Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Oct 31, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #27:A.S.S.

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13

with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with

his characters as individuals.



Larry Marian

It was all the fault of Max M'urk.Well, maybe not,His father, Roy M'urkmight have to share the blame, but he was at least 500 miles away and a semi-retired rock/rap star at that.So the blame, or credit, fell on Max.On the other hand, why not finger Amy's parents , Max's beddie at Jones Lab School, Dorm 7/8 I.After all, they were the ones to name their innocent first daughter, second child Amy Shirley Stuart.Even her three year older brother didn't see that possibility.But then he was off to a Virginia military school and not Jones Lab School as a boarding student.

Some times twelve or thirteen year old boys can be both smart and dumb at the same times. Some times they have to mesh with other boys of the same age.The same is true of girls.So on an early January evening, after dinner but before study hall, a group of boys claimed territory with one corner of the 7/8 common room and a group of girls did the same in the opposite corner.

There were seven boys, three 7th and four 8th graders.Of the seven, two were beddies, three were roomies,and the other two were room mates. The girls numbered eight, three 7th and five 8th.Of them,three were beddies, three roomies, and two room mates.

The boys worked on how close the other was to gain status with a girl. For now, how faranybody had gotten was not accepted.If nothing else, all of them had a V "necklace" which they wore proudly.But what they knew about a girl - be she a friend, or a room mate, or the roomie, or a beddie - that might be a source of middle school honor.

" have an idea," Jack, one of the eighth graders said."What's the full name of any girl you really know.I have to admit.Cheryl Jones has a middle name.It begins with an `L.'But I have no idea.

"Oh.Amy's middle name is Susan.I learned that when she was with me with my folks."

"Lucky dog," came from another eighth grader."We got to talk every night."

Stanley, the 7th grade genius smiled."Hey,Isn't Amy's last name `Stuart'?"

"Yeah.So? It's on our door tags.I'm Max M'urk and she's Amy Stuart. We're both seventh graders and she's a girl and I'm a guy."

"But she's Amy Susan Stuart!That's A.S.S.I have to say, Amy has a cute A.S.S.!"Billy, the shortest boy in seventh grade, dormie or townie had to have the biggest mouth.

"Billy, that's my beddie.Be nice!" Max said, standing up.

"Calm down," Jack said.

Common room discussion ended withcalls for study hall at all levels.Max and Amy joined hands to return to room study.For both of them, Algebra I took up a major portion of study hall.Half way through the first study hall section, Amy turned in her chair and said quietly, "Max, I wonder if Billy has any idea how many times I've had a cock up my ass."

"I don't know.But I'm not sure you could feel his. After all, I'm up to five inches now and he's still small."

"And I love yours, dearest."

"I do, too."

"Like, we're doing numbers.I wonder how many times we've done that,"Amy mused.

"Well, us.I think we average about twice a week, don't we?"

"Sometimes only once.Sometimes three, even four.Then there was Christmas."

"Yeah.You have to count your times with Dad, Amy."

"So I'm leading you by three.You want to go out in the hall and ask for volunteers?"

"Nah.None of the other possible girls I'd want to do it with,"

"Thanks.Now back to algebra."


After the second study period, Max and Amy joined a large portion of 7/8 for a shower.They walked in with several already showering, either alone as they themselves had done in the beginning, or as room mates or couples.After all, there were backies, even if they weren't room mates, much less a roomie or beddie. One showering alone was little Billy, the lone boy sporting an erection - all three inches of it."My," he called loudly as the beddies past by, "look at the blond ass!"Amy raised her head, at the same time grabbing Max, pulling him along.

"Little jerk," Max hissed.

"Ignore him.Look, a month from now he might be 5'9" with a good five inches."

"He's still a little jerk."

"And all he can do is jerk off tonight."She gave a giggle,"Veronica says he does that every night. Takes about ten seconds."

"I heard Veronica's been going into a PR with a ninth grade townie almost every afternoon."

"Could be.Get the water on, my main man."

"Yes, mistress!"Amy laughed as Max began to wash her back.

She leaned up against him."You're not going to have to jerk it tonight," she whispered into his ear."

"I haven't in months.And I have something for you, too."

"I hope so."

