Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Nov 3, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #28 :Spring Break In North Dakota

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

Spring Break in North Dakota


Larry Marian

The landing at the Bismark Airport felt bumpy to both Amy and Max.Max appreciated the window seat she'd surrendered to him so he could see what North Dakota looked like in the early morning sunlight."It looks flat,"he said after the small turboprop taxied to the small terminal.

"Mostly, this part is.Out west, it's hilly.Our cows like flat land, not like sheep or goats so much."

"You know I'm a bit nervous about meeting your family."

She smiled at him."They are, too, Max.It'll be okay.When we get to the ranch the first thing is I'll show you around.Then we talk to Momma and Poppa.We'll convince them, Im sure. "

With a small plane the two young teens deplaned into the small terminal building to walk down a short welcoming hall, past TSA and into the entrance hall.They towed their carry on behind them, with both shouldering an additional back pack.They had no need for a big suitcase."There they are!" Maggie said as she waved, then began to walk rapidly towards a man and a woman, a male teen in a gray uniform, and a young girl, maybe ten Max thought as he hurried after her catching up before she hugged all four.

"Okay, Momma, Poppa, this is Max. Max, these are my parents, and my brother Frank and sister Betty."

Max stepped forward, his hand outstretched to Amy's father.He sure looked like a cowboy, with a western shirt, a string tie, a hat out of a western movie, with belt and boots to match, They shook hands firmly.He turned to Amy's mother, with a dress on and a cowboy hat.She reached out to give him a hug."Welcome to North Dakota," she said.

"Sorry about the uniform.We're supposed to wear them to and from school.As Amy said, I'm Frank.I here you dress very casually at your school."He chuckled.

"We do," Max said."And you're Betty."

"Yes.I'm in sixth grade.Momma and Poppa say next year I can go to Jones, too."

"That would be nice.You'd be in the same dorm with Amy and me. "

"She could be in 7/8 II," Amy said.

"Well, do you have any more bags, Amy?" Her father asked.

"No, Poppa.In fact, we may have to get Max some more stuff."

"I have plenty of money to get some more stuff.Just have to go to a mall."

"That'd be fine. Frank has his license.Now let's get to the ranch.I know what Amy wants to do at once,"

"I sure do, Poppa.You'll enjoy this, Max."

"Let's get to the car, everybody."

As lightly burdened as they were it took no time for the six to reach the Stuart SUV. Frank and Betty politely got in the rear seats, then Max and Amy, and the parents up front.The small packs and carry on as well as Frank's larger bag still made it behind the rear seat.

"Now, Max, Amy says you're something of a city slicker. But it's a half hour drive to the ranch."

`I'm okay,thanks," he said as he reached for Amy's hand.

"Now, Amy.You haven't said much.I have to tell you.You're going to find Rex out behind the barn with Blackie, Little Bit, and Bruno."

Max saw Amy's face drop."I'm sorry, dear," her mother said."Rex was eleven years old.That's mighty old for a German shepherd."

`You told me he was ailing," Amy said softly."When did he go?"

"Night for last.He lay down in his box in your room at night. He went during the night, dear," her father said.

Max saw Frank put his hand on his sister's shoulder."Sorry, Kitten," he said.

"Thanks, Frankenstein," she replied.

"Too bad, Amy.No idea."

She gave him a wan smile."It had to happen.Well, I'll say good bye after we get home."She leaned over to give him a quick kiss on his cheek.

Max noted it did take a good half hour before they turned down a gravel road, passing under a sign which read BAR FAB RANCH."That's our brand, Max.Our initials under a horizontal line.And there's the house."As soon as they were in, Amy said, "I'm going to show Max my room and then go out to the barn and show him around.Poppa, can I take the mule?Horseback tomorrow.Please?"

"I think so, Amy.I know there a couple of horses you want to see."

