Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Sep 4, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #13: G E M

Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.



Larry Marion

Author's note: A reader asked about more gay action. I hope this pleases my readers. Comments welcome.

Gregory, Edward, and Michael were three eighth grade dormies at Jones Lab School, starting as seventh graders the year before, For the most part others called them Greg, Ed, and Mike, but as a group they were GEM. Easy to notice at Jones, all three seemed to be late in sexual development. While all three participated in athletics at team level, tennis, volleyball, and swimming weren't quite the same as soccer or martial arts.

Greg was the de facto leader, though they liked to compare themselves with the Three Musketeers. Ed was a bit plump and Mike aroused comments because he was one of the few boys at Jones who was circumcised. He pointed out that he was Jewish and had nothing to do with not having a foreskin. "I was seven days old!" he protested.

"Hey, I read they took the foreskin and gave you a name then," Greg said.

"Yeah. Before that I was nothing. So let me beat you in chess again," Mike said and laughed.

One rainy Sunday afternoon the three gathered in Greg's room. His roomie, Angela was with her boy friend, Kevin, possibly in a PR, or maybe in the gym or the indoor pool. In any event, she was gone for some time, hours at least.

"It's a gloomy day," Ed said.

"Yeah. A great day to release your most secret thoughts," Greg responded.

"Sure. So go first, Greg," Mike challenged.

Greg sat silent for a minute. "Promise you won't tell anybody else?" he finally asked quietly.

"Sure, Greg," Ed responded.

"Of course, Greg," Mike replied,

"I'm pretty sure I'm gay. I dream about both of you," he said softly.

"That doesn't make you gay," Mike said as his cock began to get hard.

"What if the dream is about giving you guys blow jobs?" Greg asked.

"Wow," Ed said, this cock growing hard,

"Man. Would you?" Mike asked, his cock now hard. "Uh, Greg. You've got a big boner!"

"I never have. But I've been thinking about it for a couple of months. And when I do, I think of you guys. So, yes, I'd like to suck both of you. You don't have to suck me in return unless you wanted to."

"Damn, Greg. Okay, I've thought of the same thing," Ed said quietly."

"Me too. Look, I'll go find a vacant PR. How does that sound?" Mike said. The other two agreed and Mike left, putting on his waist wallet to maybe hid his hard cock. Greg and Ed said little until Mike returned in about five minutes. "Got it. Number eight. Let's go," he said.

Greg and Ed lept to their feet and soon the three were inside PR Eight with the door locked and the `occupied' sign in place. The three went and sat on the futon and looked at each other. Greg noticed that the other two, like him, were actually checking out pricks.

"Okay, Greg, how we going to do this?" Ed asked.

"I guess the first thing. You two want to get blown and I want to try it. But what about you guys? Do you want to try it to?" Greg responded. Ed and Mike looked at each other.

"Only fair," Mike said. "Yeah. I'll suck you. Not sure if I'll do a good job. But."

"Sure. But how do we do this?" Ed asked.

"How about this? We sit facing each other. All of us are hard. " The other two nodded. "We take the cock to the guy to our right and beat him off. Whoever cums first gives the first blow job to the guy to his left. The guy who gets the first blow job then gives it to the third guy. Then the last guy gives it to the guy who does the first one. We follow that so that each guy gets sucked. Okay?"

"Alright Greg. Let's do it," Ed said.

So the three formed a triangle on the futon. Greg sat down first and Ed plopped down on his right so Mike knelt between Ed and Greg. Greg almost gingerly reached out to hold Ed's cock, who held Mike's who grasped Greg's. "Don't go slow, guys," Greg said as his hand began to work Ed's prick. The other two began to pump their neighbor's dong as well.

"I've watched a couple of videos. We need to cover our teeth with our lips. Don't bite the cock," Greg said as he pumped Ed.

"God. This is better than beating off yourself," Mike said as Ed pumped Mike's fast. "I'm going to cum soon."

"Me, too. Greg, you feel so good," Ed moaned. "YES!" as the three watched a white fountain of cum fly out of Ed's cock. Then Mike and finally Greg shot off leaving each boy with some cum on them from a fellow. Slowly they released their friend's dong and watched as the three cocks first withered and then began to harden.

"So Ed shot off first. So he should blow me. But Ed, if you want, I'll go first since I started this. You want me to blow you instead of the other way? Then you suck Mike, and then Mike can suck me."

"Sure," Ed said.

