Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Nov 6, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #29: Jehri - Marsha, and Betsy

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

Jehri - Marsha, and Betsy



The 9/10 common room for Dorm 9/10 for dorm students of Jones Lab School was almost full this Friday night.Spring vacation ended last week, but then a snow storm hit.Yes, the snowball fight earned mention in the school paper.The best part was when 7/8 found a way to the roof, then led most of themselves and 9/10 up to the roof with a magnificent supply of snowballs AND a team of snow ball suppliers to rain down on 11/12 as they attacked the bait.

The bait consisted of a few 7/8, a like number of 9/10, and a couple of 11/12 who got talked into charging the 11/12 "fort."As 9/10ers said afterwards. Crazy Horse would have been proud.

Among the bait who finally came back into the common room was Jehri Peerpont, maybe the most unpopular tenth grader at Jones. It wasn't that he was stupid or ugly.He just seemed to rub people the wrong way.

"Well, I hope you had fun," he said as he entered 9/10, evidence ofsnowballs all over him,

Three girls looked at him, two from 9/10 and one from 7/8.He didn't look at him, but they looked at him as he began to pull off his outer coat, pants, and such.The girls began to strip off their outdoor clothes,"Hey, Jehri, come on over here.You sure defended us," Marsha, the dark haired eighth grader said.

"You did, " came from blond Wendy,the tenth grader.

"Good job, said the auburn Sarah, the buxom ninth grader.

Jehri looked surprised or bemused, or something.He surely wasn't up on the current stories or gossip, but he knew that all three of these girls were friendly, attractive, and currently unattached.Like some half of the school, all had a room mate. Marsha and Sarah both wore the V.Wendy did not which had caused a horrible break up with the responsible senior during her freshman year.

"Look, Jehri, we want to talk to you in private.Sarah's going to check out a PR, a small one if possible.This is just a talk - for now,"Wendy said.

"You all want to talk with me - in a PR?"

"Yeah.Again, we saw you really trying to protect other kids.I call that bravery,"Wendy continued.

Jehri fingered his V.He'd figured in seventh grade, even before wore a V, he'd leave Jones as a senior still wearing his.He knew he was one of ten or so tenth grade boys, either townie or dormie who still wore one and some of those boys were strictly religious, even if they did attend a school whose uniform was bare skin (except for snowball fights, ice skating, and snowmen).Of those ten, most of them had a girl friend, at least for awhile.Jehri? Nope.And he wasn't gay.He really wanted to hold hands, to kiss, to go to a PR, to have a beddie who had long hair and breasts.

"Okay," he said."What do you want me to do?"

All three, at the same time said, "Lighten up, Jehri."

"I'll try. "Just then Sarah came back.

"PR #6," she said.

"Let's go," Wendy said as she led the way.

A couple heads turned as the three girls marched Jehri to and into P/R # 6.Once inside the girls took the smaller couch and dragged it to the larger bed couch to guide Jehri to the smaller one while they sat on the larger one, each with one leg crossed over the other.

"You ready to learn to be a stud, Jehri?" Sarah asked?"

"I guess so," he replied, his eyes turning down,

"No," Wendy said."Remember what Yodi said,`Do or not do.There is no try.'He said you must unlearn many things.Jehri, you get your shit together, you will have girls begging to be seen with them.Your room mate will be on her knees begging to become your beddie. Do or not do, Jehri."

"Jehri. I'm a good looking girl, would you say?" Sarah asked.

He paused for a moment."Sarah, you are more than good looking. Attractive at least."

"Good.Ask me out for a date."

"Uh... Sarah... could you come to a movie with me Saturday?"

"Jeese.I'll speak for Sarah.No," Marsha said."You are trying, not doing."She turned to Jehri."Listen."She got up to Jehri. "Jehri, I know we don't have classes together.But I've seen you in the hall and in the caf and in the Green.You are a stud.Saturday night Jones has a really great love movie - FROM HERE TO ETERNITY.I'd like to take you to it.How about it?"

"Uhhh.. are you serious?"Jehri stuttered.

Marsha smiled at Jehri. "In this case, yes." She pointed at him."But, do or not do,What's your answer, Jehri?"