"Thanks, Dad.Come on, Max."With that she took Max's hand and her stuff and pulled him away."Oh. Get your stuff too, Max."He did as he noticed her folks looked.

She led him into a room that was half girl/half western.Once in the room, even with her door wide open, she threw her arms around him to kiss him.He responded.Then the clinch broke. " This will be a minute," as she opened her closet to pull out a pair of plain cowboy boots, some worn jeans, and a faded checked shirt.Facing Max she pulled off her blouse, undid her bra, slipped off the slacks, then rapidly dressed, sitting down on her bed to pull on the boots.She pulled down a cowboy hat from her dresser,"Come on," she said, then stopped. "Oh, crap," she said,"My folks!Max, I think we need to talk to them now.And if Betty's going to Jones next year,she might as well hear this now.And Frank so he doesn't think you some evil rapist."

"Probably right.I don't want them looking for a rope and a tree!"

`They'll have to have two ropes for the tree, Max."With that she grabbed his hand, then led him back out to the den, which overlooked the barn and the fallow vegetable garden, or so Max guessed.He could see several horses inside a fence - a corral."Momma, Poppa, Max and I were going to talk to you about this later.But maybe now is best.And maybe Frank and Betty, too."

"Uh, Amy, you changed clothes," her mother said.

"I did, Momma.I wanted to show Max around.That's what I want to talk about.And why Frank and Betty need to hear this too,"

"Call for them, then, Amy."

"Hey, Frankenstein!Beattle!Come to the den, please!"

"Okay, Ant!You in trouble already?" came from her brother, he appeared in jeans, cowboy boots and a Newberry Military School t-shirt.Betty came trailing him,

"Okay, Momma and Poppa, you know that Max and I are room mates.It really is a pretty small room, though it does have a sink in it so we can wash up and stuff instead of going down to the head,But we study there and sleep there and sometimes just hang out there.You also know that the whole school, students, teachers, and most staff are nude all the time.

"So I just forgot and changed clothes with Max in my room.I mean Max sees me nude and I see him nude probably 95% of the time.So I just didn't think what I did when we come back from the mall, or watching a soccer or rugby match.Or going to the park and zoo.It's just normal."

"Yes.We know that.We signed the release.But we read about what Jones has accomplished," her mother said."It does seem strange.But I've read the reports.No girl has ever gotten pregnant there.No sexual assault or harassment or anything like that."

"Excuse me for butting in, but one thing gets solved at Jones," Max said."When we first met, if I'd wanted to annoy Amy or something in my old school, I could have popped her bra or peeked down her top, or tried to. Can't do that at Jones."

"That Bobby Smith got caught doing that last Thursday.He got three days SIPS!" Betty chimed in.

"Okay.I really want to take Max out to see some of the ranch," Amy said."Frank may have some things like this at his Newberry, though I know that the girl and boy cadets are very segregated, but we have names for kids in the same room.We start off as room mates.That may last a day or a year.You help each other and are buds. But that's about it.Room mates don't date each other, though they may be very serious about somebody else.

"Some become roomies.That means you become close friends.But again the roomies may date somebody else.Jones has a lot of roomies.Max and I have roomies on both sides of us and across the hall."

"So there is another step?" Amy's father asked.

"Yes.But first, we were room mates, and not very friendly room mates for a month and a half.I sort of wrote you about that.Then we became roomies.Then we shocked all of 7/8.

"When roomies become real serious about each other, they push their beds from against the wall to the center of the room, so there are two narrow paths around the bed instead of between the beds, Then they become beddies.

"Let me break in.That doesn't mean what you think it might mean," Max said."Amy, did you pack your `V'?I left mine on my desk."

"I brought mine."

"Why not go get it?"

"Okay.I'll wear it."

"So, being a beddie might just make it easier to talk a bit after lights out.It might be you kiss your beddie good night.It means sort of like really going steady."

"So, you and Amy are beddies?"

