Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Sep 5, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #14 :Vickie and Eric ; Mandy and Bobby

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

Vickie and Eric; Mandy and Bobby


Larry Marion

Two Jones Lab School eighth grade girl dormies entered the gym and began to move to the music being played by the young music teacher. Vicky, blond, was almost five six, with 32 B breasts tipped with large dark brown nipples and areola. Mandy, dark brunette hair in a pony tail stood about five three with cute 32 A's sporting small pale brown nipples and areola.

"Look, do what Taylor and Buster told us to do - circulate and smile a lot," Vickie said quietly.

"And try for ninth or tenth grade boys. Eighth grade boys are still just too immature," Mandy responded.

"Yeah." Vicky nudged Mandy. "Look who's checking us out?" She smiled. "Eric and Bobby. Tenth graders."

"Yeah. And here they come."

The two boys walked up, Eric the red head with almost shoulder length hair and Bobby with curly black hair. Both were in the five nine or ten range, with well toned muscles. Both girls took a quick look at the pricks, which while soft, did look attractive. "Hi, girls. Bobby and I just mentioned - we haven't seen you at any dance before. You bring out the best in a school dance."

Vicky laughed. "We've been getting lessons. So do you want to ask us to dance or what?"

"Yeah. Me and Vickie agree you're up to our standards."

"Well, Eric and I think you are up to our standards, which are pretty high. So you want to start with something fast or slow?"

"If you're good dancers - it doesn't matter to us," Vickie said.

"Great. Next one's starting. You okay with me, Vickie?" Eric asked.

"Sure. Have fun, Mandy."

"Yeah," Mandy responded. With that Eric and Vickie began to dance with each other as Bobby and Mandy did too. The first dance led to a second and a second to a third.

Vickie soon noticed that slow dances cause a hard cock with Eric. Glancing around the gym, that did seem to be a bit normal. He acted like everything was normal. But as a slow dance ended she said in his ear, `You know I wear the V, right?"

"I see it. And I'm happy with that. Sorry that Pete is so frisky. But, say, my roomie - and that's what she is, is off with Marcus for the next hour or so. Like to see the palatial quarters of the 9/10s?" He laughed at that.

"So are the beds pushed together?"

"No, Vickie. Beth is my roomie. She has a junior boyfriend, Marcus. You wouldn't be poaching. Nor would I. So would you like to cum?" he asked with the last word accented.

She smiled. "Okay," she said and took the offered hand. As they began walking out of the gym she saw Mandy and Bobby leaving the gym, holding hands. "Well," she said, "Look who's leaving, too."

"I see. She's a good friend?"

"Yep. But let her go her way."

"And we'll go ours." With that the two grasped hands and headed for the new 9/10 dorm. Eric led the way up the stairs to the second floor,which was mostly ten, and into the room he shared with Beth. He closed the door and drew the curtain over the door window. The two sat on the bed he indicated.

He put his arm around her as she nestled against his side. There was a slight snuggle and then a short kiss, followed by a long one. Then his tongue probed her lips, which opened to receive it. This went on for several minutes until she summoned up her nerve and fingered one of his nipples, which hardened under her touch.

Of course he responded. "You have nice breasts," he breathed during a break.

"Thanks. But you see them every day, I guess. We have the same lunch!"

"And breakfast and dinner." He laughed as he stroked one of hers. "But here I can concentrate on yours without all the others."

"I know. You know what girls say, don't you?"


"You've seen one cock, you've seen them all. Not true. By the way, you have a nice one. And it's rather hard."

"Yeah." They kissed and felt again. "You wear a V."

"Yes. I'm going to wait. I promised my folks I would."

"So, is this as far as we go?"

"I hope not." The kissing resumed, the tongue, the touching. One hand on a breast tipped with a rock hard nipple and the other working its way between her legs, rubbing her slit, fingering her opening, playing with her clit. "Oh, God, Eric. This feels so good. You could make me cum!"

"How?" he asked with a sly grin."

"Go down on me, silly boy!" she said as she lay back down on the bed.

"Sure," Eric replied as he slid between her opening legs. In moments his tongue replaced his fingers, except for the ones which gently spread her pussy lips to allow entrance. Then he sucked her clit. She gasped. She bucked her hips as he tongued and sucked her clit.

"Oh, God," she moaned. `You're good. Good. OH!! YEAH!! CUMMING!!" Her fists began to beat on his shoulders as her orgasm came, followed by a second until he stopped his oral ministrations to her sopping wet pussy. She wildly thought that if he were to even come close to putting his prick in her pussy, she'd allow it. But he didn't.

Instead she took his shoulders and rolled him over so his cock sprang straight up. "What a nice red lollypop," she said. "What flavor is it? Cherry? Raspberry? Strawberry? I know, I bet it's cumberry. Is it cumberry, Eric? Is it tasty, your cumberry?"

"Nobody's complained. Try it and let me know. You sucked before?"

"You'll be my third boy. And this will be the fourth time I've done this." With that Vicky began to lick the erect cock before sliding down to Eric's balls.

"Very nice, Vicky. Nice," Eric mumbled as he rubbed her shoulders. She put each nut in her mouth then moved swiftly up the hard dong to take in into her mouth, going as deep as she could before rising up to begin bobbing. "Fantastic," Eric said. She raised her eyes and could see his face smiling at her. She winked as she continued to bob. "Oh. Vickie. Cum soon. Yes. YES!!" and she felt and tasted a new variety of cum flood her mouth. She had to swallow the first blast, then the next two and swallow, and finally one more. She slowly withdrew, but gave the red tip a final lick and kiss.

