Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Sep 20, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #18: 11/12 Dorm, Room 207

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

11/12 Dorm, Room 207


Larry Marian

Friday afternoon after classes Johnny Yamaguchi left the high school/middle school section of the school to go pick up his fifth grade sister in the elementary wing. With him, legally holding his hand, was his girl friend, officially Bright White Jefferson, daughter of the 11/12 grade student dormie counselors. Passing through was easy for them as security recognized both of them. "Your sister?' she asked.

"Yes, ma'am. We're spending the weekend with BW."

"Okay. Hi, BW, tell Coach hi from Judy."

"I sure will Officer Nelson. We'll be right out."

They walked down the hall to the one classroom with the door open and peered in. "Ms Jamison? We're here to get Nancy."

"Oh, hi. Nancy, your brother is here. There's a girl with him. Do you expect that?"

"Oh, yes, ma'am. She's my brother's girl friend. Her mom's Coach JJ."

"Oh. Yes. Have a good weekend."

"Thanks. You, too, Ms. Jamison." Nancy got up from her desk and went to Johnny and BW. She had a small bag with her. "I'm ready," she said.

BW smiled at her. "So for three days you'll have a little brother. We'll see what Jack will do!" She bit her lip. "Nancy. Remember that my mom and dad really want to talk to you about this fifth grade stuff. You sure you're okay with that?'

"Yeah, I am. And I haven't said anything expect what you said was okay,"

"Good. It's Friday. Let's see what Mom and Dad are doing for supper!"

The three left the elementary section to return to middle/high and into the original 11/12 dorm and the carved out quarters of the 11/12 counselors, Sam and Jenna Jefferson, plus their two children, four year old Jack and BW. BW came into the office, the entrance into the private quarters unless there was a student there. If there were, she had a key to her room. She didn't see the student sign so the three walked in. "Hi, Dad. Where's Mom? " as she saw only her father,

"BW, what do most kids call her? `Coach.' She's out coaching soccer. She'lll be back in about a half hour. Hi, kids Nice to have you here. BW, take Nancy to your room and help her put clean sheets and pillow cases on the bed. I'll see if Johnny knows the thrill of watching ribs smoke or wants to learn."

"Okay, Dad. BW turned to Nancy. "So do you want to see my palace? Watch out, Jack should keep his toys in his room. But things fly out," With that she led Nancy to her room where they quickly stripped the bed and made it for Nancy's stay. "The top drawer in the dresser is empty so you can make it your home here if you come back."

"Thanks," Nancy said, "Your dad seems okay. I sorta know your mom. She gave us some soccer lessons during PT."

"That's Mom. Now, my Aunt Paige might have some other comments," With that she laughed and led Nancy back to the office, the official entrance into the counselor's apartment. "Dad, Nancy is okay in my room."

"Good. You take Johnny up to 207. Get yourselves set up and then come back down here. Don't forget to grab your toothbrush and stuff."

"I have it, Dad." She grabbed Johnny's hand and tugged him out of the office, into the hall to the stairs which they climbed, each with the small bag of their stuff for the weekend. They went through the door into the 200 hall. "The room is almost to the end of the hall, Johnny," she said as she once more took his hand and began to lead him down the hall.

Half way down the hall a door opened and a tall, muscular boy stepped out into the hall.

"Uh. What are you doing here?" he said, pointing at Johnny, who shrank back.

"Jessie. This is Johnny. He's my boyfriend. We have permission from the 11/12 council to be here. You know that. Room 207."

"Oh. Yeah. Forgot. Thought you were having a girl slumber party. Okay. Kid, just remember: Bright White has a lot of guards. Lots of us."

"Jessie. Johnny is fine. Thanks. Come on, Johnny," With that she gave him a tug and started down the hall to 207. As she did she thought she heard doors opening more than just the legal minimum for during the day, They got to the door to see two hearts taped to the door. They looked at each other, than opened the door.,

Both had expected they would have to push the beds together and make them. But they looked at the two together, a queen sized quilt covered with hearts and flowers on it, five pillows at the head with two roses, one on each lying on a pillow, with red flower pedals on the quilt.

"Oh, God!," BW cried.

"WHAT!?!" Johnny said.

Both felt a push as the dormies came in. Jessie led the charge. He laughed. "BW, you've really helped a lot of us. Now we hope we can help you. Your folks said you would have a friend to spend the weekend here. So here is your nest. Enjoy. You won't get breakfast in the caf. But I think you'll enjoy it anyway. "

BW could do nothing but squeeze Johnny's hand. Then the at least 20 seniors and juniors left the room, closing the door behind them.

"Wow," Johnny said,

"I think Mom and Dad had something to do with this," BW said.

"Maybe. Hey. There's a note on the middle pillow." Johnny picked it up. "To BW and Johnny. Shall I read it, BW?"


