Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 10, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #3: Introduction to Oral Sex Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

Introduction to Oral Sex


Larry Marion

Molly sat at her student desk in the room she shared with Phillip. He was out trying out for the middle school soccer team. She got out her cell phone and hit the icon for her mom's number, knowing that she probably was not real busy right now and her dad would probably be teaching a class. Somehow, she just didn't want to talk about this with her dad present.

"Molly? Everything okay?"

"Fine, Mom. But I want to ask you about something and it really can't wait until this weekend. By the way, thanks for allowing Phil to spend the weekend with us."

"No problem dear. One quick question. You haven't mentioned what the bed arrangement is in your room."

"I thought I told you, Mom. We pushed the beds together two weeks ago. And, yes, both of us still have our V. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. They just started this. Everybody with a V is going to get a class on oral sex starting this Thursday. We all think it's to help us keep our virginity until 14."

"So is this mixed sex?"

"Yes, Mom. Phil and I take it together. There will be four couples, all of us new sevens."

"Okay. So, I think your bed is big enough for you and Phil to share it. MF won't be home. We told him he may not keep bringing a new girl home every time and expect us to have him sleep with her. He needs to find a steady - or bring a steady. FM and JM say they'll see you later - busy with the baby. But Prize will be here - I think he and Sammie will sleep here and not with Aunt Jenna and Uncle Sam.

"Well, I'm chattering on. What about this Oral Sex 101?"

"One oh One, Mom?"

"Sorry dear. That's college talk for a basic class. What about it?"

"Well.... Phil and I haven't tried it. But, Mom, I just want to know before we go to this class tomorrow, what are some hints on how to do it right. And can Dad maybe talk to Phil? He's worried he won't do well."

There was silence for a few moments and then Molly heard her mom laugh. "You know, dear, your grandmother never once mentioned giving a boy friend a blow job when she discussed sex with me. So I'm glad you have the gumption to ask an expert. And have your boy friend ask an expert."

"Blow job, Mom? Shouldn't we be all technical about this?"

Paige laughed again. "Sweetie, when you're looking at your Phil waiting to do this, I will guarantee you will not be thinking of his penis. You're going to be thinking about his dick and his balls that you're about to put in your mouth and go back and forth on until he cums."

"That sounds gross, Mom." But even as Molly said that, her hand fingered her now damp vag.. er pussy.

"Yep. It's not. Okay, bottom line, Molly Maguire, Two things. First, complement the boy's pecker. They're sort of shy about their dangling thing - and it won't be dangling then. Have you seen Phil with a real hard on?"

"Of course, Mom. I haven't given him a . . . . . blow job yet. And he hasn't gone down on me...yet. But we've touched each other. He's even... brought me off now."

"How was that, Molly?"

Molly smiled, even though she knew her mom couldn't see her. "Wonderful, Mom. And he said I did a great job."

"Good. Anyway, complement his junk, as they say. Big, fat, pretty, way it sticks out, cute, say something positive. Touch it. Stroke it a bit, but not too much. Especially inexperienced boys cum much too fast. Then, enjoy what you are doing. Maybe the first time it won't be so great, but a bit of practice and you will probably learn to like it. So act that way. Look up at his eyes. You can smile with a cock in your mouth. Vary what you do. Go deep. Lick the head. Kiss it. Lick down the shaft. Kiss his balls. Suck on them, too. Make some happy noises. Get the picture, Molly?

"I think so, Mom. Uh, what about taste?"

"I knew you were going to ask that. If by some chance you are playing with yourself, stop and take your phone with that hand..."

"MOM!! How did you know???"

"Uh, I was 12 once, your older sister FM was 12, your dad's sister Marsha was 12..."

"Oh," Molly said weakly.

"If you have switched hands, put the thumb of the hand that held the phone into your mouth and just push it in and out about four times. When you're finished, pull it out, and switch hands. What did you taste? I'm assuming your hands were clean."

"Nothing, Mom." Without thinking, Molly went back to fingering herself.

"As long as the boy has a clean prick and balls, that's what he tastes like."

"But when he cums?" and then thought, Why didn't I say sperm?

"It's a combination mostly of sweet and salty. Mostly it tastes from okay to very pleasant. Ever so often it's not a great taste. But that's rare. And two guys may well taste very different. Even the same guy may taste different at different days or even time of the same day.

