Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Oct 21, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #23: Asking for Help

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

Asking For Help


Larry Marian

Max and Amy felt a little strange opening the door to the 11/12 Dorm. As they walked in they spotted a young boy, maybe a first grader standing in the door. "Hey, Mom," he called. "There a couple of kids who aren't in 11/12 here!" Almost at once Coach JJ appeared at the door of the counselors' apartment. "Hi," she said. "What may I do for you?" "Uh, I'm Max and this is my roomie Amy. We're in 7/8 I. We've come to see my brother Tom and his beddie, Maggie." "They know you're coming? " "Well, I sent them a text message," Max replied. "Oh. Well, you know their room?" "Sure, Coach. Say, Coach. Is it true you know my aunt? Congresswoman Adams? I really like her." "Yeah. I've known her for some twenty years now. Go find your brother. Make sure you knock on the door first." "Thanks," Amy said and they walked down the corridor. Since they were in the 11/12 dorm they felt safe holding hands since they were hidden from the prying eyes of 7/8 I. "There's the room," Amy announced. Tom knocked. "Speak, friend, and enter," came from inside the room, so they opened the door and walked in. "Ah, Max. And I assume this is the mysterious Amy, whose name I've heard floating about. So, you two are perhaps not short sheeting each other?" Tom said. Both laughed. "No. We aren't. Never have. We were just being stupid and then discovered we really liked each other. So. Me and Amy have a problem." "Mom would say you have a problem with English!" "Okay. Amy and I have a problem. We've been doing stuff. But we're not sure we're doing it right to get all excited. Could you give us a few pointers?" Maggie laughed. "You know, and I can say this since I know I'm only a year older than you both are, more specific language is in order. I see you both wear the V. So one thing you haven't done is vaginal screwing. So, girl to girl, what have you done?" Amy's cheeks turned pink, but she said, "Mostly oral, both of us. He's trying to turn me on with touching. I'm not sure it's really working." "You want to keep the V?" "Yes. And Max does to." "Okay, Amy. Have you masturbated much?" "Uh, no. I come from a small town - out on a ranch, really. Yeah, I've seen stallions mount mares and such, but people stuff, no." "That's the first trick. So you really want instruction?" Tom asked. "Yes!" they both replied. "Like, when would you like to start?" Tom asked. "Would now be okay?" Max asked. Tom and Maggie looked at each other and nodded. "Sure. You two sit down on our bed, next to each other. Okay, Max, put your arm around Amy's shoulder. Yeah. Kiss. Really kiss, Bro. Better. Amy, put your hand on his shoulder. Max, cup her breast. Gently. When the kiss breaks say something nice to each other." "You two are doing okay. Max, touch a nipple. Girls like that, I know. Don't treat it like a door knob. Just brush it with your fingers. Gentle. Kiss it. Suck on it. You did that as a baby. That's it. How does that feel, Amy?" "Good, Maggie. Really nice." "Now, Max, put a hand on Amy's thigh. Slide it up towards her pussy. Amy, if this is something you don't want, keep your legs together. If not, let them open. Max, be gentle here, just run your hand up along her slit towards her belly button. Repeat several times. Max, have you gone down on Amy?" "Yeah, Maggie. Twice. She sort of liked it, I think." "I did. I may have cum. Uh, I have cum. Max knows about this. The other guy was more experienced. I tried to tell Max what he did. It just wasn't quite the same." "Yeah. I know," Maggie said. "Max, keep doing what you're doing. Feeling moist down there?" "Yeah." "Gently slide your middle finger into Amy. Go in and out." "Uh. Virgin?" "Go ahead. Your finger won't do anything bad." "Okay, Amy?"
