Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Oct 25, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #24: Trip to Town

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

Trip to Town


Larry Marian

Tommy and Maggie along with Max and Amy climbed into the ten year old blue Cherokee Tom had bought with his parents' help."Okay, let's go," Tom said.Three of them dressed casually in jeans, a shirt and a sweater in the cool October weather.Maggie wore a short skirt, tall boots and a low cut shirt.She just finished putting on bright red lipstick, eye shadow, and large hoop ear rings.Her cleavage was very obvious, revealing the top and sides of what had to be bare breasts.

"So drop me off at the food court entrance,That's the one on 16th street JM told me.Give me an hour and a half, I think.I have my smart phone. Then you guys are going to a drug store?"

"Yes.We're going to get some lube.Tonight's the night; we're positive," Max said."I don't think a week of yoga is going to relax Amy's body, but it might her mind."He glanced over at his now beddie sitting in full lotus, her eyes straight ahead.

Tom pulled up to the entrance."Your GPS is on?"Maggie nodded."Emergency message ready to send?"Another nod. "Well, the kiss came before the lipstick."

"Yeah.You'll get a good one after this is over and I've rinsed my mouth."She squeezed his hand."By you two. Good luck."

"Thanks, Maggie.Same to you," Amy said, coming out of her pose.Maggie got out of the Cherokee to walk into the food court, her hips swaying."Well, Tom, I hate to say it, but she looks like a tramp now.She's sexier now than she is nude."

"Yep.Well, it's for a good cause, I know.And she thinks it a duty. It's not that she gets off doing this."

"I'm sure of that, Big Bro.Let's go get some lube."The Cherokee drove off to a drug store where Tom let Max out.He entered the store to wander around a bit until he found the aisle with a section of sex related items, mostly condoms,but he spotted a box marked "Pleasurable lubricants for Him and Her."He saw the price so checked his wallet.Yes, he had enough.But he'd have to borrow money from Tom if he wanted any sodas for the next week.Trying to keep the box out of sight as much as possible he approached the cashier and put it on the counter.The clerk looked like she might be just a few years older.She stood shorter than Amy and not as well built.She looked at it.

"You have to be eighteen to buy this," she said. "Are you?"

"No, but why can't I buy it?It's not like its tobacco or alcohol."

"Would you want your older sister to know you bought this?"

"I don't have an older sister. But no."

"So.Sorry."She took the box which vanished under the counter.Crestfallen, Max slunk away, walked to the car to get in.

"You have to be eighteen," he mumbled.

"Let's try another drug store," Tom said, starting the jeep."I'll go in.Maybe it's a company policy only and maybe they won't check me."He located another drug store on his GPS and they were off to it."So what do I get Max?Any idea where it would be?" "I found it next to the condoms.It's like `Pleasing lubricants for Him and Her.'Something like that."

"Okay.I should be back real soon."

He was, without a bag."They checked my ID. Nope, have to be eighteen.But look, Amy.You go in and just get a jar of KY Jelly.That works, so they say.Anybody can buy it,Say its for your skin if they ask.Those people are not going to connect a black guy and a younger white girl.Now are they?"


She was back in less than ten minutes, a bag in hand."Here it is.I'm so excited!"She reached over to Max."Max is, too!"

"Amy, not here."She laughed while she rubbed the bulge in his jeans,"Amy!Stop listening to Maggie!"

"You don't like this?"

"Too much."Max lowered his voice to whisper in her ear, "I don't want to cream in my pants!"


"Let's go back to the food court.We can skip the caf and get lunch there," Tom said.

"Good idea Big Bro,"

"Maggie may be back by now, She may not have even left," Tom said.

"Well, she wanted something," Max pointed out.

"Yeah.But this is unknown territory for her."

At that Tom parked the jeep allowing the three to get out.They went into the food court, looked around, to not see Maggie."It's not an hour and a half yet.You guys want to go into the Mall and look around?I'll call you when Maggie gets back," Tom said. "Uh, leave the bag in the jeep!"

"TOM!We're saving if for tonight," Amy said.

"I know.But leave it."

"Sure, Big Brother," Max said.

The three went to various spots in the food court to order, returning to their staked out table.Tom hit the Jamaican spot, Max the Chinese, and Amy, Wendy's.They had about finished when Max spotted Maggie and waved.She obviously saw them as she hurried to the table and sat down."Well," she said, "I'm back."

"So how was it?" Tom said.

"I'll tell you later.But two clients, $75, and mall security.A shower when we get back."

"Yeah, This enough for you, Maggie?"

"Yeah,You know what?"

"What?" Max asked.

"I want to get back to school, get nekked, and hit that new mini golf course.But first, a shower.Back scrubbers welcome.You guys ate.Chinese looks good.Mind if I eat here?"

"Go ahead," Tom said.Maggie gave him a lipstick free kiss before heading towards Hong Kong Delights.She returned minutes later with Pork Lo Mein, and tea added hot sauce to it, and began to eat, The others finished up their lunch to talk more while Maggie ate hers.