"Marsha.Yes.I'd like to go with you."The other two girls clapped.

"Have fun Saturday, Marsha, "Wendy and Sarah said.

"We will.Now, Jehri - what have you learned?"

"I think.."

"NO!" All three girls screamed at once."Do or not do.Do it right."

"I have to be precise.I have to show I'm interested and want something."

"Bingo!" Marsha said. "Look, tomorrow, in your room.Your room mate, she's Becky Grier, right?She's been.going with Ted Nester for about three months, right?"

"Yes. "

"You tell her that you think she and Ted are a great couple together. You think she's a great girl.But any time she'd like you out of the room, let me know.Got that?"


"Tell me what I just said."

"Becky, you and Ted are a great couple.You're a greatgirl, great room mate.If you need some time with Ted in our room, let me know. I'll be gone awhile."

Marsha got up, gave Jehri a hug and a forehead kiss."Great!"

Wendy said, "Okay, Jehri, let's see what happens tomorrow.Remember, you have a date with Marsha tomorrow night,"

"Great.I'm looking forward to it.Hey, Marsha.I'm afraid I can't ask your dad if it's okay."

The three girls laughed at that."Good start, Jehri," Marsha said.

Again the next evening heads turned when Marsha and Jehri showed up for the movie. During the beach kissing scene, Jehri put his arm around Marsha.Those closest to them heard her sigh.

The two left the small auditorium together where Jehri took her hand as they went back to 7/8 II and her room with Winston."Win must be down in Commons.Come in and let's talk a bit," she said.They went in and she shut the door. "Jehri, you're learning.I'm liking you more all the time.Confidence.You understand?"

"Yes.I'd like to kiss you."

"NO!"She shook her head."Think, Jehri."

"Thanks, Marsha. I've had a wonderful time.Where can we find a beach like that?"

"Maybe right here, Jehri."They kissed.Then again.

"Oh, God, Marsha.I can't believe this!"

"Jehri.Keep believing this. You made my toes curl! Tomorrow.Free time right after classes. Number six.It will be all three of us - but maybe not for the whole time."

"Never can tell," he said, determination in his voice.

Jehri looked around the next morning at breakfast.In front of him was ninth grader, Kim Pak, who he thought was quite cute and knew was currently without a boy friend and totally only a room mate with Eugen Schmitt.She did not wear a V.

"Hey, Kim, he said. "Morning, Jehri,Hey, if you're talking to me, call me Betsy.You do know Kim's my family name, right?"

"Oh.Yeah.Forgot.Look, Betsy.I've heard you like poetry.True?

"Uh huh."

"So do I. Want to talk about some poems?I like sonnets a lot."

"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

"Thou art more temperate and more fair.."

`Jehri, I'd love to.Look, my room mate has soccer practice.Come to our room tomorrow during free time. Okay?"

"I'd like that, Betsy."


"Look, there two seats over there.Let's grab them," Jehri said.

"Yes."So Jehri and Betsy had breakfast together.With all the talking, it took the two over a half hour to eat, so they were some of the last to leave the caf before morning classes started.

For Jehri, the day seemed to have stopped.For being a fabulous student he had a hard time paying attention.Instead his thoughts bounced back and forth between Marsha and Betsy.He had finally kissed a girl his own age - on the lips. She'd returned it.Well, they hadn't Frenched, but she'd hinted that number six might hold only two for part of the time.Then meeting Betsy in 9/10 Commons after study hall.He'd have to ask her what her study hall status was.If she needed help, he could provide that.If she didn't and had free study hall, they could work together in the Commons.

Lunch came.Was it just luck that Betsy had the same lunch and came to join him in line when he saw her and waved?Or was she hunting?Like breakfast, they lingered over lunch.Since they were not in the last lunch period, caf workers chased them out.Just as they separated, Jehri said, "Betsy, I'm meeting some others after the last class.But that's over an hour before dinner.Can we meet in the Commons?Or your room?"

"Sure. My room.Room mate has soccer practice."

"Great.I'll see you after my meeting."He walked away grinning.

Jehri still had a grin when he showed up first at PR #6 to go inside.Marsha showed up first. "Wendy and Sarah will be here in about five minutes," she said.