"Sure, Max. Ah." "Max. with your other fingers, rub her pussy lips. In and out with your middle finger. Up and down with your other fingers. How does that feel, Amy?" `Nice, Maggie. Good. Oh, Max." She kissed him, an arm around his neck. "Okay, Max, now gently ease Amy down on the bed. Amy, shift your legs, lie down. Max, keep your hand on her pussy as much as possible. Yeah," Tom coached. "There. Now, kiss her, then start kissing down her body. Kiss her boobs. Both of them. Lick the nipples. Kiss her belly, her belly button. Keep going down. Her clit's at the very top of her slit. Try to suck on that." "OH, GOD. MAX. I'M CUMMING!" "I think we have some good students," Tom said. "I think so too. Max. I think you need to take a break. Yeah. Grab a wash cloth. Both of you need to wipe off," Mollie said. "I'm going to lie here for a minute or so. Max, dear, I think I'm falling in lust." "I am too, Amy," Max said as he went to the sink to clean off Amy's pussy juices. Shortly, she followed him to the sink where she cleaned up, too. Holding hands they went back to Tom and Maggie. "So, how did this sudden romance happen?" Maggie asked. Max laughed as Amy giggled. They looked at each other. Finally Max shrugged. "Well, he's your brother. Not mine. And I'm not related to Maggie," Amy protested. "Okay. So we totally misunderstood each other when we met. I was not the image of a black boy Amy had in her mind and she fit a stereotype of a white girl I had." "Yeah. It was mostly my fault," Amy said. "How so?" Tom asked. "Well, true confession time. I discovered porn, almost by accident, And the first porn I saw had black guys and white girls. All the black guys were big, strong studs with huge cocks and the girls, mostly blond all seemed to be petite. The black guy, or guys, were either steller men in suits before they got naked or gangstas with open shirts and chains and shades. Well, Max didn't fit either bill. He neither tried to seduce me nor rape me. I felt left out so signed up for the Locker Club staff. Like, I get a message from a guy who wants to meet me in a PR. I agree and the next day I go to the PR, enter, and who do I see but Max. We're both shocked, and we talk. So here we are." "And I thought she was just not friendly with black guys," Max said. "Well, she is." "Yep. Say, may we lie back down on your bed?" Amy asked. "Sure," Tom said. Amy pulled Max down to the bed and they lay down, looking at each other. "Nice," Max said. "You like?" "Yeah. But Christmas?" "Let's talk. But, the other question we had?" "Okay..." "It won't be too embarrassing?" No. And we say we want to try. Otherwise ..." Amy sat back up with Max following her. "Okay. I guess I should start this. If we want to keep our V until Max's 14/1, since he's three weeks older than I am, we've thought - what about anal? So any help there? Can we ask if you've done it?" "We have. Not often, but Tom is over 14/1 and I gave mine away several months ago - and not to Tom. So we mostly do the old fashioned way. "Okay, Amy, most important, you have to relax. Tense up and it hurts. Relax. Max, you can help out there by a lot of rubbing and even fingering. That means you have to be nice and clean, Amy. Then, lube, both you and Max's dick. Lube. Tom?" "Slow and easy. A bit at a time. Slow until you're in and Amy's comfortable. Doggie is best at first. But the important stuff is, slow and easy. And lube." "Some girls really like it. Some have done it once and refuse to do it again. I think that's from a bad first time experience. If Max can be as gentle as his brother can be, I think you will enjoy it and keep you wearing your Vs.
"Thanks, both of you," Amy said, "Thanks, Big Bro and Maggie," Max said. "Any time," Tom said. "Hey, they're about to sound meal call." "Let's go wash up, Amy?" Max said as he grabbed her hand.

