Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Nov 8, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #30:Summer vacation with the M'urks or Betty and Helen

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13

with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with

his characters as individuals

Summer Vacation with the M'urks


Betty and Helen


Larry Marian

Tom drove the SUV through the open gates to the M'urk house.Beside him sat eleven year old Betty.In the middle seat sat Frank, her sixteen year old brother and Bobbi-Jo, fourteen, Frank's girl friend. In the rear seat sat Amy and Max, fourteen, he being the younger brother of Tom.Waiting for them in the large house were Tom's parents, Roy and Debbie, and Maggie, Tom's beddie at Jones Lab School, as well as nine year old Helen, Roy and Debbie's daughter.

"Wow!" Betty said."Who else lives here?This is like a hotel."

"Well, the housekeeper and the cook have their own apartments.But other than that, just us.We do have a couple of spare bedrooms for guests.

"Uh, like I said, this is a clothing optional home.You'll meet Mom, Dad, Helen, and Maggie in the family room.I suspect they will be nude.What would you like to do?We actually have a small disrobing room at the front entrance.I'll just go in there, take off my clothes and put them on a hook.They're there for when I dress to go out."

"Max and I'll do the same thing," Amy said.

Frank and Bobbi-Jo looked at each other."Well, might as well do like the Romans," Frank said."Lord knows I don't want to see my kid sister all nekked and me in my best jeans."

"You don't have to look, Frank," Betty snorted."And you're going to be staring at Bobbi-Jo, anyway."

"Well,I said I'd do it and I'll do it,"Bobbi-Jo said.

"So.There's really not enough room for everybody in there, so let's have Max, Amy, and myself go first, then Frank, Bobbi-Jo, and Betty.Then we'll all go to the den.Okay?"

"Ah, sure," Frank said.With that the three occupants disappeared into the changing room and five minutes or less they were out wearing an assortment of house shoes."Well, okay," he said to lead the way into the changing room.Betty looked around to find several more empty hooks as her older brother started to take off his cowboy shirt.She turned to the wall, facing away fromher brother and his girl friend to slowly unbutton her cowboy shirt.Then she had to take off her boots.So she sat on one of several benches to pull them off, which forced her to turn around to see Frank doing the same, and Bobbi-Jo, who hadn't even taken off her shirt yet. Her boots off, she turned back around to face the decision, what next, jeans or her bra, her still training bra, butthey were getting bigger.Well, it wasn't like she had on a thong, just a normal pair of white panties.Down and off came the jeans.Then, a deep breath, hands to the back, and off came the bra.She glanced down to see it they might have grown from the flight all the way here, then slid the cotton panties off.Another deep breath, then she turned around when she almost broke into a laugh.Frank was naked.He also had a boner.He also looked totally bewildered.For a second she wanted to shout out the news, but then she saw Bobbi-Jo with her hands on her panties, staring at her boy friend's boner.

She wanted to laugh, but she surely didn't want either of them to know that she'd seen them screw, not once, but four times.She stifled her giggles to put on a poker face."Okay, Bobbi-Jo.Iguess I have to walk out like this. So let's get it over with." She grimaced, then slid her nylon panties off.The three came out, Frank in the middle.Tom lead the way to the family room where the rest of the M'urks stood up when they entered."Welcome.I'm Mom Debbie and my famous rock & soul star Dad Roy, and Tom's weddie.."

"That's `beddie,' Mom.Maggie and I are beddies.Amy and Max are beddies."

"Yes.Maggie and our daughter Helen.So, it's close to dinner, but we have some nibbles out.I think teenagers can exist on cheese, veggies, and cold meats for a half hour or so.Matsuki-san will be out in a few moments for drink orders.Tom, no, you may not have a Bud."

Betty kept waiting for a comment about Frank's hard on, but nothing was said. Matsuki-san came out wearing an apron around her waist, zori, and nothing else except a comb in her hair to take requests for drinks then retired to bring them out.Betty watched Mom Debbie, who looked totally white to her, urge the arrivals to grab something to eat before dinner, which would be in an hour.She also marveled over the skin color of the other four M'urks.Dad Roy seemed quite dark, like a deep chocolate brown, while Tom looked maybe like French toast but Max appeared to be a life guard at the end of the season while Helen seemed to be able to blend into the sand.

"Now, Frank and Bobbi-Jo,I don't want to embarrass either of you," Dad Roy said, "I just want you both to be comfortable here.Max has sent us accounts of his veryhappy time in North Dakota with your family.So, the rubber hits the road.Here are the facts.Tom and Maggie share a bedroom as do Max and Amy at Jones.They do the same here.You two are headed for Jones and have applied to be room mates.Whether the school will allow that or not, I don't know.We have two guest bedrooms available.One has twin beds and the other a queen size bed.