The shower over, the two dried each other, then walked back out, hand in hand.Taking advantage of the allowance of more than hand holding in the shower room, Max and Amy stopped to kiss before leaving the steamy room."Oh, look, Max is kissing ass," Billy called.

"Kid, you're pushing your luck. Max could eat you for lunch," eighth grader Jim Earnest said.

"He's too busy eating ass," Billy responded.Max turned around at that point, but Amy grabbed him.

"No, Max.As you say, he's just being a jerk."

"Little son of a bitch!" Max growled under his breath, but he allowed Amy to drag him to their room.There they finished drying off.

Amy put her arms around him."I'll get the K-Y, my only man.Let's turn off the light now and calm ourselves down.You may have to rub me some more. I'm a little tense."

`Okay.But I'm going to dive under the covers first and get you all hot and bothered first."

Amy turned off the overhead, then crawled into bed after Max.Max turned off the bedside so only moonlight came into the room.His hand went to rest on her inner thigh, then creep upwards as they began to kiss."Oh, Max," she murmured, as his hand began to feel the moist, soft lips of her pussy.He began then to work his way downward, to her breasts, her nipples, her stomach until he finally got to her clit to begin sucking on it, while his fingers played with her entrance."Oh, why can't I be fourteen?" she moaned.

"Because I'm only thirteen, too," Max said. With that he regrouped, bringing his mouth in range of her pussy, her pubic hair growing but still scant, but darkening.He began to work his lips to her lips, his tongue probing her pussy as he had a bit earlier her mouth.

"Oh, God, Max.I'm ready.I don't think you need much K-Y.Just some on your cock."With that she rolled to her stomach.He got in position between her legs when they both heard the double knock."We're here," Amy called.

"Night," Max called.

"Have fun," came from their young English teacher, counselor.

"You okay?" Amy said softly.In answer, she felt his cock head begin to penetrate her pussy lips."I guess you are."She felt his cock continue to gain ground until he had to stop.He began to move then, in and out, their breathing becoming ragged as they picked up speed.

"Oh, Amy," Max moaned as he continued to lovingly hump Amy."I'm getting close."

"So am I.. yeah..little one.. Oh, Max.You're cumming.I feel it!"

"I am.I am.Yes!!"

Max withdrew as his cock began to soften, then they lay side by side gently kissing and touching."Max?"

"Yes, Precious?"

"You know what I forgot to do?"


"Suck you.I want to suck you."

"Uh, now?"

"It's okay.A bit of wash cloth.I'll get it."Without a word, Amy got out of bed, then in the dark ran some water, came back to run the cloth over Max's cock, dropped it on the floor and finally ran her hand over it, bringing it back to hard again."You okay if I pull the covers back?"

"Fine, Sweetie." At that Amy was on Max's erect cock like a hungry wolf, except she kept hers lips over her teeth as she bobbed on his boner.She sucked rapidly and greedily.

"Amy.I'm real close.Not sure what you're doing but...AH!! CRAP!! CUMMING!!Even as she heard his warning she felt and tasted his surging cum.She gulped and swallowed until he finished."Wow, he said."Magnificent."

"You were," she breathed.They settled again, kissed, hugged and drifted off to sleep.

They both woke up early enough for some morning kissing and caressing before putting on sandals and brushing their teeth.Then they headed smiling for the caf for breakfast. As they headed towards the serving line, Amy's friend Lindsey called, "Amy, you have the answer to number three?"


"Can you help me with it before class?"

"Sure.No problem."

Amy turned to catch up with Max, then noticed that Billy looked directly at her."I think the blond ass dyes her hair.Look, her pubes are dark, not blond."

"That's enough!" Max roared as he turned, rushed at Billy, grabbed him by the shoulders, yanked him out of his chair, sending plate, fork, and knife flying as he shoved the smaller boy to the ground.Before anybody could move, he was on his knees, straddling Billy, pounding him with his fists.Billy screamed.

Two faculty, including Coach JJ pulled Max off Billy despite his struggles."Calm down, son," Coach JJ said, her voice calm.She turned to a senior."Jack. Get the nurse.We have a bad nose bleed and a black eye coming.

Amy began to cry."Max. OH, Max!"She tried to throw her arms around him, but she got pulled away by a couple of boys behind her,

"Take it easy. Let the faculty take care of this," one of the boys behind her said.