"So you think you can handle it?"

"I think so, Mom. Thanks so much, Mom. I love you. Oops. Phil just walked in. " She pulled her hand out of her snatch and waved at him. He waved back.

"Oh - one last thing, Molly. It's best not to wear a top - especially for the first time. It's better to get cum on your boobs than on your blouse! Bye dear." The line went dead.

"That was Mom. I was chatting with her. She says you can sleep with me in my room this weekend. She says that Fish won't be there, but my oldest brother Prize and his fiance Sammie - a girl, by the way - will be there and probably sleep at home."

"That's great. I wonder what my mom would say if I brought you home and asked if we could sleep in the same room - much less the same bed."

"If you haven't told her yet, you really need to, Phil. She does know we all run around bare ass neked doesn't she?"

"Well, yes. The school sent my folks a notice that I'd changed room mates and his name was Phillip Nelson."

"Well, yeah. Mom said something about that."

"Well, tell her we're both wearing our `V's. " With that she got up, went to him, put her arms around his neck and kissed him. When they broke, she glanced down to see him about half erect. "Hmm. Getting you excited. I talked to Mom. I think I'm going to do well with this oral sex class. And she says that she thinks Dad can give you some pointers, too. Or Prize."

"I think that would be good. Hey - dinner in five minutes. I need to take a leak."

"Me, too. Let's go to the bathroom, do that, wash our hands and walk towards the dining hall. " Holding hands, they walked out of their room towards the co-ed bathroom.

Thursday afternoon the eight seventh graders sat in a circle. Dividing the circle into two semi-circles were the 6/7/8 gym & PE teachers, nicknamed Jack and Jill. Jill began handing out a notepad and a pen to each seven, all sporting the silver V around their neck. Molly had never really checked out her classmates before - after all, sitting at a desk or a dining hall table did a good job of covering the genitals so only the girls had anything remotely interesting. One girl was as flat as Molly had been at ten. Another looked like maybe a 30 A, the next a 32 B and then her at 28A. The dicks were equally varied. Phil seemed pretty much in the middle.

"Okay, kids. Here's the first thing I want you to do is to write down all the terms for oral sex that you know, both technical or polite or slang. They can be variations on the same term. This is for both male and female, giving or receiving. You have about ten minutes. Start."

Molly went to work. "Does spelling count?"

"No. I can think of a few that can really be hard. Best you can, Molly." She continued to write. She'd finished with what she knew about a minute before Coach Jill called the time.

"I'm going to be the evil female coach and PE teacher, Molly. You can start - just one word, but make it the one with the strange spelling. "

Molly grinned. Her mother had told her she could be a show off. "Uh, something like `cunlegus.'

"Something like. By the way, you don't have to define these terms yet. Okay, from Molly and away from Phillip. Bobby."

"Blow job"

"Eaten out"

"Eating pussy"

"Sucking dick"

"Un, felto"

"Getting blown"

"Muff diver."

And so it went round and round for another ten minutes before the last one grew silent. "Okay," Said Coach Jack. "Anybody have the correct pronunciation for the first term Molly gave. She said `cunlegus." Close. Molly, what does that mean?"

"It's when a girl's genitals get kissed and stuff by a boy." The others grinned or laughed.

"Any comments?"

"A girl can do that to a girl."

"Yes, Debbie. Now, Molly said genitals' and she's right. But imagine that your boyfriend were doing that to you right now, what would you call your genitals'"?

"My pussy," Sylvia said and then began to blush.

"Yes. First thing, kids. This is normal and ancient. Believe it or not, your older brother or sister didn't invent sucking dick or eating pussy when they turned 12, four years ago. Hold on to your hats, your mother and father probably did, your grandparents, also - the Pilgrims on the MAYFLOWER did."

"Why?" asked Coach Jill. "Because it's fun. Number One. Number Two, no girl ever got pregnant from giving her boyfriend a blowjob. And no boy got a girl pregnant with his tongue in her snatch. We don't have to worry about that, but millions know the tongue carries no sperm.