"Yes, sir.We have been since mid-October.That created quite a surprise in our dorm." Amy returned with her V around her neck."Okay, Momma, Poppa, Frank, and Betty, this is my V necklace which I wear all the time at Jones.So does Max.It tells everybody that I'm a virgin.Same with Max.To each other, it means our commitment to each other and ourselves."

"I'm glad to know that.So with all this running around naked, there's no real sex?" Amy's father asked.

"There is, Poppa. Yes. But it's not hidden or anything,Now Max's older brother, Tom, and Maggie are beddies.Neither wear a V.But they are surely in love with each other."

"I think Momma and I understand this.You have a request, Amy?"

"Yes, Momma and Poppa.Max and I have shared a bed since the middle of October.We dd over Christmas. His folks knew about it. I know you planned on putting Max in the guest room.But maybe, I can be in the guest bedroom with him?It's a bigger bed and sometimes he steals the covers."

Her mother laughed out loud."Amy,your father does that all the time!Does Max snore?"

"Not much, Momma.

"Amy snores, too.But it's very sweet," Max said.He watched her parents look at each other.

Mr. Stuart stood up."Max and Amy.It appears to me that the barn door got left open and the filly and the stallion frisk in the pasture.I can tell when two really feel committed.Momma, I say let Amy sleep where she wants to."

"I agree."

"Oh, thank you,"Amy babbled.

"I appreciate your confidence in me," Max said simply.

"Does this mean I can ask Bobbi-Jo for a sleep over tomorrow?" Frank asked.

"You can ask her in front of us.Let's see what she says," his father replied.


"It's almost lunch time.Amy, you and Max put your stuff away, then help finish up for lunch, then you show him around.We're having the Johnstons for dinner tonight so Frank can see Bobbi-Jo.I expect your help," Any's mom said.

"I'll be glad to help.My mom spent five years writing cook columns so I know something about the kitchen," Max volunteered.

Chaos didn't follow.Max showed his knowledge of a kitchen, to the surprise of Amy. Max saw Ms Stuart smile at him as he sliced hot house tomatoes.

They sat down at the breakfast table for a blessing prior to lunch, then dug in,Max beside Amy on the one hand and Betty on the other, peppering him with questions.Amy ran interference, "Betty, how `bout tomorrow afternoon we sit around and explain everything you want to know about Jones?I know the younger brother or sisters have an easier time.Lots of hints of what to do and not.But - I'll tell you - the teachers are all great.And they're fair."

"Okay. Uh - do I have to take off my clothes for this?"

"Shussh! Later on that."

After everything was put away after lunch, Amy took Max out towards the barn, where she found the stalls mucked, then to the horse corral where her call and whistle caused six horses to trot towards her, seeming in greeting. She pulled carrots and apples out of a bag slung over her shoulder, giving some to Max to feed the horses which she called by name as she petted and even kissed them.

Then she took his hand to lead him around the back of the barn to a spot marked off by stones, coming from the barn's wall.Max looked down at the simple markers, with a name and dates in magic marker, the first in very childish scrip, then growing in strength.One stone lay bare, but with a 3x5 card taped to it.

"Max.Right inside the barn door is a shovel. Would you go get it please?" she asked softly.

"Sure," he said as he stood up.

Minutes later he returned with the shovel, to see her carefully lettering, "REX, My best

friend" on the smooth stone,She looked up at Max."That's before you, Sweetie," she said.

"I understand, Amy.You want me to dig a spot for the stone?"

"Please."Max took the shovel.In a few minutes the two got the stone in the ground.She stood up, gave Max a hug, then said, "Let me show you round the spread, stranger.I'll get our mount. " She gave him a peck."The barn door," she said.

"Okay, padner," Max said as he followed her from her cemetery.Several minutes later he heard an engine start,then moments later Amy came out of the barn riding a three wheeled ATV. She stopped.

"Hop on," she said.