"Yeah, Amy.Fraid I'd have done the same thing."

"Okay, everybody.Go back to breakfast," Coach JJ said.She faced Max, who stood there breathing hard."You and your girl friend eat breakfast.Then report to the main office.Don't talk to anybody, not even each other.Eat at the punishment table."

"Amy didn't do anything."

"She's a witness, son.Now do as you're told."

The two glumly nodded, got pushed to the front of the line, thosewho they broke in front silently made way for them, got their breakfast and went to the punishment table to eat silently.As they finished the DoB came up to them."Max and Amy, correct?"

"Yes, sir," Max answered quietly.

"Okay.Leave your trays.They'll be taken care of.Follow me."With that the two glumly walked down the hall to the main office and from there into the conference room. " "Sit down.Amy, do you want a female present?"

"I don't care. I'm not scared you'd do anything you shouldn't."

"Good.Right now this is informal.Tell me what led up to this, please."

"Well, Billy thinks he's funny.I'm not sure we all agree on that.Right after we got back from Christmas he managed to learn my full name"

"And that is?"

"Amy Susan Stuart.Billy's smart so he saw what my initials are and starting calling me "Ass."

"Are you and Billy enemies?" The DoB asked.

"I don't think so.But he kept it up.Max told him to stop.I think some others did too."

"What do you think caused your friend to suddenly attack Billy this morning?"

"Sir, Max and I are beddies.We've been beddies since October.I spent Christmas vacation at his house with his family.Billy, well, we're supposed to be honest and total here.I'm a girl who got her breasts early and her pubic hair late.He said the hair on my head was dyed because my pubic hair was dark.

"That was too much for Max."

"Thank you.Okay, Max?What do you have to say?"

"Amy pretty much told the whole story, sir.I just totally lost it.I don't know if it's a school rule or not, but when you're brand new the kids who've been at Jones say it's okay to kid about things like ears or nose or hair, but not.... Sexy parts.I mean, there's an eighth grade girl whose has smaller breasts than I do.She's not kidded about that.At the beginning of the year I looked like a ten year old.I got lucky and I'm okay now.

"So when Billy started using `Ass,' it got me mad.The stuff about Amy's pubic hair was just it.I'm sorry. He's smaller than I am. I guess I didn't fight fair.I really didn't mean to hurt him."

"Okay.Amy, I'm the Dean of Boys, not girls.I can't really tell you something that I can Max, but I hope you'll do this.You two talk to nobody about this.Nobody.Not even each other.You do not have to eat at the punishment table. You may talk to each other, but not about this.After your last class, come back to the main office.Max will be called for a DRB and you will be a witness.

"Any questions?"

"Am I going to be expelled?" Max asked in a hushed voice.

"It is a possibility. Probably not.Just both of you.Keep your chins up and your mouths closed.Now go to your class. The principal's secretary has passes for you."The two got up and left.Neither saw the DoB shake his head.

So five minutes after their last class Ms. Biles, their English teacher and lady counselor ,rounded them both up to escort them back to the main office where she sat them down, with Billy sitting across from them, a patch over one eye and a big bandage covering his nose.He glowered at them.

Minutes later five 7/8 students filed in, all but one a dormie.One was Lindsey,who looked towards Amy to signal lips sealed and ears.Amy gave a weak nod.Then Billy got called in.Ten or so minutes later the first of the 7/8s went in, were there a few minutes, returned, and then another entered.So the flow continued until all had been in there awhile.Finally, Amy got called.

She entered to see the principal, the vice for middle school, the DoG, and a man she did not recognize."Amy, sit down, "the new principal said."Would you please tell us in your own words what happened this morning, and, if you have any idea what led up to it."She smiled."Take your time."

So Amy went over the story. She concluded, "Billy's a smart boy.He's in half of my classes.I think he wants to be funny, but sometimes goes too far.I think his last comment was more than Max could take.He really likes me a lot."

"Thank you Amy.Any questions of Amy?"

The DoG raised her hand and then looked at Amy."Amy.At any time this year, has Billy suggested becoming a friend or more with you?"

Amy stopped for a moment."The only thing that In can think of is that in the beginning he once asked me if I'd like to have a different room mate."

"Oh.How different?"

"Uh. I think he said white.I can't really remember."