"That's great.You know, I am positive I hear waves breaking on a sandy beach," Jehri said as he took her hands.

"Funny," Marsha said, "So do I."With that they put their arms around each other to kiss.Jehri felt his cock rise at once.For once the fact he had a hard on didn't bother him.The kiss broke.

"Hmmm.Somebody seems to have woken up," Marsha said.

"Yeah.I hear that happens with kissing."

"Yeah.Oh, here they are," she said as Wendy and Sarah came in.

"Hmm," Wendy said."Making friends?"

"Yes.We are," Jehri replied."It feels god."

"So, let's sit down," Wendy said.The four did, but Marsha sat next to Jehri, though not quite touching, the two facing Wendy and Sarah."Like, Jehri, what has happened the last two days?"

"You mean other than getting up, eating, going to class?"

"Yeah.Like your having a hard on while kissing with Marsha."

"Oh yeah, that.Okay I've held hands with Marsha, we've hugged and kissed, we saw a movie together.I want to see her some more.And Betsy Kim and I had breakfast and lunch together.I'm going to see her later on today.I want to see both of them some more.Oh.I really couldn't keep my mind on school today."

"Well, you need to watch that.You know studies are very important.So are you trying to balance two girls?"

"Jehri, remember, the only person you own is yourself. Apparently you've never had a girl friend.You sure don't kiss like you're gay.But you are a darn good kisser, but I told you that.So if you hang out with Betsy Kim as well, that's fine," Marsha said.

"How did you come to eat breakfast and lunch with Betsy?" Sarah asked.

"Well, we were together in line and I remembered I saw her name in the literary magazine.So I asked her about poetry.I'll ask her about meeting for dinner since Marsha has 7/8 meals."

"Good.Okay, Sarah and I are going to leave you and Marsha to ..talk. And, Jehri, keep it up.I think you're doing great."

"So do I," Sarah said.Maybe tomorrow I'll come crash your party with Betsy."

"Thanks, guys," Jehri said as the two girls left, leaving him with Marsha.He turned to her."Well, we have a lot of time left, " he said.

"Yes.Let's start with another kiss.Jehri, do you have any idea of how to make a girl feel real good?"

"No.But I want to learn.Will you teach me?"

"Tell you what, Jehri, I haven't had a make out session of any sort since Jack and I broke up back in late January.I'm ready to teach you.But first, standard is the guy takes the initiative. Okay?

"That's what I've always thought."

"Okay.Just us.We've held hands, we've hugged, we've kissed.Where do we go from here, Jehri?"

"First, that other kiss you mentioned that I can't give you until you stop talking!"

"Oh."With that Jehri again put his arms around Marsha, drew her close, and kissed her, his tongue probing her mouth at once as he began to rub her back.They finally broke, both flushed.

"Now, if this were a regular school, I'd ease my hand to your boob.It would take some time for your top and bra."

"Yeah.But yes, girls' breasts are sensitive.So are boys' nipples."Jehri kissed her again but this time his hand went to her breast.She broke the kiss, but kept her lips close to him."Nipples aren't door knobs.Don't twist them.A sort of rub is great.Also kissing and sucking them."

"I'll try,..."

"Do or. not do.No try."Jehri responded by rubbing his convenient nipple with his thumb and first finger."That's it, Jehri.Nice."She kissed him.They broke,"Jehri, this is artificial I know, even if I am getting a bit hot and bothered.Don't go trying to play with Betsy's boobs today.Understand?"

"Yes."He broke the session."Marsha, I'm not sure why the three of you are doing this, but thanks. "

"You're welcome.But I'm not going to tell Wendy and Sarah what an eager student you are.Once more and then we stop for the day. It is impolite at Jones for a guy to go meet a girl who he may have a crush on with a hard dick.So."With that she put her arms around him briefly, kissed him hard, as she rubbed his nipple.

They separated."Oh, God.That feels great."She untangled herself to stand up.

"Let me get.Look, I'm not a slut or anything, but I do have two older brothers.I'm outahere. You stay here and take care of that boner, Jehri."With that she leaned down and kissed his throbbing cock."Another lesson tomorrow.Remember, no more than a kiss today."