Max did."Hold on to the grips," she said before the vehicle began to move away.For the next almost hour she rode Max around the close in parts of the spread, allowing him to see some ponds, some of which had a dock, or a diving board, or both, some pastures, and herds of cattle.

Finally they returned to the barn, with Amy driving it into a sort of slip, then shutting it down.Amy grabbed Max's hand to lead him out of the barn.Max heard a voice coming from above.It sounded like "They're gone," a young male voice, not Frank's.

"Good.I'll finish you," which had to be Frank's.

The two looked at each other.Amy pointed towards the ladder.The two walked quietly to it.The other male voice said, "Oh, yes, Frank."Amy's mouth dropped open.She pointed to herself, then the ladder, then held her hand up with the "stop" motion before climbing up the ladder silently.Max saw her lift her head over the floor for a few mere seconds before scurrying down the ladder.She pointed at Max, then pointed up, then put her finger to her lips.Max nodded before quickly climbing up to peek over the top. He saw a teen boy, his pants around his ankles standing with his back to the ladder.Max could make out another, who had to be Frank, on his knees, with his pants around his ankles.The other boy's hands rested on the back of his bobbing head."Oh, Christ, Frank.I'm about to cum," he said as Max almost slid down the ladder.Amy grabbed his hand as they rushed out of the barn.

"Oh my God, that was Jake, his best friend!Is Frank gay?"

"I sure don't know, but he sure was sucking the other guy's dick."

"I wonder if it's because of that military school."

"I bet they're pretty old fashioned about that!"

Amy turned back towards the barn."Here they come," she said quietly. "Hey Jake.Morning Frankenstein,"

"Morning, Ant. Say, Max, this is my old buddy Jake.We've been friends since first grade. "

"Nice to meet you, Jake.This is really different from what I'm used to."

"Hey, Amy.Frank says that school you go to, you're always nekked.Is that true?"

"Not nekked, Jake.Nude.But yes.I think that by bed time, I'll have seen Max with clothes on more than I have since we met in September."

"Well, any time you want to demonstrate, Amy, let me know, okay?"

"Sure, Jake.I do look a bit different than when I was ten and we all skinny dipped at the pond behind the wind break."Amy laughed at that."Well, I forgot to introduce Max to the horses, so we're going back to the barn.See you guys later."With that Amy took Max's hand and gave him a tug back towards the barn."Come on Max.I'll put you on a horse tomorrow."

"Okay.See you guys," Max called as Amy almost pulled him back into the barn.Once inside she quickly led him down the row of stalls, with a horse coming to the front of each one, each with a nicker of greeting.

"Later, fellows," Amy said with a pat on the muzzle of each."Right now I have an important date."She turned to Max."See if they found my secret hideaway.I could always hide from Frank up here when we were kids.He really picked on me for the longest time."

The two got to the top, Max a bit more carefully thanMax.She turned to him with a hug. "Max.That scene.. I'm horny.That's all I can say. It would be nice if we could take our time.But - 69 Max?I've got a blanket and a couple of old pillows hidden up here.You don't want straw on your bare butt.You on the bottom.Me on top?Okay?"

Max looked at her expression of lust."Good," he said as she went to a cabinet to pull out a raggedy blanket and some old pillows.She threw the blanket on the straw, then the two straightened it out.They stood on it and each quickly stripped.There was a quick kiss, a brief caress, then Max lay down on his back, his cock sticking straight up.Amy flopped down on top of him, her pussy in reach of his mouth, her lips already on his cock.At once they began to minister to the other.After a minute she rose up to strip off her top, revealing her bare breasts.

"I know you won't cum on my top," she said just before she slipped his now almost six inches back into her obviously eager mouth.A minute or so later both gave a muffled warning to their loving partner.Max felt Amy's sopping wet pussy.He actually swallowed some of her juices.They lay there motionless for a minute before Amy slowly rose, as though she'd been napping.

"Damn!! Amy!!What the hell??" Max recognized Frank's voice and turned towards the ladder to see her brother, his mouth open while he hung on the ladder.