"Dear BW and Johnny. Enjoy. Have fun but be careful. There is a line you must not cross, BW. Both you and Johnny wear the V necklace. That means a lot, This may be a strange thing of society, but it's true. Keep the V and wear it honorably. Remember the only thing you must not do is to have vaginal intercourse. Other than that, there are many things the two of you can do that are wonderful. Love, Mom and Dad.

"That's some invitation," he said as he put the note down and put his arms around BW.

"It is. Even some stuff I haven't even thought of."
"Well. I've eaten you and you've sucked me. We've played with each other. " Johnny paused. "You know what's left, right?"

"You put it in my butt."

"Yeah. What do you feel about that?"

BW laughed. "I've looked it up. I even found some videos. You have to be real gentle and slow to start. We'd need lubricant. We may only do it once. They say some really like it and others don't. I don't know which I am. We may only do it once.

"Look. Wait here. I won't be gone but a couple of minutes." She gave him a quick peck and then left the room. As promised she was back in just a few minutes with a tube. "One of the girls loaned this to me and told me where we could buy a tube if we need more. Okay?"

"Oh, BW. You're just great."

"You just want my bod!"

"Yeah, But I want your spirit, too, Bright White. And that most of all."

BW's smart phone rang and she answered it, "Oh, hi Mom. Yes. It's wonderful. Sure. Johnny and I will be right down. Bye," She put the phone back in her waist pack. "Mom says to come down so we can talk to them with Nancy."

"Let's go," Johnny said as he held out his hand which she took. Soon they were in the counselors' office with Nancy sitting in one easy chair, BW and Johnny took the love seat, while the adults pulled their desk chairs out from the desk.

"Before we get started, I have a question for you," JJ said, looking from Johnny to Nancy and back.

"What's that?" Johnny responded,

"Are you really Johnny and Nancy or do you have Japanese names which are on your birth certificates."

Johnny laughed, "Our birth certificates have us as Nancy Louise and I'm John Victor, but in our family book back in Osaka, she's Aiko Eiko or Splendid Love Child and I'm Akihiko Hideo or Splendid Prince."

"I knew it," BW cried. And you are Akihito Hideo to your Akarui Shiro. Love it."

"And I do too. But what do you want of us?" Johnny asked,

"Well, first, thanks for the information, I like those names, But this is really about the friends of Nancy who have done oral sex on three boys, two of which are obviously using them. So, Nancy, please tell Johnny and BW what you have told us."

"Well, I talked to all three, one at a time like I was told. I think you know that two of my friends said they sucked the boy and then he just left. Said it was good and he'd see them again. The third said after she did it he kissed her. She also said she did it a second time and he kissed her again. A real kiss. And he wants to go to her fifth grade social with her. He's a Jones seventh grader. One of the other boys is a Jones student but the other isn't. Both of them are seventh graders.

"I asked all three if they'd talk to Coach JJ and Mr. Jefferson and they said yes. So that's it."

"So, here's our thinking. We will talk to both the 4/5 counselor about the three girls. Your dad and I need to either clear with them or hand this over to them. All three girls need a bit of warning about what they are doing. We'll also talk to the Jones 7/8 counselors about the boys. The one needs a strong talking to. The other, he probably just needs to be counseled and watched. The other, we'll contact the middle school counselor about him.

"Now, Nancy, we don't know what you're thinking. Right now you're getting some mixed messages. First you know that your brother and his girl friend have shared a bed and will again this weekend. Second, you know that three of your friends, apparently some of your best friends, have each given a boy a blow job. You may be thinking, why not me?

"I'm not your mom, but I'll give you the same advice I gave BW when she started getting interested in boys. If he wants a blow job, then he wants to go down on you. He should go first, but a promise is good - as long as he fulfills it. If he doesn't - he's a jerk and get away from him. Okay?"

"I understand. I think I'll wait. I haven't even really kissed a boy yet,"

"Good. Okay, you three go be kids. Nancy, if you want, Jack would love to go to the elementary play ground for some swing fun. Would you like to do that?"


"And we'll come, too," BW said., She turned to Johnny. "Won't we, Akihiko Hideo?"

"Hi, Akarui Shiro!" So they collected an eager Jack and headed for the elementary play ground.

After a fun time being kids again, and a great bbq dinner, Johnny and BW went back up to "their" room, 11/12 207 and shut the door, that being okay since it was a Friday night. Have the dorn was empty with the occupants in town or with friends. The two looked at each other, then looked at the tube of sexual lubricant on the dresser.

They kissed tenatively, almost like their first one two months ago. That kiss led to a second one, this longer and deeper. The third brought their hands moving, probing, caressing. Before they sank down on the bed together, BW took the tube and laid it on the bedside table.