"Yes, Ms. Marsha," he said as she walked out the door.He got up off the couch, took a small towel from the stack by the sink, went back to the couch, lay down, brought back the feel of Marsha's lips and nipple as he wrapped his hand around his cock and began to jerk it.

Jehri found Betsy's room easily. She lay on her bed reading a book, her door open."Hi,Betsy," he said, peeking in the door, taking her in.She did look exotic as her eyes locked on his.

"Come in, Jehri, and close the door."He did, letting the door close quietly.He saw a room with one wall decorated with pictures of what had to be Korea, both urban modern and the rural areas as well as the still developing northern part of the reunited Korea.He looked at her to see the same things.She had straight black hair, almond eyes, small breasts, even when she stood up to greet him.Her pubic hair looked sparse, but natural to him, who ordinarily didn't even notice.She was short, just a little over five feet.

"Hi, Betsy.Sorry I couldn't get to the store. But then I don't know you well enough to know if you wanted flowers or candy."

She laughed, almost a giggle."That's sweet, Jehri. And they say you're Scrooge's grandson.Next time, a dozen roses and the best Dutch chocolate. Okay?"

"Sure, Betsy."He smiled."I'll need a good bank and an assault weapon to pay for that.But if that's what you want."

She laughed."Okay.I think I saw a dandelion before it snowed and the canteen has a special on chocolate bars they want to get rid of."She got up off her bed, took his hand, and led him back to the bed and sat down.She picked up the book she'd been reading."Listen, Jehri,

Where are you, my beloved? Are you in that little

Paradise, watering the flowers who look upon you

As infants look upon the breast of their mothers?

Or are you in your chamber where the shrine of

Virtue has been placed in your honor, and upon

Which you offer my heart and soul as sacrifice?

Or amongst the books, seeking human knowledge,

While you are replete with heavenly wisdom?

"What do you think?"

"Its beautiful, Betsy.It's, it's .. I bet it's Gibran.I don't know it - but I think that's who the poet is."

Betsy beamed."You're right.How'd you guess?"

"Well, it sounds Middle East, but not Omar Khayyam `cause it's not in quatrains."

"That's great.You're right.You know, Jehri, if this were not the day we first talked to each other, I think I'd be all over you like one of Khayyam's concubines.What do you say to that?"

He stared at her for a moment,thinking of what Marsha had said.Then he put both hands on her shoulders to look into her eyes."Betsy,

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,

Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit

Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,

Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

I'd like to kiss you, Betsy."

"Jehri, I'd like to kiss you, too."

They did.But Jehri ignored or forgot what Marsha told him.Before he kissed her good bye so he could get his stuff ready for studying with her in the Common Room,her breasts had received a shower of kisses, licks, and sucks, and his inexpert fingers had probed her vertical lips while she moaned.

They went down to the head on her floor to shower before dinner.Backies?Of course.Yes, there was a shower sponge between his hand and her vertical lips, but it lingered, several would report.Her hand seemed to do the same thing between his legs.

After they dried each other off, Betsy introduced Jehri to Bob who looked incredulous.Then Betsy and Jehri parted for study hall, both feeling the need to insure their freedom to study anywhere included studying together.

Jehri felt sure they would have lots of time together.She was a great teacher, he knew. Not try, do.

When study hall was over, Jehri said, "Look, let me check on a PR.We'd have a half hour of privacy." Betsy smile at that and nodded her head in agreement.Minutes later he returned, took her hand to have lead, half drag her to PR # 8 where they went inside, then closed and locked the door.

For a moment, the two looked at each other.Betsy glanced down."Jehri, you have a boner," she said softly.

"I know. I'm here with you alone.Does it bother you?"

"No," she said through parted lips as they came together, kissing, rubbing, nibbling.Gently, together, they moved to one of the wide couch/beds, sitting, then lying on it.Jehri's hands caressed her breasts, his mouth played with her nipples.She began to give out a squeal or a moan.One hand stayed on a small, melon shaped breast while the other slid down her belly to below her belly button and then on to her vagina, no, he thought, pussy.Damp pussy.

"My God, Jehri, I thought you'd never made out before.You're....you're fantastic!"