"Frank.Why are you back up here? "

"Well, I sure wasn't expecting to find you giving a blow job.What will Momma and Poppa say?"

Max felt her get off him to stand, almost nude in front of her brother."Frank, you'd best get up here.Jake, if you're behind him,you come up too.Yep, Hurry, or you won't see me with my pants down."Max scrambled to his feet, too."Frank, we were here earlier.We both saw you sucking off Jake.I gotta assume that since you had your pants down, either Jake had already given you a blow job, or was going to next. So?

"Look, Frank, I have no idea what your relation with Jake is.Or how long it's been going on.I know about Max and me.You contact any dormie at Jones.Ask them if they know Max and Amy in 7/8 I.Ask them what they think of them.Heck, Frankenstein, ask our teachers, or our 7/8 counselors.I have their official phone and e-mail.Want it?"

"Uh, Amy.I just didn't think my kid sister was into 69!"

"We normally aren't.We prefer to concentrate on the one we love and wait for the return," Max said."Frank, Amy and I really think we are a match.It took us a bit to discover that.Shoot.You should have seen us when we first met!"

"Well, we don't have a picture of when we first met.But we do have a picture right after we dropped our cover and became beddies.Want to see it, big Brother and Jake? Warning, there is `full frontal nudity.'Also, if the Dog or DoB saw the picture, we might be in trouble again."

"Okay, let me see the picture," Frank said.

"Not that one!" Max said.

"What's a Dog or Dob?" Jake asked.

"Dean of Girls and Dean of Boys.The only PDA allowed is holding hands.If you're a dormie or you go to a Private Room, you are free. But walk down the hall with your arms around each other, or kiss - you are in line for one swat," Max said."Okay, I see Amy's going to embarrass me."

Amy giggled."I expected a Zulu warrior.I got this," she said as she passed the photo to her brother.Max knew what it was.A quick picture done by the kids across the hall, Amy and Max in front of their room with the door open, arms around the other's waist,Max's penis almost invisible, almost less visible than Amy's vagina, though her breasts were quite obvious.Smiles showed on both faces.

Max watched Frank look at the picture and then at him, his pants still down,his cock soft, but still very presentable for a thirteen year old.`You know, this sort of looks better than drill or room inspection."

"Glad to have you, Frank.Now.Max and I will say nothing about you and Jake.You will say nothing about Max and me,Pinky swear?"

"Pinky swear," Frank said.

"Hay!You in there. Momma says lunch table needs setting.Jake's welcome," Betty called up to the hay loft."And I know you're up there.And. I want to see that picture!"The four looked at each other, then climbed down out of the hay loft.Betty had a smug look for them.

"Later, Little Sis," Amy said."By the way, Frankenstein may change schools!That shut down the talk as they trooped into the house for lunch.Max found lunch nothing more than eating food, with little talking as most wanted to get on with what the day demanded.After lunch, and the clean up, Jake went home while Frank, Betty, Max, and Amy drove back into town to get Max at least a bathrobe, a pair of jeans or two, a couple of shirts, a pack of boxers, the same ofsocks, and a Bismark, ND t-shirt.

They left with Momma Stuart saying, "Now, Max, this can stay in Amy's room for when you come in the summer."

Max could only smile."Perhaps you can come visit us.My dad does mostly rock and soul - but, he's done some country as well.Mostly railroad. "

"They've got some neat cars, too," Amy said.

After they returned, Amy finally took him back out to the horses, now released from their stalls. Max looked at two or three thrust their way in to Amy, obviously seeking to be remembered.For several minutes he watched as she patted, nuzzled, and even kissed the large beasts surrounding her.Can I do that, he wondered.

Then they "dressed for dinner," Max in new jeans and a cowboy shirt while Amy put on a simple top but a flared skirt.The Johnstons arrived just at six with Frank waiting arc the door to greet Bobbi-Jo, who Max found to be blond, buxom, and smiling, obviously glad to see Frank.

