Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Sep 10, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #15 : A New Experiment Begins

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

A New Experiment Begins

Molly and Phil, holding hands approached the door to PR 16. An older teen boy sat in a folding chair by the door. "Hi," he said. "I'm Taylor. You must be Molly and Phil."

"Yeah," Phil replied. He pulled an e-mail out of his waist pouch. "Here's the invitation from Buster."

"Okay. You are the last two. Come on in," he said as he picked up the chair while holding the chair open. The three walked in to see a circle of chairs filled with teens. Molly quickly counted eight couples, one lone girl, and two empty chairs. She noted that they looked like they were all at least 13, and included a black couple she knew were sophomores, an Asian couple, one tenth and the other eleventh, a Hispanic, who were eighth and ninth, a mixed race couple and the rest white, She recognized over half of them, which was fairly obvious for Jones. All the ones she recognized were dormies. She and Phil took the twin vacant seats and the door guard took the vacant one next to the lone girl.

One boy, who Molly recognized as Buster, the clown and junior class president stood up. "I see that all of the invitees came. That's great. I'm Buster, junior class president and school clown. But I'm not here in either status. This is Cindy. We're beddies and have been for three years now.

"And he still steals the covers!" Cindy cut in.

"I'm doing my best to not be funny," he said, looking down at her. Please don't break my concentration!" He smiled. "I'm here for some serious stuff. I've talked it over with the administration and they are in favor of this project as long as all participation is voluntary, We have an information and consent form which we will ask you to sign when we break up this session.

"As most, if not all, of you know, the Corporation's three teen/tween experiment has ended. They felt they had garnered all the information they could. I know about half of you are either an experiment vet or the child of one or more experiment vets. What this is going to do is to look at relationships in our changing world.

"We are not as monogamous as we once were. For instance, Cindy and I are beddies; have been for three years now. She has a boy friend. I've had several girl friends or casual times. I know several of you have too. So we are looking into relationships between serious couples who also have casual "flings" as my grandparents call it.

"In other words, in today's world is a safe fling okay? So, if you are ready to continue, I will ask you to affirm that in a few moments. In the meantime, we ask you to consider this confidential. If you opt out, please refrain from saying anything to anybody. Period. If you stay, same thing. If you agree to this, please raise a hand. " At that Molly raised her hand as did all the others. "Good. Now, let's get the seating uniform. Everybody stand up. Good. Now, if your female partner is on your left, you two should stand where you are. If she is not, switch so she is . Cindy is not, so we will switch."

"Actually, I'm always right. He just doesn't know it," Cindy said. Buster glowered at her as three couples swapped seats.

"Oh, Cindy!" Buster said. "Let's get started. Ladies, Take one step forward, hug your partner and then walk two guys to your right. Introduce yourselves if necessary and then decide what you are going to do. Reciting poetry does not count."

Molly and the other girls stood up, took the step forward, she hugged Phil who had a boner, and moved two guys to the right, which put her in front of Jose, the ninth grader from Veracruz. She glanced down. He was hard at about seven inches. "You're Molly," he said. "Sit down, if you want."

As she sat she said, "And you're Jose. So what do you want to do?"

"I think, maybe just some making out?" With that he put his hand on her knee.

"I've started the clock for five minutes, everybody," Buster said. Molly smiled and put her hand on Jose's shoulder. The first kiss was open - tongues battling at once. The first kiss wasn't over when she felt her breast being cupped and her nipple flicked. Fast, she thought, but her hand went to his cock.

The five minute ring came as Jose's middle finger was deep in her love tunnel. The next instruction was to move in the same direction to the next boy, who was Jack and a freshman. They, too made out, but he didn't go past her boobs, though he did kiss them and suck on her nipples. She did see one girl go down on her knees in front of a boy, obviously sucking his cock. The next move was three boys which brought her to Francois, Jr. who was only one quarter African, though he was born in Cameroon, so he was a light brown, but still had what seemed a massive cock to Molly. "Hi," he said, "You're Aunt Paige and Uncle Mason's daughter, right?"

"I am. And you're Uncle Francois and Aunt Cindy's son." He nodded his head. She looked around. The first girl was on her knees again and so were two others. "So, you want a blow job?" The question came out so naturally that she was already on her feet and turning to face him.

"That would be great," he said. She dropped to her knees in front of him. "I'll probably cum," he said. "I had a half hand job with Veronica." She didn't say anything, but began taking his maybe seven inch cock into her willing mouth. She looked up to see him smiling as she bobbed back and forth for a minute or so. "GOD. MOLLY! I"m..." but his cum flooded her mouth before she heard "cum." But he certainly had. The first blast was massive; still it was followed by five diminishing shots of very sweet, only slightly salty cum, way different from Phil's.

She kept her mouth on his cock until it began to soften then took her mouth off it. "I guess that was okay," she said, wiping her lips with the back of her hand. She saw a few drops of cum and licked them off.

"That was fantastic. Uh, you know the legends about your mom?"

"I sort of have an idea. But no, I don't know much." Just then the cease warning sounded and she got ready to move again.

