Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Sep 20, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #17: BW and Johnny

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

BW and Johnny


Larry Marian

Bright White Jefferson, 12 and in the seventh grade of Jones Lab School, a dorm student, daughter of Jenna and Sam Jefferson, 11/12 counselors, coach/PE teacher and English, American history teacher looked at her mother. "Mom, I need to talk to you. It's about Johnny."

"So who is Johnny?

"He's a ninth grader whose schedule put him in 6/7/8 lunch, Mom. I normally sit with Nancy and Bev, but they were out on a field trip so he asked if he could sit with me. I said sure, we got to talking. Now we eat lunch together. We checked out a PR a couple times.

"I mean we've kissed and a bit more. Nothing serious."

"You do seem to be running through boys."

"Well. Yeah. But Johnny's more mature then those seven or eighth grade boys."

"So why go to a PR? Why not just bring him here?"


"Don't roll the eyes, BW!"


"Straight answer, Bright White. Why not bring him here?"

"Jack. You know how he barges into my room." She sniffed, eye rolling being not allowed right now. "And Dad does to. And so do you. Just not as much. Johnny and I may want to be private."

"I understand, BW. But tell me, what are you comfortable with concerning Johnny? I've been open with you, dear. Maybe it's time for you to be open with me. Any chance of you having to surrender your `V'?"


"Good. So, I can take it. What's `a bit more.'?"

"Well, uh. We've touched each other."

"Let's be honest dear. Holding hands is touching. You've kissed, you've held hands. Right?" BW nodded. "Okay. He's touched your breasts?" A nod of the head. "You've rubbed his chest?" Another nod. "Anything more?" Another nod. "Okay, dear. You've felt each other up above the waist. Now, an oral answer, dear. How much below the waist?"

"Uh. He's touched me. I've touched him. But so have half the seventh grade girls by now. Some have given head. Some girls have had a boy kiss them between their legs."

"So. Have you?"

"I've thought about it, Mom. Bev says she has and it's okay."

"Well, BW, your dad and I aren't going to chase you out of the house if you do. Ask me for tips before you do. Or talk to your counselor. That's what we're here for. And, BW, I get both junior and senior girls as well as sophomore girl friends of junior and senior boys come and ask me for advice. I give it to them. I'll give you advice, too."

"Thanks Mom." BW didn't roll her eyes.

Three days later BW stopped by Coach JJ's office in the gym. She saw there was nobody else in the office other than her mom, knocked and entered.

"Well, good afternoon, Bright White. What brings you here?"

"Mom. Johnny wants to know if I can spend the weekend with his family and him. I'd like to, Mom."

"So. A mixed sex sleep over. You never get an hour's sleep, and that's just when there are only girls. You have your Johnny's phone number? Or his mom's? How about a last name?"

"Sure Mom. I knew you'd want that. You're just so predictable. He's Johnny Yamaguchi. His mom's name is Maricho, but Johnny says she speaks perfect English. Here's her phone number." With that she handed her mother a slip of paper and, without asking, took a seat, crossing her legs as though she were protecting her modesty.

Jenna smiled and took the slip of paper. "Oh, Mom. Johnny and I want to sleep together. He thinks it will be okay with his folks."

"Oh. Little bomb shell." Jenna laughed. She dialed the number BW gave her. "Good afternoon, Ms. Yamaguchi. Or should it be Maricho-san? Anyway, I'm Jenna Jefferson, or Coach JJ. My daughter is BW Jefferson and I understand she and your son Johnny have gained a liking for each other and she wants to spend the weekend bothering you." Jenna sat silent for a minute. "Okay, Mary. Gotcha. Sounds like you were maybe two-three experiments in front or behind us. Nice." Again she was quiet for at least a minute. "Now BW says that she and Johnny want to sleep together. She just dropped that bomb on me. Not that my dormers don't do that every day!" There was a slight pause. "Mary, it's your house. I'm fine with BW sleeping in the same bed as Johnny as long as you are. I've already told her that her father and I will start with keel hauling if she gives up her V at her age." Another pause, a bit long. "Oh, yes. We have an old friend who recommends the staking out over an ant hill. Yes, he says his great grandfather used to eat the enemy dead - but he tended to stretch the truth from time to time - he's in the government now."

