregnant, have you?"

"Uh, no sir. Uh, Mr. Livingston, this is not the normal way, but, I have proposed to Lacy and she hasaccepted. I'd like your permission to marry Lacey."

"Well. let's see. Lacey has a master's degree.She went six years to Jones, three years to college, and a master's in English. Yeah. I think, one adult camel, three asses, a fine riding horse, and fourteen sheep or goats, or some combination would be a satisfactorybride price. How say you, young man?"

"Well, sir, I'm afraid..."

"Dad, he's got three bottles of Two Buck Chuck merlot and one of chardonnay.How about that?"

"Good morning, Lacey.I see you are there. So you want to marry this stud?"

"Yes, Dad.I do."She smiled at Matt.

"Okay.Permission granted. When is the wedding?"

"We haven't talked about that," Lacey broke in. "But if we can handle it before school starts next year. "

"Okay.Well, you two enjoy the week end. Bye."

The two hung up and looked at each other, smiling, then laughing."Matt. Go on line.Dad didn't say those animals had to be alive. Plastic animals are easy to find. Great part of the wedding. He walks me up the aisle. We arrive. You give him a camel, three asses, a horse, and fourteen sheep and or goats, all plastic or rubber."

"Sounds good.So he has already figured out that we're sleeping together. He's not `leaving on a jet plane' to rescue me or something. But I, at least, feel the real need to cut ties with Pete and Bobby as a frequent thing.And, Matt, that thirteen year old aide you have. Is she one of my students?"


"I think those ties need cutting too.I have an evil plan, I think your dad would approve."

"Okay, Lacey, when do you try on the ring?"

"Now.But it's off at school until our engagement is official."

"Done,"Matt slipped the ring on her finger. It fit. They kissed again.

Monday morningfound Lacey waiting in front of her classroom door,She knew Bobby or Pete would probably pass by with a mutual wink or nod or both.She saw Bobby first. "Bobby. A word with you."

"Yes, Ms. Livingston?" his face straight, his book bag suddenly over his crotch.

"After school.You and Pete.Pete's car.You know where. Okay?"


"Good.Move on, Bobby."

Lacey's day went well. Johnny's fourth block was tomorrow. It shouldn't be the beginning of his arousal period.Shouldn't be.That might be a problem.In any event, she left school about as early as she could. As she arrived at her apartment she called Matt. "I'm at my apartment. They should be here soon."

"Got it, dear,"With that Lacey went into the apartment.She went into her bedroom, stripped to put on her flops.Minutes later the doorbell rang.

She answered it to see Pete and Bobby."Come in.Go into the bedroom and get ready.I'm right behind you." She saw their surprised looks.

"Get ready?"Bobby asked.

"Strip," Lacey replied as she laughed. The two seniors went into the bedroom they'd been in before, taking off their clothes as they didl. She followed them.Of course once they were nude thy had erections.She stood between them. `You are two fine fellows. You'll be graduated soon. I'm going to miss you. But I promise, we'll have one more one on one meeting before you leave Jones.But now, just the three of us, two hard cocks, a mouth and a cunt.What could be better.Who's older?"

"I am, Lacy," Bobby answered. Lacy nodded her head, dropped to her knees to face Bobby's hard cock while taking Pete's prick in her hand to begin to jack it.She took Bobby's in her mouth to begin his blow job.

"Oh, shit, Lacey. So good, Bobby moaned."

"Christ, even her jacking is good," Pete said just before she took Pete's prick in her mouth and Bobby's cock in her hand.She continued to go back and forth between the two erections as the boys moans grew more constant and louder."I'm going to shoot," Pete said, while Lacey jacked him. At once she switched cocks - just in time as his first blast hit as herlips closed.She gulped and swallowed while continuing to jack Bobby.As soon as Pete's cum ended, she switched over to Bobby, bringing him off in the next minute.

"I hope you enjoyed that," Lacey said, getting to her feet, then kissing Pete, then Bobby."You guys ready for the next event?"They both nodded."Okay, Pete, your the younger.I've already flipped the coin.What do you call - heads or tails?"

"Tails, Lacey," Pete said at once."Lacey got on the bed on her hands and knees.

"Pete, you have tails - my pussy.Bobby, you have heads, my mouth.Come on guys,"With that she felt Pete get between her legs while she saw Bobby adjust himself between her arms, his cock level with her mouth.Moments later both entered her.

"Damn, this is good," Bobby said.

"Yeah.Lacey, so good."

"Ummph," Lacey mumbled through Bobby's cock.She rocked back and forth between the two eighteen year old boys,with two small cums along the way until she felt Pete unload into her pussy and then Bobby filled her mouth with his warm salty/sweet cum.The three separated.

"Fuck, Lacey, what next?" Bobby asked,

`If you want, rotate," Lacey responded, licking her lips.

"Damn straight," Pete said.So they did. Again, the smaller, older woman rocked back and forth from the two cocks, one in her pussy, the other in her mouth, until she orgasmed three times and they'd cum again.The three rested there for a minute, all still joined together when Lacey heard "Honey, I'm home! From the living room's direction.

"Oh, shit," Bobby said."The DoB!"