Five minutes later BW lay between Johnny's legs, sucking rapidly on him bringing him to a cum. After he had she opened the tube. Johnny put lube on his hardening cock and then, not even stopping for a moment, lubed BW's rose bud entrance. "You ready?" he whispered.

"I am," she said as she tried to calm herself with breathing exercises her mom had taught her. She rolled on her stomach and then raised her butt. Johnny knelt behind her. "Slow and easy," she said.

She felt him fumble, then his hands spread her cheeks. She felt his cock head probe and then slowly begin to enter her rose bud. She took in her breath, then began her breathing again as he slowly pushed into her.

"You okay?"

"Yes, dear. Fine. Keep going." He did. Then she felt him withdraw, then begin to pump slowly, gently. "Good. It feels.....sort of funny, But good, Keep it up, Johnny. Keep it up," He began to go faster.

"Oh, God, BW. Wow! Feels...great."

"Johnny. Oh, Johnny. Yes. Faster Johnny. Uh...fuck me Johnny. Fuck me. Yes. OH, GOD YES!! " BW sank onto the bed, her arms above her head, Johnny's cock still inside her. "Oh, yes," Johnny rolled off her, placing his arms around her,

"Was it good?"

"Oh, God, Johnny. I came four times."

"Wow. Only one for me."

She giggled. "That's four to one for the girls. But Johnny. We have to get to the drug store tomorrow and buy a tube of this stuff. My friend told me I could use some of it, but not all of it. I think we'll do this at least once more. Maybe tomorrow morning, But let's go take a shower and then see what happens,"

"Good idea," Johnny said turning to get out of their bed. Soon they walked down to the shower/bathroom to find it almost deserted. They went to the showers at the end, the four that had the partial wall There was one guy in one stall standing under the water.

"Hi, Jimmy," BW said as they walked into the stall facing the occupied stall and turned on the water, adjusted it and began to soap each other. Then they turned around to see Jimmy's beddie, Prissy, on her knees in front of him. Jimmy looked perplexed. They turned back around . Finally Prissy said, "I think I can get out now. " BW and Johnny turned around to see the older teens soaping each other. "Don't forget, BW. Don't use all of that stuff."

"We won't Prissy. I'm going to get Mom or Dad to take me to that drug store you told me to go to." She kept a straight face as she spoke.

After their shower they returned to 207, got into bed with only the bedside light on and made oral love, BW taking care of Johnny first and then he took care of her. In the morning came their second anal session. Again, it was a fantastic experience for both of them. Fortunately they recovered when there was a knock on the door and four residents entered with breakfast for them. "Don't expect this Sunday morning. And not a chance Monday," they were told.

After breakfast they both got dressed to go into town. "I suppose you want to go to the Mall," Coach JJ said as BW's dad and Nancy got the kitchen set to rights,

"Uh, Mom. Can you take me to this drugstore first?"

"Why? Johnny coming with us?"

"Uh, he can. Er, Mom, it's a special lubricant. A senior girl told me about it. She loaned me her tube. Uh. Johnny and I tried it. I need to get some for us." She knew she looked a bit embarrassed.

"So. You've done anal and you like it and you still have your V - both of you, Those are the rules, so you're both okay. Now, BW, you march in and tell your father. Johnny, I'd like to see you go with her."


"You want me to, Bright White? You know I used to talk real dirty when I was your age. You want to tell your dad or do you want me to tell him that his daughter has been fucked in her ass by Johnny and they both like it."

A look of horror came over BW's face. "I'll tell him, Mom. Will you come with me?"

"Sure. And I'll take care of Nancy." The two walked slowly into the kitchen as Mr. Jefferson and Nancy were finishing up. "Nancy, could you please let BW and me talk to her dad for a minute or so?"

Nancy smiled at her brother., "Sure, Johnny. Thanks for letting me help you, Uncle Sam."

"Welcome, Nancy. Any time." Nancy left. "So what's the big news kids?"

"Dad. I've already told Mom. I hope this doesn't make you mad. Johnny and I, well, we're both still virgins they say. But.. but we,.. well we decided that we'd try ..try to have anal. We liked it. I hope you're not mad at us.,"

Her father smiled. "Bright White. It's your body. Here. With that he took two steps towards her and hugged her, then kissed her, then turned to Johnny and held out his hand."You heard your sister. For now, call me Uncle Sam. And I'm sure Coach JJ will answer to Aunt Jenna or Aunt JJ. Just, Johnny. You must be gentle. Understand?"

"Yes, si.. Uncle Sam."

"BW threw her arms around her father. "Oh, thank you, DADDY. I love you."

Before they got to the Mall they made two stops. The first was at a specific drug store. BW went in alone and came out fairly soon with a paper bag. The second was to let Nancy off at home. Then they went to the Mall with instructions to call for pick up before three PM. Both wished for night to come sooner.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 19

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