All this while BW sat figeting and rolling her eyes when her mother didn't see her. "Yes, Mary. You may pick her up with Johnny tomorrow after school. I'll make sure she has her stuff for any event. Yes. I do hope we meet soon. And if it works out, there is a vacant room in the dorm if Johnny wants to spend the night with BW there - assuming they are still talking."

"MOTHER!!" BW exploded. Jenna hung up smiling.

"Okay, Bright White. Subject to your father, you may spend the weekend with Johnny. His folks are happy with you two in the same bed as long as we are. Your father may not know it yet, but he is, too."

"And maybe he can spend the weekend at Jones, with us?"

"Yes. You heard me. Room 207 is vacant right now. As long as the 11/12 student council approves, you and Johnny may use that room for the weekend. And Jack can't bother you."


The next Friday afternoon after school Johnny and BW stood on the sidewalk in front of the admin building of Jones Lab School. BW had a small suitcase for when they went into town. A sedan pulled up and Johnny waved. "It's Mom," he said as he opened the rear door for BW. She slid in and he after her. "Mom, this is Bright White, but we all call her BW. Mom, this is BW. She's Coach JJ's and Mr. Jefferson's daughter."

"Hi, Bright White. I had a lovely talk with your mom. You are most welcome here with Johnny."

"Watashi o shōtai shite itadaki arigatōgozaimasu," BW stumbled through as she bowed.

"Get outa here!" Johnny's mom said. "Thanks so much for learning that. "Doe tashe mushta! How long did it take you to learn that, Bright White?"

"I don't know. Johnny helped. I hope it was okay."

"Super," Johnny's mom replied. "Now, I was born in LA and my husband in San Francisco, but we still grew up speaking both Japanese and English. It's wonderful you learned this much. Arigato.

"Now, Johnny, take BW to your room and show her where to put her stuff. BW, if you want to undress there, that is fine. We are normally nude unless there are some strangers and Johnny assures me you are not one of them. Oh, you should find a pair of zori that should fit you.

"Okay, kids. Hit the road." With that Johnny took BW by the hand and led her to his room. On entering she saw his bed was not a thin cot, but surely large enough for the two of them to sleep comfortably - and other stuff. He turned to her.

"BW," he said softly and held out his arms.

"Johnny-san," she responded as she stepped into them and threw her arms around him.

They kissed as he said, "Let's get undressed." Her response was to pull off her top, displaying her braless boobs. He, in turn began to strip. It suddenly dawned on her that despite the fact that they had sat side by side eating lunch nude, had held hands nude, had kissed nude, she stood there removing her scant clothes in his bedroom where she would sleep with him tonight. She didn't cum. She did shiver in anticipation. She smiled at that thought.

"Where should I put my clothes?" she asked once undressed.

"On that rack where mine goes. Undies in the basket behind it."

"Okay," she responded. "Johnny, I think your mother is great."

He laughed. "Tell her she's `ichiban.' You'll have her eating off your plate."

She laughed. "Johnny. I think tonight it's time to eat you. Or at least lick a lollypop."

"BW, some lollypops have cream inside them if you lick them too long."

"So I've heard."

"Well then, I think I'll have to eat something too." With that BW and Johnny hugged and then kissed. The second turned open mouthed with dueling tongues and roaming hands. Both put a hand on the butt of the other. Johnny's hand slid down her crack to go between her legs. She slightly spread her legs as his middle finger slipped between the folds of her lips.

`Oh, Johnny." She let her hand slip between them as she ran her fingers over his hard cock.

"Shit, BW. We'd better stop now. Let me sit down. My folks see me like this and...."

"Tonight," she said softly. He sat down on the bed so she sat next to him and looked at his hard cock. "How long will it take to shrink?"

"I don't know." Her hand went and covered the straining dick. "BW, that's not going to help."

"Will this?" she asked softly as her hand grasped his cock and began to move up and down slowly. "Is this right?"

"Faster," he breathed. She sucked in her lower lip and began to pump faster.

"I..never before.. uh, how far does it come out?"

"Oh, shit. I,,I'm not sure. I've always jerked myself."

"Oh," she said softly as she continued to go up and down on his cock, looking at it.

"GOD," he said. She saw the first shot leave his dick, fly into the air and come back down on his thigh. Then a second and a third and a fourth, each smaller and shorter.

"Wow," she said.

"BW, can you go into the bathroom to the right of my, uh, our room, and get a hand towel?"