"I found some sex training films on line-not porn, but how to," he said simply.You are the first girl I've ever touched like this."As he talked, his finger slid easily into her damp pussy.

"Jehri, lie on your back," she whispered several minutes later.


"We don't have much time left.I don't want you walking out of here with your cock sticking out.You are about to get a blow job."With that she slid down until her cute Asian face hung over his cock.It got a tentative lick of her tongue, then another before she slid his almost six inches into her mouth and began to bob, her tongue playing with the cock.

"Oh, God.Betsy.So good. Don't stop."All the while he rubbed her back when he wasn't trying to reach her small breasts to caress them.He felt the tension rising."Betsy.I'm..I'm cumming soon, Betsy."

She raised her mouth off his cock."I swallow," she said and went back to servicing his cock.She told the truth.She swallowed - a lot.He, despite lying on the bed, fell back.She lay on top of him.They kissed deeply so he tasted his own seman for the first time.The warning bell rang, signaling ten minutes to lights out.

They walked hand in hand back to her room.The hall was momentarily empty.They took the chance for a brief, illegal public kiss and she vanished into her room.Jehri raced for his room, diving in seconds before lights out.

"Wow, Jehri, interesting evening?"

"And how!!Terrific!"

"By any chance, a girl??"

"Would you believe two?"

"Really!!Wow.Mr. Lonely becomes Mr. Stud!"

"Thanks, Becky.Good night."

"Night Jehri,"

Jehri went to sleep almost at once.The next morning he woke early, got washed up and teeth brushed, something he normally did after breakfast.Then he waited close to the caf door for Betsy's arrival.She came with a broad smile, her hands out to his, though they got in line holding hands.

Again they were at least close to the last out of the caf for breakfast.As they left Sarah came up to them."Hi, Betsy.Hi, Jehri.Just to let you know, there's been a slight change in plans.Wendy and I won't be with you this afternoon.Just Marsha, okay?Sounds like you're doing great."

"Okay," Jehri said, still holding Betsy's hand.

"Hey, Betsy, Marsha's like a tutor.You cool with that?"

"Sure.No problem," she smiled at Sarah as they walked away and parted to get ready for classes.

Jehri's school day passed better than yesterday, with more attention to study and less attention to the thoughts concerning the dark haired thirteen year old and the black hairedfourteen year year old, with the younger Marsha's larger conical breasts compared to the smaller melon shaped breasts of Betsy.Today he was able to kick himself back to paying attention to solving the Pythagorean theorem and the reason the U.S. entered World War II.

At lunch, which Marsha ate at a different time than Betsy and he, the two lingered long over the meal, again being driven off by a staff worker, actually shooing them out of the room, waving her apron skirt at them.

The two met briefly after class for a quick hand hold and blown kisses, which surely couldn't be against the PDA rules and each headed off in different directions.

Marsha sat on the couch bed in #6 waiting for him.She smiled as he entered, then patted the spot next to her."Sit down, Grasshopper," she said."The rumor mill is working.You and Betsy Kim seem to be suddenly an item.That's good.So, tell me, what has happened?"

"To tell the truth, I disobeyed your order to go no further than a kiss."

"I sort of figured that.There's no proof of course, other than the simple fact that you went into a PR twice, the second time rushing to get to your rooms before lights out."

"You have secret agents?"

Marsha laughed. "Jehri, get with the program.You've been here since sixth grade.You're probably the only one, at least the only dormie who doesn't get all the trash!"

"So why would anybody take notice of me?"He asked.

"Look, you've never shown interest in anybody, male or female until a few days ago.You say as few words as possible, or did until again, a few days ago.You're good looking; you have a nice looking body, and I'm sure there have been girls who checked you out and thought, `a romp in a PR with that sexy looking Jehri would be fun, if he'd only lighten up.

"Then suddenly you are eating with Betsy, seen holding her hand, going into a PR, twice in one day, both of you looking like the canary that swallowed the cat.Jehri, if you two haven't already had sex..."

"Uh.Depends on what you mean by `having sex,'Marsha.We haven't had vaginal intercourse."

"Jehri!This isn't the classroom!Okay, spill it.You kissed."