"Sir, your kids have already talked to us about that.Bobbi-Jo and I have talked about it.We'd like to have the room with the queen size bed.We just don't want our parents to know now."Betty looked. Her brother's cock still stuck straight out, but nobody had commented on it.

"Frank, I will not lie to your folks, nor will I give them gratuitousinformation.That settled,Betty, Helen has twin beds in her room.You're welcome to stay in her room if you'd like.She's already said she'd be glad to do this."

"I did.Daddy asked and I said yes," Helen said.

"That's fine with me, " Betty said."I guess I need to get used to a room mate."

"Ah, Matsuki-san is here, Dad Roy said as a small bell rang."My dear wife, would you guide our guests to the dining room?"

"Of course."

Betty grinned as she thought of just saying, `Can't we just chow down?' but she enjoyed the meal, sitting next to Helen who guided her through the forks, spoons, and knives, "Believe me, we don't do this crap every meal.Dad loves to BBQ.Tomorrow may be ribs and corn on the cob and slaw out by the pool."

After dinner Helen took Betty up to her bedroom, with twin beds on either side, shelves with books and dolls, and other things which seemed to show her moving up. Helen pointed to the things on the shelves and other flat surfaces. "Mom wants me to keep these things.I'd like to ditch them.I sure wish I could go to Jones next year.But boarders have to be sixth grade. You're so lucky."

"Yeah. Well, not sure I'm ... I don't know.I mean being naked around folks you don't know?"

Helen giggled. "Your brother with his hard on. Nobody said nothing.It happens.It's okay."Sheshrugged.Your pools, don't they have CO days at least?"

"CO days?"

"Clothing optional.You can wear a suit or swim nude."

"Our closestswimming pool is more than twenty miles away.But we do swim in some of the ponds. And, yeah, we skinny dip still.A little.When we were younger we did it all the time.Now. Maybe not,"

"Yeah. Well glad to have another girl who's not attached to a guy."Helen sat up on her bed."I think I just head Tom and Maggie's door close.How long before they fuck?"

"How would you know?"

Helen let loose a quiet giggle. "There's a ventilator in the wall under your bed and another under mine,That's why I talk so low.Funny thing is, I can hear both my brothers, but they can't hear me.Or us."

Betty leaned forward. "Helen, why are you and your folks so different in color?I hope I a haven't said something bad."

Helen laughed."Dad loves to say we're all mongrels, and they're the best dogs of all. Dad's pure African, whatever that means.Mom is too, except most of them are white.So Mom and Dad both say they ran low on brown.Tom is a sort ofchocolate brown, Max looks like he has a deep tan and I look like a sand beach.

"Bet you a zillion dollars you got some Zulu warrior in you, White Cakes."

Betty laughed."Probably right."She pointed her finger at Helen.Mom says thatgreat grandma Ellen got pregnant by Young Man Whose Horses Scare You. Don't know. Maybe I have Lakoda blood in me."

"So who was he, this horse guy."

"Some say he was the one who killed Yellow Hair. "

"Yellow Hair?"


"Listen to Tom and Maggie," Helen said.

Betty lay still to hear the teen couple next door,"God, yes, Tom.So good." "Maggie.Tight,"

Betty turned to Helen on the bed against the other wall. "They are?"

"Almost every night. Uh, Betty, do you play with yourself?"

"Uh. Yeah. You?"


"You're nine?"

"Uh huh.But they- well listen to them."

"Umm. Yeah.Are they doing it".

"Yep.Listen, Amy and Max just came into their room.Wonder if they play act tonight."

"Play act?"

"Yeah.White girl and black boy."

"Oh."Betty looked at Helen.They were both girls, of course.But they sure looked different.At nine Helen stood almost as tall as Betty, with black curly hair and skin that was, as she said, the color of sand, much lighter than her father or two brothers, but darker than her mother.While she didn't have real boobs yet, her nipples stuck out from her chest.They and the rather large areola were brown while her own were quite small and pale.Helen's pussy looked like an oyster while her own had a small patch of still blond hair above her clit.Her own breasts were coming along nicely.Her 28A bras were a bit tight now.But she didn't have to wear one, really, and of course here and then in a few weeks at Jones she couldn't wear one.

"They're playing nigga gangsta and innocent whitey tonight," Helen said softly.

"Huh?"Betty replied.

"Yeah, just listen to them."

Betty heard Max say, "Wha cha be doin' here in de Hood, white girl?"

"I, I think I'm lost, sir."That was Amy she knew.

"Well, ya come with me.I be stayin' just round de block.I got a city map.Show ya where to go.Come on."

"Yes, sir."

"Well, this be ma crib.Yo set yo white ass down on de couch, white bread."

"Yes, sir. You aren't going to molest me, are you sir?"

"Molest you, white bitch?Shit no.I'm gonna make you the happiest white girl fo five mile around. You have a white boy friend,cunt?"