"Sure. Messy."

"Yeah." BW stood up, followed directions so Johnny could clean up enough to go to the bathroom and finish cleaning himself. He returned with a soft cock. "Wow," he said.

"Yeah," she replied.

"Kids!! Wash up for supper," came from Johnny's mother. Johnny and BW headed for the bathroom but were stopped by a young girl.

"BW, this is my sister Nancy. She's at Jones, too. Nancy, this is BW. Her mom and dad teach at Jones and are counselors."

"Hi," Nancy said shyly. "Are you Johnny's girl friend?"

"I think so. So, I'm in seventh grade. Where are you?"

"I'm in fifth. I'm ten."

"And she wants to be in tenth," Johnny said.

"I don't. I just want boobs like your girlfriend has."

"Thanks. You'll get yours," BW said."

"Come on, kids. Wash your hands; don't sit in the hot tub."

"Coming, Mom," Johnny replied. The three finished washing and trouped into the dining room. Johnny, under the watchful eye of his mother seated BW who blushed.

She looked at the chopsticks. "I don't know how to use these," she said.

"I'll show you," Johnny said, picking up his. After a short class BW managed to get some sushi into her mouth. The next was easier.

By the time the sukiyaki got prepared on the table, BW began to feel confident. Her first mouthful made her smile, though she avoided the raw egg dip. But watching Nancy plow in gave her courage so she tried and liked it.

As they finished up BW said, "That was wonderful, Ms. Yamaguchi. Thank you so much."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's always fun to make and eat. I hope you feel comfortable here. Johnny has said many wonderful things about you."

"Mom!" BW laughed at that. "Well, she doesn't have to say that when you can hear!"

"Maybe I should say our son seems to have good taste in girls," Mr. Yamaguchi said.

"Nancy, if you would go get the oranges, please?"

"Yes, Mom," Nancy responded and headed for the kitchen, returning moments later with five small plates, each with orange pieces with the peel twisted into an artistic shape.

"Pardon my asking. I don't mean to probe, but you have such a unique name. In fact, it's almost Japanese. In Japanese you would be Akarui Shiro Jefferson. But, how did you come by that?"

"Well, "White" is my grandmother's maiden name. When I was born, so they say I was very red. I was bright. So I got "Bright White. But I like that `Akarui Shiro'. Johnny, would you call me that?"

"I don't know. But, let's clear the table and then I'll show you our Japanese bath."

"Glad to, Johnny." With that the two rapidly cleared the table. Then they left to see the Japanese bath, which BW discovered was rather tall and big enough for the two of them, with some steam coming up from the water in the tub.

"It's sort of like a hot tub. We have a western shower and tub of course - you saw that. Mostly when I go in, or Nancy and I, we take a shower first, then we come in here and soak, like a hot tub, except the water is calm.

"See that wooden stool over there and the wooden bucket?" BW nodded. "If we want to be traditional,we scoop up some water from the bath in the tub, rinse off with that, soap ourselves up, and then rinse off with more water from the tub. Then we add water to the bath and get in the tub and soak.

"We normally do it in pairs, like Mom and Dad or Nancy and me, or Akarui Shiro and me." Johnny laughed at that.

"I think I'd like that."
"Uh, is it okay if I ask Nancy if she wants a Japanese bath? And do you want a quick shower or the traditional?"

"Sure. Ask Nancy. And the traditional sounds like fun."

"You only get to pour water. We scrub ourselves. Though sometimes the back. Let me see if Nancy wants to join us." Johnny gave BW a quick kiss only to return minutes later with Nancy and some extra towels.

Nancy demonstrated the washing part with Johnny doing the rinsing. After that she got into the tub. Johnny then repeated with BW. BW followed by rinsing Johnny after which they got into the tub and soaked.

They finally got out with Nancy toweling herself while Johnny and BW mostly did each other which gave Johnny another erection. He hurried out to his room. Nancy turned to BW. "I saw Johnny. Are you going to do it?"

BW tried to act innocent. After all, Nancy was ten. No boobs. "It?"

"You know." She lowered her voice. "Fuck."

BW made a face. "Oh, no. No. And not that. Maybe when I'm fourteen and a day. But I hope we'd make love. No." Nancy's face scrunched up like she were about to cry. "Nancy, I'm sorry. I'm not mad. We aren't. Please. I'm sorry."

