Tales of Jones Lab School

By Steamgene / Larry Marion / Eagerfiftyguy

Published on Aug 21, 2018


Bisexual High School: Tales of Jones Lab School #11:A Trio of Virgins Author's note. These stories are a development from the stories by rwxxx13 with the group title "Study bg3-17." He has approved my continuation with his characters as individuals.

A Trio of Virgins


Larry Marion

Ninth graders Bill Smith and Nancy Jones roomed in room 105 in the new 9/10. Next to them in room 107 were George Thompson and Marcia O'Sullivan. Bill had blond hair and was beginning to fill out as he played soccer as well as track. Nancy had dark brown hair, was thin, but developing with 32 A breasts, sporting very pale nipples and areola. George towered over the others a 5'9" at 14 while Marcia was hardly 5'3" and a bit plump, casing her to have 34 C breasts. She had red hair and freckles that covered her face and even sprinkled the tops of her breasts.

Nancy and Marcia became fast friends very quickly with Marcia spending a lot of free time with Nancy as George became friends with another tall tenth grader, a Jeff Williamson, whose room was upstairs.

Bill and Nancy went from being room mates to being roomies. In the middle of October of their first year they moved to being beddies, though with little actual sexual contact other than some kissing. George and Marcia never left the room mate stage even after Marcia first saw Bill and Nancy's beds pushed together.

Soon after Bill and Nancy became beddies Marcia came into the room and grabbed Nancy's desk chair as she sat on the bed with Bill, holding hands.

"Well, looks like you two are working on the next stage. Do I see blankets overlapped on the beds? Some snuggling perhaps? Well, I have something bigger."

"What? Some junior invited you to a PR?" Bill asked.

"Nope. Look, you know that George and Simon spend a lot of time together. I've wondered if maybe they weren't gay. Well. They are."

"How do you know, Marcia? As always ignore Bill."

"I walked into the room. George and Simon were on George's bed. Simon was fucking George. I mean really. They were talking and it was like, Feel good, George? `Wonderful, Simon. Keep it up.' Of course I left at once."

"You sure they weren't just wrestling?" Bill asked.

Marcia turned a bit red in the face. "Bill, I watched Simon's cock going in and out of George's butthole!"

"Yeah. I guess they were. Lucky guys," Bill said. "And George is still a virgin - or so the school says."

"Yeah," Nancy said. "So the school says."

That night the two lay side by side after bed check. They kissed, like they always did now. Then each felt the other's hand on the back, rubbing, then a bit lower until Nancy felt Bill's hand on her breast, his fingers a bit clumsy with her nipple. Her hand responded by creeping to his butt crack, down it until her hand rested on his balls. Both breathed heavily.

"Is this okay Nancy?"

"I think so. I'm sure getting warm. How about me?"

"Yeah. You want to try touching my dick? It's hard as hell."

"We're not going all the way, Bill. Not yet."

"I know. Look, just turn on your back." Without saying anything more, Nancy rolled to her back. Without thinking, her knees came up and spread. In a moment Bill's hand was on her crack, his fingers tracking the lips, gently spreading them.

"At the top. Just rub that knob at the top." Bill moved his hand and found Nancy's clit. He began to gently rub it. "Yes. That's it, Bill. Yes. Oh. I, I, I've been doing that since I was 12, maybe a bit before. This feels the best. OH YESSS!" Her hips bucked. "Bill. You made me cum. Fastest I've ever had. Oh, God." She kissed him so tongues dueled for awhile. They parted lips. "Bill, now on your back. If you want." He rolled onto his back as she turned on her side. "Never done this before," she whispered as her hand circled his cock. "Just go up and down?"

"Yeah," he breathed. It didn't take four strokes for him to moan, "Nance!! I'm about to....CUM!!" They both got cum on her hands, and his groin. After he recovered he said, "I'll get a towel."

"No. You lie there. I'll get it. Next time we need to be prepared." With that she got out of bed, went to the sink and brought back a towel and they wiped the fresh cum off themselves, then settled back down in the bed, arms around each other as they headed for sleep.