Lacey moved her head, releasing it from Bobby's shrinking cock."In the bedroom, dear," she called.She watched both boys scramble, but were still on the bed when she saw Matt walk in, nude but wearing sneakers.The two seniors, Lacey saw, were two deer caught by headlights.Matt began to laugh, followed byLacey,

"Okay, guys,I'm going to use our names.Matt and I thought we needed to let you know there is a relation change."She reached under a pillow to hand a small box to Matt, who opened it to place a ring on Lacey's ring finger."We're engaged. Yes, a bit strange. And your DoB and my fiancee are not mad at you.

"We have one other event before Jones knows this.So, keep your traps shut, please."

Pete and Bobby looked at each other."Weird," Pete said.

"Even stranger, I called the school to let them know you had two flat tires and would be back at school later, rescued by me.So now we have some steaks to grill and other stuff. "

"Tomorrow'll be another day," Lacey said.

The next day Ms. Livingston appeared before her three classes of the day without her ring on.Johnny walked in to her last block class with his dick at soft four inches.He lookeda bit unhappy.She thought that maybe the interim had begun to start. She smiled at him as he shrugged his shoulders.One of the more physically mature girls looked unhappy. The class went along smoothly.

Once classes ended, she straightened up the room, checked two classes papers -; multiple choice, easy to grade, then got dressed to leave before she walked down to Matt's office.It was unlocked but empty and the door to the inner office was closed.She took her ring out of her waist belt, then put it on wondering which one of her girls was busy sucking her fiancee's dick.Well, she was about to find out.

She opened the door to see Matt standing with a ginger haired girl in his chair, her pig tails bobbing."I'm getting close, Ginger," he said. Lacey smiled.Let her finish."Oh, yes. Nice Ginger.Nice."He patted the back of the thirteen year old's head."Hi, Lacey.Just in time."

"Hi, Matt.Hello, Ginger.So you're Matt's youngest assistant."The chair spun around as Ginger's mouth flew open, her hand still between her legs.

"Ms. Livingston...."

"Yes.We needed to let you know, Ginger.Mr. Leech and I are now engaged.That means you may think you're in a bad situation.Shall I continue to help Mr Leech and ask to get transferred to Ms. Sullivan's class this late in the year or should I stop helping Mr. Leech and stay with Ms Livingston, or should I stay with both of them?" "I,I didn't know..."

"We didn't either until two days ago, I'd like you to stay in our class.I think you can continue to be the fine student you are."

"And I'd like you to continue helping me, Ginger.Lacey and I have had an open relationship.We started out just like you and me.She was your age.She is not going to hold anything against you."

"You want to continue as we are, Ginger?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You're having a relationship with Felicia, right?"

"Uh, yes ma'am.We discovered we're bi, and our beddies are bi.So three nights a week we swap."

"I'd heard that from the 7/8 counselors.Just sit where you are Ginger."Lacey stepped up to the girl, knelt down before her, gently spread her knees apart, and leaned forward to rub her tongue up Ginger's damp crack. "That's a token of our trust, Ginger.Matt, you want me to bring Ginger off or do you want to?Or Ginger, who would you like to bring you to your cum?"

The girl blinked."You, please," she said softly.Lacey did.She felt and heard three good cums from the girl before she staggered out of the chair, revealing a large damp spot. She kissed both Lacey and Matt good bye and left the room.

"My apartment's closer, Matt.You need a good fuck?"

"I do.Don't get a speeding ticket," he said as he reached for his clothes.

The next afternoon Lacey sat at her desk checking student work when Johnny walked in,his large hard cock leading the way.Lacey saw at once that the bright red head leaked pre cum and his face looked distorted."Please Ms. Livingston. Four girls were scheduled so far.A junior at breakfast, a sophomore at lunch,another junior for now, and a senior after study hall. All first three had to cancel.Can you help me?My balls are killing me."

"Sounds like you need an hour of sex."

"At least."

"Okay.I have a plan.No bending over my desk." She picked up the desk phone."Mr. Leech.This is Ms. Livingston.Could I possibly ask you to go walk the halls for awhile.I'm in need of something in your office.I'll lock up when I'm finished. .... Yes, it does. ... Thank you very much.Bye. "

She turned back to Johnny."Okay, Johnny. I want you to walk down to Mr. Leech's office and just wait.If he walks out of his office, let him go down the hall, then go in, then go into the next room.I'll be right behind you."

"Yes, Ms. Livingston."With that, Johnny turned and left.Lacey waited a few minutes, then left her room, locked it to walk down the now empty hall to Mr. Leech's office.She entered, locked the outer door before turning out the light, then went into the inner office to see Johnny sitting on the cot.He got up as she walked in and closed the door.

Lacey sat on the couch to motion him towards her, her lips parted. Johnny came forward, his cockhead brushed her lips before she took him in, letting her mouth slide forward.She slid back, then forward."Oh, crap, Ms. Livingston" he mumbled as his cum shot into her mouth, totally surprising her.Never had he cum that fast.Or so much.She had to swallow four times before he stopped."So sorry.I couldn't help it," he said. Lacey started to withdraw her mouth when she noticed that while the now eight inch cock had softened a bit, it was rock hard again.She cupped his balls and began to minister to it again.This time he lasted a good three minutes before once more pouring four swallows worth of cum into her mouth.