"Because of old customs and superstitions, girls are supposed to remain virgin until marriage. Well, in some parts of the world that is still true. But in the US, the number of virgins who marry each year is small. Your mother probably wasn't a virgin. And your dad was probably not a male virgin. But we do get desires. Here we want you to feel free to experiment, but we set a lower limit - wait until you are at least fourteen. Actually, these days, most Jones girls wait until well into their fourteenth year, and boys about a year longer. There are exceptions, at first.

"Now for some detailed instruction," Jack said. He then went into detail on how to suck a dick. When he finished, he nodded to Jill, who did the same with the pussy. This included actually having the girls cover their teeth with their lips and having the boys part the pussy lips.

"Okay. Now a short video. This is not porn and the two here are not porn actors or 18 year olds made up to look fourteen. Both are twelve when this was made. It has been edited. So, here we go."

The room darkened just a bit as a video machine rose from the floor and clicked on. Molly looked at a bedroom all in white with three nude kids on a bed, a tall girl with developing boobs, a slightly shorter boy, with a hard four inch dick, and a smaller girl with strange looking pig buns. All three had blond hair of different shades.

"I'm going to the bathroom and take a fucking crap," the tall girl with boobs said. "A long one." With that she jumped off the bed and headed towards an open door. "Damn place doesn't even have a fucking door!" as she vanished.

The other two looked at each other quietly. A close up to each showed sparkling eyes and a smile. They looked towards the bathroom door and kissed.

"She'll be gone awhile. You're hard again. Would you like me to do that again?" the girl asked quietly.

"If you want to. I'd like that," the boy responded.

Molly grabbed Phil's arm and pulled him to her. She put her mouth against his ear. "That's Mom! That's Dad!"


"it is. I have a picture of her with her hair like that."

"But, she really is. She's sucking him. Look. It's all the way in her mouth."

"Well not quite!"

The boy on the screen groaned. "Oh, Paige. Paige. So good. So glad Jenna's in the bathroom!" He began to pump with his hips. He moaned again.

"What I tell you? Paige.' Jenna.' That's Aunt Jenna, Mom's best friend. She was Mom's matron of honor at their wedding.

"Oh, yes, Paige. Soon, Paige, my wonderful Paige. Soon. YES!!" A closeup showed Paige's cheeks working as though she was swallowing something. Finally she raised her head.

"Was that good, Mason?" she asked. His response was to hug her with one hand and bring her face to his as he kissed her, again a close up showing their tongues dueling. Then the screen darkened and the video machine sank back down into the floor.

"Okay, kids. What do you think of this?"

"Well, that first girl, the tall one has a potty mouth," Henry said.

"Maybe she was just trying to give the other two some privacy, " Sylvia suggested.

"Seems to me the other two really liked each other," Phil suggested. Molly punched his arm.

"The girl asked him if he wanted one," Bobby said.

"Yeah. But I guess they'd done that before," Darlene said.

"I think he must love her. I mean, he shot into her mouth and they kissed; they Frenched." Henry said.

"You haven't said anything, Molly," Coach Jill said quietly.

"I'm sorry. I, I, uh, well, you see, Coach Jill, those are my parents, my Mom and Dad when they were twelve."

"Oh, crap!" Coach Jack said. "You sure?"

"I have a picture of Mom just before her 13th birthday and she has those funny things in her hair. Dad called her'Paige' and Mom called him `Mason.'

"As in Mom Paige and Dad Mason, Group I, 7/8?" Coach Jill said quietly.

"Yes, ma'am. Please. I'm not supposed to let anybody know."

"Okay, kids. The other groups are going to see this film. It's the best one we have for this. Don't tell your friends who these three twelve year olds are. Understand. And don't make comments about Molly or Phil. Period. " Coach Jack went around the circle, pointing to each student and waiting for a nod. Each one nodded.

"Geeze. Molly, you should be famous. My oldest sister had your folks for her 7/8 year. Can I tell her you're my classmate?"

"No, Gary. No. Nor your parents."

Coach Jill faced the eight sevens. "What Coach Jack says is law, guys. We messed up a bit. I hope this hasn't upset you, Molly." Molly shook her head. "Now, we hope that this film will help you steel yourself up a bit. We're sorry we could not show a film of him eating her out. Maybe the next session. However, next session is next Tuesday. We would like you to try both types of oral sex - ah, sucking a dick and licking a pussy. We hope that you can tell the group what you felt. Think you can do this?"