Later, as study hall came close to the end, Max turned to see Amy's bare shoulders above her study chair. "Amy, you about finished?" "Finished. Just messing around. What cha want, Black Boy? A proctor might pop in at the end so I don't want to get caught with your dick in my mouth," "That can wait, White Girl. That way you can dream of waking up nursing on it. So, serious, sweetie. I know we said beddies after Christmas and we're only getting into October. Tom and Maggie's set up is great. We both liked the feel. So. We shock 7/8 this evening, First, we go to the head together, holding hands, towels over our shoulder. We wait until the showers are mostly full and take one shower head and really shower together. Maybe we even hug and kiss. Then, we dry each other off, back and front. Then we go back to our room, maybe even arm and arm and push our beds together. "How does that sound?" "I guess seventh and eighth graders don't have heart attacks very often. You know, Max, you are really pure evil in heart. I LOVE IT!! But I think holding hands coming back is safer. I'll bet some kid will run to the counselors to report we've gone crazy. They see us with our arms around each other outside the head, no telling." "Yeah. How about everything else? Or, how'd you like to sleep with me tonight, Miss Amy?" "I think that's a great idea. In fact, my heart's all a flutter over the idea." "Study hall is over. Lights out in forty-five minutes," came from the PA speakers, As always the dorm silence got shattered in ten seconds with the sound of voices and the pad of feet heading to the common room or the head, or both. The two schemers waited until the noise died down, then put on their shower shoes, each grabbed a bath towel, flung it over a shoulder, Max picked up a soap bottle and a shower sponge, and they walked out of their room, hand in hand. Charlie in the next room came out, looked at them and said, "HUH! Gwen. Come here," to his roomie. They continued to walk down the hall to enter the steam filled shower with some sixteen twelve and thirteen year olds showering. The two put their towels on a hook, then headed into the shower area itself, still holding hands but saying nothing. One of the half wall showers stood empty so they walked in, not looking at anybody, but their eyes picked up the startled faces and kids turned towards them. Max turned on the water, then the two felt it while he adjusted it to their compromised temperature before they got in and began to soap each other down, front and back. "My God. The world's coming to an end!" "They aren't snubbing each other!" "Looks like they're doing something to each other!" "Can't believe it." "They've been drugged." Amy turned off the water after they rinsed off. They stepped out of the shower, now facing a good half or more of their dorm mates. `You know, people make mistakes. Max and I did." With that they marched back to their towels where Max ben to towel Amy dry, then Amy dried Max, making almost a show of drying his cock and balls after he'd down the same for her boobs and pussy. They then shouldered their towels to walk back to their room to push their beds together, leaving the door open. Each took their own bed, loosened the upper sheet and blanket on the side that would touch the other, and then, working as a team, pulled each bed from the wall, then slid first one and then the other to the middle. That done they high five each other. "What's going on?" Madam Smith, the lady half of 7/8 counselors asked. "The Cold War Kids are going crazy! They took a shower together and now their beds are together," Maxine, the busy body explained. "It's about time," Madam Smith said. Max came to the door. "As Amy said, we both made mistakes. Madam Smith, were we supposed to ask permission to become beddies?" "No. In fact there really is no such status. You've just rearranged your room, which is okay as long as safety is observed. "Okay, all of you. If Max and Amy have found a way to not only be room mates, but friends, I'd say a round of applause is on order." "Gut idee!" said Herr Smith, the other counselor. "Look at us, France and Germany married. Who would have thought it years ago!" He began to clap, leading the others, as Amy began to both blush and cry at the same time. She buried her face on Max's shoulder who hugged her tightly. "Hey. Max has a hard on," came from a disguised voice. "Shut your filthy mouth!" came from Bobby, the biggest eighth grader in the dorm. "Okay, let's let these two get settled. It's only five minutes to lights out. Bed, all of you," Madam Smith ordered. As the other dormies sped to their respective rooms, she came into the room, took Max by the shoulders, kissed him on both cheeks, then did the same to Amy. "C'est merveilleux!" she said. "Merci!" "Thanks, Madam Smith, Amy said. "You're great, Madam Smith," Max followed. With that she left as lights out came over the Intercom. The two rapidly turned off the lights to crawl into their joint bed. Each on their own side, reached out for the other as they came together, a bit on what had been Max's bed. They kissed. Their hands wandered. The one became hard while the other moistened. "Amy. I so want to. We can't." "Max. You're leading, eight to six. I'm about to make yours nine. We can't. Not now. Not for one year, six months and fifteen days. Not tonight. But tomorrow. It's Saturday. We can go to the Mall and get some of that lube. We can try. I hope it works." With that she pushed him on his back. "For now, that licorice stick gets sucked dry," as she began to tongue his dick head. "Oh, Amy," he moaned. "Here goes,"she replied as her mouth engulfed his straining cock. He continued to moan as she used her mouth and tongue until he,with a mumbled warning, begin to shoot into her mouth. She swallowed twice. Then they lay in each other's arms to drift off to sleep, no longer strangers, but beddies.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald vagina, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 24

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