This time she took her mouth off his dong.It hardly deflated before coming to attention again."Johnny. You want to fuck?"

"God, yes, Ms. Livingston."

"Let's do it," she said, turning and lying on her back, legs open for him.He got on the cot, then between her welcoming legs and then slid his cock into her cunt.Her legs went inside his as her hips began to pump.The fuck took five minutes which gave her two small cums before his balls once more flooded her pussy tunnel.

"Thank you, Ms. Livingston.I'm better now," Johnny said, as he raised to kneeling between her legs.

"Good.Johnny, I'll turn over.You can bang my butt if you want."

"I'd like that," he said.Moments later Lacey lay on her stomach, her butt raised to receive his eight inches.She felt the cock slide in easily as she relaxed."Nice," he said.

"Yeah. Go for it, Johnny. "He did, almost franticly, going much faster, much sooner than he normally did when he entered her rosebud.Again, this took only five minutes or so before she felt his orgasm which triggered another one of her own.

After that the two got up. Lacey gave Johnny a quick kiss, then led him to the outer room.She stayed back out of sight as he opened the door."Why Johnny?Mr Leech chewing you out?My, that didn't bother your dick! Say, I have a PR.Want to come let me help you with it?"She couldn't make out who the girl was, but it was obvious they were headed to the PR together.Good, she thought as she went to Matt's locker to take out the emergency clothes she now kept there. As always, Johnny made her horny.Matt could take care of that in a more romantic way.

The next morning Ms. Livingston led her first block students through the morning ritual, which ended in announcements.These were done by Pete, her eighteen year old lover, the SCA president. He concluded the announcements with, "And now a special announcement from our principal."

"Good morning, Jones Family.I know I don't normally add to the announcements, but I learned of a special one, one that will be of great interest to all the boys and young men and to the students in 7/8.I learned this morning that our Mr. Leech, the Dean of Boys has asked Ms. Livingston, one of our 7/8 English teachers will get married before the beginning of the next school year.On behalf of Jones Lab School let me offer Mr. Leech congratulations and Ms. Livingston much happiness."

In Ms. Livingston's classroom there was stunned silence, then pandemonium until she raised her hand.As she did silence returned, but hands stayed up."Yes?"

"Does that mean you won't be here next year?"

"Doris, I plan on being here until your daughter is in the seventh grade," which brought a lot of laughs.

"I've seen Mr. Leech's house.It's convenient to the school. That's where we'll live, Jack."

"We've said nothing about our own children.I'm sure we will have one or two, Prissy."

Without a hand up, Jerry (of course, Jerry) blurted out, "Have you and Mr. Leech done it yet?"The silence became even more quiet.

"Jerry! Be polite!""Bad boy!""Why do you want to know?"Lacey held up her hand again.

"Jerry, that it' is a pronoun.You know that a pronoun requires an antecedent.Remember that?So is your it' going to the movies?Watching the fire in his fireplace?Taken a walk together?We've done all of that together,"

"No, ma'am.`IT'."

"Sorry Jerry.What is `IT'"?Jerry began to blush.A few in the class began to giggle.

"Uh, intercourse, Ma'am," Jerry managed to get out of his mouth,

"You mean what you, the class, and I are having right now?"

Jerry looked shocked."Uh no, Ma'am.The sex type.Just you and Mr Leech."He blushed.

"Okay.Ever so often the teacher has to tear up the lesson plan. Or at least part of it. So, Jerry, the normal and ordinary thing called sex has many names.I know that you still get that class in your first week at Jones, and we still make the difference between science and norm.So, Mr. Leech and I have had sexual intercourse with each other.Now when, where, and how, sorry.None of your business.Most couples have.The number of virgin brides is quite small.

"In the US at one time most high school girls were virgins. That number dropped for a long time, then began to rise.When the shots protecting both boys and girls from STD and boys from getting a girl pregnant and girls from getting pregnant became approved, sexual activity began to rise again. That was one of the reasons why Jones and the other lab schools started 14/1.There is thought to raise that to 15/1 in the near future.

"As a Jones grad myself, I notice that fewer and fewer girls and boys are turning in their V on14/2.My class at Jones had two virgins graduate, one boy and one girl.This year's class seems to have about 1/3 still virgin - by our rules,If you wanted to count oral sex - well, I look around the class and see a lot of downcast eyes, both boys and girls.

"Kids - Sex is great.Wonderful.But it is still a great responsibility.That is the reason for 14/1.

"Now, I am not going to go around the room and ask about what you do at night or in a PR, whether you have a room mate like, say, Wendy has, or is a day student like Jerry.But, the most important thing is to always be sure you are doing what YOU think is best.You only own yourself."

A hand raised."Yes, Angie?"

"Ms. Livingston.Could you let us see your ring?"

Lacey held up her left hand.

Every girl dashed from her desk to look in a babble of squeaks and sighs.

"And now, to work," Lacey commanded. "What would have happened if Juliet had woken two minutes before Romeo killed himself?"

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 34

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