Molly heard the others with their "Yes, Coaches." She joined in. The noise died down and she raised her hand.

"May I add something?" she asked quietly.

"Sure, Molly."

She stood up. "I talked to Mom about this. She told me two things. She told me to tell the boy something great about his dick. And she said, if you enjoy blowing a guy, you will do a great job. I wish I could say something for the guys."

Coach Jill laughed. "Okay, Molly, you broke the ice. Guys, take your hands and gently - gently - spread her pussy lips and don't forget her clit, that hard button at the top. Okay. Go practice!"

Friday after the last class Molly and Phil stood at the entrance of the admin building for Jones Lab School. Each had an overnight bag while wearing jeans for Phil and shorts for Molly with a t-shirt for both. Molly wore an almost necessary bra. Both wore sandals. The old SUV pulled up with Sammie waving from the passenger's seat. The SUV stopped. Molly rushed for the rear door, pushed it open and then fell back as the host to allow Phil to get in.

"Phil, this is my oldest brother Oscar Paul, better know as OP or Surprise or Prize. And this is Sammie. They've been together for..."

"Sixteen years now," Sammie broke in. "I almost have your oldest brother tamed."

"I hope so. This is Phil. He's my roomie." With that she grabbed his hand.

"Hi, Phil. Glad to meet you. May I ask if you are beddies also?" Prize asked.

"Uh, yes."

"For three weeks now, Prize. Nosy," Molly said.

"Good. You two just watch yourselves, that's all. When did we start sharing a bed, Sammie?"

"I think we were four. Maybe five. All the way through Jones middle and high. Remember, the house mother wouldn't let us in 6th. Fooled her more often than not." Sammie and Prize laughed at that. "Then we went back to being day students until seven/eight."

"So Dad has ribs on the smoker. Mom's made her potato salad. Sammie's done the slaw. I, even I, cut up tomatoes and cukes. And onions. Big doings around here.

They pulled into the drive and piled out of the car. When they went inside Molly got hit by a sense of embarrassment . Introducing her roomie - her beddie to her brother and his fiance was one thing, to her folks was another. Maybe the fact that both her parents met Phil while wearing only an apron and sandals did something, especially as the four began to undress as soon as the door closed. "Mom, Dad, this is my roomie, Phillip Nelson, the many great grandson of Admiral Horatio Nelson. He goes by Phil. Uh, and we're also beddies now."

"Well, Phil, nice to meet you. Say, I believe I have a bottle of the rum they pickled your great many times over grandfather when they brought him back to London."

Phil laughed. "I'm too young to drink, sir. Oh, and it was brandy, sir."

Mason looked at him and smiled. "Good. Glad to have you. On the infrequent times I hear from Molly, she says nice things about you. Molly, you want to take Phil up and show him your room?"

"Sure, Dad." She grabbed her overnight with one hand and Phil with the other. "Grab your bag," she saidas she pulled him towards her room. Just as she got to her closed door a shock went through her. It was still a little girl's room - dolls, stuffed animals, even a doll house. She stopped. "Phil. I almost want you to go down to the living room and sit there for a half hour while I clean up all my kid stuff. When I moved to Jones I had no idea I was bringing a boy home who was going to sleep in my room, in my bed, with me."

Phil laughed. "I've got kid stuff too, Molly. It's okay. I just like being with you." So they went in and sat on the bed and kissed in her room for the first time. For the first time he kissed her breasts until she said, "Later, Phil. Downstairs. Mom and Dad and Sammie will be fine. Prize - who knows. He gave me a half hour lecture on being careful. Went right over my head," She laughed as she stood up and took him out of her room - their room?

Back in the kitchen, Molly got cornered by Paige and Sammie while Phil got taken to the smoker by Prize and Mason.

Several hours later after dinner outside, as it grew dark and the remaining skeeters began to get interested despite the repellant, they moved inside. After a bit of tv watching, Molly said, "We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow, Mom. We're going to go to bed early. If that's okay."

"We expected that, baby Sister," Prize said.

"Shut your mouth Oscar Paul or you will sleep on the floor!" Sammie said. Molly got up, kissed Paige first and then Mason, smiled at Prize and hugged Sammie. Phil looked a bit embarrassed until Paige got up from beside Mason and hugged him. Mason followed and gave him a shoulder hug. Molly took his hand again and led him back to "their" room. She opened to door to find a room devoid of dolls and stuffed animals. Somebody had come in and hidden much of her exposed childhood.