That began a new relationship. They didn't push Marcia out of the way and were not all over each other when Marcia came in, which was often when visiting was allowed. However, for a half hour or so after bed check they explored each other's body. Both skimmed the internet for tips. The school had long since given up trying to block sex information or all but the hardest porn sites. For awhile each looked in secret until they laughed when Bill walked in quietly and observed Nancy viewing a video of a "teen" giving a guy a blow job. That night Nancy tried for the first time. Of course Bill came at once. She spit the cum into a wash cloth. Then next night Bill tried Nancy for the first time before she attempted her second try and he lasted much longer. The wash cloth got Bill's cum again. The third night she went down on him first and swallowed. He then went down on her to give her several orgasms.

A few evenings later after supper Marcia came in, "Why am I the only one not having any fun? My room mate and his boy friend are in a PR every afternoon. And yet they still meet in our room. I walk in and one is sucking the other, so I walk out. Never a sorry or anything. Where is a decent boy?"

"Well, Marcia, there's me," Bill said.

"You? Nancy would kill me. Wouldn't you Nancy?"

"No. What do they teach us?"

"Uh, the only person we can own is ourself?"

"Yeah. If you and Bill want to make out - pet - go ahead. I'll tell you, Bill's gotten real good at bringing me off."

"And Nancy is fantastic."

"Thanks, dear."

"Welcome sweetie."

Marcia got up, walked over to Bill. "Are you serious, Bill?"

Bill and Nancy exchanged glances. "The only thing that would bother me is if you two were to screw. I'm still a virgin. I'm not quite ready yet."

"And I am too. Nancy needs to be first for me. Sorry. But, Marcia, honestly, yes. I would enjoy kissing you, I think. And touching you, and touching other parts of you. And you touching me. Sure. You have made out before, right?"

"Not much. Kissed. Last year a boy touched my breast. Nothing more."

"You take the helm, Ms. O'Sullivan. Nothing more than Warp Factor Three."

Marcia smiled as Nancy got up. "Aye, Captain," she said as she sat next to Bill. She looked down to see Bill was hard. "Um. I think that's the first time I've seen you excited since the first three or four days."

"Marcia. Sometimes I have to control it. Or try too." With that he put his arm around Marcia.

"Now, Bill. Don't you start comparing Marcia's boobs to mine." Bill responded by his other hand taking Marcia's chin, turning it towards him, and kissing her. For a few moments she only allowed the kiss, but then her arms came around him.

Nancy watched for a bit, then went to her computer. But she switched her gaze several times. Bill and Marcia weren't lying down yet, but there was touching. Marcia's breasts and nipples got a work out which she copied on Bill. Then Bill's hand slipped between her thighs. Marcia gasped.

Nancy went back to sit on the bed, next to Bill, but a foot away. She turned, leaned over and took his pre-cum leaking cock into her mouth and began to work it.

"Bill. You...you... making me cum! Oh, God," Marcia moaned.

"Good," he said. "Nancy. So nice." Nancy mumbled as she raised her thumb up. "Marcia. Having fun?"

"Oh, God yes. I hope this isn't a one time fling." Again Nancy and Bill looked at each other and nodded.

"It isn't Marcia. You're always welcome here - or in a PR, which might be better," Nancy said.

"Yeah," Bill said as he shifted around so he could give Marcia's pussy and clit a tongue lick. Marcia gave a joyful yelp.

"Again, Bill. I came again!"

Nancy laughed. "Get used to it!"

So the couple became a trio about three times a week. At least once a week in the afternoon, Nancy and Bill or Marcia and Bill would meet. Nancy and Bill stayed in their room, but Marcia and Bill went to her room. This caused some shock the first time that George and Simon walked in on them. "Oh, my God, Marcia, you're sucking Bill's dick!" George said.

Marcia took her mouth off Bill. "It's not like you've never had Simon's cock in your mouth." She lowered her mouth back onto Bill's dong.

Of course that didn't mean that Bill and Nancy didn't bring each other off almost every night. They did. They talked about it. Their explorations of the other gave them satisfaction. But it also nudged them towards the final frontier - their virginity.

"It only happens once with one person," they both said. "I want to be that person," they both said. "Half of ninth grade no longer wears a V. And there are still three who are 13." "But half don't. How many of 9/10 has been in a three way?" "Us. Maybe one 10 group."

As they cleaned up in a PR Marcia said, "I know this is a big request. But when you two surrender your V necklace, can I be with you? You know there's a story that Mom Paige, Dad Mason, and Coach JJ gave each other theirs."

"Yeah. And Superman flies," Bill said.