By the time she got to her fifth boy,, she could see several girls sat on the boy's lap, legs outside the boy's who moved up and down. She only got brief shots as both the next two asked for a blow job, to which she agreed. The first did not cum in her mouth. The second did even faster than Francois, Jr. That gave her the opportunity to see that yes, four girls were obviously riding the boy. All of them were over fourteen and none wore a V.

With the stop signal, Buster called, "All right. End of the first of two stages. Get yourself situated with your partner again and I'll brief you on the second stage." That took a minute or so for the couples to get back together "Okay. I want you to hold your discussion with your partner until after this first session is over. Do it tonight, in bed if you are roomies or beddies, or after study hall if you aren't. But talk about what you did and how you feel about it. Now. I need two girls and two guys to volunteer to demonstrate. They don't have to be with partners to volunteer -but what you do won't be with your partner. Gulp. I want the two girls and the two guys to each perform oral sex on the other. Yes, lesbian and gay sex. Everybody understand. Take a few minutes. Do you want to do this? Is your partner okay with this? Have you already done this with somebody else? I'll call for volunteers in a few minutes." Buster got silent.

Molly thought at first, no. Then. She was six. Or seven. She walked into her parents' bedroom without knocking to see Mom and Aunt Jenna on the bed, both nude, which was no shock, but Mom's head rested between Aunt Jenna's legs. Aunt Jenna moaned and sort of thrashed her legs. Obviously at six or seven she hadn't realized what was going on but she knew she shouldn't be watching and crept quietly out. Ten minutes later she very carefully opened the door again to see the reversal of the first scene, with Mom on her back and Aunt Jenna between Mom's splayed legs. She was ten when she learned that her mom and her aunt were having oral sex, or `eating each other out," as her 12 year old friend explained oral sex.

She leaned over to Phil. "Would you be upset if I volunteered? I've never really done oral on a girl."

"I was about to ask you the same thing. Let's raise our hands." She nodded and they did.

"Well," Buster said. "We have two volunteers. You realize this will be girl and girl and boy and boy?" he asked.

Yes," Molly said.

"Okay. I volunteer. "Hi, Molly."

"Hi, Jackie. Thanks."

"Okay, I'm in," Francois, Jr. said.

"Good. Fine you two girls come over to this mat and the guys to the other one and just sit down. Now, the remaining girls circle Molly and Jackie while the boys gather round Phil and Francois, Jr. "

A bit of hurried activity and then Molly found herself surrounded by eight girls, all of whom sat down. She could just see Phil inside his ring. She wondered what he'd think of Francois' big pecker. She leaned over to Jackie, "So you want me to try first?"she asked quietly.

"Okay, demonstrators. I'll take the doubt away from you. Molly and Phil are both seventh graders and Francois and Jackie are tenth. So, the elder two are the first givers and then the two younger will be the givers. You may start anytime in the next two minutes."

The two girls looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, then Molly lay down on her back, raised her knees, and beckoned Jackie to partake. The older girl dropped to her knees and then lay down between Molly's spread legs.

"I hope I do okay," she said.

"You will. Just do what your beddie or boy friend does."

Jackie took a lick. "I hope I can do better," she said very quietly. Molly felt a tongue against her slit, going from the back to the front. She took her fingers to spread the lips as the tongue traced the same course a second time, then went to the young girl's clit. Molly let out a deep sigh.

"Nice," she breathed. Jackie got a bit more aggressive as Molly moaned.

Then Buster said, "Okay. Switch. The two girls rapidly did so. As Jackie lay down Molly whispered to her.

"I was about to cum."

"Sorry," as Molly began to lick Jackie's slit. She didn't find anything repulsive about her ministrations, Shortly after she began to suck Jackie's clit, then Buster called, "This ends it. Please, demonstrators, stand up."

The two girls rose as Jackie whispered, "Maybe we can finish this soon."

"I'd like that," Molly replied and put her hand on Jackie's shoulder. The other girl gave Molly a quick kiss. "Let me know where I can cum."


Molly and Phil didn't talk about the session until they answered the bed check. After a couple of quick kisses, Phil asked, "So what did you think? Are you okay with this?"

"Yes. I wondered a bit at first, but yeah. What about you?"

"Same here. By the way, you give better blow jobs than either of the girls who gave me one - and one was a senior."

"Well thanks. But what did you think about giving one to a guy?"

"I did it. If you can, I can. It really didn't bother me. You with a girl?"

"Interesting. She didn't cum. I didn't either. You?"

"We both did. Yeah, I swallowed."

"I thought I tasted cum when we kissed before leaving the PR. "

"We're guys. We both shot fast. Uh, maybe it won't be so fast next time."

"Jackie and I want to finish what we started."

"Go ahead. I'm going to see Francois again soon."

Molly reached out to run her fingers down Phil's belly to his hard cock. She pulled the covers off them. "Have one more, dear," she said softly moving down to his prick.

"Please, Molly." Her mouth closed over his cock.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 16

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