"We need to brush our teeth," she said.

Phil turned, then turned again with his brush and toothpaste. Molly smiled. "I have a brush in the bathroom and there's paste. Just take your brush and follow me." He did and soon they were back in the room, the door shut. She turned on the bedside lamp and turned off the overhead. They looked shyly at each other and got into bed.

For a minute they just looked at each other. Then a friendly kiss. Then a long, deep one as hands explored the other's body. Molly felt her temperature rise while her hands knew that Phil's rose as well. Then came a kissing pause. "Molly. Your dad and brother talked to me. They gave me some hints. They both said they were fine with us tonight. Shall I try?"

"Mom asked Dad if he wanted her to. You're asking me if I want you to. Please, Phil. Whatever, I know you'll try your best." With that he kissed her again, and then slowly began to work down her body: lips, chin, faint cleavage, right breast, left breast, stomach, belly button, mons venus until he came to her slit. Gently he parted her lips and began to lick and kiss. She moaned. "Oh, Phil." He continued to kiss and lick. His tongue entered as he probed the entrance to her love tunnel. She began to scratch his back. "I'm... I'm cumming, Phil. Really. Cumming, OH!! Her hips thrust up even as her hands went behind his head and forced his face down. "YES!!" Then she collapsed onto the mattress while quietly muttering "Yes, yes, yes. Phil, Phil!"

He raised his face, then touched it around his mouth to find it damp. His finger had a strange aroma. She lay quiet for a minute. "Turn on your back, Phil," she said. He did. Her hand lightly grasped his hard cock. "You're very hard."

"It hurts, Molly. Please. " She nodded her head and lowered it, licking the bright red cock head, red even in the dim light. She kissed it, kissed down the shaft, then came back up. " Remember\ing what her mom had said, she whispered, "Phillip. It's beautiful. So hard. So firm. Yes," and then took it in, to begin to bob.

"Oh, Molly. Molly. So good. Good. Oh. I'm about to. So soon. Oh, OH!! YES!!" as she felt for the very first time his cum explode in her mouth. And it wasn't nasty. It was almost sweet, and warm. She swallowed even as he shot. Finally she raised her mouth from his shrinking cock.

"Phil. Your cock. I loved sucking it. In the morning?"

He smiled. "Oh, yeah. And I want to go down on you.

They kissed, then fell asleep arms, around each other. Some time later it took a bit for Paige and Mason to put the covers over them.

Like her mother, Molly was an easy, early riser. It was just dawn when she awoke. She felt the comfort of her quilt on top, Phil lying beside her, facing her. Then she thought - they had fallen asleep on top of the covers. Her parents must have gotten them under. She smiled. Then her hand reached for Phil. Under the covers it touched his slim waist, then traveled down to his hit and then to his thigh, and so inside to his cock which was hard. His "morning wood" Fish had mentioned to her.

She wrapped her fist around it for a second, then gently raised the covers, bringing them to his knees, before slowly pushing him to his back. There the cock rose like a flag pole. Was the uncovered cock head the flag? Well, she had to salute it. She leaned over to give it a nice lick. As she did, she noticed that her mouth still contained a slight taste of the cum she'd tasted last night. She gave the cock another lick. Phil gave a low moan. She covered her teeth and took the tip into her mouth, letting her tongue touch it inside her willing mouth. Phil moaned again.

"Molly? Oh. Molly! I love you!" She began to bob up and down on his wonderful cock.

"Mhhm," she responded. She felt his hand on her shoulder, gently rubbing it.

"Oh. Molly. I'm getting there. Can you go faster? Ah, yes. I'm getting close, Molly. So, so good. OH!! YES!!" She felt his cock twitch in her mouth and then the first blast entered while his prick was deep in her mouth. She almost gagged but brought her mouth up to just his prick tip. He came again, two more squirts. She swallowed again and then he said, "Oh, so good, Molly Maguire. So good. And you're next!" She took her mouth off his softening dick.

"Was that really good?" He took her by her arm pits to gently pull her face up to his. She looked into his sparkling gray eyes as he kissed her.