"Uh, yes sir."

"Do he have eight inches tween his legs?"


"Do he have a eight inch dick when he fuck you?"

"OH!! NO!! I've never seen Percy undressed."

"Well, shit, white cunt, take a look at this.But, you look hot.Take off that top yo wearing and yo bra.I wanna see you white titties.


"Show me yo tits, bitch fo I rip yo clothes off an throw yo out on de street nekked."

"Oh.But don't hurt me."

"Is this serious?" Betty asked.

"No.It's a game they sometimes play.Say, I know you're twelve, but you do have nice looking boobs.I hope mine do more soon.I'll be ten in two months.When did you start getting yours?"

"Uh, I guess about a year ago."

From Max and Amy's room, Betty heard Max say, "Yo got yo some nice titties, white bitch.Now, I'm gonna show ya the first nigga dick yo gonna suck."

"That's neat.I can't wait for mine.I hope they look like yours.Uh, Betty, uh, you said you've touched yourself.Have you ever touched another girl?Or a girl touched you?"

`Not really.But I have a friend. We almost did.We were just horsing around up in the hayloft."

From the next room Betty heard, "Yeah.Cover yo teeth, white bitch.Don't yo be scrappin' my cock.Yeah.Keep suckin'.I ain't gonna cum yet.But yo swallow my shit when I do."

"I guess Amy's doing it to Max now,"Betty said.

"Yeah... would you like to try?I would."

"I,,I think so."With that Betty felt Helen's hand slide between her legs.

"Open your legs a bit, Betty," Helen said.Becky felt another hand on her pussy.It slowly slid up her crack to her clitoris.She heard her gasp at the feel of another's hand.She leaned back.

"Yeah, bitch. Keep swallowin'.I got me a load on.Down yo throat.Fuck, yeah.Yo done good bitch.Now stand up and take off you pants."

"I'm a virgin, sir.Please."

"Sho.I'll leave yo pussy alone.I'll just lick on yo clit a bit, then turn yo over and shove my eight inches up yo ass.Now take off yo damn pants, little ho."

Helen's hand on Betty's pussy felt better than anything she'd felt before.The younger girl's finger traced up and down her maturing lips, slipping into into the vagina canal, then up to her clitoris.She began to breathe heavily."Oh Helen.This is great."

"Let me try something," the younger girl said.Without waiting for an answer Helen slipped her body down between Betsy's splayed legs.The next thing Betty knew Helen had her lips on Betty's pussy lips, tongue lapping the inner folds.Betty bucked from the force of her cumming.

"Oh, God," she almost screamed."Cumming."Helen continued to lick and suck Betty's pussy for several minutes before raising her face.Betty saw pussy juice all over Helen's face. "That was fantastic, Helen.She sat up and kissed the other girl."Let me try that on you."

"Please."So Helen lay down, spread her legs and Betty lay down between them, her face over Helen's bald, smooth pussy.She began by using her fingers on Helen the way she fingered herself. The younger girl gave out a moan.

Betty continued to hear the game next door."I'm gonna push this black cock so fa' up yo sweet white ass, yo give me a blow job same time."

"Please don't hurt me, sir.Please. OH!"

"Yeah, yo ass be tight, bitch.But here it come!"


At the same time as Betty watched Helen become more and more excited, Betty heard sounds from Tom and Maggie's room. But these were softer moans of pleasure.Amy's voice mostly covered Maggie's moans, but Amy's tone changed."Oh.I; I; ,I feel..."

"Yo like this nigger cock up yo whitey ass cunt, little ho?"


"Tell me what yo want."

"I. I want your black cock up my butt. I,,I want you to fuck my butt."

"Yeah.Nuthin' like a nice, long, thick black cock inside yo ass cunt."

Betty turned her attention to trying to use her tongue and lips on Helen, who was then soon moaning and squirming."Oh YEs," she moaned."Cumming.Cumming."

The two girls lay in each other's arms, kissing, exhausted from their new adventure.They also listened to the play going on next door.

"Yo be liking my black cock now, right white ho?"

"Yes.Oh, yes."

"I be takin yo to yo crib, sweet bitch.Tomorra yo call me an' we be rockin' n rollin' again.You hear me?"

"I do."

"And ain't no need fo no bra or panties.I get to that white meat fasta.Yo hea' me?"

"I'll wear shorts and a t-shirt."

"Now get yo clothes on.An we get in ma ca, yo get on yo knees an suck me off again. Yo hea'?"

"Yes."There was a short period of silence before the girls heard laughter.

"Oh, Max, I love you!"

"Amy, I love you!"

Betty and Helen looked at each other."We'd better take a shower now," Betty said."I see stuff all over your face."

"You got it, too," Helen responded."We can shower together.And play some more..."

"I'd love that."

The two new friends headed towards the hall bathroom, hand in hand.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 31

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