"You touched her boobs and tweaked her nipples."


"You played with her pussy."


"You went down on her."

"I don't really know how to do that."

"She blew you."

"Yes.It was wonderful."

"You butt fucked her."


"Well.Okay, student Jehri, I'm going to lie down on this bed here, spread my legs, and teach you how to make a girl cum with your mouth.Okay?By the way, just in case, I washed before coming here."With that she lay down, then patted the bed next to her."We start out by making out, Jehri, kiss, feel, caress.I'll do the same to you.Jump up, stud.I see you're hard."

As promised the two began to make out, seriously.Jehri began to feel his nuts tighten up.Marsha began to breathe heavily."Get between my legs, dear, er Jehri," she moaned."Just start by getting used to my cunt.Kiss it the lips.Start at the bottom and work up.Do that a couple of times.Don't try to talk.Yes.Now, gently part my lips and do the same with your tongue.Yes. NIce.Doing well. OH!! A little cum.Nice work.You'll have Betsy screaming.OH!! Now, At the top of my slit is my clit.Act like it's a nipple.Roll it.Caress it. Yes.How's the taste?" "Oh, Marsha.I love it," he said then went back to work on her clit.

"Jehri.Yes. Suck on my clit and ease your middle finger in my pussy.Gently go in and out.Yes,OH, YES."She gasped for breath for a moment."Jehri, turn over on your back."

"Okay. Why?"

"Because I don't want Betsy to get to far ahead of me."Jehri turned over as Marsha positioned herself, then took his cock directly into her mouth to begin bobbing rapidly at once.

"Oh, God, Marsha.Feels so good.Yes."Without even thinking, he began to hump her mouth as he rubbed her shoulders."Oh. Yes.Marsha.Cumming soon.Yes.OH!! YES!!!!" As his cum began to fill her mouth.

When he finished cumming, they lay side by side for minute or so, kissing and touching.Marsha began to play with his cock, bringing it back to hardness again.

"Marsha.I'm getting hard again."

"Good.When Wendy, Sarah, and I decided we could bring you out of your shell, we thoughtSarah was the girl for the job.But after our first conversation, we thought maybe I should start and then Sarah take over.But you charmed me, Mr. Grinch.After we part this afternoon, I don't want you going to Betsy without the final experience."

"Huh?You mean..."

"Yes.I want your virginity.And for that, I'll give you mine."She put a finger to his lips,"Quiet, Sweetie.I know.I'm thirteen.I'll be fourteen in two months.I talked to both the 7/8 counselors during my study hall block.I talked to both Wendy and Sarah.I don't need all the stuff that I'd get if I wait `till 14/1.

"I've really fallen for you, Jehri. That doesn't mean I'm trying to push Betsy out of the way.You know, we own only one person - ourself.I even sent an e-mail to Betsy, telling her what I thought might happen and telling her I was not going to try to take you away from her.That you were good enough to share.

"Now, dear Jehri.You're good and hard.I see your cock is leaking a bit.So, either kiss me now and roll over on your back... or leave and go to Betsy still a virgin and maybe disappoint her.I hope you kiss me."

He felt the kiss was eager, passionate, and convincing.When it broke he rolled onto his back. "Please," he said to Marsha.She straddled him at once.He saw her smile as she began to settle down, then quick grimace, then a big smile as she began to rock up and down.

They left the PR, each with their V necklace in their hand.Out of the room, Jehri looked at her."Could you hold onto this for me until we meet for dinner, all three of us?"

"Sure," she said. "Treat her like you treated me."

Minutes later he entered another PR to see Betsy not sitting, but lying on the couch bed.She looked at him and smiled."Well, hello, my young Shakespeare.Wouldst thou care to have me in mine bed?"

"Lovely lady.That would please me greatly if thou be'st so inclined."At that he got onto the couch bed to hug and kiss her.Several minutes later he breathed, "I hope I'll be okay."

"I'm sure you will be, Jehri."

"I will do or not do.I will not try."

At dinner, Marsha, Betsy, and Jehri arrived early to grab one of the small tables.Once more they lingered over the meal, not letting food get in the way of their conversation. Once more staff chased them out.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 30

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