"So? Okay?"

"Okay? Fantastic, Vicky. That wasn't a good blow job. Wasn't a great blow job. You just gave me a Paige class blow job!"

"Paige class blow job? What's that?" she asked as she licked her lips and tasted the cum taste in her mouth. Almost equal salty and sweet, she thought.

"She may be more famous among guys. She founded the Locker Club - and there seems to be one in almost every Jones Lab School, especially the ones with dorms. She was a counselor here with the first dorms. Sweet, small girl who's said to have thrown a two hundred pound line backer fifteen feet.

"You know Molly Adams?"

"Sure. She has a beddie, but is real nice and friendly. I like her."

"Mom Paige is her mother, so they say. I don't know. So what's next?"

"Well, tell you what. Want to rest for say ten or so minutes and then...?"

"Great idea. Say - you don't have a beddie or a boy friend?"

"No." She smiled.

"Well, how would you like a boy friend?"

"I think that would be great. Just. My V. Okay?"

"You keep the V, Vicky."

`Hi, boy friend. Want to kiss your girl friend?" He did. And they did.

In the meantime, Mandy and Bobby lay on his bed on top of the covers, wrapped around each other, now kissing franticly, hands wandering over the other's body. Mandy had gone down on Bobby some 20 minutes earlier and Bobby reciprocated ten minutes later. Both built up their passions. Their faces glowed with the heat and their skin felt warm to the touch of the other.

They were side by side but Mandy rolled onto her back with Bobby lying across her as they kissed and caressed. Then he eased himself on top of her. For a moment her legs stayed together, thighs and calfs touching. Then they parted and her knees raised. Her V still hung around her neck.

Bobby looked down on her. Her hand reached out and clasped his hard dick. "Yes?" he whispered.

"I..think so. Yes, Bobby." He slid on top of her; her arms clasped him as he positioned himself. Her hand fumbled, then guided the hard cock to the entrance of her love canal. "Yes, Bobby. Please," and he entered her quickly. She gave out a yelp and then a sigh. "Vicky, you don't understand," she said as the two began to move with each other. He came fast but she was not far behind him. Then they lay with arms and legs entwined for a long time. Finally she said softly, "Bobby - not your fault. It's okay."

"But I shouldn't have."

"It was good."

"It was great, Mandy. Great."

"But I know what Vicky will say."

"Keep it secret. Wear the V. I won't tell."

"NO! BOBBY, I like you a lot. You know. Can't lie. I won't. We did. Look at your quilt! What will .. uh, your roomie say?"

"Yeah. Mandy, you're right. I should have stopped. You told me the V was important to you."

"It was. It is. Without naming names, I may have a story to tell. But, Bobby. You're wonderful."

"You are to. Maybe, would you like to be my girl friend?"

"I would, Bobby. I would. Now, what about your quilt?"

"I have a spare blanket. I can wash this tomorrow."

Mandy smiled. "We can wash it tomorrow. And be more careful."

Bobby's roomie came back to their room late from the dance to see Bobby and Mandy cuddled up, asleep in his bed. She shook her head and laughed quietly as she got into her own bed. Her last thoughts were that the morning might be interesting.

Post script

The next morning Booby and Mandy walked into the caf for breakfast holding hands. Nude Mandy, wearing only her sandals felt naked without her V necklace. She saw Coach JJ look up from the faculty table and see her. At once Coach got up and headed towards Mandy.

"Let's walk out into the hall, kids," Coach said softly.

Once in the hall, though there were students still coming in, Coach JJ said, "Mandy. No V?"

"No ma'am. I,, I... well, I can't say I'm sorry. But we got carried away after the dance. I'll turn the V in today, Coach,"

"It can't be undone. At least you're honest about it. I hope it went well."
"It did, Coach. And I'm sorry. We just clicked last night at the dance and ... well, it happened," Bobby said quietly.

"So. Was this a one night stand?"

"No, Coach," they both said at once.

"I asked Mandy to be my girl friend. She said `yes,'"

"I did. And I asked him to be my boy friend. He agreed."

"Well,fine. But you realize you've wracked up a bunch of demerits," Coach JJ said softly.

The two looked at each other and then nodded. `I guess we have, Coach," Bobby said.

"Let's see. Mandy, Violating the V oath - two demerits. Out of room after lights out without permission - one. Interfering with the privacy of a friend's room mate - one. Bobby, Knowingly having vaginal sexual intercourse with a V wearing female under the age of 14 years and one day - 3 demerits. Interfering with the privacy of your room mate - one. Now there may be more, but you two are one demerit away from one swat if you get another this month. Do you realize that?"

They looked at each other. Tears formed in Mandy's brown eyes. "Good thing you didn't have sex this morning with your room mate there, Bobby. That would be two more." They looked at each other, faces grim. "I'm not going to ask you if you did. Nor am I going to ask Prissy about this morning. So be careful. Both of you. Now go get breakfast."

Mandy broke from Bobby and gave Coach JJ a hug. "Thank you, Coach," she said, then grabbed Bobby's hand and pulled him into the Caf. She knew that the worst was yet to come - unless Vicky had surrendered her V too.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 15

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