Dinner went smoothly with lots of talk and questions to both Amy and Max about Jones and to Frank about Newberry.They did seem amazed that the Jones doctrine of nudity had spread to other private schools around the country and that now both public and private pools had at least some days for suits optional.What really amazed them is that Max had met the then teen aged girl who started the whole thing and that she was now in Congress.

Several hours later the Johnstons departed with Frank driving Bobbi-Jo home under strict orders to be home by midnight. Max and Amy had no idea if Frank returned home in time. They were in bed by ten, ending the day with a simple good night kiss. What they also didn't know was that Amy's parents peeked in on them on their own way to bed, fearing they'd be met with a scene of thrashing limbs, to find the two teens fast asleep, each lying on their side, backs to each other.Of course the sight of Amy's bare breasts caused them to realize that she had become used to being nude, not naked.

The next morning Amy took Max back out to the barn, this time to let two of the horses out in the corral where Amy saddled two of them, her favorite, a young gelding, and an older, now quiet mare.Then she gave Max a class on being around a horse, then finally how to mount.After that she led Max in a merry go round inside the corral.After an hour of walking and talking and trying to hold hands while riding, they dismounted.Amy gave another lesson on the care of a horse after a ride before the two walked back to the house to find a note saying Betty and her parents had gone to town for some things for Easter dinner and that Frank had gone to see Bobbi-Jo.

"Well, I guess Frank isn't gay," Amy said,

"Well, how many bis are there at Jones?" Max asked with a shrug,

"I don't know,but the wash room shower is big enough for the two of us to wash off the horse smell.We can get clean clothes from the room, shower and dress there.We can even probably strip there and just carry the clean clothes with us if nobody is home."

"Sure," Max said."Let's do it."So they held hands as they walked down the hall to the guest bedroom to stop at Frank's closed door.

"Oh, Bobbi-Jo.So good.Yes.Getting close. Oh, Yes!"came through the door muffled.They stopped.Then "Oh, yes," from Frank.Then, "I love you Frank.Yes.You're almost hard again.Oh, I've missed this.Yes,Oh, your prick feels good!"The two looked at each other, then hurried on.

In the guest bedroom, with the door closed, Max said, "I think that settles that.If that wasn't a guy getting head and then beginning a screw, I don't know what is."

"Yep,Well, if they come out of the bedroom while we prance down the hall all nekked, there's just not much for them to say to us."With that Amy began to pull off her old riding clothes with Max following her.Once comfortably nude, the two gathered fresh clothes, then walked down the hall to the laundry room with it's large mud room shower.

Soon they were under the nice, warm water, soaping each other when the door opened to Frank and Bobbi-Jo."Woops!" Frank said.

"Well, hello, Frank.You see us.Were you two coming to take a shower?"

Frank and Bobbi-Jo looked at each other, guilt on their faces."Why would we do that?" Frank asked.

"Well, Frank.You can be noisy.And so can Bobbi-Jo.We're about to get out.The water's fine.We're used to showering with ten or so other couples.Shall I turn off the water?"

Max saw them look at each other. He saw a small nod from Bobbi-Jo.He stepped out of the shower, followed by Amy who pulled two bath towels off a shelf as Frank and Bobbi-Jo began to undress.Max grinned when he saw Frank's hard cock.Hard again, he thought.

By that time they'd dried each other off, thenthey were getting dressed.Amy looked at the bra she'd brought."Go on, Amy.Put it on.It's not that bad," Max said.So she did.As the two finished dressing, Frank and Bobbi-Jo finished their shower and began drying off.

"Come down to the guest bedroom and we'll talk," Amy said.

"Okay.By the way, Amy, you don't look like a little girl any longer," Frank said.

"Thanks, Frank.Let's go, Max."