"Okay. lie down on the futon, Ed," Greg said slowly. Ed did as Greg lay down, his face close to Ed's cum leaking cock. "Okay," then Greg's lips circled Ed's hard, erect prick. No taste, but something in his mouth. He began to go up and down on his friend's cock. Not nasty. Good. He began to pick up speed.

"Wow. Greg's doing it," Mike said.

"Oh, yeah. He is. Oh," Ed moaned. "I'm going to cum soon, Greg." Ed bucked, "YES!!" Greg began to bob faster until the first blast of his great friend Ed's cum entered his mouth, warm and mostly sweet with a hint of salt. The second followed the first and then another, to end with a dribble. "Oh, God, Greg. That was fantastic. Much better than beating off. Yes," as Greg removed his mouth and looked at the shrinking prick.

"So I did it. It was good. In fact, Mike, you want me to blow you? Then if one of you wants, he can do me."

"Greg, if you want to, sure. Ed sure seemed to like it. We'll do something for you."

"Rock, paper, scissors," Ed said. "Winner sucks you, Greg."

"Great," Greg said. "Look, Ed, you were sort of the experiment - could I do it. Mike'll get something fancier. But if this works out guys, we'll all have a great time, right?"

"Yeah," they both said.

"Let's get started," Mike said. "And hey, you'll find out if sucking a bald dick is different than one with a hoodie!" The three laughed at that as Mike lay down and Greg positioned himself. He began by grasping Mike's hard, erect cock and licking the leaking pre cum off the round tip. "Oh," Mike moaned as Greg began to lick and kiss his way down the five inch plus hard shaft all the way to his balls. When Greg got his mouth around one ball, Mike moaned, "God. So good. Greg, you're gonna make me cum soon."

With that Greg at once moved to the prick peak to take it into his mouth and begin pumping, using his tongue as well. Mike began an constant, "Oh, yeah. Yeah, God. So good. So good. OH, SHIT!! CUMMING" as Greg felt and tasted a new blast of cum, this time more salty than sweet. And actually more of it. He had to swallow twice before Mike was spent. Finally he took his mouth off the softening cock.

"So, how was that?" Greg asked.

"Fantastic," Mike mumbled.

"You bet. I'm convinced. Now, how about you, Greg?" Ed asked.

"Rock, paper scissors, two out of three. Winner gets to suck Greg," Mike said. Ed nodded and the two boys faced each other as their cocks began to harden in anticipation.

"Okay guys, first one - go!" Greg said as they each shook their arm three times and then flashed, Ed the rock and Mike the paper. "Paper covers rock, so Mike wins," Greg said thinking his cock grew even harder. "Second time, go!" Again three shakes. Ed flashed rock and Mike scissors. "Rock breaks scissors, so Ed wins. Tied one to one," Greg said. "Third time, go!" This time both Ed and Mike flashed rock. "Tie. I'm getting horny! Fourth time, go!" Again each shook their arm three times. Ed flashed scissors and Mike paper. " "Scissors cuts paper, Ed wins the game and my cock."

Ed smiled. "Okay, Greg. Stand up at the edge of the futon," he said and knelt at the edge of the futon. Greg moved to stand in front of Ed. "You know, all the porn I've seen with blow jobs the guy getting stood up. So," with that he licked Greg's round cock head. Greg sighed with pleasure as Ed began to move down the hard shaft to Greg's balls. First Ed took one hanging ball, rolled it around, then took the other before he began to move up to the round tip.

"Yes," Greg said. "So far great, Ed."

"Umm," Ed mouthed as he took Greg's fat five inches into his mouth and began to pump.

"Hummm," Greg moaned as he looked down on Ed's head bobbing back and forth. "Nice. So nice." Without thinking, he began to move his hips to deepen Ed's take of his prick. `Yes. Soon, Ed. Good. Real good. Yes! OH, GOD. CUMMING!! He felt the waves leave his cock for their new, but short stay in Ed's mouth. He felt Ed swallow as he continued to shoot. "Oh, Lord. So fucking good. So good," as he finished. He stepped backwards from Ed.

Without thinking the three boys stood up in a group hug, then they began to kiss each other as hands went down to their friend's ass cheeks, and up to the balls.

When the three left the PR, each boy had given head to his two friends. They ageed, this was their first session, but not their last but it was fine for two to get together as well as having a threesome. Greg wondered, would butt fucking come next?

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 14

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