There was one little sniffle. "That's okay. I like you."

"And I like you, too." BW gave Nancy a hug, which she returned. BW took Johnny's hand and walked to his (her) room, stopping to bid his parents "good night."

"This isn't a slumber party. Don't stay up all night," Johnny's mom called after them.

In the bedroom, the door closed, Johnny said, "So, how do you sleep?"

"Well, just in case, I brought a night gown. But at Jones I sleep nude unless it's really, really cold."

"That's me, too. So, I'll turn off the overhead after you turn on the bedside light, okay? Then we get into bed," Johnny said as he pulled back the covers and waved his arm in welcome. BW slid in, smiling. Johnny turned off the overhead as BW hit the bedside light.

The two shifted around for a minute until they got comfortable in the arms of the other. They kissed. And kissed, tongues dueling. Hands began to roam over the other's body. Johnny pulled back the covers. "You helped me out. Now I hope I can make it good for you, Akarui Shiro." With that he began to move down her body, kissing all the way until he came to her parted legs. She sighed.

"Johnny. You don't have to."

"I know. I want to." With that his tongue slipped up her damp pussy lips towards what he knew was her clitoris. He took it between his lips and sucked on it. She gasped. With that he began to suck and kiss, then going up and down her pussy lips.

"OH," BW moaned. "Johnny. Cum. I'm going to. I am. YES!!" as her body shook.

Johnny raised his head. "You okay?"

"Wonderful. Wonderful." With that she thrashed in the bed until her head rested on his thigh as she looked at his hard cock. "I'm ready, Johnny. Are you?"

He gulped. "I'm ready." BW smiled at him then moved her head so her lips hovered over his hard cock. Her tongue flicked out to lick the tip. Then she kissed the soft red flesh before slowly taking it into her mouth. She eased down the shaft and up, then down again. "BW. I,,I'M ABOUT TO..CUM!" he said as she tasted and felt his first shot. "OH,OH SHIT!!" She kept her mouth on the cock until he finished then raised her face from his crotch.

She looked at him in the dim light. His face looked contorted, as though he were about to cry. She put her arms around him. "It's okay Johnny. Mom said that might happen the first time. Next time will be better."

"Your mom told you that?"

"Yeah. Mom told me a lot. Like she was in one of the Experiments. Just like your mom. She wanted me to feel good about it and do it right." She kissed him. They kissed hard.

"You taste different," he said after the kiss.

She giggled. "That's your cum, Johnny."

"I guess it is. Not a bad taste."

"No, sweetie. It's delicious. And I'm going to taste it again very soon. Just as soon as your soda machine can do it again."

"Uh. It's already getting ready." BW's hand snuck across his thigh to his rising cock.

"Why so it is," she said, surprise in her voice. "Yes," she said just before taking the again hard cock into her mouth.

"Oh, BW. Oh, Akarui Shiro!" Johnny moaned, as she began to kiss and lick her way down to his nut sack.

"Not sure I can do this," she said, but her mouth took one of his balls in so she could play with it, then released it and took the other.

"God, BW. OH." She retraced her kisses before taking the cock into her mouth again and began to bob and tongue it,alternating with kissing the tip. Johnny began an almost constant low moan of joy. After several minutes he gasped, "Faster BW. Faster dear Akarui Shiro. I'm getting close. I'm going to cum soon. Yes. OH FUCK YES!" as she tasted his cum and felt the streams hit the back of her mouth.

When he finished and she released his cock she said, "Johnny, that was wonderful. This has to count as making love."

"It must. It was wonderful. You are wonderful whatever your name is!" They cuddled together and fell asleep, the covers barely over their entwined bodies.

So they were when Johnny's parents quietly opened the door to see the sleeping couple. They lay spooned together, Johnny behind BW, the covers down almost to their waist, his hand cupping her small breast. Mary walked softly to the bedside light and turned it off. They closed the door quietly behind them.

The next morning they woke early. Soon they kissed, then hands roamed. Johnny's mouth roamed again as the covers got moved lower and lower until BW turned to lie on her back and spread her legs. He got between them, lowered his mouth and began to lick and kiss her pussy and clit. Her soft moaning began almost at once. Her hands reached his shoulders which she began to kneed and scratch. "Yes, yes, yes. Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. Oh. Suck on my clit. Yes," as she came to her first orgasm.