They headed back to Jonesafter Maggie had lunch.After they got back to Jones Tom and Maggie went back to their room to strip."So what happened?" Tom asked as they undressed.

"Not my best day, other than the money.Let me think about what I want to say.But I didn't get beaten or anything. I'm not hurt.I'll do it again."She grabbed soap, shower sponge and towel. "I'm going to take a long hot shower.You want to come with me and clean my cunt?"

"Sure," Tom said, grabbing his towel.Hand in hand they walked to the head.There they hung their towels, after which Maggie almost dragged Tom to the far end where the partial wall stalls were.

"Here," she said."Nobody but us now.Tom, I feel filthy.I want you to cleanse me.I want you to abuse me.I want you to call me names.You hear me?"


"Really.Bad names.Here and back in the room."

"Okay.Tom stood silent for a moment."Okay, white bitch, turn the water on for me.Make it right."

Yes, sir."Maggie turned on the water, adjusted it. "It's ready, sir.And can I suck that wonderful cock of yours?"

"You mean that ugly nigger cock?"

"Yes sir.Please.It's so long and thick."

"Yeah, you white whore.Get in the water and get on your knees."Maggie dropped down in front of Tom, cupped his balls, then licked the purple head of his hardening cock."You gotta suck it, bitch, for I ram it in your pink pussy and fuck yo' brains out!"

"Yes, sir," Maggie said, then slid her mouth over the cock, taking it all in. She began to work it.

"Yeah, white bitch. Love this black cock.Yeah.Feels good.You suck like the tramp you be.Yeah.Take it all.I'm gonna cum in you mouth.You swallow it all."She felt the twitch.His cum poured in.She had to swallow twice.Finally he finished and backed off.

"Maggie is that enough?"

"For here.Thanks, Tom."She stood up, threw her arms around him and kissed him."Wash me, love," she said quietly. "Wash my pussy, sweetie."He took the shower sponge to wash her all over, paying attention to her breasts and pussy and butt.He finished so she took soap and sponge to wash Tom.She finished with him, leaving his cock hard, turned, faced him, kissed him again, then turned and leaned against the half wall, feet spread apart."Now Tom.Take me like you love me."

"What if somebody comes in? "

"Oh, well.Just take me."With that she felt him enter her slowly before he began to pump her."Yes, Tom.Yes.Love me."

"I do Maggie Bilko.I do so much."The two continued as the warm water still came down. "I'm about to, Maggie."

"Go, Tom.I already have twice. YES!," she called as she came again as he did.They collapsed together, then staggered to their feet just as four walked in.

"Hey, Tom, Maggie, you out wrestling in the dirt or something?"

`Hey, shopping with Maggie can be hard work," Tom replied.

"Shopping with boys is darn hard," Maggie replied as she handed him his towel.

"Thanks, love," he said into her ear.They dried off and headed for their room.There they lay down facing each other."Okay, Maggie.What happened?"

"So. I sat there for about five minutes and was about to get out a sucker when this guy came up to me - obviously could drive.So he does like, "Hi - I'm Jimmy. You new around here? And I say sorta and he says nice... top.He says his house is five minutes away - how about coming and getting acquainted.Maybe we can see some nice stuff.So I say yeah and we go to his car ad yeah, about five minutes away.So we get jn, nice house and he says, family room, or you want to see my bedroom?I say bedrooms say something about the person there so we go to his bedroom, sit on the bed and he's all over me at once. So after about two minutes I say, look, two things.He says what's that? I have protection.I say, so do I, but first, I'm helping out my mom.I also have to meet my friends soon.So, a blow job is $20 and you have to make a promise that you won't ever rape anybody.So he says, what the hell, I spend that much on a date. So he pulls out $20 and I say stand up and take off my top.So he stands, pulls down his pants and he's hard, close to six inches, pretty thick, pointed head.So I start and he's like making noise almost at once.So we're going along and I feel him about to cum when he suddenly pulls out and cums - all over my face and boobs.Well, I go off on him. He says none of the local girls like to have cum in their mouths - they'd rather wipe if off their face.He gets me a warm wash cloth and a towel, I clean up, dry off, put my top back on.He says he's sorry.If a next time he'll cum in my mouth and gives me an extra ten bucks,We drive back to the mall, enter and he goes off with my cell number.I sit down after getting a coke.

The next thing I know there's a mall security guy towering over me. He's Amy's vision of a black guy in uniform - tall, muscular, gruff, etc.He tells me to come with him - he has some questions for me.I pick up my coke and go with him into an inner office- no windows, but pleasant enough.So he starts questioning me like why did I go out with a guy and then come back a half hour later and part company with him.My answers weren't good enough for him.You know, we can't lie and I did my best to keep that.So he finally says to stand up and take off my top.I ask why.He says you're either shoplifting or a white whore.You could have stuff hidden under your top. I say I don't have a bra on - you'd see my breasts.So he says if you're a whore, plenty of guys have seen your boobs.I'm just one more."

"That son of a bitch," Tom broke in.