When the kiss ended he said softly, "What do you think?"

"I think you liked it." He responded by pushing her to her back to once more begin his journey south until once more he parted her lips and began to probe with his tongue. She, too, began to moan. "Phil. I like this so much. So much. But your tongue, your finger inside my pussy. Just those two. Please. Don't ask me to anything else here. I'd say `yes' and we'd both regret it. Please. But don't stop. So good."

He raised his face. "I promise," and went back to licking her wet pussy. Seconds later her body shook with her first cum. He continued for two more, before he finally rolled off her. She looked at his smiling face, glistening with her pussy juices.

"We need a shower," she said. "You may not have noticed, but the shower fits two."

"What about your folks?"

She laughed hard at that. "Phillip, Please. They were 7/8 counselors for almost ten years. They raised my older brother and sister and their boy or girl friend. I know Fish showered with some of the girls he brought home last year. In case you didn't notice, they got us tucked in last night. Let's go shower." She lowered her voice, "I have to be careful to wash your cock nice and clean."

He laughed at that. "So I need to be careful with your pussy." Molly nodded.

The shower felt real good. They both brushed their teeth before coming to breakfast.

Molly had a good time showing Phil the city, to include the regional office of The Corporation. Prize drove with Sammie in the passenger seat with Molly and Phil in the middle seat, scrunched together while holding hands. "To bad we can't get in," Molly said. "There's a picture of Mom with her medal."

"Your mom got a medal. For what?"

"She helped break up a kiddie porn ring. A big one. She got the Medal for Valor. That's almost like the Medal of Honor," Molly said.

"Well, not quite the Medal of Honor," Prize corrected. "But high up. When Granddad retired from the Army Reserves, Mom wore her medal and some big officer saluted her and shook her hand. They even took a picture of her and Granddad."

"Wow," Phil said. He whispered to Molly, "Sure you want to room with me? I'm a nobody."

She turned to him and shook her head. "You're not a nobody, Phil. Mom says it's all a matter of where you are when you are."

The rest of the day went pleasantly. Phillip gradually opened up about his family, from a small town in the mid-west. He had a younger sister who was eight and would probably go to Jones when she was twelve. Their school served the whole county and it was a two hour bus ride each way to the jr-senior high.

Dinner was again outside, but from Africa, dishes Mom Paige had brought back from Cameroon, or were given to her by her African friends. They even ate with their hands from common bowls. After dinner Molly and Phil again took a shower together before staying in the family room for tv for awhile. Again they wished the others a good night. Molly did not see the glances and smiles as she and Phil left for her bedroom, hand in hand.

Once inside Molly's room with the door shut and the light low, they got into bed, on top of the covers. "You have great parents," Phil said, nuzzling her.

"I have a great beddie," she said and kissed him lightly. "I wonder what the other three couples have done?"

"No idea. But I know what I want to do to you."

"I know what I want to try."

She saw his face twist in puzzlement. "What?" Phil asked.

"You know what my brother and his . . . fiance mentioned - 69 - each of us giving the other oral sex."

"Yeah. You want to try it? I guess I lie down and you get on top of me. "

"I guess so. They weren't real clear." She kissed him again. "So why me on the top?"

"You don't weigh as much. I guess we could try side by side."

They tried side by side, but after a few moments, they moved and Molly lay on top, her legs spread wide so Phil could get his lips on her pussy lips. Eventually he came, but she felt he just couldn't make the contact on her pussy and clit when she didn't suck him. She gently separated from his spent peter and said, "That's okay, Phil. Maybe we need more lessons."

"Yeah. Give it 'til next year," he said.

"Sure. Maybe Sammie can give you some help." Phil laughed at that. Then they cuddled and fell asleep covered. Paige and Mason looked in on them, smiled, and went to their own bed.

The next morning again Molly woke him as he was heating up to cum. When it was his turn, Molly moaned after the first minute. She didn't realize how noisy she got until Prize touched her hand going to breakfast. "You're not quite as noisy as Mom," he whispered.

"Was I?" she felt her face heat up.

"Don't blush, little sister. It's okay. Mom may have some hints." Instead of slapping here older brother, she stretched herself to kiss him on his cheek.