Johnny continued as she had three more, the last shaking the bed they lay on. Then they hugged and kissed, BW tasting her girl cum like he'd tasted his boy cum. As they recovered she slid down so she could take his cock in her mouth again.

She knew she enjoyed it. Maybe it was like an enormous nipple so she could suck on it as much she had her mother's. Johnny soon was moaning to her ministrations. Caught up with his cock and her mouth she became aware of nothing but those two things.

"NANCY!! GET OUT OF HERE!! CLOSE THE DOOR!" came through her fog. She raised her head as the door slammed shut and Johnny's magnificent cock shrank to nothing. Johnny leaped out of bed. "Nancy," he called. "Oh, crap." BW got out of bed beside him as he headed for the door.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nancy opened the door and saw us. I yelled at her." He stopped at a closed door, "Nancy, may I come in? With BW?"

"Go away. I hate you. And that girl, too." Johnny tried the door. It didn't open.

"Nancy. Please. Unlock the door."


"What's wrong?" Ms. Yamaguchi asked coming to the door.

"Uh. Nancy just barged into the room. I sort of yelled at her. I want to apologize for yelling but the door is locked and she's crying and stuff."

"Nancy. Come unlock your door and let your brother say he's sorry. And you do the same for just walking in." She waited a moment. "Now, Nancy."

"Yes, ma'am" barely came through the door but it opened very slowly a minute later.

"Now let your brother and his friend in so you can hash this out. Breakfast will be ready soon."

"Nancy, I'm sorry I yelled at you. But BW and I were having a private moment."

"Yes. Nancy, a knock would have been nice."

I,,I guess so. I just wanted to say good morning,' and saw you giving my brother a blow job."

"Nancy. I didn't know you knew those words," Johnny said. "I didn't when I was ten."

"When you were ten you couldn't get one, probably," BW said. "I know I'd heard them by ten. Not sure I knew what they meant. But that seems a bit young,Nancy."

"Well, this was the first one I've seen. But I have three friends who've done it."

"Breakfast!" brought the three to a halt.

As they left Nancy's bedroom Johnny said," Nancy, I'sorry I yelled at you. If the door is closed when BW is here, please knock."

"I'm sorry I got mad. I will. But can you talk to me about this?"

"Sure, Nancy. And your friends," BW said.

After breakfast the three went to Johnny's room. BW looked into Nancy's eyes. "So you have three girl friends who have done oral sex. Are they all Jones kids and fifth graders?"

"They're all in fifth. Two go to Jones. One to public school."

"My mom and dad are dorm counselors for 11/12. Nancy, I want to talk to them about this. No names. I think ten is too young for oral sex."

"Uh. I know what a blow job is. It's when a girl lets a boy put his dick in her mouth. But what's oral sex?"

BW and Johnny looked at each other. "Sister, oral sex is any kind of sex that uses the mouth of one and the sex organs of the other. If BW, for example, puts her mouth around my penis, its oral sex we often call a blow job. If I put my mouth on BW's vagina and clitoris, it's eating her out or going down on her."

"Oh, Have you done that, Johnny?"

"Yes. I have. Twice now. And, for your information, BW has done me three times. Or maybe two and a half." He looked her in the eye. "We just decided we should start. It means a lot to us, Nancy."

"A whole lot. I'll bet those ten year old friends of yours aren't doing it with ten year old boys."

"Nope. They're older."

"Nancy. Talk to your friends. I'll bet those boys are just using them. Don't let some boy your brother's age lie to you and get you to suck them off. That's bad and mean."

"You think so? They're all pretty smart."

"Sis. As a guy I can tell you lots of guys can be real sneaky trying to get something off a girl. That's why Jones has rules about dating age range. A senior boy can't date a freshman or younger girl. I can date BW, but not if she was in sixth grade. There can be exceptions. But they aren't common."

."I have an idea. In fact, my mom gave me this suggestion. If you like a boy and you give him a blow job, what does he do when it's over. If he kisses you or allows you to kiss him, he's honorable. He likes you for you. If he doesn't kiss you or avoids being kissed, he doesn't care about you. He just wants to get his rocks off."

"Rocks off?"

"He wants to get a climax. An orgasm. Cum." BW exchanged glances with Johnny. "Here's what you do, Nancy. Talk privately to each one of your friends who's told you she's given a guy a blow job. Ask her about kissing. I would bet a `that's private' answer is the same as he wouldn't kiss."