"Yeah.So I shrug and take off my top.He says nice tits, then tells me to take off my skirt.I figure I might as well stop arguing and take it off. So he says, see through thong.I can see your snatch.It's cute.So take off the thong, too, it's ain't hiding nothing.I do.So you ain't no shoplifter, but if you ain't a whore, I'm a jackrabbit.So here's the deal.I'm going to contact your school and your parents. I'm going to send them pictures of you dressed and undressed.Or - you can pay me to keep silent.So I ask what is the price and he says my mouth and my pussy, maybe my ass.You suck me off then I fuck you and every time you come to the mall, you see me and pay the toll, or I contact school and parents.So what is it? "

Maggie blinked back a tear."What could I do Tom?He used me.All the time he kept saying things like I was a great white whore and he was surprised how tight my pussy was and he couldn't wait to get to my ass.And my mouth was like a vacuum cleaner.All kinds of stuff."

Tom put his arms around her. "It's okay, Maggie.We'll get the bastard.I'll call Dad.You may have to go with him again, but we'll get him.But you said you got paid $75.So where did the other $45 come from? "

"Well, I was out of his office and there was still a half hour before you guys were supposed to get me.Two more blow jobs in a car and a tip.I told each of them to cum in my mouth."

"Oh.Another tip?"


Max and Amy lay in their bed, lights out and bed check made, kissing gently, hands roaming over the other's body."You ready?" Max whispered into her ear.

"Yes.But why whispering?I don't think anybody hears us."

"You're right."Max sat up in the bed, pulled the covers down, then reached for the jar to put KY on his hard cock.Then he put some on his finger."Okay, Amy, dear, turn on your belly."She did, allowing him to gently coat her ass with more.He slid between her legs as she spread them.Slowly he entered her rosebud, moving his finger around where he had never thought to go."You okay?"

"Yes.It feels sort of weird, but okay."He removed his finger.

"Okay, Amy.Im going to try. Tell me if it hurts."

"Yes, love."Max groped in the dark, found his target, then let his hand guide his hard cock to its target.A slight push and his cock head entered.Gently, slowly he pushed deeper.He heard her breath's intake.

"You okay?"

"Yes, Max.Keep going.It feels sort of weird.You stopped."

"I think this is where it may hurt. I'll try...". He pushed slowly but harder, then slid totally in, or at least as far as his now four inch cock could go."I'm in.You okay."

"Fine Max. Love me."He began to pump, slowly at first, then faster.Amy began to breath heavily.Oh, Max.I'm going to love this.Yes."

"Yes, Amy.Yes. YES!" He called as his climax hit him.

"Max.I'm close.Keep it up.Keep it...OH!GOD!!"Max collapsed on top of her, then rolled off as the two put arms around the other, kissing franticly."Yes, Max."

"So glad, Amy." They hugged tightly, kissing until each drifted off to sleep.Breaking dawn woke Amy up. She had slept with her back to Max, so rolled over to beginning touching him with her hands and lips,He moaned, a happy one as she tickled his balls below his morning wood dick."Amy?"

"Yes.And Amy has a new word learned from Maggie.Horny Amy.Want to see if last night was just a piece of luck?"

`Oh, God, Amy.YES!"He went to get out of their bed when he felt her hand on his shoulder.

"I think we can try without the KY.If that doesn't work, use some.I want to relax and make out with you, dear Max."

"Okay," Max said as they began to kiss, touch, and suck on nipples, both girl and boy.Soon she rolled over to her stomach.He slid between her legs to find her rosebud quicker and easier this time.Again he went in slow and gentle but this time she seemed to push towards his entering cock as he slid into her. Then they began to move, towards each other and then away, their breathing growing deeper as their passions rose. "Amy.I'm cuming."

"Max. Oh, Max.Close.Keep it up.Keep screwing. I feel you.Keep it up.

YES! "They collapsed on top of each other, then withdrew and moved to kiss and fondle as the room drew lighter from the sun's rays entering their east facing window.

Later as they walked hand in hand to the Head's showers both heard some comments:"Some cat swallowed a canary, my mom said.They still have their V.Couldn't be the lottery.For two who was going to kill each other...". They smiled as they got under the water of one shower head. There they washed each other carefully, chatting and happy with themselves and each other before drying off, then heading to the caf for the traditional breakfast of pancakes and sausage.Half way through breakfast Tom and Maggie slid in to two vacant seats opposite to them.

"Well?" Maggie asked.

"Wonderful," Amy said.

"Do it again?"Maggie responded.

"We already have.Max is wonderful. Nothing more in public, okay?"

"Yep. But congrats to both of you," Tom said.

"Thanks, Big Bro. I'm not sure we could have done it without you and Maggie.We'll make 14/1.I'm sure."

"If this is good, what will be the other way? But I can wait," Amy said as she sipped orange juice.

"I can too.After all, What did Amy and I think of each other for over a month?" Max asked.

"Yeah," Amy said. "Max and I... well...we can hope."

"So can we," Tom said as he squeezed Maggie's hand under the table.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 25

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