Back in the guest bedroom Max and Amy left the door open so Frank and Bobbi-Jo walked right in."So.Guess between the four of us it's all out in the open.We won't tell on each other.But you said you're virgins," Frank said,

"Jones has a few strange rules. Virginity is one of them.Both boys and girls are encouraged to wait until we are at least 14 years and a day.But, the only virginity they recognized is the old fashioned kind.Amy still has her hymen. "

"If I still have it.I've ridden ponies and horses since I was five.But to use the school's technical language, no penis has entered my vagina.And trusting Max, his penis hasn't entered any other girl's vagina."

"And when we met, it probably couldn't have penetrated one if I'd had the luck to try," Max said.

"So you just make out?Or do mutual oral?"

"Like we said, we normally do each other separately.Amy goes down on me; I go down on Amy.We both think it's more enjoyable that way.'/

"Okay, Frank.Dirty secret.A girl's body has three useful entrances.We've used the two allowable while still remaining school virgins."

"Doesn't that hurt?" Bobbi-Jo asked, looking shocked.

"Not if done right," Amy said,"Max has made me cum quite a few times that way,"

"Okay, Little Sister, what is right?" Frank asked,

"Especially the first few times, lots of lube, both on the guy and in the girl.Next, take it slow and easy.Be as gentle as possible going through the sphincter.Then you can go a bit faster.But gentle and slow at first is necessary, right Amy?"

"Yeah,And Max is good at it."

"Interesting," Frank said,"Well, I guess I need to get Bobbi-Jo back home.See you guys later.

By the end of the vacation Max could actually ride Little Souix out of the corral and into the home pasture and not fall off.He sort of liked it, but if Amy had asked him what the best part of riding was, he'd have to say it was the joint shower in the wash room shower that was best.The thing that surprised him the most was the one time that Frank, Amy, he, and Betty all showered there.Of course all four didn't crowd in a stall built for, at the most three, but Amy and he showered first, and then Frank and Betty, and her without a trace of discomfort or modesty."I'm getting ready for Jones," she said as she glanced down on her slightly not totally flat chest.

"I guess I'll have to ask about Jones for my junior and senior years," Frank said.

"That would be fun," Amy said,"But you'll miss Bobbi-Jo."

"Here's a secret.They won't think of Bobbi-Jo going to the female battalion of Newberry, but they are actually looking into Jones.But we can't start as room mates."

"There is a swap period the end of September," Max said.

"Oh.That's good, " Frank said.

The next morning they were up at five to get Amy and Max to the Bismark airport.The whole family came, with Frank picking up Bobbi-Jo to also bid the two good bye. As they drove through the dark, Ms. Stuart turned to Max."Max, you obviously have too much clothes to have in what you brought.I know Amy told you she'd pack your stuff.She did.It's in the dresser in the guest bedroom.We expect you to come out to North Dakota during vacation and to let Amy go to your home if it's okay with your folks. "

"Well, thanks a lot.Yes, I'd love to see the ranch in the summer,"he said.

As the walked towards the terminal, Frank and Bobbi-Jo managed to pull Max and Amy back from Betty and the parents."Okay, Amy.Last night while Bobbi-Jo's parents were gone, we tried what you told us."

"And?" Amy said, turning to look at Bobbi-Jo, who smiled at her,

"We'll do it again.It was good."She planted a sisterly kiss on Amy."We'll try it again."

"Good.Tonight at Jones, Max?"

"A plan," Max said."A good plan,"

"Summer may be a return to skinny dipping," Frank said.

"We hope so," Amy said and laughed.

At TSA the two parted from the rest of the Stuarts.After clearing the check point Max took Amy's hand as they walked towards their terminal."Your dad said something to me just now."

"What was that.I hope it was good."

"He said your folks were a bit worried, but they're now glad you and I are together and he looks forward to seeing me this summer."

"Yes!!" Amy hugged him."Tonight in our own bed."

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more thanbetween three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 29

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