"I'll do that, BW."

The rest of the weekend went smoothly. BW/Akarui Shiro and Johnny obviously enjoyed each other very much, both in public and private. They went to a movie and watched it, although Johnny put his arm around her and she held his hand in her lap.

In bed they made love as much as they could. In the morning there was a knock on the door. They were resting and called Nancy in with her cheery "good morning," and then admitted the two really wanted to be alone until breakfast so BW kissed her way down to a hard cock for the second time that morning.

Monday morning was a dash to get the three to Jones on time, but they made it before breakfast closed down, though BW at least felt uncomfortable having breakfast with clothes on, even if she wore nothing but sandals, a pair of gym shorts and a baggy thin strapped t-shirt. Johnny and Nancy wore about the same. In fact Nancy, with no boobs to show to the public, wore only a pair of shorts and zori.

The two chanced being seen grabbing a fast kiss as Johnny headed to his locker and BW to the 11/12 dorm and her bedroom. There she stripped off her clothes, put her V necklace on, grabbed her books, memory stick, and pens to race to first block.

The week went by slowly for both of them, despite meeting after school while Johnny and Nancy waited for the ride home. They both ignored the talk with Nancy. However, BW got permission to spend Friday night with Johnny, but only Friday night, though they were promised he could say in the dorm the following weekend. BW got introduced to tempura, but while that was good, she longed for their bed.

So bedtime came - early for them. First things first was love, oral love that left both gasping. But after Johnny cumming twice and BW at least six times, they finally lay quite, gently touching and kissing. Finally BW asked, "So has Nancy news?"

"What we thought. Two of the boys didn't kiss the girl who blew him. The third did. There is some sort of a fifth grade social and she asked him to come to it and he agreed - he's a seventh grader, but that's okay. It's right after school. Punch, cookies, and music, that sort of thing."

"I'm going to talk to my mom and dad tomorrow about this. Two of the girls at least got used. The third - I don't know. Now prove you love me by kissing me!" Johnny did.

That afternoon after getting back "home," to find her parents in the counselors' office. "Mom, Dad, I need to talk to you," she started.

They both turned to her. "Something wrong, dear," JJ asked.

"What's wrong, Kitten," Sam asked.

"Me, nothing. Except would you start calling me `Akarui Shiro'"?

"Huh?" her father asked, concern on his face.

"That's Japanese for `Bright White.' Probably not as much explaining that my parents are reborn hippies and smoke grass and beat drums all night." Both laughed at that.

"Okay, you, write it down and get the correct pronunciation and find out if we need to add `san' to it since we're your parents and we will think about it. In the meantime, you don't eat unless you are BW or Bright White. Okay?" Coach JJ said. "Now, what is the problem?"

"Well, I sort of wish Dad weren't here, but I think this is sorta important. Last weekend when I was at Johnny's we learned from his sister in the fifth grade here that three of her girl friends had done,, oh, heck, had given a boy a blow job.

"Now Mom, you told me what to look out for. Two of the girls didn't get a kiss. One did. All three boys are older than the girls - we checked. They're all three ten.

"Now, I know you and Dad have 11/12 and not the fifth grade. And fifth doesn't have any dormies. But if we have older boys coming on to younger girls, this just needs to stop - somehow."

"Umm. Let's see, Akahuru Shaka, um, no, that's not quite right. Uh, Bright White, how does this sound? Johnny stays here this coming weekend. You two get 207 - you know that's mostly seniors, for the weekend and Johnny's sister - name please - will have your room - and your little brother! What do you think?

"It's Akarui Shiro, Mom! And Johnny's sister is Nancy"

"Okay. What do you think?"

"Why Nancy?"

"So your Dad and I can talk to her. Calm her down. Maybe get some names so we can talk to both the girls and the boys. See how serious this might be. How wide spread it might be. Are the public school fifth grade girls sucking dicks? Are they getting eaten out?

"In other words, Ms. Sherlock Holmes, is this maybe a major problem, or just some girls acting older than they should? Understand?"

"Yeah. I do. Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad."

"Now, before this session of the UN closes, if you are Akarui Shiro, what are the names of Johnny and Nancy in Japanese?"

Akarui Shiro bit her lip. "I guess I have to find out, Mom."

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


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Next: Chapter 18

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