"Tell you what. Some screwy library thing and I got to be the partner of Molly Adams. Her folks are Mom Paige and Dad Mason! Anyway, she didn't actually say it, but implied some old training video had her folks and Coach JJ when they were like 12, doing it the first time."

"No crap, Marcia?"

"May I live a thousand years and never hunt again," Marcia said.

"Inconceivable," Bill responded.

"Conceivably, let's do it together, Nancy said quietly. She blinked. "And soon."

"Tomorrow," Marcia said.

"I'll reserve this one when we leave," Bill said. There was a group hug.

The next afternoon, all three having showered after PE/sports, Marcia and Nancy went to PR3, entered, and left the sign as "reserved." Minutes later Bill came in, a small back sack on him while he turned and set the outer sign as "occupied." He took the sack off, then retrieved two small bunches of flowers to hand one to each girl.

"You two deserve this," he said. The two took the flowers and then hugged and kissed him.

The three grabbed some of the chairs and sat down. "How are we going to do this? One guy, two girls. Bill's first. Who's the first girl?" Nancy said.

"I think you should be, " Marcia said. "You two are the beddies. I'm not."

"Chance?" Bill said quietly.

"Who would you like to be first, Bill," Marcia replied.


"Yeah," Nancy said. "I think chance."

"I think Nancy. Yeah-I'm a bit nervous. Never rode a horse. Didn't do gymnastics. Swimming and tennis are my sports," Marcia said.

"Ladies, an idea. I'll flip a coin. Heads Nancy goes first. Tails we flip again. This time, heads it's Nancy, tails it's Marcia Okay?" The two girls nodded. "Mason method, right?"

"Of course. I shouldn't say this but every Jones girl who gave up her virginity here demanded the Mason method," Marcia said. Bill nodded and flipped the coin.

"Heads. Nancy!" Bill said displaying the quarter.

"I'm happy for you, Nancy," Marcia said. "Up on a couch, Bill. Love to both of you."

Bill got on the low couch as Nancy lay down beside him. They kissed. They roamed. They stroked. They began to breathe hard. Nancy knelt, then straddled Bill. "I love you, Bill," she breathed.

"I love you, Nancy. I'm so happy." She reached and aimed his hard, leaking cock.

"Maybe I should have sucked you first," she said.

"Go ahead." She squeezed his hand.

"Good bye virginity," she said and pushed down. "Uh." She pushed again. "OH!! Damn!!"

"You're bleeding," Marcia said."

"It happens. OHH!" She moved a bit, rose a bit, and went back down slowly. "Oh! Bill. I feel you. It's okay now." She began to pump. "Oh. Yes."

"Nancy. So good. Yes. But. I can't hold it. OH!" he felt his first into Nancy and she felt his first release into her. As their passion died, she leaned over him and they kissed. Then she rolled off him.

"God, what a mess. We didn't think."

"I've got some towels, " Marcia said.

Once they were off the couch, the mess wasn't so much. And there was a dirty linen basket and clean sheets.

"You still want to do this?" Bill asked Marcia.

"If I don't, I might as well go become a nun. And I`m a Baptist." She smiled. "It's clean now. Hope I don't make a mess. Lie down, Bill." He did. She moved to get on top of him, made the connection, and then began to slowly lower herself. Unlike Nancy, she didn't pause. She just slowly sank down until she bottomed out, her pussy lips on top of his balls. Then she rose. "Ah. It's okay, Bill. I'm good."


Later the three sat on the bed in 105. "They say it's different many times. Some easy, some hard. Not sure this is a story for our kids," Bill said.

"We can skim and tell them how much their parents loved," Nancy said. "I know I love Marcia and you do too. Different, sure. But love. We three love each other.

"What a show at breakfast when we turn in our V necklaces."

The three laughed and hugged until Marcia had to return to her room.

When I started "After the Experiment" I did not plan to have more than between three to five more stories. Like Topsy, this has grown. With growth came a few errors. For example, we have the line from the Teen Swim Party "... ranging from a bald, flat 11 year old..." when the invitation clearly states that the mandated ages are 12 to 17 so this line should read "... ranging from a bald, flat one who looked 11 . . ." Feel free to point out other errors. If I were to ever find a paper publisher, such errors will be corrected.


If you liked this part of "Tales of Jones Lab School " or any of the other Paige-Mason-Jenna stories, please consider a donation to Nifty. Comments, pro or con to the author are always appreciated.

Next: Chapter 12

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