Molly's parents drove them back to Jones that afternoon. Paige turned in her seat as they neared the school. "Phil, we enjoyed having you. You are welcome to come any time that Molly comes home. We've already told her that would be no more than once a month under normal circumstances. We hope to see you again."

"Thanks Mom Pa.... er, sorry, Ms. Adams.."

Mason laughed. "Look, son, Mom Paige is second mom to some 450 kids, I think. I think I'm dad to ten. If you feel comfortable calling her Mom Paige, please do so."

"Yes. Next time ask me about when I had three moms when I was a freshman." Then the SUV stopped, Molly gave two rapid kisses and the two were out the door, each with their bag, and a second goodie bag carried by Phil. Molly didn't hear her mother say, "They are headed for their room or a vacant PR since the townies aren't here now,"

"Probably. I think she's taking after her mother."

"I think her beddie is taking after her father.

The following Thursday, Phil and Molly once more sat in a circle with Coaches Jack and Jill and the other three couples, one of which seemed nervous. Coaches Jack and Jill sat in their previous spot, facing each other making two semi-circles. "Okay, my stalwart students, before I ask any questions, we have another short film to show you. Molly, we promise these are not your folks! They are also not pros, but two more participants of Organization studies. Again the room darkened, the video machine rose from the floor and the screen lightened to show a normal bedroom and two clothed teens, sitting on a bed, kissing. Molly gripped Phil's arm. As they kissed, hands roamed and then clothes began to come off. The two swapped endearments until they both were nude, the boy with a very hard cock. The girl lay back on the bed, her knees up and spread. The boy lay between her legs and then lowered his face to her pussy. What happened wasn't real easy to see, but her pussy lips spread and the boy's tongue worked his way up and down her crack to her clit and back. Her breathing got harder until she almost yelled, "I'm cumming. Fuck, you do a great job, Sam!" as the screen darkened and the video lowered to the floor.

As that ended, Molly pushed her face into Phil's chest, laughing, trying to stifle her laughs.

"Okay, Molly. So are those your brother or sister?"

She wiped her eyes. "Not them Coach Jill. "The boy is Sam, my mom's third cousin, so I guess my fourth. The girl is Jenna, my mom's best friend and matron of honor at her wedding." She looked at Coach Jil.

"Why do I feel like General Custer at that battle of his?" Coach Jack said. Some of the kids laughed. "Okay. Who wants to tell us what they did over the week?" Bobby and Debbie, the nervous looking ones raised their hands. "Fine. Which one of you wants to talk?" Jack asked, his voice much lower than normal.

The two looked at each other. "Well, I will, Coach. I guess I should. We talked about it. We almost did. But we didn't. We...we were sort of afraid that everybody else wouldn't and we did. And they'd laugh at us."

"Thanks for being honest, Bobby. Jill and I can understand that. So, volunteer?" Molly raised her hand. "Okay, Molly. I hope there are no more family secrets."

"Well, Coach, this may not be known but her mom has the Medal of Valor for getting a kiddie porn ring arrested," Phil blurted out. "Oops!"

"It's true. But, Phil and I did it. He came to my house with me for the weekend. We tried it in my bedroom Friday night. Then Saturday morning and night. Then most every morning and night until now. It was wonderful every time except when we tried 69. It was okay for him, but not so good for me. This will keep our Virgin pins until we're old enough."

"Molly's right. We've done it - well, you can count, Friday night, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday night, Wednesday, this morning. And we're happy to say we're proud of it. So, try it."

"Darn, Phil. Me and Debbie just whispered. We're going to try tonight."

"We tried it. We've done it three times now, both of us," Darlene said simply. "I think I like it more than Henry does doing it to me. But he says if I like it, and I do, he'll do it again."

"Well, we tried it. It's okay," Gary said while turning to Sylvia."

"He just forgets to warn me," Sylvia said and laughed.

"So. Nobody's dead from doing it," Coach Jill said. We have one stellar review. You others, you may want to practice a bit.

"Okay, that's about it. But if you have some more discoveries, please let either of us know. Remember, the idea is to keep that V on you - boy or girl. Will you?" Coach Jill looked around the room. The eight sevens all nodded their head as they got up.

"Phil. We have twenty minutes of free time left. That's enough time, right?"

"My thoughts, Molly. Let's go!"


When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point

out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.


Next: Chapter 4

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