"Okay.Amy.Nothing to Max."

"Yes, sir,"With that she got dismissed so she passed Max going in as she walked out.

Twenty long minutes stretched out until Max walked back out of the room,He gave her a wan smile.Then Ms. Biles came out to sit between them, her arm around both of them."They're debating your punishment, Max.I'm about positive that you will feel the paddle, but nothing more."

"They thought to kick me out?"

"For about a second.Billy - that's going to take longer."Amy looked at Max as he did her.

"Damn," he said. "Ms Biles?May Amy and I hold hands?"

She smiled."Kids, right now, I don't care what you do other than not discuss this. You want to tell each other how much you love each other, fine.Kiss.I'd suggest nothing further,"

"Thanks, Ms. Biles," Amy said as each reached out slowly to the other, as though this was the first ever either sought to hold the hand of a lover.

Finally the door opened to the DoB."Max, come in.Amy, if you wish, and it's okay with Max, you may too. But Amy, I must warn you.No comments."The two looked at each other. Amy held out her hand; Max took it as they walked back in,

The principal looked at Max."Max M'urk.Staff and faculty are forced to conclude that your actions this morning were totally unacceptable.Therefore, tomorrow, during your lunch, with your schoolmates assembled, the Dean of Boys will deliver three swats on your body.You may choose to instead resign from Jones Lab School.What do you select?You have until tomorrow to decide,"

"I've decided,I'll take the three.Just nothing for Amy."Amy heard him choke up.

"So be it.Ms Biles, I direct you andMr. Biles to take them to your office for any help they may need."

"I will," she said."Okay, Amy and Max.Come with me."

Words spread fast in dorms, especially those who connect to one another.Both Amy and Max began dinner glumly.They expected that Tom and Maggie would come over and even FM and JM.But Coach JJ and Mr. Sam?Then some ninth and tenth graders they didn't even really know.Almost all of both 7/8 I and II came by.At one point, Max asked a close male friend, "What about Billy?What's he going to get?"

"I heard it's a bus ticket home.And it's a long ride,"


"Yes.They say he was going to get four,Lot of kids wanted to say something,"

"Wow.Well, thanks, all of you."Both Amy and Max gave friends wan smiles.

But in the end dinner stayed somber.Three had to be tough.There might be one corporal punishment a month with no more than two swats delivered.Even seniors who had been at Jones since they had just gotten out of diapers couldn't remember three.

But study hall came and evening showers and lights out and bed check and sleep.Then morning and breakfast and morning classes and lunch.

As Max walked out of his class, one he did not share with Amy, the DoB stood at the door. "Max?You ready?"

"Yes sir."

"This is not a death march.Just walk with me."Max and Amy walked with him until they entered the caf doors.Amy saw the punishment table with no chairs, but a large towel and a pillow on the side facing the dining tables.Lines formed and trays got filled, but the chatter had already vanished,

"Max, just walk along with me.Amy, please get in line for lunch."

Amy nodded, then joined the line with a few pats, but no talking.She watched as one of the school nurses came out and sat down.Without much thought she picked up the plates passed to her and followed the guy in front of her to a table - a front table where she had a clear vision.

The DoG turned to the students and adults."For attacking a fellow student when such attack did not protect others, Maximilian Joseph M'urk is sentenced to three swats with the official paddle.On my count, II request the Dean of Boys to do his duty."

`NO!!!IT'S MY FAULT.PADDLE MAX, PADDLE ME!" Amy screamed as she about vaulted over the table.She ran to the punishment table to stand behind Max, protecting him.

"Amy Stuart!What do you mean?" The DoG asked.

"Billy got after me once Max and I became roomies.He didn't like me with a black guy; I'm not going to say what he said, Then he found out my full name,So.Give Max three - give me three."

There followed a quick consultation. "Amy SueStuart.Step up to the table and bend over."As she did the DoG palmed a small piece of maybe rubber. "Bite on this."

Before Amy did she said,"Hi, Max. I think I love you."

"Amy, I know I love you.I want to kill him."

"Officers of the court.One!"Both rocked forward."Ready, Two!" "Ready, Three."Amy refused to wipe away her tears. She looked towards Max and sent a kiss. He returned it.

Their counselors helped them up to guide them to seats already prepared for them, including soft pillows.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 28

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